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Friday, January 28, 2022

Health Care Advice from a Quitter With No Qualifications.

The sock puppet strikes again. Twice in 24 hours someone calling themselves “Sarah Palin” has written a statement on her Facebook page. I’m pleased that the White House is finally responding to Republican health care ideas instead of pretending they don’t exist.[1] But in doing so President Obama should follow his own sound advice and avoid making “wild misrepresentations”.[2] Medicare vouchers would give everyone on Medicare the chance to decide for themselves which health plan to use, rather than leave that decision to government bureaucrats. Such proposals are the kind of health care reform that Republicans stand for: market-oriented, patient-centered,…

Legislative Session Required to Confirm New Alaska Lt. Governor. Isn’t That ‘Special?’

Legal opinion is in, and a special session of the Alaska state legislature looms.  Yup, that means that in all likelihood, this pack of hearty souls who have had to endure what must have felt like the longest gubernatorial partial term in the history of ever….isn’t done yet.  The Commissioner of the Department of Corrections who, for some reason, was chosen and accepted the #3 spot in gubernatorial succession has decided he’d rather not have the job of Lt. Governor after all.  Not that anyone necessarily blames him.  Even he recognizes that Sarah Palin’s former high school buddy suddenly plopped in…