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Wasilla High Abstains.


Well, looks like Palin got expelled.  No, not Bristol.  Sarah.

Tonight is the graduation ceremony for Wasilla High School, and Bristol Palin is graduating.  This did surprise me a little.  Back when I was a youth, if your hind end was out of the chair for more than 18 days out of the 180 day school year you were toast.  Summer school for you, unless you were dead.  I know that if I had had a baby and accompanied my parents on the campaign trail during the school year, I’d have missed way more than 18 days.  But times change, I suppose.  And I know I wouldn’t want to be the high school teacher who told the Palins I was going to fail their kid.  But no matter.  Bristol is graduating, and good for her.  May her future be bright.

But even the girl’s graduation has now become the focus of a soap opera. Ohhhh, the drama.  The Anchorage Daily News is now reporting on an amusing little hissy fit posted on a pro-Palin blog.   Seems that they reported on the fact that Wasilla High didn’t want the governor to speak at the commencement.  “WHAAAAT?” they gasp with hands on chest. Where’s the fainting sofa?!  Quick!!  A cold cloth!  Is there a doctor in the house?!

We learned that the senior class advisors, representing the student body, invited Gov. Palin to speak to the graduating class. All signs indicate that she accepted the invitation, but the school’s administration then decided against it, presumably because they did not want a politician speaking at the ceremony. The school’s administration denied any knowledge of this in an email reply to C4P, but the students are sticking by the story as well as our sources in Wasilla.

Even more troubling is the news that Gov. Palin will not be invited on the stage to shake students’ hands when they receive their diploma, which is a traditional practice whenever a governor is in attendance.”

Oh, troubling….troubling it is….(they wring their little hands and pace the floor)

A note to the student body….if  (air quoting with fingers) “all signs indicate she accepted the invitation” that doesn’t mean very much.  Just ask the organizers of the GOP Winter Retreat, CPAC, The Republican House & Senate Dinner, The Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute, Fox News, …. you get the idea. 

“But, WHY??  WHY??” they ask, as they look skyward, ripping out great clumps of hair.  “It must be……Obama.”

I don’t know the answer, but my suspicion is that everything changed for her the moment she dared to challenge Barack Obama. And I find that disturbing.

Umm…excuse me?  (waving a tiny wave)  Could it be, perhaps, that they don’t want to invite the single most polarizing human being in the state of Alaska to shake high schoolers’ hands as they receive their diplomas?  Contrary to popular belief, there are actually some students who maybe don’t think Sarah Palin walks on water, and high school kids are kind of notorious for doing “interesting” things at their graduations.  Do they really want some high school guy pulling up his shirt to reveal an Obama logo or something worse, in front of a bunch of friends with cell phone cameras?  You could sell that picture, I guarantee it.  Or maybe they just want the event to be about the kids, and not turn it into a media frenzy.  Wise move Wasilla High.  You kept it uncontroversial…or so you thought.

Apparently nothing involving the Palins is ever uncontroversial, not even a simple high school graduation.

Despite the fact that Wasilla High School has dared to commit this horrible atrocity, this unforgivable sin in the eyes of Palinbots, (they imagine the principal of WH taking a white leather glove and slapping the governor across the face) it seems life will go on.  Palin mouthpiece Meg Stapleton had this to say:

At the end of the day, the Governor is excited to sit back and enjoy this graduation with no pressure on the stage and in the spotlight. She will relish the moment with the family.

OK, so when Meg Stapleton is the most level-headed rational voice in the room, you know the others concerned have gone just a wee bit over the edge. 

So now I shall have a nice glass of sparkling cider, and give a nice Mudflats toast the Wasilla High class of 2009.  Go Warriors! May you go forth and travel, embrace the wide world, learn and grow, come back and make your hometown and your state a better place for your having been here.  Cheers to you!  >clink<



137 Responses to “Wasilla High Abstains.”
  1. Bystander says:

    #134 above: I didn’t realize Sarah’s middle name was “Fay”.

  2. austintx says:

    WOW. I never liked detention in school. I’ve been a couple of times here. Did not like it. WOW.

  3. MizzR says:

    A little pointer for Bristol. Check your hem length. I tripped over my gown at my graduation and fell clean off the stage.

    Not a proud moment for me, although my parents were proud nonetheless.

  4. Fay says:

    Better a Palinbot than an Obamabot. At least we’re on the winning team, the team that loves this country and will fight to save it from destruction by socialists.

