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Health Care Advice from a Quitter With No Qualifications.

The sock puppet strikes again. Twice in 24 hours someone calling themselves “Sarah Palin” has written a statement on her Facebook page.

I’m pleased that the White House is finally responding to Republican health care ideas instead of pretending they don’t exist.[1] But in doing so President Obama should follow his own sound advice and avoid making “wild misrepresentations”.[2] Medicare vouchers would give everyone on Medicare the chance to decide for themselves which health plan to use, rather than leave that decision to government bureaucrats. Such proposals are the kind of health care reform that Republicans stand for: market-oriented, patient-centered, and result-driven.

The White House talking points leave the rest of my arguments unanswered. They don’t respond to the idea that all individuals should get the same tax benefits received by those who get coverage through their employers; that we must reform our tort laws; and that we should allow Americans to buy insurance across state lines. The White House also fails to respond to the Nyce/Schieber study indicating that wages will fall if the government expands coverage without reducing health care inflation rates.

One last thing: after President Obama’s speech tonight, listen for which pundits use the words “false”, “scary”, and “risky” in describing the proposals I put forward. That’s how you’ll be able to tell who the White House counted as “allies” worthy of receiving its talking points.

-Sarah Palin

Market oriented health care. Just what we all need. People making money off of illness. In some countries, Switzerland for instance, it is ILLEGAL to have a for-profit health insurance company. There cannot be a program that is both “patient-centered” and “market driven” and it doesn’t take a health care expert, of which Palin is NOT, to know it. Remember this?

State programs intended to help disabled and elderly Alaskans with daily life — taking a bath, eating dinner, getting to the bathroom — are so poorly managed, the state cannot assure the health and well-being of the people they are supposed to serve, a new federal review found.

The situation is so bad the federal government has forbidden the state to sign up new people until the state makes necessary improvements. No other state in the nation is under such a moratorium, according to a spokeswoman for the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. [snip]

A particularly alarming finding concerns deaths of adults in the programs. In one 2 1/2 year stretch, 227 adults already getting services died while waiting for a nurse to reassess their needs. Another 27 died waiting for their initial assessment, to see if they qualified for help.

One last thing, ex-almost-one-term-governor of a state with less than a million people. Just one more thing. Listen for which pundits and elected officials use the words “false,” “scary,” and “risky” in describing a health care option that guarantees care for all Americans, and allows people to choose their health option, and I will show you who is in the pockets of the insurance companies, and who is a mouthpiece for those to whom the almighty dollar is more important than the lives of actual people.

And show me an ex-governor who likes to throw around words like “death panels” and “downright evil” while those in her own state died by the hundreds waiting for health services, who suddenly thinks that anything she has to say about health care is even close to relevant, and I’ll show you a woman who wants to sell her book, or her soul, or whatever it takes to continue her moment in the spotlight that she never deserved in the first place.

Rant Over.



191 Responses to “Health Care Advice from a Quitter With No Qualifications.”
  1. mommom says:

    Shannon moore has a huge smackdown of Palin on Huffpost!!

  2. OMG Sarah Palin thinks she is relevant.

  3. peter d says:

    We’re Number 37
    Here is a little song celebrating our position at #37 in the world in healthcare.

  4. tajuanna says:

    I don’t even live in alaska but this rant was a thing of beauty.

  5. kiksadi50 says:

    Palin has discovered the perfect forum for her particular brand of venom; Facebook & Twitter. When addressing people publicly her nonsense ideas were all too vulnerable to public ridicule. Now she’s hiding behind a ghost writer who is spouting the same lies & nonsense but using more sophisticated language. It’s the same b.s. but dressed up in designer clothing. Using this forum keeps palin from being challenged directly. It is quite the shield. In the future will we have presidents that only communicate to us via facebook? A word about vouchers. I live in Wa. state & it is extremely difficult to find a doctor who will take medicaid coupons. I have friends who have to take their children to the emergency room when they have a cold because private practice physicians, if you can find one who is taking new patients, won’t accept coupons. How would vouchers be any different? Palin & the whole republican party makes me sick. They lie, & lie & lie, force people like Van Jones to resign & the president ends up being called a “liar” during a speech he is making to both houses of congress. Karl Rove & Bill O’Reilly had a good laugh over it on Fox news & the Republicans think it’s a tempest in a teapot. When are democrats going to wake up & stop letting republicans kick sand in their faces?

  6. Andrew Burnaby says:

    Palin is one of these people who cannot forge a functioning policy, yet have great political ambition at the same time. Add that to utter shamelessness, narcissism and the fact that she has a large following, you get a very dangerous mix.

    She should not be underestimated at any time; though she is a terrible choice for leader, she knows how to use her propaganda techniques.

  7. anadventurer says:

    Since Palin seem to think that Facebook is the way to reach the masses, here is a simple thing you can do. Go to her FB page and click “report page” on the left some ways down. Just report it as a fake page. It’s clearly not being written by her. That is a violation of Facebook TOS.

    it’s one of the last links on the left side.

  8. debinOH says:

    OMG, Do you all get up sometimes & just think that you cannot take SP & all these crazy republicans anymore? I think I am going to have to ban myself from the internet, TVand radio:) I know it is horrible but I couldn’t even listen to President Obama’s speech last night. I just can’t take it anymore. We are living in a country with a bunch of morons! After I heard that the republicans were holding up signs & then the nitwit who called out “liar” I verified that I would have thrown something at the TV and would have broken it.

    Really, I am so thankful for blogger, Jon, Colbert, Dave, and all the rest of the people; otherwise, I would have to admit myself to the nearest looney-bin.

  9. team alaska says:

    Ex-GINO would be wise to just fade away……. like a injured athlete many years over prime condition. Go with grace…….. Her stupid self-centered babble is going to disrespect Alaska.

    There is only one thing worse than a heart attack……… a sneak attack!

    EX-Gino is playing as game…… The prize is the “white house”. She will spring out of her cave when FOX News has the trap set…..

  10. Soldotna Sue says:


    Your rant spoke the words and feelings that I share with you and the other wonderful thoughtful posters on Mudflats. Thank you.

    I wrote to Steve McDonald at KTUU because he is the news director there. I couldn’t believe it when the reporter last night said that Palin’s entire Facebook entry(in response to President Obamas speech) was on their website. All of the KTUU reporters have their email addresses on their website.

    The reporter that someone was trying to remember as Meg Stapletounge’s buddy is Megan Baldino.

    The Right- winged whackos are absolutely using Palin as a puppet. There is no way on earth she could be writing op ed pieces for the Wall Street Journal or anything of substance on a Facebook page. She is incapable!

  11. BBHounds says:

    Who is writing this stuff for her and who is paying them? Rupert Murdock? She’ll be creamed the first time she actually has to debate someone, even a preschooler.

  12. karen marie says:

    Actually, “Lord” Boustenay was sued three times for malpractice, not eight, which is not unusual for a career in his specialty (cardiac) for 20 years.

    Regardless, he is probably THRILLED that Joe Wilson decided to put his foot in it so deeply that there is almost no coverage at all of his ridiculous “rebuttal” to the president.

  13. silverball says:

    …i felt relief after just reading it…lol….

  14. SunSweet says:

    Evidently, people in the Palin/Mur-douche camp read these blogs. Progressive bloggers and readers need to up the pressure on Palin to come out from hiding and answer questions in person instead of hiding. She can’t hide for ever, can she?

  15. mommom says:

    Its great being from Louisiana.first we had Bobby Jindal on tv looking like a creepy Mr Rogers.Next we get Boustany looking like a creepy Mr Green Jeans from Captain Kangeroo.

  16. pacos_gal says:

    GreatGranny, no, Murdoch doesn’t have a part of Facebook. It is still a privately owned company, mainly owned by it’s founder Mark Zuckerberg. Microsoft bought 1.6% shares in 2007, and there has been some cash influx from others such as 60 million by Li Ka-shing, the richest man in Asia and the 16th richest man in the world. Microsoft put in 240 million to get it’s 1.6%. So as far as I can tell, Facebook is Murdoch clear.
    Facebook however, doesn’t regulate content as far as politics are concerned. Many politicians have Facebook pages now and it’s considered pretty normal. What is strange is that Palin uses it exclusively. She doesn’t interact with either the public or other political individuals outside of the Facebook setting. Most use Facebook as an extension of their already large media network. Palin has no other media network established.

