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Friday, January 28, 2022

Oyster Round Up!

Thick and fast they came at last, and more, and more, and more!

It’s time for another chilled plate of delectable goodies from the week. Let’s start off with a true story that happened right after last week’s roundup. Picture me sitting on the couch on a Saturday afternoon, minding my own business, and drinking a cup of coffee.  Let’s watch…

 Knock, Knock!

Who’s there?
The mailman with a certified letter from Austin McDaniel!
Austin McDaniel, who?
Austin McDaniel, Governor Sean Parnell’s social media coordinator sending a copy of an APOC complaint to senate candidate Ron Devon!

Nope, not kidding. That was my Saturday. So, what’s up with that? When people donate to political campaigns, sometimes they forget to write their occupation on the check. So APOC tells candidates to make a note on their filing form that says they are in the process of finding out that information. They say it’s “common” and warn candidates not to withhold checks from their filing because they don’t have the info. Mr. McDaniel’s hilariously smug yellow highlighter seems to indicate that the young lad doesn’t realize this. He should stick with tweeting weird, inappropriate stuff from the governor late at night.


Where’s Lesil?

Everyone should have gotten in the mail by now the official election candidate’s guide. It’s some of my favorite political reading. There’s a nice picture of the smiling candidate, and all kinds of information about their background, where they went to school, where they stand on the issues, and why people ought to vote for them instead of their opponent. It’s a big deal, and candidates ruminate over what to say and how to say it. It’s read by lots of people, and there are whole seminars given, and strategies for how to write it most effectively. NOT being in the guide is unthinkable if you’re a serious candidate. So, imagine my shock when it hit me… Lesil McGuire, incumbent Republican Senator from District K in Anchorage is not in the voter guide, but her opponent Democrat Roselynn Cacy is. Ruh-roh…


Twitter made what it thought was a helpful suggestion based upon a metric which is clearly operating on another plane. I think I’ll pass.


It’s worth noting how voters who know them best are reacting to the 4 guys on the Presidential tickets. Obama/Biden will easily carry Illinois & Delaware, while Romney/Ryan will lose Massachusetts & Wisconsin. But what about Utah? Surely, Mitt Romney’s religious pedigree, and role as Olympic knight in shining armor will bring him nothing but accolades from the Beehive State, right? Apparently, not so much. The Salt Lake Tribune has just endorsed President Obama. What did they have to say about the Romney they knew and loved?

Sadly, it is not the only Romney, as his campaign for the White House has made abundantly clear, first in his servile courtship of the tea party in order to win the nomination, and now as the party’s shape-shifting nominee. From his embrace of the party’s radical right wing, to subsequent portrayals of himself as a moderate champion of the middle class, Romney has raised the most frequently asked question of the campaign: “Who is this guy, really, and what in the world does he truly believe?”

That one’s gonna leave a mark.

Red Froth

Sounds like Mia Costello and the mouthpieces of KGOP have gotten themselves all in a froth.  Costello’s opponent, Michelle Scannell, is an outspoken, kick-’em-in-the-teeth kind of Democrat. And the Republicans no likee. According to Scannell, she gave her opponent a “horse whipping” in the KSKA Running debate which will air on November 1, and blogged about it on her campaign website. Costello got all wound up and complained to KSKA that Scannell was advertising the win on her campaign blog, apparently intimating that Scannell had posted a video of the event before it aired. Not so. You can pop the corn and watch yourself on November 1.

In a Bind

It was the meme of the week. Big Bird has already been replaced by “binders full of women.” That’s how Mitt Romney described eligible female candidates. His point about seeking out more women for important roles in his administration as Governor of Massachusetts has been debunked, but the imagery lives on.  Enjoy this little internet game. You’re Mitt Romney and your mission is to catch as many women as you can in your binder. Click to snap the binder closed on your unsuspecting new hire! Share your high score in the comments. (Link is in the title)




23 Responses to “Oyster Round Up!”
  1. mike from iowa says:

    Nixon’s crowd will be rejoicing tonight. AIM member and government PIA Russell Means passed away at 72. He has been fighting rwnj governments and esophageal cancer. South Dakota has lost two native warriors in two days.His family issued a short announcement saying that Russell was walking with his ancestors now. I hope he finds whatever he was searching for.

  2. Moose Pucky says:

    Oyster roundup is such a smorgasbord of delectable tidbits.

  3. Alaska Pi says:

    I’ve been waiting all day for someone to speak up about the Lesil McGuire voting pamphlet goof/oversight/screw-up… whatever.
    Anyone know?

  4. Beaglemom says:

    I’ve never had much faith in the LWV voter guides. No one is going to put anything in the guide that will turn people off. You have to pay attention and know what’s going on – locally and nationally – to be an informed voter.

