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The First Dude Takes Manhattan – and a Mudflatter is There.

When I heard that Sarah Palin was going to be at an Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute event in New York City, I wished very loudly that there would be a Mudflatter present at the event who could serve as a roving reporter/Mudspy.   I’ll have to remember to wish like that more often because I received an email from just such a person – a NY Mudpuppy who was willing to write up an account of the event! 

Much to my dismay, the governor cancelled her appearance.  I’m starting to think if the governor was a racehorse, and her appearance at an event constituted a “win”,  her odds at the track would be fast approaching longshot designation.  The consolation prize was Alaska’s First Dude, Todd Palin who stood up and made a speech for seafood.

So thank you to Mudflatter “M” from the Big Apple for the account of the event and the charming, long distance iPhone spy pic!

Any Mudflatters who have the opportunity to attend events, and act as Mudspies or formal reporter-types, please let me know!

As a longtime Mudpup (first time commentator) I just had to share my peek at the “First Dude” who was taking Governor Palin’s place at “A Taste of Alaska” seafood event at the Alaska House yesterday.

Todd is surely a handsome man, and his rugged fisherman-North-Slope-roughneck appeal is apparent, judging from gushing male and female guests alike. That said, he should simply relegate himself as arm-candy to the pretty GOP personality that is Sarah. Bless his heart, he can’t deliver much of a speech. Granted, it isn’t for everyone and not everyone asks to be invited to be a public figure with the duties the role calls for (look at Bristol and Levi for that matter) so it was a little painful to watch him read his speech while remembering a coaching tip to look up from each sentence, and make eye contact with a friendly member of the audience.

There appeared to be a few indigenous women in the audience and he seemed to focus in on them, like a source of comfort for his discomfort. Perhaps he is comfortable after 10 months on the national trail and it just doesn’t translate as well as it does for his wife. That is not to say that Sarah’s comfort in front of the crowd means she makes one iota of sense, people just eat up whatever word salad she tosses.

One lovely young lady patiently explained to me that Alaska’s indigenous people don’t mind being called Native or Eskimo and that there is a universal kinship with each other no matter where one is from in the State, or the “Lower 48 Tribes” for that matter. This is why they seemed comfortable with Todd, even though they weren’t necessarily supportive of the Administration. Curious. When pressed, they were hesitant to share with this anglo/Alaskaphile the reasons for this lack of support.

The First Dude left quickly, unable to enjoy a meal since he had to catch a plane, so a handshake was not in the cards, even if I could have mustered the courage or the stomach!

According to Bruce Schactler of the Alaska Global Food Aid program, many Alaska lawmakers were dining with us like House Speaker John Harris (R), Lesil McGuire (R) and Jay Ramras (R). Who knows how many people did not show up because the Governor cancelled, but there weren’t enough seats for guests anyway.

The fare was typical of Alaska seafood venues; salmon lox and halibut. The herring was interesting and the different presentations other countries offer in their preparation was delicious (for canned salmon.)

The Alaska House is situated in SoHo, and the location is quaint and desirable. The art is saleable and some pieces were too contemporary for my taste, but the traditional arts and crafts from Natives are stunning and pricey (as they should be.)

As an adopted New Yorker, it is nice to know the Alaska House is here for our escape to the cultured wilds of Alaskana.



77 Responses to “The First Dude Takes Manhattan – and a Mudflatter is There.”
  1. sky says:

    Check pic of the first dude posted by

  2. aha says:

    What’s that I read somewhere about Todd and Greta having an affair?

    Things that make you go ”Hmmmmmmm…”

    Nah, just kidding…early morning drivel. 😉

  3. AuntieRuth says:

    The real reason she stayed home: to keep an eye on Bristol & Levi. One parent had to be around to keep them separated and Dud was already on the road.

  4. dowl says:

    Thank you MudspyM for your mudspyin’. You did good for being the fly on the wall that us ‘flatters always wish to be. AKM–dreams do come true, it could happen to you…it did, we appreciate Mudflats

  5. Al Parker says:

    How about that $328.000 joke the Anointed played on New York? How many
    office people got hurt running out of buildings?

  6. austintx says:

    Star – Live on video – face plant into that pimp gold plated mike……………

  7. Star says:

    Austintx…Yeah he might just have the big one…:))

  8. pearl89 says:

    To Ruby Re-Usable…your line about states having embassies in other states cracked me up. Wish there was a reply button, but as my momma use to say, “if wishes were horses, we could all ride”.

    Greta certainly knows how to protect her meal ticket. I don’t have a problem with Todd staying home taking care of the kids while his wife works. Lots of folks do that. I do have a problem with a grown man having a handler especially after just spending months on the campaign trail. Didn’t he learn how to keep his mouth shut?

  9. austintx says:

    Star – Yeah – Pat Buchannan was whining like a sissy on MSNBC right after it ended. None of these punks will debate anyone. Especially Limpdick. Man o man , was Wanda brutal on Rush or what ?? He is gonna spew some tripe next week !! Fun times are a coming !!

  10. PalinSucks says:

    Ashton Kutcher tweet..”yeah wanda was great little agressive for the crowd but I was laughing”

  11. Star says:

    Yep Greta Van suckup is protecting the dud…She will go postal on her show probably strting tomorrw …More fodder to come…Am sooooo loving it…

  12. PalinSucks says:

    OMIGosh, that was AWESOME. Both, Wanda and Obama were spot on. The Rush and Hannity lines were insane.

  13. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Thanks Austintx! 😀

  14. austintx says:

    Karin in Ct. – I was just gonna do that also.too. How about those comments ?? Couple of whiney , dopey crybabies in there. Funny !!

  15. austintx says:

    cali – try this

    140 SameOld Says:
    May 9th, 2009 at 6:15 PM

    Live feed

  16. austintx says:

    Loved what PO said about Rahm and the word mother……….Rahm truly rules.

  17. Karin in CT says:

    It’s working here in CT

  18. seagull junker palin says:

    How ’bout how Rahm has a hard time saying DAY after MOTHER !! haha

  19. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    You tube seems to be down!

  20. Karin in CT says:

    PO was better than Wanda!

    How about what he said about Sen. Boner? It was hilarious!

  21. Lisabeth says:

    It’s amazing to me that the far rightChristians who idolize Sarah approve of the scientologists always around them. It seems like they can rationalize ANYTHING away when it comes to their idol Sarah. What do they see in her!?

  22. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Todd’s expenses would have been paid to go to New York by the networks he appeared on with Bristol. Going to Washington – may have been picked up by Fox being their invited them.

  23. Canadian Neighbour says:

    I watched the C-Span livestream on the computer as C-Span is in US. If it wasn’t on the computer, I wouldn’t see it at all.

  24. ds55 says:

    So the State of Alaska pays for Todd’s trip to New York?
    How exactly does that work, since he’s not employed by the State?

  25. PalinSucks says:

    bubbles Says “i am weak from laughter. wanda was great and the president was no slouch either. very funny. mrs obama was lovely as always. nice evening.”

    Can you recap?

  26. bubbles says:

    i am weak from laughter. wanda was great and the president was no slouch either. very funny. mrs obama was lovely as always. nice evening.

  27. justafarmer says:

    Canadian Neighbor, I was watching CSpan. I don’t get network TV here in the backwoods, just satellite. No way I’m paying extra for what most people get for free.

  28. Canadian Neighbour says:

    I agree. I think Wanda did a great job. Usually they do not say what was said at the dinner on the networks but Palin, Hannity & Rush jokes will get out!!!

  29. justafarmer says:

    well, I’m pretty sure I messed up that quote but, trust me, it was hilarious!

  30. Kath the Scrappy from Seattle says:

    Great mudspy Job NYC Mudpuppy! Loved your commentary, lol. Did they charge a fortune for the meal, since people got to see The Dud in the flesh?

  31. justafarmer says:

    Oh my!
    Wanda just said ” Palin pulled out at the last minute. Abstinence doesn’t work well that way.”

  32. austintx says:

    Them sound like some good groceries !!

  33. austintx says:

    When asked if she was going to hold back , Wanda said “I don’t think so” OH HELL YEAH !! Let ‘er rip baby !!

  34. EyeOnYou says:

    PalinSucks, thanks for that link.

    Just as a positive note from that link (look at the dessert)

    Here’s what the 2,000-something diners will be eating on Saturday night. Check out all the dishy details on Obama Foodorama.

    Passed Appetizers:
    Italian ‘Salad’ with Sopressato, Prosciutto Toscano, Oregano;
    Brie, Spiced Olives, Breads

    Wild Watercress Salad

    Petite Filet with Sundried Tomatoes

    Seared Escolar with Olive Tapendade
    Asparaugus, Cippolini, Green and Yellow Squash with Porcini Mushroom demi-glace

    Dessert: In place of dessert, the WHCA is donating $23,00o to a D.C. non-profit kithcen for the homeless.

  35. jojobo1 says:

    Thanks NY mudpup great job.I guess since not a lot of people know he did not live in the villagers but with the heath family they might have thought he was one of them.Wait till the two Palins throw them under the bus if they haven’t already with the help hey needed this winter/

  36. PalinSucks says:

    penny Says “Palin is not going to this gig for one reason’

    That reason is…Wanda Sykes, lol.

    Asked by WHCInside whether she would hold back anything for her monologue tonight, comedian Wanda Sykes said, “I don’t think so.”

  37. PalinSucks says:

    Look at all those people who came out to speak and vote against, Palin.

  38. PalinSucks says:

    White House Correspondents live stream

    Think Todd, will be on the ed carpet with his date?

  39. penny says:

    Palin is not going to this gig for one reason (oh the good governor taking care of a natural disaster.. doesn’t fly with me.. given her track record)
    Reason being..
    Why would she subject herself to a ridicule session? Well, it is not that, it is a time for people to let lose and have a little fun
    We saw how much “fun” she had being poked at on SNL.. stiff wired jaw and snarky comments (where was her hokie pokie accent? .. swiftly lost).

    She couldn’t sit there and just have “fun”.. she’d take it too personal (as she would be the butt of quite a few jokes for sure) ..

    She is playing it safe taking care of Alaska.. err well, my guess doing the bare minimum face time and tweetering to appear to be concerned.. but is most likely pacing.. figuring out her next move

  40. Ripley in CT says:

    YaKnow Mona, I used to like you!! LOL

  41. anon blogger says:

    Thanks, M, and AKM for the info. Great work!

    Makes sense Todd attending instead of Parnell, Todd being a fisherman. But handlers? Awwww, he’s being groomed, that was my thought!

    Thanks, again M!

  42. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Thanks NY Mudpup for the undercover report 🙂

  43. sauerkraut says:

    Sykes does not take the podium until 10:25 pm. The entire program will be repeated later.

    We can send out thoughts to CSPAN via twitter… #nerdprom, I think. Or not.

  44. DrChill says:

    next time there’s something in NYC, let me know…

  45. Irishgirl says:

    Stop, the comments are too funny and I need to sleep.

    marcus2 Says:
    May 9th, 2009 at 4:37 PM

    Greta had her reasons for not letting Todd speak. He might have said Alaska is ready to secede and then flashed a repressed Hitler Salute like Peter Sellers in the movie “Dr. Strangelove” – “I am walking again mein Fuher.” (Just kidding – kind of)


  46. sauerkraut says:

    14 ds55 Says: May 9th, 2009 at 4:05 PM

    Do other governors send their wives (or husbands) to functions in their place?

    Yes, just that most of them do not seem to benefit personally from that role.

    We usually think of First Ladies hosting and/or attending events. It probably seems out of place for The Dud because he is (aside from being a Dud) a guy and because most of us don’t think too highly of him.

    As for natives feeling some connection to The Dud… some that I know don’t think too much of him. And a couple question his nativeness.

  47. Karin in CT says:

    @Mona–our Gov in CT is married and she has two children and some grand kids. I know, I know, we never hear about them as they aren’t out grabbing freebies off the state every chance they get.

  48. BigPete says:

    ds55 @14
    Do other governors send their wives (or husbands) to functions in their place?

    The Dude is the Alaskan Dick Cheney.
    Cheney would never have left his secure location just to bail out Bush-he also had plenty of money for legal bills, and no need for extra exposure.
    Cheney would never have given an interview to The Politico-at least not during the last eight years, when he was running the country.

    So, let’s enjoy the Dude’s company, while he’s still with us.

  49. strangelet says:

    It’s not unheard of for spouses to fill in for politicians at this kind of event — a celebrity show-up. It’s not like it was a business meeting. (THAT would be different).

    Little as I care for either Palin, in this case what I suspect happened was: Sarah and Todd were invited to the WHCD by Fox. WHCD invitations are personal, not functional — that is, they invited Sarah, not the Governor of AK. When she decided to cancel, I’m certain that Fox had no interest at all in replacing her with Sean Parnell. Todd, on the other hand, is a mini-celeb, and evidently buds with Greta, so he goes to WHCD so Fox can have at least one Palin.

    Since he was already gonna be on the East Coast, it made sense for him to do the NYC photo-op, since it was really a nothing appearance anyhow.

  50. Karin in CT says:

    Thanks for the snooping NYC mudpuppy! Hope we see you commenting again!

    Here is the link for Alaska House

  51. Hmmmmm says:

    Ha Ha. Fox News and Journalistic standards…in the same sentence!

    Ditto on the spouses in lieu of the official. I have never seen that before in Virginia or Georgia.

  52. marcus2 says:

    Greta had her reasons for not letting Todd speak. He might have said Alaska is ready to secede and then flashed a repressed Hitler Salute like Peter Sellers in the movie “Dr. Strangelove” – “I am walking again mein Fuher.” (Just kidding – kind of)

  53. ds55, I don’t know for sure, but I don’t remember spouses going in place of the elected officials? Wierd!

  54. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    ds55: I don’t even know if MY governor is married or not!

  55. ds55 says:

    Do other governors send their wives (or husbands) to functions in their place? Instead of their Lt. Governor or other government staff? It just seems odd to send Todd.

  56. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    I can’t knock Todd, since I doubt I’da been able to mumble through a speech.

    Hey, Ripley! CT’s haraS tfarD is in need of leadership, you know! (Check your yahoo)

  57. Canadian Neighbour says:

    White House CORRESPONDENTS – Meet the new face of media!!

    C-Span Live Streaming as I’m watching and on the side bar reading people’s messages who are twittering!!

    So much for those newspapers and network TV!!

  58. ravenstrick says:

    The pictures fromthe WHCD brunch this afternoon do indeed show Todd being babysat by Greta VS and her husband.


  59. akmuffin says:

    I think Todd looks like Joe the Plumber, except with hair.

  60. Curious says:

    I wonder if the state saved money on Lesil McGuire and Jay Ramras sharing a room. That was thrifty of them!

  61. Lee323 says:

    Great sleuthing, NYC Mudpup!

    “….and that there is a universal kinship with each other…. This is why they seemed comfortable with Todd, even though they weren’t necessarily supportive of the Administration. Curious. When pressed, they were hesitant to share with this anglo/Alaskaphile the reasons for this lack of support.”

    Their hesitancy was actually the classy/astute thing to do in such a setting….especially with a stranger.

    I suspect that if you had been invited back to their homes or out for a drink, their reasons of lack of support for the Palin administration would have been abundant and probably not surprising, eh?

  62. wilbo says:

    Hello-Just saw Greta on Breitbart TV. The interview with her w/ ‘the dude’ hanging out on the edge looking like a ‘deer in the headlights’ and drink in hand. My she’s a charmer.

  63. UgaVic says:

    Job well done!!

  64. UK Lady says:

    Damn!, I wish we had an ‘M’ at the WHCD, now I would offer to wait tables to get the lowdown on that little fiasco.

  65. Rob in Ca says:

    Wait a minute now…According to the Politico article, the Fox reporter (Greta) intervened when the Politico reporter attempted to ask Todd some questions. Greta said Todd would not answer questions on the record.

    Are you serious? Is Greta a reporter? The hostess? Todd’s chaperone? His date?

    Since when can a reporter tell another reporter they can’t interview someone? Is Fox actually okay with the journalistic ethics of this?

    And what do you think are the odds that Greta will air HER questions and answers with Todd, from this visit.

  66. wilbo says:

    Hello Mudpuppies, you would not, well I guess you could believe who Greta was hanging out with in the halls pre-White house Correspondence Dinner. Yep, ‘The Dude’ drink in hand looking like a dear in the headlights.Via Breitbart TV. Better than Cspan.

  67. Ripley in CT says:

    *clap clap clap clap* Bravo to you “M”!! Well done.

    Gotta love Mudpuppies willing to place themselves in the mouth of the beast!

  68. UK Lady says:

    According to Politico The 1st Dud was being ‘handled’ by Greta von Suckup.
    There are a couple of photo’s, the other scientologist was there too, Greta’s hubbie Coale.

    How do the fundies like their fave couple being handled by the moonies?.

  69. austintx says:

    When I heard Todd was gonna do this gig , I immediately thought of the old Pace Hot Sauce commercial where the old grizzled cowboy looks into the camera and say’s “New York City?!?!……..get a rope!!” Believe me , I looked high and low and could not find the video. Any way – that’s what I think of Toad there in NYC.

  70. rocket says:

    Todd couldn’t stick around? What a cold fish!

  71. zyggy says:

    Nice write up! So nice of you to get yourself to the presentation. Thank you for sharing.