  17. isis says:

    Sarah Palin’s “Ghost writer” is whom? There is NO WAY IN HELL that this idior moron is composing these facebook entries.

    The total “disconnect” is between the Palin on camera speaking like a buffoon and the absurdity of believing that she can even compose an accurate sentence – no less cite historic cases in it!



  18. trisha says:

    do you have link? I’d like to see that posted at Huffpo

  19. Bystander says:

    Crooks and Liars reports that the GOP rebutter, Lord Bousteny, has been sued for medical malpractice 8 times, and paid out millions in damages. Their tort reform expert.

    You can’t make it up.

  20. Bystander says:

    Rumor has it that Palin and “Jackass Joe” Wilson, the congressman from “Deliverance”, have formed LIP (Loudmouth Idiot Party). Palin/Wilson 2012!

  21. teutonic13 says:

    Anyone reading The Trilogy by JRR Tolkien will remember Shelob’s Lair.

    Basically- a large spider, lying in wait, and bending victims to her will.

    There is something starkly similar to Sarah Palin’s “Cut and Run” tactics as she hides in her cave- emerging only in the dark to suck the light from her victims…

    From Wikepideia…

    “Shelob’s lair was along the path that Sam Gamgee and Frodo Baggins took while travelling to Mount Doom. Her spider-silk, which was spun in both rope and cobweb form, was strong and cleverly made, trapping those who walked into it. Shelob had encountered Gollum during his previous trip to Mordor, and he apparently worshipped her after his fashion. The Orcs of the Tower of Cirith Ungol called her “Shelob the Great” and “Her Ladyship,” and knew of Gollum’s relationship with her (they referred to him as “Her Sneak”). Sauron himself was aware of her existence, but left her alone, as she was a useful guard on the pass. He occasionally sent her prisoners for which he had no further use.”

    Now that sounds like a Murdoch-Palin symbiosis… or is it host-parasite?

  22. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    does she think the President is actually talking to her? she is nucking futs!

  23. GreatGranny2B says:

    QUESTION: Facebook was on the market back in March for $2 billion – I could not find any current info as to a sale going through, but I thought I’d read somewhere that My Space and Facebook merged. This was the most current item I could find:

    “A Facebook deal would help Viacom founder and Executive Chairman Sumner Redstone fend off a growing challenge from News Corp. (NWS). The media conglomerate run by Rupert Murdoch has poured enormous resources into the Internet during the last year. It acquired social-networking pioneer last year for $580 million.”

    So we know Rupert Murdoch and his News Corp. owns MY SPACE – does he now own Facebook as well? If so, everyone can look forward to more and more of SP’s ranting on anything she (and her handlers) want to post. Something NEEDS to be done to break the monopoly Murdoch is gaining on all facets of the media. He became a US citizen so that he qualified to buy up in that arena. Then he received waivers to further his acquisitions.

    Anyone know for sure?

  24. GreatGranny2B says:

    Great posts – can’t keep up with all, have to keep refreshing the pages! has a petition for Congress to censure Joe Wilson:

    I managed to get an e-mail to Wilson on his website before it crashed. Not sure if it is back up yet.

  25. Jodie Clarke says:

    As to KTUU – I have always thought they catered to Palin. The female announcer for the 6 p.m. news that recently returned to KTUU (cannot recall her name) is a close friend of Meg Stapletons..I recall when Meg’s daugher was born that that announcer was a part of it at the hospital. I have stopped watching KTUU. Jackie (weather) is the best they have…had watched them for years. No more. Palin is an idiot and will go down as Alaska’s worst governor.

  26. A fan from CA says:

    I think God’s gift to Democrats has given again. Senior are nervous about Medicare. So the quitter comes out to abolish Medicare and give out vouchers for the private insurance cabal. The rethugs just lost seniors.

  27. wakeupak says:

    I am sick of the KTUU suck-up to Palin. Who is best to complain to? Same goes for ADN. Biased and they should not treat her with the respect of time and print. They know her for Pete’s sake! She sneezes or comments on the most minor items and it is reported on. enough already. Alaskan.

  28. Lani Formerly Bash Budweiser Palin says:

    Here’s the Mayo statement, which isn’t that strong, especially “We believe that a bipartisan, collaborative approach is essential to achieving significant, patient-centered health care reform”. Bi-partisanship on HRC is dead.

    The link to the palin mention is unrelated to the above post. Someone at DailyKos misunderstood the difference between the policy statement and a trackback under the comments section.

  29. sally says:

    Send some love to Mcleod. She has stood tall and needs your support. It doesn’t matter what party she is from, our govt is giving her the f off. She has done everything on the up and up and they are acting like gods…don’t let them get away with being arrogant sobs!

  30. jay says:

    That was an excellent, appropriate rant…thank you AKM!

    Sometimes I like these posts, and other times (mostly) I love them.

    This one hit home hard.

  31. majii says:

    The Mayo Clinic has issued a statement of support for the president’s hcr efforts, a slam to the Republican Paty, and a specific rebuttal of Palin calling her not qualified to discuss hcr issues. Wonder how she’ll respond to the Mayo Clinic? I’m guessing *crickets.* The diary is on DailyKos.

  32. Ratfish says:

    Your are wrong for once.

    Sarah Palin does not write her facebook announcements anymore, as any program that analyzed text would show.

    And besides, she said she doesn’t need a title anymore. The person pretending to be her is signing as governor Plain.

  33. sally says:

    Hey Martha, I’m short on quick and smarts…What do you mean by complex, sweet complex?

  34. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    BooBooBear – don’t worry – if the text posted used that word civility, you can be sure it wasn’t her! Using a four syllable word while spelling it correctly would really be beyond her abilities. She only has her little whackos to stroke her, no middle roaders, no moderates. Most of her supporters think “Complex, Sweet Complex” if you get my drift.

  35. Lee323 says:

    Great rant, AKM.

    Palin simply does not know whereof she’s speaks. A diagnosis of cancer or an MCA stroke or a closed head injury secondary to an MVA would make her an ardent devotee of health reform faster than you could say “STFU, Palin!”

    “Market-driven” health care is IMMORAL. Making money off of sick people is truly sick.

    Palin is an ignorant, immoral quitter with no qualifications who needs to be ignored.

  36. Professor Geezer says:

    Hilarious that Letterman called Palin a Hostess at the Olive Garden. So true, Dave. And whoever dubbed her a “Murdoch spokesmodel” – well done!

    She must be recovering from plastic surgery; otherwise, why is she in hiding?

  37. honestyinGov says:

    Tonight Letterman is all over the GOP Politicians. Smack downs of Cheney. Mocking all of the people who complained about about the school speech. Instead of the ” Great Moments in Bush History ” he replaced it this bit by using the Fox network rather than Bush. {Keep up the Fox slap-down Dave }

    Of course he told a few jokes about $P at the beginning… then he mentioned that $P commented about the Presidents address he was going to make.

    Mentioned ….she said she had some issues with what he was proposing and ….then went back to her JOB as … ” Hostess at the Olive Garden”. SNAP !!
    W o W…. way to go Dave. 😉

  38. BooBooBear says:

    Just heard FrankenPalen’s latest load of crap she posted on her Facebook…..via KTUU. She basically poked a stick in President Obama’s eye again and then got pissy about how he had not answered her questions.l(who is SHE? A quitter civilian……I guess she did not get the memo.) She ended by saying something like…”So much for civility.” Civility? Excuse me? Calling her future son-in-law a liar, accusing Obama of hanging out with terrorists, saying nothing on the campaign when her crowd was yelling “He is a terrorist”, accusing Trooper Wooten of all sorts of things…..Civility…….Quitter Queen doesn’t know the meaning of the word and certainly has not acted anything close to civil….to anyone. She only loves herself. Palin….Stop-it-please. Just-stay-home. You left politics….remember?

