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Gotta Know When to Fold ’em – Palin Baffled by East Coast Elite Customs


So what’s more distasteful to most New Yorkers than Sarah Palin visiting with Donald Trump on her tour through the Big Apple?  As a former resident of the New York City area, I can tell you that this was a faux pas so egregious, so cringe-worthy, so downright embarrassing it has probably lost her a few of the already few votes she’d ever get there.

She actually…. she… she… I can hardly say it. (Deep breath and pursed lips) She ate pizza with a knife and fork. Not Chicago-style deep dish pizza – New York style thin crust pizza.

I know.

Sarah Palin, who derides the “East Coast elites” for all their high-and-mighty, better-than-you, snooty-tooty ways actually broke out the cutlery in a pizza joint.  Well La-De-Da!  New Yorkers snickered openly about the gaffe, and explained to the media ducklings who are following behind Palin’s One Nation bus, that the proper way to eat pizza in New York is to fold it lengthwise, pick it up with your hands and bite the narrow end first.

Photo: Andrew Savulich/NY Daily News

A New York Daily News poll backs up the outrage. When asked “Do you ever eat pizza with a fork?” the results (so far) have broken down like this:

9% – Yes, it’s way less sloppy than using my hands

73% – No, never! I’m all about the classic fold.

18% – Sometimes. It depends on where I am.

Looks like a rout. Clearly the classic fold has bipartisan support, making it even more ridiculous that The Donald also used utensils. Perhaps he was trying to make his little guest from Wasil…. um… Arizona look less out of place.

I hope she gets to stay a bit longer. I’m eager to see how she deals with nachos.



159 Responses to “Gotta Know When to Fold ’em – Palin Baffled by East Coast Elite Customs”
  1. rod gonzales says:

    you fold it dn. middle, then you start narping on it.

  2. Aleshia says:

    this is my hero for today..

    This could be the start of something new..She’s taking the tour nationwide? Take a pic with your sign

  3. Eastcoaster says:

    Anybody know why Shannyn Moore has not had a podcast since mid May?

  4. Zyxomma says:

    Jon Stewart on the whole eating-lousy-pizza-with-forks fiasco:

    Thanks, Jon.

  5. bubbles says:

    exactly Dozen. i have no doubt he is with a nanny. one trained to deal with special needs children.

  6. Baker's Dozen says:

    The baby. I think we don’t see the baby because he isn’t cute and adorable any more. My guess is that he’s at an age where he’s difficult to hold comfortably and control–he wants down and needs constant supervision, so that messes up avoiding the lamestream media that you didn’t want there anyway, which is why you’re traveling as a private citizen in a decked out bus. I also think he probably isn’t as attractive. He always looked like a downs child, but I imagine it’s more pronounced and he’s getting too big to be just cute and elicit the response she wants from the crowds and cameras.

  7. rebekkah says:


    But I confess I use a fork. It’s cleaner. And it forces me to chew properly and keeps me tempted from gulping it whole.

    Her star-power is fading and this bus tour is the best thing to happen with the books all coming out now. I think northeasterners will know she’s stretching this fake close family sham as far as it can stretch. Am just starting “Blind Allegiance” tonight. Yay!

    • Star says:

      Just finished reading it….Great read..On a scale of 1 to 10..a 10…

  8. JUST A THOUGHT says:



    • Kat says:

      She has worn her gigantic boobs off & on during the tour – striped shirt & the black jacket in NYC. The sloppy T-shirts she’s worn the rest of the tour don’t have big boobs underneath. She’s too stupid to think nobody notices.

      In the above picture of The Donald & The Princess, she looks like she’s studying HOW to use a knife & fork properly from Oh SO Glamorous & Classy Trump. He’s using them too. Low class couple trying to pass as leaders of the world.

    • GoI3ig says:

      Did you catch her excuse for not dressing for the Belmont Stakes? She claimed the limo driver got lost on the drive from the airport. Yea right. lol I’ve never seen such directionally savvy people as the cab and limo drivers of NYC.

      • Dagian says:

        It’s almost like their livelihood depends upon it, or something.

