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Oyster Sunday

~Thick and fast they came at last, and more, and more, and more!

Fear not! Even though it is Oyster Sunday, I will not ask that you wear an Oyster bonnet.  It just seemed like a lazy, post-election sort of day, and a good time to do an oyster roundup.  So, grab your cocktail sauce, and start slurping.

Sarah Palin’s Alassska

Yes, tonight is the night.  Some of you are boycotting. Some of you are anxiously awaiting the spectacle.  Some of you are saying you’re boycotting, but are in reality anxiously awaiting the spectacle. But, tonight is the night that the ex-half governor will proudly put herself and her family in the media spotlight for her very own “reality” show/campaign ad series. Perhaps designed to prop up her likeability factor before a presidential run, the show will premiere tonight on … (cough)… The Learning Channel.

“Appearing on your own reality show? I am not certain how that fits in the American calculus of ‘that helps me see you in the Oval Office,’ ” Karl Rove told the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph. He also thinks that Palin lacks the “gravitas” to be elected President in 2012.  Slack-jawed voters across the country are shocked to learn that being elected to office seems, all of a sudden, to require “gravitas.” 

The Lower 48 Catches Up

But despite her TV reality series debut, and her eldest daughter’s interminable run on Dancing With the Stars, the news is not all roses for the presidential hopeful. A new Gallup poll reveals that the rest of the nation is now catching up to Alaska’s opinion of She Who Quit.

More than half of Americans, 52%, now view Sarah Palin unfavorably, the highest percentage holding a negative opinion of the former Alaska governor in Gallup polling since Sen. John McCain tapped her as the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee. Her 40% favorable rating ties her lowest favorable score, recorded just over a year ago.

Mudflats Promote Mangrove Diversity!

I just liked the title. It seems that the ecosystem of actual mudflats can be used to help disaster management in areas suffering severe coastal erosion. Planting a diversity of mangroves along the mudflats may save coastal regions from the devastating effects of storms.  For climate and/or plant geeks, click the link to learn more.

Senate Update

Chances are looking slim that The Bearded One will gain enough votes through absentee votes, or challenging the handwriting of Murkowski supporters to pull out a victory.  And still, he hangs on. Wednesday is the last day to receive and count ballots that were sent from overseas, so Miller says he will make no announcements until he sees how those ballots fall out.  The Voter Fraud Hotline set up by the campaign has apparently received 300 “legitimate” calls. No word on how “legitimate” is defined (or spelled) and about what the complaints are. 

Miller’s campaign also has filed a state lawsuit seeking access to lists of registered voters from more 30 precincts to count and inspect signatures “to ensure there was no possible fraud, mistake, irregularity or inconsistency.”

 Stay tuned…

Mark Your Calendar… or Not

Governor Captain Zero Sean Parnell will be sworn in on December 6, in Juneau.  A commenter at the Fairbanks Daily News Miner notes, “Swearing in on Dec 6, but we have been swearing at him for 2 years now!”

Almost Everybody Loves Whales

Governor Sean Parnell visited the set of Everybody Loves Whales, starring Drew Barrymore and Ted Danson, which is currently filming in Anchorage.  No word about whether anyone asked him about the State of Alaska’s suit against the federal government over the endangered Cook Inlet beluga whale… or about oil drilling in the Arctic Ocean.  Danson testified against it last week in Anchorage.



135 Responses to “Oyster Sunday”
  1. sierraseven says:

    OK, I’m no conspiracy nut – but, now that all of rill America has gotten a good look at the railings in Sarah’s humble abode …

    … how come the “virtual tour” photo gallery of the Menard Sports Center has been removed from the City of Wasilla website? You know, the one where you could see the railings?

    Just sayin’.

    • scout says:

      howdie gate, er, i mean housegate, follow the money grassy knowl-ers……..(sic – also)

  2. Auni Uskoski says:

    I lived in Alaska for many years. We were in the beautiful outdoors plenty–hiking, fishing, doing cross-country –a wonderful life. One thing I knew–bears are dangerous. We carried bells when hiking–just all the safety precautions. When I watched the Palin family so close to a mother and cubs, I was just sickened. How can she find photo-ops so necessary that she would put her family in danger??? Have you ever seen a bear in full rage coming at someone–I have and it’s not anything you want to experience. This is the last straw for me with that mean “high school” girl. She is just plain stupid. Hopefully, this photo doesn’t encourage other people to behave in such a reckless manner.

  3. Gerardo says:

    Like the fresh look. I were pleased with the content. Thank you for this superb write.

  4. Moose Pucky says:

    Love it when I get a chance to wear my oyster bonnet. Thanks, AKM.

    • sierraseven says:

      In your oyster bonnet
      With all the pearls upon it
      You’ll be the grandest mollusk in the Oyster Parade

      I’ll be all in butter
      And when your filters flutter
      I’ll be the proudest bivalve in the Oyster Parade

      In the habitat
      Sea habitat
      The oystermen
      Will catch us
      And you’ll find that you’re
      In the Rockefeller!

      Oh, I could write a sonnet
      About your oyster bonnet
      And of the spats I’m wearing
      To the Oyster Parade!

      • Moose Pucky says:

        My oyster bonnet is specially designed to accommodate my ears and antlers. Very stylish. Thanks for the sonnet. I’ll join that parade. Head held high and prancing.

  5. Dagian says:

    Again, not me, but I certainly COULD have written. The sentiment applies!

    “I love the outdoors and spend a lot of time on the Bay. But I’ve never felt the need to do my hair and put on full makeup when I’m fishing or crabbing. Posted by: hlchappell

  6. Dagian says:

    This was a comment posted at the Washington Post sight, in response to a Moraes article. I think it’s funny. No, it’s not me.

    You can just picture Palin and her DC backers sitting at the table on the “cement slab” and the guys in suits telling her, “Listen, you’re not likable. We’ve got to do something to make people LIKE you. Everybody knows you’re the barracuda, Death panel, Obama bashing conservative, but we need to go full on Reagan here. Reality. That’s the answer.”

    Paul Begala on CNN election night:
    “Sarah Palin will never be the GOP darling. They want her to be the next Reagan. But it’ll never happen. Why? Reagan, whether you agreed or disagreed with him politically, was a likable guy. You knew he was a nice person. Sarah is mean. Sarah is vicious. She’s just a nasty person and they won’t be able to overcome that fact.”
    Cue reality show aimed at making her likable.

    Posted by: motherintexas | November 15, 2010 11:21 AM

  7. I thought hubby might get curious and watch part of Sarah’s Alasssska, but no, he watched some awesome National Geographics photography show on Netflix, while I watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (not like I hadn’t seen it before, but I have to prepare for Deathly Hallows on Friday).

    • Just saw that Harry Potter was one of the sponsors. I might boycott some of the others, though the ones that I really use would be difficult – Comcast, for instance, and Lowe’s – just got our carpeting through them, and it’s done (I’m not ripping it out in protest – I’m not that peeved at her show). And a few others. Letter writing sounds like a more reasonable idea. I doubt that WB will be fussed with any protests, to be honest. And would fans of Sarah Palin actually be planning to see the movie anyway? I think not.

  8. With mangroves you get man-eating tigers galore. There seems to be one tiger per tree in the Sunderbans. And yes they crave human flesh,although some might be particular enough not to eat a Palin for lunch. As for mountain majesty,alas,Iowa has none. No snow capped peaks to gaze at at sunset or beyond. You MudPups all sound so familiar,like neighbors of mine.Have we met before? Perhaps in an earlier life?

    • bubbles says:

      You MudPups all sound so familiar,like neighbors of mine.Have we met before? Perhaps in an earlier life?
      i know Mike. believe me if you ever meet us you will feel like you’ve just reached home and found family you never knew you had sitting around enjoying themselves and eating you out of house and home..and sipping your best scotch. come and hang out on today’s open thread.

  9. Linda says:

    Did anyone write down the sponsors of the show? A posted list would enable those of us who protest with our money, as well as letters, to do so. BTW – last night on PBS Nature, wolverines in Alaska were featured. It was good to see real native four-legged fauna.

    • lilybart says:

      List posted at palingates:

      Palin’s sponsors on TLC:

      Crayola,Chronicles of Narnia
      Intuit websites,Chase Slate card
      ProNamel,Suntrust Bank
      US Cellular,Febreeze
      Homemade Millionaire,Voyage to Alaska contest
      Marie Callender.Whirlpool – Lowe’s
      Martini and Rossi, Flu shots from Walgreens
      Next Great Baker, What the Sell (TV program)
      Betty Crocker Warm Delights, LG smart phone
      VTech (childrens games), Wisk
      Comcast, T Mobile
      Kahlua, Harry Potter – Deathly Hallows Pt. I
      Windows Phone – ATT
      Breathe Right, Kitchen & Bath ideas
      Turkey Trot 5K Family Alliance, What the Sell
      Sister Wives, Chronicles of Narnia
      Geico, 1-800 Contacts
      Kayak (travel website) ,

    • lilybart says:

      Hi, I just posted the list but my comment is in moderation.

      • lilybart says:

        Palin’s sponsors on TLC:

        Crayola,Chronicles of Narnia
        Intuit websites,Chase Slate card
        ProNamel,Suntrust Bank
        US Cellular,Febreeze
        Homemade Millionaire,Voyage to Alaska contest
        Marie Callender.Whirlpool – Lowe’s
        Martini and Rossi, Flu shots from Walgreens
        Next Great Baker, What the Sell (TV program)
        Betty Crocker Warm Delights, LG smart phone
        VTech (childrens games), Wisk
        Comcast, T Mobile
        Kahlua, Harry Potter – Deathly Hallows Pt. I
        Windows Phone – ATT
        Breathe Right, Kitchen & Bath ideas
        Turkey Trot 5K Family Alliance, What the Sell
        Sister Wives, Chronicles of Narnia
        Geico, 1-800 Contacts
        Kayak (travel website) ,

        • Bretta says:

          I only have two on the list – whew – that makes my letter writing easier. Except maybe I want to see Harry Otter. Hate to break my perfect attendance of those movies. Mebbe I will anyway.