  39. Sourdough Mullet says:

    BRAVO, AKM!!
    This post (esp. the last 2 paragraphs) needs to make it to the mainstream media. This evil, hypocritical, idiot needs to be STFU’ed once and for all.

  40. BigSlick says:

    Rep Joe Wilson is a Col in the US Army reserves.

    Please contact his Commanding Officer and remind him of his duty to maintain discipline in the ranks.

    Article 88: Contempt Toward Officials: Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

  41. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Wonder how many Crunch Wrap Supremes she stuffed herself on while watching the Presidential Congressional speech with the sound off? And how many things did she break when she found out that some dude named Wilson used his own brand of Health Scare tactics, stealing the whack job headlines away from her in about 3 seconds? Spittle and sour cream – not a pretty sight – ewwww!

  42. strangelet says:

    I know I said we should only say blah blah blah, but there’s one thing I cannot get out of my mind. I’m not yet on Medicare, but my folks were, and lots and lots of their friends were, and my former in-laws are, and their whole bloody retirement complex is. And we’re talking about the entire spectrum of political thought here.

    If somebody showed up at one of their meetings suggesting “vouchers” for Medicare, that somebody would be lucky to get out alive. Some of these geezers are pretty well armed.

  43. strangelet says:

    @137 Prof G: Oh, I don’t think he was only talking about “Grossley”.

  44. alaskanwoman says:

    Sorry… I meant to type White House

  45. strangelet says:

    @deist (deiist? nevermind): I think the Under-the-bus Clinic has real possibilities for future signs and/or bumperstickers.

  46. alaskanwoman says:

    Don’t have time to read all of the comment so maybe this has already been said re: Palin’s comment:
    “The White House talking points leave the rest of my arguments unanswered.”-S.P.
    Why on earth would the White need to provide an anwer to anything she has said? She is irrelevant & is a has-been (or maybe a never was).

  47. Professor Geezer says:

    Someone needs to tell Palin that Pres. Obama was talking about “POLITICIANS” like Grassley. She’s no longer a politician. She doesn’t have a radio or cable show. She has a Facebook page! Like a teenager. She’s an idiot.

  48. strangelet says:

    I decided to read HR3200. It turns out that it’s not that hard to get through “Division A”, which contains the new bits. I’m still slogging through “Division B”, which is “improvements” to Medicare and Medicaid.

    Anyhow, even a pretty brisk summary of Division A is a few pages long, which is a bit much for a comment, so I have posted the summary on what I must laughingly call “my blog”. Laughing, because so far this is the only content I have actually put up.

    But it’s there, if you would like a Mudpuppy’s view of the House bill. If I can remember how to do a link.


  49. Lani Formerly Bash Budweiser Palin says:

    What a surprise (not). Alaska had one of the highest rates of insureds in 2008 – almost 33% And the cost for premiums rose more than 74% while wages rose only 13% from 2000-2007.

  50. seattlefan says:

    $P says on her Facebook:

    “One last thing: after President Obama’s speech tonight, listen for which pundits use the words “false”, “scary”, and “risky” in describing the proposals I put forward. That’s how you’ll be able to tell who the White House counted as “allies” worthy of receiving its talking points.”

    Wow! She really thinks this is about her. She thinks all the pundits will be focusing on her silliness? LOL! She must be disappointed that Joe Wilson outdid her as far as news coverage. He pretty much drowned her out!

    And another thing….She did not write this. NFW!!!!!!!!!!!

    What an incredible bunch of crap. I noticed when they did close-ups of McCain tonight he looked very uncomfortable and sheepish. Anyone else see that?

  51. Sue says:

    strange @ 114—Thank you. That makes me feel better. So many people have lost their jobs, and more continue to lose them. I do not see things improving in the job market for at least a year. The current “improvement” in job losses is that people are losing their jobs at a slower rate than they were before. Bottom line is: more and more jobless people. : (

  52. deist says:

    Sort of a Letterman-ish Palin’s top 10 comments she’d make to her ghost writer–

    10. What’s insurance?

    9. I just think well you know death would be decided by a bunch of anti-anarchist bureaucrats who would want to off anarchists like me. Put that into writing.

    8. How degrading– they’d stick you in a hospiss? Those evil death panel feds would have the sadistic nerve to stick a dying old person in a urinal?

    7. Single payer? Who me? You’re already zeroing in on my book dough?

    6. I told them no thanks for the bridge to nowhere and I told them no thanks for health insure to keep Alaska’s kids alive. Just to make sure they got the message, I “killed” health insurance for kids.

    5. If there was more health coverage they’d come up with all kinds of clinical reasons to lock me up.

    4. What does this have to do with energy? I’m an energy expert, not a health expert.

    3. I said in the WSJ article, “As the Cato Institute’s Michael Cannon and others have argued, such policies include giving all individuals the same tax benefits received by those who get coverage through their employers; providing Medicare recipients with vouchers that allow them to purchase their own coverage; reforming tort laws to potentially save billions each year in wasteful spending; and changing costly state regulations to allow people to buy insurance across state lines.”

    What the hell does that mean?

    2. What do I do if someone asks me to explain what I “wrote?”

    1. Not insured? Let me treat you at my clinic– its under my bus!

  53. Professor Geezer says:

    S.P. = Sock Puppet
    S.P. = Stage Prop
    S.P. = $arah Palin

  54. karen marie says:

    I can’t WAIT for the kids swimming in the Sea of Pee to figure out that their Grifter Queen is pushing to have the currently untaxed employer-paid portion of their health insurance.

    That’s tax on an additional $5000 to $10,000 — or more — per year. At a conservative rate of 25%, that’s $1250 to $2500 a year out of pocket to anyone who has employer-paid health care. At a minimum.

    But I’m done. This health care nonsense has put me right around the bend. I had hoped that the Vichy Democrats (I’m re-adopting my name for them from the Bush years) would FINALLY GET IT. But they don’t. Eight years of GOP hysteria during the Clinton admin, eight years of GOP criminality and destruction during the Bush admin, but the Vichy party — and Obama — just don’t get it.

    All the hard work we did to get them a majority and what are they doing? They are shafting every last one of us. Because this so-called healthcare reform is going to be nothing but a sellout to the for-profit health industries.

    Bible Spice’s plan to have your employer-paid insurance will actually be small potatoes compared to what the Democrats are about to do. And they’re doing it not because they lack the balls, but because their only interest is in themselves individually. They use and trade their party affiliation not to be able to do good work for regular people but so they, their families, friends and associates can profit. Look at Joe Lieberman. And Arlen Specter. And the senate Democrats who give money and support to people like Arlen Specter and Joe Lieberman over actual Democrats. But what else should I expect? They got together with Max Baucus and arranged for him to take the fall for the health care bill. I’m sure he has an extremely cushy no-actual-duties-other-than-dinner-and-golf job to go to if and when he doesn’t get re-elected.

    It just strikes me. The creation and subsequent discrediting of the teabaggers could be potentially smarter than it looks for the GOP. Because eventually, in the next year or so, when people begin to understand how much the Democrats have screwed them over and there are actual spontaneous, grass-root demonstrations, the punditocracy will all chat together on your TV clucking their tongues at the audacity of the Democrats to try to sponsor a faux-populist uprising. Just like the anti-war demonstrations during the Bush years, none of them will be covered or acknowledged. If it’s not on TV, it doesn’t happen.

    Anyway, I am just enormously pissed off, as I am sure you can tell, because I am so very disappointed.

    I’ve been watching this kabuki since 1969 and all through those years, until 2001, I never believed that as a country we weren’t going to continue improving ourselves, but that’s no longer true.

    They say change is slow, and looking back over history one can see that is true, but change often comes in sharp jolts. Sometimes that’s the only way for change to happen.

