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Sister Sarah Ain't No Moses

By Shannyn Moore

While preparing to jump out of a cake for Ronald Reagan’s 100th birthday, Sarah Palin found time to serve up a fresh batch of Word Salad. My condolences to the transcriber who probably has a giant case of Post Traumatic Punctuation Disorder. The topic? Egypt, Reagan and 1 Timothy.

Palin was asked about Egypt on the “Brody Files“:

Sarah Palin: “Remember, President Reagan lived that mantra trust but verify. We want to be able to trust those who are screaming for democracy there in Egypt, that it is a true sincere desire for freedoms and the challenge that we have though, is how do we verify what it is that we are being told, what it is that the American public are being fed via media, via the protesters, via the government there in Egypt in order for us to really have some sound information to make wise decisions on what our position is. Trust but verify, and try to understand is what I would hope our leaders are engaged in right now. Who’s going to fill the void? Mubarak, he’s gone, one way or the other you know, he is not going to be the leader of Egypt, that that’s a given, so now the information needs to be gathered and understood as to who it will be that fills now the void in the government. Is it going to be the Muslim Brotherhood? We should not stand for that, or with that or by that. Any radical Islamists, no that is not who we should be supporting and standing by, so we need to find out who was behind all of the turmoil and the revolt and the protests so that good decisions can be made in terms of who we will stand by and support.”

“Trust but verify” has been an escaped mantra for Palin. You’ll wait years for a records request to find out what she was really up to in Alaska. How about this Sarah, we (you) don’t get to boss around another country. Remember how you didn’t like the United States Federal Government telling Alaska about building codes? Yeah, well, they don’t like it either. We’ve been propping up and funding a dictator in Mubarak who has amassed more personal wealth than the Alaska Permanent Fund in its entirety.

When asked how Obama was handling the situation:

Sarah Palin: “It’s a difficult situation, this is that 3am White House phone call and it seems for many of us trying to get that information from our leader in the White House it it seems that that call went right to um the answering machine. And nobody yet has, no body yet has explained to the American public what they know, and surely they know more than the rest of us know who it is who will be taking the place of Mubarak and um, no, not, not real um enthused about what it is that that’s being done on a national level and from D.C. in regards to understanding all the situation there in Egypt. And um, in these areas that are so volatile right now because obviously it’s not just Egypt but the other countries too where we are seeing uprisings, we know that now more than ever, we need strength and sound mind there in the White House. We need to know what it is that America stands for so we know who it is that America will stand with. And um, we do not have all that information yet.”

SERIOUSLY? The answering machine? If you haven’t had the situation explained to you, it may have to do with the basics. We’ll start with, “Egypt is not a state in the country of Africa.” Sorry, I hate to get all “Gotcha”. We need “strength and sound mind” in the White House. You Betcha. I’m so glad John McCain isn’t living there. We DO have the information on what it is that America stands for and it’s not you. We do have that information. You’re tanking. The more you talk, the more you unravel the myth the McCain campaign worked so hard to spin.

When she was ask about a run for President, and what might she do differently?

Sarah Palin: “I would continue on the same course of not really caring what other people say about me or worrying about the things that they make up, but having that thick skin and a still spine, knowing that what is needed in America are those things that Ronald Reagan did espouse and what he lived and not worrying about what the critics are going to say me or my family or what it is that I stand for because I do believe, David, that there are more commonsense conservative Americans on our side on the issues that we stand for than there are those who oppose the idea of individualism and God given liberty and opportunity to work hard and to, um, to progress according to our own work ethic and our own merits. I would continue to believe that there are more who are believers in those values than there are not, so I would continue down that same path.”

Yes. That is a tremendous way to get people to vote for you. Not caring what they say about you. This skin? No. It’s stretched tight and even thinner than it was when you were governor. Good Lord, take a breath. That first sentence is a doozie. You, madam, should never utter the words “work ethic” within earshot of any Alaskans. You are a quitter.

On Media Attacks?

Sarah Palin: “You know, I’m reminded so often of 2 Timothy 1:7 knowing that God does not give us a spirit of timidity or of fear, but he gives us a spirit of power and love and a sound mind. A sound mind so that we can keep things in perspective. We can stay grounded, we can know what is real, we can know truth, so just calling on that verse, reminding myself over and over again what’s God promises, that gets me through the tough times.”

Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. I know a few really wonderful Christian Alaskans who have prayed their way through the hell you have wrought on them personally or through policy. Watch out for lightening.

The rest of that interview is here. It’s just about time for her to reconsider her “sit down and shut up” status.

And by the way. Remember that guy that “discovered” you back in 2007 on an Alaska Cruise to Juneau? William Kristol? Perhaps you haven’t yet read this, but Bill Kristol talks about the very fear you and your buddy Glenn Beck are promoting. From the new issue of the Weekly Standard out on February 14:

Now, people are more than entitled to their own opinions of how best to accomplish that democratic end. And it’s a sign of health that a political and intellectual movement does not respond to a complicated set of developments with one voice.