        • bubbles says:

          Thanks Lilybart and a huge hug for you.
          i promise to boycot them all…….’cept Harry Potter cause i love him.

          • bubbles says:

            also i am bringing this comment forward to the new open thread. i want everyone to see it. you are a gem.

        • Linda says:

          Boy am I going to save money! Will miss the Kahlua though.

  10. Ali girl says:

    I watched SPA. Can’t understand how she has been in Alaska all these years and this seems to be the first time she’s seen these beautiful views or climbed a mountain or done any of the outdoors sports. She was so green on everything except wanting to know her neighbors business. Piper was a spoiled brat and annoying.

    • I always suspected that she didn’t really spend much time in the “rill” Alaska. She doesn’t seem the type to get out in the wild of anywhere. I guess Todd working the North Slope and being in the Iron Dog was close enough for her. Is it surprising that Piper is spoiled and annoying? Poor kid – she’s spent the last 2 and a half years being drug all over with Sarah – that’s enough to spoil anyone.

  11. Motorhead says:

    One of the funniest [accidentally, certainly] and most telling lines of the SPA “rillty” show: In the “home [Faux] studio” $arah is babbling on as usual, then asks Tawd his opinion about the effect of increased taxes on a business in hiring fewer employees… He gives a very sparse answer, supposedly to show great wisdom in so few well-chosen words … $he just gushes on about how Tawd doesn’t talk alot, but when he does, he “rilly” has something important to say !! As opposed, of course, to all of $arah’s incessant babblin’ ’bout’ nuthin’ !

  12. tigerwine says:

    I did watch it all. and noted the following that has not been previously mentioned.

    1. The program seemed disjointed to me. One minute you were fishing/climbing, etc. and the next either Todd, Sarah, or even Piper were commenting in front of their house with the lake in the background. Then it would flash to other scenes from future episodes. Kind of confusing.

    2. Where was Trigg?

    3. The kids seem to have no respect for her. It’s almost as if what she is repremanding them for is like a lightening rod for them to do just the opposite. I also noticed this in a preview of the Bristol shooting episode.

    4. The bear scenes really scared me. I’ve heard that the Palins weren’t that close to the bears, but it sure looked like it to me. If so, they were absolutely reckless, if not, it’s all a farce. And when the girls (or was it just Piper?) started growling, I was struck all at once with the thought that these “rill Alaskans” haven’t ever been around bears, Mamma Grizzlies or not.

    In a future segment, there’s supposed to be a caribou hunt. My son told me that they had interviewed a real expert on caribous herds in the northwest part of the state, someone who has worked with and studied them for many years. Yet they chose a young native girl (woman?) who was more “camera pleasing”. Yuck.

  13. cinak says:

    I performed an intervention on a friend who was watching TLC! We talked about music until well after the show was over. A good deed done. G’night.

  14. Bretta says:

    Oh, I thought you meant mangroves on *our* mudflats. I wondered how that could be.

    My father-in-law took me on a dinghy ride through mangroves in Florida – not exactly sure where, though – it was about 20 years ago. Mangroves provide habitat that is quite important if I remember correctly.

  15. I couldn’t subject my nice little TV to that blithering mass of mishmash. There are plenty of other sources for beautiful pics of Alaska without the narcissistic whinings obscuring any viewing pleasure. It was much more fun to watch Tina Fey receive the Mark Twain Comedy Award on PBS!

  16. Bretta says:

    The guy with the quitter-beard was on KTUU news tonight – saying he’s gonna win by a few hundred votes.

    Joe MilLiar, take yer delusional sibilance and go back to Kansass.

    • flying pig ranch says:

      No, no, no Joe. We have enough problem crazies in Kansas without Y’All sending your transplants, Sarah also too, down here. How about if we send you the Fred Phelps clan and our newly elected Gov. Sam Brownback?

  17. Ellie says:

    I don’t know any of my fellow Alaskans who live in a huge house on a lake and have a float plane pick you up at your dock for a sightseeing trip.

  18. zyxomma says:

    Thanks, AKM, for the Oyster Sunday Roundup. I just went out to the balcony for some fresh air, and looked across the Hudson to the majestic Palisades. There’s a great video available to Smithsonian members, part of their brilliant “How the Earth Was Made” series, that explains the volcanic origins of the Palisades in the segment entitled “New York.” New York and Morocco were neighbors, once.

    Now it’s back to my book.

