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Friday, January 28, 2022

Open Thread – Return of the Forum!


Oh, Happy Day! The clouds part, the sun spills onto the verdant valleys, the flowers stretch their little faces upward, the creatures of the forest start square dancing, the rivers sparkle a little brighter, and all is well with the world…

The Mudflats Forum has now come home safe from its journey of discovery through the series of tubes. It got lost during our transition to our new server, and after sending out several skilled search parties, we’ve brought the little devil home where it belongs.

Thanks to those of you who have exhibited the patience of Job, waiting for news, and clicking the link waiting for something other than a “Not Found” message.

Now it is found.

So, enjoy the forum that you know and love, chat together, plot and scheme, share links and events, create witty intelligent conversation, and snuggle in.  There will probably be some tweaks and redecorating in the future, but for now, we’ve got the basics.

For those of you who haven’t participated in the forum in the past, click the link up top and go for a spin. If you feel overwhelmed, there’s bound to be a cheerful informed soul on the other side who can guide you through.

Fingers crossed, we’re ready to roll!  So click, be happy, and enjoy!



20 Responses to “Open Thread – Return of the Forum!”
  1. mike from iowa says:

    From the mouths of wrinkly,billionaire babe Charles Koch-he of Koch Bros. fame. Korporations in bed with government is bad.

  2. Lacy Lady says:

    Heard on IPTV this morning—–Wal Mart makes more money than 40% of all the US Population combined.
    Bernie Sanders was the guest.
    Well I can understand that, as Wal Mart just opened a new super store in our little town. I have been there only once, and can’t believe what they are now selling. Looks like the clothing came from the rummage sales around town. The only products that I buy at Wal Mart are art supplies that are not carried in town.
    The store that they closed about two weeks ago, had some decent stuff, but now—-they have gone down the tube.
    And why they built such a HUGE store? Maybe wanting more business from Missouri? We are about 8 miles from the Missouri line.

  3. mike from iowa says:

    I tell ya I’m fed up with condescending libruls who don’t practice what they preach about caring for the least among us. Take that old Warren Buffett for example. He wants the government to charge him a higher tax rate. Of all the nerve. How can he afford to pay more. Since 2006 he has given 13.3 billion smackers to charity and has issued new pledges which could result in another 40 billion going to charities in years to come. He has three children and they each run their own foundations that help under privileged,people,women,girls,food producers globally and a host of others. WB has doubled the donations to these foundations as a birthday present from himself to his children. So where the devil does this guy think he is gonna get the money to pay more taxes? This comes from the Omaha World Herald and I didn’t bring the link.

  4. mike from iowa says:

    With record corn and soybean prices,comes great responsibilities. First,local farmers had to contend with season long drought conditions and it looked like my area was in fair shape for corn harvest. Neighbor across the road cut silage and said corn was running 147 bu/acre,which is good considering. That night we had an inch of rain and high winds and the corn in places is almost flat so the combine won’t be able to pick it up. A couple nights after that we had about three tenths of an inch of rain and hail. Now the corn plants in some nearby fields are stripped of leaves and soybean pods are busted open spilling beans on the ground. Good to know that prices will undoubtedly go even higher because there won’t be many farmers able to cash in this year. Fortunately most do carry multi-peril crop insurance. It costs alot of money and doesn’t reimburse for total losses,but it helps pay the bills so farmers can gamble on next year’s weather. Even more untypical is the fact that our barnswallows are still here. They usually depart around the first of September. Orioles left in August.

    • Elsie says:

      That is such bad news. I’m so sorry for all the farmers suffering through the droughts, fires, flooding and other bad weather, especially when they get hit hard right before harvest. And, of course, we will all pay more for food from the fewer crops that actually make it to market.

      It’s not hard to believe in climate change, except for those dimwits who think the earth is flat and Jesus rode on dinosaurs.

  5. Lacy Lady says:

    Rommney speaks at Virginia Beach today. Pat Robinson attended the event.
    Rommney is now sooooooo far to the right——he has gone off the cliff.

    • beth. says:

      “I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all” is what we all learned.

      Unfortunately, somehow the GOTP –and particularly the many rwnjs amongst them– seem to be steadfastly convinced that it’s: “I pledge Allegiance to the Flag (in all its iterations — on decorated lapel pins, on clothing designs, etc.) and *the* Holy Book of the United States of America and to the Republic for which they stand; one nation with True Patriots ever-invoking and praising Sweet Baby Jesus and me knowing, exclusively, *exactly* what G_d is saying Must be its direction, indivisible as long as we keep “them” in their rightful place, and with inalienable Liberty and Justice for me and mine, Amen.”

      That cliff Romney and Ryan are, by all indications, so rapidly approaching, sure does appear to be growing higher and higher with each passing day. If the pair of them didn’t disgust me so much by their words, actions, and deeds, I’d almost be inclined to feel sorry for them. Almost. beth.

      • Carol says:

        What is so scary is that so many people like them enough to vote for them. Or rather dislike Obama enough to vote against him. And then we ALL are going to fall off a cliff – well except the 1% won’t, but that’s the YOYO party – You’re On Your Own.
        I know a person who admits to “leaning Romney” and even with all the evidence, (IMO) it’s the abortion stance of the Democrats – “It’s not government’s business!” that will be the final decider, no matter how it’s framed. Since Republicans are antiabortion, under any circumstances, as evidenced by their platform, that will be the decider. However, the Texas Republican Platform that wants to get rid of critical thinking might just hold sway. One can only hope and keep feeding information.

  6. Zyxomma says:

    I am SO relieved. Having a substitute forum at which to post during the DNC (thanks, Jaime!) was very welcome, but there’s no place like home!

  7. Forty Watt says:

    Many thanks AKM and to the Leader of the Search Party, who traveled from the other end of the earth, we are very grateful. 🙂

  8. juneaudream says:

    Pausing..a thinken..and ..a verrry large grin. Yuppers..good to know. ;

  9. mike from iowa says:

    Some socialist Canadian likes Obama and has a good handle on re$$$licans.–what-s-behind-hatred-of-obama

  10. bubbles says:

    well done AKM. well done.

  11. Alex says:


    (BTW, is that the elusive unicorn who poops money?)

  12. Moles says:

    Now perhaps my withdrawal twitches and facial tics will stop. All I can say Hallelujah and well done.

  13. Sister A says:

    Thanks AKM – we have indeed been a bit bereft during the search for the lost forum. Nice to know you found it and brought it home!

  14. benlomond2 says: