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McAdams Full-Page Ad: “I’m Twice the Man Joe Miller Is…”

As a large girl myself, I’m infuriated but not surprised by the ignorant Conservatives, (or DINOs, or folks with mental health issues) who can find nothing to use against Sitka Mayor and US Senate Candidate Scott McAdams except his size:  

–ADN “AK-Voices” right-winger, Brian Sweeney forgoes credibility in lieu of insulting size-references to Mayor McAdams in at least two of his “articles.” (I have no doubt his sneering commentary is a throwback to some kind of High School trauma involving a football player and his head in a swirling toilet.)

–Facebook fans obsessed with Lisa or Joe have become desperate now that they realize Scott is a threat. They are so desperate, in fact, that they are trying to convince folks that his size is a good enough reason not to vote for him.

What is it about “Scott McAdams is a former football player” that folks don’t get?  I was in the University of Dayton Marching Band and spent my college years surrounded by huge football players (our giant tuba guy even ended up getting recruited by the NFL.) We marched on the half-time field with the 1982-Superbowl-team Cincinnati Bengals, whose linemen skipped steroids and went directly for the gamma radiation. I’ve even met the gargantuan “Refrigerator Perry,” back in the day. (OK, I’m lying…we were actually just in the same Chicago bar at the same time. Pardon my “Joe Miller” moment.) Scott’s size shouldn’t be a surprise or an issue.

So, other than ignorance, what is behind these attacks? I actually believe it’s a way to detract from Scott’s football-player-past, something that is a white-male crowd-pleaser. The Conservatives seem to think their candidates are the only ones who get to play that card.

The bright spot in all of this is Scott McAdams’s reaction to the Grade-School tactics…humor with a serious message.  Friday’s full-page ad in the Anchorage Daily News (seen above) has Scott poking fun at himself while making a serious point through a pun.

“I’m twice the man Joe Miller is (literally). And probably three or four Lisas.”

Mayor Scott McAdams is more man than Joe Miller could ever hope to be.  On paper, Miller’s life experiences would normally give a person confidence in his abilities and character. However, the truth revealed a grasping, opportunistic failure who disgraced himself, West Point, the Army, his family and his profession…whatever that may be (his erratic, ethically-challenged job history makes it difficult to determine).

Scott McAdams, on the other hand, has never lied about nor tried to hide who he is or what he has done. As Rachel Maddow stated in her recent visit to Alaska, Scott McAdams is “the same man” she met when she spoke to him back in August, just more confident and polished. Scott has also done something lacking in both Miller’s and Murkowski’s resumes…he’s given of himself to his community for many years. He’s been a teacher, he’s helped to create and coach a Sitka High School football team, he’s served on the Sitka School Board and then served again as Sitka’s Mayor. In McAdams’s case, this qualifies as “serving the community” because he clearly wasn’t making any money at it. Lisa Murkowski, in an arrogantly elitist moment, chose to point that out in recent ads that Scott has since rebutted:

Explain to me why choosing to serve your community without a large monetary compensation is a bad thing? I guess all of that corporate money has bedazzled Lisa…corporate money that Scott has shunned and has vowed to reject in the future.

Meanwhile, Joe tries to flip-flop on his oath to wean Alaska from federal dollars and Lisa tries to hide that she rejected the Stimulus Bill while at the same time claimed credit for it’s accomplishments. However, Scott McAdams has proven that he delivers to his constituents.

While Mayor, he helped broker a deal exporting Sitka lake water to the Middle East at $1.00 a gallon. The potential of $90 million annually will fill Sitka’s budget coffers for years to come.

Finally, it seems that Joe & Lisa like to cater to Hollywood and Washington D.C. respectively…two places that base a person’s worth on appearance and wealth. However, Alaska’s first culture…Native tribal (not corporate) culture…doesn’t hold those same false values:

Scott has been endorsed by Sitka’s Alaska Native Brotherhood (Camp 1) and Sisterhood (Camp 4) because they know him best. They understand he is the only candidate who has committed to Native Sovereignty and protecting Alaska Native Subsistence rights. Also, Scott McAdams is an adopted member of the Dakl’aweidi (Killer Whale) clan, Scott’s Tlingit name is Keét Yiyaágu which means “Boat Size Killer Whale.” The name indicates a “whale of prominence.” For those who may not understand Killer Whale (Orca) behavior, it is the adult male’s job to circle, protect and care for his “pod,” or community. A “whale of prominence” can do that much more effectively.

