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Prevo divorce documents raise questions about Anchorage Baptist Temple house


by Mel Green

Court documents in the divorce of Allen Prevo, son of Anchorage Baptist Temple pastor Jerry Prevo, and Holly Jo Prevo raise questions about ABT religious exemption housing. Or, in the judge’s words, “if there was a tax appraiser or a reporter from the Anchorage Daily News, things would not look good… it’s pretty loosey-goosey to me.”

2330 Banbury CircleCiting Alaska Statute § 25.20.120, which provides the option of sealing court records in proceedings involving child custody, attorney Wayne Anthony Ross on August 3 filed a motion to seal the records in the case of Allen Prevo v. Holly Jo Prevo (3AN-10-08113CI).  The motion was filed on the same day that Anchorage Superior Court Judge Frank A. Pfiffner granted a decree of divorce.  Arguing to seal the records, Ross wrote,

The plaintiff’s father (the children’s grandfather) is a high profile individual in the State of Alaska and is a well known, national figure.  There are several journalists who would delight in airing any “dirty laundry” attached to the Prevo family.  Access to these court records would provide little material that would be of any benefit to the public, and the negative publicity which would result could have a strong negative effect on the children.

Phyllis Shepherd, the defendant’s lawyer, countered on August 16:

It appears that plaintiff’s primary concern is, not so much the protection of his children, but to protect his father “a high profile individual in the state of Alaska and a well known national figure.”

Jerry Prevo at the ABT picnic on the Loussac lawn, summer 2009The “high profile individual” is, of course, Jerry Prevo, pastor of the Anchorage Baptist Temple, who has long been a powerful figure in Anchorage and the state.  He’s well-known to Anchorage’s LGBT community as a prominent leader in opposition to equal rights under the law for LGBT people, leading the fight against three ordinances which granted those rights in 1975, 1992, and 2009  — all of which passed the Anchorage Assembly, only to be reversed (twice through mayoral veto, once through vote of a successor Assembly).  He had close ties with Jerry Falwell, founder of the Moral Majority, and founded Alaska’s chapter of the Moral Majority in 2000.  In 1985, Prevo accompanied Falwell on a widely publicized “Freedom Mission” to South Africa, returning to Anchorage to speak the praises of then-president and apartheid advocate P.W. Botha. Since at least 2003, Prevo has been chair of the board of trustees of Liberty University in Lynchburg, which Falwell founded as  Lynchburg Baptist College in 1971.

Prevo also has ties with other national Christian figures, including Franklin Graham, and is on the board of directors of Graham’s charity Samaritan Purse.  He accompanied former Alaska governor Sarah Palin on Samaritan Purse mission to western Alaska. Prevo has several times been a member of Alaska’s delegation to the national Republican convention, at least twice serving as the delegation’s chair.  At the 2009 convention, according the the Washington Post political blog The Trail, he handed Palin his cell phone for her to accept congratulations from Franklin Graham for her nomination as vice presidential candidate.  His power is such that many political candidates for feel compelled to take what Amanda Coyne of Alaska Dispatch once termed “the perp walk at Anchorage Baptist Temple”  to introduce themselves to his congregation.  The funeral of Sen. Ted Stevens was held in his church.

Wayne Anthony Ross' Hummer with WAR vanity platesAllen Prevo’s attorney, Wayne Anthony Ross, is also widely known.  In Anchorage he’s famous for driving a bright red Hummer bearing vanity plates with his initials, WAR.  In 2009 he was Gov. Sarah Palin’s nominee for Alaska attorney general, and distinguished himself by becoming the only cabinet nominee in Alaska state history to fail to be confirmed by the Alaska Legislature.  His candidacy had been widely opposed by Alaska Natives, women, and the LGBT community — who weren’t favorably impressed by a 1993 letter he wrote to the Alaska Bar Rag (of the Alaska Bar Association) calling gays and lesbians “degenerates” who practiced “sexual perversion” and were “”immoral in the eyes of anyone with intelligence.”  Asked in a confirmation hearing if he could fairly represent LGBT Alaskans, Ross replied,

Let me give you an analogy.  I hate lima beans. I’ve never liked lima beans. But if I was hired to represent the United Vegetable Growers, would you ask me if I liked lima beans. No. If I disliked lima beans. No. Because my job is to represent the United Vegetable Growers.