    I will always hope that I am wrong, but I would bet everything I have that I am not. I just hope that Obama can be satisfied that the most that could be said for his presidency is that he was the first African-American to win that office. I wanted more.

  55. sally says:

    BooBooBear Says:
    If she wants to speak, let her come out in public and call a press conference or a town hall meeting. That would be interesting to see how long she could survive……about 2 minutes. She truly is a nobody now. It is hysterical that she is upset that her concerns have not been answered.
    BooBoo, you’re so right. I’d like to see a round table. Take our local politicians, to hell with the national, and have her discuss the issues that matter to Alaskans. The problem is, she CAN’T DO IT WITHOUT CUE CARDS. Meet the Press would be a good venue for the national debut of “PP” Product Palin, but, It won’t happen. She is a NO-BODY EMPTY UGLY OUTSIDE/INSIDE NOTHING.

  56. Zack says:

    Sue #102: Healthcare reform will create jobs for people who are unemployed. It’s supposed to, anyway. It’s on the website. It discusses it in detail. (I’m not able to provide the link, because my computer’s acting funny.) That’s why the President was talking about small businesses, and stuff. Also, a lot of people are employed by small businesses. Some employers have had to fire their employees because they couldn’t afford to provide them with health insurance. So if there is healthcare reform, employers will be able to (hopefully) start hiring people, again.

  57. Krubozumo Nyankoye says:

    I haven’t read any other comments, I don’t have time now to do so, end of disclaimer.

    AKM, I share your passion on this issue. There comes a time when one has to stand up and protest the lying.

    If my memory is correct, it may not be, I said back in November 2008 after the election had been decided that the work was not done, that the fight was not over, on the contrary, it had all only begun. We now see some of the consequences of thinking that the radical wingnuts think like we do. They don’t, their marginalization by election just makes them all that more violent and insane.

    The truth is simple but grim. Those who oppose reasoned government will never be reconciled. They are fanatical and have no scruples. They will do literally anything to acquire power. If we, who desire only to achieve a just government, overlook the fanatical will of those few who would do anything to obtain power, we will come under their influence, and our only means to resist will become too desperate and radical to consider. Until it also becomes necessary.

    We can fight them now, with the means at our disposal, or we can fight them later, in the streets. They do not intend to compromise. Bear that in mind.

    Good luck to all….

  58. Thisby says:

    I truly don’t know what to obsess on first. Okay, let me go with Sarah. This insufferable b**ch knows Nothing but Nothing about the real operations of health care in the real world. Vouchers for Medicare? That would mean, I guess, allowing all Medicare beneficiaries to buy into Part C (a managed care model) rather than Parts A/B ( a fee-for service model). Part C is only available where managed care organizations (MCOs) find it profitable. Many low-population states don’t have Part C because it isn’t profitable for MCOs, therefore it isn’t available. Since I know for a fact that Wyoming is one of those states, I’m guessing that Alaska (as one of the scum-sucking bottom-dwelling states like Wyoming, the Dakotas, and others) doesn’t have that option either. And it’s just as well, because Part C is the most over-paid, under-performing system in the entire Medicare universe. Senior care in the U.S would improve probably 300 percent, in terms of cost and quality, if Part C were eliminated. Sarah doesn’t know what the hell she is talking about. (I’m shocked… shocked!)

    The second thing I want to obsess on is the idea that Medicare and/or private insurance shoulders the bulk of health care for the elderly, the physically disabled, or the mentally disabled. Like hell they do! It is Medicaid that provides 63% of all nursing home care nationally, and nearly 90% of all care for the mentally and physically disabled who are not on Medicare. People who are disabled often have Medicare, but here are two caveats: States pay the Medicare premiums for most low-income persons who otherwise qualify but don’t have the income to pay the premiums; and, Medicare does NOT pay for anything but a fraction of long term care, whether in nursing facilities, developmentally disabled facilities, or home and community-based services that allow individuals to live in their homes while receiving necessary care, often at a fraction of what institutional care would cost.

    And who pays for that? Not Medicare. They only pay for acute care for these individuals. It is the taxpayers of the 50 states who support this network of care. And it is Sarah Palin who allowed her executive agency to fail in providing this network of care in Alaska.

    Most people in this debate, particularly the ones who rage about “socialism,” have no concept of the intricacies and the interdependencies of every part of our health care system.

  59. MBaker says:

    Sarah at about 9:35 released a new facebook message stating her views of Obama’s healthcare speech tonight. I thought is was vague and didn’t really and was not very detailed. That is me reading at1:09 and someone else may have a better understanding than me.

  60. Don says:

    Now we have one other person to call a clueless flake besides madam palin!!
    Congratulations Joe wilson (your term ended on 9/9/2009 jerko)

  61. Blue Idaho says:

    Poor little sock puppet.

  62. honestyinGov says:

    I picked this up in the comments from a Huffpo story about Mike Wilson who called President Obama a liar tonight during the speech.

    ActBlue already has raised over $30,000 to go toward the Dem. challenger to defeat Wilson. looks like they have a goal of 100K.

  63. Blue Idaho says:

    Looks like Obama has won this round.

  64. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Soul? Did I hear soul? Just a reminder – there isn’t one. Crunchwrap Sarah has nothing to add to ANY health care debate on the planet. Although, she is the poster child for getting mental health help before it’s too late, so maybe she’ll make a little contribution after all.

  65. @K8KZ #116: I had a vision of that and laughed really hard.

  66. Lani Formerly Bash Budweiser Palin says:

    @ Aussie – Thanks for the warning. I won’t surf the ‘net anywhere that might give “her” rant a hit.

  67. Is it possible that Murdoch is painting her as a health care champion in order to whitewash and make people forget about her Alaskan mass-murder-by-neglect?

  68. Deb says:

    AKM-excellent post as always. I’m not a pundit or an elected official, but can I call SP “scary, false, and risky”????

  69. Enjay in E.MT. says:

    another SC heard from on the Politico site – guess he hasn’t been watching the town hall nuts

    “I was incredibly disappointed in the tone of his speech,” said Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).”At times, I found his tone to be overly combative and believe he behaved in a manner beneath the dignity of the office. I fear his speech tonight has made it more difficult — not less — to find common ground.

    read more @

  70. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Don’t look now, but I believe the sock puppet master had another rant ready to go that has now been posted ….

    Personally, I won’t read it.

  71. strangelet says:

    @102 Sue: sorry, that was supposed to be for you.

    Star: ignore me. It’s easy, millions do.

  72. K8KZ says:

    #108 – BigSlick – I live in OHIO so I might have a better chance catching Boehner. I’m only 20 miles from Columbus, the state capital. I also have a vision of knocking her down and taking her shoes off so I can hit her in the face with them. These are just harmless wonderings of my imagination……….
    Ha – if only she would show her face, right?
    I am hoping the ghost writer gets thrown under the bus and comes out ala Levi in Vanity Fair with his own Quitter story. Just a matter of time I am sure.

  73. Enjay in E.MT. says:

    I thought it was a very good speech – ‘
    and yes the South Carolinian should be censored.
    (what is it about those South Carolina politicians?)

    Personally, I don’t think we’ll be seeing much of Xgino until she launches on her book tour – and that is fine with me. I need a Palin break – fortunately, my space & facebook are both blocked sites in my house.

    Great Rant AKM —

  74. Lani Formerly Bash Budweiser Palin says:

    Strangelet, I agree. $P is just a tool (in so many ways) of a fanatical fringe group bent on destroying Pres. Obama & the two party system and establishing a theocracy. They are deranged and well financed, and I personally believe they should be watched and called on their lies and intentions. But their little lip sync’ing barbie should be ignored.

  75. strangelet says:

    @102 Star: I read the President’s speech as including the unemployed among the low-income folks. HR3200, which resembles the President’s description of “his” plan pretty closely, provides substantial subsidies for low/no income people. The premium for someone making less than 133% of the Federal Poverty level is 1.5% of their family income. If your family income is 0, that means the pemium you pay is 0; the govt picks up the rest.

