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Don Young Darkens the Door and Crosses the Aisle

Yes, the 20 term Congressman for All Alaskans (who voted for him) has decided that he will attend the State of the Union address for only the third time since 1974. Why isn’t he a regular?

“Because I’m an old hunter,” he told APRN. “And when you have the president, the vice president, the speaker of the House, the president of the Senate, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Supreme Court, the diplomatic corps, and everybody together under one roof, it always gives me great concern.”

Although I appreciate the Congressman’s caution and sentiments, the thought of Don Young holding the reins as the only surviving member of the three branches of government would also give me great concern. Just saying.

Generally, Young says, he watches the speech from home on TV, but this time he’ll be sitting with Democratic Senator Mark Begich, and Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski.

 The move this year for bipartisan seating was prompted by Sen. Mark Udall, D-Colo., and was taken up by Murkowski and other members of Congress. Their call for civility came following the Jan. 8 shooting in Tucson that injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., and killed six people.

Kudos to those who took up the charge, and those who are playing nice and going along. The great coming together should be interesting. Gone will be one side of the aisle on its feet applauding while the other sits pouting with arms crossed. Reaching across the aisle won’t matter because the aisle will, for all intents and purposes, be meaningless in the physical sense. It will be a fascinating psychological experiment to see what happens when the blue shirts and the red shirts comingle.

Awwwww. Look at them! Are they cute, or what?



34 Responses to “Don Young Darkens the Door and Crosses the Aisle”
  1. Well to be fair, at least one Cabinet officer doen’t attend, instead watching it on the big screen at Raven Rock or Mt. Weather. When he was President Pro Tempore of the Senate Ted Stevens also stayed (in all likelyhood) one of the aforementioned “Undisclosed Locations.”
    On CSPAN last night several Senators and Representatives allowed as how it was more crowded than usual, so its pretty obvious that not all 535 electees would attend each year.
    I’m sure Don just stayed home with Lu and watched it on TV all these years, missing the crowds and the traffic. His penchant for exageration comes through in this, although he WAS in Congress during the Cold War so early on his thinking did make a little sense!

    Mark Springer

  2. StElias says:

    Nice Don.

    Really, I perhaps could have found reason years before to vote for you, which I did not. Only because you always found reason to disapoint. Not becuse I’m a lefty but becuase you screwed Alaskans in the long run due your ignorant logic.

    Best yet, you did not even have the guts to be the sole member of Congress to challenge your collegues on the health care issue. You voted, like you always have, the party line. Which is, “I got mine, screw you.” You haven’t learned a damn thing and I’m proud to say I never voted for you ever.

  3. Writing from Alaska says:

    Two of them are very cute. Awww. 🙂
    One of them made a ridiculous comment about the gathering of lawmakers. boo.
    But at least he showed up.

  4. analaskancitizen says:

    Go Don! Go Lisa! Go Mark! If people act respectful and civil, it could catch on. I’m proud of this tiny little step. (and a little sad that this is newsworthy)

  5. CoyoteMarti says:

    Somewhat off topic, but in that picture they all seem to have a slight overbite. Are they all related somewhere way back when? 🙂

  6. vyccan says:

    Hi everyone, looking forward to the SOTU, but have to confess that the ‘you lie’ precedent set last time is niggling at the corner of my consciousness. The ‘make nice’ talk about sitting together and the decision to show up all sound positive, but I’m going to wait for the follow-through. It’s a sad commentary IMO that Joe Wilson’s uncivil action overshadows the event, at least in some people’s mind, and hopefully tonight’s session will clear the incivility slate vis-a-vis the SOTU. I’ll definitely breathe easier tomorrow once it’s all over. Also, praying that the POTUS will knock this one out of the park too, providing little for the naysayers to pick at. {Yeah! Yeah! Unlikely – I’m allowed to dream, tho. 🙂 }

    • Carol says:

      Not only was Joe Wilson’s action “uncivil”, he was clearly wrong and I don’t recall he ever admitted he read the bill and saw where his accusation was incorrect. I had read the bill or at least parts of it by the SOTU and I knew Wilson was incorrect. Why couldn’t he have read it by then? That was his job; I have a different job, yet I knew he was incorrect.

      • vyccan says:

        I suspect they don’t read half of what they condemn or complain about – including the Constitution!

      • Sarafina says:

        Why couldn’t he have read it before the End of Life As We Know It, you ask?

        Willful Ignorance = IOKIYAR

  7. Dandy Lion says:

    He’s just praying for the doomsday scenario he presented to occur, then he’d seem like the sanest, and the only lawmaker in America.

  8. Dandy Lion says:

    He’s just praying for the doomsday scenario he presented to occur, then he’d seem like the sanest, and the only lawmaker in America.

  9. Kilia says:

    Sorry, I don’t understand why this meeting for the SOTU Address would cause Young “great concern”.

    • Wallflower says:

      Remember that he was explaining all the reasons he didn’t go in the past. You know how, when we don’t want to get all dressed up and go to something for our work that we really should, we say, “Oh, sorry, I’ve got a thing that night,” or, “I’m too tired?” His version was, “I’m an old hunter.”

  10. CO almost native says:

    I raise my Fat Tire to those sentiments. I am hoping some of the Supremes stay home, so we aren’t subjected to Roberts/Scalia and their comments. Perhaps they can watch it with the Koch Brothers…

    • bubbles says:

      speaking of the Koch brothers…..if Common Cause asks for an investigation into the Supreme’s too close connection and failure to recuse themselves with these corporate bullies why would the Justice dept. refuse to act in defense of the people? i don’t understand.

    • leenie17 says:

      I’m sure that if they are going to attend they’ve spent the past several hours sucking on lemons so as to have the appropriately pinchy-faced expression.

  11. scout says:

    I raise my coffee mug to civility. Here’s to playing nicely together.

  12. InJuneau says:

    I’ve got to go with “or what?”…

  13. Cassie Jeep says:

    Teaching an old dog new tricks? Who knew?

    I, for one, am looking forward to this display of civility and hoping that it will keep “outbursts” at bay.

    Looks like our President is just trying to organize the legislative community.

  14. hedgewytch says:

    So, what’s changed between now and then? Now he’s not paranoid? Has Don unintentionally given the Obama Administration’s Homeland Security a “thumbs up”?

    Just askin’

  15. Dagian says:

    “Yes, the 20 term Congressman for All Alaskans (who voted for him) has decided that he will attend the State of the Union address for only the third time since 1974. Why isn’t he a regular?

    “Because I’m an old hunter,” he told APRN. “And when you have the president, the vice president, the speaker of the House, the president of the Senate, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Supreme Court, the diplomatic corps, and everybody together under one roof, it always gives me great concern.”

    This both smacks of hubris and a certain panting eagerness on his part. No doubt my cynicism is colouring my outlook a little too much.

  16. aeroentropy says:

    My husband got a degree in Kumbayology back in the ’60’s…

    Good to see everyone pairing up for tonight!

  17. Leota2 says:

    Oh my! This should be interesting and need I say, adult.

    I swear though, if just one congressman, senator or supreme court justice makes a scene
    I will personally walk barefoot to D.C and boo them all the way home. Brave, huh? lol

  18. John says:

    I’m glad our delegation has all joined this effort.

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