        I bet the limo driver she disparaged got a great big fat bonus for keeping his mouth firmly shut when she simply lied about his ‘getting lost’. That was why she didn’t have time to change into appropriate clothing–like anyone with half a mind would believe that hogwash.

        *rolls eyes*

      • mike from iowa says:

        Her limo driver is supposed to dress her,too?

  9. SuzySnowflake says:

    When was the last time anyone saw Sarah Palin be with and hold her youngest child, now 3 year old, Trig? Who is raising him and addressing all his special needs when Sarah is constantly flitting from one publicity stunt to the next? Why isn’t the media questioning her about this? And apparrently Willow is the third of the 5 kids to either drop out or get thrown out of school. This whole family is a disaster and Sarah want people to think of her as the family values candidate? What a sad joke…

    • LibertyLover says:

      I’m sure Trigg is with Palin’s mother… or some other relative…maybe he’s on the bus and just doesn’t come out?

      • the problem child says:

        Not Momma Sally. She’s on the bus with Chuck & $arah.

    • yukonbushgrma says:

      Yup, Momma Sally is on the bus with her. Willow is in school-pergatory, after having 3 or 4 teacher/tutors quit. Who knows who is watching Trig? Does Sarah really care?

      I’m sure $P didn’t bring Trig this time because she was so criticized for carrying him like a sack of potatoes wherever she went. Maybe some media advisor suggested she leave him at home.

      OMG, what a family they are.

  10. tigerwine says:

    Well..Although I’ve never eaten pizza with a knife and fork, I’ve never folded it either. Guess that makes me half acceptable!

    • the problem child says:

      It’s okay, as long as you’ve never eaten it in New Yawk (or Montreal).

  11. Lacy Lady says:

    I can’t believe she would order pastrami on white bread——and with Mayo , no less.
    What—–no rye bread, kraut, cheese and russian dressing????????
    I don’t live in NY, but love a good Reuben.

  12. Montana says:

    Run, Sarah run. Sarah Palin was so successful as a governor, she graduated early “Bitter Quitter”, she real is a “Dan Quayle” in heels. She clearly loves “dishing it out” but real can’t take it because she loves playing the victim card. Poor thing she fail as a VP candidate (her lie that her daughter was engaged was such a farce), her stand-up comic fiasco on the Jay Leno Show, please, her TV show canceled after declining rating, I guess her perpetual run for the White House is the only thing she can look forward to, but since she is a coward she will only throw small minded rocks, poor thing. Since we already had an idiot “W” that caused our current economic debacle, America knows not to trust the GOP fools who flaunt the idiocy.

    You know what this current crowd of GOP liars want is to turn the United Sates into China, where only a few giant corporations run things, they own the factories, that apartments, the grocery stores, the gas stations, the newspaper and magazine publications, the radio stations, the television stations and you pay them and they get all the benefits, and if you do not like it go jump off cliff. Well some Chinese workers seeing that as individuals that they cannot progress have done just that by committing suicide. The current crowd of GOP liars want to abolish Medicare from the elderly, they want to abolish a woman’s right to choose and have control over her own body, they want to abolish collective bargaining rights, and on top of it all they want to blame the poor, the middle class and the public sector workers for a recession that the GOP created, while their beloved “Fat cats” continue to pay themselves exorbitant salaries, bonuses, fringe benefits. Yes this is the GOP “Radical Right-Wing Social Engineering” that they dream about. The win in New York was the beginning but the next will be Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin and later the other states of our nation. So run, Sarah run.

    • mike from iowa says:

      Nice post. I have to tell you this,after watching and listening and reading about the Quitter,commiting suicide seems somehow,redundant. Have mercy.

    • yukonbushgrma says:

      Yes, Montana, — there does seem to be hope.

      There are rumblings around the country that the crazies really are not in control.

      Pray that this might be true. And WORK to make sure their dream does not become reality.

  13. Forty Watt says:

    I’m feeling a little embarrassed here. No, I have never eaten pizza with a knife and fork. BUT…..

    When I first visited New York, before I was an immigrant, I wanted to eat something I’d heard about and never seen – a Reuben sandwich. Unfortunately, I got a bit confused about the name, so I ended up in a deli asking for a bilirubin sandwich.

    (For the nonmedical among us, which includes me, bilirubin is yucky yellow stuff found in bile.)

  14. LibertyLover says:

    Those two multi-millionaires ate pizza to show that they were “just like the little people” — you know, they are just like us… people you can have a beer with ( to borrow from the G W Bush days).

    Here’s what I think is going to happen: Palin and/or Trump are going to drag their sideshow out until
    shortly before the Republican convention, at which point, one or both of them will jump into the race for the Presidency hoping to steal the nomination out from under the frontrunner who has done the legwork and won the primaries and secured the delegates to vote for them at the convention.

    This will allow Palin to avoid media scrutiny and avoid any debates and avoid having to actually study policy and understand anything… Scary thing is, it might just work…

    • sali says:

      Well, it worked for Hubert Humphrey.

      • Well, that was more complicated. Humphrey got in because Johnson dropped out. Then Robert Kennedy was assassinated, which changed everything. And none of that resulted in Humphrey getting elected – so it really didn’t work for him.

        As far as Palin jumping in at the last minute so she doesn’t have to undergo the scrutiny before the nomination, that’s pretty much what happened with her being dubbed the VP nominee. We might have been fooled by that once, for a week or two, but I don’t think most people are that silly that they’d fall for a lack of vetting again.

    • yukonbushgrma says:

      I truly DO believe that Palin, at least, will somehow emerge as EITHER the GOP nominee -or- a third-party/independent nominee. She is just that greedy, and narcisisstic.

      Trump, perhaps, has the same personality.

      Wouldn’t surprise me in the least.

  15. Wormtongue says:

    I didn’t know that eating pizza with a fork was actually legal…
    It just isn’t right. I think I might cry.

    Oh, and I love how she was wearing the Star of David in the city. Did she think it would make her look like an authentic New Yorker? What a jackass.

    • Wormtongue says:

      (See “media whore” website on comment 19 for the pictures) 🙂

    • North of the Range says:

      Her choice to wear a prominent Star of David in NYC really bothered me. The way I understood that symbol growing up, was as a symbol of identity and pride for Jewish people. Non-Jewish people had no reason to wear it, and did not do so, out of respect for their neighbors whose symbol it was. You displayed your friendship with one another through, gasp, friendship itself. Not through some borrowed sign of solidarity.

      This bothers me even more because she has no sense of *awareness* of appropriating an important piece of identity belonging to someone else. She would probably take a Tlingit clan crest and do the same thing. It doesn’t surprise me though. The whole premise of her tour, of her entire political persona, is to lay claim to a “Real American” identity that becomes exclusive and “purified” and defined by her supporters, to the exclusion of everyone else.

      • mike from iowa says:

        I guess she feels that once your inside another nation’s borders,you get automatic citizenship and more people to mooch from. Of course she would deny those sane rights to people coming to America/

      • leenie17 says:

        When I was in high school and college, a friend of mine did a lot of community theater and often dragged me along to do sets and props. Many of the productions were in Jewish community centers and I often spent more time in the temples than the rabbi. It never would have crossed my mind to wear a Star of David any more than I would expect the members of the temple to wear crosses.

        Frankly, I find it offensive that she uses both of them as fashion accessories.

        • laurie says:

          Seems like she choses her ornamentation very carefully. It is always attempting to send a message about something to her followers.

          • yukonbushgrma says:

            Yep, back to Marshall McLluhan (sp?) — THE MEDIA IS THE MESSAGE!

          • mike from iowa says:

            If she wants to send a message to America and make a fashion statement at the same tme,have her put on a pair of hickory-striped bib overalls and jump of a cliff.

  16. Ndjinn says:

    That’s not how reel mericans eat pizza.

  17. KarenJ says:

    I wonder if Palin ate those CHICKEN FINGERS with A KNIFE AND FORK THAT she ordered when dismayed at “nick-swah salad” at that “hotty-totty” restaurant where she stiffed Wendy the Waitress…

  18. mike from iowa says:

    I’m curious to know if the suicide rate in NYC spikes after Paylin leaves. The picture looks like the two are settling on a price for each other’s services. Five fingers is too much for either one. Any biologists on board? What would you get if you crossed Trump’s road-kill head piece with a disgruntled bumpit and is there any chance it could live and reproduce?

