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December 18, 2024


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Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Voices From The Flats: Nick Jans Deconstructs Sarah Palin’s Outdoor “Skills”

Last week we learned TLC would not extend Sarah Palin’s Alaska television show. Nick Jans, a writer who lives in Juneau, put perfectly why the news would come with a sigh of relief. He has given his permission to repost his article that ran in USAToday last week. Nick Jans’ latest book, The Glacier Wolf, is available at WHAT PALIN’S SHOW SAYS ABOUT US: Sarah Palin’s Alaska, a TLC miniseries, has been quite a spectacle. We’ve watched Mama Grizzly mush a dog sled across a glacier; stalk caribou on the tundra; paddle raging white water; and match her frontierswoman…