Wayne Anthony Ross is perhaps not correct when he writes — as his motion to seal the court records goes on to say —

The plaintiff respectfully submits to the court that it is in the best interests of the children to have these records shielded from public scrutiny.

In fact, there may in fact be “benefit to the public” — a benefit having nothing to do with the Prevo kids — in leaving the court records open to scrutiny.  That’s getting down to the bottom of what’s going on with his son’s housing.


Allen and Holly Jo Prevo married on May 1, 1992 and had three children.

Allen Prevo, 43, is the only child of Jerry and Carol Prevo.  He began working for his father’s church, Anchorage Baptist Temple, in 1983 as a lighting director and TV consultant, and currently is ABT’s audiovisual and computer technician in charge of virtually everything having to do with ABT’s television ministry — Sunday broadcasts, commercials, advertising, and lighting for plays.  He also is an ordained pastor, though court records mention only a high school education, no college or seminary work.  In 1997 while working at ceiling level at ABT, he fell 24 feet from a catwalk, landing on a railing and suffering severe injuries to his ribs and thoracic spine.  As a result, he has a chronic pain condition which is managed with the pain medication Oxycontin (oxycodone).  Prevo was the plaintiff in the case, with Ross stating on his behalf in the Complaint for Divorce of May 17, 2010,

There exists an incompatibility of temperament between the parties which renders a life together burdensome and intolerable.  However, plaintiff does not wish a divorce and believes that if the defendant will involve herself in counseling with him, take the necessary time, and make the necessary effort, then this marriage could be saved.  If the defendant refuses, however, to involve herself with plaintiff in counseling, take the necessary time, and make the necessary effort to try and save this marriage, then a divorce may be necessary.

The Plaintiff’s Trial Brief of March 18, 2011 elaborates:

In April 2010 Holly announced to Allen that she wanted a divorce.  Allen filed for divorce on 10 June 2010 because he feared Holly was planning to take the children out of the state.  Rather than wanting a divorce, Allen hoped to get Holly to agree to involve herself, with him, in marriage counseling.  Holly, however, has refused to work toward saving the marriage.  Instead, she has advised Allen that she plans to move to California after the divorce.

Holly Jo Prevo nee Jaggers, 39, currently works as a customer service representative for AT&T, though during most of her marriage to Allen Prevo she was out of the workforce, staying in the home as a homemaker and primary caregiver of the couple’s three kids.  Previously she had been involved in volunteer activities centered around Anchorage Baptist Temple and the Anchorage Christian School, including directing the children’s choir and coaching cheerleading.

At issue in the divorce was the custody of the three minor children, possible child and spousal support, attorney’s fees, and the equitable division of marital property.  The Amended Decree of Divorce of August 3 ultimately granting them joint legal custody of the two younger children, with Allen having primary physical custody of them; and Holly being granted sole legal and primary physical custody of their oldest child.  Despite Allen’s initial claim in his Complaint for Divorce that “Defendant is financially capable of paying spousal support to plaintiff,” Judge Pfiffner found Holly’s claim to be the financially disadvantaged party — with an annual income in the area of $60,000 less than Allen’s — to be correct, writing in the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law,

Because of her limited income and assets and smaller earning capability, Holly needs a disproportionate share of the marital estate.  Accordingly, the court has divided the estate on a 55/45 basis in favor of Holly.

Holly’s name was also restored to Holly Jo Jaggers.

Some details of the settlement, as well as some of the Finding of Fact incorporated in the decree, are still being argued about between the parties, resulting in further motions in countermotions.

The marital home

But one item in particular remains of public interest: the marital home at 2330 Banbury Drive.  A search on the property at the Municipality of Anchorage Real Property Information site  confirms that the property is, as discussed in court records, owned by the Anchorage Baptist Temple.  Furthermore, it’s got a religious exemption  from taxes.  From there, the questions begin.

2330 Banbury Drive: Public Inquiry Parcel Details

Anchorage news junkies may remember that in April 2004, In April 2004, municipal tax assessors revoked the exemption for four ABT-owned houses that were determined to not qualify for a religious exemption because none of the people living in them was “a bishop, pastor, priest, rabbi, minister or religious order of a recognized religious organization” as specified in state law about property tax exemptions.  Three were teachers at the ABT-affliated Anchorage Christian Schools. The fourth was a janitor.  Then, a couple of years later, the Municipality discovered that an additional six ABT-owned houses were occupied by teachers.