    • LibertyLover says:

      Best I can figure, given my knowledge of genetics… you would get a longhaired porcupine that hides it’s quills until it is crossed.

      And since both of the parents have proven reproductive capability in the past, there is no reason to think that the progeny wouldn’t be able to reproduce….but it would be a very prickly situation.

    • dowl says:

      Yes–the resultant mutant species would be replicants, and of course being fecund and Bible reading they’d attempt to repopulate the earth as instructed.

  19. g says:

    You gotta laugh at Palin. Here it is, what day four of the Magical Mystery Tour, and she’s hinting that she’s gonna quit. Why? Because guess what, when you drive a humongous gas guzzling bus, you spend a lot of money on gas!!!

    Of course, she claims that gas prices are going up, but in actual fact, they’ve been going down the last couple of weeks. So if she’d done her vacation financial planning, she’d instead be pleased – they could probably swing a couple extra days. So that’s another pointless lie she’s telling.

    You know, part of what’s so funny about her is that she is really so unimaginative. Imagine what a real smart out-of-the-box politician could do with a backroads tour of historical landmarks, if she had the money Palin has, the free time, and the unprecedented media attention she has? You could do REAL historical education events – actually program them, bring along your own historian (they’d probably bring that right-wing nut-case Huckabee likes, but I’d pick someone like Doris Kearns Goodwin or Ken Burns.) You could do some on-camera stuff, like SP’s American History tour or something. For your wheels, especially if you’re a self-proclaimed energy whiz, you could rent an alternative energy vehicle. She could stay in historic Inns. She could collaborate with other personalities, artists, musicians.

    Without the restraint of being a working politician, without yet filing as a candidate, but with all the money that she is able to burn through right now, she could really do something interesting.

    But no – the idea that popped up into her head was “get a big ole gas-guzzler bus and put my name on it” – that’s so 2008! – and then wander around making the media chase me. When they catch me, I’ll let them ask me questions about me. Then we’ll visit other people who are media darlings, and let them tell the media how much they like me.

    And the personal appearances – you don’t have to actually SPEAK anymore. She’s managed to pare down the whole personal appearances thing to responding to some shouted questions by saying “I don’t know!”

    What a bizarre and pointless exercise this whole thing is.

    And now, what are the odds what day she’ll quit?

    • Cracklin' Charlie says:

      Bizarre is right, g. Who dreamed up this fiasco? I’ll take day 8 in the QuitterWatch.

    • leenie17 says:

      LOVE the idea of an educational tour. You’re right…she could do so much with the resources she can tap into. What a great way to get kids (or adults, for that matter) turned on to our nation’s history!

      Unfortunately, that would require work, which we all know is against her warped version of religion. It’s so much easier to just pop out of the bus, wink, point at the nearest historic site, and coo to the gathered reporters. All it takes is one poor person on the bus telling her,

      “Governor [because you KNOW they are required to use the title!], we’re at the Liberty Bell.”

      “No, President Obama didn’t crack it with an errant basketball throw. The crack happened many years before he was born.”

      “Yes, I know you like to blame him for everything, but I’m certain that enough people know it wasn’t his fault so you really can’t blame him for this one.”

      “No, Governor, we can’t mount it on the front of the bus and ring it when we get to a new town.”

      And so continues the Farcical History Tour…

      • leenie17 says:

        Or, as I prefer to call it…the Media-Ho-On-Wheels Tour. 😉

      • boodog says:

        Check out this clip – hard to hear, but listen to the question posed by the black gentleman. Then be sure to listen to her answer. The citizens are asking better questions than the media; how soon before she stops all questions and complains that they have no privacy for this family ‘vacation’?

        • boodog says:

          and, here’s the clip- sorry 🙂

          • Irishgirl says:

            This trip is not going well for her. She can’t answer his question. She is just spouting the same old tired platitudes.

        • G Katz says:

          Some commentators (don’t remember which ones) were talking about Palin’s kinetic energy and how she walked and connected with people. They we comparing her with Pawlenty, whom they said could not walk. They went on to say that the problem with Palin was when she stopped walking and had to respond to people that she didn’t do well. Loosely paraphrasing this as it was a day or two ago, but this clip makes their point so well that I had to mention it.

