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Dudeapalooza Continues!

The First Dude’s East Coast Tour continues.  Tonight, he was the guest of Fox News at the White House Correspondents Dinner.  Wanda Sykes was the roaster du soir.

The cameras missed the money shot. Todd Palin was nowhere to be seen when this little zinger came:

Governor Palin…she’s not here tonight. She pulled out at the last minute. You know, somebody should tell her that’s not really how you practice abstinence. (audience laughs, gasps and says ooooooo) Oh, shut up. Come on, you’re going to be telling that one tomorrow. (laughter)

[Open Thread is still active for off-topic posts]



66 Responses to “Dudeapalooza Continues!”
  1. Jamie says:

    I watched President Obama’s and Wanda Sykes’ speeches on You Tube and I had no idea Todd was in the audience when she delivered this zinger! Oh to have been a fly in Todd’s soup when she told this one!

  2. let it run says:


    More of an LMAO as I thought SP was very possessive of her Dude and it has been insinuated that Greta goes all weak-kneed when she is around him. Kind of a sexual territorial remark about SP leaving her man with another woman- one who may put the moves on him ( though this thought or scenario makes me simultaeously want to puke and laugh at same time). Greta may have some slashed tires on her hands soon.

    The outrage is that the Dude didn’t just fly back with SP. WTF?

  3. DonnaInMichigan says:

    let it run said:

    Sarah left Todd alone with Greta! [shivers]!

    My reply:

    Why doesn’t that surprise you? She pimps out her own kids, exploits them all for almighty power, why do you think she wouldn’t resort to pimping/exploiting her “dude”??

  4. let it run says:

    Sarah left Todd alone with Greta! [shivers]!

  5. DonnaInMichigan says:

    the funniest line that Obama did….(in my opinion)

    Where he said….”Thank you all for coming, I know that you all voted for me, …my apologies to the people at the Fox (Cable News) Table” (Then acts like he is looking for that table, KNOWING they probably were put in the very back!) …LOL….

  6. Mary in Tennessee says:

    Well, y’all, here in GOP smothered East TN, this video should be made required education material in all history classes. It shows how a President can govern brilliantly, accept ALL the criticism, fair or not, and turn it around and have FUN with it!
    Our President is a breath of fresh air…and we need that down here in coal ash covered, air polluted, tea bagger bitter Rethuglican Tennessee.
    And hooray for mud flatters everywhere enjoying the President’s first 100 days!
    And my heart is with all those ‘up there’ who are suffering from floods and devastation…just like here in our Southwestern West Virginia.

  7. Cynamen Winter says:

    Did you all notice the facial expression of Jennifer Loven (seated next to Pres. Obama) when Wanda started out on Rust Limbo? She found it quite difficult to muster any laughter after that one…and the President tried hard to swallow his laughter by gulping lots of h20.

    I imagine that all across America, the pachyderms are still stewing….

  8. GinaM says:

    Oh my, poor Greta Van whatsherface has a post up defending herself about taking Todd with her to a brunch. Politico reported on it first but here is her response. Note that she doesn’t mention Todd’s name. He’s “Guest”. Oh yeah the comments are hilarious:

  9. MissSunshine says:

    Whoo… maeT haraS members are just frothing at the mouth about the GINO joke – “too vile to repeat” – rather a thin-skinned bunch. They like to dish it out, but sure can’t take a ribbing themselves.

  10. BahstinBoyo aka Wrangler Tractor Palin says:


    Busted a gut even WITHOUT going to the link! Well said!

  11. zyggy says:

    Wanda was hoot, and I’m sure the con and repugs will be blasting her for the content, and Pres Obama’s routine too, but both were extremely funny. I also got a chuckle watching Pres Obama laugh knowing what he was about to say. Rahm must do a lot of swearing. =)

  12. Janet in Texas says:

    It is adorable the way the President cracks himself up at his own jokes. He is such a dream come true. Greatest President this country has ever elected.

  13. austintx says:

    BahstinBoyo aka Wrangler Tractor Palin – Just don’t let McCain fly the helicopter. We know he can’t fly a plane. We don’t want this to happen :

  14. UK Lady says:

    It was funny when the prez said that in the next 100 days he would try to ‘lose his cool’, not a chance!, Michael Steele must be soooooooooo jealous, the dweeb.

  15. TBNTJudy says:

    What I love about Obama is not only the spot-on humor, but also his infectious laughing at his own jokes. Makes me laugh all the harder.

  16. BahstinBoyo aka Wrangler Tractor Palin says:

    Was watching it all on CNN and once Wanda got to the podium, they kept chatting away and not letting us hear! Then I remembered that the whole kit and caboodle was being shown live on C-Span! Caught almost all of Wanda. All perfect jabs concidered, the one about McCain being miffed about the Prez buying the new choppers (which he didn’t order, as Wanda clearly made mention of) that if he really wanted to win the election just so he could ride in one of them, that his wife could BUY him one, was spot on! And Obama? In a word… refreshing!

  17. MinNJ says:

    Wanda was hysterical! And I just love our Prez so much…*sigh* It feels great to be able to laugh again…YEA!

  18. austintx says:

    48 Say NO to Palin in Politics Says:
    May 10th, 2009 at 9:22 AM
    Yes, laughter is good for the soul, and makes the world a better place, let there be more laughter!
    This week will be a scream watching the right screeching and carrying on !! Yee – Haw……..can’t wait !!

  19. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Happy Mother’s Day to everyone around the world!

    I haven’t listened all of it yet, but did see some pics. Tyra was there, wonder if she’ll say something about the birth control joke……it was so funny when she had to bust Levi for the condom truth, lol.

    I imagine Oprah was there too, you’d think. This is going to be fun watching all these many media groups play with the jokes, lol.

    Yes, laughter is good for the soul, and makes the world a better place, let there be more laughter!

  20. austintx says:

    46 Cynamen Winter Says:
    May 10th, 2009 at 8:23 AM
    Laughter is indeed good medicine…and I can hardly wait to see KO rehash the event; not to mention the “spinning” heads on Faux Newz! Pat Buchanan is already havin’ fits ~ and as Chris Matthews would say, “HA!”
    Saw Pat last nite on MSNBC………came across as a whiney , dopey old goat. I guess they keep him around for entertainment value , because he is so irrelevant.

  21. Cynamen Winter says:

    Laughter is indeed good medicine…and I can hardly wait to see KO rehash the event; not to mention the “spinning” heads on Faux Newz! Pat Buchanan is already havin’ fits ~ and as Chris Matthews would say, “HA!”

    HAPPY, HAPPY, JOY, JOY…and Happy Mother’s Day!

  22. UK Lady says:

    It’s going to be fun watching Rush, Hannity and all the rest of the wingnuts exploding and whining about Wanda Sykes at the WHCD.

    Brilliant strategy by the WH. How can they bang on about their own rights to free speech when they don’t like ‘turnaround’. And it won’t help them that Wanda said she hoped Rush gets kidney failure, Rush has said as bad, and worse himself.

    Ten stupid things Rush has said, and they are by no means the worst –

    Time to send for the Whaaaaambulance!

  23. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    Aha: I saw it more as Obama laughing at the reactions to his jokes. I LOVED it!

  24. onion says:

    Sykes was great, and the Palin zinger was the funniest jab of em all.

  25. Tealwomin says:

    the GiNOs are taking over…just wants to keep the PALIN name in play…maybe Little Gov could change his, then he could officially travel out of state…

  26. Women Who Run With The Wolves says:

    Why was the Dud even there? Oh that’s right, he’s actually our Lt. Gov. Gino has truly made Parnell look like a “limp noodle” well, he can actually come off as a “limp noodle” just fine by his own means. They make me ill.

  27. BigPete says:

    Here’s the “warm-up” act, previously linked by Mona Lisa.

  28. marcus2 says:

    Wanda Sykes is very funny and tells it like it is. What a relief that Barack Obama is President. If not, we’d have to endure non-stop demonizing and ridicule of anyone not thinking in an extreme right-wing manner – as had happened under W Bush.

    All of Wanda’s barbs were well deserved, because Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and Sarah Palin have spewed forth much hatred and lies without any regret.

  29. KallieinTexas says:

    I’m still laughing. What a great Mother’s Day present! Wanda is hilarious. Comedy is a great equalizer and laughter is the best medicine! Kudos to all!

  30. aha says:

    I like how Obama seems to crack himself up when it’s pretty quiet in the room. Kinda like he’s the only one in on the joke. Damn, it makes me rewind all the time though to make sure it wasn’t just me didn’t get it.