  76. strangelet says:

    Regarding Palin Facebook ghostwritten post of 09-09-09: blah blah blah.

  77. strangelet says:

    You know, I think we might have reached a point where we just need to ignore Quittypants for a while. She’s obviously been placed into the charge of someone who can write stupid and pointless, but grammatically correct, Repo talking points. It appears that whoever is orchestrating matters is trying to insert her into the national dialogue as an adversary to the President, insane as that idea may seem.

    The thing is, there is a certain fraction of the population that just wants to like Quittypants, and there is probably nothing she can say, or that we can say in rebuttal, that will change that.

    There is also another fraction of the population who are, shall we say, predisposed to opposition to President Obama (for reasons that are as opaque as a black cloth in a black room on a black night .. well, okay). They may or may not feel positively about the Quitter, but they will probably swallow any bilge she spews that can be construed as anti-Obama. There is also very little we can do to change the opinions of such folkkks.

    So what I’m suggesting is that we should focus our attention on things we might have a chance to affect.

    For Quittypants, I’d suggest a formulaic response, e.g.: “Regarding Palin Facebook ghostwritten post of mm-dd-yy: blah blah blah”

  78. Rob in Ca says:

    So, Sarah…how exactly do you feel about it now that the President has said you are a liar.

  79. Lani Formerly Bash Budweiser Palin says:

    @ Mae – she’ll scream it in facebook.

    I wonder how many seniors will pick up on her medicare voucher comment, which is well known repub-speak for doing away with medicare.

  80. VernD says:

    K.O. made Joe Wilson the worst person in the world tonight.

  81. BigSlick says:

    K8KZ Says:
    September 9th, 2009 at 7:19 PM

    I have never hated her more. She really has gone full blown crazy! She thinks she is having a “one on one” with THE WHITE HOUSE (love how she refuses to respect the man or his office). Good golly, I don’t think I have ever wanted to punch someone in the face (not really of course – I don’t advocate violence but the image of doing so gives me great pleasure) as much as I do her.

    I sincerely wanted to punch Boehner in the face when he was disrespecting President Obama tonite. And Joe Wilson too. Also.

    If I ever get the chance, I seriously wonder what I might do.

    Sarah I would not punch. I might lift a leg though. Bow wow.

  82. BooBooBear says:

    North Of The Range @100…….I think we should all drop a note to Facebook which is intended to be a social network . This is being used as her own personal political stage. She needs to be banned from there.

    If she wants to speak, let her come out in public and call a press conference or a town hall meeting. That would be interesting to see how long she could survive……about 2 minutes. She truly is a nobody now. It is hysterical that she is upset that her concerns have not been answered.

  83. mae lewis says:

    I think that we had to give Sarah Palin credit for one good thing tonight.
    At least she didn’t scream out “Liar” during the President’s speech. Well, maybe she did, but we didn’t hear it coming from her undisclosed location.

  84. DLB in PDX says:

    I want to see her go to a town hall and tell those seniors she wants to replace Medicare with vouchers. Ha!

  85. Star says:

    97 Lacy Lady~ You can’t fight ignorance!!
    $carah has brainwashed all her little minions..
    With Greta’s help and all the rest of the haters and racists that own faux noise.They put her on a pedistal …That’s her home base..

  86. K8KZ says:

    I have never hated her more. She really has gone full blown crazy! She thinks she is having a “one on one” with THE WHITE HOUSE (love how she refuses to respect the man or his office). Good golly, I don’t think I have ever wanted to punch someone in the face (not really of course – I don’t advocate violence but the image of doing so gives me great pleasure) as much as I do her.

  87. Sue says:

    Lisa @ #91 — I hope so, but I didn’t hear anything that made me think the unemployed would be covered. I may be a bit farther “left” than our President. : ) But I still love him!

  88. kareninTexas says:

    Scarah can’t come out because her surgery was botched!

  89. North_of_the_Range says:

    Facebook terms of use, under Safety, include:

    #4: You will not solicit login information or access an account belonging to someone else.

    Well, since she’s not writing her own Facebook stuff, it’s very likely she isn’t bothering to post it herself, either, at these impeccably timed moments. Which means her password must have been shared with whoever the PR team is. Hockey Buzzer!

    And another interesting item from the same terms of use:
    10. You will not use Facebook to do anything unlawful, misleading, malicious, or discriminatory.
    12. You will not facilitate or encourage any violations of this Statement.

    RuhRoh! Hmmm….Facebook Ethics Violations?

  90. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    BRAVO AKM NICE RANT! (sorry for yelling but it was great)
    now to read all the comments!

  91. kareninTexas says:

    mommon and Southern Miss…I’ll be right there with you to smack Scarah! She needs a good dose of reality!

  92. Lacy Lady says:

    I am listening to Greta VanS. on Fox News. with a guest. They are defending Sarah and her view as to the death sentence for old people. Can you believe that? Greta was reading parts of the bill she said this can be read as such.
    I think we have more crazy people beside Sarah. How do we fight igornance?

  93. SKY says:

    Sarah is too stupid to realize that her base is running away from that claim.
    She is a coward. She can’t face us ( kids in PJs blogging in the basement)

    Why can’t Sarah come out and speak in public than cowardly hide under someone’s writing of F/B. I thought she said she was thick skined.
    what is she scared of?????
    I cant wait to see her being roasted with facts one of these days. It will not be long, you are going to face the media.

  94. curiouser says:

    “One last thing: after President Obama’s speech tonight, listen for which pundits use the words “false”, “scary”, and “risky” in describing the proposals I put forward.”

    Repeating for emphasis:
    “after Pres. Obama’s speech….pundits…..describe the proposals I put forward.”

    How many pundits will be comparing President Obama’s speech 1 to 1 against Palin’s ghostwritten op-ed in the WSJ and facebook?

    I suppose if this happens on Fox, it’ll be a big hint about Murdoch’s involvement with and intention for Ms. Palin.

  95. mommom says:

    I’m running out of people to email,and my carpal tunnel is killing me,but I think I will just send along follow up emails to everyone including Nanci Pelosi that an apology is not enough!!

    Now I have to get out there and spread more posts about Quittypants wanting to get rid of Medicare.

  96. mommom says:

    Title & Author Donors Total Raised
    Defeating the man who yelled liar at …
    by Kossacks for Democrat Rob MIller
    425 $13,575.52
    Rob Miller 2010 Club
    by Rob Miller
    47 $3,589.80
    Joe’s Gotta Go!
    by People against inappropriate outbursts
    9 $185.00
    The Progressive Electorate 2009-2010
    by Progressive Electorate
    8 $295.00

  97. mxm says:

    Over at Dkos you can find a post regarding Rep Joe Wilson’s shout out of “you lie” during the speech. Further, litigatormom (author of the post), introduces Wilson’s opponent in the upcoming 2010 race. There is a link set up to donate to his campaign. An impressive amount thus far in just an hour. If you are so inclined, make a visit–donate a few $$$$.

  98. Lisabeth says:

    Sue, I do not think the presidents plan leaves millions uninsured. If you have no income you surely will qualify fo a subsidy to help pay your premium. It sounds like everyone will be covered. I want to have faith. Good wins over evil. President Obama does care about people.Sarah and the nasty GOP they do not care about anyone-they care about politics, power and money.

  99. SouthernMiss says:

    #87 mommom That’s how I felt when I read that line about her arguements going unanswered, too! A lot of us feel this way. WHY won’t the msm discuss the people who died in Alaska under her watch? She has no credibility or expertise on ANYTHING, let alone health care.

  100. Who the heck is Sarah Palin to be commenting on health care and on facebook, no less. This woman is delusional thinking she matters and is only pandering to her fans. I cannot stomach her anymore.

  101. SouthernMiss says:

    Just went over to ActBlue and read about what happened. I darn sure will write to Speaker Pelosi to demand censure for Representative Joe Wilson, that disrespectful, arrogant jerk. I plan to contribute to Rob Miller’s campaign, too.

  102. mommom says:

    That hypocritical,rude,disrespectful B**ch !!!!!!!!!!!! I wish she was standing next to me right now.Her narcisssistic behavior needs a smack down.Who does she think she is? Her questions go unanswered,my A**. I would like to give her an answer upside her head from this old Grandma,then wash out her lieing,deceitful,nasty mouth with soap.

  103. pacos_gal says:

    Wilson’s opponent in the next election is raising some nice funds from this fiasco.
    That can’t be going over well with his people. I was just looking at the site linked earlier and it was at just over 8,000. I did a refresh and it’s at over 10,000. Rob Miller is having a good night.

    I’ll repost the link here that Lani posted earlier on the President speech thread:

  104. wearyvoter says:

    Wilson has apologized. Perhaps his staff texted him to let him know that his website went crashy-boom. (Source for crash info: reply to news item at Huffpo;source for apology note, Daily Dish.)

  105. Justina says:

    When I read in the putative Palin post:

    “The White House also fails to respond to the Nyce/Schieber study indicating that wages will fall if the government expands coverage without reducing health care inflation rates”

    I could only laugh at this dead give-away that Palin did not write this post. Since she barely reads newspapers, she would not have read a “Nyce/Schieber study” if it fell in her lap in the beauty parlor.

    Sorry, Sarah, your ghost writer is not sufficiently illiterate to come close to imitating your writing/thinking style. Surely Mr. Murdoch could afford to hire a more cunning writer to front for you, unless he simply could not find anyone sufficiently dumb to do a more realistic job.

  106. SouthernMiss says:

    #79 Tantef I missed President Obama’s speech and the Republican rebuttal. Dad’s having a tough night. What did Congressman Joe Wilson say or do that should be censured?

  107. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    78 AKaurora Says:
    September 9th, 2009 at 6:33 PM
    SP’s peeps are out in force. The KTUU poll is now running more than 3:1 in her favor, despite the “death panels” being dismissed by all but the most ignorant.
    KTUU knows perfectly well their polls are spammed, and by whom. It says much about KTUU’s politics that they persist in putting them up.

  108. SouthernMiss says:

    #78 Akaurora
    I just went over to to vote and was shocked by the poll results. How in the world can people believe that garbage?!

  109. Linda says:

    I was just wonderin’ when lil Sarah would try to inject herself back onto the public stage. She’s like a little kid clamoring for attention. And most people in the US don’t even remember who she is!

  110. Tantef says:

    I just emailed Speaker Pelosi to request that Congressman Joe Wilson be censured. I hope others join me in the request.

  111. AKaurora says:

    SP’s peeps are out in force. The KTUU poll is now running more than 3:1 in her favor, despite the “death panels” being dismissed by all but the most ignorant.

  112. Lisabeth says:

    I am sorry but I hate that woman-tgerebis no other way to say it!! It’s not just a matter of political disagreement, she lies over and over again! She
    is lying about Medicare vouches! As someone who is on Medicare, I know she is! We have choices now-I don’t need a voucher! I can choose the public Medicare or an insurance company Medicare. The public plan is far better than private plans I had before.
    Sarah is a nut. She is a fringe crazy that can’t have a real conversation about healthcare so has someone else write for her. So dishonest.
    Why don’t we all challenge Sarah to truly enter the debate or shut up.

  113. Lacy Lady says:

    whoever wrote this on facebook is really confused about medicare.
    Getting medicare vouchers? choosing which plan to use?
    We who are on medicare choose our supplemental insurance, but medicare is what it is. The cost is taken from our Soc.Sec checks each month. –I don’t understand what the H…. this person or if it is Palin—is talking about.
    This is not going to change. We are still going to have medicare.
    And Yes—I think the President was talking to her without saying her name.
    I think he was also talking to the people like Beck, Hannity and others who keep trashing health care.
    And all the Senators sitting in that room tonight that are being paid by the American public–including their health insurance, should be ashamed of theirselves.

  114. CougInPortland says:

    #65 seattlefan – Remember the hissy fit she had when she thought she could speak and McCain’s concession speech and was told no? This woman’s hubris knows no bounds, and ANYONE that thinks she writes any of her facebook entries is an ID-10-T. There’s a lot of ’em!

  115. AKaurora says:

    Please take the time to weigh in on KTUU’s evening online poll:
    “Do you think Sarah Palin’s use of the term “death panels” is a lie as President Barack Obama implied tonight?” (right now it’s even)

  116. Nina Trick says:

    Slam dunk, AKM! Way to go!

  117. leenie17 says:

    Baker’s Dozen Says:
    If she knows what the word “tort” means,

    She’s probably wondering what cake recipes have to do with health care and why they need to be fixed!

    You KNOW she was giving the rebuttal…talking into her hairbrush in front of her bathroom mirror.

  118. Martha says:

    Quitter yells at clouds, twice in one day!!!

    Obama promised to “call out” those who make ridiculous claims, like “death panels” and quitter DESPERATELY desires to be “called out”.

    I thought Clinton couldn’t get enough “attention pie’…………man…….was I wrong!!!

  119. G Katz says:

    “The White House talking points leave the rest of my arguments unanswered.”

    Remember Scarah’s explanation for not responding to Katie Couric’s questions? It seems apropos here: “You’re not the center of everybody’s universe.”

  120. Bystander says:

    Sarah: Liar, no-class jerk, idiot, rabble-rouser, fascist. Dis I miss anything?

  121. Bystander says:

    Sarah: Arrogant, selfish, ignorant, hateful, obnoxious twit. Did I miss anything?

  122. Colette says:

    She’s a phoney and obviously doesn’t care that we know she’s a phoney. Does that make her a “real” phoney? Bottom line: Palin and her ilk do not want Americans to have affordable healthcare.

  123. Priscilla says:

    President Obamas heel…..Sarah’s forehead Sqooosh!!! (Yeeeeeeeeeees!!)

  124. BlancheMadison says:

    seattlefan: You betcha! WInk, wink!!

  125. seattlefan says:

    Welcome Trixie!

    BlancheMadison: She was probably pizzed that she wasn’t chosen to do the GOP rebuttal. Do they have “ghost rebutters”? LOL!

  126. BlancheMadison says:

    I’m sure informed and intelligent Sarah was locked in her room watching House Hunters or Bridezillas while the President was speaking.

    Or perhaps she was sitting cross-legged in the corner and rocking with her hands clamped over her ears, going “LA! LA! LA! LA! LA!”

  127. MBaker says:

    This idiot thinks she is far too important and taken more seriously than she is in reality. Why would Obama even acknowledge or even address her talking points. At least this time she has refered to him as “President” instead of “Mr.”. I sincerely believe Palin is being used as a puppet for Murdock as I am sure many others also believe. At least Murdoct realizes she needs a competent writter to press his agenda. I wonder if Palin even sees what is written before it is posted. Of course, we will never see her interviewed, in particular on any of the Sunday morning political commentary show, except maybe on Fox where she has been coach before hand on her answers.

  128. Baker's Dozen says:

    If she knows what the word “tort” means, I have health insurance. Some on the ball reporter needs to ask her the definition. It was too funny reading that word in something she’s supposed to have authored.
    AKM–as former governor, what insurance coverage do she and her family qualify for? Is it discounted because she quit early?

  129. trisha says:

    Welcome Trixie. OMG….I already love your mom. That was hilarious!!!!!

  130. trisha says:

    During the campaign, it was obvious that Palin thought she was at the top of the ticket. Now, she is acting like a junior high school internet bully trying to destroy someone who beat her.

    She is an idiot.

  131. Trini says:

    Tonight’s SP facebook was brought to us by the health insurance industry. Who says she’s unemployed? What a wh*re!

  132. sauerkraut says:

    Sarah Palin has no argument, no credibility and no expertise when it comes to healthcare coverage issues. The Facebook entry shows that she (and Lord Bouscamy) have not been paying attention to facts as they occur. She is about as relevant as was Spiro Agnew some 35 years ago. To his credit, Agnew took his medicine.

  133. trixie says:

    Great rant, AKM.

    I’m new here and I was hoping that my first post could be a positive one, but alas, Sarah Palin’s (um, yeah, WHOEVER) elevating herself to anything above a fast-food french fry maker (no offense to any french fry makers here. I love french fries and appreciate anyone who makes them for me) let alone someone who thinks she can actually matter while mentioning President Obama in the same written-by-a-ghost-writer-sentence, makes me sputter and weep in frustration. Even more so than my ex-husband does. And that’s a lot of sputtering and weeping.

    I have never really disliked anyone as much as I dislike her. Actually, I quite hate Hitler, but he died before I was born so my hatred is more on principle rather than that horrible physical revulsion that hits me when I have to deal with a real (?) person on an almost daily basis who won’t shut up.

    I was visiting my parents last year and my mother and I watched when SWSNBN sashayed across the stage and as soon as she opened her mouth we both looked at each other and my mother said, to quote, I believe, Dorothy Parker, “What fresh hell is this?”

    SP is an unemployed quitter who needs to really quit.

  134. Simple Mind says:

    I’ve said it before and will say it again – if this cynical and hateful drivel from Murdoch/Palin makes you mad (and it should), use that anger. Flip over to the websites of both your senators and your representative right now. E-mail them that (1) you want them to support health care reform now, including a robust public option, (2) that you vote in every election and (3) you pay attention and have a long memory. Make Palin pay for her dishonesty in the only coin she understands – vote power.

  135. jc in co says:

    I love this blog, everything everyone is saying is just what I’m thinking. princess winky is a shallow, intellectually challenged woman that has visions of grandeur. The mere audacity of that little twit attempting to dictate the issues the President of the United States would address is absolutely mind boggling. She is nothing more than a forty something high school mean girl
    allowing somebody to post snark on her insipid middle school slambook/facebook.

  136. Cynamen Winter says:

    Lighten up Paula… for we certainly can’t believe everything that we read nowadays. Hope should keep us afloat until real change is realized. We didn’t get into this sad state of affairs overnight ~ and it will surely take longer than 7 months to climb out of the depths of despair.

  137. deist says:

    This is funny. I need to get my keyboard fixed. I have to hit the “d” key especially hard. My comment number 40 above referred to “Muroch.” I meant Murdoch. I’m too cheap to get my keyboard fixed an look what happens.

  138. Paula says:

    Obama needs to grow a couple… URG. I can hardly even read the news anymore.

  139. winkwink says:

    Sarah you got smacked 3 or 4 times by President Obama and he did it with out saying your name and with a smile on his face, we all know who he was talking about and I bet your p’s are not happy right now–too bad! Better hurry up, their waiting for another facebook response from their Facebook Queen.

  140. laprofesora says:

    1) Sarah Palin does not know how to use footnotes
    2) She cannot put together two coherent sentences
    3) Until she goes in front of a camera, other than Fox, and explains her position, we can assume SHE DOES NOT WRITE these entries.

  141. Sue says:

    Our President’s health plan will still leave millions of us without coverage. Those who are unemployed have no money with which to purchase any of the policies that will be available. He says that everyone will be required to buy insurance but that those who cannot afford it (i.e.–the unemployed who have zero income) will be exempt. This leaves them uninsured. The only morally right plan is a universal plan that will give everyone–employed or not–full coverage.

  142. Paula says:

    I know it is wrong -but every time I hear her name my mind replies “Plane crash, plane crash, plane crash…”

  143. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    Sarah Palin…the epitome of Monday Morning Quarterbacks ( or is it pointguards?).

    At least she addressed our President as President Obama, rather than Mr. Obama. (sheesh!). Wasn’t it 5th grade when we learned it is either “Mr. President” or “President ____”?

  144. BooBooBear says:

    Sally…Glad to see someone agrees with me! My blood pressure just boils when this creature DARES to think she is a smart woman with any depth or knowledge.

    Sarah………Just come out of the woods! Show your face! Or is it too early??? You make a mess of everything you touch. Take your money, as I said and GO AWAY! You are an embarrassment to yourself and your family and what was your state and now……America.

  145. flex gunship palin says:

    false risky scary =sarah pailn

  146. trisha says:

    Did she really just say this—–Describing the proposals I put forward?

    What proposals? She doesn’t hold office, she wasn’t elected to Congress….she is unemployed…..She WAS elected as Governor, but she quit the job. Does she think she is on the Senate Finance Committee and is part of the committee writing the bill?

    She also has the nerve to say HER questions were not answered. Why would it be important to the President to answer HER questions? Unbelievable.

    My Gawd………the nerve of this women. Shut her up.

  147. Muppet2 says:

    President Obama started his health care outline calling out those that said there were death panels…and didn’t use her name but essentially called SP a big fat liar. Bwwaaaahaaaa. I loved it.

  148. CO almost native says:

    Whoever wrote Palin’s comments (ignore the man behind the curtain) wrote McCain’s. These were his exact points Sunday AM on “Your Show”, a great local program on Denver’s Channel 3/My20. He was on with Senator Udall, and they both responded to viewers’ questions.

    I wouldn’t pay to bid on her dinner, but I would fork over some bucks (rattling piggy bank, peering in the slot) to watch her answer questions off-the-cuff.

  149. deist says:

    Muroch may be up to his eyeballs puppet-stringing Palin, including in the Wall Street Journal which he owns. Perhaps they should come out with Murdoch/Palin 2012 bumper stickers. Fox News could be her press secretary. As soon as word was out that Palin had planned to resign, Murdoch’s boat showed up in Juneau, and then his plane. You’d think he’d just need one or the other.

    You can just picture her meeting with her Facebook writer or Wall Street Journal editor. She’d probably dictate something like, “Uh, I wanna say something bad about government health care.” Then they would probably say, “o.k.” End of meeting; next thing you know out pops her wonderful thoughtful prose.

    Rupert Murdoch has done plenty to damage the United States, but his plan for Round 2 may be much worse.

  150. Firecracker says:

    Absolutely! When I read the FB entry the first thing that popped out was that you cannot have market oriented AND patient centered. They do not go together – never, ever, never. You can maximize profit or you can maximize health but you will not do both at the same time.

  151. Irishgirl says:

    Excuse my french, but STFU Palin!!

  152. Star says:

    Hey $carah…We won, you lost ..
    You will never get near the WH..
    Everything about you is a fake…so just stfu.

  153. rebekkah says:

    Just heard the speech, and president Obama said, “not on his watch” would he allow Medicare program to be taken away, and he also was adamant that “vouchers” instead would not happen.

    Anyone notice how the reference to republican politicians (by PO) who use scare tactics, it was so obvious who he was talking about. It was great to see her b#tch-slapped (politically of course).

    And, the fact that this woman posts another comment on Facebook right before this historic speech, again, by the President, is almost proof that she has a thing about one-upping him. Is there a pattern here?

  154. sally says:

    BooBooBear Says:
    September 9th, 2009 at 4:16 PM
    “Sarah… are a nobody, a has-been, a washed up pitiful excuse of a human being! Just take your book money, please and GO AWAY. We are all fed up and sickened by your so called Christian ways. You are a Hypocrite!”****************
    BooBoo, I agree. She is a FAKE, A PHONY, AND A FRAUD! After she is used as a sock puppet by the powers that be, she will be exposed for simply feeding the plants with her exhalation, because nothing else out of her mouth produces a thing!

  155. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Great work, AKM! This is a nobody who isn’t permitted to speak, twitter, or even show her face in public!

  156. Professor Geezer says:

    Palin tries soooo hard to be put on the same platform with our wonderful president. It is comedic. She and McCain LOST. Then she QUIT! She is such a stage prop.

  157. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Great work, AKM! This is a woman who isn’t permitted to speak, twitter, or even show her face!

  158. LisanTx says:

    Mae @18–Creepy is “the” definition of someone with antisocial personality disorder, which Palin has. That’s why you sense it from her. Here are actions of someone with antisocial per. disorder:

    repreated violation of social norms/laws; lying and conning; fails to plan ahead; irresponsible and lack of remorse.

    Histrionic and narcissistic traits are also present in the article, whether she wrote it or not.

  159. hdtracy says:

    Nice rant…expressed quite nicely I might add. Feels good, huh? And I couldn’t agree with you more…

    hdtracy – a canadian fan

  160. Winski says:

    lilybart says it right on the money…..Hey hey, Wasilla monkey…bite this !!!! The Pres. NEVER thinks about you at all..He thinks you are a NIT !!!

  161. BooBooBear says:

    Sarah…Come out of hiding and face some real reporters. You hide behind your Facebook and the person who is obviously doing your writing these days…come out,…come out!

    As I listen to this President and his wisdom, my anger in you as a person grows and grows. I can say by now you are despised for what you are doing to America. Grow up…….If you are going to wear BIG GIrl panties, come out and speak to America. You are a sham, a fake, a charlatan and a disgrace.

    Go Obama!

  162. lilybart says:

    STFU Miss Wasilla. PRESIDENT Obama is not addressing YOUR arguments you vain twit.

  163. TXChick4Obama says:

    Okay – when she says ” The White House talking points leave the rest of my arguments unanswered…” who the H3LL does she think she is? Queen of England?? WHY would they answer her questions….

    Sarah…your delusions of grandeur are showing….

  164. I See Villages from my House says:

    Somebody has finally assembled a crack-pot team for Sarah, let the street creds begin. Invitations are finally being organized, weighed for publicity value and ascertained as Palin-brand worthy. Phone calls are returned or rejected and schedules are being set as those pesky think tank jam sessions are crammed in while she colors outside the lines of her rediculous memoirs.

    She can amass all these impressive (the only impression she’s contributed in these ghost-written features appear to be her trademark snark and mean-girl spirit) op-Eds, Facebook essays she can over the next three years, but until she can face a reporter, pundit (not Fox News) or town hall and back up her claims and elaborate beyond the bumper-sticker talking points, she is simply a spokesmodel.

  165. BigSlick says:

    President Obama is stepping up and calling out the riff-raff! What a great speech!

    He has come very very close to promising to deliver on the public option!

  166. Mart from NC says:

    This quitter is downright CRAZY!!!

  167. SunSweet says:

    These Facebook pot shots are becoming increasingly bizarre to me. Who in their right mind (besides her minions) believe SP is really writing these posts? Do people really think President Obama has nothing better to do all day than sit around checking Facebook? Palin is just an ordinary citizen now. Would any of us expect a private discourse through our Facebook posts with the President? If we did, we’d be certifiably delusional.

  168. BooBooBear says:

    OOOOO….I think
    President OPbama just called SP out on her “Death Panels” without mentioning her name. Good for him.

    I am sick of Queen Quitter being such a pot-stirring, devisive MEAN GIRL. The hatred she stirs up is just downright EVIL…to use her favorite word.

    Sarah… are a nobody, a has-been, a washed up pitiful excuse of a human being! Just take your book money, please and GO AWAY. We are all fed up and sickened by your so called Christian ways. You are a Hypocrite!

  169. BuffaloGal says:

    We’re in chat – listening together –

    Join the mudflats chat at :

  170. AC says:

    Sarah said: “One last thing: after President Obama’s speech tonight, listen for which pundits use the words “false”, “scary”, and “risky” in describing the proposals I put forward. That’s how you’ll be able to tell who the White House counted as “allies” worthy of receiving its talking points.”

    Sarah: We won’t be talking about you after the debate 🙂 So sorry!

  171. vodkaaboy says:

    Zero bids for the hissyb*tch dinner thus far on ebay.

    She won’t travel overseas for dinner either.


    Kompolt, I wouldn’t have dinner with her if YOU paid me $50k and had her give me an enema at the dinner table.


    Dear vodkaaboy,

    Thank you for your interest in the Ride 2 Recovery charity auction.

    The experience would take place in the U.S. only.

    To begin the prequalification process please complete the secure form here:
    and representative from Kompolt will contact you to complete the process.

    This will be done during regular business hours 9am – 6pm (PST), Monday – Friday.

    Kind regards,

    – ride2recoveryfcf

  172. GlobalVillage says:

    I was unaware that Facebook was a political platform upon which decisions/discussions about a country’s future would/should be made. I was under the (obviously) deluded impression that is was a social networking site.

    And also too, I cannot believe the improvement in the standard of Sarah Palin’s literacy since she has moved from her position of Governor to Facebook Queen. Quite astounding.

  173. Mae says:

    Palin is creepy and icky.

    She sure seems to want to get a responce from Obama… Like she is always tryin to call him out… As if to get him to answer her… Remember her little run challenge?

    Creepy… frankly she’s in no ones debate … She can’t even show up on fox news or something like that… She makes this obscure crappola on FB…

    Again… Real creepy.

  174. teutonic13 says:

    Hey AKM- Loved the rant- 🙂

    I don’t feel so out of place anymore.

  175. Super Bee says:

    When for the love of Pete will this ignorant woman shut up?

  176. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    STF up Scarah and her puppet spewer.

    Baucus is in bed with the devil known as K-Street.

    I don’t like at all how the speech is being commentated on NBC.

  177. aussiegal77 says:

    And oh, Sarah? Pundits won’t be talking about your proposals after the President’s speech. Because HE is the President. Not you. Get over your obsession with Obama – he won, you lost. It’s not high school. We don’t CARE if you think you’re more popular than he is. We simply do not care about you at all, you have no original or coherent ideas. You are utterly irrelevant. Go away.

  178. aussiegal77 says:

    Sarah Palin is downright evil. Now she can add “irrelevant” to her long list of “credentials”.

  179. CRFlats says:

    I luv ya Mudpups and AKM, but you have more patience than I when it comes to SP. I cannot, and will not comment or bother with her ever again. I crave the day when we can ignore her FB posts and tweets and fake op-eds as we do the troublesome trolls. So until then, I will comment only on other topics. This “little blog that could” and did! will remain my favorite first stop in the morning and at night. I just can’t take it anymore, nor will I feed the beast.

    Now I’m off to listen to my President!

  180. amy says:

    Excellent rant! And you did it with out going to moderation like I would have!

  181. jc in co says:

    Nobody cares what that nitwit thinks including the president. The little moron needs to get over herself, we have. I do believe she’s the most hated person in America, she rivals joe mccarthy in hate-ability. She’s hanging by her fake nails trying to remain relevant.

  182. Julian Smith says:

    I cannot believe that this pitiful creature actually thinks that her drivel from Facebook warrants serious consideration, particularly from intelligent people who are personally involved in the debate. She has proved by all previous utterances that she is incapable of constructing a sentence that makes any sense at all, and in short is as dumb as a bag of hammers.
    And that goes for whoever is writing said drivel.

  183. debinOH says:

    OMG, first of all she didn’t write this. Second of all what the heck does she know about medicare anyway. Does she use it? My parents have medicare and they can use any doctor they want. Honestly, just when I think she has said the dumbest thing ever she comes up with something even crazier.

    When will this woman shut up?!!!!!

  184. Irishgirl says:


  185. Lin in AZ says:

    She should go to a townhall meeting if she wants her arguments answered.

  186. SouthPaw says:

    re: the palin puppet show

    deja vu all over again…

  187. Snoskred says:

    For those who would like to discuss the Obama speech which is on in about 10 mins or so, we’re in the chat channel on the flats. 🙂

    Just click on – The Mudflats Live Chat – in the top right hand corner of the forums.

    See you there!

  188. boodog says:

    I read a comment somewhere that called her the first political spokesmodel!

  189. Rob in Ca says:

    Well said!
    These distortions and lies are absurd. Also absurd Palin’s attempt to make it sound like she is in a conversation with Obama on health care. Not so. Her ‘death panels’ have been uniformly derided as a lie. Her expertise on health care has been generally ridiculed. And her suggestion that Medicare benefits be turned into vouchers is NOT going to go over well with seniors. Try bringing THAT idea up at a tea party…..

  190. Suchanut says:


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