Anxious to retain its tax exemption on those houses, ABT enlisted the help of assistant pastor Glenn Clary, who also happened to be the treasurer of the Alaska Republican Party, to go down to Juneau and lobby legislators to fix things.  The Republican-dominated legislature was quick to respond: in March 2006, Senate President Ben Stevens drafted language which added “an educator in a private religious or parochial school” to the list of people whose residence in a house made the house exempt from property taxes.  Furthermore, the new language defined a “minister” to be someone who is considered one and is “employed to carry out a ministry” of a religious organization.  Stevens then asked Sen. Bert Stedman, chairman of the Senate Community and Regional Affairs Committee, to introduce the new language into a redraft of an obscure property tax bill that Sen. Con Bunde had introduce the previous year.  Public testimony on the bill a few days later was aligned squarely against the bill, but legislators advance it anyway, and it ultimately passed and was signed into law by Gov. Frank Murkowski.  The ACLU of Alaska sued, but ultimately a Superior Court judge found the new law constitutional.

It’s not completely clear from the court paperwork, but it’s possible that the religious exemption for the house the Allen and Holly Jo Prevo family lived in came out of this law — the portion of it which permits a religious organization to define for itself what a “minister” who is “employed to carry out a ministry” is.  Allen Prevo is, again, an ordained minister — despite no record in the court documents to indicate his education went past high school to college, much less grad school or a seminary.  And, Allen Prevo is employed to carry out ABT’s television ministry.  Thus: the ABT house he lives in is tax-exempt.

But there’s still plenty of unclarity to be found in the court documents.  For example, in paragraph 4 of the Counterclaim contained in the defendant’s (Holly’s) Answer to Complaint for Divorce (filed June 30, 2010), Phyllis Shepherd on Holly’s behalf asserts,

Defendant asserts that she is a disadvantaged spouse and is in need of spousal support to be paid by the Defendant.

Wayne Anthony Ross on behalf of Allen Prevo denied this, writing in the January 26, 2011 Answer to Counterclaim,

The defendant is gainfully employed and is continuing to live in the marital home while the plaintiff continues to pay the mortgage.

But how could Allen have been paying the mortgage when he didn’t own the home?  (At this point, also, Ross and Prevo were continuing to insist that Holly, with an annual income perhaps one quarter of Allen’s, should pay him spousal support.)

The details begin to come clear in a significantly unclear way in on the first day of the divorce trial, which took place on April 5, 2011.  A summary of the trail is included in the court file.  These notes, prepared by court clerks during testimony, generally include the statements made by witnesses, but not (except in rare instances) the questions asked by attorneys — so it’s rather like hearing only one side of a telephone conversation.  Occasionally Judge Pfiffner — identified in the record as COURT — also steps in with a few questions, as in this passage, in which Allen Prevo is being examined by Wayne Anthony Ross.  Typos and errors here are as in the original; comments or explanation from me are in square brackets.

Direct Exam continues by Mr. Ross

Plaintiff ex. 6 – reference [Plaintiff identifies exhibit 6]

(spreadsheet of property, to be split 50/50)
(fair thing to do, not written agreement between us the church)
(been working for ABT fro 15 years and they will have rent go to equity in the home. If you stay in this home an its paid off its our home, verbal agreements and nothing in writing)

plaintiff ex. 3 – ID [Plaintiff identifies exhibit 3]

(verbal agreement we wrote up to be fair on this issue, written up…., not sure of date)
(written up for this litigation, since she decided on this divorce)
(if I were to quit ABT they would get the home, its in their name)
(took what we put toward the home, rent to own, transfer equity from other home to his home and they appliances and new boiler etc.,)
($322,888.50 valued at, yes)
(we picked out refrigerator and the washer and dryer, church put up the money and added to what we owed the church)
(the previous house was also owned by ABT)
(got credit for the first ABT home toward the 2nd ABT home)
(yes, made repairs but paid for by ABT, increased what we owed on the home)
(They also paid fire insurance…,)

