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Palin’s New Attorney General Pick – Caribou Ken?

From the moment Sarah Palin got dubbed “Caribou Barbie” back in September of ’08, I have thought of Lt. Governor Sean Parnell as “Caribou Ken”.  Why not Todd as Caribou Ken?  He’s too involved.  Ken was never part of the action…  He was just sort of a vague presence.  Kind of a shadowy blonde sidekick that never really did much except sit in the passenger seat of the pink convertible “dream car” and smile.  He has recently come out with his very own newsletter…I’ll have to dig it up and see what he’s been doing.

But the latest rumors seem to indicate he’s under consideration for the vacant Attorney General position.

I’ve only had two personal experiences with Sean Parnell.  Once was in the governor’s office when Alaskans for Truth was delivering their petition with about 2000 signatures asking for the resignation of our then Attorney General Talis Colberg, for telling state employees that they didn’t have to comply with Legislative subpoenas in the Troopergate investigation.  Ah, if the Palin administration had only listened then.  Think of all the trouble it could have saved. 

During the petition delivery, the governor was out of state running for the office of Vice President of the United States.  So nobody expected her to be around to accept the petition.  So, the thought was, that the petitions should go to the Lt. Governor.  Granted, he hadn’t been left in charge of the state or anything.  The governor preferred to be a governor, a mom and a VP candidate all at once on the campaign trail, rather than to turn the state over to the “Governor Lite.”

So while she was in Ohio, or somewhere, double fisting the Blackberries and waving to the adoring masses, Alaskans for Truth stood in her office with a big honking pile of signatures.  When they asked for Sean Parnell, whom they had been told was in the office that day, he was announced to be “unavailable.”  And so, in front of TV cameras and various other media, the petitions went to a spokesman, while everyone imagined Sean Parnell sitting in his office with the lights off, hugging his knees in the dark.

My second experience was when the governor and her family returned to Alaska after the big fail in November.  I stood outside for more hours than I care to remember, forbidden to leave by the Secret Service, and hemmed in the middle of a crowd of cheering, fawning, Palin fans.  Some guy kept bumping into me, and I turned around to see Sean Parnell about 6 inches from my face.  Just about this time, the woman over to my side recognized him and shrieked like a teenager (which she was definitely not),  “Oh my God it’s Sean Parnell!! You’re even better looking in person!!!  Can I get my picture with you??”   I don’t think that Parnell expected this type of reaction any more than I did, and had I been still drinking my cup of hot chocolate, I probably would have sprayed the crowd, including the Lt. Governor.

But, let’s assume that Parnell will be the next AG appointment.  It’s bound to go better than the last pick, Wayne Anthony Ross, who went down in a giant ball of flame.  But then, if Parnell gets confirmed, there’s a big hollow void in the office of the Lt. Governor.  OK, that’s not the best analogy.  There’s an even bigger, hollower void in the office of the Lt. Governor.  Who might fill the void?

Shannyn Moore speculates that it may be Joe Schmidt.  Who is Joe Schmidt, other than “Joe the potential Lt. Governor?  There’s a story.  There’s always a story. 

While serving as Department of Corrections Chief, he had a vote of no confidence from the Alaska Correctional Officers Association (ACOA) last April. It was the first time such a vote had ever come up with “No Confidence.” ACOA alleged Schmidt had cut positions to dangerously low levels in the prisons and covered up medical issues in the jails. Specifically, the spread of a contagious bacterial infection, MRSA, among prisoners and even guards.

But wait, there’s more.  After the no confidence vote, Palin stood behind Schmidt and called him a “reformer“.  And for those of you who were wagering, yes he graduated from Wasilla High School in 1984, where he played hockey. 

He shoots, he scores!


Post Script –

I was going to post the “official” portrait of Sean Parnell here, so I went to the state website to retrieve it.  I noticed a link that said “Official Portraits – New!”  So, I clicked.  There were the two portraits of Palin and Parnell, and underneath…this warning:

Authorization to use the official portraits must be obtained
from the
Governor’s and/or Lt. Governor’s office BEFORE use by 3rd parties.

They’re going to have a heck of a time hunting down all those 3rd parties who used those without permission.  That official portrait of Palin is even the default avatar over at Team You-Know-Who….or so I hear. 

I thought this whole thing seemed a bit strange for a state executive branch – having a special page for official portraits, and not letting anyone use them.  So I checked around a little to see what other governors were up to.  I looked on the official state websites of New York, Illinois, Hawaii, Maine, Texas, Florida, Washington and California.  None of the photos came with a warning, and the only one I could find that had a special “official portrait” page seemed perfectly happy to let anyone use it.  So, just ’cause I can, here’s the official portrait of Washington Governor Christine Gregoire.


~~~Christine Gregoire....just because I can.~~~

So, it’s a good thing that I had taken my very own photo of Sean Parnell that night on the tarmac, because otherwise, without express permission obtained by him, you’d never know what he looks like.  You can have fun imagining what that picture might have looked like with him wiping hot chocolate out of his eyes.  (Memo to self:  Never drink near Palin groupies)




115 Responses to “Palin’s New Attorney General Pick – Caribou Ken?”
  1. FsmSter says:

    “Never drink near Palin groupies”

    Because they need all the alcohol they have to keep up the delusion?

  2. Visitor says:

    Did you know that the governor uses her official portrait on her Facebook page? And there’s no “3rd party” warning.

  3. Pursang says:

    Jim said:

    “Vacant Attorney General in Name Only”

    Better be careful Jim. Change the last word to something that begins with an “A” and you have an interesting acronym going there. 🙂

  4. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    Alaskan Sisu,

    Check out the discussion of the statement, “machine gun shoot on somebody’s property down in Seward, that there were witnesses to such a thing, and he’d never been there” on the next thread up…

  5. Ripley in CT says:

    HA!! You are AWESOME! You WIN again!

    That is too funny, the disclaimer. I bet it’s because of all the bastardizations of her picture.

  6. Alaskan Sisu says:

    In the Juneau Empire today – Governor Palin blames ‘public lies’ for Ross Rejection. “he very easily and accurately refuted the lies told about him, but once a bell is rung, really tough to un’ring a bell”. Palin declined to say whose lies undermined Ross, citing the blogosphere and e-mails from members of the public. The one example she cited was “he being engaged in a machine gun shoot on somebody’s property down in Seward, that there were witnesses to such a thing, and he’d never been there.” That’s just one example”.

    Yep, the Juneau Empire has two Palin clarification stories today – She also pulled the terd out of her pocket and said We wanted to make sure we ended this session, on a good note when she introduced Egan, the new Senate appt. at a news conference.

    Vacant Gino would be a good choice for AG but he’s going to need a pair of good Alaskan hip boots. Besides, if it were any other Governor calling the shots on the AG, I would say the position itself was jinxed or something, also, and too, as if, yep.

    I’m gonna go find some bells that need rung.

  7. InJuneau says:

    @let it run–we have primary runs for gov. and lt. gov. and then the top vote winners for each position in each party are paired with their party’s other position winner and have to run as that party’s ticket in the General Election.

  8. Jim says:

    AlaskaGuy Says:
    April 20th, 2009 at 6:26 PM

    Vacant Attorney General.

    I think that about sums it up.
    Vacant Attorney General in Name Only.

    I like it… 😉

  9. sauerkraut says:

    What song used the phrase “empty-headed beach blondes”?

    Yeah, well that’s what I think of whenever I read stories about people who approach the semi-famous shrieking “you’re even better looking in person.” If there’s ever been an example of vapidity, that’s it right there.

    Vapid. My favorite word of the day.

  10. Lainey says:

    RECALL PALIN !!! Please let’s get the ball rolling
    Nobody agrees with you more!!! but, GW wasn’t impeached or recalled for actual war crimes…he sat there grinnin’ for 8 years!

  11. WrongTruth says:

    Hey, isn’t that the same suit she worn last Sunday. Why isn’t it on ebay? Donated to help a charity? Little by little we’ll see more of that 150,000.00 dollar wardrobe creep out for public appearances. I want to see that Michael Jackson jacket again.

  12. Dragon Lady says:

    Here it is. What dignity and gravitas:

  13. Dragon Lady says:

    Who would want to use her official portrait? My favorite is the Washington DC photo before the Alfalfa Club dinner in those boots that must have been worn by Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. Can’t remember where I first saw it. Worth finding if you can.

    And there are several of her with that jaw stuck out. Didn’t her grandmother tell her that some day her face would freeze like that?

    Still, nothing beats Naughty Sarah. Her true self.

  14. bonefish says:

    The Palinator is going to visit the Queen of England?

    sure would like to be the mouse under the chair for that one… *rolling eyes*

  15. nswfm CA says:

    I don’t know where that prison is in the palingates post, but the people of the YK Delta are lucky she didn’t come to see them. Wouldn’t that be karma if the Native Americans who are isolated and know how to live off the land are the only ones to escape the MRSA problem.

    Shame on her buddy for not taking care of making sure MRSA doesn’t spread.

  16. nswfm CA says:

    Those prison guards with MRSA should make sure they invite sp to an event, shake her hand, sneeze on her, cough, etc., since she has such confidence in her guy. He should be there too since he is doing such a great job. Until that happens, I’ll be siding with the prison guards story.

  17. antiAnti says:

    It seems like going from Lt. Gov. to AG means less pay and more work, with a probable “encouraged” resignation at the end of the line. Not a good deal, IMO.

  18. let it run says:

    67 pvazwindy Says:
    April 20th, 2009 at 8:58 PM
    Levi has 24 hr security. What the hell is that suppose to mean. Has his life been threatened? What danger does he face?
    Maybe now tho, it will be safe to let him take the baby to his home.

  19. let it run says:

    “Doublefisting the blackberries” RFLMAO! ( add: while bouncing a baby on her knee)

    Parnell may want to jump on the AG bus if given the chance. Then he can hopefully segway back into a legal career after GINO admin implodes! [mushroom cloud]. Maybe the dud could be the lt. Gov…since he is one anyway.

    FAQ: How did Parnell adn Winky “hook up” for the gov office? If already answered , pls refer me to the comment number. Thanks!

  20. austintx says:

    Mighty fine , okey dokey. This is the picture that I believe captures sarah at her finest !! And permission is granted in the top left corner. Share , share , share my friends.

    Hey sarah – HaHaHaHahA !!!!!

  21. Cynamen Winter says:

    @ pvazwindy Says:
    April 20th, 2009 at 8:58 PM

    Levi has 24 hr security. What the hell is that suppose to mean. Has his life been threatened? What danger does he face?
    I would not doubt that GINO or her peeps tried to shut the lad up with some not-so-subtle threats (perhaps via her daughter)….and I wonder who’s picking up the tab for 24-hr. security if that is true?

    What a sad, sad saga….

  22. AKMFan says:

    She seems to have very rudimentary knowledge at best of most laws (and certainly less than that of anything that involves ethics).

    I am not 100% sure on this, but I *believe* that notice was placed on the page after she was tapped by McInsane and people started photoshopping her head on to everything they could get their little mice on 😉

    I still haven’t found anything at the state level, but I work commercially with this kind of stuff (politics isn’t really my bag, though I do a bit of political stuff since The Queen hit the scene) and my contacts tell me that the same rules apply for any political figure and their official photos.

    Personal photos (like the one AKM posted) are copyright of the person taking the photo and AP owns the copyright to the photos their press folks take (in fact there is a lawsuit right now between the AP and Shepard Fairey, the artist that did the Obama Hope design because he used a photo that was copyright of the AP to make it), but if it’s public $$ that paid for it, it’s fair game.

    IANAL, mind you, but I do work with this stuff on a daily basis.

  23. mlaiuppa says:

    I’ve got a hoot for you.

    I’m a teacher librarian. When I was working at a middle school I had pictures of all of our government representatives from the President on down to local school board. Congress. District superintendent. Even the principal. I had a contact sheet for those that wanted to write their Congressperson or whoever about whatever.

    We’re in California.

    When I was setting up the wall, I contacted Schwarzenegger’s office for an official 8×10 glossy. It arrived. Purple tie. Violet background. I looked at it. Then I did a little google searching.

    It’s a head shot from his actor’s portfolio. They just photoshopped the color of his tie and the background. No joke.

    BTW right next to him is a picture of one of our local state representatives. Blonde. Pretty. It almost looks like she used her high school senior class picture.

    I overheard one of our students talking “There’s Arnold and I think I recognize her, but who are all these other actors?”


  24. karion says:

    @AKMFan Says:
    There is no way she can restrict the use of those photographs categorically. As you noted, she is a public figure and the photographs were likely procured with public funds (Sarah doesn’t seem to enjoy out of pocket expenses). Under federal copyright law, this falls pretty squarely under “fair use” – AKM is commenting on the photographs. This doctrine (fair use) balances the rights of the owner of the photograph (here, the state of Alaska) with the federally mandated guarantees of free expression in the First Amendment.

    Fear not, AKM. Her posted policy is utter horseshit. Or mooseshit, whatever.

  25. Lainey says:

    was reading some stuff on palingate, and was reminded (again & again) what a B***H with a capital B your governor is
    all the things she reams others for, she does herself, tenfold!

  26. Soldotna Sue says:

    Well, this proposed “Teaberry Shuffle” sounds exactly like a stunt Palin would pull. I wondered what she’d do after WAR was rejected and she didn’t have to worry about the legislature’s confirmation of her AG pick for many months. I knew that it would be some lame-brained high school clique revisited. She never disappoints.

  27. wasillawarrior says:

    RECALL PALIN !!! Please let’s get the ball rolling !

  28. ValleyIndependent says:

    Side note: This year she sent Talis to AML – again she was too important to interrupt her schedule to meet with the leaders from around the state. Talis, like Sean before him, rose above the “Where’s Sarah?” reception and gave a good speech – then departed quickly – presumably before anyone asked him about Troopergate.

  29. ValleyIndependent says:

    Actually, Sean Parnell seems nice in person. I felt bad for him at Alaska Municipal League a year ago last November. The group was expecting Palin to show up (after all, AML represents 97% of the cities and boroughs in the state) and she sent him instead. The greeting he received was pretty chilly, but he gamely gave his speech anyway, and answered pointed questions meant for her as best he could. She has really treated him poorly, sending him out like the sacrificial lamb when it suits her, then treating him like he’s not capable of handling things while she’s been out on extended absences. I can’t imagine that he would not have done a better job of running things than she has. Come to think of it, maybe she realizes he’d do a better job and doesn’t want to give him the chance to make her look bad.

  30. mt says:

    hes just a puppet, thats a nice picture of Gregoire, I worked on the get out the vote campaign. It was nice, so different then from Alaska

  31. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    AKMFan Says:
    April 20th, 2009 at 10:23 PM

    I can’t find the information right now and don’t have time to look further, but I found this link and don’t recall seeing it during the election. It made me chuckle so I thought I would post (or repost) it here as well

    I’ll look for the other info tomorrow. I know that official federal govt employee portraits (and indeed most of their works) are copyright free under the theory that they are paid with public funds and therefore employees of the people and as such people are allowed to use that kind of material without worrying about copyright (in most instances).
    Hmmmm? Maybe another Ethics violation? Rack ’em up GINO!

  32. Nan says:

    re safety etc
    I imagine they feel it’s better to be safe than sorry, really. I’m sure the attitude I spoke of is not universal, by any means… just maybe a bit less uncommon than some of us are used to.

    Put it this way: I still plan on visiting Alaska eventually. Besides, by the time I save up enough, SP will be out of office most likely. (Unless I win the lottery, and I’m not holding my breath on that one – ha)

  33. clark says:

    can’t remember who wrote it, but it was a female newspaper columnist and it was in a book of a collection of her columns i checked out from the library about 20 yrs ago. an interview with a talking ken doll. he said eight different sentences, one after each pull of the string on his back. and she simply asked a question and then pulled the string… something like:
    Q. ken, isn’t your happy go lucky party boy persona just a front, to disguise deep-rooted insecurities and emotional problems?
    A. let’s go get the food for the party!

  34. AKMFan says:

    I can’t find the information right now and don’t have time to look further, but I found this link and don’t recall seeing it during the election. It made me chuckle so I thought I would post (or repost) it here as well

    I’ll look for the other info tomorrow. I know that official federal govt employee portraits (and indeed most of their works) are copyright free under the theory that they are paid with public funds and therefore employees of the people and as such people are allowed to use that kind of material without worrying about copyright (in most instances).

    There is, in fact, a statute that deals with it on the federal level. I am not sure about state level, though. That may be something that is on a state by state basis, in which case I will have to look at AK in particular tomorrow.

  35. History repeats says:

    I was reading this story about Sean Parnell thinking to myself, “I know what Sean Parnell looks like. I don’t need no stinkin’ picture.” Then I looked at the picture of SP and I had Sean Parnell mixed up with Loren Lehman. All those nondescript gov Lites blend into each other.

  36. Lainey says:

    Regina at “Palingates” adds some additional information on Joe Schmidt who would be in line ( thanks to cronyism by Palin) for that “bigger, hollower void of Lt. Governor.” Doesn’t look favorable for Alaska.

    —————-Thanks for the link. Jeez..Louise, Alaska is a dangerous place…all the way around. I wish I had visited Alaska before it became all mavericky. I will NEVER go now! I might as well go to Iraq.
    I can’t believe palin is allowed to reside there…in her castle…she should be in prison!

  37. nswfm CA says:

    Lynnerockets, one idea for you was to publish the Sarah Sing Along Song Book with pictures from the campaign trail plus before and after. If she is that uptight with her official photos, you could photoshop with the help of someone who knows how to do it like flyinyoureye.

  38. WrongTruth says:

    Careful, everyone. A newspaper article said, that even if Ross was rejected he would “serve” as the AG until the next session. So look out. Even if the article was wrong… how can she appoint someone when the leg is out of session. Parnell gets to play AG for a year before being confirmed. Legal minds must weigh-in.

  39. Lee323 says:

    AKM: “There’s an even bigger, hollower void in the office of the Lt. Governor. Who might fill the void?”

    Regina at “Palingates” adds some additional information on Joe Schmidt who would be in line ( thanks to cronyism by Palin) for that “bigger, hollower void of Lt. Governor.” Doesn’t look favorable for Alaska.

  40. woodstove says:

    I’ve seen that train a travilin’
    A blowin’ down the rails
    To the tune of polititians lying
    And the sounds of babies wails
    Past the empty factories and all the hungry souls
    To the tune of Satan singin’
    While pouring on the coals
    And yes I have heard your voice a singin’
    And I know your name

  41. pvazwindy says:

    NAN—Well then, this is a kid who has no job, no means of support and he lives in the wild northwest. Alaska, the last frontier. He fears for his safety. Does he have a restraining order on someone? Vacationed once in Alaska, the beauty is awesome and I met friendly folks. Now we have Palin who has sullied that state. Probably won’t visit again. Guns scare the hell out of me, guess that’s another reason not to visit. We’ve got our OK Corral in Tombstone, thats as close as I want to get to the Wild, Wild, West.

  42. honestyinGov says:

    You may have missed this story on HuffPo about Ziegler ( Palin’s movie paramour) where he writes about someone who called him a ‘dumbass’ and he whiiiiiiines about it endlessly…. proving the original point completely.
    It does go to the point of showing who GiNo ‘pals around with ‘. People who think just like here. Sort of a ‘mutual admiration society’… Uugh.

    The title say is all…
    “John Ennis Thinks I’m “A Dumbass”: A Point by Point Response”
    (point confirmed)

  43. deist says:

    The official portrait use issue may make a good complaint for the Alaska Ombudsman office. I doubt Parnell or Palin can control the use of their official portraits. If you file a complaint with the ombudsman, your anonymity is protected by Alaska statute.

  44. Nan says:

    In an area where “men are men” and supposed to “take care of their wimmin,” the thought of vigilantism probably shouldn’t be ignored. That’s probably why.

    Does anyone remember the old song about “attitude adjustment”? (the wife’s “attitude adjustment tool was the rolling pin if I remember right).

    Like that.

  45. EatWildFish says:

    Sub-Parnell also blew off the big fisheries debate in Kodiak last year – shortly after he announced his candidacy for US House.

    Every other candidate showed up for the debate that is broadcast on AK radio stations statewide. Worse, he lied about why he couldn’t make it — said he was ‘setting up his campaign office in Anchorage” when in reality he was throwing out the first ball at a Juneau High School basketball game.

    Sub-Parnell has been a phantom Lt Gov. It’s embarrassing to see the way he stands next to the Alaska Disasta with a vacuous smile on his face, all the while everyone ignores him completely.

    What a milque toast.

  46. petepeta says:

    I would imagine they could prevent commercial use of the offical portrait, i.e. the great moments in palinism plate collection or coffee mugs but I doubt it for personal use. It seems odd to to have a portrait by a stock photographer as official portrait.
    Parnell takes religous zealotry to a new level if that is possible. It is not surprising he has been invisible. Palin doesn’t share the stage with anyone if she can help it. She only wants underlings around if there might be questions that need to be answered: not her specialty.

  47. pvazwindy says:

    Levi has 24 hr security. What the hell is that suppose to mean. Has his life been threatened? What danger does he face?

  48. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    From Shanny’s blog, Whoa,Whoa, Whoa!!! What’s good for the goose is good for the Gander, Holy Moly.
    The reason I think Levi is in danger is because 1) Palin has shown herself to be violent.

    First, info from an extremely valid Wasilla source ( well known progressive blogger) that Palin slashed tires on Todd’s girl friend’s car when he was being unfaithful to Palin.

    There’s more to this comment. You can go check at Shanny’s blog.

  49. Cynamen Winter says:

    Welcome Skyotter…and I hope that you have a good pair of boots, for we’ve had to wade deeply into the muck as of late…but the journey is oh~so worth it!

  50. AKMFan says:

    hmm. I’m not sure they can actually do that. Political figures fall under somewhat different copyright usage for their likeness than does the average Joe (not to be confused with Joe the Plumber who may fall under political figure now).

    While the individual taking the photo (assuming they don’t work for the State of AK or the Govt) may have copyright to their particular photographs, it’s doubtful that your gov can restrict usage of official photos on the official site.

    Someone else might know of the top of their head and can answer. I’ll have to dig into it a little deeper to get a definitive answer.

  51. Lee323 says:

    51 Philip Munger Says:
    April 20th, 2009 at 8:21 PM
    OT – go to Progressive Alaska, and Sign Marcy Wheeler’s petition to get the other AG – Eric Holder – to appoint a special prosecutor on torture during the Bush years.
    Went. Saw. Signed.


    Infuriates me to no end that physicians took part in the torture process……Wonder if they’ll be able to sleep at night once the brainwashing wears off. Naw…using the excuse of brainwashing is too easy. They had character fault lines the size of the San Andreas fault line.

  52. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Lainey Says:
    April 20th, 2009 at 8:37 PM

    @crystalwolf aka caligrl
    Small world eh????
    ————Wasilla sounds more like Peyton Place. lol
    Yeah can you Imagine what OTHER secrets Wasilla holds?

  53. Moose Pucky says:

    This is starting to sound like “As the World Turns”!

  54. Lainey says:

    @crystalwolf aka caligrl
    Small world eh????
    ————Wasilla sounds more like Peyton Place. lol

  55. Lainey says:

    Who is Track’s daddy? Great episode for the soap opera.
    ————-lol, really…palin’s good at keeping pregnancy secrets. hmmm

    with this ‘trading places’ tactic, who is she trying to get into the Lt.Gov position? and why?

  56. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Lainey Says:
    April 20th, 2009 at 8:07 PM

    @crystalwolf aka caligrl
    …..he scored a lot more than in Hockey rink , is the “alleged” rumor-wink,wink-you betcha!
    ——————-So, is this the guy that palin had an affair with while she was pregnant, then married to the first dud???
    gotta love those Christian values, ay?
    and if this ‘ken’ guy wasn’t qualified to babysit the state while palin was continually absent, then how is he qualified to be AG?? palin, the puppet-master.
    She has History with Joe S. from HS.
    The other guy was a biz partner w/dud. The biz got dissolved over that.
    His daughter is GINO’s assistant and Traks GF.
    Small world eh????

  57. lynnrockets says:

    I just read that Sarah is planning a trip to Europe so as to meet with the Queen of England, but I can’t figure out why she needs to see Elton John (ba boom).

    (sung to the Elton John song “Bennie and the Jets”)

    Hey kids, let’s sing this together
    Sarah P’s as-so-ci-ates
    Are as tasteful as shoe leather
    They’re a filthy bunch of pigs that
    Should be hosed-down
    You’re never gonna wanna be ‘round a
    Bigger bunch of clowns

    Say, Kennie and Rossie, have you seen them yet – (ooh)
    But they’re so way out, (sa sa sa sa sa) Sarah and her pets
    Oh, then Uncle Ted and Whooten too
    And Todd with his snow-machine
    He’s got mukluk boots and a pink snow-suit
    I saw it pictured in a magazine
    Sarah and her pets

    Hey Kids, she pals around with Greta
    And her husband John
    Each of them a bed-wetter
    Don’t forget the Joes, Sixpack, and the Plum-ber
    When we think of all her Kooks and her creeps
    Our mood becomes such a bum-mer

    Oh, Kennie and Rossie, have you seen them yet – (ooh)
    But they’re so way out, (sa sa sa sa sa) Sarah and her pets
    Oh, then Uncle Ted and Whooten too
    And Todd with his snow-machine
    He’s got mukluk boots and a pink snow-suit
    I saw it pictured in a magazine (ohh ho)
    (sa sa sa)Sarah and her pets

    (Musical Interlude)

    Oh, Kennie and Rossie, have you seen them yet – (ooh)
    But they’re so way out, (sa sa sa sa sa) Sarah and her pets
    Oh, then Uncle Ted and Whooten too
    And Todd with his snow-machine
    He’s got mukluk boots and a pink snow-suit
    I saw it pictured in a magazine (ohh ho)
    (sa sa sa)Sarah and her pets

    Sarah, Sarah and her pets
    Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah and her pets
    Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah and her pets
    Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah and her pets
    Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah and the jets (jets) (jets) (jets)
    Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah and the jets

  58. bubbles says:

    @lee323….hehheh. yep. we few, we happy few. oh boy. LOL……………………………..p.s. big welcome to skyotter. come and stay awhile. big hug to all. sleepy. oh yes….. governor Gregoire, now that lady looks like a very competent, very reasonable person. lovely…b

  59. Moose Pucky says:

    Cheers to Christine Gregoire!

  60. Carol.Seattle says:

    Christine Gregoire is a governor who cares about and DOES work for the people. We’re fortunate to have her.

  61. StevieNitro says:

    I already don’t like him.

  62. Moose Pucky says:

    Oh, Sean Parnell–the Lt. Governor who brought us the manipulated wording on the ballot initiatives last August.

    As in–don’t allow the words “clean water” on the clean water intiative.

    And in–Should the law be amended to allow aerial hunting of bears? (Hell no)
    on the “We want to stop the shooting of wolves, bears, and wolverines.”

    You voted “yes” if you circulated the initiative and knew what it actually said.

    Otherwise, lots of “hell no’s” out there. First time ever Alaskans voted to allow shooting of wolves–perhaps because they thought they were voting not to shoot wolves and bears.

    Sneaky Sean makes blowhard WAR look like a teddy bear.

  63. OT – go to Progressive Alaska, and Sign Marcy Wheeler’s petition to get the other AG – Eric Holder – to appoint a special prosecutor on torture during the Bush years.

  64. ChiCat says:

    Problem child, the original was “JANIE’S got a gun” done by, as Lynnrockets notes, Boston’s fav bad boys, Aerosmith. From the album “Pump.”

    Lynn, are you from Boston? It’s generally only proud Bostonians who refer to them as Boston’s bad boys… if so, than “hi neighbor!”

    I really can’t believe she’s trying to hire another high school pal. Does she really not understand how this is supposed to work? It like she’s a kid fantasizing about taking over the world, giving all her friends cool jobs!

  65. Lee323 says:

    Imagine! Caribou Ken may get to be part of “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers…,” eh?

    Maybe King Leer (sic or sick) this time.

    Anyhow…..all those other poor schmucks not selected by the Queen
    “Shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here,
    And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks.” **

    To be frank, I imagine Talis is feeling fairly accursed that he WAS here……and WAR was holding his manhood regardless. Tsk Tsk. When does the curtain ever go down on these hacks?


  66. Sue says:

    Who is Track’s daddy? Great episode for the soap opera.

  67. CrabbyPatty says:

    Okay, if this were the plot of some soap opera, it would STILL be unbelievable …… Anyone else thinkin’ that in the next episode of Wasilla Woes, Parnell’s plane has an emergency landing in some remote village, rendering him incapable of serving as Lt. Gov (until Queen P can raise enough money for a Christian Rescue Mission). Joe Schmo is appointed Acting Lt. Gov, and with the aide of a band of rag-tag Wasilla alumni, they stage a coup, storming the Legislature and declaring independence for SarahLand. Ah, good times.

  68. Lainey says:

    @crystalwolf aka caligrl
    …..he scored a lot more than in Hockey rink , is the “alleged” rumor-wink,wink-you betcha!
    ——————-So, is this the guy that palin had an affair with while she was pregnant, then married to the first dud???
    gotta love those Christian values, ay?
    and if this ‘ken’ guy wasn’t qualified to babysit the state while palin was continually absent, then how is he qualified to be AG?? palin, the puppet-master.

  69. Nan says:

    @ Crystalwolf – Oh, understood! That’s why I’m glad he has it. Very glad, in fact. It’s just a shame it’s come to that, that he should feel the need for it. (sort of a “what has this world come to” thing – that’s all)


  70. mwThatOne.. says:

    Cynamen Winter Says: at 6:53 PM……. have there been any sightings of WAR trying to run folks over in the ol’ hummer?

    Well, yes……it was scary for me, though I was at home……my DH sighted him at Fred Meyer’s doing some shopping, collar up, under a cap ….(perhaps trying to detect that the food was untainted?)

  71. Closet Mudpup says:

    Maybe it’s just some residue of the sixties that I still carry, but for me using a forbidden photo of my target would add a delightful little touch of defiance to the Pooh signs and just enhance the fun!

  72. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Nan-see above———>GINO is unraveling, “she’s come undone” Ginos got a gun (and we know she does, that gun totin’ gal from Alaska) Glad Team Levi has protection. I think Rex will take care of him. As soon as I saw them all in court for Sherry’s court that day w/ Rex I knew they “got People” And GINO better take notice. Her Big mouth father too!

  73. Nan says:

    Just saw the post on immoral minority – interesting that he has “24 hour security.” I’m glad he does, but what a shame that life has come to the point that it is even necessary (or seems necessary – you know what I mean, I hope)


  74. DrChill says:

    I wonder if it has anything to do with pictures like this?

    : )

  75. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    lynnrockets Says:
    April 20th, 2009 at 7:31 PM

    @ crystalwolf:

    A fine song from those Bad Boys of Boston – Aerosmith.
    Thanks 😉

  76. Lee says:

    AKM, I am glad that you put my Governor’s picture in your blog. She is one smart lady, and I love it when she visits our island. She was here last summer, and we hope to have her come back this year.

    Caribou Ken, if given this job, will be a do nothing AG. He will take orders from Sarah. Is he qualified?

  77. lynnrockets says:

    @ crystalwolf:

    A fine song from those Bad Boys of Boston – Aerosmith.

  78. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Sue Says:
    April 20th, 2009 at 7:27 PM

    OT, but Gryphen has an interesting post about Levi over on immoral minority.
    Thanks Sue, will check out!

  79. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    skyotter Says:
    April 20th, 2009 at 7:22 PM

    new poster, btw. hi from Juneau!

    Hi skyotter! {{waves}} welcome to the legendary ‘flats… your host AKM 🙂

  80. Sue says:

    OT, but Gryphen has an interesting post about Levi over on immoral minority.

  81. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    Research tells me that Sean Parnell is in charge of elections in AK, is that correct? If so, is it true that AK voters did NOT come out in the 2008 elections in same or more numbers than they did in previous elections? And this with their own girl on the VP ticket? I remember everyone was scratching their heads at the low turnout for the election, and wondering if the voter mumbers were correct – does anyone remember if I have this right?

  82. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    the problem child IS MY NAME! Says:
    April 20th, 2009 at 7:23 PM

    And hit it HARD!

  83. mmboucher Florida says:

    Would Parnell have to be confirmed? Over on Immoral monority, they have a story on Levi, don’t worry about hem he has 24 hr. security and he is going on another talk show!!! Stay tuned.

  84. here_in_PA says:

    Gov. Rendell has one teeny tiny pic of him on ours. Here are the news headlines for PA Gov
    News Releases for April, 2009


















    Now here’s GINO’s

    • Governor Highlights Accomplishments
    • State Legal Opinion on Senate Appointment
    • Agree on Dennis Egan for District B
    • Governor Continues Push for Notification
    • Governor Dismayed by Court Ruling
    • In-State Gas Line Remains Top Priority
    • Thanking Appointees for Public Service
    • Governor’s Choice for AG Rejected
    • Joe Nelson Withdraws from Consideration
    • Governor’s Leg Office Releases Citation
    • Governor Hopeful for Budget Agreements
    • Gov Palin Announces Board Appointments
    • Palin Testifies on Outer Continental Shelf
    • Politics Cloud Judgment in Final Week
    • Governor Lauds Mobilization at Pt Thomson
    • Palin Against Missile Defense Budget Cuts
    • Governor Laments Lack of Representation
    • Governor Orders POW/MIA Flags Flown
    • Nominees Sought for Governor’s Awards
    • Palin on Dismissal of Stevens Conviction
    • Palin Stresses Need for Missile Defense
    • Governor Welcomes Energy Proposal
    • Palin Requests Public Vote on Appointment
    • Governor Lauds the State House for HB 35
    • Governor Announces Board Appointments
    • Palin Comments on Dismissal of Charges

    Anyone notice anything? Like all of her headlines begin with “Governor or Palin”. It’s all me, me, me the Queen.

  85. skyotter says:

    new poster, btw. hi from Juneau!


  86. skyotter says:

    poo flag away! let her lawyers go around picking ’em up as evidence. (i wonder if her AG-to-be knows that’s in the job description?)

  87. wired differently says:

    Wait, Sean Parnell didn’t go to high school with Sarah, right? It’s Joe the Not So Exemplary Corrections Chief who did.

    Keep it up, Sarah, the more outrageous you get, the more likely that Alaska politics will keep changing.

  88. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    LynnRockets here’s one did the other night idea inspired by basheert and of course you:
    The question was: What will Gino do next (palingates)
    Every body run
    GINO’s got a gun
    Her whole world’s come undone
    From looking at the midnight sun
    What did her AG do?
    What did they put her through?

    They say when GINO was arrested
    They found him underneath a bus
    But man, he had it comin’
    Now that GINOs got a gun
    She always gonna be insane…
    Gino’s got a gun
    Gino’s got a gun
    Her wolf day’s just begun
    Now Leg. is on the run
    Tell her now it’s untrue
    What did her AG do?

    She’s just the little bitty baby
    Who’s goin’ insane
    They say the spell that she was under
    The lightnin’ and the thunder
    Knew that someone had to stop the pain

    Run away, run away from the pain
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,

    Run away, run away from the pain
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
    Run away, run away, run, run away
    Everybody run
    Gino’s got a gun
    Her wolf day’s just begun
    Now everybody is on the run
    Killin’ moose just won’t do
    It’s Gino’s last I.O.U.

  89. zyggy says:

    That’s my governor, Gov. Gregoire, and I’m proud to share her with you. Wish Palin would take classes from Gov Gregoire, she sure could use them.

  90. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Authorization to use the official portraits must be obtained
    from the Governor’s and/or Lt. Governor’s office BEFORE use by 3rd parties.

    Upon approval, credit photos to Jeff Schultz of in Anchorage, AK
    AKM you wouldn’t be a “third party”?
    Anyway those are two ugly azzed pics!
    Her website is becoming paranoid? Check box if “First family is invited”
    You must obtain authorization?
    Is this coming from WAR’s short stint or GINOLite?
    I really think she is coming undone….
    LynnRockets do you know that one??? “She’s come undone”?

  91. CorningNY says:

    OK, so I know you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover…
    But, jeez, he just LOOKS like the kind of empty-headed, frat-boy, suck-up type who’s thrilled to be in Mad Sarah’s company because she is just the hottest thing, and you know, maybe he could ask her for a date, and then, if he gets lucky….whoops, that would be in high school, which (by the fact that he still wants to hang around Sarah) he apparently never got past.

  92. honestyinGov says:

    (post #2 )
    Martha Unalaska Yard Sign……about those Poo signs…

    I don’t think you would be in trouble if you just use a pic that was posted directly on the ADN…
    I’ll bet they don’t have any of that ‘fancy pageant walking wording ‘ on the bottom of their newspaper… Yet. (unless GINO send them a Memo)

  93. marlys says:

    Has she announced uncle ted for AG yet?

  94. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Lynnrockets- too funny! Tra la la la 😆

  95. lynnrockets says:

    (sung to the TV theme of “The Banana Splits”)

    Tra la la, la la la la,
    Tra la la, la la la la,
    Tra la la, la la la la,
    Tra la la, la la la la,

    One Sarah P., two Sarah P.’s, three Sarah P.’s, four.
    Seven Palins make a bunch so let’s show them the door.
    Over hill and highway we can drive them from the scene
    Wouldn’t it be helpful if we used Todd’s snow-Machine?

    It would be a load of fun
    Watching Palins on the run
    Lots of fun for everyone

    Tra la la, la la la la,
    Tra la la, la la la la,
    Tra la la, la la la la,
    Tra la la, la la la la,

    Four Sarah P.’s, three Sarah P.’s, two Sarah P.’s, one.
    No Palins left in the land of the midnight sun
    Off like Bristol’s prom dress, like a tree that leaves
    Sarah, Todd and the rest of the thieves.

    Tra la la, la la la la,
    Tra la la, la la la la,
    Tra la la, la la la la,
    Tra la la, la la la la,

  96. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Lori in Los Angeles Says:
    April 20th, 2009 at 6:55 PM

    Parnell was not even trusted (by GINO) to run the State in her absence. SHE had to have total contol from a blackberry. But, Parnell is ok to be AG? How do we know? If GINO had given him some repsonsibilities in her absence, we could have seen his abilities, his thought processes, his accomplishments. But, noooooooo. Has he accomplished anything?
    No, but he worships @ the queens feet…isn’t that enough????

  97. winkwinkWA says:

    that’s my WA. GOV, you can go to the WA, stimulus web site and track where all the stimulus money being used. People are being put to work right now using that money. That’s called open and transparent government, something Sarah doesn’t comprehend.

  98. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    Parnell was not even trusted (by GINO) to run the State in her absence. SHE had to have total contol from a blackberry. But, Parnell is ok to be AG? How do we know? If GINO had given him some repsonsibilities in her absence, we could have seen his abilities, his thought processes, his accomplishments. But, noooooooo. Has he accomplished anything?

  99. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    And for those of you who were wagering, yes he graduated from Wasilla High School in 1984, where he played hockey.

    He shoots, he scores!

    …..he scored a lot more than in Hockey rink , is the “alleged” rumor-wink,wink-you betcha!

  100. BigSlick says:

    I wonder what WAR would think of Gregoire in an Arctic Cat leather jumpsuit?

  101. Cynamen Winter says:

    Caribou Ken seems only fitting…and Gino is one strange cookie, indeed. Wonder if Coale is still advising her now that the GOPhers have distanced themselves; save Steele ~ and have there been any sightings of WAR trying to run folks over in the ol’ hummer?

  102. WakeUpAmerica says:

    Must have permission for third parties to use the pictures? Yeah. Like they’re THAT important. NOT.

  103. kettletop says:

    Yeah, Christine Gregoire!
    She’s really a neat lady. I was very impressed hearing her speak when she came to thank our club for support and to introduce other local candidates we were also helping to campaign for. Is that grammatically correct? Too tired.
    I spent about 10 minutes talking with her and found her to be quite genuine and very intelligent. Also, she is very very tiny, and had a funny story about meeting Michelle Obama (who is my height) for the first time. No word salads!

  104. empish says:

    Oh to have a governor one wants to wave at! Every time I try, a one finger salute comes up.

  105. wired differently says:

    Hey, that’s my Gov. Christine! {waves} Yay!

  106. Ivy Freeborn says:

    Well… as a native of Washington State, I’m pleased my governor, Christine Gregoire, allows her picture to be seen. I have actually shaken hands with her once and she does seem to be a very nice person.

    I’ve gotten so hooked on Alaskan politics via the blogs that I told DH we’re going to have to visit someday.

  107. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Lovely piece! Just came in from the yard (pretty day out).

    “None of the photos came with a warning, and the only one I could find that had a special ”official portrait” page seemed perfectly happy to let anyone use it.”

    Well I certainly know the reason for that – POO FLAGS! Too LATE!

  108. AlaskaGuy says:

    Vacant Attorney General.

    I think that about sums it up.