    • G, I want to go on your history tour – especially if Ken Burns will lead it.

      Actually, hubby and I have started a new “tradition” in our travels. In the spring we go some place warm and sunny, and usually Disney-related. So that means a trip to southern California or Florida. California is closer, and last year we included a few days in San Diego. (We’re branching out.)

      In the fall, we go some place that’s full of history. One year it was to Virginia where we just touched the surface and had a great time. We plan to go back soon. The next fall it was Tennessee, where we found fantastic historical sites to visit.

      A long time ago, we did a tour around Colorado, and I would love to repeat that one, only this time I don’t want to pitch a tent in KOA campgrounds. I’m done with that.

      There are so many places to see, but I don’t think SP really understands what she is seeing. She’s too busy talking to hear what the historical interpreters are telling her. I bet she missed the finer points at Mount Vernon. I thought I knew a lot about American history until I quit talking and started listening. And I loved every minute of it.

      • yukonbushgrma says:

        “until I quit talking and started listening.”

        That’s what our whole country needs to do — and especially our Congress.

    • yukonbushgrma says:

      Yep, G — a really excellent candidate would have taken full advantage of it, and have done a good job. $P has crashed and burned.

      Thinking about it, if I had been $P, there’s a lot I would have done, just as you mentioned.

      She’s not too bright.

      Good assessment!

    • dowl says:

      David Barton is the professor-in-chief at the the Glenn Beck online University ($79.95) of American Exceptionalism and Genesis Theocracy AND Texas textbook rewriting. Barbara Bush donates to Jeb Bush’s (non-profit) capitalizing of educational software sales to gullible (and not so gullible) christian dominionists. Ack!

  20. JRC says:

    Holy hell. A knife and fork?

  21. Lilybart says:

    She also ordered pastrami on white bread with mayo.

  22. Xenon says:

    That’s not all she’s baffled by: Facts also appear to be major stumbling blocks for her (and her ilk).

  23. aussiegal77 says:

    Living in Chicago, I love deep dish pizza eaten with cutlery. Appropriate.

    I was in upstate NY this past weekend and we went for a late night slice of (DELICIOUS) pizza – and yes, I folded it and ate it in proper NY fashion.

    And oh, I believe the phrase you were looking for is “La-De-F**king-Da Your Royal Highness!” Palin is insufferable with her phoniness. All she is is a princess with a glamour addiction. Hence the rabid looting of Neiman Marcus all over the country and the dainty manners at a pizza joint. She acts and says she’s a down home country gal but in reality she’s the Paris Hilton of politics.

    • Lilybart says:

      “Glamour Junkie” good one. Remember when she lied to Todd and drove to Anchorage to see Ivana?

    • mike from iowa says:

      What have you got against Paris Hilton? The poor heiress bared her soul along with everything else so you know,right up front,that she has no ulterior motives. If she did they would have been visible in her videos.

      • aussiegal77 says:

        Thanks mike….I had ALMOST forgotten that hideous Hilton sex tape fiasco. Ugh. These people.

    • Zyxomma says:

      That’s Your Heinous.

  24. Well, it is funny, but honestly, half the time I eat pizza with a fork. I don’t getting messy when I eat. Simple as that. That being said, most of the pizza we order is thicker rather than the thin stuff.

    The other thing I consider finger food is fish and chips. But when I had some the other day, the halibut was so incredibly tender (and good) that it was falling apart when I tried to pick it up. I resorted to a fork.

    But to the bigger picture – why did Sarah and Donald go to dinner at a pizza place? That is what seems out of place and odd to me, like they are both trying to prove they are just like all the other ordinary people.

    • sali says:

      ‘Cause President Obama took one of his guests to his favorite hamburger joint in DC. See? They can be presidential, too. Sorta. Kinda. NOT!!

    • Krubozumo Nyankoye says:

      You hit the nail on the head Pat, the grifters want their weak minded minions to believe that they actually patronize the same junk food joints. Makes them fiscally conservative, not going to waste those millions on any fancy eatery that might have a french name. That would be unamerikan!

      The idea that either one of these low lifes is considered presidential material is so appalling that I would rather live in Russia than here if Palin was ever elected.