But hysteria is not a sign of health. When Glenn Beck rants about the caliphate taking over the Middle East from Morocco to the Philippines, and lists (invents?) the connections between caliphate-promoters and the American left, he brings to mind no one so much as Robert Welch and the John Birch Society. He’s marginalizing himself, just as his predecessors did back in the early 1960s.

Nor is it a sign of health when other American conservatives are so fearful of a popular awakening that they side with the dictator against the democrats. Rather, it’s a sign of fearfulness unworthy of Americans, of short-sightedness uncharacteristic of conservatives, of excuse-making for thuggery unworthy of the American conservative tradition.

Kristol continues:

Let’s hope that as talk radio hosts find time for reflection, and commentators step back to take a deep breath, they will recall that one of the most hopeful aspects of the current conservative revival is its reclamation of the American constitutionalist tradition. That tradition is anchored even beyond the Constitution, of course, in the Declaration of Independence. And that document, let’s not forget, proclaims that, “Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it.”

An American conservatism that looks back to 1776 cannot turn its back on the Egyptian people. We should wish them well—and we should work to help them achieve as good an outcome as possible.

Conservatives are used to focusing on the downsides of situations. And there are potential downsides ahead, to be sure. But there is also a huge upside to a sound and admirable outcome in Egypt. American conservatives should remember our commitment, in the words of Federalist 39, to “that honorable determination which animates every votary of freedom, to rest all our political experiments on the capacity of mankind for self-government.”

Egypt turns out to have its votaries of freedom. The Egyptian people want to exercise their capacity for self-government. American conservatives, heirs to our own bold and far-sighted revolutionaries, should help them.

I agree with Bill Kristol.

I need to get my skates out. Hell just froze over.



147 Responses to “Sister Sarah Ain't No Moses”
  1. su swan says:

    That Sarah Palin sure does like the word “that”.

  2. Coop10 says:

    Just do a comparison of the syntax and the diction of Palin’s commentary vs. Kristol’s. Palin’s is jumbled, repetitive, vague, and unfocused. Writing reflects background knowledge, broad vocabulary, knowledge of syntax, grammar, and sentence structure. Kristol’s passage is coherent, contains sophisticated word choice, and maintains a smooth flow. His passage reflects sophisticated thought, broad background knowledge,and a command of the language. The difference between the two passages is a clear indication that Palin does not have what it takes to take on the difficult responsibilities of the presidency.

  3. Zyxomma says:

    Would you like some insight into the reality that was Ronald Raygun? Here’s Greg Palast’s take, reprinted from the London Observer in 2004:

    Killer. Coward. Con man. Still as true as it was then.

    • jojobo1 says:

      Remember it well and it seems to me McCain had something to do with the killing(murders) in central America. also

  4. Jean says: just weird that Sarah Palin wants to help the media become fair and balanced when she pals around with the like of Glenn Beck. I don’t think so. Hands off my media.

  5. SendLawyersGunsAndMoney says:

    Palin word-salad brain-vomit. I prefer English.

  6. Lee323 says:

    “Sister Sarah Ain’t No Moses”

    I dunno about that. She’s a basket case….and she’s floating on Denial river. Sounds like Moses to me.

  7. Bob Benner says:

    Is it going to be the Muslim Brotherhood? We should not stand for that, or with that or by that.
    Can someone please explain the difference between these three??

    for that
    with that
    by that

    It makes absolutely no sense. The closest I can come up with Is that Queen Sarah is trying to do some type of version of the old “government of the people, by the people, for the people” in her babble-speak…

  8. scout says:

    “Ain’t No Moses” XO, Shannyn.

    She’s more like the 8th plague: “Sarah Palin and her entourage descended “like locusts” on the Oscar swag suite, scarfing up freebies”

    Or perhaps the good book omitted the 11th plague – the salad shooter buries the world in a blizzard of idiocy.

  9. I must say to those that go where Angels fear to tread, you have my life-long admiration and you deserve combat/hazardous duty pay. I have waded in slop in cattle yards that was pretty deep,yet the stuff that emanates from certain former,half-guv from Alaska is worse than any I’ve ever seen or sniffed. My best advice is to go to a body shop on occasion and have the technician sandblast your nose and lungs and then have them sprayed with a good undercoating to prevent toxic sludge buildup. Prayer might help.I can’t say for sure.

  10. Pam says:

    I think she ended up with a degree in Communications? Either way, I wouldn’t recommend the University of Idaho.

  11. sam hall says:

    What is S,Palin? the tina fey was funny but the rest of the Palin never ending quest for more and more money and power for herself..with the absolute zero to anything she a true comment is beyond to much. Notice Nancy Regan has not said or given Palin any favorable remarks..she seems to just ignore her…Ron Regan spoke out publicly against her..good for him. What is it with the GOP are they afraid of her? Then look at Bachmann ..also a well idiot..but will Palin..another idiot and Bachmann get into a real talking fight over who gets the tea party votes? keep up the good and true reporting Mudflats..the people in Alaska and the nation need this type of true journalism.. Palin with her journalism degee..represent the worse in journalism..perhaps it depends on where you received your jounalism degree..Palin with her ways does not even have the talents to be a half way good high school journalist.