  19. Carol says:

    Life Magazine April 2, 1965 : Robert Kennedy on Mt. Kennedy, the climb he did with James W. Whittaker, (Jim Whittaker) and others. Life Magazine April 9, 1965 : Cover – Senator Kennedy on the summit of Mt. Kennedy, with family flag. Our climb up Mt. Kennedy by Robert Kennedy, with photos of historic first summit of the Canadian mountain named for JFK..

    Google is definitely your friend-you learn something new every day. That climb reminds me that Al Gore, another visionary also climbs mountains as well.

    Thanks to all of the people who endured Sarah’s “Travelogue” for me. I’m surprised at how little she really knows. To this Ohio person, just living in Alaska would seem to make you hardier than most of us, with the extreme temperatures and all you have to endure. That she knows less than what I would expect a knowledgeable local knows about this stuff is surprising to me, especially since he husband uses a “snow machine” and thereby likes to be outside in the cold.

    • Millie says:

      I’ve said on more than one occasion, that given an Alaska history test, Mrs. Palin would very likley flunk it!

      • Carol says:

        I wonder if she has studied anything at all. Back during the debates, it was noticed that she knew little that even an ordinary legislator would know about politics. I bet she spent those college years partying and hanging out. She graduated because she probably took a very easy major.

        One thing I have just noticed. Her sportscasting career ended pretty abruptly. I bet it was because in sports reporting you have to be up on statistics, the rules, who’s who. If not, you would be just overwhelmed, especially by players and avid fans who do know. Needless to say, she’s allergic to study, so as soon as they found out she wouldn’t apply herself, out she went.

        • In broadcast jounalism you also have to have a good radio or television voice. Hers is just awful and she doesn’t seem to be one of those who can learn to improve it – or she doesn’t want to put in the effort. I noticed during the elections that even crazy Christine O’Donnell didn’t have an irritating voice when she talked (as long as you didn’t listen to what she said).

          My college roommate was a jounalism major, and it’s not an easy course. There’s a lot of work involved and and a lot of time has to be spent outside of regular class, getting stories, taking photos, working on the university newspaper or radio station. I’ve always wondered what Palin did to finally get a degree – my guess is they got confused with all those transfers and thought she had done the work and gave her a piece of paper to get rid of her.

  20. bubbles says:

    To paraphrase the inimitable words of Holden Caulfield, they are all phoneys.

    yes they are. seven more weeks of phony Palin on a phony show about a beautiful state that doesn’t belong to her any more than it belongs to me.

  21. Krubozumo Nyankoye says:

    I don’t much care for oysters, cooked or raw. But I have to say from what is stated in this thread, that oyster about the unreality show was “off”. And I didn’t even have to taste it.

    Kudos to sierraseven for enduring it. Having never climbed in Alaska, anywhere, I am not overly familiar with the regional geography but I do know that the Ruth is not the standard approach to the standard route on Denali. All the routes in the Ruth Gorge are difficult, sustained alpine technical climbs that require incredible skill, endurance, determination, experience and a healthy dose of good luck. It is such a travesty that this show on its first airing faked something so utterly beyond the abilities of those turkeys, the Palins that it is – well, really unsurprising. It is a testimony to the whole character of the Palin clan apparently, if you can fake it, go for it. I am also rather surprised that they were allowed to film a commercial program in the park, that is usually not permissable. The park is the property of the american people. I wonder how they worked that angle.

    For those who are interested in finding out more about climbing Denali, or in Alaska generally a very good source is all the back issues of the American Alpine Journal, and of Accidents in North American Mountaineering. The latter publication always has a few reports concerning Denali and other peaks in the Alaska range as well as the many peaks in SE Alaska that rival or exceed Denali for overall difficulty. These are serious mountains. Denali, though it is not particularly high ~ 6,181 meters, is considered a test-piece for those who aspire to climb the highest peaks in the world. Because it is so far north conditions are similar to those one can expect at elevations above 7,000 meters but at lower latitudes.

    The thought just came to me that back in the 60s, Robert Kennedy went to Canada and actually did climb a peak the Canadian government named after his brother. He did not fly to the top in a helicopter, nor did he use clever editing to “simulate” the climb, he actually did it, and he had no more (or less) experience at technical climbing than the Palins. I don’t have a clear recall of how long the whole expedition took but I am quite sure it was a matter of weeks and not hours. I am also quite sure it was one of the most difficult things he ever did, physically.

    Apologies for the rather rambling rant, but the very concept of people like the Palins undertaking any kind of climbing, including but not limited to step ladders, is just revolting and belittling to people who actually do it, on their own, without guides, and without television crews.

    To paraphrase the inimitable words of Holden Caulfield, they are all phoneys.

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      I have a feeling that their true success at social climbing also too rivals their true success at climbing Ruth. 🙂

    • Lee323 says:

      The first mountain I climbed taught me some hard lessons.

      Ascending from 7,000 feet on a narrow-gauge railroad to 9,000 feet, and then striking out with backpack and gear to 10,500 feet was the first day. By nightfall, I was stumbling around with a headache. After retiring to my sleeping bag to sleep, the sounds of monks chanting otherworldly Gregorian chants filled the tent every time I closed my eyes. My partner thought I was crazy when I mentioned my headache and the chanting monks. Apparently unconcerned, I was left in the dark with the monks until I drifted off to sleep. In the middle of the night, I was clawing at my sleeping bag, and gulping for air as my heart was felt like it was trying to escape from my chest. I jabbed my fingers into the side of my neck to feel my carotid pulse. Using my watch and a flashlight, my heart rate was around 220 bpm. Hmmm. Pushing the max there. Still being of tender years and sensibilities, I figured I was having a religious experience of great magnitude. Surely I wouldn’t be killed off before the transcendent message became clear? The monks vanished after two nights. The headache vanished after four days…….

      It was only later that my education redefined my religious experience into terms of hypoxia-induced hallucinations, most likely originating in the sensitive hippocampus, headache, and Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia……..Mild Mountain Sickness.

      Mountains should be climbed with proper respect and reverence. High places have glimmers of something even education can’t grasp. That first climb taught me some hard lessons in physiology……..but I still remember those monks chanting….and a part of me can’t let go of the transcendence.

  22. Ali girl says:

    I thought that Bristol testified that they lived isolated way out in woods and she was afraid without a land phone? Isn’t that perjury?
    S & TP are obsessed with their neighbor. They are jealous he isn’t interested in looking at them. They have to make up their own lies about him watching them. They are more interested in his business.

    • Valley_Independent says:

      I am still wondering why the untruths in Bristol’s testimony weren’t prosecuted, also, and how much that had to do with the verdict and sentencing handed down. What he did wasn’t okay, but neither was lying about the impact of it. LIkewise, lying about McGinness multiple times while doing to him what he was alleged to have done and didn’t do to the Palins wasn’t okay. Call me old-fashioned, but I don’t think lying is a family value. Apparently it is acceptable if you are a Palin-bot.

    • Bretta says:

      The Palin compound is next door to a hotel which is about two blocks off of one of the major Alaska roads, the Parks Highway, which connects Wasilla to Palmer, Fairbanks and Anchorage. I doubt there is a busier road in Alaska except the Glenn during rush hour (between Wasilla/Palmer and Anchorage). If they are out in the woods, it probably consists of about ten trees.

      • Well, that’s just the problem, then, isn’t it. Why didn’t someone bring that up in the trial or why didn’t some reporter think to check it out? Sarah and Bristol were both rewarded for their lying ways, and at some point, it has to come back to bite them.

        I do agree that what the kid did was wrong, but I don’t think they were impacted enough that he should spend a year and a day in jail. A shorter sentence and some community service would have been more appropriate.

  23. Lee323 says:

    Did someone mention mandrake trees?

    It’s a stimulus-response with me: I immediately start quoting John Donne (1633):

    “Go and catch a falling star,
    Get with child a mandrake root,
    Tell me where all past years are,
    Or who cleft the Devil’s foot;
    Teach me to hear mermaids singing,
    Or to keep off envy’s stinging,
    And find
    What wind
    Serves to advance an honest mind.”

    Donne was a randy guy until he “got religion.” If you don’t know what a mandrake root looks like, then you’re missing the lusty, wonderful point of the second line.

    As to the end of this haunting verse, I’m with John on that one: an “idiot wind” is blowing from the NW, originating somewhere in the Lake Lucille area. Nearly 400 years after Donne, where is that wind which serves to advance an honest mind?…….Evolution is one damn slow process…..and the questions we ask never change.

    Cheers to mandrake roots and mermaids!

    • Lee323 says:

      Nope they didn’t. It was mangroves, but I took the liberty to quote John Donne anyway. :>)

  24. dreamgirl says:

    Cleaned up dog runny poo. (how did that happen?) and am reading an old mystery book I picked up a garage sale, “Black Plumes” –(The Very Best In British Mystery)

    Laundry… check.
    Avoiding unnecessary white-noise…. check.
    Applauding seirraseven for stong stomach…. check.
    Wishing Ripley In CT a very Happy Birthday….. check.

  25. Ripley in CT says:

    As it is my birthday, and as I refuse to do anything distasteful on this day, and as I am boycotting TLC, I will not be watching tonight or any other night that Screech Palin is on the TeeVee machine. 🙂

    Oh and this included that horrid DWTS show, too.

  26. sierraseven says:

    It’s over! Thanks for the link, Puffin. Hadley Freeman’s narrative is much better than mine. Best line, a tie between “It’s such a shame to spoil this beautiful scenery with the Palins” and “She just straddled a crevasse. I bet there are some Tea Party men who would pay to see that.”

    Bottom line: great scenery. Waaaay too much of Sarah’s voice. The interactions with the kids are patently staged, and so obviously not what actually goes on when the cameras aren’t watching. Piper appears to be a sulky little child, but to be fair to her, she probably had to put up with a lot of re-takes and delays in the filming process. The cupcake scene was funny, but yecch! Who would want any of the Palin Fambly baked goods after seeing Piper stick her fingers in the batter, slobber on utensils then put them right back in the batter, etc?

    Willow does not seem thrilled to be in the middle of this project, but who could blame her?

    Sarah comes across as phoney, whiny, self-involved, and shrill. I was really surprised that there was no introduction of the pilot or the guys at the mountaineering school. Just a minute or two on how they got started in business, or what kind of expeditions they guide, anything like that.

    My ears have quit ringing from the screeching and squalling, but the annoyance remains. My recommendation: watch with the sound turned down for some nice scenery. Or, write to the local public TV stations to re-run “Jay Hammond’s Alaska”. Seems to me I recall him talking a lot about the people of Alaska in that series, and not much about himself. Hmmm … what a concept.

    • AKMuckraker says:

      Thanks for the live blog!

    • leenie17 says:

      Apparently, what I’d read before about the show is true. It’s not really about Alaska – it’s a long political ad for “Sarah Palin, Candidate for Grifter in Chief”. I doubt too many people who were not scary Peebots would be interested in visiting after watching that show.

      I recently saw a presentation by a German wildlife photographer who has done a lot of work in Alaska. He has some beautiful photgraphs and video and he does minimal talking to allow the viewer to enjoy the visuals. Much more enjoyable than watching and listening to Screechy McQuitter! AND…the only shooting he does from a helicopter is with a camera!

      If you want to see REAL Alaska, check out Florian Schulz:

      • Fairbanks_Rick says:

        Even better, if you want to see the real Alaska, get out into the real Alaska!

        • gm says:

          Yup, cuz you can’t really “get” Alaska without the full sensory experience–feeling the cold or wind or rain, hearing the wolves or birds or whales, tasting the berries while watching a bear stroll by, or most importantly–being in a completely silent place with zillions of stars, or just lapping waves. . .i.e. no Sarahscreeching in my real Alaska.

      • Valley_Independent says:

        Beautiful photography – thanks for sharing.

    • Watch it on mute….with the close-captioning…..much more tolerable that way…! $arahs’ face looks on the puffy side….she’s ageing like the rest of us..!

  27. AKjah says:

    Gravitas is that the natural morphology of the queens derriere ?

  28. bubbles says:

    this is great Sierraseven. you are taking it on the chin for me. i am reading a JD Robb novel about a serial murderer who torture’s his victims….sorta like what Sara does.

    keep telling us what is happening. and thank you.

  29. Hanging out in my favorite chenille robe, reading Mudflats peeps reporting on SP’s Alaska, listening to NPR. Off to HUffpo….oh, yes… and providing a spot for the cat to nap.

  30. Lacy Lady says:

    I am watching Football!!!!!!! See where Bush will be on Jay leno tomorrow night—hope there is a good football game to watch.

  31. puffin shrapnel palin says:

    Sarah reviews her own show:

    “That’s so much worse than I ever thought it would be!”

  32. sierraseven says:

    Ominous music! Crossing a crevasse! What will happen?

    Yeah, nothing happens. Now they’re about to “rock climb”.

    The guide (still nameless) coaches Sarah up a rock face. Well, not so much coaches as hauls her up as she complains and pretends to climb. Her voice is getting really, really unpleasant. Unpleasanter. This segment already seems to have gone on for about an hour. She is seen in one of the intercut narrative clips saying she almost quit half way up. Snerk.

    Now Todd climbs up, while Sarah clings to a rock. He scrambles right up. Sarah addresses the guide as “Ryan”, so at least we know he has a name.

    Preview ads for next week’s episode.

    • Super Bee says:

      I thought she was tougher than she is what with the way she walks like a dude especially when she’s wearing sneakers and all the tough talk. Watching her inch her way up that rock was painful. Imagine 45 minutes and then at the end the guide was pulling her up. Weak. Not real impressive for a hockey mom from the Valley.

  33. sierraseven says:

    We’re back on the plane. The plane has to turn around due to weather – “We’ll give it a go tomorrow!”

    Next morning at the Palin home. Willow and Tripp. Where’s Bristol? Oh, dancin’, I guess.

    We see Talkeetna briefly. Very nice footage of approaching Ruth Glacier.”I was in awe when we landed on that glacier”. But still nothing about the pilot.

    The promo claimed that they were going to climb – they’re actually snow-shoeing across a fairly level area. No introduction of their guide from the mountaineering school. Now they’re going uphill! Climbing “Mt McKinley”! Oooh! All right, I’m refraining from crack and crevasse jokes.

    • Super Bee says:

      Hah! My husband laughed out loud about the ‘deep, dark crack down there’ My 11-year-old son then started talking about her butt crack. I sometimes think she’s smokin’ crack.

  34. puffin shrapnel palin says:

    They should call the show “Fleece ‘n Flag Pins!”

  35. Baker's Dozen says:

    I’m scrubbing spots on my carpet tonight. And then reading a good book.

  36. puffin shrapnel palin says:

    I think everyone who blogs about Sarah’s show should drop their gs. Startin’ right now!
    By the way, here’s an amusing perspective from across the pond!

  37. sierraseven says:

    OK, we’re off to Ruth Glacier in a plane. Spectacular scenery. Same pilot as for the fishin’ expedition. Ominous music! The weather ceiling is low! Oh, my goodness!

    Break for ads.

    So far: She keeps calling the mountain “McKinley”. I will NOT go there. Yet. None of the hard-working people making the adventures possible get introduced. We hear Sarah’s voice CONSTANTLY.

    But I have to say, the photography is really good.

    • dreamgirl says:

      I read the “bear” scenes were in Yellowstone. (it’s all reality-editing- piecemeal… allegedly )

      • dreamgirl says:

        …or was that the rock-climbing thingy… I fergit and rilly don’t care.

        (sierraseven, you must be born with AKM’s diamond pave constitution. Your a real trooper!)

  38. sierraseven says:

    And we’re back. Have to admit, the photography is great.

    Sarah’s going to her studio for a Fox “News” feature. She refers to Todd as a “helpmate”! She consults him about tax issues and the workin’ man. She’s on with Bill-O. Now they’re off on a bus (“The old RV”) to Denali Park.

    She talks about her childhood with her parents on the “old RV” – a top-of-the-line tour bus.

    They’re at a mountaineering school.She climbs a couple of feet up a line with an ascender rig (I think that’s what it’s called). Piper is sullen. Piper climbs the indoor climbing wall, has fun.

    So far no introductions or information about the guys running the school.

    • Valley_Independent says:

      Consulting with Todd about tax issues may be how she failed to report taxable income, which resulted in them filing an amended return and paying more later. Perhaps she should consider consulting with a CPA about her tax issues next time. Not likely though, as her track record says she likes to consult with people that will tell her what she wants to hear, not those who have expertise in the matter at hand.

  39. sierraseven says:

    Sarah tells us that Alaska is home to almost all of the country’s grizzly population – but those are not grizzlies! Good grief.

    Now they’re flying home. So far no introduction or any information about their pilot. They address him as “Todd”.

    OK, Joe McGinniss obsession kicks in. Sarah whispers, “Is he taking a picture?” Clearly he’s not. “We one-upped him, Piper.” I didn’t realize there was a competition. What a self-involved person!

    Interactions with the teenagers. We meet Andy, Willow’s friend. The “No boys upstairs” scene. Oops, Andy sneaks upstairs. Obviously not his first time. I guess the rules change when there’s cameras on, eh?

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      The rules do not change when the camera is on. It is obvious from all the interactions with her kids that she thinks “raising kids” means you tell them what to do. Whether they do it or not (“Don’t eat the batter.” “Don’t growl at the bears.” “No boys upstairs.” ) is unimportant. She’s said something. Now she’s off the hook. It’s not her fault if Levi violated her “no boys upstairs” rule, even if she knew about it. It’s OK if Bristol “entertained” him upstairs, as long as Sarah has said No. Getting your kids to obey you obviously isn’t a part of her parenting skills, nor does she think it’s important. Probably has never crossed her mind.

    • dreamgirl says:

      The “beauty of lassiez faire” abstinence. (sp)

      • sierraseven says:

        It’s “laissez-faire” – but I think I like your version better. Was Lassie abstinent? Did she do it doggie-style? Oh, sorry. Trying to keep it clean – but I could not resist the Lassie joke.

        • dreamgirl says:

          I’m sure Lassie was abstinent if we’re regarding $arah’s teachings, especially after a few of Lassie’s litters too and also… 🙂

          • benlomond2 says:

            If I remember my TV trivia correctly, the dog that played Lassie was a boy dog….

    • GoI3ig says:

      She is delusional as usual. She claims he’s taking pictures when he is obviously reading a book. Does she not realize it is her entourage taking pictures of him? In her black is white world, this makes sense to her.

      By the way, the pilot looked like Todd Rust. The owner of Rust’s Flying Service.

  40. MO inkslinger says:

    Watching Amazing Race instead of that crap on TLC.

  41. sierraseven says:

    Hmmm … most of the ads are for other TLC shows, plus an ad for the Sarah show.

    OK, we’re back. Bears fishin’. it’s great footage. Piper’s sullen and bored; she was fishing at first, but now she’s sitting in the boat with crossed arms, growling at the bears despite Mom telling her not to. Mama bear and cubs appear. Sarah refers to her as a “Mama grizzly” but then says “Brown bear, really” – as if we can’t tell the difference.

    Is it just me, or does the whole bear encounter look staged? All right, maybe not staged – maybe they just went to a spot known for bears.

    Todd catches a fish, and Sarah (filmed later, there’s numerous of these commentaries intercut with the fishin’ footage, which she also narrates constantly) is quite ungracious about him out-fishing her. Quelle surprise, eh?

    • Super Bee says:

      Bear encounters will “keep you on your heels” did she really say that in that segment? Oy, so darn dumb.

  42. sierraseven says:

    The Palin Fambly Fishin’ expedition encounters … BEARS! After Mrs Palin narrates that she sure hopes Piper and McKinley (McKinley? Not Denali? OK, OK, I won’t go there … now) get to see some bears, by golly! And whaddaya know – bears. OK, commercial break – we’ll see the whole bear encounter after these words from our sponsors.

  43. sierraseven says:

    OK, I confess! I’m watching it right now! First few minutes, of course Mrs Palin is iriitatingly chirpy. And complaining about Mr McGinniss. But Mr McGinniss was edited out.

  44. jo says:

    I prefer “My Alaska” as compared to Sarah’s.

    I’ve fished in Bristol Bay without the presence of cameras. Flown over the large herd of Caribou and listened to the beauty of silence around me (without the sound of that voice).

    I’ve been to Talkeetna and flown up to Ruth Glacier. I prefer the south of an Otter plane on skids without the accompaniment of Palin’s voice and the sound of crisp snow under my feet.

    I’ve been skiing on a moonlit night with my labs in the blissful silence of an Alaskan winter.

    I don’t think I need to see “Palin’s Alaska”, I prefer my own.

  45. Gerard Ames says:

    It’s 5:00 Alaska time and I’m getting ready to watch Sarah Palin’s new “reality” show… 20 more minutes to wait… I’m recording it but I can’t start watching until 5:20. That way I can fast forward through all the commercials… I don’t want to give any companies supporting this abomination a chance to sell me any of their junk…

    • jimzmum says:

      See? If I were forced to watch that stuff, I would fast-forward to the commercials in order to make a nice list of all the companys I will be emailing. Off to read!

  46. LoveMyDogs says:

    I think I have some dog poop to scoop and a toilet to clean. This all $owah, all the time sure is helping me get my chores done….

    • dreamgirl says:

      LOL! I got some chores done…read the paper and walked ma beautiful dog.

      (freaked out too and also about my new shop… turns out what I thought was a simple “coffee shop” that also sold packaged goods, requires the same “task force” as a restaurant or full grocery store. Gosh, I really asked to bite a bullet on this one. I’m progressing as can be expected though… )

  47. thatcrowwoman says:

    Muddy mangroves…now that’s one sweet, juicy oyster.
    and I do love whales, also, too,
    but I’m taking a pass on the rest of those oysters…not enough hot sauce or Gravitas Gatorade in the world to wash them down… 🙂

  48. Skagwaykid says:

    I would hope in the spirit of the moment, the good ex-governor should run a TLC Alaska expose of the freedom to use cannibis in one’s home. If she had any cajones she should stand on some mountain top and light up.

  49. Baker's Dozen says:

    I shall be glad if Lisa wins since it can’t be Scott. I don’t see that there will be any difference between how Joe would vote and how Lisa would, but a loss for Joe is a loss for Sarah. I don’t see that she helped any candidate win. The ones she endorsed that won, I think won in spite of her endorsement. There were candidates who lost because of it, and many candidates she endorsed that would have lost, anyway.
    A good poll to have where candidates she endorsed won: “Tea Bag won your state’s senate race. Sarah Palin endorsed Tea Bag. How did her endorsement affect your vote?
    None. I would have voted for Tea Bag anyway
    None. I would have voted against Tea Bag anyway
    Because of her endorsement, I voted for Tea Bag
    Because of her endorsement, I voted against Tea Bag

    Wouldn’t be a bad poll in Alaska, for that matter!

    I also think it’s too bad that Joe is probably going to lose. Why? Because I think his wife and children would be much better off living in Fairbanks while he spends most of his time in some bachelor pad in DC. (If his personal hygiene is any indication of his housekeeping skills, his “pad” would be filthy.)

    Wonder if he can get out of the leases he probably signed and return the pressed board furniture and that really big mirror with fake gilding he says is for the bedroom wall (since when are walls parallel to the floor?) You know I’m making this up, right? I muddie can dream! 🙂

  50. MonaLisa (inCT) says:

    ‘Gravitas? Gravitas… Oh! Ain’t that teh new flavor frum Gatorade?

  51. jimzmum says:

    I am currently slurping (not) a Kir Royale, and also too not going to watch that thing on television. Instead, I am going to curl up in front of our non-functioning, tarped over, in the middle of renovation, fireplace and read the evening away.

  52. MonaLisa (inCT) says:

    Check your email from the 12th, Akm!