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Friday, January 28, 2022

WAR and Eddie Burke in the Same Room. (Updated with Notes)

None other than Alaska’s ex-almost-Attorney General Wayne Anthony Ross will be the special guest on KBYR with Eddie “you’re all a bunch of socialist baby-killing maggots”  Burke today.

If you’re into some crazy dark energy, tune in!

He’s scheduled to be on at 4:00pm Alaska time. (5pm Pacific, 8pm Eastern)

You can Listen Live HERE.

Annnnd, if you’re feeling brave, you can call in!

907-274-5297 for locals, and toll free  866-610-5297.


Here’s my paraphrasing from notes I took while listening in the car.  You’ll get the idea.

Burke welcomed Ross and then a “Breaking News” flash.  The ethics complaint filed by Sondra Tompkins against the governor is announced.  Burke says that he bets Tompkins won’t come on the show.  Then he reads from the ethics complaint and can’t pronounce the word “abdication.”  He talks about what a great job the governor is doing by “getting Alaska on the national circuit.”  He wonders why everyone is filing ethics complaints and concludes that they “don’t like to see someone else be successful.”

Ross says the governor is being “nibbled by ducks”.

They talk about Tompkins and state that the only thing she’s gained is that “she got her name read.”  Burke calls ethics complaint filers “drive by terrorists” and bets Ross a steak dinner that Tompkins won’t come on the show.

WAR:  It’s sad that she’s constantly attacked.  She’s spending her time dealing with ethics complaints, and then the people that complain say she’s not working. 

Burke: (this one killed me!)  Conservatives don’t do things like that.  “We have a conscience, that’s the problem!”  “Liberals just want people who are passionate, with convictions and principles to be restricted from participating in the political scene.”  It’s just like that Miss America thing where she was saying that she didn’t believe in same sex marriage.

Every time someone calls in, Burke says, “You’re on with War!”  He speculates that “they could be doing this to bankrupt the governor and enrich the lawyers.”  They want to “knock her down and make her less credible”.

WAR: She spends her time dealing with vicious allegations.  “Someone complained about a jacket she was wearing.  Crazy stuff.”  “I’m actually surprised she stays in the job, but she’s a dedicated lady.”

The conversaion turns to his confirmation hearing.  WAR says that he said to the Lord, “Whatever you’ve got in mind for me today is OK.  And that’s what he had in mind.”

(So if this is all ordained by God, why is everyone complaining about it?  Shouldn’t they be thanking bloggers and those who gave public testimony for being agents of God’s will?  Just wondering.)

Caller:  We need to get rid of Hollis French and “the rest of those dipsticks.  We could have had one Hell of an AG.”

Ross said he’s still “picking arrows out of his back.”

Caller:  You remind me of Judge Bork.  (They meant it in a good way.)

WAR:  Says he’ll be writing a book….. (head bang)

Burke hopes that some “haters” will call in because they “encourage that.”

A “Hater” calls! – Talks about the fact tha Ross chose to offer his services pro bono to the guy who threw water on anti-war protesters.  Then there’s a big stream of words about how everyone is entitled to a defense, and Ross felt for the guy because he has a son in the military.  The caller reiterated that working pro bono for a client who is actively suppressing legal first amendment rights is troubling.  Then they keep pretending not to understand, and finally Ross asks, “Do you have a child in the military?”  And Burke asks, “Is there any war you’ve ever agreed with?”  bla bla bla.

Another Hater! – Talks about the character of Dick Burton (ex-commissioner of public safety) and his daughter Leah Burton (who gave damning testimony at the hearing).  Mentions the letter that Dick Burton send to Ross after he attacked his daughter.  Ross said, “My response was that I told him I’d pray for him.  If you don’t agree with that then we’ll have to agree to disagree.”  (Of course he fails to mention that before the praying part, he said that he and his daughter obviously had some problems)

Caller:  Asks WAR which legislators in particular were responsible for all the problems with confirmation.  WAR answers “Woojelowski”.  (He actually meant Wielechowski….but how could he be expected to know that?)  He also mentioned Hollis French, and got the name right.  Then he said as lawyers, “they should know better” than to criticize him like that.  Burke said they accused him of “not stickin’ up for women and despicable crap.”  He’s been married for 41 years, so obviously that’s not true.  (Call the logic police!)

Burke asks if WAR at least got paid for his trouble.  “I think I made a little per diem” and got a chapter for his book.

That was a very long hour….



98 Responses to “WAR and Eddie Burke in the Same Room. (Updated with Notes)”
  1. InJuneau says:

    Naw, that hummer is bright red; he just sometimes throws a camo cover on it!

  2. marcus2 says:

    I think if WAR had made it to Vietnam, the other GIs would’ve fragged his *ss on the first day. I guess shooting wolves from planes is the closest thing Old War will ever get to combat. Oh…..I forgot…..he tools around in a camo humvee. What a man!

  3. marcus2 says:

    Why does WAR always bring God into the conversation? And why does he speak of his prayers? WAR must be taking cues from the Taliban. He’s got to be inspired by those folks. Yuk.

  4. nswfm CA says:

    Crazy winger.

  5. Dragon Lady says:

    Why is it no one ever asks WAR how many tours he did in Vietnam? What branch of service was he in?

    A man with so many firearms must have been a first rate soldier. Or maybe he didn’t serve his country because, unlike moose, other soldiers have guns too.

    Maybe he has a good reason for not serving; kind of like Limbaugh.
    If you don’t know why that is; look it up. 🙂 but put down your coffee cup first.

  6. pearl89 says:

    While listening to the Eddie Burke Show (just finished), I also took notes. It seems the same things jumped out at both of us.

    I did note the time line for WAR being submitted for AG. Said he got a call in March from SP’s team asking if he would be interested in working for the Dept of Law. He said no, but that he would be interested in AG…and a couple of weeks later. Colberg resigned. Coincidence?

    WAR also said that SP is distracted by frivolous ethics complaints and FOIA requests. Does she respond to these personally, esp in the beginning? To FOIA requests?

    Burke is definitely a left winger, kept talking over those who disagreed with him and would not let them finish a sentence. I thought it was awful the way he kept degrading the man who was a municipal police officer.

    My favorite, tho was the part about conservatives having a conscious, implying that liberals don’t. My conclusions after listening (for the first and last time to Mr Burke) are that Burke is a typical left wing radio host and WAR is still a liar.

    Good summation, AKM.

    Thanks! (You mean “right wing”?) AKM

  7. wired differently says:

    New category. “Ick” (Actually, it was used once before with that nasty photo of Ken Salazar and Sarah.)

    nerdy wired differently claps hands in delight.

  8. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Just read AKM updated Smurk & War…
    WAR: Ross says the governor is being “nibbled by ducks”

    Ummm! wasn’t there a pic recently cirulated with WAR holding a bunch of dead ducks????
    I could just see him…luring the (poor) ducks with bread then heartlessly killing them…
    Oh and “got a little per diem” Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!

  9. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    Let GINO and WAR go on Eddie Burke show and preach to their diminishing, inconsequential choir – who cares? They can keep their few blind followers – they will not win any hearts or minds with their tripe. Moderates and Independents are running away from them in droves.

  10. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    WAR is a rank amatuer, like GINO – a bullet was dodged – thanks to concerned citizens and bloggers. Seems like a few short years ago, we did not have the ability to vet and expose people so quickly. This is great, helps keep the incompetents out of government. Kept GINO out of White House, kept WAR out of AK AG’s office. happy dance.

  11. JanMarie says:
    This article and the comments are hilarious!!

  12. Jenn says:

    Why does Waaa keep referring to people who don’t like the governor as little animals? It’s rather adorable of him, but if you see how Celtic Diva thinks of herself, she is a raging tiger, which is more accurate.

  13. Lainey says:

    @the problem child IS MY NAME!
    PM is more like e-mail.

    RE: Levi on Larry King…I guess Tyra got the more “in depth” interview

  14. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    AKM, thanks for taking the whole Eddie/Wayne thing down for us. (I became too disgusted after the first ‘hater’ called, when they became dismissive of him because he hadn’t served in the military. Too bad ‘Hater1’ didn’t know WAR had never been in the service, either!)

    I wish I HAD listened longer. 🙁

  15. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Sherry seems kind of digested with gino and Sadie wants to be a Surgeon…!
    disgusted!Should of been, lol! Oh those guys got it on the other thread live blog, while mine is stuck forever in the tubes……!

  16. Karin in CT says:

    @ austintx—hahaha! But why did Dog’s wife get upper arm implants? It’s really unbecoming and they clash with her false eyelashes.

  17. Lainey says:

    I registered on forum…YEA! as Lainey.
    But I can’t find the box to post my introduction and it won’t let me reply off of somebody else’s. I can’t believe this is perplexing to me…I’ll get it eventually. 🙁

  18. Quetzalcoatl says:

    ooops, too bold again. missed a letter.

    Snoskred? Can we have ‘Preview’ before posting?

  19. Quetzalcoatl says:


    Stuck in the tubes indeed, amidst all the having sex in the parents bedroom talk and all. LOL. Too funny, oi vey. 🙂

  20. ayerishgrl says:

    Sitting on a train riding home from work and just burst out laughing at crystalwolf caligirl’s last comment-“stuck in the tubes”! Hilarious! Thanks for making my ride home so enjoyable!

  21. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    There’s a bunch of stuff stuck in the tubes 🙁 sorry guys, I tried.

  22. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    damn tubes!
    Showed some clips from SNL. Sherry seems kind of digested with gino and Sadie wants to be a Surgeon…!

  23. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    She tell him she can’t go there….anyone can contact her lawyer to find out about her case…

  24. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    LK keep trying to get Sherry to say about her legal troubles.
    Oh now he has to bring up her problems…{rolls eyes}

  25. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    He voted. He voted for GINO. Not really interested in politics, likes John mccain. Never had a exact wedding date…he was at
    Trips birth, “it was cool”…thought he would be grossed out but it was exciting. Wants to be a electrician. Wants to take care of his kid. LK asked gino for a statement got A response from Megstable tongue. That same as usual. Bristol is going to college and advocating abstinence…Next up Sadie & Sherry

    Sherry doesn’t know what went wrong. Sadies friends made Bristol jealous maybe. Sherry asked to take Tiepp and bristol never called back. Different after “nov” will lawyer for custedy… LK quote AK law for joint cust. It is supposed to be joint. Sherry doesn’t want to “start trouble with gino”Ask what Trip’s last name is (didn’t get to hear it-inaudible.) Sadie thinks its stupid she & Levi can’t see Trip. Bristol told Levi not to talk to sadie.
    Levi says not looking for fame, just to get his story out there.
    LK keeps asking Sherry “Why” (I think trying to get her to talk about her legal issues)
    Levi says he’s not paying any child support until he gets Lawyer etc. He’s got plenty of Diapers and such at his house.
    Bristols totally different since before the campaign…

  26. Lainey says:

    the problem child IS MY NAME!
    The Mudflats Forum, right over there===>
    like the arrow….as my palm slaps my forehead. 🙂

  27. Lainey says:

    @crystalwolf aka caligrl
    Go to you inbox and you can PM me
    it is a cool blog, huh? chock full of great stuff and the lamb is adorable!
    you’re more than welcome

    so, I’m going to attempt to join this forum…it’s been ages since I belonged to one. where’s the inbox and I assume PM is like IM??

  28. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    He voted. He voted for GINO. Not really interested in politics, likes John mccain. Never had a exact wedding date…he was at
    Trips birth, “it was cool”…thought he would be grossed out but it was exciting. Wants to be a electrician. Wants to take care of his kid. LK asked gino for a statement got A response from Megstable tongue. That same as usual. Bristol is going to college and advocating abstinence…Next up Sadie & Sherry

  29. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    They told him to go the RNC. He didn’t realize. RNC told him not to talk to press.

  30. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    He doesn’t know why Gino is so mad at him. He says gino doesn’t like Sadie.
    hasn’t talked to gino for awhile…he says his Dad talked to dud and now its even worse (since Tyra)

  31. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Now he says HE DOES have a lawyer. LK says GINO has “very little rights as a grandmother”

  32. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Levi says he doesn’t have a lawyer..? When asked (if he had sex in gino’s house) he said “I’m a gentlemen and I don’t kiss and tell”
    They showed a clip of GiNO and his eyes were darting back and forth!!!! Not in a good way. I think he’s been coached. I can’t wait until Sherry and Sadie come on!

  33. Tealwomin says:


  34. Snoskred says:

    We’ve turned email confirmation off on the forums at the moment. 😉 So you won’t have to wait for an email – you just register and you’re all set. 😉

    But please can I ask everyone – this applies to both here and on the forums – make sure you are using a valid email address and an email address you check regularly.

    There are times when I will need to email commenters, and also the forum does send out newsletters when we have news to announce. 🙂

    Speaking of which, if Say No To Palin in Politics is reading this, I sent you email but I didn’t hear back from you, so I am wondering if maybe you did not check your email that you have listed on the blog here.

  35. here_in_PA says:

    boy, they really trash hollis french

  36. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Lainey-what a cool blog, thanks 🙂
    What a cute baby lamb 🙂

  37. Lainey says:

    re-reading my last post ….I had to bust out laughing. no explanations please

  38. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Lainey Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 4:33 PM

    @crystalwolf aka caligrl

    Just took the muffins out of the oven…they smell so good! I made the blueberry ones and threw in one banana for fun.
    Not on the forum, but here’s the site for recipe.

    I’ll investigate the forum, tho….uh, which one?
    Go to you inbox and you can PM me.
    Oh thanks for the recipe 🙂 Yeah!!!!

  39. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    Wow, PC! Excellent usage of a text-arrow!!

  40. Lainey says:

    Thank you for the, duh, forum info.

    btw, I tasted my healthy muffin…..soooo good!

  41. Lainey says:

    @crystalwolf aka caligrl

    Just took the muffins out of the oven…they smell so good! I made the blueberry ones and threw in one banana for fun.
    Not on the forum, but here’s the site for recipe.

    I’ll investigate the forum, tho….uh, which one?

  42. here_in_PA says:

    LBL, yes local news, it’ll take you to another page and in same spot click on listen live towards the bottom in gray box.

  43. LBL NYC says:


    dont see button for “local radio” just “local news”

  44. LBL NYC says:


    dont see button for “local radio” just “local news”

  45. here_in_PA says:

    LBL NYC ,did that work for you?

  46. austintx says:

    “Dog” the bounty hunter is also on LK tonite. The fugitive he was chasing shot at him. Hope it didn’t mess up his hair extensions , or even worse , hit one of his wife’s humongous implants……….oh..the humanity !! Shades of the Hindenburg.

  47. here_in_PA says:

    Click on local radio LBL

  48. here_in_PA says:

    Caller is asking if ethics is to bankrupt the palin family. ohhh, give me a break. They’re talking about it preventing her from doing good work. War says he surprised she stays on the job.

  49. LBL NYC says:

    It just might be a blessing, but I can’t get the broadcast going to the link above to the KBYR site and licking on “listen live”

    anyone got an idea to stream it live?

  50. LBL NYC says:

    It just might be a blessing, but I can’t get the broadcast going to the link above to the KBYR site and licking on “listen live”

    anyone got an idea to stream it live?

  51. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Lainey Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 4:20 PM

    @crystalwolf aka caligrl
    Thanks…the muffins do sound good. It’s my first time making the ‘healthy’ kind (for my grandkids). They’re in the oven now (I procrastinated a bit).
    I have the recipe if you want it.
    Oooooh! I would love it 🙂 Are you on forum? I am caligrl wolves eat palin
    on there. Thanks!

  52. Tealwomin says:

    WAR OF WORDS with the Palins…in other words…SOMEBODY IS LYING

  53. Lainey says:

    Yes, I will show Levi some love :)…it’s not (entirely) his fault that he got tangled up with the loose daughter of the crazy gov…maybe he was blinded by the status and the “easy” target.

    @crystalwolf aka caligrl
    Thanks…the muffins do sound good. It’s my first time making the ‘healthy’ kind (for my grandkids). They’re in the oven now (I procrastinated a bit).
    I have the recipe if you want it.

  54. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    InJuneau Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 4:12 PM


    Testosterone affects aggressiveness

    That’s the part I’m worried about!
    Maybe Smuck and WAR will get so worked up they will stroke out or shoot each other (accidentally!)
    I know, I know….unicorns in Alaska….

  55. Tealwomin says:

    Professor…thanks! another site I never knew about…there now…

  56. InJuneau says:


    Testosterone affects aggressiveness

    That’s the part I’m worried about!

  57. here_in_PA says:

    They’re talking about the complaint filed today, war says one of best gov’s alaska ever had and be nibbled at bunch of ducks. nobody likes to see anybody being successful. He mentions bogus stuff she has to deal with.

  58. Ryan H says:


    Eddie just shut WAR down to talk about the ethics complaint


    Poor Eddie… You can tell he ‘don’t read too good’.

  59. Professor Geezer says:

    Anyone who wants to watch Levi on CNN can do it online. I am going to watch at

  60. Chaim says:

    #7 InJuneau Says:

    WOW, so glad I don’t live up there and couldn’t accidently turn my radio to that station! Can we say testosterone poisoning alert?

    I’m calling you out for that sexist remark! 🙂 Testosterone affects aggressiveness and libido. It does not cause stupidity, bigotry or dishonesty.

    @#21 AKPetMom — “[Levi] will spend more for a writer/editor than he will ever make from a book deal at this point.” No way he’s going to be out of pocket. I’d love to be his ghostwriter. I’m confident there is “more to his story than he has let become public.” There is convincing evidence that SP faked Trig’s pregnancy, but the details of who bore Trig, when and where are unclear. Levi and Bristol are probably Trig’s parents, but if they aren’t the story is even juicier and Levi would know it. Then there is probably a good deal that Levi was able to observe, and more that he would know by hearsay, concerning McCain’s invasion of Alaska, prepping Sarah, behind the scenes at the RNC, etc. SP’s treatment of Levi may have been her most damaging mistake.

  61. Team Alaska says:

    AKPetMom Says:

    The Valley kids have their own story to tell. The pop culture is not just rock and roll, these kids have broken into a new political spotlight so to speak. Good or bad doesn’t matter, it just is.

    Could their be there ghost writers/movie makes that are getting in line already?. I think so……. There are alot of out of work professionals looking for fame or a project that will advance a carrer.

    Do you really think that these young kids are going to take the moral high ground, durning these economic melt downs and bailouts with easy money flashing all about? I don’t see that happening. Tripp needs shoes, levi needs his own house, and his mom need to pay for a lawyer.

    Tonight Levi will tell about his future. I don’t get Larry King on my tube, but you can be sure that I will investigate on the web.

    I was a young sports man that go kicked out of my house at a early age becasue of a, ” pin joint “. The drama’s of youth have changed with the times, I’m sure that there are many kids Levi’s and Bristol’s age that can relate with this situation. I feel that there is a meaningful story hear. I went through a out of state custudy battle in my mid 30’s, with out any family support or legal help. It cost me greatly!

    Kids and adults can learn from this drama. Divorce is over 50% in many parts of are country.

  62. Ryan H says:

    This is going to be outstanding.

    I wonder who Eddie is going to blame for slandering his good buddy WAR? The Joos? The Homos? The Baby-Killers? The Coloreds?

  63. Tealwomin says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl…good thinking!

    Yeah, tell the truth…maybe fill in some of those gaps of The GiNOs Bio feathered on the State of AK web site…

  64. lynnrockets says:

    Speaking of radio, I just heard this on the radio:

    (sung to the Bobby Darin song “Beyond the Sea”)

    Somewhere beyond the sea
    A country I can see
    The Russian Reds raising their heads
    But they don’t scare me, cuz I’m Palin

    Somewhere down in D.C.
    McCain’s laughing at me
    He doesn’t rejoice his V.P. choice
    And he won’t endorse Sarah Palin

    Its true within my view
    Sometimes just after noon

    I’m not an astronaut
    But I too can see the moon

    I’ll get that damn Levi
    There’s no place he can hide
    Avenged I’ll be, wait till you see
    He’ll not mess again, with the Palins (aahhh)

    (Musical Interlude)

    I know beyond a doubt (uhh)
    I’m there in 2-0-1-2
    I’ll win (I know I’ll win) no looking back
    So says my SarahPac
    But then again they’re dumb vermin
    And I’m yesterday’s Sarah Palin

    No more Palin
    So long Palin
    Bye, bye Palin…
    Move on out Palin

  65. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    austintx Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 3:40 PM

    20 Ripley in CT Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 3:23 PM
    I wonder if they’ll have a peeing contest.
    More like a farting contest with those 2 gasbags……
    worse than cows…and on Earth day too! 🙁

  66. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    I think Levi should write a book, about everything! But I also think all of you AK bloggers better start shopping you own books now too, ‘cuz I know y’all got a story to tell also. There are many GINO books out there and you can tell the better ones…(the ones the ceeforpee don’t like) And if GINO write a book, its will be in between word salad…how she farts rainbows and unicorns… live in Alaska! Nows the time! GINO’s almost toast…politically so the time is now to strike while the iron’s hot, which I wouldn’t be surprised if Andrew is contemplating this or run for gov?
    I really think Levi is using “BOOK” as a silent “leave me alone b*tch and let me see my kid(s) or else” tactic. But Its only a little over a hour until LK comes on, time to get the popcorn ready 🙂

  67. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    I think Levi should write a book, about everything! But I also think all of you AK bloggers better start shopping you own books now too, ‘cuz I know y’all got a story to tell also. There are many GINO books out there and you can tell the better ones…(the ones the ceeforpee don’t like) And if GINO write a book, its will be in between word salad…how she farts rainbows and unicorns… live in Alaska! Nows the time! GINO’s almost toast…politically so the time is now to strike while the iron’s hot, which I wouldn’t be surprised if Andrew is contemplating this or run for gov?
    I really think Levi is using “BOOK” as a silent “leave me alone bitch and let me see my kid(s) or else” tactic. But Its only a little over a hour until LK comes on, time to get the popcorn ready 🙂

  68. austintx says:

    22 ds55 Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 3:31 PM
    I’ll buy Levi’s book. He doesn’t need any special qualifications to tell the truth about his own life.
    Yup – me too.also.

  69. austintx says:

    20 Ripley in CT Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 3:23 PM
    I wonder if they’ll have a peeing contest.
    More like a farting contest with those 2 gasbags……

  70. ds55 says:

    I’ll buy Levi’s book. He doesn’t need any special qualifications to tell the truth about his own life.

  71. AKPetMom says:

    I mean, I do applaud Levi for standing up to Sarah Palin to assert his paternity rights, but really, I mean, really a book deal? He seems like a nice kid and I’ve had to relent and begin to feel that he is not quite as deserving of his “trash” label that SP put on him but still, kids like Levi ARE dime a dozen out here in the Valley. He just happened to impregnate the Gov’s daughter (maybe once, maybe twice, maybe NOT at all….only time and DNA will tell)

    But really, a book deal. Hmmm, Levi should go out and get his GED and then perhaps attend college if he really wants to prove that he has it together. I don’t doubt that he has the smarts to excel in life if he puts forth the effort, but he will spend more for a writer/editor than he will ever make from a book deal at this point.

    Unless there really is more to his story than he has let become public. In that case, have someone help you write your book Levi, and then take the profits and prove everyone wrong and finish high school and move onto college and get a degree and pursue your dreams.

  72. Ripley in CT says:

    I wonder if they’ll have a peeing contest.

  73. Star says:

    Sure hope Levi has all his “ducks in a row”…I feel real bad about the way The Palin possee has made him out to be a bad guy…I do believe in karma…:))

  74. Super Bee says:

    Well, I think I’ll just slam my head in a door instead : P

  75. Professor Geezer says:

    I read that Levi is shopping a book. Write on, Levi! Write on!

  76. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Lainey Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 3:02 PM

    thanks but no thanks…gotta go make my whole-grain, honey, blueberry muffins now…I’d rather sit in front of my hot oven! 🙂
    The muffins sound delish! 🙂

  77. austintx says:

    12 Aussie Blue Sky Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 3:07 PM
    I heard them together last week. Burke even calls him “war”. They can’t seem to stop telling each other what good men they are.

    Give it a wide berth.
    No problem giving those 2 wide girth fellas a wide berth.

  78. ds55 says:

    I’ll watch Levi tonight. I hope he gets to spend Father’s Day with his son.

  79. Team Alaska says:

    Could be a long night. Levi is also a sports man, I don’t expect him to play all his cards. These kids learned from GINO how to milk the media into a big dollar book deal.

    I’m sure that Bristol and Levi had allot of fun coming up with Tripp’s name, for one of there sons anyway? Wasillia kids are tuff, especially the ones that drop out of school, are hockey stars, dream of killing animals, and have teen sex in the Governor of Alaska’s house.

    Levi might get nervous tonight, but he is not scared. He said that he shot his first bear at the age of 7. Larry King is just a media man of no great relevance to Levi, a pay check on the road to a bigger paycheck. This boy has got some big balls and some big goals!

    Go Levi !!

  80. austintx says:

    Lainey – You gonna show Levi some love tonite ??

  81. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    I heard them together last week. Burke even calls him “war”. They can’t seem to stop telling each other what good men they are.

    Give it a wide berth.

  82. SoCalWolfGal says:

    Well, all they need to make it perfect is Rush Limbaugh! Geez, hatred will be spewing forth like Mr. Redoubt erupting again.

  83. austintx says:

    InJuneau Says:
    April 22nd, 2009 at 2:59 PM
    WOW, so glad I don’t live up there and couldn’t accidently turn my radio to that station! Can we say testosterone poisoning alert?
    Can’t even wrap my mind around the vile crap that is gonna spew forth.
    I’m hanging with Levi tonight.

  84. Lainey says:

    thanks but no thanks…gotta go make my whole-grain, honey, blueberry muffins now…I’d rather sit in front of my hot oven! 🙂

  85. austintx says:

    And all on Earth Day. Well ……….manure is always helpful for things to grow.

  86. InJuneau says:

    WOW, so glad I don’t live up there and couldn’t accidently turn my radio to that station! Can we say testosterone poisoning alert?

  87. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    It’s going to be some kind of ugly-fest…

  88. austintx says:

    WOW – A redneck combo platter extravaganza !!

  89. Frank LI NY says:

    Did I make it?

  90. Forty Watt says:

    Wow, in my time zone that means WAR and Eddie at 8 and Levi, Mercede and Sherry on Larry King at 9. It’s just too much to contemplate. 😕

  91. palinoscopy says:

    I hope you’ll fill us in on it. Sounds fun. That and Levi’s little chat tonight on Larry King.

  92. pvazwindy says:

    might be good for laughs