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Glen Beck Death Watch


The Glenn Beck Deathwatch has officially begun, and you, the American people are the Death Panel.  After calling Barack Obama a “racist,”  who has a “deep seated hatred of white people,” advertisers have been dropping him like yesterday’s rubbish.  The total is now up to 36 companies who’d rather pretend not to know him.

All that elicited the following painful monologue.

Well, I’m a recovering alcoholic.  I’ve lost everything already one time in my life, but I learned something.  I am better and stronger for it.  I didn’t need a bailout to get back on my feet.  I just needed to rediscover my values and my principles.  I have told my audience for years, after I sobered up , I admitted I was a DIRT BAG… Man, I was a DIRT bag!  I have tried (choking back faux tears) my hardest not to be a dirtbag any more…  People make mistakes, but you know what?  They can take my job.  They can take my wealth.  That’s OK.  Because I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor, but I was only miserable when I was lying to myself or to others.  And also because some of the principles that I rediscovered and applied to my life are the founding principles of this country.    I know that even if the powers to be [sic] right now succeed in making me poor, drum me out…. I’m just a worthless LOSER, which I’m just about that much (fingers measure an inch) above that right now, I will only be stronger for it!  I will use American ingenuity and MY ingenuity to pull myself up, and I will find another way to get this message out on a platform that will be a THOUSAND times more powerful!  Because of my faith, I know how this story ends.  The truth shall set you free!  America, prepare to witness mighty and powerful miracles in your lifetime.

As Monty Python’s John Cleese would say, “What an eccentric performance!”

Not sure what mighty and powerful miracles he’s looking forward to, or what outlet is “a thousand times more powerful” than Fox News… but until he parts the Red Sea and gets his own show on Galactic Central TV, it makes for a minute and twenty nine seconds of good theatre.  And by “good theatre” I mean really painful overacting and neurotic drama that you watch anyway because it’s so bad it’s entertaining.

Will Sarah Palin’s plea on her Facebook page to support Glenn Beck make a difference?  (Shaking Magic 8 Ball and reading)   “Don’t Count on It.”    Start your stop watches.

Did he say ….WAS, a dirtbag?



158 Responses to “Glen Beck Death Watch”
  1. lazarhat says:

    … I still say provide a link, don’t embed their streams, even the youtube ones, that way when people load up your page but have seen it before elsewhere they aren’t having to load a whole video every time your page loads. Those count as hits for them and just keep us all from throttling the source. I’m just sayin’ and am probably just as guilty when it comes to coverage of the special brand of crazysauce ‘Cryey Cryington’ brings to the infotainment table. But I try to stop embeding the evil in my own blog, mostly links instead, letting people have the choice to visit it if they so choose. Your mileage may vary.


  2. karen in OR says:

    MadCity Chick Says:
    August 28th, 2009 at 11:05 AM
    Another way we can change the tone and demand change………….we need the Fairness Doctrine reinstated so newspapers, radio and tv cannot dominate the news we receieve. Rupert owns it all – he also own Myspace – tv, radio, newspapers, etc.


    I really tried to follow the links so that I could sign this petition, which I think is a no-brainer as far as importance. However, I could NOT get to the proper link. Madcity Chick, do you think you could give me a few clues as to how to navigate myself there. Probably right in front of me, but can’t see it. thanks.

  3. Star says:

    Yep~ old glenn acts like hes losing his marbles ..I used to watch him on cnn, he wasn’t this rattled ..Then he goes o faux noise and he’s a a mental case..$arah and Beck make a great team..LMAO what a cluster..

  4. karen marie says:

    While reading AKM’s post about Netroots, I clicked the link she provided to Shannyn’s blog and went on to read her most recent post about health care. You people should read it, if you have not already, and read the comments.

    This nonsense has really got to stop. Universal health care for all is the only acceptable end result.

  5. nswfm CA says:

    #136 CougInPortland Says:
    August 28th, 2009 at 9:59 AM

    Funny comment seen on Beck’s website:

    “And your dog is out to get you too, Glen. I’d keep my eye on Fido. He might be raising a dog army to team up with cats.”
    Sorry, the cat is raising the army. “Dogs have Masters, Cats have Support Staff”
    Shadow’s Heart, I’m awarding you the Noble Prize. (Because my cats said I could.)

  6. InJuneau says:

    Alaskan Sisu–ooo, we’d have to have a party if she comes (there ARE lots of us here, you know!).

  7. debinOH says:

    lily, I agree he was acting very strange, but he did mention covering that 9-12 thing in DC so how could he show it if he still wasn’t on TV? Maybe he is going to go to a religious network? I don’t know but how Fox can consider themselves fair and balanced is beyond my comprehension.

  8. Alaskan Sisu says:

    Bubbles – thank you for the suprise phone call!! Alaska wants Bubbles to visit – I’m workin’ on that ticket sister(start thinking Alaska or bust!)

    You made my day, my week, holy cow! Ye rocked me’ soul matey!

  9. lilyf says:

    and one more thing…it definitely sounded as if something had happened to change Glenn Beck’s status; either a job or something in his life had changed. That could just be his histrionics and drama queenedness, though.

  10. AC says:

    Once a dirt bag and a liar, always a dirt bag and a liar.

  11. lilyf says:

    Hi again Deb…Yes, I find it hard not to get scared when I sit and listen to them for a while (which isn’t often because it’s so tough to watch especially Glenn Beck; he is so godawful ugly and his face is so puffy it looks like he might burst) The things being said are freakish and outlandish, and then with regards to the whole network there is such a complacency about it. EVERY time I make myself watch Fox they get in a few sentences where they bash Obama no matter who is speaking or what the subject is.

    I guess one theory is that they can just let them run their course, airing out their grievances and then time will pass and people will look back on this and have more objectivity. On the other hand, there are a lot of people struggling because of the economy and wishing for someone to blame for everything. It seems to me they have been working on the whole “Obama is a socialist who will take away your freedoms” for a year now with the introduction of their baby Sarah Palin. My elderly parents both swear that is true, and I try not to talk to them much anymore. I just give up. Honestly.

  12. debinOH says:

    lily, OMG I am so glad someone else saw this. I just can’t take any of this in either. I have been researching his 9-12ers & honest to god I swear they just can’t wait for a war. What is wrong with Fox News?

    I completely agree with freedom of speech however when a “news” station gives GB a forum to incite violence it is just unconscionable . Glenn is doing everything he can to get himself banned from TV. Honest to god, I think he wants to be a martyr and maybe this has been his intention from the get go.

    If you have ever perused his 9-12 site you will noticed that in the last month he removed the vent section. I wish I would have saved a lot of the comments there. I don’t think we need to be afraid of other countries harming us it will be from the inside.

    The worst thing is how does the gov. stop these nuts? They are really gaining strength & they will just be worse if the gov. does anything. Never thought I would be so scared to live in this country. My boys both have passports and I am afraid they will have to leave the country. Sounds like I put a tin foil hat on doesn’t it?

  13. lilyf says:

    I watched the last fifteen also. The psychiatrist is Dr. Keith Ablow, a (formerly) very respected psychiatrist. I just couldn’t believe my ears. Unbelievable. I could almost not even take it in–it was just random that I was switching through the channels. I have read books by that psychiatrist that were excellent, but honestly I think I need to think about this for a while.

  14. debinOH says:

    For anyone who is still reading this. Please watch the last 15 min of Beck’s show today. I got home early & couldn’t resist watching it. He had a psych on and I swear to you that the psych says something to the effect of it being okay if he says Obama is a Marxist.

    At the end of the show he has a video that one of his 9-12ers sent in & all it was was war times photos ending with his crazy snake flag thing saying UNITE OR DIE.

    They are all meeting up in DC on 9-12. I think we need to start paying way more attention to him than Sarah. While we have been laughing over her stupidity this guy has formed a group of nuts. Now with Sarah’s help we are in big trouble.

    How in god’s name did our country get to a place where you could call the president of the US a Marxist and all the list of other names? It is one thing to question what people are doing but this is just insane.

  15. zyggy says:

    Sounds like he’s singing his “Death Song” =)

  16. bubbles says:

    ****alaskan sisu***** glenn beck is an eejit. i will call you in an hour or two. we can talk about what to do about him and others who annoy us [smile]

  17. MadCity Chick says:

    Murdoch is currently married to a liberal. I’m an avid Vanity Fair reader and read this on his dynasty back in 08. Go to Vanity Fair’s site and do a search on his name. They have umpteen articles on him. VF is one of the best investigative magazines IMHO.

    Might want to do a search on Bear Sterns and see what and how this whole financial mess started to unravel. I’ll say this much…………….it was never their fault. They were attacked and brought down within days due to what else……………….a false news report. Once CNBC started running with that false report Bear Sterns couldn’t control the freefall. Turns out it was their competition that started the rumor, runined their stock price literally within a few short hours, then of course ‘came to their rescue’. Absolutely disgusting what takes place in the business world.

  18. MadCity Chick says:

    Another way we can change the tone and demand change………….we need the Fairness Doctrine reinstated so newspapers, radio and tv cannot dominate the news we receieve. Rupert owns it all – he also own Myspace – tv, radio, newspapers, etc.

    Link to a politico piece on Sen. Harkin wanting the fairness doctrine reinstated. That article links to a NY times article so make sure to follow the links in the article. We can get on Congress to reinstate.

  19. Shadow's Heart says:

    @mommom – Thank you mommom for your kind words. Can I put PHD on my resume now. : )

    @aussiegal77 – I do indeed know I walk in God’s love as well as the love that my parents had for me. My mom died 5 months after I was born from cancer so I know in essence she died so I might live, my father died when I was 5 and spent the last years of his life trying to rescue me from an abusive foster home. I am always reminded of the poem “Footprints in the Sand” where it said that when we see only one set of footprints that was when God carried us. At the most desperate times in my life someone or something has always come along to help ease my load or take my life in a new direction. I believe it was God and my parents that were always there watching over me. I’ve always believed that religion is what we live it’s not found in a building or in a book but we find it within ourselves and that what we put out in the world is what we get back.

    @bubbles – Thank You!!! I always look forward to your posts. You’re a hoot. But even if Glen Beck walked a mile in my shoes he’d never learn from the experiences. It has something to do with the Republican mentality, when they should feel blessed they feel entitled, when the slightest thing goes wrong they seethe with anger and when they fail or make a mistake it’s never their fault. Just look how he’s now playing the victim. Shaking head!!

  20. Alaskan Sisu says:

    Sry for the sort of double post – my first one didn’t show up for a while….

  21. Alaskan Sisu says:

    I wondered who would come down with the Palin Syndrome and “step in it” next and it appears to be none other than the Beckster. Doesn’t Fox News know that Farty Pants is a crap magnet and she will bring anything or anyone down that gets too close to her.

    ***Poooof! See Palin work her divisive magic. Knowing her though, she set the Beckster up! Whosenext?

  22. Alaskan Sisu says:

    Americans greatest Liars using religion and anger to form their very own Third Pity Party. Perhaps Beck will be Palin’s new party leader. He certainly has the “party” credentials for that neighborhood.

    Hurricane Quittypants will be the Fox News kiss of death(*Pooooof!) …it just comes with her territory…call it bad luck and bad judgement or plain stupidity, it’s just a matter of time before her next follower steps in it.

    Also, too, I hope she continues with her dumb blonde act for the Federal Government.

    I better go burn some incense….


    a past Palin-hostage from the State of Alaska

  23. The Right Reverend says:

    Glenn, you’re another kind of bag.

    Unrepentant criminals have been known to cry when they take that walk down the Green Mile…

    Everyone, please go to this Facebook groups page and check it out
    “Remove The Glenn Beck Show from the Armed Forces Network”

    From another great blogger and soldier, Harold’s Left

    Let’s finish this traitor… before he and Dick Armey get other traitors together to “do something” on 9/12.

  24. CougInPortland says:

    Funny comment seen on Beck’s website:

    “And your dog is out to get you too, Glen. I’d keep my eye on Fido. He might be raising a dog army to team up with cats.”

  25. bubbles says:

    ********shadows heart******you are very much loved. i look for you every day. if glenn beck tried to walk a day in your shoes perhaps he would have become human instead of what he is…bub

  26. Sher says:

    pearl89 Says:
    Is he planning on becoming a televangelist? Is he applying for God’s job? Will he build a megachurch in Texas?
    Please, don’t even give him that idea. We have enough scary people here in Texas!

    BigSlick Says:
    First Beck, then Rush.
    I’m with you! Scarah, too, if she gets a job on Fox.

  27. UK Lady says:

    I just put this on open thread, then realised it wa better here

    OK peeps, this is really, really funny!

    Glenn Becks EPIC FAIL, we are having a scream on this thread, read the comments too. I am AnnetteK over there

  28. aussiegal77 says:

    Shadow Heart – I hope you continue to find yourself. And as a Christian, I just want to tell you that God loves you.

    I agree – “regligion” and “God” are a drug to the likes of Glenn Beck. If you read the Bible and understand even 1/10th of its message – you will see that the faux humility exuded by Glenn Beck, Palin, Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity, O’Reilly have no place in the heart of a true believer. If your “faith” leads you to demonize those who disagree with you, leads you to lie, distort and perverse the truth in order to bring down a person you hate – then your faith is worthless.

  29. KVC says:

    Please don’t paint all recovering alcoholics with the same brush as Glenn Beck. Most alcoholics (myself included) have done some shameful things while drinking. Anyone who has done 12-step work knows that taking responsibility for one’s actions is key. GB seems incapable. Another key aspect to recovery is to admit when you are wrong. Not a namby-pamby “apology”, a real honest-to-goodness man-up apology. I am embarrassed for Glenn, and his sponsor, if he has one. Glenn, I also want to remind you not to take anyone’s inventory but your own. Your Obama is a racist comment is a prime example. Please just go to an AA meeting already.

  30. aussiegal77 says:

    Glenn….you’re not a dirt bag. You’re a nut bag. With an inferiority complex.

    I think every time Glenn Becks faux cries on telly – we should all drink a shot!

  31. mattie says:

    He’s still a dirt bag in my book.

  32. anadventurer says:

    Just casue your in a room with smart people (who don’t like you) that does not make you smart. example: “I will use American ingenuity and MY ingenuity to pull myself up” – Glen Beck, American Wacko

  33. mommom says:


    You have a PHD in life!!!

    That is one of the most illuminating statements I have ever heard.Thank you for sharing,I wish others could learn what you have expressed.

  34. maxcat07 says:

    I’ll have to paraphrase Keith Olbermann here, because I don’t remember his exact words, but he said that the problem with Beck’s martyrdom is that there’s no one around to put in the final nail.

  35. Ladybirddeb says:

    “…trying really hard not to be a dirtbag anymore.” Wow. Clearly Beck has learned a lot at Church. I think to myself “What would Jesus do in this situation?” Laugh, cry or just change the damn channel?

  36. CC says:

    Typical angry conservative rant:

    Amurikah…bootstraps…bootstraps…no bailout…faith…wah wah…bootstraps.

  37. Lemon722 says:

    Some great ideas and comments and had a thought on a slightly different target to contact. One reason Faux has higher viewership is the sad fact they charge the cable and satelitte companies much less than CNN and MSNBC so they qualify for the lowest programming tier available. I know with Dish and Direct MSNBC isn’t available unless you pick a middle or more expensive programming package – that’s a big part of the higher viewership. I’m going to be contacting Direct thanking them for pulling their advertisement from Beck but to also raise their price for carrying Fox on their system — or to put MSNBC along with CNN and Faux all on the same basic availability. I don’t know if MSNBC costs more or just came along at a later date but it says a lot to know that MSNBC does as well as it does since it is not as available.

  38. Shadow's Heart says:

    I’ve stated here before that I grew up in foster care. When I was eighteen I went to the state office and had my social worker read to me from my file (you can’t actually read it yourself), my reasoning was because my childhood was as fast and furious as it was abusive that I wanted to try and sort out what actually took place as opposed to any fantasy that my mind might have concocted while growing up amid the chaos. At the end my social worker found it astounding that with all I had went through that I wasn’t a drug addict or an alcoholic and went so far as to offer to send me to therapy (too little too late) : ). I told her I had found out a long time ago you can’t run away from who you are. The line from “Kicks” by Paul Revere and the Raiders had always stuck in my mind “See no matter what you do you’ll never run away from you and if you keep on running you’ll have to pay the price”. I guess my point is you can’t take one addiction and replace it with another. After all you wouldn’t take a knife from a baby and replace it with a gun. People like Glen Beck made religion their new drug of choice that’s all. I have spent many years trying to help me understand “me”, I’m not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but as Dr. Wayne Dyer says “True nobility is not being better then someone else, it’s being better then you use to be.” Just my two cents.

  39. Basheert says:

    From Media Matters, here is the list of those still advertising on Glenn Beck’s “hate” show – I’ve called and emailed 1-800-petmeds and also the Dannon Company. Will provide any followup if I receive it:

    Media Matters for America has compiled a list of companies that did run ads on Glenn Beck this evening (August 27) in the order they appeared:

    * National Republican Trust PAC —

    * EasyWater

    * Rosland Capital

    * 1-800-PetMeds

    * Bank of America

    * Wall Street Journal

    * Lear Capital

    * Liberty Medical

    * Our Country Deserves Better PAC —

    * Pulaski & Middleman

    * Merit Financial

    * The Dannon Company, Inc. (Activia)

    * Goldline International Inc.

    * Sandals

    * Ad Council

    * Fox Fantasy Football

    * Binder & Binder

  40. karen in OR says:

    I’m a little skeerd.

    I’m a little ‘fraid to look to the skies for the next few weeks. I envision some sort of huge hologram thing of Palin and Beck hollerin’ down at all us minions.

  41. clydedog says:

    Couple of thoughts.

    They can’t get rid of him because they would have to get rid of all the others. They all spew the same lies and hate. Thanks for the link to circlefux on becks new “Obama’s private army” fantasy. A review of the comments found some common words, all regurgitated talking points, everything to them is shredding the constitution. I left a comment that they should get a new information source because they look silly to 90% of Americans.

    Just because people sign up for a facebook or whatever doesnt mean they are all peeers, how many are just gathering info or use it as a source of amusement.

  42. Candy Knight says:

    Another logic-impaired christianist, simultaneously convinced that God is in his corner and will smite his enemies, and that he’s being martyred.

  43. NYCgirl says:

    To my friends in recovery. AA’s Chapter 5….with a spin..THOUGHLY have we seen a person fail who has RARELY followed our path. This guy is not sober and I don’t think he is sane either.

  44. Bystander says:

    Oh my gosh, I agree with Glenn- that he is a dirt bag and a worthless loser.

  45. CC says:

    Typical angry conservative rant:

    Amurikah…bootstraps…bootstraps…no bailout…faith…wah wah…bootstraps.

  46. lynnrockets says:


  47. kareninTexas says:

    Scarah and Glenn are both unhinged. I hope they get put away for a loooonnnnggg time! They contribute nothing but hate and confusion in this country; we can do without all that crap.

  48. libby says:

    Me thinks the guy is coming unglued…yikes.

  49. debinOH says:

    Wouldn’t Glenn have a contract with Faux (Not)News? I would personally be surprised if he lost his show now. If I was his wife I would make sure that he was hospitalized for a while. He is just getting nuttier & nuttier by the day.

    As far as Sarah taking his place, he maybe nuts but he at least knows more than Sarah. How could she have a discussion with people when she knows almost nothing. She could maybe do a 5 min commentary on a subject (that was written for her) but she could never answer questions, etc. Could you imagine her interviewing intelligent people? The only people she could interview would be people just like her.

    God I wish that someone would do a REAL interview with her & hold her to the questions they asked. No, never mind I wish that we would never see her again.

  50. sdragon says:

    I just now read thru the comments. OMG bearsense #44, I fart in your general direction just about put me on the floor. Thanks for the great big belly laugh!! You pups & your humor, please don’t ever stop. More people need a sense of humor. Beck is beyond disgusting & whoa, talk about paranoid!

  51. johnie2xs says:

    I am so monumentally tired of these snide, and racist, innuendos slid into the political discourse by these people with no workable solutions, or ideas, for any of the ills that plague this country, just trash talk. The only thing worse than these people, are the people who vote for them and the never ending fight to get the news media to do the job they’re supposed to be doing instead of bowing to their corporate masters. I am just so sick and tired of the never ending drum beat of these mental midgets on the FOX Network, especially, commanding the airwaves and irresponsibly hurting the country with their never ending vitriolic garbage. There has to be a way of balancing their lies with a comparable effort

  52. Diane says:

    The preacher man is steve anderson.
    Jesus General website, has been following this evil man and his family for a while. His wife has a blog and she is about as crazy as he is. They have tormented former members of their “church”(The IRS really needs to look at this church too) and even the12 year old girl of the same family.
    They are warping the minds of their sons and other children by teaching hate, hate of Obama, faggots etc. anyone that does not believe what pastor steve says they have to believe to be saved.
    It amazes me that these warped minds believe that you have to hate to love God.
    It makes me ill to read and watch videos of this man.

    Sarah did not surprise her faithful followers last night and work for Alaskan’s by showing up at church did she?

  53. 264 crayons says:

    i think he meant douche bag….however he still IS one…there’s no WAS about it!

  54. Karen says:

    “Not sure what mighty and powerful miracles he’s looking forward to, or what outlet is “a thousand times more powerful” than Fox News…”

    Maybe it’s the Lily-White Wacko Jesus Channel! Sending subliminal, right-wing evangelical messages into your brain 24/7!

    And BTW, Beck should seriously consider the fact that maybe he has evolved slightly and now qualifies as a “Dirtbag Loser”.

  55. phoebe says:

    Oh, & by the way Glen, thanks for sharing. Anything else?? Some people will go to any length to make a buck. I have to confess I did not listen to the video. I just can’t.

  56. phoebe says:

    Well, I couldn’t have said it better myself……what a worthless dirtbag. Ugh, just ugh.

  57. Marnie says:

    If I were the FBI I would be looking reeeealy closely at this ego maniac. He sounds just like the guys that kill a bunch people just to get on the news, or get an ultimate power trip.

    Unfortunately, if he does act out,probably some of his “fans” may follow his lead.

  58. Helen says:

    It’s amazing how he manages to make out that he’s a victim, isn’t it? As if he’s in this situation because of someone else’s actions, not his own.

  59. tigerwine says:

    HA HA HA! News Corpse has listed the sponsors remaining on Beck’s show, with appropriate descriptions of each!

    •Extenze penis-enhancing pills – To make sure that blood isn’t flowing into his viewers brains.
    •Inogen One portable oxygen concentrator – To make sure they stay conscious while being disinformed.
    •Brez anti-snoring nose inserts – In the event his viewers pass out, like his guests do.
    •Egg Genie microwave egg cooker – So they have something to suck on.
    •The Jewelry Exchange – Because watching Fox Business Network has left them destitute.
    •SmartForLife diet cookies – Just look at what they’ve done for Rush Limbaugh.
    •The Mesothelioma Hotline – Those right-wingers are all over tort reform.
    •Jupiter Jack phone device – Note to Beck viewers: No, this does not let you call Jupiter.
    •Rosetta Stone language training – To learn to bash immigrants in their native tongue.
    •The Speed Channel – What Beck’s viewers watch when they can’t get the Meth Channel.
    •Oreck vacuum cleaners – Apply to frontal cortex and set to maximum.
    • credit report service – This is the scam that Ben Stein was peddling.

  60. Helen says:

    He just wants to be a preacher…The Young Turks played a tape of a really racist homophobe hateful preacher who also said he wanted to see murder – he named a name. This was recorded and released on the air yesterday, I was really disturbed by it. Does anyone watch TYT, anyone else hear that?

  61. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    92 mlaiuppa Says:
    August 27th, 2009 at 11:05 PM
    He can apply to Orly Taitz to be Palin’s press secretary for the 2012 campaign.
    And here I thought ‘The Perfect Storm’ was about weather …. 😉

  62. lovemydogs says:

    I think Beck’s disease is progressing quite nicely. It reminds me of the movie “You Kill Me” where the alcoholic hit man decides to make amends to the people and families of people that he killed. Not because he is sorry that he killed them, but for botching the jobs (i.e. needed 3 bullets instead of one) because he was drunk.

    I agree with Big Slick: first Beck and then Rush (and O’Reilly and all the rest).

  63. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    BigSlick Says:
    August 27th, 2009 at 11:29 PM
    The companies that boycott Beck should be rewarded with a reverse boycott.
    You’re absolutely right. Manufacturers and service providers should be made aware that their ethics are being assessed, and that those assessments will be acted upon.

    Our principles are not for sale.

  64. Bill Hess says:

    He’s obviously talking about his own upcoming, personal, roll in ushering in Armageddon and the Second Coming of Christ. I can’t say for sure if he believes what he is saying, but he figures that a sizable portion of the population will.

  65. BigSlick says:

    This should be a boycott followed by a reverse boycott.

    The companies that boycott Beck should be rewarded with a reverse boycott. We consumers should visibly and vocally use signs and other ways to get in front of the MSM to announce the reason we do business with the Patriotic 46 — that they support President Obama by boycotting Beck. And then demand boycotts of Rush….and O’Reilly….and Coulter….

    All corporate robber-barons would pay attention to that message for sure.

  66. Janet Alexander says:

    Our local YMCA had only one television in the exercise room and it was tuned 24/7 to Fox. I pointed out to the administration that the Y received public funding and they should either install another TV so we had a choice or select a station that was more neutral. Their response was to switch channels when they saw I was coming. We had several other ‘chats’ about the matter. They seemed more attentive to my request when I suggested that the newspaper and to the United Way might be interested in my problem. The channel was switched permanently. It pays to be persistent.

  67. BigSlick says:

    First Beck, then Rush.

    Just Do It.

  68. mlaiuppa says:

    Isn’t he using the wrong tense?

    Does he really think he can blubber and say a few “Hail, Jesus” es and everything can go back to the way it was and he can keep spewing filth, lies and hate?

    Yeah, I hope he gets his tuchus fired. And no one else hires him.

    He can apply to Orly Taitz to be Palin’s press secretary for the 2012 campaign.

  69. Far From Fenway Fan says:

    Sarah Palin, you are known by the company you keep (and endorse).

  70. lexky says:

    i heard some fema workers the other day talking aboutthe governments “socialized medicine” and government messing with there medicare
    im not joking either

  71. Laurie says:

    I live in the South and am faced with Faux News constantly in businesses and even public buildings.

    Recently, I wrote to my County Clerk to complain that every time (5 times over 2 years) I had been in the office the wall mounted TV was tuned to Fox news. I said in my letter that since Fox news was clearly a partisan network, I did not think it was appropriate for my local government to appear to endorse it.

    It took me several days and re-writes to get the venom out of my letter.
    I wanted to sound like a sane person with a valid complaint. I got a luke warm response back from my county clerk who promised to more strongly enforce the policy of rotating the news channels. Not much of a victory, but it was therapeutic for me.

    Since then, I have also written to my small local free newspaper to let them know I would be depositing their paper directly in the trash can from now on because the conservative opinion pieces they print are offensive and lack any basis in fact. I did take a peek at the paper this week before I tossed it in the trash and saw that they had printed a great letter from a reader responding to the same opinion piece that I had read. The letter was very detailed and included references to specific legislation to rebutt the conservative piece that had made me so mad. I have only rarely seen them print letters from readers. It made me feel a teeny bit hopeful.

    The point I am trying to make is that maybe those of us living in red states can chip away just enough to at least let people know that not everyone in the south agrees with the conservative group think.

    If I could only find a way to do it in person without steam coming out of my ears, I could take on my car repair shop and other businesses I give money to.

  72. Gramiam says:

    Has anybody else noticed that every single one of these “personalities” (and I use the term loosely) has a major issue with either an addiction, a mental disorder or both? To me this is ample proof that “normal” people don’t behave his way.

  73. Ashkee Colorado says:

    Somehow I just can’t believe that mr. beck’s recovery is going well. I think you have to actually want help to start that journey.

  74. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    just posted on Democratic Underground by Trocadero:
    “Glenn Beck having total mental breakdown right now – Obama about to use a civilian military force (conspiring with MSNBC) to imprison/attack conservative Americans, including Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin (who are on the “enemies list”).

    He pulled out an Obama action figure from a plastic bag from the NBC store as proof of the MSNBC conspiracy.


  75. BooBooBear says:

    The only thing worse than Glenn Beck in that time slot would be our very own Quitter Queen. Can you imagine????!!!!! Lord help us all

  76. SouthernMiss says:

    #65 Pat said “I don’t think Scarah will take his place, though….”
    Oh, Pat, from your lips to God’s ears.

  77. seattlefan says:

    Perfect choice!

  78. mommom says:

    If I could embed a picture it would be this one

  79. JP says:

    So Glenn Beck says:
    “I was only miserable when I was lying to myself or to others.”
    “(choking back faux tears)”

    I doesn’t take a degree in logic to work out the only conclusion that can be drawn from those two statements.

  80. pearl89 says:

    Is he planning on becoming a televangelist? Is he applying for God’s job? Will he build a megachurch in Texas? Is he going on one of those pay to hear radio channels?

    Just curious. Nothing is a 1000x more powerful than FOX News. Wonder if Rush slipped him some of his pills when guested the other night? Sure sounds like it.

  81. Lee323 says:

    @ VernD
    “S-hair-ah ball” hehehe….

  82. VernD says:

    S-hair-ah ball….
    post post edit

  83. VernD says:

    BLECK: ” That’s OK. Because I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor, but I was only miserable when I was lying to myself or to others. ”

    Oh GB, please go to a meeting.

    I have been around the tables for 21 plus years and I’ve seen and heard a lot.
    There’s a saying that goes around ……..”You can’t bu**sheet a bullSh**ter.
    Of GB’s “performance, I call BULLSH**T!

    ……..Hmmmmm I’m thinkin’ Scarah will be in GB’s slot soon. Doncha know.
    winkity wink…..GACK! cat just coughed up a S-hair ball.

  84. AlaskaDisasta says:

    or……………”The Unimportance of Being Glen Beck” also has a nice ring…..

  85. Gramiam says:

    Pat, Washington state Says:
    August 27th, 2009 at 9:03 PM
    I don’t think Scarah will take his place though. It would mean she’d have to actually show up for the job.
    That comment was “nothin’ but net”

  86. AlaskaDisasta says:

    “The Importance of Being Unearnest” – good grief – that little slug certainly thinks he’s an important little piece of flab, doesn’t he?

  87. I couldn’t stand to listen to him, so thanks for the transcription. Holy cow, he just doesn’t get it, does he? What are his qualifications again?

    I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that the queen of the quitters likes Beck, though I would think that even she would have better standards than that. Guess not.

    I don’t think Scarah will take his place though. It would mean she’d have to actually show up for the job.

  88. Bev says:

    I am all for the sponsors leaving Beck and glad so many have, but Faux News will never cancel him as they have other sponsors that will stay, bigger ones that count for more then those who have left.

    Although, those who have left are still advertising on Faux News, just not on Beck’s show, so they are losing nothing.

    Something more must be done to stop the lies…we can not stop Palin even though she quit…how do we stop Beck?

  89. knittingbull says:

    I’ve been a recovering alcoholic for 17 years and 1 month (as of today), and I can tell you Beck and Bush have a lot in common. #58 & #59 are correct. They are “dry drunks” and have no obvious interest in recovery. There is no such thing as “a former alcoholic”.
    You are either one or are a recovering one, but you will always have the disease.

  90. Janet Alexander says:

    For the FCC to allow Fox to use the public airwaves for political purposes is unconscionable. Opposing political view points can be aired without promoting hate and violence. What Fox is doing is very dangerous. How did we allow this to happen and how can we stop it?

  91. UK Lady says:

    It was 46 sponsors backed out last I heard. 10 new oes today. I put a link on the last open thread. If KO says there are 47, one more must have joined them.

    Dry drunk is right, although his nose looked suspiciously pink. Could be just from too much crying though. LOL.

    Anyone else think Rupert Murdoch may not be too thrilled to hear that there is a ‘bigger, better’ platform somewhere than the nightly show he gave him on Fox?.

  92. Gramiam says:

    For heaven’s sake, please somebody send GB a Big Book!! And bookmark Chapter 5.

  93. Rob in Ca says:

    Dry drunk. Bingo.

  94. wellfleetsurf says:

    Hearing Beck call himself a dirtbag and liar moved me profoundly.

    It moved me to throw myself back in my chair and have the best laugh all week.
    It moved me to call a friend and say, “You HAVE to see this!”
    It moved me to talk to the dog: “You’d laugh too if you could understand this.”
    It moved me thank my lucky stars (or double moons, in honor of tonight’s) that I’m a liberal.

  95. Gramiam says:

    Hey, lexky, I could have used a sister in dealing with three younger brothers!!
    overthemoon Says:
    August 27th, 2009 at 8:37 PM

    My husband is a recovering alcoholic. He hasn’t seen this, but I’m guessing he would say that Beck didn’t really learn the lessons, one of which is you just ain’t the center of the universe.
    Based on my experience with living with an alcoholic, I’d say the “dry drunk” rant comment was right on the money!!

  96. overthemoon says:

    My husband is a recovering alcoholic. He hasn’t seen this, but I’m guessing he would say that Beck didn’t really learn the lessons, one of which is you just ain’t the center of the universe.

  97. lexky says:

    we might have been seperated at birth 🙂

  98. Gramiam says:

    I dream of a world in which everyone asks, Glenn who? Who is Sarah Palin? O’Reilly? Rush Limbaugh? Isn’t he dead of an overdose? Wasn’t Ann Coulter that guy in drag?

  99. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    I think he just wants “some” of scarah. and maybe bachmann too, A little physical therapy as it were…then they can all beg forgiveness, a la gov. sinford.

    the quitter and the crier and that bachmann-thingy in a menage a trois for the ages.

    I need a shower now….

  100. nswfm CA says:

    #51, as usual, great comment.

  101. Gramiam says:

    The boycott has just begun!! Personally I won’t quit until Fox is off the air! I have told the sponsors of the Beck show that as well. UPS has dropped Fox entirely. Shall we make it more?

  102. Krubozumo Nyankoye says:

    Nothing would be more conclusive in demonstrating SP’s utter vapidity than
    her showing up on national televsion for a week or so. It would have to be a
    live show of course.

    Also, the numbers, a few million, what is that all about? There are 150 million
    voters in this country. 1-2% think Glenn Beck is great stuff? What a joke.

    What is the real issue here is that people with no real constituency, just a few million people, get press play because they are so off the wall.

    The answer is simple and straightforward, beat them down, shun their publicity and make it known to those who pay for it, that we are aware of their complicity.

    If the netroots can shut down Glen Beck, they can also shut down Fox News.
    DO IT! Resist, complain, boycott, protest, shut them down, put Rupert on the unemployment line. And then deny him an extension of benefits.

    Boycott Fox news, shut them down, intimidate ALL of their sponsors.
    We feed them, we can starve them.

    It is so simple that it is almost pathetic, don’t patronize their products.

    That will be change we can believe in!

  103. Mother Who Thinks says:

    Wow. Just wow. Now I’m scared that Lori in Los Angeles (@10) might be right. Worth repeating:

    “I predict Beck IS out and Sarah will be in his time slot on FOX very soon. It adds up – Murdoch’s yacht docked in Juneau throughout the quittypants tour and beyond. Palin in New York seen at FOX building.
    She will be the next Glenn Beck, you betcha. The lunatic fringe has their new voice, their new star, and it’s name is Sarah.
    Be afraid – she can rile up the crazies even better than Beck can.”