    ”Gibbs like that one.”

  31. Tealwomin says:

    Happy Moms Day!

  32. Lisabeth says:


    Wow I missed SNL last might but thankfully I taped it. I can’t believe they went that far! I can’t wait to watch Wanda and President Obama.

  33. WakeUpAmerica says:

    Happy Mother’s Day, AKM! I hope you have a peaceful, happy day.

  34. Janet in Texas says:

    I saw Dud walk in the dinner with Greta and her husband so I guess he was sitting with them at the Faux table. Looked like the Faux table was way back in a corner and very dark. lol !

  35. Ripley in CT says:

    The Boss Lombaugh one about him and the oxycontin had me guffawing! She hit the nail on the head so many times, it was great. I missed the Pres speech but plan to go find it with my coffee.

    Happy Mother’s Day to all you with reason to be celebrated!

  36. penny says:

    What a great way to start mother’s day!

    AKM, you rock!

  37. Paula says:

    That was great, but even better was when Colbert roaster GW Bush. He spent the entire time ripping him to shreds, look it up.

    Loved the Limbaugh, Hannity and Palin jokes. I mean come on, she roatsed everyone, but how much negative and stupid has the new admin. done? Get Oprah to give away the money, that was funny, too.

  38. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    You said it, Irishgirl. This was a tonic for me too. I’ve been wandering around the house this morning singing, I love our President! What a class act. Wanda was great.

  39. michigander says:

    I watched last night on TV- loved it! Thanks AKM -now I can watch again, plus hubby didn’t see it yet (o:

  40. Irishgirl says:

    I have tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard….what a Sunday morning tonic (for me). Wanda was incredible!! 🙂

  41. califpat says:

    Wanda Sykes was absolutely hilarious and I loved seeing rhe Republicans squirm. Ya-hoo!!!!

  42. ds55 says:

    Wanda Sykes on Rush Limbaugh who said he hopes this administration fails:
    “I hope his kidneys fail. How about that, huh?”

    What a great line!

  43. UK Lady says:

    Oh Noes!! missed the party again!, damn this time difference thingy. Had to go to bed at 2.20am ater falling asleep on my keyboard. It was still the comedy writers talking about making the shows then.

    Never mind I will still enjoy watching all the vids I can find today. I can’t believe I said on the open thread last night I wished Wanda would ask Hannity if he wanted a glass of water, never thought she would dare bring it up. WOW!

    Sounds like she blasted the lot of them – can’t wait to see wingnut heads exploding! Laughing at them is the best way to deal with them, makes them look silly and makes them act even sillier.

  44. Lainey says:

    In the video of all the ‘celebrity’s’ arriving, did anybody notice Greta VS wearing a tux??? What was that? And I guess Dud was her date for the evening…since he’s used to being in that opposite marriage situation that Lee323 mentioned.

  45. akConstant says:

    I am guessing Todd laughed. It was funny. Everybody laughs at this event. The only joke I know he didn’t laugh at was the insinuation he was a pedophile and father of his daughter’s baby on Saturday Night Live.

  46. Lainey says:

    Was that Dulé Hill I spotted on the screen about that time? Charlie from The West Wing?
    yes, I believe it was…I saw KO laugh to the joke about him being the one to waterboard Hannity…not that torture is funny. I like how she put the spotlight on Cheney too! Her whole act was hilarious!

  47. Tidelines says:

    Here in Wasilla I just wish this got replayed on the tv screens in the electronics section of the local shopping places – I would stand outside looking in just to see folks laugh! Grrrrrrrrreat stuff!

  48. Lainey says:

    What a riot…lovin’ the Wanda! Besides nailin’ palin (so on point, but I wish she had been there to slither under her chair with shame), I also liked the OxyC/Rush one (those two upstanding, moral ppl – NOT! –Zing! lol)
    …and the one about picking on the first family for choosing Bo, the dog, after PO just rescued the White House from an abusive owner…priceless!
    The truth hurts, but is best told thru comedy…it resonates longer.

  49. califpat says:

    MSNBC says that Dud was there mingling and looking like a deer in headlights before our President spoke,

  50. dowl says:

    Now I’ve got to go to Huffpo and find my president’s speech. It did not occur to me to watch the whole thing on CSPAN–or to check Huffpo first. That’s says a lot about about how good Mudflats (and crew) is in covering the news.

    Happily LMAO!

    ‘Flatters to whom it applies–Happy Mothers’ Day!

  51. dowl says:

    I’m always saying thank you, AKM. I truly thank you for this post with accompanying video. Wanda Sykes did a really good job (IMHO). To hear her, on point, skewer the Republicks, roast Dubya, AND pierce your pitiful GINO–priceless!

    While I do not personally know the President and First Lady, I am a member of his former church, Trinity United Church of Christ; I live in their Hyde Park community, and I think they are good for those who do NOT want this country to fail.

    What do y’all think Rush Limbaugh, the titular head of the Republicks, will say to the ‘ditto-heads’ about Ms. Sykes? (Oh, it doesn’t matter…) AND, where was Mr. Palin–wasn’t he scheduled to attend?

    This clip made LMAO. Thanks again.

  52. here_in_PA says:

    @ seattlefan – What a pleasure to have a president we can laugh with and not laugh at. I am so happy tonight. Sighhhhhhh!

    I absolutely agree!!! So nice to see a smile and someone that actually has a great sense of humor. I love it!!! Hehehe, Michelle has the right to “bare” arms. What a hoot!! At the ending, the commentator read some tweets bout how the right said that Sykes wasn’t that funny and stepped outta bounds. Was fun to watch.

  53. Lee323 says:

    “Governor Palin…she’s not here tonight. She pulled out at the last minute. You know, somebody should tell her that’s not really how you practice abstinence.”

    Beyond the obvious joke about abstinence is the more subtle undercurrent of gender roles. Who’s doing the pulling out? Who’s wearing the pants in the family?…… Is this an example of the “opposite marriages” that Ms. California was gushing about? LOL.

    Funny stuff……but what a sharp slap at SWWNBN and her consort.

  54. Wanda was excellent, and so was our President!

  55. seattlefan says:

    mhrt Says:
    May 9th, 2009 at 9:42 PM
    Dude must have been burning up when W. Sykes said that about ms plain.

    Wanda knew he was in the house and she said it anyway. LOL! I love her. She actually toned down tonight and still was able to zing everybody in the house.

  56. mhrt says:

    Dude must have been burning up when W. Sykes said that about ms plain.

  57. Lani Formerly Bash Budweiser Palin says:

    Pres. Obama’s and Sykes’s full speeches are all over the ‘net, including c-span & HuffPo. I’ve watched both twice (so far) and laughed just as much the second time. Now I’m looking forward to seeing what Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert do with this wealth of material on Monday!

  58. mhrt says:

    @Peaceful Granny Says:
    May 9th, 2009 at 9:19 P
    Thinking of you and yours..congratulations.

  59. seattlefan says:

    BTW…Love “Dudeapalozzq”. Tee hee! Anyone know what the next stop is?

  60. Alaska Pi says:

    AKM- can’t see the vids (dial up too slow ) and don’t have TV so had to settle for your squib/squab from Ms Sykes’ roast.

    Thank you, thank you !
    snickering,giggling , heehawing, chortling, guffawing…
    Needed that…

    Wonder if the dude-les understood it…?

  61. Peaceful Granny says:

    Oh, thank you….I just got my sound back, so now I can actually watch and listen to the video…back later after….well, if the newest great grand child doesn’t make it’s appearance first…I’ve been notified it may arrive sometime tonight or tomorrow morning…

  62. Snoskred says:


    That Rush Limbaugh joke about the oxycontin! 😉 Absolute classic! And I love how she busted everyone for laughing on the inside, too.. 🙂 Was that Dulé Hill I spotted on the screen about that time? Charlie from The West Wing? My youtube is often a bit blurry, maybe someone who saw it live can say for sure..

    I have to say I needed that laugh. I also watched Barack’s speech which is available on Huffpo and that was amazing also too.

  63. seattlefan says:

    Loved Obama’s speech and Wanda knocked it out of the park! I wish I could have been a fly at the Faux table tonight. I only saw one shot when they zoomed on Glenn Beck. He didn’t look too happy at all. The internets and the wingnut radios will be buzzing for a few days.

    What a pleasure to have a president we can laugh with and not laugh at. I am so happy tonight. Sighhhhhhh!

  64. austintx says:

    Wanda delivered !! Dang – wish we could have seen Dud’s face !!

  65. UgaVic says: