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Fedex – When Your Grizzlies Absolutely, Positively Have to be There Overnight

In October, three cubs were orphaned after their mother had what was described as an “encounter with a Wasilla resident.” They have been relocated to Detroit, Michigan via Fedex plane.  The trio arrived in the wee hours of Friday morning.

“We’re just very excited because the cubs seem to be in good health and they’re very busy exploring their new environment,” said Ron Kagan, Detroit Zoological Society Executive Director.

The three young lads – Mike, Thor and Boo – are almost a year old, not old enough to have survived the Alaska winter without mom. Thanks to the efforts of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the otherwise doomed cubs will have a new home, albeit in the Lower 48.

The Detroit Zoo is also home to two other rescued grizzly bears – 27-year-old female Kintla and 26-year-old Lakota – both of which arrived at the Zoo as 2-year-olds. For many years, the Detroit Zoological Society has helped rescue and provide sanctuary to animals in compromised situations. Among the 316 rescued animals at the Detroit Zoo are a polar bear from a South American circus, three lions from a junkyard in Kansas and hundreds of animals seized from a Texas exotic animal dealer in the largest animal confiscation in U.S. history.

“We’re happy to be able to participate in another animal rescue and provide sanctuary to these cubs,” said Kagan.




11 Responses to “Fedex – When Your Grizzlies Absolutely, Positively Have to be There Overnight”
  1. jenjay says:

    Three lions from a junkyard in Kansas?? To the internet! whoosh

    From The Detroit News:

    ‘ “This is part of our mission and we’re excited to do it, but there are so many situations like this,” Carter said. ‘ [‘Scott Carter, the zoo’s director of conservation and animal welfare…’]

    Really? O_O

  2. Little Eddie says:

    What tax dollars were spent saving these bears? What 3 dog crates and a couple of biologists time? Seems ok to me.

  3. Baker's Dozen says:

    Wouldn’t it be cheaper to send them UPS ground?

    Or how about n those single-priced USPS boxes?

    Once again, wasteful spending of our tax dollars.

    • Lani says:

      Yep, a USPS flat rate box would do just fine! “If it fits, it ships!”

      Seriously, I’m glad the critters survived the “Wasilla resident”. I hope they have a happy life in their new habitat.

      I went to the National Zoo in WDC when the pandas first arrived, many decades ago. I cried. They walked the perimeter of their confined areas, crying aloud, stretching upward against the fence. To see them there, confined, crying out, broke my heart. I had to walk away with a saddened heart. Now so many years later, I am glad that we are saving pandas – and other creatures. But I wish even more deeply that we had protected their native habitat. I will never forget the cries from those pandas.

  4. Zyxomma says:

    I was in the mood for some good news.

  5. Ice Gal says:

    Glad The Federal Fish & Game found them. Our no science State government would have shot them from a plane or helicopter or what every machine could use the most oil and be the most efficient in killing anything wild or natural.
    Sad they have to live in a zoo.

  6. leenie17 says:

    A friend of mine works at the Bronx Zoo and has been involved over the years in arranging transportation of animals for loans and breeding exchanges. I remember her telling me that one of the most difficult animals to transport was an alligator. It was apparently rather challenging to convince one of the major airlines that it really WAS safe to carry a full-grown alligator on board!

    I imagine that three grizzly cubs are a LOT cuter that an alligator.

  7. GypsyGirl says:

    And here I thought the Headline was about the grizzle mama losing it on the Hannity show Friday night.

    Glad to see 3 real little grizzlies are doing just fine as compared to the phoney one.

    • Dia says:

      Word has it that the Grisly One had some bad news that particular day re: property that has been ordered to be returned to Ms Shailey Tripp – property taken during a raid that involved Tawd’s sex partners.

      That might explain the strange comments during the interview regarding her affairs.

  8. Moose Pucky says:

    Both a black bear cub and a brown bear cub in the slough were left orphaned, and then “dispatched” this fall, due to their mothers’ “encounters with armed residents”. The “encounters” appeared to have nothing to do with self-defense of life or property. Sad.

  9. Writing from Alaska says:

    Well, I can’t imagine wanting to be a grizzly cub in Detroit, but all in all, it sounds like a caring place. Thanks for taking care of our ‘babies’.