  12. Ali girl says:

    SP gets her hatred of Pres. Obama from Beck & especially Sean Hannity. Sean has been spewing his hatred of Obama before he even got elected. SP is a Hannity mouthpiece. She has a habit of putting code words in her mind and can’t remember what is suppose to be said in between the code words. She thinks jawing on and on will get her past what she really doesn’t know she is talking about. (Hope I don’t sound like her, but then I don’t have a degree in journalism.)

    • bubbles says:

      February 7, 2011 at 5:34 AM

      “SP gets her hatred of Pres. Obama from Beck & especially Sean Hannity.”

      i am not sure one catch racism like one can catch a cold. though it is entirely possible.
      i think that Sarah Palin was carefully taught from childhood. Sarah Palin is a racist. she can shake hands and pretend social kiss certain blacks like Michael Steele because it is in her interest to do so.
      Sean Hannity is certainly another who was carefully taught. his flat face and nasty manner are common for the archetype.

    • Denton H says:

      I will agree that SP seems to get all of her misinformation from FOX NEWS. She’s their perfect employee, with a studio in her house and a readiness to regurgitate all of their talking points, nearly always verbatim, but guaranteed to be in her very own Word Salad “format.”

  13. grammy11 says:

    Thank you, Shannon. This is the first time in a very long time her true words have been in print. It seems that someone else has been writing the words she has spoken and someone else writes her printed material or it is polished by the person writing about her. Bet the general public has forgotton just how stupid she actually is. Thanks for the reminder and the laughs. I kinda missed the laughs.

    • Eykis says:


      I’ve posted on several other blogs that the St.Ronnie speech and the Brody/CBN interview sound like they were written for the SnowbillyGrifter by someone, like me, who actually hates her and wants her off the stage, pronto~

  14. GoI3ig says:

    How does anyone as stupid as Sarah Palin get a bully pulpit. She is clueless and pathetic.

  15. beth says:

    Amazing she ® hasn’t twittered or Fb-ed about Egypt…at all! Nary a peep. I’m sure she ® (her ® ghostwriters) could come up with some super suggestions for POTUS — you know, ones that she ® could also share with her ® ‘bots, the Egyptians, and the world. Yuppers; you betcha! beth.

  16. BS says:

    Shannyn – I really like your writing style on this one. Your wittiness reflects off the facts. Or something like that. What’s with Kristol? I don’t trust him and wonder where he is going with this. Anyway – great post. I like your radio show too.

  17. Baker's Dozen says:

    From the Santa Barbara News Press, a right leaning paper
    “Palin packs the house – Former Alaska governor inspires faithful at Young America’s Foundation
    February 5, 2011: Young America’s Foundation opened its Reagan 100 Celebration Friday with a keynote address for 350 people by former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. At times sounding folksy, at times mama-bearish, and at times difficult to hear — prompting some in the main hall of the Reagan Ranch Center on State Street to call out, “Turn up your mic!” — Mrs. Palin was ever-present with her message that conservatism is alive and well and on the verge of something big, just as it was in 1976, when Ronald Reagan breathed life into the conservative movement.”

    Call me silly, but saying someone “packs house” when the house holds 350 is a tad misleading. And if you can’t get you mic right after doing all that public speaking she’s done, she’s a dunderhead. You check all those things at the beginning.
    I’ve spoken to groups larger than 350, and you’ve never heard of me by my real name and I only got my expenses paid. But, then, I’m a better and more interesting speaker than she is and I don’t do it unless I have something to say.

    • bubbles says:

      the Santa Barbara News Press is very right wing. i remember there was a huge row over there a few years back. much outrage and canceling of subscriptions and such. they get over because there is very little competition and because it covers local goings-on and it has a good real estate section. the woman who owns the paper has more money than ethics in my opinion.

    • Denton H says:

      Only in the world of Right Wing Spin does a “crowd” of only 350 people turn into “Palin packs the house.”

  18. Denton H says:

    Wouldn’t a “still spine” = paralysis?

    • Yes I somewhat flummoxed by the term ‘still spine’ myself. What is that supposed to mean? If Tina does Sarah again, she will have more material than she could ever use.

  19. Fawnskin Mudpuppy says:

    Speeding = Spreading

  20. Fawnskin Mudpuppy says:


    I’m speeding this bad news everywhere:
    Aol is buying Huffington Post.

    • AKPetMom says:

      Oh noes! I hope I can still get my Kardashian and Lindsay Lohan updates from there. Also, I hope that they still cover every nugget that that Oprah woman spews forth.

  21. AKPetMom says:

    Bible verses and any relative speaking of them belong only in places of worship where people get together and practice their version of whatever religion gets them through the day.

