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March 16, 2025


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Thursday, August 3, 2023

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Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Palin’s Paul Revere Gaffe – The Idiocy Tour Continues (VIDEO)

Well, Hurricane Sarah continues its ravaging rampage up the Eastern seaboard. Leaving idiocy, ignorance and alienation in its wake, it continued its relentless path of destruction as it headed for New Hampshire. First, in the nation’s capital, Sarah Palin managed to alienate the organizers of the annual Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally in support of veterans, POWs and those missing in action. Then, she struck New Yorkers in the heart with a fork by desecrating their local customs and humiliating herself by eating pizza with silverware. And let’s not forget the “Statute [sic] of Liberty.” So where is she now?  Boston,…

Gotta Know When to Fold ’em – Palin Baffled by East Coast Elite Customs

  So what’s more distasteful to most New Yorkers than Sarah Palin visiting with Donald Trump on her tour through the Big Apple?  As a former resident of the New York City area, I can tell you that this was a faux pas so egregious, so cringe-worthy, so downright embarrassing it has probably lost her a few of the already few votes she’d ever get there. She actually…. she… she… I can hardly say it. (Deep breath and pursed lips) She ate pizza with a knife and fork. Not Chicago-style deep dish pizza – New York style thin crust pizza….