Clerk change back to Holly Fuentes

Exhibit(s) Offered

Court inquires of Allen Prevo

Allen Prevo
(No, the church paid the house off so I don’t know, I guess because we’re paying the church there’s no mortgage
(It’s listed as Anchorage Baptist Temple…if I had my paystub I could show you exactly
(We were paying a bi-weekly payment…toward the equity of the home
(That was…yes sir…$770 monthly, on the second page
(Yes…not sure if it’s fifteen years, started in 2005…started ABT in 1983
(It was a good deal sir
(I’ve stated to Holly, if I keep the kids for the school year I’d purchase the house and get money from the church to pay her half and then I’d owe my dad an arm and a leg
(If I don’t have the kids for the school year I don’t need that big of a house
(We’d default on the mortgage and we’d see…we’d divide it up
(They’d end up paying us fair market value…no sir
(Holly did all the financing when we were married
(This came from the church, what we have paid since 2005, how much we paid for the house
(Yes {paid by the Baptist Temple}…and added to…yes…correct

-Anchorage Baptist Temple, your father, whoever is going to agree to all of this…that’s a stretch

-If he decided to become a Presbyterian…nothing requiring him to pay them

-I’m willing to have you explain a lot more but if there was a tax appraiser or a reporter from the Anchorage Daily News, things would not look good
-I’m seeing and hearing all this stuff…I have to deal with it only in the context of this case
-Who owns this, is there equity, how it will be paid out, it’s pretty loosey-goosey to me

On the second day of the trial, April 7, 2011, Ronald Thomas Slepecki, a college professor at Wayland Baptist, was examined   as a witness for the defense by Holly’s attorney Phyllis Shepherd.  Before going to Wayland, Slepecki had been a staff member at ABT.

(I retired from the Air Force…in 1991-1995…I was over a lot of the children so I had interactions with…mostly those four years I knew of Allen and Holly
(That all changed in…we were family, they’d help sit our kids…both were great
(This is very difficult for me because I love them both, I’m here testifying to the truth, not here to be on one side or the other
(Well, yes…whenever you go up against your old bosses son is the way it could be seen
(I’ve worked for his dad for quite a long time…yes, Pastor Prevo…can be very tough to deal with
(He does wield a lot of power as it relates to that church…our government and the way it’s structured
(A Pastor is a Pastor…he does all the hiring and firing so it’s difficult to be put in a situation
(Yes, how it works…

-Objection, relevance


Ronald Thomas Slepecki
(Any church atmosphere…that means the property is owned by the church and an ordained minister lives in that property
(So I met that, I was an ordained minister…therefore, the church does not have to pay taxes on that home because I meet those requirements
(Two would be later on if I move out of the church house…and purchased my own home, the church can designate a certain part of your salary as a housing allowance
(The rental value…then you have to justify that…all the things have to add up to that
(There’s one more than occurs at Anchorage Baptist Temple, there’s a third setup that relates to Allen and Holly’s home, that has been given to folks that are higher up
(I never got that, I asked and was denied

-Objection, speculation

Ronald Thomas Slepecki
(The church carries the note so they give you a better interest rate and you work off that and pay the church

Based on Allen’s first-day testimony, apparently the rent which Allen paid went towards equity in the home in some kind of unwritten, purely verbal agreement between him and ABT, or between him and his father.  But after it became clear that there would be a divorce, the agreement was finally put down on paper. Which may possibly be what’s being referred to here, from Day 3 of the trial, held July 12, 2011 (though to verify someone would have to listen to the recording and/or examine the exhibit):

Holly Prevo
(His dad gave us that…his fingerprints would be all over that document, he’s fully aware of document…original document has been signed
(Allen signed it and Jerry Prevo…no doubt whatsoever

Rebuttal: Cross Examination by Mr. Ross

Holly Prevo
(I heard Jerry Prevo say…unless he’s a liar…yes, I did see it signed

Meanwhile, the rent that Allen paid, which went towards this supposed equity in the home, actually appears to have come out of one of the components of Allen’s compensation as an ABT employee — his housing allowance of $10,029.24.  In other words, he was given a housing allowance, which he used to pay rent which went towards his equity.

(His total compensation, per Holly’s Answer to Complaint for Divorce as well as the final Findings of Fact, includes: Salary$58,844;  housing allowance $10,029;  cell phone $420; utility allowance $3,000; 403(b) contribution $9,500;  vacation 4 weeks; for a total of $81,793. Additionally, there was free private school tuition for each child enrolled at Anchorage Christian School, up to about $11,750/year; medical reimbursement for 1/2 family medical expenses not otherwise covered by health insurance; ABT-provided truck insurance; and retirement held in Vanguard mutual funds valued at about $100,000.  Holly in the meantime had an annual income in 2010 of $24,931.)

