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Verbatim – Palin on Stimulus Money, Endangered Species, Bloggers and More…

(Rubbing temples, and getting a glass of wine)

OK….I’ve been through the Palin press conference from Sunday night.  Twice.  And I’ve chosen some little nuggets for you.  Overall, my impression of Palin is that she spoke, and carried herself just like she did after the election on November 4th when she was met by the media in her office her first day back on the job.  In other words, she does not look happy.

On Parental Consent for Abortion

“Too many senators failed to see the problem with seeing a 13 year old girl facing life changing and dangerous decision without the counsel of her parents.  This isn’t the end of that issue.  Lawmakers have promised to continue the fight for that bill to pass.  But there are other ways that citizens can see that measure, and I as a private citizen exercising my own freedom of speech and first amendment rights I’m going to explore what I can do to help families, and help that measure come to pass.”

Hmmm… The last time the governor “took off her governor’s hat” and acted as a private citizen, she spoke out against the Clean Water Initiative (Prop 4) which stated that all new large mining projects had to protect salmon fisheries.  So, what is she planning to do as a private citizen to help parental consent “come to pass”? 

On Endangered Species

“We’re taking aim at actions that threaten to impede responsible development.  There is a $1.25 million appropriation to support litigation challenging the federal government’s listing of polar bears as threatened under the ESA (Endangered Species Act).  We’ve also begun the process of challenging the listing of beluga whales in Cook Inlet because we believe we can benefit from safe development while protecting our wildlife species.”

Taking aim.  What a lovely metaphor.  Bears, whales, under the bus.  You know, if the governor wanted to keep those damn whales from being listed as endangered, she might want to figure out why their numbers have crashed.  Could it possibly be the billions of gallons of toxins that Chevron dumps there every year courtesy of some legal loopholes?  Just asking.

Q&A on the Stimulus Money

Q.  With the stimulus…I’ve studied some of the deadlines that have been posted online, and I can’t find certain key deadlines for when the state has to apply, for example, for the $93 million that goes for education.  When will we know what decision you’ve made about that?

Palin:  Well, there isn’t not a single decision on the stimulus package.  We’re going to go by case by case basis on that particular one.  We too will be searching for that hard and fast deadline to apply and when I refer to this as an ever-evolving stimulus package as lawmakers will admit to also it’s very tough to nail down the feds on all of their requirements including deadlines for applications so we have to continue to work on that. [passes mic to Karen Rehfeld, Director OMB, Governor’s office who confirms there is no strict deadline for this money]

Q. Just a follow up…My understanding is that the $20 million in Part B is sort of connected to that $93 million, that you can’t take the $20 million unless you take the $93 million.  So, I guess that $20 million is going to municipalities, at least the way the legislature has decided…  There are a lot of municipalities wanting to know when they’ll know whether they can budget for it.  I guess that’s why I asked when you might decide on that.

Palin:  Yeah…there’s still some questions about that bucket of money whether it appropriately will go to municipalities or would need to be exclusively used for more education-oriented services, but again on the deadline on that one [indicates Karen Rehfeld who confirms the application for both must happen together, and that after they get the appropriation bill that passed before the governor makes the appropriations].

Q. Do you intend to make your decisions known through some line item vetoes of House Bill 199 or…  The way I look at it is you could let it all stand, but if you don’t apply for the money it would all be empty federal receipt authority.

Palin:  Well, we’re gonna….we’re gonna consider after the vetting process that the…the lawmakers just went through with the public…we’re going to consider every dollar that could be applied for and figure out if it’s good at the end of the day for Alaskan services that are going to be requested to be provided.  We’re gonna consider how to manage the public’s expectation desiring the lawmakers and the public acknowledge these are short-term temporary funds that should not lead to government growth two years from now when the dollars are gone, and we will…we will consider on a case by case basis whether the dollars need to be applied for or the dollars that are in the budget today could or should be vetoed.  It’s going to be a long process still in deciding what to do with the dollars.

There.  So now does everyone understand what’s happening with the stimulus money? (head meets desk)

On Wayne Anthony Ross

Q.  Can you tell us who made the “deliberate misrepresentations” about Mr. Ross? [Palin had used this phrase earlier in her remarks]

Palin:  Members of the public who came forward with…um…you know in the blogosphere and in the um, …uh…with emails back and forth claiming uh…that Mr. Ross did this or did that and he very easily and very accurately refuted the lies told about him, but you know once a bell is rung, really tough to unring the bell.  Very unfortunate and very unfair for any public official, anybody to have lies told about them, because it’s tough to sometimes correct those lies in a timely manner and damage is already done.

Q.  Weren’t his own misrepresentations a bigger problem for the legislature?

Palin:  (flustered) I’m just having referred to those who purposefully misrepresented actions that perhaps he had taken, obviously he hadn’t taken ’em but they claimed it.  That’s what I was referring to in my comments. 

Q.  Could you respond to Pat’s question, though?  The attorney general was quoted saying it didn’t matter whether the legislature passed the law or words to that effect, and then a day later he denied making that statement.

Palin:  See, you say “words to that effect”.  It’s subjective.  So unless you have the exact quote, I’m not going to speculate on your interpretation of what it is he said.  Um…I’ll let my statement stand.

Q.  Wasn’t that a bigger problem than what the public was saying about him?

Palin: I think a great problem was public lies that were told about Mr. Ross became a problem and were tough for him to have opportunity to answer and to correct.

Q.  What were those lies?

Palin:  (exasperated) Oh…if you guys didn’t read them or hear about them, I’d be surprised.  Um, lies uh..concerning he being engaged in a … for instance, a machine gun shoot on somebody’s property down in Seward, and there were witnesses to such a thing and …um…and he had never been there.  That’s just one example.   Go ahead, Bob.  You had a question.

Bob:  You’ve probably answered it as much as you’re gonna, Governor.

You can see my previous post for an analysis of the whole “Lies, lies, lies!” thing, and the machine gun shoot.

Here’s the segment of the press conference where the stimulus chat and the blogger bashing comes in to play.  The other eight segments are available on YouTube.  Good luck. (salutes you)



124 Responses to “Verbatim – Palin on Stimulus Money, Endangered Species, Bloggers and More…”
  1. Mimi says:

    Thanks, Nan!

  2. Nan says:

    @ Mimi
    Thank heavens someone is still diagramming sentences!

    There was an article about Obama’s sentences – with accompanying diagram – I think it was on Huffington (?)

    Omigawd, I found it! 😀

    Nan (have fun!)

  3. Maria says:

    It’s a brave soul with a strong stomach who can listen to her speak. She makes me grind my teeth even as she causes me to thank God/the Fates, etc., that she isn’t anywhere near the White House. Bush was bad enough to have to listen to. I can just tolerate the transcripts, so I’ll wuss out and read those. Let’s hope that she doesn’t get anything she wants anymore.

  4. momcat4obama says:

    i tried, REALLY, i tried, to listen to her, but just couldn’t do it. it’s times like this i wish i was still drinking – ’cause i think that’s the only way to be able to listen to her without screaming. also….

  5. gnomestrath says:

    I bet a lot of very experienced republicans watched that press conference and confirmed to themselves that someone with so little grasp of the issues at a state level is incapable of taking national responsibility.

    I bet Steele met with her privately in Indiana and the conversation between them did not go well.

  6. KaJo says:

    If I may be so bold as to have an opinion about some other state’s governor….

    Didn’t Sarah Palin say she was governor 24/7?

    So, HOW can she “take off her governor’s hat” and “as a private citizen exercising my own freedom of speech and first amendment rights I’m going to explore what I can do to help families, and help that measure come to pass.”?

    ….Unless she waits that 558 days hence until her term of office is completed?

    ….That is, if she isn’t impeached or recalled first?

  7. Tape Boise Palin says:

    She looks like she’s wearing a turd for a breastplate. Ewwwwww!

  8. katiebegood says:

    Gino Palin isn’t looking too good these days. Talk about looking depressed. It was also embarrassing that the woman on her left had more answers to the questions than she did.

  9. Inade Carese says:

    I think this says a lot about Palins’s qualifications to run the country, let alone the state. She certainly learned a lot about diplomacy and important affairs while she was Mayor of Wasilla, not!

  10. Moose Pucky says:

    “Too many senators failed to see the problem with seeing a 13 year old girl facing life changing and dangerous decision without the counsel of her parents…”

    Too many interferences in the life of this 13-year old already. No one’s stopping her from talking to her parents if she wants to do this. But, perhaps wise already beyond her young years, she might find more supportive options. Government should butt out.

  11. Spaz says:

    In all seriousness, is English her first language?

  12. Lainey says:

    @let it run
    Tired look might be result of jetlag from whirlwind trip.
    could be, but it could be the stress of being forced to be accountable …although her stubborness would fight against this unknown territory…tooth and nail to the very end. ahhh “end”…what a lovely word when used to describe the palin-meister.

  13. Mimi says:

    My advanced grammar students and I tried diagramming her sentences once and failed. I’m going to mail her a bucket of verbs.

  14. Lainey says:

    her comprehension is despicable! her word salad or speech patterns is like a slow computer processor, trying to recall a memorized paragraph pertaining to questioned subject matter…searching, searching, searching

  15. Jim says:

    How can one person have the dumb SO bad that she affects everyone so negatively world-wide through the series of tubes? It boggles the mind.

  16. let it run says:

    that’s McSAME….

  17. Lilybart says:

    I know what she really said.

    “I am going to NOT do whatever I can to make sure we take NONE of the stimulus money.”

  18. let it run says:

    Tired look might be result of jetlag from whirlwind trip. Probably wearing the same suit but who doesn’t dig black. Weight Loss: maybe I haven’t noticed it always thought she was skinny or too skinny. She should start eating some of that moosemeat she loves so much (and run way from her family for a 48 hour nap)! That always helps! I guess she can see the train coming at her career and the disappointment of knowing that everyone else in AK ( and beyond) is no longer fooled by her must be crushing her. I wonder if she thinks about what life would be like if she had just said “No” to McSAM for one of the many legitimate and understanble reasons that existed for her: family, infant with special needs, new governor, not ready…she would probably be PRAISED for putting Country First instead of herself! She is living in her own nightmare!

  19. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Wow, she really pissed! Her jaw is jutted out, she barely looks up, she barely opens her mouth, her mouth…a really unattractive turned down look! Boy the warm fuzziness of Indianna seems to have faded fast….its such a PAIN being govenor and having to answer real questions, and just not spout out lies about your life….farting rainbows and all. Giving the “pagent” wave, and waiting for adoring applause….! Yeah life’s tough GINO…!
    Oh crap I have a crush, she has lost a lot of weight…aderall does that, and everyone has ADD now even Lilo! Looking like a bobblehead is not so attactive. And aderall is legal speed. It ages the heck out of ya!

  20. leenie17 says:

    Deb Says:
    I’m a speech pathologist…and have tried and tried to figure out her speech patterns. What creates the incoherence is how she circumlocutes everything.
    – – – –
    I teach young deaf and hard of hearing kids, some of whom were born in other countries, and most of them have a better grasp of English grammar than she does. I have noticed one strange pattern in her speech that I find extremely annoying…and would bet that Deb does too! A lot of my kids tend to throw in stock words or word ‘bits’ when they feel compelled to fill up time. SP often adds ‘-ing’ to the ends of verbs when it is completely unnecessary and inappropriate. She uses these words to create run-on sentences that ultimately make no sense but fill up vast amounts of time, making it SEEM as though she is saying a lot when in reality she’s just making noise.

    Also, I did a lot of local radio and tv interviews for a job I had years ago. If there was any remote possibility of being asked about something slightly controversial, you can bet I carefully thought about and rehearsed all my responses. For someone who always seems on the defensive (and running on the edge of panic these days) you would think that she would be better prepared for a press conference when she KNOWS certain topics are going to come up. Sheesh!!!

  21. ValleyIndependent says:

    Nan, the part of Indiana on Eastern time is four hours ahead of Alaska.

  22. ValleyIndependent says:

    Sorry – you’ve answered my question about what they were watching. Even my dog doesn’t have that much blind devotion.

  23. ValleyIndependent says:

    @88 EyeOnYou, thanks for taking one for the team and checking out c4p.

    Does anybody have a link to the press conference they watched? It sure wasn’t the one we saw.

    @91 DebinOH, good points. Her supporters believe we swallow everything BO says hook, line, and sinker, and that we think everything he does is perfect, the way they do with SP. I don’t like everything he’s done, but at least he’s trying, and not following the new Republican way that got us into this mess. As an old-style Republican (independent thinking, fiscally conservative, gov’t-stay-out-of-my-business-and-personal-life) I don’t have much use for the neo-cons.

    Secondly, I agree that BO is clear in what he says and even when I don’t agree, I can understand his thought process. If SP weren’t clear once in awhile, I’d chock it up to being human, but the regularity and degree to which this happens with her is a pretty good indicator of a lack of knowledge and logical thought process.

    Third, I agree with you that she’d have won if it were God’s plan. I told a friend when she was nominated for VP that she wasn’t qualified. My friend was sure He would give her the skills needed for the position He’d put her in. I reminded my friend that God is also good at letting us fall flat on our faces when our egos get out of hand. It’s been really hard to resist saying “I told you so.”

  24. I See Villages From My House says:

    There were attempts here by the journalists, but I surely wish they’d stick to the question to make her prove her point that there are lies out there that hurt her appointee’s or her reputation.

    Charlie Gibson pressed her to make her cases, so did Katie Couric, they get criticized instead? She gets to look like a victim of gotcha and elite media. . .but WHY do the press allow her to make such unsupportable statements? I’ll allow that it is embarrassing to watch her grasp for words, to try with all her might and supermind powers to make you SEE her point just because she SAID it, but I am fed up with her Governing on talking points rather than on substance.

    Here’s an idea (though a frightful one) how about she just simply take off her Governor’s hat and exercise her first amendment rights everyday as a private citizen? Since she’s such an anti-government and government spending watch-dog, she can quit living off public money and just criticize those in office.

    I warn you all though, she’s going to become ultra-wealthy, people will pay through the nose to see and hear her, and she will become just as an effective public “interest” advocate rather than an effective elected official.

    She’ll never be out of our hair, she’ll always be on the airwaves, in print, on screen. . .but at least we won’t validate her leadership by electing her again to public office.

  25. Nan says:

    Yes, there’s a plan, it just didn’t include VP spot.

    She looked exhausted to me. Dunno if it’s too little sleep, too much (too far) travel, all in just what – three days? Just curious, what’s the time difference between AK and Indiana?

  26. EyeOnYou says:

    DebinOH Says: Doesn’t it crack you up (after throwing up in your mouth a little) that these (& all her other supporters) constantly refer to us as drinking the kool-aid for Obama?


    Yes !. I do get a good solid laugh at the thought.
    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, her fans on these sites are very cultish in their devotion to her. It is frightening and amusing all at once.

    tigerwine Says: Whaaa? Impressively engaged? Knowledgeable, Covering in detail? Responding so thoroughly? Was I watching the same thing?


    Sad to say but yes you were as they have the video up on their site.
    Like I said, cultish in their devotion. She can do no wrong and they like the Governor blame everyone else for any problems that the Governor has. It is always someone else’s fault.

  27. Tealwomin says:

    Taking all bets:::

    Will she make it thru the day without another foot in mouth….

  28. gayinmt says:

    Has she ever heard of punctuation? You can use it when you’re speaking as well as writing. Love the “answers” about WAR. Once again, thank you Alaska for keeping me entertained at work. I really can’t believe you have to deal with this woman.

  29. DebinOH says:

    I didn’t look at the video at first because I can’t stand her voice as I mentioned above so I looked at it with the sound off. WOW WOW WOW she does look awful, I almost feel sorry for her. She looks like someone told her that someone she loves just died or is going to die. She looked better when McCain was giving his bye bye speech. She looks incredibly defeated. Yes, defeated! Wonder what is going on behind the scenes?

  30. Lori says:

    Kitty no look happy.

    Really, what a sourpuss. Will Palin ever learn to speak coherently?

  31. tigerwine says:

    @EyeOnYou **The Gov. is impressively engaged and knowledgeable, I have never witnessed any Gov. at the ending of their session covering in such detail the entire thing. I know Alaska has a smaller budget than many other States but regardless it’s terrific to see her respond so thoroughly and the smack downs were even better. Sarah refuses to pander to the set up artists and with her usual charm exposes their ignorance and biases.**

    Whaaa? Impressively engaged? Knowledgeable, Covering in detail? Responding so thoroughly? Was I watching the same thing?

  32. DebinOH says:

    EyeOnYou – Doesn’t it crack you up (after throwing up in your mouth a little) that these (& all her other supporters) constantly refer to us as drinking the kool-aid for Obama? I don’t know about you guys but BO is completely clear when he speaks. I don’t have to think about what he did or didn’t mean for days, weeks or years. Nor do I have to take medicine just to listen to him speak. I cannot even listen to her speak it is just like nails on a chalkboard to me. By the way, I think if God had a plan for her she would have won;)

  33. Grainne says:

    whoa, your governor is not looking too happy of late, nor too sane for that matter. i am sorry that you folks in the north have had to bear with her, especially since the campaign. but i think there could be a happy ending for the state – i see hbo series written all over her administration. and wouldn’t it be nice if some of the proceeds from it would go to cleaning up the mess sarah has made in your state? she could be the new tony soprano – you know on some level, i think she would really like that!
    but seriously, a great and hearty thank you to the dedicated and even anonymous ;o) bloggers out there – responsible, informed, and inciteful bloggers have made politics accessible to all of us, only improving the workings of our democracy. the defeat of war is testament to that! thanks for all you do!

  34. Tealwomin says:

    Tewise …size 7 1/2, but seems bigger

  35. Robert says:

    Her performance comes through as someone very much under the threat of criminal conviction, more than her failed performance as a politician. Perhaps she as received some inside information from some of the leftover GOP political appointees warning about a current investigation, anyone for the luxury house, built by the sports centre and $20 million of debt. There is definitely a real sense of fear and uncertainty in her speech and demeanour, someone who is really under the threat of impending doom far worse than just losing the next election.

  36. Tewise says:

    I got absolutely nothing out of press conference. Her talking is a serious shock and awe factor. She opened that fat mouth of hers threw wharthogg under the bus on the machine gun thing, that I had not read anything on, just like she did Levi working on the slope, open mouth insert foot, didn’t I read she has a big foot.

  37. EyeOnYou says:

    honestyinGov Says:
    April 21st, 2009 at 10:36 PM: But can anyone describe what the c4pers have to say how her ‘performance’ was….

    Okay just for you I looked into what they are saying about this.
    Oh man you gotta love their “viewpoint”

    **Sarah was quite fluent in that presser, the old Sarah who talked to Mariah and Ludlow. She’s back and at the right time. Looks like the engine is restarted. can’t wait to see what she does in the lower 48.**

    **Remember a prophet is not as well received or listened to in his home town (or state) as he/she is among strangers (parpaphrasing the Biblical passage). I think Sarah knows her Bible and fully recognizes that the Lower 48 hungers for her raw talent and what she can bring to the table. **

    **I know God would not give her this undertaking if she was not worthy of it.**

    **WOW, I wish Sarah had taken out her hockey stick and swung it at these dingbats. Good God, how the hell does she deal with these idiots..I would have told them all to shove it but hey that’s just me **

    **The Gov. is impressively engaged and knowledgeable, I have never witnessed any Gov. at the ending of their session covering in such detail the entire thing. I know Alaska has a smaller budget than many other States but regardless it’s terrific to see her respond so thoroughly and the smack downs were even better. Sarah refuses to pander to the set up artists and with her usual charm exposes their ignorance and biases.**

    Okay enough already, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little!

  38. Tealwomin says:

    Turn the sound off and watch, she’s frustrated….LOL

  39. Tealwomin says:

    Obama said ‘it’s above my pay grade’ Some took it to mean that he was saying – he’s not G_d.

    Meanwhile last weekend, GiNo said ‘it’s not beyond her pay grade’….so that means that she didn’t get the meaning of he original statement and was ‘playing around trying to create MORE soundbites…

    DID I MISS SOMETHING…she’s so so confussing & confussed

  40. Cathy in Texas says:

    I wish someone could get Sarah to engage in a converstation about the value of free speech …..someone other than Fox News that is. I would love to hear her definition of it.

  41. BigPete says:

    “You’ve probably answered it as much as you’re gonna, Governor”.

    -Listen, we don’t understand a word you’re saying…so it’s pointless for us to persist with the follow-up questions. Ciao!

  42. yorkie says:

    My hat is off to you, AKM. Watching that press conference twice-I could not even watch it once. And then transcribing it- yikes! I barely made it through the first few nuggets.
    Here’s hoping the she witch is toast.
    OT-any update on approval numbers?

  43. ericmiami says:

    She found it simple to accuse an honorable decent man of pallin’ around with terrorists. But answering live questions is beyond her pay grade.

  44. Ripley in CT says:

    Oh, and I just watched parts of the video without sound… she looks either drugged or depressed. I do wonder if she went off her anti-depression medicine during the campaign to “prove” something and now is paying the price.

    I can’t stand to hear her voice…. it’s like flashbacks of when our former president was on the tv… I had to turn the channel. I’ll forever watch her videos without sound..the negative effects are lessened and the body language is priceless.

  45. Ripley in CT says:

    Somebody missed “punctuation 101” in Journalism school… does this woman ever take a breath when she speaks? I have such a hard time reading written transcripts of her drivel.

    I’m so glad she’s not in my state. Sorry Alaska.

  46. sauerkraut says:

    If Palin wants to speak as a private citizen, then she needs to step down as governor. As long as she’s governor, that’s how people view her. By being governor, she waives any ability or right she has to act as a private citizen.

  47. Frank LI NY says:

    I sent SP my address. I fully understand her concerns of a down the road funding problem when the stim money is all gone.
    So, in order for her concerns to be put to rest. I have signed off on my request of said stim money as a one shot deal.
    Never to be asked for again by me. I have also 2 notified New York state unemployment; I will no longer need their services as of the receipt of said stim money from ms. SP

    I feel all warm and fuzzy knowing I will be able to help two states out of a money crisis with one single shot of my black ink loaded pen.

  48. Physicsmom says:

    Peaceful Granny, I know it was just a typo, but I love the idea of GINO’s “future stardum.” (or stardumb). Made me LOL.

  49. tigerwine says:

    @ califpat #70 – Hah – you are so right! Folks can do a snow job on you, and sometimes you begin to wonder, since everybody else seems enthralled, that there’s something wrong with you!

    Something similar happened to me last week. I had assumed chairmanship of a committee, and after presenting many graphs, charts, spread sheets, the out-going chairman, with a big flourish, presented me with all the old records, and, looking down his royal nose, declaring this was, in military terminology “pass and review”. Me, being me, and knowing some military phrasology, chuckled, and replied, saying, “No, it’s called Hail and Farewell”. I think it went over his head. When I got home, I looked at the agenda, and It did say “Pass and Review”. The correct term is “Pass in Review”, and refers to a parade passing in review of someone (like the President). It’s nit-picky, but I was on to him – not sure if the others were.

  50. Village Reader says:

    I caught the tail end of her speaking and I remember thinking “LOOK UP!” as she stared at her papers and read in a ‘put you to sleep’ tone.

    GINO was able to slide a couple of snide comments in there, but overall she gave an impression of someone severely beaten down. HEY GINO! Your imaginary castle is crumbling! 😉

  51. DrChill says:

    Are there any governors from other states complaining about the deadlines or having problems with it?

    She should sign up.

    Here’s a cheat sheet for Sarah.

    Arnold seems to have the right approach. – Just DO IT. See the video. oops !

  52. Anyone notice that her red jackets seem to be missing? All she seems to be wearing lately is black. Mourning her self destruction?

    Must say, this is where all the Mudflatters know I part ways when it comes to Sarah’s looks and wacky sense of style, and my screen name does indeed get the best of me. She seems to be recycling that particular suit but I’ve always dug her in all-black and think she looks great in it.

    Could also be, it’s the only one that fits her nowdays. She’s lost a ton of weight.

  53. Lee323 says:

    Into the Land of Palin Verbatim…..

    I really get the impression that Palin sits in her meetings with her various advisors with all their technical talk swirling around her ears. She retains bits and pieces, maybe even a clumsy grasp of the concepts….Essentially her understanding reminds me of running a “trot-line” in fishing.

    Unfortunately, she tries to string these bits and pieces of understanding together with stock filler phrases when she is answering questions at press conferences/interviews (without notes, in other words) and the result is a bit of a hash.

    The prime example of this “trot-line” speaking was this answer of hers in the Couric interview. Lots of different fish here……and some of the hooks came up empty.

    “Ultimately, what the bailout does is help those that are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up our economy to help… umm… it’s gotta be all about job creation, too. Also, to … shoring up our economy and putting Fannie and Freddie back on the right track, and so… health care reform and reducing taxes and reigning in spending because Barack Obama, you know… you know, we’ve got to accompany tax reduction and tax relief for Americans, also, having a dollar value meal at restaurants, that’s gonna help…”

    Thanks to Jake for reminding about her comment in his post # 111 on AKM’s post “Palin Explains Ross’ Defeat – It’s the Bloggers, Stupid.”
    111 JakeW Says:
    April 21st, 2009 at 3:33 PM

    BTW…..I think trot-lines and guns are naturals together. Must be on to something big here…

  54. woodstove says:

    Back when the Earth was still flat is where Sarah and Rush and their ilk prefer to live, where they get to make the truth up as they go along. A world where people exchange themselves for the freedom from some made up fear. And that is no freedom at all. Give up your freedom to fight for freedom. What is it about everyone wanting to take everyone else’s freedom? Is it just an excuse to steal the candy from the underdeveloped world’s babies to fuel and expand the empire. Exchange yourself for freedom and reason it out to satisfy your soul, and the deedholders’.

  55. califpat says:

    This may be a little off topic but I remember about twenty years ago in a psychology class the professor asked each of us to give a biography of our lives thus far and to tell why we had certain philosophies or beliefs in an oral presentation. This guy gets up in front of the class and starts talking using intellectual words that were not used in the right context. It was utter non sense but as I looked around at the other students they seemed enthralled. I felt like I was in the twilight zone. After he finished his word salad of intellectual words that made absolutely no sense, the students clapped and stood up as if to give this nut a standing ovation. I was blown away and it was only after I saw that the professor was not impressed did I come back down to earth. What I learned from that incident was that sometimes if people hear words of intellect thrown in with other words and they dont understand the message then they will pretend to understand it so they dont appear to be stupid. Something to this effect seems to happen to people who love GINO, the only difference is that she doesnt use words of intellect but still utters nonsense.

  56. Peaceful Granny says:

    Have you checked out the Gino countdown calendar over on Palingate?

    Can you just imagine what the next 559 days are going to be like? Enough already. I so wish I could vote in AK. Well, I certainly would support a recall campaign $$ wise if that gets off the ground soon.

  57. Kat says:

    Guess the “recharging” she got in Indiana didn’t last long. She looks terrible. Anyone notice that her red jackets seem to be missing? All she seems to be wearing lately is black. Mourning her self destruction?

  58. ValleyIndependent says:

    Chaim, I love the analogy.

    Thanks for the tip, asiangrrlMN, but my head already hurts tonight. In fact, it hurts any time I try to make sense of what she says.

    I’ve been wishing for a long time that she’d realize she doesn’t have a clue and start appointing/hiring people to advise her that do, instead of going for the comfort zone of the high school year-book buddies. I also wish the people that identify with her as one of them would realize they aren’t qualified to be Governor or POTUS either, and start supporting candidates who are.

  59. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    I rarely go to ADN, but this is funny from the ALASKA EAR (Sheila Toomey) which sums up what SP looks like:

    “Ear is distressed to lose Wayne Anthony Ross as attorney general for several reasons. One was the promise of metaphors like this, from a NYT story Thursday about post-VIP Sarah: The governor needs to smile more and stop acting like she’s been cowed by her (presumably unworthy) critics, Wayne said. In other words, stop looking like she’s been “treed by Chihuahuas.””

    (I know – S Toomey didn’t look too great in the whole Doogan anonymoose blogger deal)

  60. honestyinGov says:

    I watched both 1 and the last one on Celtic Diva… my head hurts to.

    After watching just the two, I don’t need any more ‘punishment’… But can anyone describe what the c4pers have to say how her ‘performance’ was….

    Did they see rainbows again…?(P…. U….what’s that smell…?)

  61. Deb says:

    lol PERFECT, Lee! thank you….

    I must go to bed now!

    nite all

  62. Lee323 says:

    42 Deb Says:
    April 21st, 2009 at 10:05 PM “Translation??”

    My translation via electrical impulses through normal neurons and synapses with further direction to the motor cortex, specifically targeting the tongue and vocal cords:

    “The public has great expectations of the benefits of the stimulus package but realistically we lawmakers must also consider that these are short term funds. When the funds are gone after two years, we don’t want a larger government with programs that cannot be sustained. We will decide on a case by case basis whether to veto or apply for the dollars offered.”

    Her verbal skills without notecards/teleprompter are sad…..

    Of course, except for grunts and howls of “Let’s get out there and play, guys,” that revered Playbook of Life (“Everything I learned about life, I learned from playing sports.”) that Palin uses is not really too flexible in transitioning to more cerebral activities… governing a state or speaking in a press conference.

  63. akshelby says:

    “and he had never been there.” That was a lie. The newspaper story that was finally dug up about the machine gun shoot states that he had been at the previous years fundraiser. The woman can’t tell the truth to save her life.

  64. asiangrrlMN says:

    Martha Unalaska Yard Sign, it’s true, though. Someone suggested it the other day, and it made me crack up when I tried it. All her ridiculous words crammed together. Good times.

  65. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ asiangrrlMN

    “Again, the only way to watch all the videos of Palin talking is to watch them simultaneously.”

    That is very funny – it gives me an ice cream headache to think of it, but it’s still really funny!

  66. Team Alaska says:

    36 hedgewytch Says:
    April 21st, 2009 at 9:55 PM
    It’s spring time in Alaska and a lot of us have laid our bets on when the ice is going to go out on the Nenana. Perhaps we need to start a contest for the Sarah Palin crack up? The way the news has been going against her of late; I’ll give her 3 months – tops.

    You have a pretty big window with 3 months! Thats not fair, I say 2 months untill she blows…….

  67. CRFlats says:

    Please check this out for more verbatim Palinese-but lots more fun (a hat tip to Andrew Halcro’s blog for the link):

  68. asiangrrlMN says:

    Again, the only way to watch all the videos of Palin talking is to watch them simultaneously. That way, you can hear what it sounds like in her head.

  69. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Lots more snicker material…

    OK – someone WILL take these press releases and merge them into a video medley, or many. She is giving more and more u-tube material with each press release. Who wants a frowning, snarky, bitchy, blamey whinehouse (remember that one?) for a leader? That’s the way she always is with the press, unless it’s Fox. That’s why she’ll never make a national candidate. Picture her giving an interview w/ Rachel Maddow.

  70. Chaim says:

    “Bob: You’ve probably answered it as much as you’re gonna, Governor.”

    That about sums it up. Not just the words, but that a reporter would say them to her face. The spell is broken, it’s Cinderella with a sad ending. Her ball gown has turned to rags, her coach horses are mice, her coach is a pumpkin, the prince isn’t interested, she has a hangover, and her stepmother and stepsisters are annoyed as hell that she hasn’t been doing her job.

  71. WrongTruth says:

    If you dare, you can catch all of the segments on Celtic Diva’s Blog.

    Thank goodness for blogs. American politics have changed forever and bloggers are to thank. At least our new prez understands this and knows how to use it. Palin is experiencing the Obama effect, everyone’s staying involved and she like the GOP doesn’t know what to do, but call it a bad thing.


  72. asiangrrlMN says:

    ValleyIndependent, she is definitely in over her head. I have said over and over again that the worst thing to happen to her was to be picked as McCain’s running mate. Before that, she was very popular in Alaska and flying under the radar. Once she was exposed to the sun, however, she wilted.

    Now, she can’t understand how it all unraveled so quickly. She’s not smart enough to change game plans, so she just keeps doing the same things over and over again, only in desperation this time.

    She has no clue how to make things better, so she’s going over the edge.

  73. Snoskred says:

    Oh my gosh.. she is *so* angry, isn’t she!

    Can’t even manage to fake a smile. I think she is finally showing her true self to the world..

  74. ValleyIndependent says:

    Professor Geezer, Lori in LA, Closet Mudpup, your observations are all right on.

    Is anybody else getting the idea that she is in way over her head, has absolutely no clue about the stimulus package, and will make some very expensive mistakes if not watched carefully?

    Where did she get the idea there were “deliberate misrepresentations” about Ross and what she does she think anyone would gain by making them? Where did she get the machine guns in Seward story from? It certainly wasn’t here or on CD, SM, or Halcro. I don’t think she actually listened to any of the public testimony, committee discussions or even read about them or Mr. Ross anywhere. She pulled a McCain. She failed to vet Ross properly, and he was a lousy candidate for the job. She can’t blame it on Ross, because she’d have to admit she didn’t do her homework, so she had to find someone else to blame. Thanks to WAR for giving those bloggers and emailers so much ammunition.

  75. nswfm CA says:

    The weather here was fine, but I think SP got very hot under the collar during that press conference. All of them are posted at Celtic Diva.

  76. asiangrrlMN says:

    Deb, let me explain because I speak fluent Palin-ese.

    “I’m going to throw a blizzard of words at you to make it sound like I actually have a chance in Hades of knowing what I’m saying. If you just listen to the cadence of my words and not the actual words themselves, you will see little starbursts that will shortcut your rational brain and lead the words directly to your gut (or lower on the guys, doncha know (wink)). If that doesn’t work, then maybe you will fall dead from brain pain if I just keep talking.”

  77. BooBooBear says:

    Her body language says it all. Eyes at half mast, jaw clenched, lips barely moving, squirming around backing up from the microphone leaving her staff to pick up the pieces. Sure a different demeanor than we saw in Indiana. She brought up WAR going to the machine gun shoot and said he was never there???? But there are two news articles that talk about him being there? Did reporters just make this stuff up??? Why can’t she STOP lying? She will talk about this forever , just like she takes every opportunity to talk about Katie Couric tricking her into some difficult questions. Criminy. I hope Levi Johnstone tells all tomorrow. He has an attorney so evidently he feels it is OK to tell more of his side of story. How will Palin come out swinging on this? It is a given she will have some hogwash story about how he is a total liar. I don’t buy it for one second. He is another one of her victims , just like Wooten and Monegan. Her staff, who we all know read this blog NEED to get her some mental help. Seriously…..she needs help and no one around her is strong enought to tell her she has gone over the edge.

  78. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    lynnrockets, where art thou with the words which make us hum and laugh? OK – sing out loud, too!

  79. Nan says:

    I *think* she’s saying they gotta figure out if the money is going to come from the regular budget or if they (she, that is) vetoes it out of the “regular budget” and hits up the stimulus $$.

    OTOH, I’m not that good with salad…

  80. Deb says:

    is so cool asian, I still have my same grey snowflake! but, hey, I get excited over little triumphs!

  81. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    What I would give for the opportunity to take her stupid polar bear pin away and replace it with a poo flag pin. I would even consider that sell your you know what to the you know who thing for that chance. Now THAT would be her finally sporting on her jacket exactly what she really supports and protects – SH*T with Sarah on top.

  82. Deb says:

    “We’re gonna consider how to manage the public’s expectation desiring the lawmakers and the public acknowledge these are short-term temporary funds that should not lead to government growth two years from now when the dollars are gone, and we will…we will consider on a case by case basis whether the dollars need to be applied for or the dollars that are in the budget today could or should be vetoed. ”
    Could someone please explain to me what the hell this means?????

  83. asiangrrlMN says:

    Deb, ay-yup. I remember ya! Good to ‘see’ ya again. I flit in and out these days. I can’t believe the way Palin is self-destructing.

  84. Deb says:

    Polly Says: Success is the best revenge.

    I’ve always been on the kids’ side.. GO LEVI!

  85. Polly says:

    Deb Says: whoa!! I just read the comment from Team Alaska…LJ is gonna chat with Larry King???
    Success is the best revenge. I hope someway, somehow Levi becomes a success! Maybe someone, even if it’s a fine Republican, can mentor him to get some college, even a degree, start a business, or get a cool career.

  86. hindsite2020 says:

    Why is the press so laid back? One of the reporters should have asked her “What part of stimulus don’t you understand?” By the time GINO gets around to stimulating the Alaskan economy, most of the short work season will be over. Oh I forgot, she is to busy stimulating all the male GOPers out there.
    There’s nothing like not knowing if you have a job or not. Meanwhile the GOV Grifter is hauling in her perks. She is such a joke, only I find it hard to laugh when her constituents are being hurt by her lame ass tactics.

  87. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Thanks Deb!

    Circumlocutious Sarah = Roundabout and unnecessarily wordy

    Pleonastically Palin = A superfluous word or phrase / excessive / use of more words than are required to express an idea

  88. Deb says:

    *waves at asian grrl .(if she remembers deb from colorado from those crazy election nights (and days)

  89. hedgewytch says:

    It’s spring time in Alaska and a lot of us have laid our bets on when the ice is going to go out on the Nenana. Perhaps we need to start a contest for the Sarah Palin crack up? The way the news has been going against her of late; I’ll give her 3 months – tops.

  90. Lisabeth says:

    She looks awful. And she seems to be playing the role of victim. It’s nauseating.

  91. califpat says:

    Waves right back at you nswfmCA: It did get pretty hot but we were fortunate enough to be inside with air conditioning. Too bad air conditioning couldnt put out GINO’s heat. How about you?

  92. Deb says:

    I’ll take butter on mine! Thanks TeamAlaska!

  93. “as a private citizen” GINO is going to write a blog! Oh, she’ll need a pseudo.

    No, seriously She’ll just do something illegal or improper.

  94. asiangrrlMN says:

    OK. The whole parental consent thing drives me nuts. The kid can share her medical record with her parent if she chooses. She is not forbidden to do so nor is she forbidden to talk with her parents about having an abortion. In most cases where a girl does not talk to her parents about her decision it’s because either she knows they’ll be really mad about it (like, beat her up/throw her out mad) or it’s because the father is the one who impregnated her! I actually had this argument with a crazy local wingnut (no, not Bachmann) who was running for something in my neighborhood.

    Her response? That doesn’t happen in normal families.


    As for the rest, I can’t watch her, either. Just reading her words is enough to give me heartburn.

  95. Team Alaska says:


    The level headed LJ and not so level headed family will speak to Larry King Wednesday night! Pass the pop corn please.

  96. nswfm CA says:

    BTW, waves to CalifPat and Lori. Hope the past two days weren’t too hot for you temp-wise. The heat was on Palin, that’s for sure.

  97. Deb says:

    whoa!! I just read the comment from Team Alaska…LJ is gonna chat with Larry King????

  98. Deb says:

    Still following the never-ending story of Palin’s Oz-land thinking.
    I bit the bullet and watched this video (have managed to avoid hearing/or seeing any live footage of her for the past couple of months.
    I’m a speech pathologist…and have tried and tried to figure out her speech patterns. What creates the incoherence is how she circumlocutes everything. I work with children every day trying to teach them how to talk (and write) in complete sentences (and stay on topic). The lady can’t do EITHER!

  99. nswfm CA says:

    I think you need a brain to have a lobotomy.

  100. Peaceful Granny says:

    @Sarah in SC, yes it would be pathetic, except she is suppose to be showing some leadership in actually running a state. It is so obveous she can not run for any kind of national election in 2012 and run the state of AK today. She hasn’t a clue what to do with the stimulus money except bad mouth it, to support the “party line.” And she sounds so lame doing that…what with all the bloggers reading, listening, and watching…Pathetic Palin palling around with her future stardum, while the schools and local municipalities, try to figure out if they will have a future. This Gino is not even as teachable as a parrot. She hasn’t learned a thing from what I can see in the last ten years. To get smart or look smart you have to surround yourself with smart people, and this is not in her play book. To bad, so sad she will do herself in before the end of her first and only term as Gino.

  101. nswfm CA says:

    She’s toast. This posturing was so public that people south of AK were talking about her nutty positions on the stimulus. The blowing up on Levi didn’t help. Then came the back tracking and trying to un ring the bell. She should resign and never run for anything again. She is on record on tape and video. Any opponent just has to play back her own words with photo of her, tired and disheveled. It is over. Plus, there is the record on the WORLD FAMOUS BLOGS! And the Google. It’s over.

  102. Team Alaska says:

    GINO wants to take her Governor’s hat off to steer the stimulus money into programs that will benefit her Sarah bots and pro-life programs. SHe is obviously not a happy camper answering questions…….. I love it!!!

    She clearly failed the calm, cool, and collected press conference. What a poser!

    I can’t wait for her next press release after LJ’s raps with Larry King. Who needs a natural gas pipeline when we have all this hot air coming out of GINO’s mouth. I’m afraid GINO might contribute greatly to the melting of the polar ice caps, if she has too many more press conferences.

  103. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    If you compare her energy level and attitude to the VP campaign speeches/appearances, it is startling. If this was the only video of her that the public saw, no one would have a favorable or memorable impression of her at all – even the folks at TeamS and cee4pee. She SO does not want to be there – no adoring fans, no crowds to cheer, how unfair!

  104. Visitor says:

    See, ladies and gentlemen… this is why you can’t live on Atkins bars and skinny white mocha’s. You have to eat so you have brain food.

  105. Bea says:

    GINO = Tracy Flick with a lobotomy.

  106. Professor Geezer says:

    I only watched six minutes, but it was six minutes more than my poor delicate psyche could really take. Palin didn’t seem to know much of anything about any topic.

  107. LibertyLover says:

    The other eight segments are available on YouTube. Good luck. (salutes you)

    Nope, not gonna do it this time… Wouldn’t be prudent.

    Thanks for watching, so I don’t have to.

  108. tm68 says:

    She certainly is subdued when she isn’t able to trash someone. Her body language and speech patterns are textbook “liar”. My goodness she is appalling.

  109. SoCal Gal says:

    Can you just see her on Meet the Press or Face the Nation or the real presidential debates? OMG!!! She won’t be able to say “I’m not gonna answer your questions the way you want me to”, this time around. This women is an ignoramous. How in the h@*#! did she get as far as she did. Time to recall or impeach AKers…put that on her resume.

    also…Is it true that Greta’s husband is handling/managing SarahPac? Would that be conflict of interest for Greta van’ to be ‘promoting’ her on Faux news. Just wonderin’

    FYI…New post finally on Margaret and Helen’s blog.

  110. pvazwindy says:

    9:19pm on the video. She looks tired.

  111. califpat says:

    GINO confounds the mind. She is in a constant state of confusion. She looks absolutely terrified and is on the defense. ” How dare they ask me about WAR and all the hideous lies that have been told by those pajama cladded boggers that are so untrue”. I can see her throwing herself on the floor amd pounding the floor, “their all lies, lies, lies, lies, I tell ya”!

  112. Tape Boise Palin says:

    I love seeing the Wicked Witch of the North melt under the glare of the spotlight. Like a cockroach that’s been exposed, she tries to scurry away to Evansville, Indiana but comes scuttling back to dip into the public trough for as long as she can, sucking that government teat dry before she’s squashed underfoot.

    Well, one can dream!

  113. akdennis says:

    I only have one question regarding her answers to reporters. Whuh? I’d go back and reread her remarks looking for something coherent but I just checked the fridge and I’m out of salad dressing. Dang it!

    This is all so….Palinesque.

  114. Sarah in SC says:

    Ugh. She’s just so pathetic.

  115. Closet Mudpup says:

    Having read your transcription AKM, there’s no way I’m going to subject myself to watching that – that’s a recitation that truly rivals her answers to Katie Couric. Whomever Bob was at the presser, his response seems to indicate that he was conceding that he saw his chances of getting a straight answer to be nil.

  116. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    If you look closely enough, you can see the L on Palin’s forehead! If you could see the back of her jacket, you would spy the KICK ME sign taped there. With a little Sarah Poo flag in pink right below it.

  117. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    GINO loathes press conferences – she actually has to answer questions, and she knows she is not informed or intelligent enough to answer them in a logical way. At least I THINK, on some level, she must know this. Rarely does GINO agree to answer questions from the Press. Like the bloggers, the RNC, the MSM, the Legsislators, the VP campaign handlers and the majority of the American public, they are “out to get her because they are sooooo jealous and afraid of her!”

  118. Crystalf says:

    You’re right — she looks so grumpy / angry, especially compared to everyone — and it’s funny to me that she seems to just disappear behind the mike / podium .. so inconsequential.

  119. Enjay in Eastern MT says:

    Sorry – couldn’t take the video — just reading her answers are giving me a meltdown. My brain is not wired to decypher and decrypt.


  120. pdx mb says:

    First? Word salad doesn’t begin to describe it. maybe word sausage?

  121. Suchanut says:

    She’s come undone….

  122. WakeUpAmerica says:

    Her comments are mostly incoherent. What a putz.

  123. CR46 says:

    Maybe some of that educational stimulus money acn be used to teach the governor proper english.

  124. Professor Geezer says:

    Everyone seems worn out–the staff, the reporters, and most of all, the governor.