Mayor Scott McAdams has proven throughout this campaign, while lies and ugliness have been flung by both the Miller and Murkowski campaigns, that he is truly the only candidate of prominence in this race.



65 Responses to “McAdams Full-Page Ad: “I’m Twice the Man Joe Miller Is…””
  1. Hannah says:

    The Rs have their own large-sized US Senator in Enzi of WY, who lied on the Senate floor as I sat in the gallery. No, I couldn’t call him on it, lest I be kicked out of the proceedings.

    Dems already have the wonderful, large Jon Tester of MT. Scott would be a great addition. Love the ad!

  2. Bretta says:

    Bottom line LeasAMurk is only skinny due to a thyroid condition.

    If it were addressed she might be huge, too – look in the family.

    So, If I were you Lisa, I’d be careful what I’d allow my “supporters” to attack; it could happen to you, just ask your sister.

  3. lookee here says:

    On the water to India it’s a penny not a buck but still – he’s our Scott and he’s going to be the best senator we could ever hope to get

  4. dreamgirl says:

    I read it. Miller (Payin’s grifter-nod) is a paranoid, lying scragglepus-faced creep. I don’t understand why he has no criminal or ethics complaints filed yet… hello IRS, Alaska Dispatch and the borough where he was a PUBLICLY employed servant .

    Just how does one claim poverty to get a 5.00 fishing/hunting permit AND buy a log cabin AND own his own law office building And afford to do construction on their family house? Another $arah Paylin grifter… but with facial hair. Ugly political coupling. Especially with lipstick…

  5. physicsmom says:

    Congratulations Linda on a well-written article. One of your best. And Scott – the ad was perfect! Just the right way to deflect stupid criticism of physical features. Yay Scott. I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but please, you guys, GOTV and vote for Scott McAdams.

  6. Califpat says:

    Go Scott!!! I’m here in Southern California rooting for you!!! Go Scott Go!! Go Scott Go!!!

  7. Rob in Ca says:

    Alaska Dispatch continues to investigate!

    Remember how Joe Miller was called ‘paranoid’ in the personnel files just released? Did you, like me, wonder just what that meant?

    Check this out.

    This guy has no business being a Senator.

    • leenie17 says:


      His behavior then and now clearly demonstrates that he has a tenuous grasp on reality. Despite what his former boss says, these revelations from a number of different sources make me wonder if his military discharge records really do include a history of mental instability or PTSD. It would explain a lot about the still unexplained gaps and inconsistencies in his service.

      Thanks to the tenacity of the reporters of the Alaska Dispatch, this information is coming to light (or at least beginning to) before the election and not after.

      The more I learn about Miller, the more concerned I am for his wife and children.

    • beth says:

      I’m no psychiatrist, I don’t play one on TV, and I haven’t, to my knowledge, ever stayed at a Holiday Inn Express, but what that article describes doesn’t sound like [service-connected and/or combat-related] PTSD to me. It does sound like he has some very serious issues, though.

      Having people in my life who deal daily with mental issues, I know that those issues –in and of themselves– do *not* keep people from having full, productive, responsibility-laden lives. Those mental issues should *not* –and DO *not*– disqualify a person from applying for and taking on any job or position for which they are otherwise qualified…but *only* IF those mental issues are appropriately addressed. Janitor, teacher, lawyer, senator, bus driver, sales clerk, whatever, *with* appropriate management, those mental issues are *not* an issue. At all.

      Again, I’m just a lay person, but I don’t think Joe’s issue(s) have been addressed; or, if they have, whatever is being done is not ‘working.’ Leastwise, not from what he’s been displaying and I’ve seen. beth.

    • Lower48 says:

      `Note photo on page #2 of this story…. see Dropzone Bill trailing Joe Miller at the August 24th Primary Night Election Party?

      – KatieAnnieOakley

  8. Kath the Scrappy says:

    What fantastic positive ads!!! Excellent write up Linda, you really hit this out of the park!

  9. VernD says:

    Well…. I am a former Ak resident, but if i was up there and (legally) registered to vote, I’d vote Scott McAdams.
    Now There’s an endorsement!!! hehe

  10. dreamgirl says:

    I love that Scott McAdam’s size personifies the size of his ethics and his understanding of Alaska and her peeps. (For those in the media, or anyone for that matter, who make fun of a person’s physicality should be ashamed of themselves. Feet too big, Birth defects, too thin, too short, too tall etc… I’d like to see these abhorrent types of people in the presence of Stephen Hawkings…. they are bully cowards).

    OT, some of the signs from the rally were really good… hope Mudpups at the rally will post lots of them.

  11. Lee323 says:

    Go get ’em, Keét Yiyaágu!

    Vote McAdams! The only Senate candidate with prominent integrity and sane ideas!

  12. Amy says:

    Great post Linda!

    From the University next door to UD, Wright State. We’re still pretty disgruntled about Sarah Palin being introduced to the world on our stage.

  13. curiouser says:

    I made a small contribution to McAdams. Please elect him to the Senate, Alaska…..and also, too, elect Berkowitz as Governor.

  14. leenie17 says:

    Living on the other side of the country (that eleeeetist east coast!), I have never seen Scott McAdams, and photographs do not really give you an accurate perspective on size.

    However, I have read, seen and heard enough about him to know that he is a giant of a man, not because of his belt size, but because of his integrity, intelligence, compassion and sense of humor. THAT’S the kind of giant we need in the US Senate!

    I can’t vote for him, but I am sending all the positive energy I can muster winging his way!

  15. Moose Pucky says:

    I like a candidate who is able to remain sane in the midst of insanity. Go Scott!

  16. BigSlick says:

    Elect Scott McAdams, please.

  17. M. Paul says:

    Oh yea, I have been telling everyone out here in the Bristol Bay that I am BIG on Mc Adams!

    M. Paul

    • cg says:

      It’s a REAL problem that everyone thinks that everyone else is voting for Lisa. So some are going to vote for Lisa, who really do think that McAdams might be a good thing.
      Get the word out – Bristol Bay Natives are NOT all voting for Murkowski.

  18. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Scott’s integrity, smarts and humor are HUGE! HUGE! HUGE!

    This ad made my day!

  19. Man, now I REALLY want Scott McAdams to win.

    Go get ’em, Orca Guy!

  20. Millie says:

    Much appreciated writing, Linda! I so hope Mayor McAdams just creams Miller and Murkowski!!!

  21. blue_in_AK says:

    Excellent post, Linda. With the Alaska Supreme Court’s decision yesterday, it becomes even more important for us to elect Scott outright; otherwise, I can easily see this election going all the way to the US Supreme Court.

  22. Martha says:

    In case you know someone whose mind you could change :

    Four questions for Republicans…and four answers for undecided voters

    by Jed Lewison

    Fri Oct 29, 2010 at 10:40:03 AM PDT


    What was the average monthly private sector job growth in 2008, the final year of the Bush presidency, and what has it been so far in 2010?

    What was the Federal deficit for the last fiscal year of the Bush presidency, and what was it for the first full fiscal year of the Obama presidency?

    What was the stock market at on the last day of the Bush presidency?

    What is it at today?

    Which party’s candidate for speaker will campaign this weekend with a Nazi reenactor who dressed up in a SS uniform?


    In 2008, we lost an average of 317,250 private sector jobs per month.

    In 2010, we have gained an average of 95,888 private sector jobs per month.

    That’s a difference of nearly five million jobs between Bush’s last year in office and President Obama’s second year.

    In FY2009, which began on September 1, 2008 and represents the Bush Administration’s final budget, the budget deficit was $1.416 trillion. In FY2010, the first budget of the Obama Administration, the budget deficit was $1.291 trillion, a decline of $125 billion.

    Yes, that means President Obama has cut the deficit — there’s a long way to go, but we’re in better shape now than we were under Bush and the GOP.

    On Bush’s final day in office, the Dow, NASDAQ, and S&P 500 closed at 7,949, 1,440, and 805, respectively. Today, as of 10:15AM Pacific, they are at 11,108, 2,512, and 1,183.

    That means since President Obama took office, the Dow, NASDAQ, and S&P 500 have increased 40%, 74%, and 47%, respectively.

    The Republican Party, whose candidate for speaker, John Boehner, will campaign with Nazi re-enactor Rich Iott this weekend.

    If you need an explanation why this is offensive, you are a lost cause.

    The moral of the story is this: if you vote Republican, I hope you enjoy Election Day — because you’re not going to like what comes next.


  23. sdragon says:

    Good luck ‘big guy’. The Outside wants you as one of OUR Senators.

  24. yukonark says:

    I’m merely a short fat guy, but I’m proudly voting for Scott on Tuesday!

  25. skunkcabbage says:

    Love this poster. Speaks volumes about his sence of humor, his direction and the force of his beliefs.

  26. hedgewytch says:

    If Scott’s name is “Boat sized Orca”, I suggest we call Lisa (based on her earlier performances) “Angry, wet eagle” and for Joe “Sneaky, smelly weasel”.

    Just sayin’

    If Scott’s got a bit of winter weight on him, we’ll work it off of him soon enough and get him into “training shape” as he cuts a wake through the halls of Congress!

  27. BS says:

    Ha! The flyers from the R party and coming to my mailbox fast and furious. Scott McAdams supports higher Social Security taxes! (stopping the cap at $106,000). Income tax increase! (on the top 2%). Failed stimulus package! (what did Scott have to do with it anyway?) They are running scared. I bet they were up all night trying to find something negative (in their minds) to say. I’m surprised they didn’t say “Cap and Trade”! Sound bites they think will scare voters. Disgusting. Go Scott! We’re gonna win this!

  28. GAmom says:

    Great post and great ad!
    The attacks on his size only show the desperation of the other side. They seem to finally “noticing” him after ignoring him for two months. I really hope he wins, it will make for a wonderful story.

  29. Lower48 says:


    And if he were tall and skinny he’d be “fragile.” Gimme the big guy every time! He’s that much more to hold onto! I am also very tall – I use it all the time to my advantage. When you see a tall or bigger, taller person, It isn’t about fear – it’s about re-assessing what you’re up against. It has been documented, over and over, that tall people have a built-in respsect “curve.” And, fair or not, taller men earn more $$$. For the tall person, it’s using what your momma gave you…

    – KatieAnnieOakley

    • Alaska Pi says:

      As a very short person, tall is always suspect to me…
      If tall people lean over me and talk down to me , physically and figuratively, they are automatically on the list of phonies and bullies and not to be trusted.
      Mr McAdams, the 2 times I’ve had occasion to chat with him, is simply comfortable in his large frame and talks eye-to-eye… even though I’m well over a foot shorter.
      There is a BIG difference in a big person who walks tall in their own footsteps but does not diminish those around them and a big person who tries to hog the horizon and ignores or diminishes all the rest of us.
      Mr McAdams walks tall and it’s not his height
      It’s his depth, sincerity, and thoughtfulness

  30. TheRubberRoomHotel says:

    Great post ! Great response from Scott!

  31. leu2500 says:

    What really, really stands out about McAdams are his even temperament & humor. Qualities that are desperately needed in Congress.

  32. London Bridges says:

    O’Donnell closes in? Or is this code word for massive voter fraud is about to take place?

    This is how Scott Brown “won” the MA Senate seat.

    • Bretta says:

      Speaking of voter fraud, our Lt Guv Campbell came out with a newsletter yesterday encouraging all to vote and ending with assurance of an “accurate accounting of votes”

      -he didn’t address the fact of the electioneering hanky-panky perpetuated by the Dept of Elections-

      On His Watch.

      I am reminded that he was appointed to his office as Lite Guv by the Quitter WGE
      -even after-
      he had not endorsed her comments that she was “commander-in-chief” of the military in Alaska.

    • jojobo1 says:

      nan I read where it was put out she had a onenigh stand but only slep in the bed nothing else and now she is getting sympathy from the left and the right and womens groups. Can’t blame them but it could have been s set up ya know how good palin is at hatching those kinds of plans.

  33. Indigo Dancer says:

    Have they looked at Dan Fagan recently? Is Rush Limbaugh still heavy-set? Sheeeesh!

    Scott is twice the man Joe is, minus the stupid beard.

    • Valley_Independent says:

      Good point. Glen Beck isn’t exactly skinny, either. I’m glad he’s able to brush off such shallowness and stay focused.

  34. silverball says:

    “Scott McAdams is an adopted member of the Dakl’aweidi (Killer Whale) clan, Scott’s Tlingit name is Keét Yiyaágu which means “Boat Size Killer Whale.” The name indicates a “whale of prominence.” For those who may not understand Killer Whale (Orca) behavior, it is the adult male’s job to circle, protect and care for his “pod,” or community. A “whale of prominence” can do that much more effectively.” ….WOW….that kind of respect speaks volumes from the locals and people that will be represented by this man…big in size and capacity to understand and lead with all interests in mind….brought a tear to my eyes….good luck in this election…he is CLEARLY a cut above the rest of the field…..

    • Indigo Dancer says:

      What you say makes me think of this idea for a motto for him,
      “Scott McAdams: It’s about Alaska, Stupid.”

      I like the Killer Whale more than the grizzled momma or the pitbull with lipstick.

    • Elizabeth says:

      When I first heard the “boat sized killer whale”, I thought it was a humorous reference to his size. Now I more fully understand. What a wonderful honor to be seen by his clan as that kind of a man. How could anyone prefer one of the others to represent them is truly beyond me. I envy Alaska’s ability to vote for such a man of stature.

  35. vj says:

    I’ve always loved that Scott is such a tall man – with the substance to back it up.

    “Substance” and “backing it up” are what politics is all about.

    • Polly says:

      It’s a fact, tall men get noticed, and people pay attention. His “size” alone could get some stuff done in DC! 🙂

    • Bretta says:

      I have always adored big men – scare them ‘cuz I’m so mean – but I truly love them.

      That’s not what got me going for Scott McAdams, though, it was his thoughtful intelligence on the issues, his resume if you will, and the humor in the ads.

      Not even in the same realm as the deceit and condescension and vitriole of the other candidate or any write-in.

  36. teutonic13 says:

    Good post Linda-

    He has impressed me more and more over the last month or so.

  37. Gramiam says:

    Awesome post for “the big guy”, Linda. Scott McAdams has shown these posers and phonies just how a REAL Alaska man deals with truth, honesty and credibility. Let’s send him to Washington to school the rest of the Senate on how it’s done. What a breath of fresh air he is! It’s about time Alaska blew away the dead fish stink of Sarah Palin.

    • Elsie says:

      “What a breath of fresh air he is! It’s about time Alaska blew away the dead fish stink of Sarah Palin.”
      Well said yourself, Gramiam!

      Linda, another great post, as always.

    • Alaska Pi says:

      What do you have against dead fish?!
      That smell means our salmon have laid their eggs after an arduous journey to their home waters, that birds and bears will feast and grow fat, that rich nutrients will join the earth to grow new lovely grasses and trees…

      whatzername leaves a swath of scorched earth and dead waters… she is surrounded by the stench of DDT if you ask me…

      Mr McAdams is a breath a fresh air, yes indeed! With a hint of dead fish included… it’s the way of the real rich and bountiful place we call Alaska!

      • Gramiam says:

        Consider me “schooled” Alaska Pi. Maybe not the healthy smell of dead fish, but how about the stink of corruption and graft!

        • Alaska Pi says:

          yup- the stink of DDT (corruption and graft )
          and it was outlawed for a reason
          Time to remind ourselves of that !

          • Jim Keating says:

            How about the smell of conceited ignorance…fools go where angles fear to tread….lets hope that is not

    • Not So Fast says:

      Perhaps I could suggest, Sarin Palin? Miller supporters are called Millerpeeds (a lot of legs, one small brain)?

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