Judge Pfiffner, as he said on Day 1 of the divorce trial, could only do the best he could within the context of the case.  As summarized in the Findings of Fact:

ABT has legal title to the residence at 2330 Banbury Drive in Anchorage. (Ex. G).  There is no deed of trust on the residence.  However, ABT and Allen Prevo had an unrecorded agreement in place whereby Allen owns the equity in the residence.  (Ex. 3)  The agreement provides Allen Prevo is vested with the equity from prior ABT housing.  (Id.)  The difference between the prior equity and the purchase prices was the initial paper mortgage amount on the Banbury residence.  (Id.)  Each pay period, a percentage of Allen Prevo’s annual housing allowance was subtracted from Allen’s paycheck and is applied to reduce the paper mortgage balance on the Banbury residence.  (Id.)  Essentially, Allen Prevo’s housing allowance is an interest free reduction in Allen Prevo’s paper mortgage.  (Id.)  The paper equity on the Banbury residence is a marital asset. [emphasis added]

Maybe we need what Judge Pfiffner mentioned in the first day of the trial —

-I’m willing to have you explain a lot more but if there was a tax appraiser or a reporter from the Anchorage Daily News, things would not look good
-I’m seeing and hearing all this stuff…I have to deal with it only in the context of this case
-Who owns this, is there equity, how it will be paid out, it’s pretty loosey-goosey to me

Yep, looks pretty loosey-goosey to me, too, an unschooled renter-for-life like me, who has never owned a house in my life.

Tax assessors, Anchorage Daily News, or any other journalists who just want to get down to the truth — whether or not you “delight in airing any “dirty laundry” attached to the Prevo family”   — please have a look at this, will you?

The court file is not yet sealed.


Besides the court documents cited within the text, or references which were linked, these references were also used:

  • “Co-sponsors flummoxed by hijacking of tax bill – BAPTIST TEMPLE: Exemption from taxes for church’s housing for teachers shoehorned into measure” by Richard Richtmyer (Anchorage Daily News, March 10, 2006).
  • “Committee gets earful about property-tax bill – EXEMPTION: No one spoke in its favor, but it advanced anyway” by Matt Volz, Associated Press (Anchorage Daily News, March 12, 2006).
  • “Temple’s homes for its teachers are tax exempt – COURT RULING: Alaska ACLU had sued to stop the practice” by Sheila Toomey and Megan Holland  (Anchorage Daily News, July 4, 2008).

[cross-posted at Bent Alaska]



52 Responses to “Prevo divorce documents raise questions about Anchorage Baptist Temple house”
  1. ed says:

    Hey Mel,
    Thanks for bringing clarity to…well, I mean it’s kinda clear…Oh, who am I kidding? It’s a mess. But thanks for shedding some light on it.

  2. auni says:

    I hope Holly writes a book! This reminds me of Paul and Jan Crouch of TBN Praise the Lord. They have good lawyers and a ton of money–home in Newport Beach etc. They never get checked, just too powerful. I sure want to know the outcome of this situation–

  3. 24owls says:

    I guess the one who saw the light was Holly who wanted to get out of the marriage and not be kept silent about the Prevo family and their glass houses. When will justice ever be served fairly to those that constantly break the law or hire fat head lawyers – Ross – who can slime his way and his clients out of just about everything? Maybe if any of the legislators had a backbone they might revisit the tax breaks for churches law and take out the added language as noted in the article.

  4. I See Villages From My House says:

    I read this from Mel’s blog last night. What a brilliant, analytical mind she has. Thank god for her perceptive eye and wherewithal in our disproportionately populated State.

    This just chaps my ass, Prevo gleefully and boastfully has access to the corridors of power and monied interests that influence the way laws are written or interpreted; and yet they go to such lengths to abuse tax exemption for the most menial of ‘servants’ to the Church.

    “Tax assessors, Anchorage Daily News, or any other journalists who just want to get down to the truth — whether or not you “delight in airing any “dirty laundry” attached to the Prevo family” — please have a look at this, will you?”

    I double dog dare any journalist to break open this abuse in the lack of separation of Church and State in Alaska, and interstate / global activities paid for – ultimately, by the American Taxpayer and Anchorage homeowners.

  5. benlomond2 says:

    Obviously does NOT practice what he preaches, and doesn’t give s@#t, so long as he gets his NOW….. Prime example why I don’t care for organized religion…

  6. fishingmamma says:

    I am a christian. I condemn this behavior, and I know in my heart that even though it seems impossible to cause this man to give up his need for power and wealth, he will be made to answer for this. His behavior is not biblical. He is using his wealth and power to try and create credibility. He has not learned that wealth is useless. He is an emperor with no clothes. He is an empty soul. He is a “legend in his own mind”

    He is to be pitied.

  7. ks sunflower says:

    Having just commented on the alternate meaning of ABT and rejoicing with Zyxomma about her cousin, I hesitate to bring up the point that brought me back to the mudflats to make, but it needs to be made and questions asked.

    Apparently the Anchorage Baptist Temple rakes in a lot of money. Could part of this money explain why Prevo has such sway with the legislature? Are church records ever subject to auditing? Could congregants demand such an audit? Could the IRS look into the question of whether monies from the church are going to politicians at any or all levels to influence legislation that fits into the church’s dogma?

    Perhaps the congregants are content to know they are funding cushy lifestyles for their church’s leaders and staff, and perhaps they are happy to think that money is going to influence the law to reflect their religious worldview, but considering how two-faced many politicians are these days with sex scandals, drug addictions and the like, perhaps some of them might be so thrilled to see their hard-earned money financing “deviant” lifestyles of the same politicians who their pastor may be bribing (aka influencing, underwriting or buying).

    • Zyxomma says:

      OK, I wasn’t going to post this, because it’s weird to watch dance with no music, and this video has no sound (copyright issues, which I respect). This is a mixtape of my cousin’s appearances on Star Search in 1995 (which I was unaware of until this evening). He was adorable at 11!

      If you like what you see, search his name at youtube for more recent video. He’s an amazing soloist. When I saw him in The Bright Stream earlier this summer (as The Accordionist), the woman sitting next to me said he’d be a principal within two years. I have to agree. He’s very gifted, and lots of fun to watch. At that performance, I got to meet one of the other triplets, too.

      • ks sunflower says:

        Zyxomma, there was no link to the mixtape, but I will look him up on YouTube because every time someone posts a link here I have learned from experience that it is worth pursuing. I have learned about and enjoyed so much because of the links posted here. Thanks.

    • Pinwheel says:

      KS Sunflower,

      If I remember correctly Mudracker attended ABT in the weeks leading up to the 2010 SOA elections and heard the direction from the pulpit to support any other than Scott McAdams. MDK can probable clarify this, but several churches thruout the State also had sermons from their mounts supporting LEESA.

      Seperation of church and state? Tax exemptions?


      • ks sunflower says:

        Thanks for the reminder, Pinwheel. Here’s hoping this issue gets more notice before the 2012 election. I think we could probably go far in resolving our deficit problems if those churches who cross the line are made to pony up their fair share.

      • leenie17 says:

        If I recall correctly, churches are permitted to support general legislation that aligns with their particular dogma, but NOT permitted to support specific candidates (although that is often implied with the other).

        Am I right? And wouldn’t ABT’s support of Murkowski directly violate that law?

        • Zyxomma says:

          We tried to deal with this issue in the 1970s, and failed. Several women’s groups took it to court. At the time, the Catholic church was the target, because of their too-vocal support of anti-abortion candidates.

          Now that the loudest and proudest of the anti-abortion crowd are Teahadists, this isn’t going away. Yes, I refuse to call them pro-life. Anyone who only cares about the “sanctity” of life before the actual human is born, and doesn’t give a fig once he/she is breathing on its own, is NOT pro-life, but anti-abortion. Now that’s been widened into a general war on women, including arresting them for murder if they have miscarriages, and calling the morning-after pill (and even ordinary birth control) murder.

  8. Zyxomma says:

    Tax exemptions like this are a scam, plain and simple. I’ve read previously (here and elsewhere) that WAR’s M.O. in divorce cases is to represent the husband, get the kids away from their mothers, and leave the mothers as penniless as possible. Disgusting. And the oxycodone addict is a better parent why?

    On another note, every time I see ABT, for me it’s American Ballet Theatre, where my beautiful, talented cousin is a soloist. Here’s his ABT profile:

    • ks sunflower says:

      That is a much better note to end the evening with because his beautiful soul seems to shine through his face. He must be a very good dancer because his photograph conveys a sense of happiness. His impressive resume speaks well of his talent. It’s not easy to get into the ABT; no small wonder you are proud of his accomplishments.

