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Friday, January 28, 2022

Hundreds Turn Out for “It’s Our Oil” Rally

Almost 200 people turned out in Anchorage, and also a great crowd in Fairbanks for the “It’s Our Oil” rally on Saturday.

These folks speak for Alaskans who are sick of getting ripped off at the pump, and are sick of being told that it will take a $20 BILLION giveaway to oil companies in order to get more oil in the pipeline. Alaskans who are tired of hearing politicians from both sides of the aisle in the pocket of Big Oil trying to sell the same song and dance every year without requiring increased production.

Oil companies make hundreds of millions of dollars in profit from Alaska. BP even called us a “cash cow” referring to the fact that profits from Alaska are going to fund exploration in other parts of the world. The money comes out of the ground and leaves our local economy, our state, and our country to benefit the multinational interests of the wealthiest corporations in history. It’s time we show them our backbone and demand that we get our fair share.

Remember to vote for Senators who support the bipartisan coalition, and say no to Sean Parnell’s free money giveaway from the state coffers.

You can also “like” the Backbone Group on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, and visit their website for more information.



5 Responses to “Hundreds Turn Out for “It’s Our Oil” Rally”
  1. Cathy Heyworth Harris says:

    And remember to ask what is the current status of the Alaska Natural Gas Development Authority (ANGDA), which 138,000 Alaskan voters approved in 2002. You might fall off your chair.

  2. UgaVic says:

    I sure want to see more bi-partisan work done and the group of legislators who work on this in AK need to be especially supported.

    To me, there is nothing wrong with giving incentives for more exploration and drilling but not setting some bench marks for the oil companies, and just giving tax breaks sounds too much like MR plan…give them tax breaks and ‘trust us to grow the economy’.

    Alaska also need to look , which I believe is starting to happen, at its tax structure for other resources we have and make sure things like renewables are not tax MORE than non-renewables, as it is now. How mixed up is that?

    Thank you for all that showed up, since many of us can’t!

  3. Zyxomma says:

    200 people! That’s huge, for Anchorage.

  4. Kath the Scrappy says:

    Nice turnout Alaska!

    I just about gagged tonight. Sis & I have been avidly watching the season of Ice Road Truckers and tonight was their finale. At the end the Trucking Company Owner presented a carheets jacket, that was embroidered on the front, for the guy who made the highest ‘road count’ for hauling the most runs.

    Wouldn’t you know, Sean Parnell had to show up to shake all their hands. He seems to be as much of a glory hound as your ex-gov Sarah.