    I’m also annoyed that the LWV has not nationally addressed the fake “voter fraud” movement in Republican-led states. Laws have been put in place in many states that inhibit the voting process. There has been no tangible “voter fraud” in the US but there has been election fraud and this recent spate of state laws is a perfect example. Another example is the fraudulent registration of voters in Florida and Ohio and probably in other states as well this year, paid for by the Republican Party.

    Here in Michigan the Secretary of State tried to circumvent the governor’s veto and put a little box for “citizenship” on ballot applications. As if an illegal alien is going to try to vote! These poor people try to melt into the woodwork to avoid attention; they are the least likely to try any kind of “voter fraud.”

    And silence on all of these matters from the LWV.

    • I do look at the voter’s guide that we get in Washington state. But I probably don’t look at the things they want me to see. I look to see where the candidate was educated, what sort of degree they have, if any. I look to see what their past experience is, what other activities occupy their time. Then I look at the list of endorsements – who are their supporters. Sometimes that is more telling about what their policies will be than anything they actually say they will do.

      • Beaglemom says:

        I do think endorsements are handy to see. But mostly what the candidates say about themselves is boiler-plate for the masses. And I am really annoyed that the LWV has not taken on voter suppression especially since there’s talk of the UN sending observers! I hope they go to Virginia and to a lot of major cities where minorities are going to be given a hard time. I also hope that the Dems have lots of lawyers in strategic locations on Election Day as they had in the last presidential election.

  5. mike from iowa says:;catDoorTopNews Patriot Darrel Issa released documents Friday that included the names of Libyans who worked with Americans at Benghazi consulate. State Dept. claims they were not given time to redact names,these people’s lives are in danger thanks to having been outed for political gain. Sound familiar. A 31 year old man in Virginia,working for the rethug party,was seen throwing away voter registrations. Virginia doesn’t register voters by party. However,this person worked for the company that was fired by rethugs for voter fraud in Florida and elsewhere,and should not have been working for anyone in vote registration.

    • Beaglemom says:

      What a mess the GOP has become. Of course, I’ve never had any respect for Republicans but they sure are living up to my disdain!

  6. mike from iowa says:

    With mikey’s help,the mittster and I managed to elude every single(or married/engaged) woman that fell from the skies. And boy,did they come thick and fast at last. The amazing agility shown by mitt was compounded by my inability to get out of the way of woulded garbage trucks. I can spend days avoiding women the way rethugs avoid taking responsibility. Thanks for the lovely intervention from sheer boredumb.

    • mike from iowa says:

      On a sad note-George McGovern finally succumbed to life’s little hassles,fighting them god awful rethuglicans constantly. After the Kennedys were slaughtered and Johnson stepped down,McGovern was the last shining liberal for this teen of the late sixties. RIP sir.

  7. beth. says:

    i give up: Why in the world would a govenor’s *Social Media Coordinator* be sending out a copy of an APOC complaint? Doesn’t the governor have a deputy or someone to handle such legal matters/notifications? beth.

    • Alaska Pi says:

      Any citizen of Alaska can file a complaint about a candidate with APOC.
      Here , it is of interest that the complainant is employed in the Governor’s Anchorage office though it must be assumed , without information to the contrary, that Mr McDaniel is complaining with his private-citizen’s hat on, not his employer’s.
      However, because whatzername’s staff’s history of trying to manipulate, affect, and twist just about everything and everyone not friendly to her administration is fresh in our minds , this has every appearance of being a dumber-than-a-rock move by this fellow.

      • mike from iowa says:

        Does Alaska have their very own onions,by chance? Seems to me if you remove Pi from opinion you still have onion left and you wouldn’t necessarily have to go hungry. Too cool!

        • mike from iowa says:

          Even better,your opinion could be as mild or as heartburn inducing fractious as your onion.

        • Alaska Pi says:

          Myself, i don’t have any experience with no Pi in opinion but the idea that I might give some twit heartburn is very appealing.

  8. Kath the Scrappy says:

    AKM, night before last I donated to Ron’s campaign. The donate button from Mudflats goes to Paypal. But PP doesn’t give any fields to indicate Employer name.

    So how does that work? Just in case … I’m
    ‘Retired from City of Seattle’
    if the campaign is in need of the info.

  9. John says:

    Why does a Governor need a social media coordinator? What does the coordinator do the other 34 hours each week? (Alaska state employees are paid based on a 37.5 hour work week) If the Gov’s social media coordinator is really working at least 20 hours a week on social media, he must be doing a terrible job because the Gov doesn’t seem to have much of a social media presence.

  10. mike from iowa says: This guy is comedy gold-really bad,awfully sad comedy. When he gets behind closed doors,the true Mittenstein rears his ugly head.