    • renee99503 says:

      You might also recall WARs statements about domestic and child custody during a community forum that most women fabricate allegations of abuse in a race to the courthouse to position themselves for custody. He is a slime ball extraordinaire.

    • leenie17 says:

      I used to LOVE going to ABT when I was in college (I was a dance minor many years and many pounds ago)!

      Excellent company which says a lot about your cousin’s talent. There are many, many talented ballet dancers in NY and only the best make it into companies like ABT.

  9. Cassie Jeep says:

    My first reaction is that the IRS needs to get involved.

    All this tax free housing allowance being used to build equity is certainly not right. It should be determined that Allen’s w-2 included this housing allowance in addition to the utility allowance, etc.

    Further, the tax exempt status of the “rental” properties should be investigated. While the church is certainly tax exempt, it may still be in receipt of “unrelated taxable income”.

    Seems to me that the church just has way too much money and that’s what enables them to give away houses to their “chosen” people.

  10. ks sunflower says:

    Who sets the salaries and benefits for those who work for the church? Gee whiz, it sure is a mighty fine set up for despots who strut around saying they believe in a faith but whose actions undermine that claim. Jerry Prevo and his church organization are truly shameful examples of sad state of Chrisitianity in Modern America.

    In southern Johnson County, in the one its bedroom communities, there was recently a scandal about a mega-church. The pastor had placed his adult children in quarter-million dollar homes. The congregation as a whole had not realized their tithes had been supporting such lavish lifestyles for the pastor’s extended family. Sounds very much like Prevo’s scam. Why should those who work in the church live better than the congregants who share what little they have with the church?

    • Pinwheel says:

      KS Sunflower:

      The congregation pays, endowments from dead people pay. Political organizations pay. You should see the congregation in the weeks leading up to a local, regional, State or National election. Prevo must have been slurping up the National Republicans who visited his powerhouse for “Uncle Ted’s” service..I hope many constituents were moved and humbled by Vice President of the United States Joe Biden’s personal, and moving comments about his relationship with Sen. Stevens.

      Thanx to Shrub, in the last 10 years, ABT probably got lots of money from the Federal Government. (religeous orgs vs community orgs…compassionate conservatism.)

      I was also confused why Sen. Ted Stevens memorial service was held at ABT. This story makes that event more understandable.

      Here’s a research project: Does ABT pay for the police traffic control for Sunday ‘services’?? for Wednesdays or Fridays. Sports events at ACS?? If not why not?

      Glad this is out in the open. Surely this is somethings we can get our teeth into.

  11. carol says:

    On a separate but similar note, many churches derive most of their operating expenses by tithes from their congregations. Perry, altho talks the talk, doesn’t seem to walk the walk
    That also leads me to wonder about the Quitter. Were the governor’s tax filings pubic information? that is one of my main reasons for believing she WON’T run for office; she’ll have to release tax information.
    What about Bachmans’? Hmmm, curious minds want to know.

    • Bretta says:

      She had to file the usual financial disclosure documents during her governorship but nothing about her earnings after leaving the office in July 2009.

  12. diz says:

    Years ago many targeted the Catholic Church when the public discovered how much tax free real estate was under their control — shopping centers, car washes, strip malls, apt complexes. They claimed the ‘profit’ from these rental properties served their charitable interests. Nothing ever came of it and I think most Americans today don’t realize the extent to which this scam by nearly all religions has progressed, primarily thru the internet, television and megaChurch ministries.

    A complete reversal of property tax exemption and the taxing of the side businesses like books, videos, excessive compensation within the ‘church’ would likely solve the national debt in just a couple years however lighting this tinderbox would create chaos. I’ll grant that some small community congregations probably remain within the law but it doesn’t take a tax or ethics scholar to recognize the extent of exemption abuse by the majority of religious businesses. Holy tax fraud Batman!!

    • Mel Green says:

      Interestingly, however, the Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, which as a religious organization is tax-exempt, every year gives money in lieu of taxes to the Municipality of Anchorage — they don’t agree with the tax-exempt stuff either. Found a couple of stories about it in the Anchorage Daily News while researching this story.

      • AKMuckraker says:

        The AUUF has been engaging in their policy for more than 50 years. They believe that members of the community should not be obligated to support beliefs they may not hold. They also expect that the police and ambulance will come to the church if called. Every year the president of the board and the minister show up at the Anchorage Assembly and present a check of conscience. Kudos to them.

        • ka sunflower says:

          Now that’s a faith community I can respect. Thank you, AKM and Mel Green, for discussing the AUUF. How I wish other churches or religious groups would follow their example.

          I really liked the following: “They believe that members of the community should not be obligated to support beliefs they may not hold.”

          Wow – if only the current crop of politicians could grasp that concept, we could have meaningful discussion of issues affecting our communities, states, nations and the world at large instead of being told or scolded about what we should believe.

        • ks sunflower says:

          Oops, I just noted my comment in under moderation because of a typo I made in my moniker. Sorry. In case that silly error causes its deletion, here is a copy of the comment (not that is it so earth-shattering it bears repeating, but because I want to express my support for faith communities such as AUUF based upon their attitude towards taxation.)

          Now that’s a faith community I can respect. Thank you, AKM and Mel Green, for discussing the AUUF. How I wish other churches or religious groups would follow their example.

          I really liked the following: “They believe that members of the community should not be obligated to support beliefs they may not hold.”

          Wow – if only the current crop of politicians could grasp that concept, we could have meaningful discussion of issues affecting our communities, states, nations and the world at large instead of being told or scolded about what we should believe.

        • leenie17 says:

          That’s a church that’s in the church-y ‘business’ for the right reasons. What great role models for its younger members (and older ones too)!

  13. Millie says:

    This just irritates the hell out of me that Prevo gets away with this scam and the rest of us carry the load! I’m not sure his God would agree w/this abuse!!

  14. carol says:

    Why are churches tax exempt, I suppose there are good reasons, but I haven’t heard them

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      Two big reasons:
      Separation of church and state: Churches should not benefit nor be burdened by the state.
      The state should not benefit from nor be burdened by the church

    • beth says:

      I believe some of the original thinking behind the exemptions was: Since the *whole* reason for the group/organization is for spiritual mentoring of its members and charitable works of the community, any money not given to the state would be used to carry out those two ‘jobs.’ Of course, over the years, way too many of the groups/organizations have “expanded” their mission and have decided its mainly their job to also get all politicky… the buggers. I say: Until such time as these groups/organizations return to the original intent of the law, tax their government-meddling assets off. beth.

      • Pinwheel says:

        There is, however, a difference between between, for instance a “501.c.3….”, non-profit organization, as recognized by the IRS and whatever the CCH is for churches.

  15. Dale says:

    I have just two questions:

    One, how do I create a “recognized religious organization.”

    Two, who else wants to be a minister for my new religious organization?

    • ks sunflower says:

      As soon as I get rid of all my pesky scruples, I will sign up as a minister for a scam such as this. Sigh, that means I will never make it. I lost a job once because of my scruples and sense of honor. Oh, well.

    • sali says:


    • lisa says:

      I too have been wondering how to do this! But, I just don’t have the stomach for all the deception employed by such a scam.
      I am beginning to think we ought to begin an anti-tax exempt movement against churches instead. I am sick of paying for the charlatans! In any shape or form. It is also time for those of us who don’t believe churches are keeping politics out of the pulpit to go into these churches, become members and videotape some of the sermons that are clearly stepping over the boundary. Time to take it to the courts and then time to put it on the ballot to eliminate the their tax exempt status.

    • Dagian says:

      I would try to qualify if only I were willing to put my soul up on a rent-to-own option! ☼

    • akconstant says:

      I recently started a church. The church of wine and fish. We shall have wine and fish unlimited as our sacrament. Our task is to steward the land.

  16. GoI3ig says:

    This is one of the biggest scams in existence. ABT owns dozens of properties, and pays nothing in way of taxes, while everyday people carry the burden for them.

    • Pinwheel says:

      Try this again. First, the continuing outrage of those people… Do those people really expect ‘forgiveness’. Such collusion with Ben Stevens and Stedman (R-Sen-Sitka) is a surprise to me. However, Stedman got the power with the Finance Committee and Ben Stevens has yet to be indicted.

      Believe me when I say there are an enormous number of ‘match book ministers’ in Alaska. In Alaska, the these ministries have been populating the ‘Bush’ for 30 years. They abuse the privilege of the land. I know I have written about this before.

      Thanx for an insightful report, Mel. It is up to us to change this.


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