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Friday, January 28, 2022

The Rogue Candidate Interviews Martin Lindeke from Eagle River

From The Rogue Candidate: A State in Denial
By Zach Roberts

One of the amazing things about Alaska is the availability of politicians and candidates to the press and the people… I would run into state legislators, mayors, all the time, waiting for a table at Moose’s Tooth in Anchorage or just walking around at the local fairs… The first in a series of interviews with candidates that I interviewed for The Rogue Candidate is Martin Lindeke. This is his first run for office – he’s trying for the state house from district 18 – we chatted about varying issues…why he decided to run, oil, job safety… In this segment we discuss “Alaska being closed for business” because of regulations supposedly placed by Democrats. Since he’s is a Navy veteran and works as a hazardous material building inspector he had an interesting perspective on the issue – certainly not what you’d expect from an Alaskan politician. Or at least what the media wants you think an Alaskan politician is.



9 Responses to “The Rogue Candidate Interviews Martin Lindeke from Eagle River”
  1. calaz says:

    Really common sense and point on. This man can speak for the people. I believe in his words, actions speak louder than words. This man sounds sane and true. If I were there I would vote for him.

  2. fishingmamma says:

    He is not wingnutty enough to run for office in Alaska.

  3. Jeanette says:

    Well spoken, and a perfect fit for District 18. Eagle River needs this gentleman’s unique perspective. I think he has the long term citizens interests in mind. I live in 19, but I’d vote for him if live in 18.

  4. rick says:

    Wish I was in his district.

  5. CO almost native says:

    Good luck to him, I hope he gets elected. All legislatures need rational, reasonable voices-

  6. UgaVic says:

    I am assuming there is a video with the interview at the top of the post??
    Not coming through on either of our computers.
    Anyone else with issues?

  7. Sammy says:

    We’ve been in Alaska two and a half years and have run into so many politicians – and it never happened before in other states. Our first trip to downtown Anchorage ran us by the entourage of her majesty, the would-still-have-been Gov. Since then we’ve seen politicians on hiking trails and the post office, fishing and in restaurants. And they all talk openly! Except Joe Miller – who wants us to vote for him as US Senator. He doesn’t seem like the rest of Alaskans.

  8. skunkcabbage says:

    Yep. He’s right.

  9. Moose Pucky says:

    Oh, Alaska.