  104. dowl says:

    Snowflakes sponsors on clusterfox will be Xe = christian evangelicals (or elites) aka Blackwater and its subsidiaries and Exxons etc. JMHO.

  105. mo says:

    Allan at #4: WIN

  106. knittingbull says:

    I wish to lodge a complaint-I object to calling Plen Blick a dirtbag. I am a gardener, and I like dirt. He is demeaning dirt everywhere. Is this not the MUDFLATS? Comprised of wet DIRT?? Could we not bequeath him the name, “King of Rancid Belly-Button Lint”?
    I hate belly-button lint. It’s smelly, gross and Republican-like in nature. Lurks in dark spaces waiting for an opportunity to disgust one and all. I shall call him a “Lintbag”. Dirt is too good for him.

  107. WakeUpAmerica says:

    Could he have used more cliches in just those few minutes? I think not. No original thought in his melon.

  108. Mirage 18 says:

    Does this mean that Sarah Palin will finally get her own FOX show? If so, I wonder who her sponsors would be… 😉

  109. trish in SW FL says:

    Good Grief!! Willow’s fault? Somehow, I expected Quittypants and her pee-pee-heads to blame the pajama-clad bloggers!

  110. mommom says:

    No one mentioned that Rush Limbaugh was on his show.The Sea of Pee’ers think Sarah gave him a bump in ratings,in reality it was Rush’ listeners tuning in to get a glimpse of the man behind the voice on their radios.

    Then again the Sea of Pee’ers think its Willows fault Sarah is not going to the AntiChice event.They say she must have answered the phone and said “Yeah,sure,whatever” when the Group called to invite Momma Quittybear.

  111. sauerkraut says:

    KO said the latest boycott count stood at 47.

  112. boodog says:

    @36 I am with you writing from ak, I just don’t know what it is yet…
    Also, the other big mouths are acting a little strange…

  113. lynnrockets says:

    @ AKM

    All I can say is, you are right on point.

  114. Leota2 says:

    Sadly–Glenn has a family history of mental illness. I would laugh at this pitiful man if he wasn’t a racist **ick. I would laugh at him if he didn’t have a very dangerous following. Sarah for one. I would also laugh at him if I didn’t know for a fact that the only way FAUX gets rid of him is if he becomes publicly violent–. But since he’s an idiot cowardly manipulator he gets his nut ball viewers to do that for him, then pleads for peace after they’ve done their worst.
    I guess the only way we get rid of him is when he has a total breakdown and admits that he loves Bill O’Reilly and wants to marry him. Personally he’d shine a bit more in my eyes but his wing nut supporters would then hunt him down like caribou as the only thing they can’t handle is teh gay.

  115. bearsense says:

    To further quote Monty Python (regarding Glen and his plight)
    ” I fart in your general direction “

  116. dowl says:

    Thanks AKM for posting this particular raving of the nuttybeck. Maybe SnowFlake has taken the dirtbag cure and she’s ready to rock and roll via clusterfox. Wow, just wow.

  117. Cynamen Winter says:

    The one thing that I cannot argue with in all that drivel is when he says:

    “I’m just a worthless loser…” ~ G. Beck

    Could not agree more.

  118. PS I think he is setting the stage for some high drama. Bets, anyone?

  119. I agree with Lexky – what can one say?
    I will say this, his eyes and his words don’t match.

  120. Nina Trick says:

    Wow. And that guy is being paid for THAT drivel? Come on America, we are so much smarter than that!

  121. Lee323 says:

    Fist bump to SouthernMiss # 24…..good going. Time to beard the lions in their dens, folks.

  122. seattlefan says:

    @ Ryan H.

    I bet most of those viewers tuned in to watch the train wreck after Palin made her silly post on Facebook. My brother (a hopeless Palinbot) watched last night because he was convinced Palin was going to show up and be a guest. LOL! 2.81M may have watched but I’m betting most were laughing and mocking.

  123. skip from Asheville NC says:

    There are two reasons I am so pleased that AKM is absolutely correct that the Death Watch has begun. First, Karma when it unfolds cuts both ways and Beck has his coming to him. Second, this was a direct result of people being organized and deploying power for what is right! We need to appreciate those companies who pulled their ads.

    Tonight is a good night and as always, Thanks AKM, for putting your views out there.

  124. jojobo1 says:

    I will never understand why fox calls it news when they them selves say they are not news but an infotainment station nothing they say is actual true news they can slant it and lie however they want according to the lawsuit they won in Florida for lying and stretching the news. Doesn’t Palin Know this yet?

  125. lexky says:

    as far as his ratings go
    the klan used to draw big crowds to

  126. Lee323 says:

    What the fock is he babbling and burbling about??

    His spiel is the most neurotic, manipulative expressive aphasic garbage I’ve heard in a long while…….well, maybe just since Palin’s resignation speech. Remarkably similar….

  127. lexky says:

    i think his brain and his b*lls fell out of his a$s
    there i thought of something to say

  128. rebekkah says:

    Wow, did Glen Beck say, “they can take my job?” – sounds like he is giving his final goodbyes to his audience. Maybe he did get fired or “retired” as they say, and will be replaced by Sarah. So she’s been hiding behind the scenes, waiting, twirling mustache, rubbing hands, grinning ear to ear.

  129. michigander says:

    Allan @4 that is the funniest thing I have heard in ages! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have been so depressed.

    And Thanks AKM, now I can sleep tonight (o:

  130. SouthernMiss says:

    When I went to my doctor’s office today, of course Faux News was playing on the t.v. I say “of course” because I live in the deep South and the airports and doctors’ offices are incapable of playing any station except FAUX News. Beck’s show was on and people were engrossed in it. As I sat there waiting for my name to be called, I became more and more irritated that I had to listen to that fool. I asked the desk receptionist if we could take a vote to turn the channel. She was shocked that I didn’t want to hear him. Then my name was called. I thanked the guy for calling my name and getting me out of the lobby. After my visit, I had to exit through the same lobby and Beck’s show was still on. Aaargh. I went to the center of the room and said, “Why in the world are you people watching this garbage?” They just looked at me in surprise.
    I’m sure a lot of them will be praying for me tonight. That’s okay. I can always use prayer.
    I know there were better ways to handle this. But sometimes I get so fed up.
    #10 Lori Your prediction is so depressing but probably spot on. *Sigh*

  131. Cynamen Winter says:

    @ Lori~

    “Be afraid – she can rile up the crazies even better than Beck can.”
    That’s exactly what those simpletons are counting on….the FEAR factor. There is no doubt that “Her Heinous” riles up the most wretched amongst us….but that should make us even the more vigilant and determined that they will not win, NOT THIS TIME! For WE have banned together against that brand of evil before, and we can do it again.

    It’s only a matter of time before ALL those scurrilous deeds will catch up with the XGINO….therefore, fear not ~ but remain watchful and involved in CHANGE.

    Case in point: the writhing G. Beck (just stay tuned).

  132. wired differently says:

    Man, what’s that nasty smell? Oh, Glen talking.

    Do you really think he sobered up without any help, as he claims?

    I drove through his home town of Sedro Woolley last week. ‘Splained a lot. But, it’s a step up from Concrete! (sorry, Skagit folk, I couldn’t resist)

  133. Fern says:

    Last I heard was 36 advertisers pulled out, but it could have changed since then.

  134. sauerkraut says:

    Believe me, BigPete, but he was probably a better person as a drunk. Right now he’s a few levels below that of a dirtbag.

  135. Ryan H. says:

    Beck attracted 2.81 million viewers Monday, his third-largest audience since his show launched on Fox News in January, according to Nielsen Media Research data provided by the network. On Tuesday, nearly 2.7 million viewers tuned in, his fifth-largest viewership to date. And the conservative host got a plug from former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, who urged people to watch his program in a post on her Facebook page.

    “FOX News’ Glenn Beck is doing an extraordinary job this week walking America behind the scenes of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and outlining who is actually running the White House,” she wrote Wednesday to her 800,000-plus supporters.

  136. sauerkraut says:

    As to the phrase dirtbag… if I ever lose my job, family, respect in the community… perhaps then I, too, can get a job with Faux News and become a full-fledged member of the Dirtbag Division. So many of the Faux News Nation appear to be “recovered” substance abusers… why is that?

  137. BigPete says:

    After losing everything, and after a life of alcoholism, Beck might well be stronger, but he should let others judge on how much “better” he’s become.

  138. sauerkraut says:

    He speaks about having principles… what are these exactly?

    Are his principles the same as many in middle America or are they more along the lines of the former Pravda writers? Perhaps more along the lines of Imadinnerjacket. …

  139. Zooey says:

    Dude’s in denial — he’s still a DIRT BAG.

  140. Gert says:

    Sarah left her position as Gov to go to ‘a higher calling’. Now Glen is off to ‘a place a 1,000 times more powerful’. Are they just teasing us. Keeping us guessing before they announce the 2012 Murdoch Presidential ticket of Palin/Beck?

  141. Bea says:

    Oh noes, Glenn Beck is going to summon Xenu to throw us all into volcanoes!

    Or maybe he’s just going to send Tom Cruise around to jump on all of our couches individually??? Because THAT actually would be a “thousand times” more powerfully annoying than Beck is now.

  142. nswfm CA says:

    Worthless loser….miserable lying to self and others. Dirtbag. In his own words. I thought I read 46 advertisers pulled out, but maybe it is a typo.

  143. Uncle Joe Mccarthy says:

    glen didnt lose shit…which is why he remains a dirtbag

    he didnt lose his wife or his famly, and he continued working

    he is very much like imus…who was a functional addict…and as a result, also remains a dirtbag

    hate sells….beck knows this

    and so, he will continue selling hate and fear

  144. seattlefan says:

    Ahhhhh! Once a dirtbag….always a dirtbag. The drama of his “dry drunk” rants just make him even more ridiculous than I thought was possible.

    Lol! He is so right when he says the truth will set you free. If all goes well, he will be “set free” by faux noise and the reason will be the truth….he is a raving lunatic.

  145. Gryphen says:

    Why does he keep talking about being a dirtbag in the past tense?

    Doesn’t he watch his show?

    Nothing past tense about it.

  146. Why is it guys like beck only offer tears and regret AFTER the doody hits the fan? From Jim Bakker to Glen Beck, they all cry and whine because they got caught showing their true nature.

  147. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    OK, I am making a prediction right now. Scarah asked ALL of her facebook “friends” to watch Beck so they could see WHO is running our govt. She has aligned herself with this crazy ignoramous.
    I predict Beck IS out and Sarah will be in his time slot on FOX very soon.
    It adds up – Murdoch’s yacht docked in Juneau throughout the quittypants tour and beyond. Palin in New York seen at FOX building.
    She will be the next Glenn Beck, you betcha. The lunatic fringe has their new voice, their new star, and it’s name is Sarah.
    Be afraid – she can rile up the crazies even better than Beck can.

  148. ds55 says:

    I love dramatic exits! 🙂

  149. Ryan H. says:

    He must be talking about crackpot radio. El Rushbo must be looking forward to retirement, maybe Beck has a line on his job?

  150. mmboucher (Florida) says:

    Good one Allan.

  151. mmboucher (Florida) says:

    Can’t wait when is the dirtbag gone?

  152. jojobo1 says:

    Whoops guess two got thru before I finished typing oh well he is still a liar a fake and a dirtbag JMO

  153. Allan says:

    I was a dirtbag, but then I cried and now my name is mud.


    I think I may have to Tweet that. 🙂

  154. jojobo1 says:

    Just had to be firsst because of Becks fake tears . Yes he did say he had been a dirt bag and he is now and unless he changes his ways always will be.

  155. lexky says:

    i really dont know what to say about this

  156. boodog says:

    adirtbag AND a liar, akm…also,too