    • Zyxomma says:

      My opinion? They went to a (probably lousy, but I wouldn’t know) pizza joint in Times Sq. because that’s where the tourists are — you know, the ones who would be impressed by seeing two of their favorite TV personalities sharing a meal.

    • Laurie in CA says:

      There’s nothing like finishing your fish and chips before even getting them home. Best I ever had was in Sydney, Australia. As a youngster, Edinburgh, Scotland and it was Haddock then.

  25. Irishgirl says:

    HA!! Gotta love the New Yorkers. They stuck a note on her bus calling her a media whore. 🙂

    “New York has a special way of letting out-of-towners know they’re welcomed. Our NYC Operative Peter Jernigan was on the ground at Sarah’s presser outside the FoxNews studios, and snapped these exclusive pics of her freshly-remodeled Tour Bus, courtesy of an anonymous Islander.”

    • Lilybart says:

      I love my city!!!

      So very proud, wish I had done it.

      • Irishgirl says:

        As some said in the comments section. Today… WE ARE ALL NEW YORKERS!!!!!!

    • barbara says:

      “I, the MediaWhore” that’s great. somebody else should go add the “ist” to the “fundamental” too

      • Elizabeth says:

        Please note that “I, the media whore” is taped just below “We, the people”. This is particularly clever. Apparently taping up a sign is not a crime, where spray painting would be. I sit here contemplating what a good strong tape will do to the bus wrap.

    • Cracklin' Charlie says:

      Those look like some serious security guards!

    • LibertyLover says:

      In the comment section was a suggestion for tomorrow’s bus graffiti:

      “One Narcissist under Todd.”


    • Mag the Mick says:

      Start spreadin’ the news…

  26. leenie17 says:

    You can tell true NY pizza by several qualities:

    1. The crust is very thin and crisp so that it cracks when you fold it. Flour only on the bottom – none of that cornmeal stuff!

    2. The cheese is plentiful, slightly golden brown and well melted so that it forms strings when you bite it.

    3. The aroma of oregano tickles your nose.

    4. A decent amount of oil drips off the end of the pizza as you eat (which is facilitated by the folding).

    5. It is NEVER eaten with utensils unless the diner is under the age of three!

    Mmmmm…I’m getting hungry! 🙂

    • Ripley in CT says:

      I was just gonna mention the oil dripping off the folded crust end! Well done 🙂

    • kerryann63 says:

      See, this is just wrong. I’m down here in NC where the pizza is not good. I read this comment and get homesick. I think I’ll take a trip back to CT and stop in New Haven for something from Sally’s! Sometimes I really miss NorthEast (not in January though).

  27. Don says:

    The only thing Palin folded properly was her govenorship. With this fool-pas, I’m sure Palin lost all three votes she would get in NYC anyway.

  28. rm says:

    Fox News Confirms Palin Is Still An Employee… Again

    After touring New York City today, Palin met with Fox News executives. Following the meeting, Politico’s Ben Smith quoted Bill Shine reaffirming that Palin is, for the moment, still a Fox News employee: “Right now there is no change in her status with FOX News.”

  29. Cassie Jeep says:

    Of all the fine, even historic restaurants in NY, The Donald goes for a slice?( Lunch, yes, but not for dinner.)

    Personally, I think The Donald dumbed down to her level with his choice of eating establishments only to discover that even a “slice” was too sophisticated for her!

  30. LA Brian says:

    Chicago stuffed pizza requires utensils as it’s basically a pie (oh, how I miss Giordano’s . . . and Eduardo’s . . . Due . . . Gino’s).

    The thin crust pizzas are hand foods, but the folding requirement depends on the size of the slice.

    • JRC says:

      Who doesn’t fold? I mean, what’s wrong with America!!!

      • LA Brian says:

        Some places slice their thin crust “grid-style,” and attempts to fold are an exercise in futility.

        • JRC says:

          Dude. I still fold the squares. Transplanted New Yawker that I am (now in Boston).

  31. BigPete says:

    Keeping up appearances

    The hillbilly grifter finds herself in Manhattan (classy) visiting with a sophisticated, ultra-wealthy ‘bon vivant’ (very classy) and to show her a good time (classier still) he’s invited her out to dinner (the classiest).

