The Other Side of the Conversation
Posted by Jeanne Devon on August 28, 2012 · 32 Comments
How many of you get those right wing “viral emails” from family and friends who are politically uninformed, raise your hand. That’s what I thought. Invariably, almost everyone has a coworker, uncle, mother-in-law, or ex-roommate who habitually blankets their entire contact list with these emails, usually about President Obama or the First Lady, with tales of secret college papers, birth certificate forgery, lavish White House redecorating, or some other horror du jour. They’ve gotten this email from someone they trust. This email is from a soldier, or someone who knew Barry in grade school. They’re doing it for our…
Category Baffle it, Barack Obama, Headlines, Roll your eyes into it, Whackjobbery · Tags Barack Obama rumors, Snopes, viral emails barack obama