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Open Thread – Saturday Drive-Thru for Equality!

You might remember that in September, a coalition of organizations launched the One Anchorage Campaign:

The One Anchorage campaign filed an application this morning with the Anchorage Municipal Clerk’s Office to place an initiative on the April 2012 ballot asking voters to include lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Alaskans in the same legal protections already provided to women and minorities in employment, housing, and public businesses.

Arliss Sturgulewski, a former state senator and Republican gubernatorial candidate is the Initiative Sponsor and Co-Chair of the One Anchorage Campaign. Former Alaska Gov. Tony Knowles is the Alternate Sponsor and campaign Co-Chair. Other Sponsors include Alaska Constitutional Convention delegate Vic Fischer, former First Alaskans Institute President & CEO Janie Leask, the Rev. Michael Burke of Anchorage’s St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, and leaders of Alaska’s LGBT community.

After the Municipality accepted the application, One Anchorage had 90 days to collect thousands of signatures. Today (Saturday) is the last day that those signatures will be collected before they are turned in to the Municipality next week.

Don’t you want to be a part of history?

There will be volunteers all over the city today gathering signatures. However, the Campaign has made it VERY easy for those busy folks who would like to sign from the comfort of their own car.


Do you still want to sign the One Anchorage equal rights petition?

Do you have friends that want to sign but you have not been able to connect with them?

This Saturday from 10am to 3pm, we will provide drive thru service to anyone who wants to sign the petition.

Please help us spread the word.

Pull up to the front door and someone will come out to you to collect the signature.
We are days away from having to turn in the petitions. Help us put this initiative on the ballot.

Saturday, December 3rd

10am – 3pm

1057 W. Fireweed Ln


People across Alaska and the entire country are watching. Let’s do this in style!



26 Responses to “Open Thread – Saturday Drive-Thru for Equality!”
  1. mike from iowa says:

    Snowy white is so………uh so…..IOWA. We are one of the most homogenous places in the whole white,world. Frankly,I would love to see old man Winter with a serious “Farmer Tan”.Wonder what SP factor sunscreen would be needed to protect his pasty white hide? There are a few icicles dangling from my eaves and my sidewalk probably needs my attention. Not enough snow to get the snowblower out,yet. Gonna go check out the scoop shovel and see if it is warmed up enough to move snow.

  2. mike from iowa says:

    Already fought down one internal rebellion. My trusty walker told me to get stuffed when I suggested a waltz through the snow to the old grey mare and a quick trip to the mailbox. The last time I drove the old girl I slipped and fell on my 4.5 magnitude keester and had the devil’s own time getting aloft to get the mail. tomorrow or Monday will be soon enough to check snow total and give me time to add studs to walker legs. Meanwhile,I stay here and stay fairly cozy and read some old Max Brand westerns again. Stay safe and warm where ever you are tonight and for always.

    • Zyxomma says:

      Stay safe and warm, Mike.

    • jojobo1 says:

      I hear ya Mike i live in central Wi. and we had 50 for thanksgiving day and right now it is 46 @12:10 the 4th of dec,

    • juneaudream says:

      Hey..Winter the worlds greatest..enjoy. I fell into the paper backs up in the Edmonds train station..the Stony Man..series. Given the family history of wandering off into strange places, in and out of having great fun. Bunch of em..and cheap at the local paperback store. Why not send out a few smoke signals in your community..and set up some gro.bags full of ‘swaps’? Here the night temps are snow. ps: wear your kneehigh boots..for the hike to mailbox..makes either..staying right-side-up..easier..or..climbing back moi.

  3. Lacy Lady says:

    Mike—keep the white stuff up North!—-Rain in Southern Iowa

  4. mike from iowa says:

    Northwest Ioway is turning white. First whatever has turned yard and road white. Whatever it is is falling straight down,not flakes,per se.but more like grains of salt. Looks cold,too. Maybe Winter is really coming afterall. Can’t see my South road a half mile away. All is lost. If I had a wife would you tell her I’ll probably miss her. Fare thee well fellow “Pups”.

    • bubbles says:

      hugs Mike.

    • Alaska Pi says:

      buck up boyo! lots of fun to be had inside or outside when it snows. for those of us for whom sledding now means what happens when you are trying to get into your rig and slide right underneath it the inside fun is maybe better 🙂
      hot tea or hot mulled wine, a couch blanky , and a good mystery to curl up with, eh? a happy wet dog steaming and snoozing in front of the radiator, dreaming of all the snow monsters it slew…
      Here’s a good “book” to enjoy on a first day of snow :

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      Better than turning red!

  5. Lacy Lady says:

    oops!!!! Pick me up in a Taxie Honey!

  6. Lacy Lady says:

    Pick me up in a taxie hone!

  7. Zyxomma says:

    More on the all-pervasive influence of the late Steve Jobs:

  8. Valley_Independent says:

    What a great way to gather signatures! Smart, very smart.

  9. WakeUpAmerica says:

    “Help us put this initiative on the ballet.”
    Drive through AND a dance? Doesn’t get much better than that!

  10. Zyxomma says:

    Here’s a lovely visit by the Occupy crowd in NY to Lincoln Center (where the former NY State Theatre now bears the name of a Koch):

    and another:

    “As promised, Philip Glass spoke at an Occupy Wall Street demonstration at Lincoln Center tonight, after a performance of Satyagraha at the Met. The protest, which was directed not at the opera itself but at a certain disparity between its lofty moral message and the machinery of corporate arts funding, got under way during the third act; police cleared everyone from the plaza, loitering music critics included (I had gone to the Mahler Tenth at the New York Philharmonic), and so the crowd assembled on the sidewalk at the foot of the steps. When the Satyagraha listeners emerged from the Met, police directed them to leave via side exits, but protesters began encouraging them to disregard the police, walk down the steps, and listen to Glass speak.”

  11. mike from iowa says: Want to lease your property for a fracking this first.

  12. Alaska Pi says:

    Go ANC!
    It’s been more than sad to watch our largest city flail around on this issue. In a state where we value our individuality (perhaps foolishly at times ) it is bizarre to see expectations for all to be the same run so many conversations and so much legislation.
    We’re not all the same, we’ll never all be the same, and growing up and dealing pragmatically with the world requires accepting that which IS.

  13. mike from iowa says:

    Does anyone really know what so called Christians have against LGBT gentle,folks? It is rather annoying that the ones who are commanded to love even their enemies pick and choose the targets of their ire. What especially bothers me is the condemnation of humans who love humans of the same sex. Evangelical Christians should spend more of their time concerned with their own transgressions of the Ten Commandments and allow Adam and Steve the same considerations supposedly bestowed on Adam and Eve.

    • juneaudream says:


    • leenie17 says:

      What I don’t get is how they can be horrified at two people being committed to each other, raising a family (often with children unwanted by others), being good law-abiding citizens and caring for others in their community and for the environment, JUST because they happen to be of the same gender.

      Yet, when people lie, cheat, break laws, hate others, damage the earth, and deliberately hurt people around them, it’s all okay because they stand up in church every Sunday and pray reallly, reallly loudly AND mention the lil’ baby Jeebus’ name all the time. Apparently, THAT makes them ‘good Christians’ regardless of what they do the rest of the week!

      I’d much prefer to have Adam and Steve as my neighbors over many of the ‘good Christian’ families I’ve known!

    • Mag the Mick says:

      Mike, most of the conservative “Christians” behind the anti-LGBT movement would say that they love everyone but because man-on-man stuff is condemned as an abomination in Leviticus, they have to follow the Lord’s word on it. Of course, this particular injunction is pretty far down the official list, after bans on eating shellfish and mixing meat and milk, or wearing clothing containing a blend of fibers. Yet oddly, none of the religious types seems to have any qualms against shrimp cocktails or cheeseburgers or linen/cotton shirts. Go figure.

  14. GoI3ig says:

    It’s too bad that this couldn’t have been settled via ordinance. (Thanks Debbie Osiander for stalling it until your boy with his veto pen took office)

    An issue like this will drag more wing nuts to the polls. Jerry Prevo will be politicking from the pulpit from now until election day.

  15. fishingmamma says:

    I’ll be there.