    Everyone knows that in these fraught, nerve-wracking high-society situations it’s best to, ever so casually, copy everything your host does!

    • Elizabeth says:

      And they end up in a cheap pizza place? What is with the bringing her parents and daughter with her to (all of the above)?

  32. Enjay in E MT says:

    The Donald was quite considerate – he probably arranged for the Pizza by the Slice so she wouldn’t be embarrassed by not knowing which fork to use in a fancy eatery.

    However, $arah, would not waste the cutlery lesson she struggled to learn.

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      Cutlery lesson? She’s holding that fork like a tent pole stake. But she wouldn’t know that, as her show showed. I’m not sure she’s ever really held either.

  33. Wallflower says:

    “She actually…. she… she… I can hardly say it. (Deep breath and pursed lips) She ate pizza with a knife and fork.”

    that took real courage, AKM! The first step is getting it out into the open.

  34. Ripley in CT says:

    When people eat NY style pizza with a fork, I just want to slap them. I also have no tolerance for people who don’t know how to eat a lobstah. I guess I’m elite.

    • Pat in MA says:

      Ditto on the lobstah – actually took my son out for his birthday today to a great lobster pound in NH. Lots of napkins but not a fork in sight, plenty of melted butter and we thoroughly enjoyed munching and slurping, breaking claws, sucking meat out of the legs, and of course the tail meat to die for…delicious.

      • Susabelle says:

        Oh baby, sucking the meat out of the legs…NOW that’s the sign of a real lobster lover. Hate it when people eat only the claws and tail..AND, a thin crust fold it!!! I just heard “The Donald” responding that he only eats the toppings..Oh, how special. I am sure he eats pizza often. Maybe he didn’t want to be seen in a ritzy restaurant with the Queen of Wassilla?????

  35. Kalena says:

    She was absolutely giddy dining with the Donald….tongue darting, eyes flashing, whispering, leaning “in”. She was out of AK dining in NYC with someone of “culture”. LOL Two narcissistic blowhards!

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      Yogurt has more culture than The Dimold or The Bum Pit.

    • Cracklin' Charlie says:


    • the problem child says:

      I love how this was billed as “dining” rather than “noshing.” That star of David only takes her so far…

      • VernD says:

        She would probably think that “nosing” is something that requires some salve.


        • VernD says:

          oh hell that’s “noshing”… nosing was a good Freud though eh?

    • MonaLisa (inCT) says:

      Maybe $he was hoping Ivana would stop by, since $he hasn’t seen her since JCPenney….

  36. g says:

    She also said that eating pizza with Donald Trump is a “New York institution.” Huh?

    • merrycricket says:

      What? Rilly? I’d ask Bubbles if that’s true or not. I think pizza with Bubbles should be a New York institution.

      • bubbles says:


      • leenie17 says:

        And LOTS more fun! 🙂

      • Ripley in CT says:

        Nah, it’s Canoli with Bubbles that rawks! :X

      • boodog says:

        It’s NOT??!!

      • Forty Watt says:

        Come on, Merry. bubbles IS a New York institution. 😀

        • bubbles says:

          LOL. Bubbles should be in a New Yawk institution….Creedmoor.

          • boodog says:


          • leenie17 says:

            Wow…haven’t heard THAT name in many a year.

            I remember passing it many times when my sister went to college at St. John’s. Always creeped me out.

      • MonaLisa (inCT) says:

        I speak from personal experience when I say that Long Island Iced Teas with bubbles (and Irishgirl!) should be on the bucket-list of everyone in the world! <3

        • yukonbushgrma says:

          I can unequivocally say that Long Island Iced Teas are unspeakably wonderful (if made right, of course)!

          I wish I could have shared one with you, Bubbles and Irishgirl! Maybe someday we can all have a huge Mudflats get-together and share one or two!


          • mike from iowa says:

            Milk from contented cows is no slouch either. Just place a glass under the appropriate appendage and then gently pump her tail up and down. You may need to prime the pump to get the moo juice flowing. That is a subject for less delicate sensibilities and a more Adult-favorable time. You will need a funnel,some milk to pour into funnel and a friend to hold the cows tail straight over her back so you don’t feel like a soccer ball. This is important-the tail cannot be twisted to the side before it goes over her back. Good luck and bon appetit.