  22. Diane says:

    1. She sounds like an 18 year old at a beauty pageant asked about world peace. The long non answer that goes on forever to fill in timed response.

    2. If she knew the questions in advance, then this is worse then stupid. It is sarah palin, the Quitter Twitter Queen that is lame, not the media. There are NO ANSWERS from her. There are words that barely make sense, strung together to fill in time.

    This was, cheesy crackers, word salad, moose pucks and fudgy desert rolled into one, a full course of buffoonery and religiosity served as one meal.

  23. tallimat says:

    She keeps sayin stuff about work ethic. Odd. She musta forgot she quit.

    I find it interesting she really hasn’t addressed her quitting in depth. In any interviews, Oprah, Barbara Walters, all the spew done on Faux… She really hasn’t spoke of her quitting with depth. Nor has she really addressed Alaskans. Remember she cut off the media when stepping off the campaign trail, while still gov.?

    When I travel outside, they ask of her. I just say she couldn’t uphold her vow to public office. She quit, so there isn’t much to say. I mention that if she speaks of work ethic, it is kinda cheezey… Cause she quit. She is a loser, but she probably wants your money…

    Nice write up Ms. Moore.

  24. essjay says:

    Sarah, oh Sarah…you there? I’d hate to make it sound like you are duplicitous (it’s in most dictionaries so it’s likely in yours) or anything, but since you have such thick skin I’ll ask anyway: how is it that you can call on Timothy as a backup but you seem never to have read Romans 13? Are some parts of the bible more believable than others, sort of like a smorgasbord so you can just pick out the parts you like? Or do ya think Paul wrote more truth to Timothy than he did to the Romans? Or maybe you just don’t like Romans? Or what? Just askin’.

    • AKPetMom says:

      I had to actually wikipedia the whole Moses thing. I learned a bit about Moses and what he did and where he came from.

    • Amyloo says:

      Yeah, you have to wonder when she talks about God giving her signs and crashing through doors even if they’ve only opened a crack. I’ve a feeling she cherry picks the Bible and the signs, ignoring signs like the polls and desperately looking for better ones. But what are the better signs? Listening to the faithful base I guess is about all she’s got, maybe and inferring that for every one who speaks in favor of her there are a million who believe the same thing silently?

  25. Maggie says:

    Does anybody have any ideas for how we (as a nation) can get Palin to slither back into the Pandora’s Box she escaped from? I want John McCain to be able to have a do-over, and pick somebody else, but that is not an option. So how do we get the entire Palin family to exit from the national stage?

    I guess the biggest issue is her popularity, and by even writing a response to this thread, I suppose I am in a small way contributing to it. Every mouse click counts, and the fact is, Palin sells. People are still following her every move, her every twitter, her every stupid soundbite. Some are fans, some follow her for the entertainment value, some see her as nothing more than eye candy, and many (like me) follow her in fear, wondering if someone so incredibly unsuited for government service could actually get elected to a national office.

    So, does anybody have any idea how this story will play out? What will make her fade from the foreground? I am so sick of this woman, I can’t stand it, and I am a moderate Republican. How the heck can we make her go away?

    • SouthPaw says:

      I would like to say not to worry Maggie, and I am as curious as you are. Palin is a true parasite. She is an a fluke, an amoeba, an organism who lives off of their host as she does with Regan’s legacy and she feeds on our fears of her as well. How this will play out I’m not sure. But the more she’s out there, the more she opens her mouth the more incredibly ridiculous she becomes.

    • leenie17 says:

      I am also worried and angry about the damage she can do to this country and the destruction she has already caused.

      However, I am trying to be optimistic about her future (or lack thereof) in politics and am seeing more and more examples of how her constant exposure is hurting her more than helping her. Every day, more of her former supporters on the right are criticizing her and admitting she’s just not qualified to do anything. And I’m not talking about some everyday folks sitting around their televisions watching Faux News. I’m talking about the movers and shakers who run the right side of this country’s political aisle. She’s getting less exposure in the conservative media and much of what she IS getting is more critical than it’s ever been before. She’s also getting fewer speaking jobs, in smaller venues for smaller audiences (and likely much smaller paychecks) and even some of those are cancelling on her.

      As we get closer to the start of the 2012 campaign season, the Republicans and conservatives are being forced to deal with the undeniable fact that Palin as a candidate would guarantee her opponent a landslide victory. If she doesn’t take herself down with her inane and ridiculous blather, the right wing powers-that-be will do it for her.

    • dreamgirl says:

      Dingbat spray-away?!

    • Dagian says:

      In addition to SP, can someone contain her least-competent adult child too? The very idea that a 20 yo with no accomplishments to her name has anything worthwhile to SELL to the world at large, via the printed word!, is just too much to bear.

      I don’t know Maggie, moderate Republicans are either being ignored or smothered. I remember Connie Morella (House). SHE had a grasp on the fact that conservation was NOT the opposite of conservative. Of course, she also believed in a social safety net.

