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What Wayne Anthony Ross Thinks About Gay Alaskans.

Here’s a quick reprint from Bent Alaska. The vote on Ross’ confirmation is scheduled to take place today.

[Sarah Palin’s Attorney General Nominee Wayne Anthony] Ross wrote a letter to the Alaska Bar Rag in March 1993 in response to an appeal from “Lawyers Against Discrimination,” a group that opposed the repeal of a non-discrimination ordinance, approved by the Anchorage Assembly, which prohibited the Municipality from employment discrimination on the basis of “sexual preference.”

“It was a big messy battle in Anchorage in late 1992/early 1993,” writes Mel Green. “The ordinance was ultimately rescinded.” Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or preference remains legal today in Anchorage and the rest of Alaska.

This is Ross’ response to Lawyers Against Discrimination:

“Dear LAD: (LAD??? Intentional, on your part? Or merely a Freudian slip?)
I received your letter of 23 February 1993 regarding the Anchorage homosexual rights ordinance. While I am not surprised to see some of the names on your letterhead, I am most disappointed in other names thereon. I had more respect for some of you than I do now.
I am in favor of repeal of the measure. I see nothing involving civil rights in this matter. We all, heterosexual or homosexual, have certain rights. This bill seems to give extra rights to a group whose lifestyle was a crime only a few years ago, and whose beliefs are certainly immoral in the eyes of anyone with some semblance of intelligence and moral character.
It is a shame that you folks don’t have some causes you could become involved in that are of benefit to society in general. Instead, you support degenerates. No wonder the legal profession is treated with less respect than we wish.
If, as you apparently believe, morality is not based on long-standing God-given and God-instilled principles, but is something that changes from time to time based on public perception of right and wrong, then that is even more reason for you to allow this referendum to go to a vote of the people. After all, isn’t it your position that public morality is based upon whatever the public decides?
None of you has done anything publicly (to my knowledge) to attempt to protect the millions of lives of innocent children killed each year through abortion, yet you collectively contribute $5,000 to the cause of sexual perversion. It is quite disheartening to me to see my fellow members of our honorable profession display such a lack of proper priorities.
Wayne Anthony Ross
(from page 7 of the May-June 1993 Alaska Bar Rag)



177 Responses to “What Wayne Anthony Ross Thinks About Gay Alaskans.”
  1. Lee323 says:

    Regarding #175 AA:
    April 16th, 2009 at 2:02 PM

    Your post was very interesting, AA. It was almost a dissection of the disenchantment process with this particular politician. From the sounds of it, you gave Palin every bit of the doubt and then some….

    Thanks for posting.

  2. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Polly Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 7:13 AM
    I highly recommend the book “Living in Sin” by Bishop John Shelby Spong. The title makes it sound like a condemnatory book, however, it brings the Biblical text into the 21st Century, where God loves everyone.

    Bishop Spong uses science and scripture to defend the gay community, as well as those living together outside of marriage.
    I so enjoy listening to Mr Spong when he comes to Australia. He’s a remarkable human being.

  3. AA says:

    On earlier post –
    “At one point, someone complimented her hand-painted clogs. “Cute shoes,” the person said. Ms. Palin responded, …“I may not be able to tell you who paints them or I may be charged with an ethics violation or something.”

    How cute! The Governor gave a little shout-out to Romney. (Dansko Romney, not politician Romney.) Nice. Romney doesn’t mind at all. She’s had Palin on her website for a looong time. And she likes a bit of attention and drama. [Now there’s an interview…]

    No, Governor, not an ethics issue…unless you had some kind of contractual obligation with Romney for advertising.

    Her statement to the NY Times is a turning point/milestone for me. While I’ve tracked the Governor’s actions, it’s always been from judicious evaluative position, with an eye to fairness. I don’t mind a “spunky” “breath of fresh air” approach. I certainly don’t mind a politician stepping out of the box and doing it differently. All along, I’ve been careful to avoid making assumptions, considering the source of the info, and fact-checking before I made up my mind; always wondering if there might be more to the story. I don’t mind someone less sophisticated; there’s some real power in genuine honesty without trappings. I thought that if she’s the ‘real thing’ she would have the capacity to grow into the job and fulfil potential.

    I’ve never had a preconceived critical perception, or looked for ‘dirt’ on Sarah Palin, wife, mother, Chuck and Sally’s daughter, from Wasilla. It’s not personal. My scrutiny has been of the Alaska political scene and the action of the Governor of the State of Alaska. Nothing different than any other administration, any other time.

    Here’s the thing – Sarah, the person, had a broad base of supporters across Alaska, crossing all party lines, socioeconomics, ethnicities, industries, etc. Alaska has a long history of voting the individual rather than party, and less partisanship to its politics than most places. People were excited and eager for her success.
    In the role of a Vice-Presidential nominee, and then Governor, she’s been losing that support. Borrowing rhetoric from outstates politics, the Governor delivered lessons on partisan politics and blows to her supporters. In action, the Governor has hopelessly squandered the approval of Alaska’s citizens. From all parties. And she can’t get it back.

    A few genuine ‘ooops’ moments along the way are no big deal. But the statement to the New York Times illustrates her mindset and intentions. Probably nothing more than a snotty smart-ass comment made off the cuff, she doesn’t realize the far-reaching impact of such a statement. Or more likely – she really doesn’t care.
    It reveals calculated disingenuous responses and behavior. Mrs. Palin knows perfectly well what sponsorships and endorsements are; she didn’t need any explanations on how that might not be appropriate, she knows. And she always has.

    The same thing with the campaign clothing issue. I looked for excuses to give her a pass, but there aren’t any. I thought that she possibly wasn’t educated about campaign finance rules and she could be forgiven for that. Any thinking person would have some ‘spidey-sense’ and wonder if if it was all okay and appropriate. If you genuinely didn’t know, you’d ask. But as an “experienced” politician, she had to have known. She not only ran for office, but she was the whistle-blower for someone else’s ethics.
    She didn’t care. She thought she’d get away with it.

    She’s not going to own it-she’s going to keep on being mean about it. To us, her constituents. She’s got no sympathy for the rules that the rest of us MUST live by, whether we like them or not, or we’ll lose jobs.

    Mrs. Palin, you’ve betrayed the confidence and loyalty of so many Alaskans. People who supported you on a personal level and because of old-fashioned Alaska connections and relationships that YOU used to your advantage while campaigning – the Palin family, Todd’s grandmother, the connection to Dillingham and Homer, commerical fishing, the church and the Native card. We really trusted you, Sarah. In a personal way.You’ve done nothing to return that honor, and worse, you’ve done harm.
    I think that you forget that you wouldn’t have been elected Governor without us.

    No, it saddens me that you’re just one more politician with the same old attitude. You are a card-carrying member and continuing the tradition of the “Corrupt Bastards Club”.

  4. swe123 says:

    Woo Hoo….I’m so addicted I just went to the other post and read the news there…the vote wasn’t even close!

  5. snowbound says:

    Not Confirmed!

  6. swe123 says:

    Okay…the suspense is killing me! What’s going on up there with the AG appointment?

  7. AlaskaDisasta says:

    “What Wayne Anthony Ross Thinks About Gay Alaskans”.

    Much more relevant and much more credible is what gay Alaskans think of little mr. ross.

  8. Regi says:

    Doesn’t supporting homosexuality help keep unwanted children from being born?

  9. Fish Hawk Road Jody says:

    Basheert from Arizona Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 9:46 AM

    Snakes don’t use smell sorry…they use their tongues as heat seeking prey. They are also all over Costa Rica – you can virtually trip over them. If we’re lucky ….

    Yes, I know they don’t “smell” things…maybe I should have typed, sense, taste, whatever…I had my fill of mojave greens living in the high desert in CA. However, as toxic as Blago and Palin are it wouldn’t surprise me if creatures developed extra attributes immediately simply because those 2 showed up! LOL I have been to Costa Rica many times and yep, tons of snakes, well over 100 types but not many poisonous, somewhere around 17…it’s still a lovely place.

    I can barely read ADN anymore. Good grief some of the comments are beyond ugly!

  10. Laurie says:

    @small steps….what a sweet and kind person you are. I love my sis, and if I had to live somewhere where she could be discriminated against or even in danger, I dont know what I would do.

    My sister and her partner have the choice here…to openly hold hands. To do whatever they want. Their home is in the country, and although it took a little bit of time…the neighbours (who used to peek out their curtains at them) got to know them and now take advantage of all the wonderful things sis has. Like a huge swimming pool….the neighbour kids love it!

