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February 16, 2025


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Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Health Care Advice from a Quitter With No Qualifications.

The sock puppet strikes again. Twice in 24 hours someone calling themselves “Sarah Palin” has written a statement on her Facebook page. I’m pleased that the White House is finally responding to Republican health care ideas instead of pretending they don’t exist.[1] But in doing so President Obama should follow his own sound advice and avoid making “wild misrepresentations”.[2] Medicare vouchers would give everyone on Medicare the chance to decide for themselves which health plan to use, rather than leave that decision to government bureaucrats. Such proposals are the kind of health care reform that Republicans stand for: market-oriented, patient-centered,…

Odds and Ends – Cabbage, Landfill, Venom and Mud.

Pass the Slaw! Those long summer days always make the giant vegetable exhibit at the Alaska State Fair interesting.  This year was even more exciting than usual…if you consider staring at giant vegetables exciting. A world record green cabbage tipped the scales at 125.9 pounds, with a 21-inch diameter head, and a leaf span of about 5 feet. In the shadow of the giant cabbage was another world record breaker, an 82.9 pound rutabega. Dump da Dump Dump… The City of Emmonak is about to receive a $3.2 million loan and a $1.4 million grant from stimulus money to construct…

Glen Beck Death Watch

  The Glenn Beck Deathwatch has officially begun, and you, the American people are the Death Panel.  After calling Barack Obama a “racist,”  who has a “deep seated hatred of white people,” advertisers have been dropping him like yesterday’s rubbish.  The total is now up to 36 companies who’d rather pretend not to know him. All that elicited the following painful monologue. Well, I’m a recovering alcoholic.  I’ve lost everything already one time in my life, but I learned something.  I am better and stronger for it.  I didn’t need a bailout to get back on my feet.  I just needed…