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Friday, January 28, 2022

Krazy Kampaign Ad Alert! Again!

Um. Really? This weird/disturbing/moronic ad for No on 1 makes just about as much sense as giving billions from Alaska’s treasury to the wealthiest corporations in history, with no promise of more jobs, exploration, or production. In other words, it makes as much sense as voting No on 1. Most of Alaska’s hard-working men and women who actually own the oil in this state don’t have “an assistant.” But I’m sure the gratuitous tattooed cleavage, chainsaw and black panties will appeal to the rocket scientists who think giving away the farm makes good business sense. Way to go, guys. (And yeah,…

The Oily Facts on Prop 1

By Peter Blanas Alaskans understand that oil is the economic cornerstone of our state. Alaskans are right to be concerned, that we have a healthy and productive oil and support industry. It’s also understood that the extraction of oil in the Arctic, is very difficult and expensive, and should come with a good return on investment. We want the industry to earn a healthy profit, along with Alaska, the resource owner. First, a look backward: Oil began flowing down the pipeline from the North Slope in 1977. Daily production peaked in 1988, at just over 2 million barrels a day,…

Hundreds Turn Out for “It’s Our Oil” Rally

Almost 200 people turned out in Anchorage, and also a great crowd in Fairbanks for the “It’s Our Oil” rally on Saturday. These folks speak for Alaskans who are sick of getting ripped off at the pump, and are sick of being told that it will take a $20 BILLION giveaway to oil companies in order to get more oil in the pipeline. Alaskans who are tired of hearing politicians from both sides of the aisle in the pocket of Big Oil trying to sell the same song and dance every year without requiring increased production. Oil companies make hundreds…