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Friday, January 28, 2022

Sister Sarah Ain't No Moses

By Shannyn Moore While preparing to jump out of a cake for Ronald Reagan’s 100th birthday, Sarah Palin found time to serve up a fresh batch of Word Salad. My condolences to the transcriber who probably has a giant case of Post Traumatic Punctuation Disorder. The topic? Egypt, Reagan and 1 Timothy. Palin was asked about Egypt on the “Brody Files“: Sarah Palin: “Remember, President Reagan lived that mantra trust but verify. We want to be able to trust those who are screaming for democracy there in Egypt, that it is a true sincere desire for freedoms and the challenge…

Glen Beck Death Watch

  The Glenn Beck Deathwatch has officially begun, and you, the American people are the Death Panel.  After calling Barack Obama a “racist,”  who has a “deep seated hatred of white people,” advertisers have been dropping him like yesterday’s rubbish.  The total is now up to 36 companies who’d rather pretend not to know him. All that elicited the following painful monologue. Well, I’m a recovering alcoholic.  I’ve lost everything already one time in my life, but I learned something.  I am better and stronger for it.  I didn’t need a bailout to get back on my feet.  I just needed…