  37. merrycricket says:

    The knife and fork are there because it’s standard table issue like salt and pepper. You don’t have to use them. I have used a knife and fork when the pizza was still too hot to hold, but NEVER in NYC!

    • kerryann63 says:

      Not at this place. Those are paper plates and plastic utensils. Of all the places they could have gone for real, New York style (Brooklyn), pizza….they went to a chain. They could have stuck with the chain idea and gone to Pizza Uno, which at least uses real cutlery/plates – but they chose Famiglia’s which, if I’m remembering my Northeast elite days, is basically a take out joint with a few tables. Of course this way she wouldn’t show off her history of badly tipping the waitstaff.

    • Lilybart says:

      One has to ASK for a fork and it is usually plastic. They must have sent someone to Virgils , a REALLY good restaurant in Times Square, to get real silver for Her Highness.

      • KarenJ says:

        Maybe they brought their own, from the RV/bus.

        BTW, is that Famiglia “restaurant” in a MALL? How handy, for the gal who when in India didn’t go out to see the sights, but found and visited a Western-style shopping mall.

        • Zyxomma says:

          Only in that it’s in Times Square, which for all intents and purposes, is now a mall. Real New Yorkers avoid it like the plague, unless we have some reason to be there. The Disneyfication of Times Square started with Giuliani, and has continued unabated under the corporate-friendly, anti-civil-rights-for-smokers Bloomberg administration. Might as well be a mall.

      • kerryann63 says:

        I zoomed in on the picture. She really is eating thin crust, off a paper plate, with those lovely black plastic utensils that come wrapped in plastic with a small napkin. Stay classy SP 🙂 Of course, knowing her eating habits, who really knows if she actually ate anything. Or did she just go back to the hotel and have a red bull and atkins bar?

    • Cracklin' Charlie says:

      I, also too, have used utensils when my pizza was piping hot. I hate that cheesey burn on the roof of my mouth. But even I, who have never spent one minute in the Big Apple, know that pizza is folded and eaten there. I thought y’all said she watched TV all the time?

      • slipstream says:

        Yeah, but the TV is always tuned to the 24-hour a day NASCAR channel.

  38. Mag the Mick says:

    I’m wondering if “Let Them Eat Pizza” is the new “Let Them Eat Cake”?

  39. laurie says:

    Her stunt is going almost as well as McCain’s did during the campaign. She did not learn the boost was very short lived.

  40. mudkitten says:

    Well doesn’t the trailer trash rat’s nest hairdo cancel out the cutlery elitism?

  41. SheMakesMeSick says:

    What a stupid idiot. The whole world is laughing at you sarah. Go back to where you came from and leave us alone.

    • GoI3ig says:

      NO WAY! It appears we’re getting rid of her in Alaska. This isn’t Costco where you can take everything back. Arizona, she’s all yours!

      • Iamamoonbat says:

        Funny, that’s pretty much what the late, great Molly Ivins said to someone from California about taking back Michael Huffington (who used Arianna as abeard for years.)

      • MW That One..... says:

        I second this motion.

    • frsbdg says:

      And by extension, they are also laughing at all Alaskans. Palin is a continuous embarrassment to our state.

      • Zyxomma says:

        No. we’re not laughing at all Alaskans. We know and love you. It’s Sarah we can’t tolerate, and her grifting gang of a family, also too!

  42. WakeUpAmerica says:

    Hee hee hee! What a dork!

  43. Dagian says:

    *horrified gasp*

    (Real) Pizza and asparagus are FINGER FOODS.

    I do not include school lunchroom pizza (served every Friday) as Real Pizza–so all bets are off for that stuff.

    I’m surprised she put on real clothes to go to a pizzeria. After all, she wore flip-flops to the Belmont last year. Maybe she has on that leather mini skirt (again) for her luncheon with The Hairpiece.

    • Jane in NC says:

      Yum! I agree about the asparagus (tip first), and add to that shrimp, lobster, crab, ribs and a host of other foods that were blessed by god as finger foods. Country mouse desiring to be city mouse. Or moose. Or president. Or whatever.

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