      *heaves sigh*

      • jojobo1 says:

        I think it is a little of both smothered and ignored and the TP calling them Rhinos because they believe in compromise and doing what is best for the country not just heir party.

  26. JRC says:

    Conservatives might believe that they are the heirs to the American revolution, but, honestly, conservatism had nothing to do with that movement. The revolutionaries were radicals. They were risk takers. They were rabble-rousers. But, hey, I agree with his sentiment. And I believe that we should get out of the way but also support our own self interests.

    That said, we can’t dictate another country’s ideology. Our interests might not be theirs. We need to support what we can–nothing wrong with that–and defend our own interests. Frankly, that’s how the USA was founded. Countries that recognized our independence did so because it was in their own best interest.

    The global citizenry will eventually figure it all out.

  27. Snoskred says:

    Sorry on my way out the door but I just have to say this..

    A still SPINE?

    Does anyone actually want a still spine?

  28. dreamgirl says:

    Looking for the “jump out of the cake girl” I came across this possibly Whatezername’s mentor to success, especially her FauxNoise success, (just drape flag or place flag pin creatively and thar she blows, so to speak) enjoy:

    • dreamgirl says:

      Forgot to mention this was possibly an intellectual mentor for Old-Whatzername.

    • Kath the Scrappy says:

      Oh That was FUNNY! At one point it looked like she was doing the nasty with the spike from her heel. May that was the ‘point’. Giggle.

  29. Ann Strongheart says:

    I couldn’t even finish reading that. My eyes were starting to cross and I felt a migraine coming on. Maybe I’ll tackle it after dinner and after the girls have gone to bed.

    Where’s the Tylenol??

    • Ann Strongheart says:

      Tried again, while eating pizza…not a good idea!! I can’t get past the 123 word long sentence!! 123 words!!!!!! In one sentence….oooh my brain hurts.

    • dreamgirl says:

      Lovely to see you again! Hope all is well with you and the young’uns.

      • Ann Strongheart says:

        Hiya dreamgirl!

        We are doing here on the Strongheart front, we are getting ready to move so have been packing and counting down the days. The girls are growing like weeds and learning to play together, I think they have their own lil language. I think one tells the other to distract me so that one can get into mischief!! LOL

        How are you?

        • Ann Strongheart says:

          we are doing WELL geeeeez reading SP word salad must be contagious?!

          • jojobo1 says:

            Glad to hear things are going better. The Children grow up so fast ya gotta enjoy them while ya can. Take care of yourself and the girls Ann

        • dreamgirl says:

          Almost ready to open Cafe…. enough about me, I need some pictures! (after the move and taking care of the little ones of course.)

          Moving is so much fun… no? Good luck and God speed! (hope you throw out everything you don’t need, travel light and smart!)

          Pictures PLEASE! XOXXOOOO to you and yours!

          • Ann Strongheart says:

            Cafe?? Explain please 😉

            Once I get settled I am going to start blogging again hopefully, have already started but just haven’t gone public yet 😉

  30. LisaB says:

    Well, thank goodness for that thick skin! Otherwise she’d probably be getting into pissing matches with comedians like David Letterman.

    • Denton H says:

      . . . or American presidents like Barack Obama. She’ll NEVER forgive him for November 2008.

  31. Chenagrrl says:

    Don’t worry. This pan of brownies had your name on it. Mop up the crumbs and get back on track. Walk a little extra tomorrow and every time your typing fingers stray toward S+ P+, simply write “the Brand.”

  32. Deb says:

    Her response to the question of what she would do regarding Egypt was her typical, unintelligible, grammatically incoherent rambling B.S.without one small hint as to what she would actually do regarding Egypt besides have a “still spine”.

    The funny thing is that she actually said steel spine, but wasn’t able to enunciate the word correctly so it was transcribed as “still”. Think Rill Mercans!

    Can you imagine if Obama’s response to the crisis would be to have a “still spine”? The media would have crucified him.

    • G Katz says:

      Oh, that’s funny. I wondered what she meant by “still spine.” Doh! If you don’t use your Palinese, you lose it!

    • I’m so glad you explained that still spine because I could not figure out what she was talking about. Well, nothing new there, but it’s a phrase that really didn’t make any sense. LOL

      • Amyloo says:

        I thought for a moment she’d gone all meditative. Woman could use the calming influence of TM.

        I wonder if she ever considers bringing back a speech coach. I have a feeling she would not have appreciated the New York actress hired to instruct her in 2008 and may still rebel against it. She may even reason that rill Americans like hearing things like “The bellout is a bad dill.” I don’t think they do, and maybe they don’t even realize it on a conscious level but they’re thinking she doesn’t seem like an educated person.

        In My Fair Lady Henry Higgins sang “An Englishman’s way of speaking absolutely classifies him,” but it applies to Americans, too.

  33. PurpleAlaska says:

    Sister sarah appeared to be speaking as though she had an ear-piece in. She stammered for somebody’s word to try and appear as though she had cogency of thought. Good try, but your eyes gave you away sista-gurl.

  34. Jean says:

    …….and for those there that aspire to common sense priciples and in so doing aspire to the founding fathers honor those and that was another WTF moment and in so doing those who aspire to will not make me sit down and shut up and in what regard I read all and everything that is put in front of me and those who we send to protect our country and the real people who eat organic and it is not covered in cellaphane but in fur and this MAN John McCain we will not retreat and those in so doing we must stick with our allies the North Koreans and Willow has learned the hard way not to call people fa#### on facebook because conservatives chldren are judged harsher and those that aspire to shoot their tv would be in a world of hurt if they had to use a knife……I think that sums it up! Try to use Palin speak. It ain’t easy.

  35. TX SMR says:

    I liked a comment that I read at another blog that suggested the use of Palin (trademark sign?) as a unit measurement of stupidity. Example: Beck is 7 Palins, Hannity is about 6 Palins, O’Reilly (who probably isn’t stupid, just a really big jerk) is about 3 Palins, and the SP herself is 10 Palins.

    Or the scale could be 0-100.

    How about it?

  36. Barbra says:

    If she has taugh skin then I must be a tortoise shell. She blocks those who don’t agree with her. That shows me she can’t take it. Thin skined.

  37. El Jefe says:

    I actually watched it and it was horrendous.
    I leave you with a joke.

    A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She lowered her altitude and spotted a man in a boat below. She shouted to him, “Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don’t know where I am.”

    The man consulted his portable GPS and replied, “You’re in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above ground elevation of 2,346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.

    She rolled her eyes and said, “You must be an Obama Democrat.”

    “I am,” replied the man. “How did you know?”

    “Well,” answered the balloonist, “everything you told me is technically correct. But I have no idea what to do with your information, and I’m still lost. Frankly, you’ve not been much help to me.”

    The man smiled and responded, “You must be a Republican.”

    “I am,” replied the balloonist. “How did you know?”

    “Well,” said the man, “you don’t know where you are or where you are going. You’ve risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem. You’re in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but somehow, now it’s my fault.”

  38. Baker's Dozen says:

    When she and Bristol get their trademarks, she can add both of their names to the list! 🙂

  39. Irishgirl says:

    MES…you are making complete sense.

  40. Sharon says:

    Her ignorance and illiteracy are truly breathtaking.

  41. MES says:

    “We want to be able to trust those who are screaming for democracy there in Egypt, that it is a true sincere desire for freedoms . . . ”

    It is profoundly vomitous that she would imply that the brave, peaceful Egyptians who are risking EVERYTHING for their freedom might have some secret double-talk agenda. They don’t need and aren’t seeking Sarah Palin’s trust or judgment on the righteousness of their cause. They are entirely confident that they deserve the same freedom and justice that she has here and I daresay will use it for higher-order purposes than self-promotion and snarky, unenlightening criticism. They want to gain freedom to build a better nation that will respect their abilities, ensure that they have opportunities to excel and give them the ability to make political choices that reflect the will of the people, not the will of the entrenched dictatorial power structure. To suggest that they need anyone’s stamp of approval is patronizing at best and honestly bigoted. There is plenty of ink, actual and virtual, describing the brutality and lack of accountability of the current system; anyone who is up to date on their reading understands full well why the protesters are out and “trusts” that they are sincere.

    Not lecturing anyone who reads/posts here! Just responding to her senseless comment.

    • UpStateSC says:

      MES, well said. Palin’s remarks were patronizing and quite frankly, revealed her lack of diplomatic skills.

    • Her comments, what sense one can make of them, just show that she is still stuck in that mindset that the United States is responsible for all the other countries in the world and that we should try to make little United States of all of them. It’s not our choice, and she just doesn’t get it. And you are so right about her attitude towards the pro-democracy protestors. They don’t need her approval or her advice and she needs to butt out.

      • Ndjinn says:

        Maybe she is the Antichrist the neocons are always freaking over, the one who will unite the world, who is charismatic to so may.

        Don’t worry I streched before I made that leap. But “seriously” if there was goin’ ta be a Antichrist, wouldn’t it’s first job be to trick the evngelis?

    • leenie17 says:

      I wonder if she honestly believes that the families in the square over the past week were actually radical Muslim terrorist plants. I’ve seen parents interviewed on the news who said they felt it was important to bring their children to witness this life-changing moment in history. They want their children to have the freedom and opportunities they never did. And she dares to question their motives???

      She is just completely clueless about everything. She’s even allowed herself to be shown as a total sham on those things she claims to have expertise with (like hunting, fishing and energy). It’s time for her to go back to her little compound in Wasilla, close and lock the doors and stay there, counting her millions and leaving the rest of the world alone.

    • jojobo1 says:

      Should drop palin down in the middle of them since she claims to be such a good journalist.Those people would surely put her in her place.

  42. CRFlats says:

    I’m dumbfounded that Kristol made so much sense. And I don’t trust it. But maybe, just maybe, the bloom is off the rose, and the conservatives will begin to take back their party. I’m of two minds when it comes to the GOP; my rational mind thinks it best for the country & for the GOP to quit aiding and abetting the theocratic wing nuts of their party. My more base instincts are “let them implode”, it’s their own damn fault.

    And for me it comes down to this: I can no longer trust the Party system. The middle class of this country are being systematically destroyed by both parties and the more we fuss and muss about distractions like SP, the less we concern ourselves about the real politics that run this country: MONEY.

    The plutocracy (and it’s family of friends; fascism, & theocracy), is winning. Let’s stay focused. Hard to do, I admit, when the wing-nuts keep serving up such morsels.

    • Amyloo says:

      I trust him a little. I think he sees himself as the inheritor of William Buckley. Notice the Bircher reference.

  43. SouthPaw says:

    I can just hear the “Mission Impossible” theme song playing in the background…

  44. johnny says:

    This interview with Brody reminds me so much of the Katie Couric series. Because she was quoted in full, and it is simply gibberish, free association, they mention a topic and her mouth just pours it out until it’s time to inhale, blurting out fragments of thoughts and snotty remarks. I noticed especially this time, with ADN, AP, FOX, many other sources they cherry picked the few words that seemed like English, and re-phrased them in the articles to come up with summaries so she didn’t sound insane. They should just stick with the original sound track, and there would never again be talk of her being president.

  45. Lori says:

    I ask, for the millionth time, how did that woman ever get out of college at all, much less with a degree in Journalism? She simply cannot speak a coherent sentence. Can. Not.

    Dubya’s lack of oratorial skills was merely humorous (“Families can’t put food on their children!”) but Sarah’s is absolutely mind-boggling. It sounds like dialog straight out of a Coen brothers film, dontcha know?

    • Denton H says:

      Lori, it’s because her tuition (and room & board, if applicable) was probably paid in full by the time graduation rolled around. A college education is increasingly viewed as merely a commodity: if you can pay for it, you “earn” the degree. Never mind if you can’t prove that you learned anything. As long as there is a zero balance, the college/university is going to award you your degree.

  46. mag the mick says:

    CNN just covered this. Of the 339 comments made, only 2 supported her. Maybe all this coverage is having an affect – it seems that most of the country now knows what an idiot she is.

    • Irishgirl says:


    • dreamgirl says:

      About time. Jayus! What’s-a-matta those peeps?!

    • Amyloo says:

      Most of the reporting I’ve seen on the Reagan appearance and the CNN interview has been completely straight, even on the major political blogs, just quoting what she said without opinion, and the comments are scathing initially. Then, predictably, if you look at the timestamps, Palin supporters drift in two hours later to try to balance.

  47. vyccan says:

    Below is a piece from another article that sheds a little light behind the scenes of Washington’s behaviour re Egypt. For those who want to read the entire article it’s to be found here:
    First and foremost, The United States—in concert increasingly with other governments—is seeking an immediate transition to democratic pluralism and procedures that, simultaneously, will prevent the Muslim Brotherhood from overwhelming or co-opting the process to become the dominant political force in Egypt’s post-Mubarak future.

    To accomplish this, President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, while sympathetic to the desire of Egyptian democratic forces that want Mubarak step down immediately, in fact have been working toward a solution that would permit him to stay for a brief period as a powerless, defacto head of state. He would remain as such until new mechanisms, and perhaps a new Egyptian constitution, are in place for a stable transition that would also prevent authoritarian and corrupt Mubarak apparatchiks from controlling the process of succession.

    This is particularly true in terms of the speaker of the Egyptian parliament, Fathi Surur, who has been speaker of the People’s Assembly since 1990, described by someone familiar with his record as “a corrupt, venal man,” who under the existing constitution would become president of the country if Mubarak should abruptly resign or be removed from office.

    Thus, Obama and Clinton, with help from other world leaders, including figures in the Arab world, have been trying to achieve a consensus among prominent Egyptian politicians, academics, bankers, cultural leaders, and representatives of the fledging democracy movement personified by young people in Tahrir Square, that Mubarak should be effectively stripped of his power and convinced to cede his presidential powers while briefly retaining the title of president. Ideally under ths scenario, Mubarak would leave the presidential palace in the next few days, but retain the presidency as a means of keeping it from passing—under the existing constitution—to the Parliamentary speaker, Surur. State Department officials and anti-Mubarak forces in Egypt consider Surur inimical to the interests of both the United States and advocates of democracy in Egypt, as well as other Arab leaders who fear that further chaos there could feed radical Islamic influence in their own countries.

    • leenie17 says:

      Wow…imagine that. A President who gets all the current information, confers with experts, discusses options with other world leaders and comes up with a sensible, sane solution to an extremely difficult problem. A solution which, incidentally, helps protect the interests of the United States while also protecting the safety and potential future of the Egyptian people. Meanwhile he says as little as possible in news interviews so that he doesn’t play his hand too soon or reveal important diplomatic secrets.

      And THAT’S how an intelligent, thoughtful President shapes foreign policy.

      There is a reason much of international diplomacy happens in secret and Palin would know that if she had REALLY read ‘any of those, all of those’ materials put before her all these many years. Her ignorance and her lack of intelligence is truly astounding.

    • jojobo1 says:

      Kind of shows that palin doesn’t check things out before she inserts foot in mouth.

  48. boodog says:

    No AKM! You didn’t just give us a visual of SP jumping out of a cake! 🙁

  49. johnny says:

    Mubarack is “gone, one way or another”? What, she thinks he’ll be assassinated and she’s OK with that?

  50. johnny says:

    So in practically one (long, albeit) breath she insinuates that the President is not of sound mind; that the protesters may not really be working for democracy; and that basically the battle in America is between
    a) common sense conservatives
    b) the rest of America that is opposed to “individualism”, “god-given liberty”, “opportunity to work hard”, and to have “work ethics” and “our own merits”.

    And sure, she doesn’t care at all what they say, nope, doesn’t pay any attention at all.

  51. vyccan says:

    Here is a sensible read about the administration’s response re Egypt. Mr. Levy was apparently paying some attention to the position taken by the President.

    What do you guys think?

    • jojobo1 says:

      I thought it was a very good article and spread it around via twitter and face book

  52. Thanks, Shannyn. I knew we couldn’t go a month without takking about SWWNBN. If the whole trademark thing wasn’t enough, wh had to give her opinion on Egypt. I wonder if she really knows where it is. Great article, even though it is very disturbing to even think that she and her buddy could have been the ones responding to Egypt. Ew, what a nightmare – and I’m not even asleep.

  53. SouthPaw says:

    During a recent password audit in Alaska , it was found that $arah Palin was using the following password:


    When asked why she had such a long password, she said she was told that it had to be at least
    8 characters long and include at least one capital.

  54. lovemydogs says:

    Sarah honey, bless your poor missing brain…put your feckin’ mouth in neutral for once. You are no longer neccessary, useful nor relevant as an attack dog. You are not privy to the information in the White House because you did not earn the job. In fact, I hate to break it to you but, it was never the job that you were foolishly picked for. And it never will be. When you don’t have the necessary information to comment, the best thing to say is “No comment” and then let the big boys and girls decide when to speak. You are not to be trusted and no one really cares what your uninformed opinion is (except your flying monkeys, and it doesn’t really matter to them either). You would gain more respect if you could admit what you don’t know and just keep your injected lips zipped. You and your freak buddies at Faux are dangerous. Please leave the room now.

  55. OMG says:

    The is an exceptional and brief take on Reagan vs Palin:

  56. Bryan C. says:

    $i$ter $arah $pudnut – CAN’T FIX STUPID

    • Irishgirl says:

      Just read what you posted about Kristol, I skimmed over it the first time and all I can say is OMG.

      • Irishgirl says:

        He has got it right for once.

      • ValleyIndependent says:

        Isn’t it telling that the left can agree with the right when they’re right, and the right can’t agree with the left, even when they’re right? I may disagree with some on the far right, but many are educated, logical people, and it is good to see that Palin’s lack of substance is beginning to wear thin with them.

  57. jimzmum says:

    Shannyn, thank you. I must also tell you how much I enjoy reading the tags. “Post Traumatic Punctuation Disorder”? Perfect!

  58. Irishgirl says:

    I just posted this on the forum.

    It is the last comment on the thread.,9346.msg126786.html#msg126786

  59. Denton H says:

    I actually hope that she continues with these unscripted “interviews” – as someone who grew up in the middle of her natural “base” (i.e., conservative, evangelical “Christians”) I can’t believe how quickly she has alienated so many of them. She knows how to include all of their code words, but many of them are no longer buying it. She is a fraud of monumental proportions.

    • Eykis says:


      Agreed. At the suggestion from a MMFA poster, I travelled over to Brody’s blog on CBN and lo’ and behold, the Snowbilly Grifter is LOSING fans of the American Evangeliban. They are suggesting she offers no solutions and no answers, only hate and division – not at all Xtian. Imagine, Snowbilly Grifter not caring what others say – she is losing the base.


    • ValleyIndependent says:

      Me, too. The more the truth comes out, the better off we are. She is totally clueless about world history, geography, other cultures, and news in the rest of the world, which leaves her absolutely no context to put the current events in Egypt in. Her complete lack of understanding of the events leading up to what is happening now comes through loud and clear in her comments, and makes me ever so grateful that she is no where near the White House. This is hardly the 3am call, but even so, I’m glad there is an adult on the other end of the phone, and not the poorly educated quitter queen.

  60. OMG says:

    Thank goodness I didn’t have to listen to her…reading the transcript made my eyes cross.

  61. Cassie Jeep says:

    My head hurts when I hear her but it positively SPINS when I read her!

  62. tewise says:
