My Twitter Feed

February 16, 2025


No Time for Tuckerman -

Thursday, August 3, 2023

The Quitter Returns! -

Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Open Thread – Return of the Forum!

  Oh, Happy Day! The clouds part, the sun spills onto the verdant valleys, the flowers stretch their little faces upward, the creatures of the forest start square dancing, the rivers sparkle a little brighter, and all is well with the world… The Mudflats Forum has now come home safe from its journey of discovery through the series of tubes. It got lost during our transition to our new server, and after sending out several skilled search parties, we’ve brought the little devil home where it belongs. Thanks to those of you who have exhibited the patience of Job, waiting…

Occupy the Mudflats Forum!

The fine folks over at The Mudflats Forum have now created a special place  to gather and post about your Occupy events and comment on others around the world.  You can join in and participate HERE. The Occupy Wall Street movement is gaining steam, and the unique sense of connection and solidarity between cities is made possible through our ability to reach out and talk to each other online, and share our experiences in real time with others. If you’ve never ventured forth into the Mudflats Forum, you are missing out! The Forum is like a whole other level here…

Of Starfish and Mudpuppies and Miracles

There have been many instances in the last three years that the Mudflats Forum community has risen to the call to help a fellow Mudpup in need. I want to share one such story with you as it came from Mudpuppy Bubbles. Her account brought to mind a parable of sorts that I’d heard a long time ago. An old man and a boy were walking on the beach. There were starfish on the beach as far as the eye could see, and they were about to be stranded in the hot sun by a very low tide. The man…