Posted by Jeanne Devon on November 15, 2012 · 30 Comments
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. ~Charles Darwin The reason Great Britain remains a top-tier international economic and political power today is because it did a great job adapting from one reality to another. Seeing the heads of monarchs rolling across Europe, our mother country decided to give this whole parliamentary democracy thing a go, while repurposing the House of Windsor as stately and impotent figureheads and turning Buckingham Palace into Disneyworld. Apple Computer learned some tough lessons at…
Category Bang it, Barack Obama, Headlines, John McCain, Nation, Republicans, Roll your eyes into it · Tags Barack Obama, GOP African-American vote, GOP hispanic vote, John McCain, Marco Rubio, Mitt Romney, Republicans, Richard Viguerie, Susan Rice
Posted by Jeanne Devon on October 30, 2012 · 21 Comments
This is really more like a bag of Halloween goodies than an oyster platter. Enjoy! Quote of the Week: “Please, I’m begging you. Go vote for this guy. He’s awesome!” ~Bob Lester of the Bob & Mark Show on KWHL about State Senate candidate Ron Devon. Party’s Over! Remember the breathless complaint that was filed against Senator Hollis French, and Putting Alaskans First? The Party Planner was all in a tizzy because they used the same APOC savvy bookkeeper, and the same production company to do their commercials. Ergo, they must be in cahoots and illegally coordinating the two campaigns,…
Category Alaska, Alaska Legislature, Alaska Politicos, APOC, Barack Obama, Election 2012, Elections, Headlines, Mitt Romney, Nation, Party Planner, Redistricting, Republicans, Strategery · Tags Alaska Hire, APOC, Barack Obama, Bettye Davis, Bob & Mark, Chris Christie, Hollis French, KWHL, Mia Costello, Michelle Scannell, Mitt Romney, NJ flooding
Posted by Jeanne Devon on October 20, 2012 · 23 Comments
It’s time for another chilled plate of delectable goodies from the week. Let’s start off with a true story that happened right after last week’s roundup. Picture me sitting on the couch on a Saturday afternoon, minding my own business, and drinking a cup of coffee. Let’s watch… Knock, Knock! Who’s there? The mailman with a certified letter from Austin McDaniel! Austin McDaniel, who? Austin McDaniel, Governor Sean Parnell’s social media coordinator sending a copy of an APOC complaint to senate candidate Ron Devon! Nope, not kidding. That was my Saturday. So, what’s up with that? When people donate to…
Category Alaska, Alaska Legislature, Alaska Politicos, Barack Obama, Election 2012, Elections, Headlines, Mitt Romney, Nation, Republicans · Tags Austin McDaniel, Barack Obama, Binders full of women game, Lesil McGuire, Mia Costello, Michelle Scannell, Mitt Romney, Salt Lake Tribune, Sean Parnell
Posted by Shannyn Moore on September 23, 2012 · 29 Comments
In case you missed it, this week we had “Talk Like a Pirate Day.” The guy who made my coffee took it pretty seriously. He made more sense than the news I was trying to tune out. Guess what, America. Mitt Romney doesn’t like poor people. He says things with his inside voice — when he should really just zip it. He wears bronzer when he goes on Spanish TV. I’m pretty sure brown face won’t help him with the Hispanic demographic. His wife complained, “Stop it! This is hard.” Really, Ann? Is it as hard as having to sell…
Posted by Jim Wright on September 13, 2012 · 44 Comments
“When our grounds are being attacked and being breached, the first response of the United States must be outrage at the breach of the sovereignty of our nation.“ The first response of the United States must be outrage. Yes, outrage! That’s what we need, some good old-fashioned American outrage. Because really, we haven’t spent enough time in the last ten years paying the tab on decisions that were made in the throes of outrage, right? Our first response should be outrage. That was wannabe Decider-in-Chief, Mitt Romney, in response to a statement issued by the United States Embassy in Cairo, Egypt,…
Category Bang it, Barack Obama, Election 2012, Headlines, Mitt Romney, Nation, Roll your eyes into it · Tags American embassy Cairo, Mitt Romney, Obama Egypt, Obama Libya, Romney Egypt, Romney Libya, Sam Bacile
Posted by Jeanne Devon on September 4, 2012 · 5 Comments
“As president, I will restore our relationship with Israel and stand shoulder to shoulder with our close ally.” Thus spoke Mitt Romney today, in a lame attempt to get himself into the media’s DNC narrative. This piece, dear Mudpups, is not about the Israel-Palestine debate. That discussion occurs, usually heatedly, in plenty of other places, and has for quite some time. This is about duplicity, about being on both sides of every issue, and in a feat of mind-blowing mental gymnastics, contradicting one’s own lies This is about a man who will say absolutely anything to anyone, and take any position…
Posted by Jeanne Devon on September 3, 2012 · 13 Comments
Well, it was quite a week. Hurricane Isaac was the featured guest of the non-first night of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida. Then we were treated to days of hearing the sad tales of long-suffering Republicans who had to sell some stock to get by in their early years, and stories of struggle and fear that if they couldn’t make it, they’d be forced to rely on their wealthy and supportive families to come to the rescue. And worst of all, they had to eat… TUNAfish, and PASTA. Ohhh, the humanity. Ann Romney never quite said, “I feel…
Category Alaska, Barack Obama, Election 2012, Elections, Headlines, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Nation, Republicans · Tags Alaska Delegation, Ann Romney, Democratic National Convention 2012, DNC, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Republican National Convention, RNC
Posted by Jeanne Devon on August 31, 2012 · 56 Comments
Tropical Storm Isaac put a damper on the first day of the Republican National Convention. But nothing hit Tampa by surprise quite as much as what happened on the last day. Tuesday, it was announced that a special mystery guest speaker would appear before Mitt Romney on the final night of the convention. The most famous of the small tribe of Hollywood Republicans, Clint Eastwood took the stage. Dirty Harry looked a little more like Crazy Uncle Harry as he stood on the podium. But he’s 82, after all, and it happens to the best of them. The difference is…
Category Baffle it, Election 2012, Headlines, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Nation, Rallies and Events, Republicans, Sarah Palin, Scratch it · Tags Barack Obama, Clint Eastwood, Clint Eastwood and chair, Mitt Romney, Republican National Convention, Sarah Palin Fox
Posted by Shannyn Moore on August 26, 2012 · 32 Comments
I’m getting really tired of the pile-on of Missouri Congressman Todd Akin. He isn’t being treated fairly, and I think it should stop. During an interview Mr. Akin answered a question regarding his views on abortion. “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” The idea of ladies having a Venomous Venus Flytrap-like apparatus that slams shut when there’s an unwanted intruder sounds awesome. It’s not true. Last year 32,000 American women were impregnated after being raped. “Legitimately.” OK, women — we’re kind of mysterious. Most guys didn’t watch those…
Category Bang it, Headlines, Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney, Nation, Republicans · Tags abortion, Dr. Jack Willke, Lisa Murkowski, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Papa Pilgrim, Republican party rape, Rush Limbaugh, Todd Akin
Posted by The Mudflats on August 21, 2012 · 79 Comments
Editor’s Note from Shannyn Moore: I have had this conversation with John several times. I am glad he wrote his thoughts down, and we welcome him as the latest guest author here at The Mudflats. My best advice is to let it set in. We bite the shiny hooks of not-so-breaking news every day. President Obama has to be more than Not-Mitt. Sometimes being an progressive voter makes you feel like a refugee from the Island of Dr. Moreau. Some morally inverted, twisted character from a Céline novel. Just breathe. Just read. Just push for a better America. Oh, and…