    Twice a year she holds a huge gathering with over 200 people. Some gay…some not. Its no big deal to anyone.

    Anyhow..all I really wanted was to thank you for your kind post.

  11. Basheert from Arizona says:

    Headline on DailyKos:

    Palin’s brand of crazy was just the tip of the iceberg

  12. JBDC says:

    Good lord, the hateful, intolerant tone and mean spirit of that 1993 missive offends the living beejeezus out of me and chills me to the bone! Alaskans, please tell me you are working the phone/fax/email to block, no BARRICADE, Ross’ appointment!!!

  13. bubbles says:

    yes. you do wildlife avenger. great pic.

  14. Nan says:

    On a comment on a previous thread, someone mentioned the phrase “mental pausal” in reference to GINO – and after the initial >blink< I thought just how good a phrase it really is!

  15. Basheert from Arizona says:

    Snakes don’t use smell sorry…they use their tongues as heat seeking prey. They are also all over Costa Rica – you can virtually trip over them. If we’re lucky ….

    I just zinged over to ADN to read the comments – they obviously were all written by the same non-spelling 3 year old. Really very pathetic for individuals trying to make a point about anything lucid.
    C4P obviously is not a pro-intellectual organization.

    They are all menopausal (and yes I am a female).

  16. Fish Hawk Road Jody says:

    DebinOH Says:

    I guess that Alaska isn’t alone in the crazy department (sorry Texas/Alaskans).

    Thanks for that reminder ….I.m living this nightmare of a Gov Perry. I want to move ,but I don’t know where to go. I’m originally from Chicago suburbs , after Blago’s crap that not much better. Is there any place sane anymore? You cant run they will find you where ever you go . Help

    Deb, at least we did get rid of Blago although it should have been done sooner. Maybe if he goes to Costa Rica for his reality show he’ll run into some bufo marinus frogs…they’re poisonous and can squirt poison as a fine mist or spray or a fer-de-lance snake but I’m thinking they’d smell him and run the other way!

    I don’t think there’s anywhere to run to avoid crazies. It’s best to stay and fight them on their own ground. That’s what I’ll do here in IL and that’s what Alaskans will do. Never give up and never give them an inch. I’ll be darned but there’s no way the nutbars are going to drive me away and I also believe Alaskans are tough enough to stick it out too. We all have much to gain by standing our ground.

  17. Tewise says:

    New post!!

  18. BPOINT says:

    This is on the editorial page of ADN:

    The governor’s abuse of this process suggests that perhaps it’s time for a new way of filling vacancies that leaves out the governor. The Alaska Constitution gives lawmakers authority to decide how to fill legislative vacancies. Right now the law gives the governor a role, but the constitution does not require it.

    Actually, the current law works well when there is give and take on both sides. Governor?

  19. EyeOnYou says:

    Basheert from Arizona Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 9:09 AM
    Tewise: Agreed – back to work.
    Tewise Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 9:11 AM
    EyeOnYou Says: I guess you could say that I am stubborn like that. :)………Me too

    🙂 Sounds to me like we are all on the same page!

    Thank goodness for AKM & Mudflats!

  20. DebinOH says:

    Professor, A Palin/Perry ticket wouldn’t suprise me in the least. The posters on Glenn’s sight are thinking of calling themselves The Tea Party. God you just can’t make this stuff up. Of course, some of this talk will surely scare off the people who they have charmed into thinking they were just protesting (whatever it was – I don’t think they know either). Scares the crap out of me that we have so many unhinged people. And to think they worry about BO being a Muslim.

    The funniest thing about it is that they think we are AFRAID of them. Yes, I am AFRAID of them but certainly not the way they think I am.

  21. Tewise says:

    EyeOnYou Says: I guess you could say that I am stubborn like that. :)………Me too

  22. Basheert from Arizona says:

    Tewise: Agreed – back to work.
    The guy in the Daily Beast really just shredded her in general didn’t he?? Whew.

  23. EyeOnYou says:

    Basheert from Arizona Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 8:48 AM
    I also enjoy the ADN but if they are going to absolutely block all “anti” or posts that disagree, why bother with them? The ADN is going to support the Palinbots – you’re talking a McClatchy paper here – it is hardly fair/balanced or non-biased.
    I also agree with freedom of speech for ALL even those that disagree. However sometimes you just have to get that you are going to be blocked or deleted because the news organization does not share the “freedom of speech” view. This is what happens when HUGE organizations are driving and skewing news at the behest of the national political parties.
    Shaming Palin and W.A.R. can be done on a national level. The ADN probably isn’t going to help you so take your fight to those who can in this case.
    Also, C4P is not effective outside of Alaska.


    I agree with you in many respects, but as for the ADN, it has only been the last week or so that things have gotten this bad. I have been commenting there for quite a while now, have never had any real positive comments about Governor Palin, and it was only yesterday that suddenly all of my posts were being reported (again it was only on two topics, both were front page articles). I had one post that had over 170 recommends and it was blocked twice, and twice unblocked by the ADN staff. I made 3 more comments on that topic, all of my comments were reported (none were abusive, used foul language, or were off topic) and then suddenly I went to post again and I had been blocked and my comments on those two articles deleted.

    For me it is a feeling of not allowing someone to suppress my right to vocalize my opinion. I am more than willing to email and point out the problems that the Palin supporters are causing in the hopes that it will be a story that is picked up by others, but that will not stop me from at least trying to speak my mind in other places, especially not at a newspaper.

    I guess you could say that I am stubborn like that. 🙂

  24. Tewise says:

    @ Basheert from Arizona , no problem I am also out of state and trying to help too. Yes, we do need all the contacts we can get. No hard feeling so lets move on and get back to work…

  25. C. Rock says:

    DebinOH Says:

    I guess that Alaska isn’t alone in the crazy department (sorry Texas/Alaskans).

    Thanks for that reminder ….I.m living this nightmare of a Gov Perry. I want to move ,but I don’t know where to go. I’m originally from Chicago suburbs , after Blago’s crap that not much better. Is there any place sane anymore? You cant run they will find you where ever you go . Help

  26. KJ in NC says:

    Finally someone who can see clearly and act on it. Wow.

    NELSON FOR GOVERNOR. That would make a great sign next to the one for IMPEACH PALIN.

  27. UK Lady says:

    The comment slashing going on at ADN, in my opinion, is a symptom of sheer panic on behalf of Ginobots. She is circling the drain and they know it.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t make some big announcement in Ill about stepping back from politics for the time being, so that she can concentrate on her book/other interests. She will position herself for a big comeback and hope the mess will have died down. They really do’t get the intertubies do they?

  28. yukonbushgrma says:

    @ Bystander Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 8:49 AM
    “Apparently the Queen is appointing the candidate(s) previously rejected to the vacant state senate seat.
    “Someone should research the remedies when the AK governor is mentally incompetent.”
    Yeah, story on ADN this morning says that late Wednesday she submitted *Grussendorf* again! Oops, says she goofed — meant to submit one name at a time, Gruss first. Story also says Ross is finding himself in the middle of a donnybrook. Ya think?

  29. Wildlife Avenger says:

    Sarah – You and Ross don’t walk on water. I do.

  30. Professor Geezer says:

    @Deb, I think someone somewhere is gearing up for a Palin/Perry 2012 “Constitution” party ticket. I hope so, because that would splinter the GOP’s chances even more, and the Palin/Perry ticket would be a joke at a national level.

  31. Basheert from Arizona says:

    Tewise – I meant NO disrespect. Many of us out-of-staters are simply joining in and utilizing resources we might have as well in an effort to assist your efforts. I certainly did not mean to imply you weren’t doing anything. I have a few contacts and thought to share them.
    I apologize if I offended you as that was NOT my intent.

  32. UK Lady says:

    Marnie @ 109

    Wow! what a stunner, thanks

    The comments are also eye watering.

    p.s. Asiangrrl – Glad you caved and watched the Susan Boyl Vid I linked. I thought exactly the same as you, true beauty compared to inner ugliness of Gino.

  33. Professor Geezer says:

    @Bystander, #141. I totally agree. Couldn’t a legal case be made for Palin being non compos mentis at this point?

  34. austintx says:

    Teaching hate – it’s the Rethug way.

  35. Tewise says:

    I agree with you EyeOnYou I also read the paper and sometime comment. When I do comment it is respectful and I do not have any intention of letting it being censured because it is my opinion. My opinion is as good as anyone elses and as you said I might not agree with some others but it is their right to have their own opinion and put it into print.

    I will keep going to ADN and reading it and commenting, I don’t give a rats butt about them flagging my comments, because if they are flagging them it means that they hit close to home. Maybe ADN will take a couple of my suggestions to stop that crazy activity.

    Basheert from Arizona please do not think for one second that some of us are doing nothing but commenting on ADN. I took you comment as an insult to us that do comment on other sites. Some of us have been up to our eyeballs in sending letters, contacting groups, people that we think might can sway this decision today. Some of us have been working on this for weeks now and we didn’t wait for today to start doing something. Matter of fact I have contacted some people so much I now know their e-mail addys by heart, and I am talking as far as the federal government not just the state.

  36. Marnie says:

    Eye On You
    “For me it was a point of speaking my mind and offering an opinion. I think of it in terms that a lot of people outside Alaska go to to the papers for information. If you allow those who don’t want your viewpoint see to succeed in squelching your voice then what is the point in having free speech? The paper states that it welcomes discussion and viewpoints that differ as long as you stay on topic and are respectful.”

    Granting the paper owes the community that reads it a fair opportunity to voice its opinion and should stand up to the tyranny of the petty. How would it work if you all started writing the local sponsors and pointing out what’s happening, and requesting that they suggest to the ADN that should have their own staff monitor the comments section so as to assure that there is no biased censorship?
    People are going to stop going to the paper online (as I have, ((but I am out of state)) and hard copy if they feel the paper has become a political rag speaking for only a part of the community. That translates to less exposure for the advertisers.
    Maybe worth a try??

  37. DebinOH says:

    Following up on the Texas governor story. There are people on the Glenn Beck 912 website claiming that they are thrilled about what that gov said. There are other who are claiming that – you guessed it – Alaska would be next & proud to stand with TX. They plan on keeping the oil from the rest of the states.

    I guess that Alaska isn’t alone in the crazy department (sorry Texas/Alaskans).

  38. Bystander says:

    Apparently the Queen is appointing the candidate(s) previously rejected to the vacant state senate seat.

    Someone should research the remedies when the AK governor is mentally incompetent.

  39. Basheert from Arizona says:

    I also enjoy the ADN but if they are going to absolutely block all “anti” or posts that disagree, why bother with them? The ADN is going to support the Palinbots – you’re talking a McClatchy paper here – it is hardly fair/balanced or non-biased.
    I also agree with freedom of speech for ALL even those that disagree. However sometimes you just have to get that you are going to be blocked or deleted because the news organization does not share the “freedom of speech” view. This is what happens when HUGE organizations are driving and skewing news at the behest of the national political parties.
    Shaming Palin and W.A.R. can be done on a national level. The ADN probably isn’t going to help you so take your fight to those who can in this case.
    Also, C4P is not effective outside of Alaska.

  40. Basheert from Arizona says:

    Hi – just contacted HuffPost’s Bob Cesca with the story.

    Public national SHAME is what these bots need.

  41. @Small steps

    Hi, have been posting about this Notre Dame stuff on the forum. The link takes you to a support page, set up by alumni. Tom Matzzie is a moveon guy, Notre Dame alumnus and has appeared on Fox and posted on Huffington in Notre Dame´s Defense.
    Thankyou for your support. I wrote in support as well and signed the petition.

  42. Tewise says:

    I have been on ADN all morning, it is crazy, they flag you and hide your post. I gave the ADN some good advice and it took the loonies 2 minutes to hide it. But while I was there someone was putting the post back in their original form and unblocking them. Doughtry made a post of what was going to take place so we will see.

  43. Marnie says:

    124 DebinOH Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 8:30 AM
    ‘I think you guys have more problems on your hand……
    Guess who is supporting the Gov in Texas with his plan to leave the US? Why your very own Greta (along with Beck).”

    He can git out any ol’ time. I doubt the rest of the state will go with him though.
    Just looked in the Burnt Orange report and Texas Dems are out raisin’ Repubs in campaign money by uh whole bunch.


    Granted I can’t get rid fo the NCentral Texas nasal twang, and don’t want to. But I never talked like a Hollywood Texan till I moved away.

  44. EyeOnYou says:

    Basheert from Arizona Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 8:16 AM
    Just for curiousity’s sake, why would you hang at ADN when you KNOW the C4Pbots are trashing the place? If I’m not mistaken, it’s an obvious Palinista Rag infected by C4P vermin, so why bother?

    For me it was a point of speaking my mind and offering an opinion. I think of it in terms that a lot of people outside Alaska go to to the papers for information. If you allow those who don’t want your viewpoint see to succeed in squelching your voice then what is the point in having free speech? The paper states that it welcomes discussion and viewpoints that differ as long as you stay on topic and are respectful. Many of us that have been deleted/blocked were just that, respectful and on topic. The fact that just because people don’t like our points of view doesn’t mean we should not be allowed to offer those viewpoints, nor does it mean that we should stop making our voices heard. That is not what we need to do. There are many who don’t register for an account in order to respond, and so are left with reading viewpoints that are offered in the comments section. Should only one side be represented there? I don’t think so.

    I may not like what someone says but I will go to my death defending their right to say it.

    I got interested in reading the paper several years ago because I had a friend who lived in Anchorage and my parents used to live there, so reading the news was just one of those things I did fairly regularly.

  45. Marnie says:

    52 UK Lady Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 5:02 AM
    Sounds like Gino had a bit of a ‘tacky start’ to her VP run, and this from a Fox reporter!
    Not as tacky as her finish hopefully.”

    So today’s hit piece on Sarah didn’t come from the librul NYT it came from Fox!


  46. DebinOH says:

    I think you guys have more problems on your hand……

    Guess who is supporting the Gov in Texas with his plan to leave the US? Why your very own Greta (along with Beck).

  47. Basheert from Arizona says:

    Just sent them the link and copied/pasted the letter direct.

  48. SmallSteps says:

    Anyways – maybe my posts won’t ever do their penance and be released. What I said was thanks to Laurie for sharing the story of her sister. I shared a story about a childhood friend of mine who has suffered for being openly gay. (that may have had some words that got flagged).

    And I shared that I sent a nice, but firm letter to an Alaskan friend who asked me to join her and other Catholics in petitioning the Pres of Notre Dame to rescind his invite to Pres Obama to speak at Commencement (I mentioned this in an early post around #44) All because Pres Obama is Pro-Choice, pro-science, and pro-person (my word) in that he doesn’t discriminate against those in the LGBT community. I sent a letter to Notre Dame’s Pres thanking him for his invite to Pres. Obama. I also sent a letter to my friend in AK and thanked her for informing me of this and how I responded and that I am on the other side of the aisle on this issue. Then I went on to say how I understand the desire for anonimity in AK when you are progressive and I gave a big hat tip to the progressives in Alaska.

    Keeping my fingers crossed that the Legislature continues to have a strong spine today.

  49. Basheert from Arizona says:

    OK guys – get cracking here.
    Ask them to do a story
    Contact Rachel Maddow – – she is openly gay and deals openly with gay rights issues
    Contact – gay rights foundation

    GO PEOPLE – do something constructive. I have contacted ALL of them! The ADN is not going to help you or address your issue. I’ll post more as I make contact.

  50. EyeOnYou says:

    lynnrockets Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 8:00 AM
    @ EyeOnYou:

    Thanks for the explanation, but isn’t there some sort of moderator oversight to prevent non-abusive and on-topic posts from being deleted simply by the action of other posters? If not, why not? what is the point of a comment board if posters of a different opinion can simply delete the other’s posts?

    This does not happen with my local press


    To be honest I have no idea how they work it. I have been a moderator on several other boards (forums) and I’ve never seen anything like this. I was blocked yesterday and had about half of my posts deleted. I could not understand why as I was always careful about what I posted (followed the rules about staying on topic and not using the incorrect language for anything). I sent a letter to the editors asking what had caused that, explained that I carefully followed the rules and they responded with ….no way to tell (software doesn’t allow us to go back and check your posts) what caused it. I replied that I was asking because only about half of my posts were deleted (only on two separate topics, all others were still available for viewing) and that all my posts still showed up in my profile and then questioned if this was a permanent blockage or just a temporary one. I got no response from that, and was still unable to post any longer so I just deleted my account.

    I think that they are overwhelmed and it may be that they are not really taking the posts into account as much as the number of complaints about the posts and if there is even the smallest question then they just delete/block the poster.

    You have to remember also that these Palin fans freely admit that they will dump and account and start a new one simply to cause problems for those whose view points they don’t agree with. It is a childish game, but one they are very good at playing. It is also a question of how the moderation functions are set up at the paper as well. I don’t know their set up so I am unclear as to what they can and cannot do. They have faced staff reductions from what I have read so I think that it is just at a point where they are overwhelmed and haven’t got a clue as to how to deal with this mess.

  51. wavelength says:

    W.A.R. probably still has that list of people that were on the Lawyers Against Discrimination letterhead nailed to the wall by his desk. And I’ll bet it’s on target paper. As with SP, anyone who has “disappointed” this guy with views not his own is in deep doo-doo if he gets any real power.

  52. HappyHeathen says:

    It’s frustrating. At the ADN site every post negative to Palin hss been flagged. Grrrrrrrrrrr……….

  53. Basheert from Arizona says:

    Just for curiousity’s sake, why would you hang at ADN when you KNOW the C4Pbots are trashing the place? If I’m not mistaken, it’s an obvious Palinista Rag infected by C4P vermin, so why bother? You won’t change the paper’s policy or direction – they ARE a McClatchy paper. Commenting at ADN won’t do anything to get the word out. Why bother?
    Spread the word to the right people.
    Contact Gay Rights Organizations.

    How about Rachel Maddow? She is openly gay – – go to HuffPost, DailyKos, Americablog…

  54. Nan says:

    To clarify – I read the article that quoted WAR as saying “hung up on technicalities.” I just can’t believe my eyes, is all. So yes, he did say that. But I’m having trouble getting my head ’round the concept that a (possible, not-yet-confirmed) state AG would or could simply brush off those silly little technicalities.

    Good grief.

  55. SmallSteps says:

    I wonder if my missing comments (3 of them) will ever make their way out of limbo. I used a different machine this morning to post them, and there were some words that could have gotten me flagged. Bummer.

  56. Basheert from Arizona says:

    I just copied/pasted this “letter” and sent it to the Gay Rights Organization, Speak Out. You may do the same:

    Call for action is in ordered … WAR needs to be stopped NOW.

  57. Nan says:

    “Technicalities?” He actually said they’re getting hung up on “technicalities?”

    It was a “technicality” that set un-convicTED Stephens loose!

    Technicalities… mutter mutter… shaking my head…

  58. Lee says:

    All of the people that Palin puts forth have two things in common. They are anti-abortion, and they are anti-gay rights.

    You could have anyone with these two qualifications, and she would appoint them. She has blinders on, and those two issues are the only ones she sees.

  59. txindygirl says:

    106 EyeOnYou Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 7:53 AM

    They [ADN] are being over run with C4P’ers, Team Sarah members and no doubt some “freepers” as well who are flagging anything that is negative toward Palin. ADN says that if you don’t stay on topic you will be flagged and blocked with all your posts dropped. No warning is given, you are just done for. The Palin fans are hitting the report abuse button so often that ADN is dropping comments and people left and right now. I believe it is the goal of these Palin fans to get the comment sections shut down, so they can control the information that is getting out there by those who question Palin’s judgement and decisions. Pathetic really.

    Palinbots parrot China, Iran, and North Korea. Not at all what the founding fathers had in mind, but no matter. People who want to know what’s really going on will go elsewhere- and those people make up the greater part of the electorate. The internet is a big, big, place and not at all controllable. Those 26-percenters can continue to revel in their ignorance. They aren’t looking for truth anyway—just affirmation of their hateful POV. That’s another reason why they insist God is on their side.

  60. lynnrockets says:

    @ EyeOnYou:

    Thanks for the explanation, but isn’t there some sort of moderator oversight to prevent non-abusive and on-topic posts from being deleted simply by the action of other posters? If not, why not? what is the point of a comment board if posters of a different opinion can simply delete the other’s posts?

    This does not happen with my local press.

  61. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    WAR’s appointment adds insult to injury………..

  62. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    I shed tears for my state today, that this person is even being considered.
    That the chief executive of Alaska would deem this person appropriate, and anyone would support this choice is so disheartening.

  63. Marnie says:
    A distant love has died to ashes.

    Article ends asking if Sarah has had a lobotomy. No but she need one. Toot Sweet.

  64. EyeOnYou says:

    lynnrockets Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 7:47 AM
    What’s the story over at the ADN with regard to either failing to allow certain messages to be posted or allowing them to be posted for a few minutes before deletion? Where I come from, our press allows for the free flow and expression of different ideas. I thought that was a goal of the press.


    They are being over run with C4P’ers, Team Sarah members and no doubt some “freepers” as well who are flagging anything that is negative toward Palin. ADN says that if you don’t stay on topic you will be flagged and blocked with all your posts dropped. No warning is given, you are just done for. The Palin fans are hitting the report abuse button so often that ADN is dropping comments and people left and right now. I believe it is the goal of these Palin fans to get the comment sections shut down, so they can control the information that is getting out there by those who question Palin’s judgement and decisions. Pathetic really.

  65. mde says:

    Anyone want to take bets on how long before a young man comes forward and claims to have had a sexual relationship with WAR? :o)

  66. Professor Geezer says:

    @Say NO, 7:48 a.m., to W.A.R., the law and rules are just “technicalities.”

  67. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    okay, so is this what WAR calls bipartisan representation?

    “Palin’s choice for attorney general, Wayne Anthony Ross, said Palin’s nominations were as legal as the Senate Democrats rejecting Grussendorf and Nelson in secret meetings and not revealing what votes were taken in those meetings.

    “I’m concerned that people are getting bogged down on technicalities,” he said.”

  68. lynnrockets says:

    What’s the story over at the ADN with regard to either failing to allow certain messages to be posted or allowing them to be posted for a few minutes before deletion? Where I come from, our press allows for the free flow and expression of different ideas. I thought that was a goal of the press.

  69. libby says:

    SayNo, I had the same thoughts reading that article…”Run, Nelson, Run!!”

  70. libby says:

    asiangrrlMN: “I really, really, really hope that the AK legislature rejects him, not just because I find him repugnant, but because he will wreak real damage upon the unfortunates in Alaska.”


    I agree…what is worse is that the “unfortunates” in Alaska grow exponentially in WAR’s world.

  71. asiangrrlMN says:

    As for Palin, she is really off the rails.

  72. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    lol……save yourself Nelson! Gee do ya think they told Scarah?

    “Nelson said late in the day that he notified the governor’s office to take his name out of consideration for the appointment.

    “I’m basically pulling my name out of the mix,” Nelson said, “It’s just getting a little too crazy.”

  73. asiangrrlMN says:

    Utah is number one in pornography consumption. That is my first point.

    All Christian rightwingers need to read Bishop Spong. That is my second point.

    Ross has insulted groups other that LGBT folk. This is for the person who said if he had slammed _________ group….He is repulsive, but he is an equal-opportunity hater. See, indigenous people and women and supporting a KKK sculptor in an inappropriate way (not that the statue itself, in context, was necessarily wrong, but Ross’s response clearly indicated his disdain for African Americans).

    Ross is the moral degenerate if he believes that three cells are more important than a fully-formed human being.

    I really, really, really hope that the AK legislature rejects him, not just because I find him repugnant, but because he will wreak real damage upon the unfortunates in Alaska.

  74. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    How to “Recall” an Alaska Governor in 5 Easy Steps
    by CDH in Brooklyn

    “I remember being amazed how seemingly easy it was for the Republicans to overrule the will of the people who’d re-elected Gray Davis back in late 2002. A couple of months after the election, they simply circulated petitions, had them validated, and presto! The voters went back to the polls a few months later and chose Arnie over a very colorful field of contenders.

    In case you’re curious, as I am, about how such a procedure would work in a place like, say, Alaska (wink, wink), follow me for a few researched observations.”

  75. libby says:

    Did you see that Mr.Nelson has had second thoughts? He has asked to be removed from the Gov’s “list”.

  76. tigerwine says:

    @ Lilybart: You cut right through the crap, don’t you? Why can’t the Legs see that?? Can’t understand why they aren’t doing more to challenge the legality of it all. You are spot on!

  77. Palimonium says:

    AKM– One suggestion for a title change: “What Wayne Anthony Ross SAYS about Gay Alaskans”. Clearly, the man doesn’t think.

  78. Polly says:

    One in 2000 babies are born intersexed, and one in 1,000 is born transgendered. Sex, sexuality, gender, and identity will always be grey areas, there never was, nor will there ever be just “the norm”.

    Google “transgender” — BTW, I have an in-law who was in the womb with a twin sister, and “he” absorbed her, and he has born both with female and male identities. He struggled with this all his life, medically he had to take various hormonal drugs to get balanced. He decided on being male.

    I’m sorry Mr. Ross, but this was not a degenerate choice, this was a biological God-thing. This has been going on for eternity, and in some cultures, being born this way was considered special and mystical.

  79. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    good grief…..Alaska, this is what you may be encouraging.

    “At a Texas Tea Party Thursday, Gov. Rick Perry raised eyebrows by suggesting his state could secede from the union. On Countdown with Keith Olbermann that night, Texas political writer and Huffington Post blogger James Moore pointed out that Perry isn’t the first Texan to suggest secession. He compared the Republican governor to Richard L. McLaren, a separatist leader who in 1997 took his followers into the mountains, engaged in a week-long standoff that left people dead, and now is in jail for life.

  80. Just Had To Jump In says:

    Am I reading this right??
    “It was a big messy battle in Anchorage in late 1992/early 1993,” writes Mel Green. “The ordinance was ultimately rescinded.” Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or preference remains legal today in Anchorage and the rest of Alaska.

    Alaska STILL allows this??

    This includes housing and employment?

    WOW- WAR can’t be allowed to be confirmed if this is true. I can see an entire project to roll women’s and other’s rights back to the 50’s. All with a you betcha tone!!

  81. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Thank you Halcro!

    “If Ross is approved because Republicans fail to muster the spine to demand better, I see a lot of I told you so’s in the future.”

  82. Polly says:

    I highly recommend the book “Living in Sin” by Bishop John Shelby Spong. The title makes it sound like a condemnatory book, however, it brings the Biblical text into the 21st Century, where God loves everyone.

    Bishop Spong uses science and scripture to defend the gay community, as well as those living together outside of marriage.

    People like WAR need to read it, although they probably wouldn’t “get it” …

  83. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    good for Levi, he has a lawyer. Meg, lol, canned response.

    “Heath was “trying to make the young man look like a deadbeat father, and, you know, they may have a rude awakening one day if he tries to get custody,” Butler said.

    “They don’t want to share his child with him like they should,” he said.

    Butler also suggested Johnston and Bristol Palin would likely still have a relationship if the families would stay out of it.

    Palin family spokeswoman Meghan Stapleton responded in an e-mail to the AP by saying, “Bristol is focused on college, advocating abstinence and raising Tripp.”

  84. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    question…….how come boards have such wide ranging numbers of members? like 15-25? don’t know if that makes sense, more coffee

    so does anyone know any of these people that Palin has just appointed? are they paid positions? if so I thought she had a hiring freeze on. The write up does not say if these are replacement positions or whether someone has been “removed”.

    Governor Palin appointed Nicholas A. Henderson to the Alaska Community Services Commission.

    Governor Palin appointed Nancy J. Kemp and Thomas W. Nelson, and reappointed Gerald B. Covey, to the Alaska Humanities Forum Board of Directors.

    Governor Palin appointed Martin T. Anderson Jr. and Mae R. Hank to the Alaska Workforce Investment Board.

    Governor Palin appointed Stuart M. Davies and Anthony T. “Tony” Nakazawa to the Board of Agriculture and Conservation.

  85. Alaska Pi says:

    @79 Lilybart Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 6:36 AM
    Alaska Pi: I knew I didn’t have that name right!!

    I didn’t mean AG, just meant start the Senate replacement going again by submitting three names. Just pretend it’s a do-over, no mention of the past….

    I was pretty sure that is what you meant but after I recoverd from the Dan Fagan thingy I could NOT resist entertaining the idea of Ms Kertulla as AG 🙂

    Gonna be a long and difficult day -waiting for WAR conf yeas and nays … and the blast of laugh was a good way to start… thanks !

  86. lisabeth says:

    I can’t believe she is saying it has to be one of those 3 names. What a game player!! She is probably laughing doing this, that is the sick thing. That woman is mentally ill I am sorry.
    Yet on ADN and other places there are people who are blaming the Democrats! ?! Can’t they read the law? It is so obvious that she not handling this right at all. Someone else has to intervene. And Ramras! What is wrong with that guy!!! Is he a masochist?

  87. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    Sorry, link to go with that. I think this applies.*/doc/{t15632}/pageitems={body}?

  88. DF says:

    Who’s the real degenerate here?

  89. lisabeth says:

    As much as I can’t stand Palin, I love those clogs! I wish I could afford even one pair though… I never spend that on shoes.

    The letter from Ross is DISGUSTING. I felt intense anger boiling up as I read it thinking of my gay friends. If that guy is confirmed, I just don’t know what I’ll do! Even though I intellectually know there are people who still think that way, it still makes me sick! I am truly praying today that JERK does not get confirmed….. How can someone like that be an AG!! I mean it is outrageous!

  90. txindygirl says:

    What’s pretty stunning to me is that YESTERDAY’s Daily News-Miner quotes Jay Ramras as still being a YES vote on WAR. Unbelievable. This Rep knows the score with Palin, and seems to have an understanding of ethical behavior, yet….

    Rep. Jay Ramras, R-Fairbanks, chairs the House Judiciary Committee, which also held confirmation hearings on the Ross appointment.

    “The murmurs around the building is that his confirmation is in jeopardy, but at this point I still intend to be a yes vote for him,” Ramras said.

  91. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    The question has been asked, what happens if the Leg. refuses to act or refuses to confirm. I believe a reader and commenter (JC) at Shannyn’s blog has dug up the answer:

    Alaska Statute 39.05.080(3) (3) When the legislature declines to confirm an appointment, the legislature shall notify the governor of its action and a vacancy in the position or membership exists which the governor shall fill by making a new appointment. The governor may not appoint again the same person whose confirmation was refused for the same position or membership during the regular session of the legislature at which confirmation was refused. The person whose name is refused for appointment by the legislature may not thereafter be appointed to the same position or membership during the interim between regular legislative sessions. Failure of the legislature to act to confirm or decline to confirm an appointment during the regular session in which the appointment was presented is tantamount to a declination of confirmation on the day the regular session adjourns.

  92. austintx says:

    70 Aussie Blue Sky Says:
    Doesn’t it make you wonder what 82% of internet users were doing
    3 guesses , first 2 don’t count.

  93. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    It’s already Friday here so by the time I wake up, the Super Thursday ‘confirmation/rejection/he’s-in-the-job-regardless’ will probably have taken place. The fight among the Legs is apparently between the Governor’s right to choose the A-G, and the Governor’s right to choose a downright unsuitable creep for A-G. Not all of the Legs who vote for WAR will be the ‘bad’ guys, and not all of those who vote against WAR will be the ‘good’ guys (that’s Alaska politics for you). I have a feeling that the pedants won’t win – I keep remembering that these same people were reluctant to confirm Talis Colberg, and he didn’t come with loathsome baggage.

    BTW Laurie from Canada, I applaud you.

  94. Lilybart says:

    Alaska Pi: I knew I didn’t have that name right!!

    I didn’t mean AG, just meant start the Senate replacement going again by submitting three names. Just pretend it’s a do-over, no mention of the past….

  95. gayinmt says:

    Wow. He sure knows how to make me feel good about being gay. What a f**ktard.

  96. Bystander says:

    This homophobe could be disbarred in many states, where the code of ethics for lawyers prohibit statements engendering hate against anyone due to sex, race, religion or sexual preference. Apparently no such provision in AK.

  97. small steps says:

    If my comments ever leave the moderation limbo …. this is what I get for venting about those who are close minded and do/say mean things in the name of their religion. *sigh*

    Lynnrockets – I listened to the Patty Duke Theme song last night and thought – “wow!”. You had spouse and I chuckling last night with the three songs you wrote. We need another good laugh today!

  98. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Regina’s blog has some new info…….

    “Ross misquotes the Second Amendment. He substitutes the word “for” for the phrase “to the security of”. This is indicated in the sidebar by surrounding the word “for” in brackets. Ross cannot quote the Constitution correctly.”

  99. small steps says:

    Laurie – thanks for sharing that story about your sister. I have a friend who is gay, and was almost killed in a hate crime. I am still flabbergasted at the small mindedness of people who profess to be Christians, and do everything opposite of what they claim their Bible teaches them. I just finished sending my Catholic friend (see my post above) a nice, but quite direct email that although I am Catholic, I don’t support the fundie beliefs in anti-choice and anti-gay propaganda that some leaders of the church force feed the masses. Jesus embraced the least among us – the poor, the sick, and all those shunned by the Holier-Than-Thou’s of His day. My mom says that if Jesus came back today, the fundamentalist-pious-holier-than-thou’s would reject him.

  100. lynnrockets says:

    This Ross fella seems like a real warm hearted guy.

  101. Alaska Pi says:

    @66 Laurie Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 5:46 AM
    I’m sorry to say Americans, including too many Alaskans, lag behind Canada yet again.
    The Alaska Constitution is unusual in that it openly affirms the rights afforded by the federal Bill of Rights- a kind of extra affirmation of citizen rights in relation to our state as well as those we have in relation to the fed.
    The folks who refuse , as Mr WAR does, to understand the peculiar patch of ground gay and lesbian Alaskans inhabit, because of their own narrow blindered take on what is acceptable, would be horrified were equity under civil law denied them. Those folks continue to exclude valuable members of our communities in their minds and our laws.
    Mr WAR is a lame sorry soldier for a worn out paradigm of what citizens may expect in relation to their state govt… and I wish he would go take his festering sores somewhere else than the door to the AGs office.

    This is going to be a tough day to get through… support for him has eroded some but likely not enough…?

  102. Amereurocan says:

    Great link austintx, Andrew Halcro has it spot on. I’m hoping WAR gets the boot. He just eeks icky.

  103. Star says:

    Oh gawd~ What a slimeball?? Here’s hoping (fingers crossed) he’s not confirmed today!!

  104. Darkness says:

    UK Lady Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 5:02 AM
    Sounds like Gino had a bit of a ‘tacky start’ to her VP run, and this from a Fox reporter!

    Palin is no longer the anointed, Gingrich is, hence the shift in tone from Fox News. They have to cut Palin off at the knees after building her up, but they will do it slowly so their constituency will simply wake up one morning and wonder what the fuss used to be. If they do it quickly and obviously, they risk losing viewers.

  105. Confuzzle says:

    FTA:”and whose beliefs are certainly immoral in the eyes of anyone with some semblance of intelligence and moral character.”

    This sentence is the most small-minded sh** I’ve heard in a long time, maybe ever…..OMG, it’s like Alaskas trying to avoid being hit by a dirty bomb with this guy…..Good luck today!!!!!!

  106. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    austintx Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 5:54 AM
    Hey – This is us !!

    Doesn’t it make you wonder what 82% of internet users were doing?

  107. Donna says:

    What most disturbs me is Ross’s refusal to answer questions and insistence that it’s irrelevant. If he had made statements which were racist, that would never have been accepted. If he had slammed Jews, that never would have been accepted. And correctly so–the public is entitled to probe the attitudes of those who want to hold public office.

    I can only imagine Ross’s attitude if someone who had publicly disdained Catholics had been nominated and refused to answer. He is saying that bigotry is irrelevant–which is very scary.

  108. austintx says:

    Hey – This is us !!
    More than a half the country’s voting-age population used the Internet to get political news or get involved in the political process in 2008, according to a new survey conducted by the Pew Internet & American Life Project. “Nearly one in five (18%) internet users posted their thoughts, comments or questions about the campaign on an online forum such as a blog or social networking site.”–The-Internets-Role-in-Campaign-2008.aspx

  109. BigPete says:


    “What’s that old saying about the guys who hate the gays so much? Something like “the intensity of your closet homosexuality equals the intensity of your homophobia.”

  110. Laurie says:

    I speak now…for my beloved sister…who is gay. She is a thriving member of her community, which includes..omg…heterosexuals.

    She is a professionl woman, as is her long time life partner. They were legally married, in 2001 (We are in Canada). She owns her own home…has a cottage she goes to on weekends,…pays her taxes, works hard and loves her family.

    She has more decency in her baby finger, than that pig who wrote that letter will ever have. I would give anything to stand toe to toe with than man…and slap his face so hard his head would spin around that jolly old neck of his.

    What is wrong with people? There is so much happening in the world…and WAR is afraid of gay people.

    Is it it really true, that in Alaska you can be descriminated upon for work etc. because of your sexuality? If so…all I can say is WOW…and Long Live Canada….long may she reign.

  111. austintx says:

    63 EyeOnYou Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 5:38 AM
    Maybe it is just me, but I don’t think that most joe six pack hockey mom’s spend that kind of money on a single pair of shoes.
    I don’t believe for a second that sarah paid a penny for those shoes.

  112. Misfit in Texas says:

    W A R appears to be a disgusting waste of air. PLEASE let us see an announcement of REJECT after todays vote.

  113. EyeOnYou says:

    pvazwindy Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 5:10 AM***********about those clogs she’s advertising

    Maybe it is just me, but I don’t think that most joe six pack hockey mom’s spend that kind of money on a single pair of shoes.

  114. austintx says:

    Great article on W.A.R. Only a moron would confirm this moron.

  115. MissSunshine says:

    I second txindygirl in my belief that those who are rabidly anti-choice use their position as a “moral crutch”, like human life is sacred from conception to birth, but heaven help the actual air-breathing kind of human life.

    I once told a pro-GINO friend – “So she is pro-life, pro-gun, pro-war, pro-death-penalty, pro-wolf, bear, whale “reduction” and environmental protection is not a big concern of hers… my friend was pretty quite after that…

  116. austintx says:

    UK Lady – Thanks for the link. Love the last sentence :
    As somebody in her cabinet said the other day, ‘You can’t kick every dog that barks at you,'” Wayne Anthony Ross, Palin’s nominee for attorney general, told the House Judiciary Committee at his confirmation hearing. “I’m trying to convince her that she ought not get treed by the Chihuahuas.”

  117. Alaska Pi says:

    @50 Lilybart Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 4:53 AM
    The Dems need to submit a list of three names, like they are supposed to.

    Ignore anything else.

    And put Beth Kertulla, and Dan Fagan (this is the compromise guy?) and one other name. End of story.

    Oh…having regained my breath upon seeing Mr Fagan’s name here in whatever context you are putting this…

    IF you are referring to Juneau Senate seat, the Dems have ALREADY sent a 3 name list. Our mayor suggested a 4th- Mr Dennis Egan. The ghastly gov is ignoring this. Mr Fagan is NOT a Juneau resident and could only be considered a registered Dem in an alternate universe…

    IF you are suggesting the Dems provide a list for AG , i like it! Ms Kertulla would be a GREAT AG and since it works for the gov to ignore OUR preferences here in Juneau for seating a Senator it might be great fun to ignore hers for seating an AG…
    Mr Fagan MIGHT even make a better AG than Mr WAR 🙂 – lack of law license and all!

  118. austintx says:

    55 pvazwindy Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 5:10 AM***********about those clogs she’s advertising
    Great find !! Well – one has to wonder if sarah approves of her name and picture being prominently displayed in the ad. Bet the shoes were free too.also.

  119. KateinCanada says:

    Daily KOS’ Cheers and Jeers Thursday by Bill is an excellent article on the military’s “Don’t ask don’t tell” comparing the fear of homosexual assault to the actual incidence of heterosexual assault experienced by women in the military. No W.A.R.- which is a pleasant change, actually. Also. Too. I hope that’s a good omen for the day …

  120. pvazwindy says:***********about those clogs she’s advertising

  121. Tealwomin says:

    austintx…way cool! love his sign too

  122. austintx says:

    Winner of “Best Sign at Tea Party” Note his t-shirt.

  123. UK Lady says:

    Sounds like Gino had a bit of a ‘tacky start’ to her VP run, and this from a Fox reporter!

    Not as tacky as her finish hopefully.

  124. sdragon says:

    Spring has sprung in my little part of the world. Over 60 today, ye-ha! As I play in the sunshine, my thoughts will be in Alaska, hoping this p!ss poor excuse of a man does not get confirmed. I feel for you Alaskans. What a coward he is!! Later when I’m enjoying the Captain Morgans & pineapple juice, I hope I am cheering & not mourning for you all. Good luck!

  125. Lilybart says:

    The Dems need to submit a list of three names, like they are supposed to.

    Ignore anything else.

    And put Beth Kertulla, and Dan Fagan (this is the compromise guy?) and one other name. End of story.

  126. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    austintx Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 4:23 AM
    Yep, that ain’t no crowd. And Angelia thinks Austin is truly weird, given it’s the capital city and most people there aren’t even from Texas. She’s been in Austin so long she’s beginning to appreciate weird – but not Rick-Perry-weird. She’s from the Deep South, so she knows about weird, strange, radical, odd, spooky, dangerous, etc.

    Under the Texas Constitution, you may not secede from the Union. The local Einsteins in Tx are trying to work out a way that you can secede from the “President”, but not the Union. Please wish them jolly good luck from me. 😀 I will miss San Antonio.

  127. Tewise says:

    Have ya’ll read Halcro today:………Wharthog had an interview on KTUU.

  128. sauerkraut says:

    8 txindygirl’s phone Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 1:41 AM

    @aussie- isn’t it bad faith to reappoint rejected candidates? surely this type of bahavior is unethical?

    Not unethical but certainly bad faith and a gross failure on Palin’s part to carry out her constitutional duties. What the legislature needs to do is file a mandamus action in the appropriate court asking the court to force the governor to lawfully and constitutionally carry out her appointed duties. There is a clear constitutional crisis between two branches of government here and only the court can force the governor to follow the proper procedure(s). Enough already. It is apparent that the statute requires certain steps to be following in filling the empty state senate seat. Time for the legislature to step up to the plate and do what they need to do to force Palin to follow the proper procedures.

  129. Lilybart says:

    My husband did a story on s&m and swinger clubs in NYC, years ago. Orthodox Hassidic Jews were a major part of the clientele.

    Repression of normal sexual urges usually results in perversion.

  130. SmallSteps says:

    Oops: “out” should be “ought”.

    OT – I received an email from a friend in Alaska last night asking me to sign a petition. (I think I saw the back of her head in one of hte pictures above) Apparently Notre Dame has invited Pres. Obama to be the commencement Speaker and receive an honorary degree. Conservative Catholics are up in arms about this calling it an “outrage and a scandal… given his clear support for policies and laws that directly contradict fundamental Catholic teachings on life and marriage.” I wrote a letter to Father Jenkins, President of Notre Dame, as a Catholic in SUPPORT of his decision to invite Pres. Obama. As I see it, The Pres and First Lady exemplify what the Church teaches about marriage, family, service and community. They take care of the lives that are here NOW and suffering NOW. UGH. If you want to write a letter supporting Father Jenkins, just go here:

    Now I have to write a note to my friend thanking her for enlightening me as to this latest Conservative backlash. I don’t think she realizes I’m a progressive, yet. While living in Alaska, for a variety of reasons, we had to hide it under our hat, so to speak. I could always appreciate AKM’s desire for anonymity. A Big Hat Tip to all the progressives and especially the progressive bloggers in Alaska! It takes a lot of courage to do what you do, and you do it so well!

  131. lyn says:

    Sure hope I am welcome here. Reading through the comments at C4P it was noted that GINO would be visiting Chicago on this trip also, too.

  132. Tewise says:

    My thoughts are with you my pups. Hopefully the backbones will remain straight and strong and shoot this pompous ass off at the hip.

    I don’t think the democrats will entertain the queens list since they have the legal opinion of it not being legit. She is shooting blanks and she knows it. But the question is, is the queen purposefully delaying this nomination to try to throw the numbers on the voting of wharthog. This could really turn out to be very eye opening for the queen.

  133. sauerkraut says:

    From Mad Wayne Anthony’s letter: “his bill seems to give extra rights to a group whose lifestyle was a crime only a few years ago, and whose beliefs are certainly immoral in the eyes of anyone with some semblance of intelligence and moral character.”

    Yanno… he’s not one to be stepping on other people’s rights when it’s fairly obvious that he’s not even following basic tenets within our country’s laws. As for his own moral character… there’s not much to be said about someone who consistently turns a blind eye to – indeed, his wording clearly shows his embracement of – blatant discrimination. Not discriminating against gays is NOT giving gays any “extra rights” (whatever he believes those might be) but in making sure gays get to enjoy the same rights the rest of the country enjoys. Things like housing, jobs, medical care. Very basic things that have no relation to anyone’s sexual preference.

    I apologize for repeating myself but that Mad Wayne Anthony guy resembles something I see often on the farm: a horse’s arse. Seems to me that Alaska can do better than putting a horse’s patoot into a position of high responsibility. Youse already have the governor… why should the state suffer a mirror image in the AG’s office?

  134. SmallSteps says:

    Paula – that’s a hoot! We drove over the Susquehanna this past weekend to visit friends and it looked very cold!!! BTW – my folks were enlightening me as to PA politics: judges and juvenile court and payoffs, oh my! This was up in the Scranton or Allentown area (can’t remember). I told my dad he out to start an anonymous political blog of PA – just like Mudflats. He’s got all sorts of news and connections. And he’s got the time. I’ll have to keep at him.

    My prayers are with Alaskans today that their legislature votes against Wayne Anthony Ross.

  135. austintx says:

    Aussie Blue Sky Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 3:58 AM
    Aussie Blue Sky’s BFF, who lives in Austin, deems there was no big tea party crowd for Perry in Austin, and continues to proclaim, “Keep Austin Weird”.
    I saw a helicopter shot on the local news and there was a “crowd”. Also , here are some pics. As far as the “Keep Austin Weird” slogan , us natives just kinda laff at all the tourists and newcomers that embrace it. No insult to your BFF.

  136. tigerwine says:

    To those who suggested that the biggest porn fans are right-wingers, I can vouch for that. A friend used to work in a local video store, and said her biggest customers were some of the ministers in town! And. . .a local bartender swears the religious right do frequent her bar, but park out back. They call the back door the “Baptist door”. No offense to my Baptist friends!

  137. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Paula Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 4:03 AM
    A local lady had a one woman tea party on the banks of the Susquehanna River and tossed, along with her lone teabag, herself into the river (oops). She was pulled from the river safe and sound about 10 minutes later
    I read today that the average age of Limbaugh’s listeners is 67. That might explain it.

  138. Paula says:

    A local lady had a one woman tea party on the banks of the Susquehanna River and tossed, along with her lone teabag, herself into the river (oops). She was pulled from the river safe and sound about 10 minutes later.

  139. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Paula Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 3:44 AM
    AUSTIN, Texas — Texas Gov. Rick Perry fired up an anti-tax “tea party” Wednesday with his stance against the federal government and for states’ rights as some in his U.S. flag-waving audience shouted, “Secede!”
    Aussie Blue Sky’s BFF, who lives in Austin, deems there was no big tea party crowd for Perry in Austin, and continues to proclaim, “Keep Austin Weird”.

  140. va_soccer_mom says:

    Hoping that WAR has done enough damage this week to lose a few more confirmation votes.

    He’s mentioned in a NYT article today about Palin (“For Governor Palin, A Rough Return to the Day Job, in which he advises that, “she needs to smile more.”

    And judging from the last line of the article, SP still doesn’t understand what constitutes an ethics violation.

  141. EyeOnYou says:

    Paula Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 3:44 AM
    Perry suggested Texans might at some point get so fed up they would want to secede from the union, though he said he sees no reason why Texas should do that.

    This is just political posturing on Perry’s part. He is running for office again and needs to whip up some support and is hopeful that this is the kind of thing that will do it. It is disturbing to say the least that a politician would use secession as a tool to whip up support, but if you haven’t got anything else I guess he figures that will work.
    It seems like these days, hate works better than anything else in getting support for your viewpoint (at least with some of the republicans). It saddens me to no end that this is the path that some people take, and instead of doing what is best for everyone, our politicians are doing whatever they can to be divisive and exclusive in order to get their way.

  142. mexigal..frommoval says:

    My thoughts and prayers will be with the people of Alaska that your legislators listened and will do the right thing. Reading about this person is like watching an abusive step-father, he’s so used to running his mouth and picking on ‘smaller people’ that he truly feels he’s unstoppable-may Karma be in full force today!

  143. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    austintx Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 3:43 AM
    austintx, it’s no secret that Uncle Ted was so full of ‘confidence’ at the time that he declined to plea-bargain. Remember, that was in the good ol’ Boosh days ….

  144. Paula says:

    hat, not hate.

  145. Paula says:

    AUSTIN, Texas — Texas Gov. Rick Perry fired up an anti-tax “tea party” Wednesday with his stance against the federal government and for states’ rights as some in his U.S. flag-waving audience shouted, “Secede!”
    …Perry called his supporters patriots. Later, answering news reporters’ questions, Perry suggested Texans might at some point get so fed up they would want to secede from the union, though he said he sees no reason why Texas should do that.

    Looks like Obama might need his big Lincoln hate sooner than later. Guess Palin and WAR will be next… Nothing like setroying a country THEN leaving it. Who can understand Republicans?

  146. austintx says:

    OT – This was in yesterday’s NYT. Read the very last sentence. Or hell , maybe even AG.

  147. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    the ADN editorial on the gay controversy:

    “BOTTOM LINE: On this count, attorney general nominee Wayne Anthony Ross has stirred legitimate concerns.”

    The ADN writes a long editorial but is non-committal. How nice. One hopes their little newspaper prospers.

  148. CityKid says:

    You’re not alone, that’s what Legislative Legal council thought too – and was the basis for the Democrats ignoring Palin’s list.

  149. austintx says:

    23 tigerwine Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 3:25 AM
    I thought the Dems got to pick, and the gov approved, not the other way around. Am I right?
    Ah – That’s not how it works in the Palin Parallel Universe.

  150. 264 Crayons says:

    No wonder he refused to answer the question about how he felt towards gays. It’s doubtful he’s changed his stripes since that letter!

    In other news I’m astounded by the daftness of SP. Simply INCONCEIVABLE! She’s just trying to wear them down until they say “F” it and give in. I hope they do NOT.

  151. AKaurora says:

    Tigerwine, welcome to Sarah’s Wacky Wednesday weirdness. Too bad she can’t read as well as you! Remember when we used to have backwards days in junior high? She’s there.

  152. tigerwine says:

    I’m confused: According to the ADN:

    The conflict is over a state Senate seat vacant since March 2, when longtime Juneau Democratic Sen. Kim Elton resigned for a job in the Obama administration. The law says Palin needs a majority of the nine Senate Democrats to approve her pick for Elton’s replacement. They rejected her first two picks, Grussendorf and Joe Nelson. Palin then re-submitted the names of Grussendorf and Nelson on Tuesday night, along with that of Alan Wilson, a Juneau contractor opposed in part because he just became a Democrat on March 4. The governor said Senate Democrats could choose among them.

    I thought the Dems got to pick, and the gov approved, not the other way around. Am I right?

  153. austintx says:

    20 Paula Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 3:18 AM
    I bet WAR has no problem with protecting the freedom of swingers and threesomes. And 20 bucks says he has a huge pron collection and some hookers in his closet. It’s always the homophobes who are the bigest perverts. Every time.
    And I have a 20 that says he frequents topless bars.

  154. austintx says:

    Statistically , W.A.R is due for a crash. Maybe today ??

  155. Paula says:

    I bet WAR has no problem with protecting the freedom of swingers and threesomes. And 20 bucks says he has a huge pron collection and some hookers in his closet. It’s always the homophobes who are the bigest perverts. Every time.

    Please vote this loser down. Even if AK is stuck with him it will be another kick to Palin and whatever insane stuff they do together will do nothing but bring her down further.

  156. CityKid says:

    So Ross points out in his letter that it wasn’t that long ago that homosexual behavior was illegal. Damn, he’s a lawyer – apparently he missed a few Supreme Court Decisions. Let’s see, it used to be illegal for native aboriginal people to enter many business establishments in these parts and African Americans were accorded similar treatment and women were not allowed into taverns (or to vote). Nope, I don’t want him as my AG – let him drive around Anchorage in his Hummer and with its vanity plates – that’s where he belongs, behind the wheel of a Hummer.

  157. AKaurora says:

    Logic could suggest she really is trying to get booted out — to play the ultimate victim card, maybe? No way, logic is beyond her comprehension. She’s just in over her head and totally brainwashed. How any woman could tolerate WAR is beyond me. Over the years every occasion I’ve heard his name has appalled me. I can’t believe he actually may be confirmed (knot in the stomach).

    Joe Nelson has wisely withdrawn his name from consideration for the Senate seat. Maybe he wants to have a future with the party.

    CNN is referring to SP as damaged goods this morning. I wish we could just put her on a clearance table for quick disposal. Or straight to the dumpster.

  158. Gindy50 says:

    Me thinks the man doth protest a tad bit too much. The most vehement anti-gay folks are often self hating, closet gays.

  159. CityKid says:

    austintx Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 2:41 AM

    What’s that old saying about the guys who hate the gays so much? Something like “the intensity of your closet homosexuality equals the intensity of your homophobia.”

    AKA, domination?

    Ross is expressing ideas that were popular among European colonial cultures (though often not adhered to) 100 years ago. He subordinates the other in order to fulfill a need to be superior and dominate. I wasn’t just using a pejorative when I called him sick – he is sick. While he is entitled to think whatever he wants – he has, I believe expressed his true feelings quite clearly over the years and has clearly proven himself unqualified to represent all of the people of Alaska as, I think, is required by our constitution – err, our laws. It will be a sad day if The Legislature approves a homophobic reactionary later today to be the prosecutor (persecutor) in chief.

  160. austintx says:

    What’s that old saying about the guys who hate the gays so much? Something like “the intensity of your closet homosexuality equals the intensity of your homophobia.”
    More here at wonkette. As usual , the comments are a hoot.

  161. CityKid says:

    Ross is one sick individual. But, he’ll “protect” at least some Alaskan’s, at least the ones that believe in G_D. I for one don’t want him anywhere near my government.

  162. White Agate says:

    Hey there AKM, and everyone, hope you are all doing well, especially after the ‘outing’ episode. I have been checking in but was not up to speed on that one. I just don’t get the anti-blogging sentiment out there, but I guess you can take it as a reverse compliment?

    Where do people like WAR come from? I mean, I know it’s Alaska but it’s like they manufacture them somewhere just for situations like this one.

    Palin has an interview in the NYT today, the end of which discusses her painted clogs and how she can’t tell anyone who painted them for fears of an ethical breach. It’s amazing the cloud of fog, confusion, malfeasance, and just generally bizarre actions that surround this woman. Doesn’t anyone thing the governor should just promote a good budget and otherwise be boring?

    Urgh…when is she up for reelection?

  163. ds55 says:

    And she hand-picked this guy? I remember feeling this way when McCain hand-picked GINO. They’re all just a fry short of a Happy Meal.

  164. NY Dem says:

    Thanks Aussie Blue Sky – looks like we might have an “Alaskan Standoff’ on our hands.

    What could possibly be her reasoning to re-appoint 2 people already rejected, and to further butt heads with the Legislature ?

    It’s almost like she’s TRYING to get impeached/recalled/ousted !

    Can’t the Legislature just appoint Beth Kertulla, and then let Palin try and veto the appointment. Get Beth in the seat, and let the legal stuff play out over time.

    This is just getting ridiculous !

  165. UK Lady says:

    This attitude of WAR’s makes me sick to my stomach, I thought dinosaurs were extinct. What should be illegal is people with this attitude being in any position of power.

    From everything I have read, men with this vehement hatred of gays are usually frightened that they themselves may have homosexual tendencies and are overcompensating to prove their machismo.

    LAD may have been unintentional, but Ross uses his WAR symbol far to blatantly and often to be a mistake. What a jerk.

  166. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    the Fairbanks News-Miner is against Ross as A-G

  167. txindygirl's phone says:

    @aussie- isn’t it bad faith to reappoint rejected candidates? surely this type of bahavior is unethical?

    i get it – palin wants to be recalled or impeached so she can play the martyr when she goes 3rd party rogue in 2012. i hate to tell her – only the same ‘ol 26% will fall for it.

  168. ValleyIndependent says:

    I sent my letters in opposition to confirmation to all members of both the House and the Senate, and know there were many others ahead of me. The public testimony I heard on Friday was mostly opposed. Now all we can do is wait and see if they were listening.

  169. Kath the Scrappy from Seattle says:

    “In Germany, they came first for the Communists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist;

    And then they came for the trade unionists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;

    And then they came for the Jews, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;

    And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time there was no one left to speak up.”

  170. dowl says:


    Now I see why you were outed. It seems that you were to be shut down and shut up because the circus was coming to town and Dooty Dougan (and others) knew that the proverbial shizz was about to hit many fans. Thank you and other AK bloggers for standing up and continuing to speak out.

    This is why Eric Holder said that we were a nation of too many cowards (if I have the sentiment right). Be strong. I know that you know that the work that you do is greater than yourself.

  171. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    It’s even worse:

    “Palin said in her new letter that she was re-appointing Grussendorf. And said that, if the Senate Democrats reject him again, then she was appointing Nelson. And — if Nelson is rejected again — Palin said she was appointing Wilson.”

  172. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Gov. Sarah Palin late Wednesday reappointed Tim Grussendorf to the open state Senate seat in spite of Senate Democrats already rejecting him for the job.

    AKM, I sure hope you’ve gone to bed. Plenty of time to address this circus tomorrow.

  173. txindygirl says:

    (Hit send too quickly!)

    And what do you know? There’s goes WAR, hiding behind the “millions of lives of innocent children killed each year through abortion” just to justify his hatred of other human beings.

  174. txindygirl says:

    Utterly revolting.

    IMO, I don’t think the majority of these types even care about abortion. It’s merely their moral crutch. They use it for cover while they spew hatred and racism and indulge in pornography and other low-brow endeavors. (In my experience, the biggest pornography addicts have been Bible thumping so-called “conservatives.” Sorry, it’s hard to understand a man’s pornography habit when it’s served with a heapin’ side of Jesus.)