    How much do they pay you to malign Sarah Palin? Your malice only inspires us to work that much harder for Sarah. Because we know what you refuse to acknowledge – she is a gift from God to help lead this country out of the miry mess the radical left is leading it into.

    I can’t wait to vote for Sarah Palin in 2012! May God bless her with renewed wind in her sails! And God bless and have mercy on America!

  5. Marnie says:

    “I don’t know the answer, but my suspicion is that everything changed for her the moment she dared to challenge Barack Obama. And I find that disturbing.”

    When exactly did Sarah ever “challenge” Obama. She was running mate to John McCain who was the Repocon chosen to run for President.
    SHE has never been in the ring against Obama. He wasn’t running against Sarah. Why would a Presidential candidate want to run against the second string?
    Why would the President of the United states waste their time on a failed VP candidate whose popularity, in her own State is dropping faster than the Republican Party’s is.

    I find the idiocy and factual vacuity of that statement “disturbing.” It is certainly delusional.

  6. Marnie says:

    “Even more troubling is the news that Gov. Palin will not be invited on the stage to shake students’ hands when they receive their diploma, which is a traditional practice whenever a governor is in attendance.”

    This has probably already been said, but she is attending as a parent not as the Gov.
    Also, too the administration may have not want to set a precedent of parents elbowing their way into the commencement speakership of their graduating child. Much hard feelings and hair pulling could come from getting that practice started.

    Visualize Sarah and Mrs. Johnson vying for that honor. (assuming Levi would be graduating.)

  7. jojobo1 says:

    Congratulations to all the graduation students not just Bristol of WHS. She should not have been picked out to be talked about. Where is Levi.Why wouldn’t he have been in the line if schools do things to help students save face. If Palin had not pulled him into her mess he would have graduated with his class,Where are the pictures of him.

  8. curiouser says:

    #126 InJuneau Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 2:15 PM

    @curiouser–yeah, what happened to going to school to become a nurse? I thought that what she told GVS or someone somewhere along the line (or was that just Meg’s “line” about what she was going to be doing?!?)

    I think Mercede mentioned something about Bristol taking/not taking nursing classes but I don’t remember which interview. Meg’s statements always sounded to me like Bristol was already going to college.

  9. curiouser says:

    winkwinkWA…..the problem might be that I’m not registered at and can’t do a search. I can see why a listing at would raise some questions but I wouldn’t take it as an official WHS graduates record.

  10. austintx says:

    118 Keith Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 1:00 PM
    Interesting GPA. We can conclude one of two things. . . 1) Bristol is really, really bright, or 2) Wasilla HS academics is really, really weak.
    For your consideration as #3……..Since she did it online – her “tutor” did the work. It’s the Palin way. Phone it in.

  11. InJuneau says:

    @curiouser–yeah, what happened to going to school to become a nurse? I thought that what she told GVS or someone somewhere along the line (or was that just Meg’s “line” about what she was going to be doing?!?)

  12. InJuneau says:

    BTW, New Thread Alert!

  13. InJuneau says:

    @Keith–my guess would be the latter.

  14. InJuneau says:

    @mlaiuppa–It depends on the cutoff date for entering school where you live when you are starting K (or whatever). When I was a kid in IL, I think the cutoff date was late Nov., so as long as you would be 5 by then, you could start K in that fall. However, it’s much earlier in AK (at least now), and I think it’s the end of Aug. SO, if you were somewhere with a later cutoff date when you started K, you prob. did finish earlier that BP, as her b-day is well past the cutoff for AK. I’d always heard that 2008-2009 was to be her senior year. I don’t know anything about an alumni thing saying she should have graduated last year…

    (BTW, I think it’s still legal to not start any schooling, regular or at home, until you’re 7 in this state! Yes, you could really stay out of school till you should be in 2nd grade. Can you imagine how behind you’d be if you did that?)

  15. winkwinkWA says:

    Try again–go to type in Wasilla High School, Wasilla Alaska in the box on the right side — Bristols name is in the second column, about a inch down the slider.

  16. curiouser says:

    @winkwink….thanks for answering. The link didn’t work for me….only took me to a Classmates registration page.

    I’m inclined to believe the reports that 2009 is Bristol’s actual class. You may have something there about a blank diploma, though. If Wasilla is like some other districts in the lower 48, she may have been allowed to walk with her class even with some uncompleted credits. Guess we’ll know if she really graduated when she starts college. The Mat-Su Frontiersman has an article today about the graduation…mostly fluff piece. No mention of the Palins and no link to a list of the graduates like they did in the 2007 graduation article.

  17. winkwinkWA says:

    Seems Bristol is the only graduate in the 2009 class??? No valedictorian or honor students?? No special speakers?? First teen with a baby to graduate in the country??? No pictures of Miss Sarah or the Big Dudd or the baby at graduation?? Why not have Miss Cali there too??? Or even Rushbo??? Sarah, your slipping!!!!

  18. winkwinkWA says:

    Here is the reference— Bristol Palin 2004-2008 Levi Johnston- 2004-2008 She probably only needed a couple credits to complete and if she took the GED exam she could have walked with her class but received a blank diploma since she already got a GED diploma, remember this is Palin country…..gotta make it look good.

  19. Keith says:

    Interesting GPA. We can conclude one of two things. . . 1) Bristol is really, really bright, or 2) Wasilla HS academics is really, really weak.

  20. Gingerbread Man says:

    @ Ripley in CT Post #82:

    The ADN has a link to the C4Pee website?! How disgusting. I suppose they just consider it paid advertising, and lord knows, they’re in a world of hurt over there economically. It sure seems that since the McClatchy Corp. took over the paper, they’ve sold their journalistic soul to the Palin bots. It used to be a decent paper, years ago. Very sad.
    So maybe AKM ought to buy a link to the mudflats, too. I’d be happy to kick in some $$ toward that. Anybody else in?

  21. curiouser says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 10:16 AM

    winkwinkWA Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 4:22 AM

    Congratulations to all the graduates. Bristol has to be a 2nd year senior because she’s listed as a 2008 alumni on the Wasilla Alumni list, but so is Levi????
    Oh so 2008 was her GRAD class not 2009! I see said the blind man!
    I suppose since 2008 was full of changin’ diapers and makin’ bottles….just not enough time to go to school…ok I can see that…. 😆
    Just as long as its made clear…2008 was her CLASS!

    Is there a reference to the Wasilla Alumni list?

  22. curiouser says:

    Per the People Mag article, Bristol’s is planning on getting an AA degree and then go into real estate (like ‘Auntie’ Kristen Cole?). Seems like she may have lowered her education and career goals. So much for the supportive family offering real support.

  23. Elizabeth says:

    I don’t know about Alaska, but in Washington, students can do quite a variety of things to graduate. My 17yo granddaughter has been out of school for health reasons. She is taking one class at school and others at homeschooling. She also will go to the community college for summer school. Next year, she hopes to do “running start” at the community college. Will she graduate with her class? Unknown at this time, but perhaps. It depends on how hard she works. So I don’t think we can say whether or not Bristol “earned” her diploma.

  24. Sarah in SC says:

    austintx Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 2:57 AM
    sarah + high school + drama……..does it ever end ??

    How ’bout :

    Sarah + drama = (stuck back there in) high school

  25. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    mlaiuppa Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 10:55 AM

    I’m just asking because… birthday is also in October, very close to Brisol’s.

    I graduated when I was 17 and I was in the first semester of college when I turned 18. So to my mind…..Bristol is a year behind me.
    Me also, I grad when 17 and my b-day in oct.

  26. mlaiuppa says:

    I’m just asking because… birthday is also in October, very close to Brisol’s.

    I graduated when I was 17 and I was in the first semester of college when I turned 18. So to my mind…..Bristol is a year behind me.

    As for GPA. This is not a set thing. It’s the person who has the highest GPA in the school. My nephew was valedictorian of his school. I think his GPA was something like 4.6 Yes. over 4.0. When I asked about this I found he had taken a lot of honor’s courses and was also taking courses at the local college that counted toward credit. And so his GPA was higher than a 4.0. Now if the highest GPA in the school is a 3.85….then that’s your valedictorian.

    So….just asking.

  27. Betsy Drake says:

    The Palin family does not put alot of emphasis on education. Sp was very marginal—she went to Hawaii but didn’t like the rain. she had no committment to education– 6 schools in six years. Todd-no college. Track-no college. The kids were out of school for more than 2 months on the campaign trail. Mouthings of homeschooling and the grandparents helping out. There was no time for that on the campaign trail. GPs weren’t there. SP pulls the kids of school for events–“state biz” and she gets to bill the state.
    She lacks intellect and deep thinking required for national office.

  28. margaritamix says:

    Kathy from /Texas: I laughed so hard I spit coffee through my nose!! Great job , you really have her down pat. Hey, maybe you should be her ghost writer!!! Mudflats thanks again for the great blog! I don’t miss it.

  29. austintx says:

    Whoa -sorry about that………using a touchy laptop.

  30. austintx says:

    98 Palinoscopy Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 9:44 AM
    61 austintx Says: May 15th, 2009 at 4:50 AM

    Were the Seniors given a departing gift ?? Ck. out what these Seniors recieved.

    Prom suve’s, Austin. Not commencement gifts. Principal at Warwick dropped the ball by not properly reviewing the purchase order. Really caused a stink down here a couple weeks ago and then again last week after 20 or seniors from another regional high school were busted for drinking at a house party.
    Yup – I saw the difference. I admit , I was being a smart-ass yahoo.

  31. austintx says:

    98 Palinoscopy Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 9:44 AM
    61 austintx Says: May 15th, 2009 at 4:50 AM

    Were the Seniors given a departing gift ?? Ck. out what these Seniors recieved.

    Prom suve’s, Austin. Not commencement gifts. Principal at Warwick dropped the ball by not properly reviewing the purchase order. Really caused a stink down here a couple weeks ago and then again last week after 20 or seniors from another regional high school were busted for drinking at a house party.

    98 Palinoscopy Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 9:44 AM
    61 austintx Says: May 15th, 2009 at 4:50 AM

    Were the Seniors given a departing gift ?? Ck. out what these Seniors recieved.

    Prom suve’s, Austin. Not commencement gifts. Principal at Warwick dropped the ball by not properly reviewing the purchase order. Really caused a stink down here a couple weeks ago and then again last week after 20 or seniors from another regional high school were busted for drinking at a house party.
    Yup – I saw the difference. I admit , I was being a smart-ass yahoo.

  32. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    DrChill Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 10:06 AM

    A question about you anonymous bloggers there in Alaska.
    (Anonymous blogosphere world)

    How many of you are there?

    Every time I hear her talk about it, I wonder if she’s including Mudflats, or is referring to Mudflats or whatever….

    Any ideas?
    Dr. Chill…WE are ANON BLOGGERS! We are legion!!!! (and so are her syncophants like ram,juju, etc!)

  33. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    winkwinkWA Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 4:22 AM

    Congratulations to all the graduates. Bristol has to be a 2nd year senior because she’s listed as a 2008 alumni on the Wasilla Alumni list, but so is Levi????
    Oh so 2008 was her GRAD class not 2009! I see said the blind man!
    I suppose since 2008 was full of changin’ diapers and makin’ bottles….just not enough time to go to school…ok I can see that…. 😆
    Just as long as its made clear…2008 was her CLASS!

  34. DrChill says:

    A question about you anonymous bloggers there in Alaska.
    (Anonymous blogosphere world)

    How many of you are there?

    Every time I hear her talk about it, I wonder if she’s including Mudflats, or is referring to Mudflats or whatever….

    Any ideas?

  35. Ahuuuchoo says:

    Ok, my thoughts on Prejean. I think perez hilton was a jerk. I think she is entitlted to her OPINION. However, don’t put it out there your a wonderful evangalical type and now palin loves ya. You modeled in skimpy undies and said it was to start your modeling career – and that you were very clear about modest issues. Yea, right. Sorry, don’t buy it.

    Then again, I’m learing that evangaglicals are mostly bigots who don’t live by their own rules.

  36. bubbles says:

    congratulations to the class of 2009. wherever in this world you are. may you enjoy life to its fullness and take what sorrow comes in stride. very proud and happy for you….b

  37. Palinoscopy says:

    hmmm… didn’t include the quote. musta mistyped the html code. so, here:

    Dwight has done a lot for the Palin kids, and for the Palins. Just like he would for any student or parent at WHS. He’s a wonderful person, a very careful administrator. I doubt he had anything but the best interests of the school in mind in the decision.

    So typical of C4P to take the low road on this. So atypical of Stapleton not to follow them down it.

    Phil Munger

  38. Palinoscopy says:

    I like what Phil Munger wrote in the ADN comments section:

    Phil Munger”

  39. Palinoscopy says:

    61 austintx Says: May 15th, 2009 at 4:50 AM

    Were the Seniors given a departing gift ?? Ck. out what these Seniors recieved.

    Prom suve’s, Austin. Not commencement gifts. Principal at Warwick dropped the ball by not properly reviewing the purchase order. Really caused a stink down here a couple weeks ago and then again last week after 20 or seniors from another regional high school were busted for drinking at a house party.

  40. Bretta says:

    “””mlaiuppa Says: First….isn’t this Bristol’s second senior year? Wasn’t she supposed to graduate last year? May 14th, 2009 at 9:22 PM”””

    Bristol would graduate in 2009 based on her birthdate in the Fall of 1990.
    My daughter is the same age and graduated on Monday 11 May 2009.

  41. Palinoscopy says:

    67 barrow burt Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 6:21 AM
    too funny, you leave those nasty, rude comments about Bristol, Levi and Wasilla but you won’t publish anything by somebody who happens to disagree with you.

    What bravery, what courage.

    *Please read the comment guidelines. AKM*


    I don’t have comment guidelines on my site, AKM, so next time they come here and complain, send them over so’s I can have fun making fun of their complaining.

  42. trisha says:

    Sarah said, she is proud and relieved. Gee, I guess graduating from high school is a pretty big deal in the Palin household. Considering that this is the first graduate that they have been able to produce, I guess they should be relieved.

    But seriously, is this event really a major life accomplishment for the daughter of a Governor? Scary….really scary.

  43. Bretta says:

    austintx Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 5:04 AM

    62 the problem child Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 4:56 AM
    austintx Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 4:41 AM
    58 Bystander Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 4:26 AM
    The only thing “shocking” to me is Bristol graduating.
    Don’t you have to attend high school for 4 years to graduate? Among the pregnancies, campaigns, being secreted in an undisclosed location, etc. hasn’t Bristol missed at least 2 years?
    Exactly. Guess Bristol was operating under the ” My mom is the Gov. and I get a ‘Gold Plated Hall Pass’” rule. Truth be known , they probably just wanted to get Bristol gone.
    Perhaps because of those pesky rumours about the swim coach?
    That also.too. Bristol recieved the “Nuisance Be Gone” diploma.
    Wonder if it is a real diploma – can’t be the alternate “attendance certificate” since the b*u*t*t wasn’t in the chair. Sometimes they just let the person cross the stage to save someone from embarrassment. No piece of paper between the boards. Guess we won’t ever see that document. Either. Also. Or.

  44. Palinoscopy says:

    oh wait a sec… did you use a 4-letter word in your entry? yanno the one… begins with C and has 4 in the middle and Palin at the end… banishment, I say! Banishment!



    well, let’s just say that if I were still a teenager walking across the stage to the outstretched arm of the warbly guv, I might just be tempted to turn, bend and moon.

    With “Obama” strategically written, if you know what I mean.

  45. austintx says:

    88 Lilybart Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 8:49 AM
    crystalwolfcaligirl: Wasillia sports complex, her “home away from home”….!

    That’s because the sports complex looks just like her home.
    Funny AND true !! Plus a big selection of dumb jocks. Is there a pool there for “aqua man” ??

  46. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Lilybart Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 8:49 AM

    crystalwolfcaligirl: Wasillia sports complex, her “home away from home”….!

    That’s because the sports complex looks just like her home.
    Bystander Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 9:02 AM

    Lily, you mean like same windows, kitchen, stairs and landing? What a coincidence!!! How does that sort of thing happen???
    Yes. Spenerd (sp) building supplies had a lien on la casa de palin….

  47. Bystander says:

    Lily, you mean like same windows, kitchen, stairs and landing? What a coincidence!!! How does that sort of thing happen???

    Let’s ask the architect, the contractor and the subcontractors.

    Oops, I forgot, no plans on file, no building permit, no inspections, no certificate of occupancy, no public record whatsoever as to who built it. Musta been Todd’s “buddies”, you betcha!!!

  48. KaJo says:

    I was appalled to see that the fruitcakes over at C4P nearly started up a vengeful telephone campaign to the Wasilla High School administration over this so-called “dissing” of Palin.

    One nut, “Lakerfan.something” by name, dug out the telephone number for the school and posted it in the graduation topic comments, and the very next comment was by a C4P moderator saying, “no, don’t call! No one call the school!”, trying to forstall one of those en masse bullying tactics they’ve used on the ADN and anyone else who isn’t bowing and scraping and being submissive to Palin.

  49. Lilybart says:

    crystalwolfcaligirl: Wasillia sports complex, her “home away from home”….!

    That’s because the sports complex looks just like her home.

  50. honestyinGov says:

    I just read and saw the People pics with Bristol. They report she is a ‘ budding activist ‘ now… Who new.

    I guess that would mean she will no longer be ‘off limits’ when she speaks or acts out/up.
    She may start to get all ‘ activist-icky ‘ when Her Mom get mavericky.

  51. karmakarma says:

    I overheard Gramma Heath talking in the Anchorage airport last fall. She said that all the Palin kids would have to go to summer school to catch up because they had missed so much school. I heard her say other stuff too; I couldn’t believe she was spilling so many beans about the family in a public place!

  52. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    IsyFleur Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 7:50 AM

    Maybe the rule at Wasilla High is you have to attend school for at least 18 days out of 180 to graduate?
    Yeah…that must be it!

  53. IsyFleur says:

    Maybe the rule at Wasilla High is you have to attend school for at least 18 days out of 180 to graduate?

  54. Bystander says:

    I agree with the posters above, I can understand why Wasilla High (and probably a lot of the parents) would want to see Bristol in the rear view mirror, decreasing in size…

    Problem is, with Willow and Piper coming up, they are facing literally another 10 years of drama.

    Einstein’s definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result…

  55. Ripley in CT says:

    Want to know how I read this news yesterday, before this post? I was at ADN to read about the fires in Homer and they had a LINK TO See4Pee!!! The ADN actually had a link to that nasty site. So, I clicked it. And there it was. Blaming Obama for GINO not being able to give out diplomas and shake hands and speak at her own daughter’s graduation!!!

    I am constantly amazed. I suspect that Murdoch owns the ADN.

  56. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Well, I guess all the WHS grads parents are just glad their Sons & Daughters graduated without becoming poster children for teen pregnancy or worse…. otherwise I suspect there would be allot of outrage just how did Bristol manage to graduate without attending HS and to all reports these last few months, uh…helping the swim coach!
    If I was a parent there I would be outraged, if I lived in Alaska I would be outraged at GINO & family getting away with everything.

  57. DonnaInMichigan says:

    “Palin said in an interview that one of her first thoughts when Bristol announced her surprise pregnancy last spring was, Oh, there goes her education. “And that’s why I’m so proud of her … really relieved,” Palin says. “It’s been a challenging and exciting year – her senior year – and I’m just so pleased that we are where we are today.”

    Again it’s ALL About SARAH…..


    Sarah is RELIEVED

    Not giving Bristol the kudo’s what it took HER to do it.

  58. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    hey mods, please rescue two of my posts…..I used the past tense for going #1, it’s not so bad a word is it?

  59. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    pleased? sounds more like relief spelled in all caps, lol……Bristol says she has a 3.4 gpa. (people mag) it must be an exclusive on going contract huh……how much to they pay? and to whom, for lending their words.

    “Palin said in an interview that one of her first thoughts when Bristol announced her surprise pregnancy last spring was, Oh, there goes her education. “And that’s why I’m so proud of her … really relieved,” Palin says. “It’s been a challenging and exciting year – her senior year – and I’m just so pleased that we are where we are today.”

  60. Gardenslug says:

    It does seem like Bristol has missed quite a lot of school. Did she even attend her junior year? And, do all the kids who have missed so much school get to graduate with their class?

  61. Terpsichore says:

    Hey Wrangler Tractor @68, that is quite the thought … and if true (or something similar), it would be a good explanation for why the principal didn’t want to talk about it. Hmmm, she said, adjusting her Reynolds Wrap Beanie.

  62. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:,,20279197,00.html
    “Looking like a lot of her classmates – giddy and irreverent, wearing a silly necklace of Blow-Pop lollipops strung together with curly gift ribbon – Bristol Palin stepped toward the stage in Wasilla Sports Complex Thursday night to receive her high school diploma, more a worried mom than a jubilant teen. ”

    The article goes on to say Bristol is 19? I thought she turned 18 last oct? More spin? Wasillia sports complex, her “home away from home”….!

  63. Candy Knight says:

    Letting Bristol graduate sends an ugly message to those kids who actually had to attend class and do their work to get their diplomas–and to the ones who dropped out and didn’t get their diplomas because their mom isn’t governor. I suspect there was some simmering anger and resentment in that crowd.

    The C4P flock is really going off the deep end. Did you see the post they ran in which they twisted a complaint about tour buses in the neighborhood around the governor’s mansion into a liberal plot to shut down Piper’s lemonade stand and take away her swing? Like Sarah herself, they are always casting her as the victim. Because their world revolves around Sarah, they think everyone else’s–including Obama!–does, too. It is flat out crazy.

  64. ericmiami says:

    That conservatives4palin site is enough to gag a maggot.

  65. BahstinBoyo aka Wrangler Tractor Palin says:

    From the HuffPo link… I think I need one of those airline bags! Verp!,,20279197,00.html

  66. BahstinBoyo aka Wrangler Tractor Palin says:

    Congrats to the graduates.

    Here’s a thought. GINO contacts someone (or some few) people on the Wasilla school board, maybe they are old school chums, and sets the deal. She wants Bristol to graduate… and in return, she won’t speak at the ceremony, even if invited, she’ll just sit there as any other proud parent and let the kids have the day. No media circus, no noteriety, no fanfare. No taking away from the moment. If YOU were a school board member, it would be difficult to say ‘no’. The proof of the pudding will be Saracuda’s defering any attentions to her back to the students. ‘We shall see, said the blind man… we shall see!’

    And that pic from Eagle… look closer. Her right arm is wrapped around that poor impressionable teen… is SHE holding the sign??

  67. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    It was ironic that just as C4peed blog broke the grad uninvite story, Van Flien was due to speak about Scarahs legal right to write a book, so who comes on at the beginning of the show before the lawyer, while Bristol herself on the phone giggling and thanking Eddie for graduation congratulations, gushing over her and her proud parents…….was that set up or what…..Palin bots were certainly on the ball and quickly got Eddie to call Bristol on the phone to cover up and disarm this little blow up on C4Peed. Somebody must have alerted him to do something to rescue the gov and diffuse the distraction so it wouldn’t blow up and take away from the legal spiel.

    Eddie Burke is pathetic.

  68. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Kath the Scrappy from Seattle Says:
    May 14th, 2009 at 11:19 PM

    Not being able to walk with the Class would be like planting a ‘Scarlet Letter’ on a youngster, scarring them for who knows how long.
    I finished my HS in Jan. Grad in June. This was many years ago as my Son is now 37. I choose not to attend graduation b/c I was 5 mos preg. I was not “scarred for life” nor do I have a “scarlet letter” School was not my “whole world” And have never attended reunions etc. JMO. I do not think getting a diploma is overrated, but grad ceremonies, proms etc are overrated HS BS.
    Especially now, except for a “privileged” woman like Bristol, If I had a Son or Daughter graduating I would be extremely concerned about their future not whether they “Walked with their classmates” but whether they had a job lined up, or college plans. Not everyone can ride on the coat tails of GINO’s fame like Bristol can. agains JMO.
    I’m glad WHS did not have GINO speak. She has pushed Bristol out there as Poster child for teen pregnancy, I cringe when I think of some poor 16-17 yr old dropout w/child on food stamps, no diapers, running out of food stamps, wondering how to pay the rent, and seeing Bristol prancing around getting gifts from all over, “say how hard it is” yeah….

  69. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I think Meg got her press release response from the C4peed blog, it was funny to read the process, they went from shock to dismay to outrage then worked their way to the opposite trying to find the silver lining, which is where Meg the gov MOP UP got her answer for this little embarrassment that C4peed brought to light, good work groupies, lol.

  70. barrow burt says:

    too funny, you leave those nasty, rude comments about Bristol, Levi and Wasilla but you won’t publish anything by somebody who happens to disagree with you.

    What bravery, what courage.

    Please read the comment guidelines. AKM

  71. DonnaInMichigan says:

    Congratulations Bristol!!

    And I am going to leave it at that.

  72. Jamie says:

    Sarah doesn’t seem the woman to sit back and enjoy anything without being in the spotlight! Remember Greta Van Sustern’s interview of “Bristol”. Mama Gov walks in and takes over.

    Who wants to bet she somehow wiggles her way into the spotlight?

    Good luck, Bristol. And I wonder how she did it, too.

  73. Ennealogic says:

    LOL, the ADN pick-up story about Wasilla High denying SP a podium, which came from the rumor factory at the echo chamber, turns out to be false. LOL on you, ADN!

  74. austintx says:

    62 the problem child Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 4:56 AM
    austintx Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 4:41 AM
    58 Bystander Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 4:26 AM
    The only thing “shocking” to me is Bristol graduating.
    Don’t you have to attend high school for 4 years to graduate? Among the pregnancies, campaigns, being secreted in an undisclosed location, etc. hasn’t Bristol missed at least 2 years?
    Exactly. Guess Bristol was operating under the ” My mom is the Gov. and I get a ‘Gold Plated Hall Pass’” rule. Truth be known , they probably just wanted to get Bristol gone.
    Perhaps because of those pesky rumours about the swim coach?
    That also.too. Bristol recieved the “Nuisance Be Gone” diploma.

  75. the problem child says:

    austintx Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 4:41 AM
    58 Bystander Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 4:26 AM
    The only thing “shocking” to me is Bristol graduating.
    Don’t you have to attend high school for 4 years to graduate? Among the pregnancies, campaigns, being secreted in an undisclosed location, etc. hasn’t Bristol missed at least 2 years?
    Exactly. Guess Bristol was operating under the ” My mom is the Gov. and I get a ‘Gold Plated Hall Pass’” rule. Truth be known , they probably just wanted to get Bristol gone.
    Perhaps because of those pesky rumours about the swim coach?

  76. austintx says:

    Were the Seniors given a departing gift ?? Ck. out what these Seniors recieved.

  77. michigander says:

    Daisy Daisy – perhaps the principal fears the wrath of Palin. She might not have sent him her special salad yet so he is on a gag order (o:

  78. austintx says:

    58 Bystander Says:
    May 15th, 2009 at 4:26 AM
    The only thing “shocking” to me is Bristol graduating.
    Don’t you have to attend high school for 4 years to graduate? Among the pregnancies, campaigns, being secreted in an undisclosed location, etc. hasn’t Bristol missed at least 2 years?
    Exactly. Guess Bristol was operating under the ” My mom is the Gov. and I get a ‘Gold Plated Hall Pass'” rule. Truth be known , they probably just wanted to get Bristol gone.

  79. Bystander says:

    The only thing “shocking” to me is Bristol graduating.
    Don’t you have to attend high school for 4 years to graduate? Among the pregnancies, campaigns, being secreted in an undisclosed location, etc. hasn’t Bristol missed at least 2 years?

  80. Daisy Daisy says:

    Since when did a High School Headmaster feel the need to be “prepared” when answering questions about a Governor?

    “ADN Mat-Su reporter Rindi White called the principal of Wasilla High School, Dwight Probasco, and he didn’t want to talk about it.

    “I was not prepared for this call. I’m not ready to give a statement,” he said.”

  81. winkwinkWA says:

    Congratulations to all the graduates. Bristol has to be a 2nd year senior because she’s listed as a 2008 alumni on the Wasilla Alumni list, but so is Levi????

  82. austintx says:

    What does disinvited mean ??

  83. austintx says:

    sarah + high school + drama……..does it ever end ??
    Bristol – Congrats on getting your diploma !!
    And to you and fellow Warriors , this anthem –

  84. Gindy50 says:

    At my graduation, my parents sat in the crowd and let me enjoy my time in the spot light. My dad, a prominent businessman back in the day, was asked to speak at the ceremony but politely refused saying it would detract from his child’s special day.
    Perhaps Sarah did the same but neglected to specifically inform the students of her decision. We’ve seen many times how she uses this technique of neglecting to inform to her supposed advantage. The “I didn’t know about it” technique is a trademark of her whole life.

  85. austintx says:

    yukonbushgrma – Hey – Glad to see on the tubes.Has any of that “crud” receded from around the house ??

  86. Memphis, NY says:

    Sad State of affairs thar ADN has to resort to reporting what is said on a blog and didn’t do their own reporting.

  87. samper says:

    Newsflash: It’s NOT SARAH’S GRADUATION! If she were speaking at my graduation, I’d stay home and write a strongly worded letter to whomever invited her to do so.

    She will do nothing but take AWAY from this experience for many of the kids AND their proud parents, even she’s just sitting in the audience. Blecccchhhh!

  88. Lee323 says:

    Mr. Probasco surely has been in a vise, no doubt about it….

    They made the right decision no matter how that decision was made. Considering the current overexposure politically that little ole Alaska and even littler ole Wasilla are experiencing, it would have been easy for the graduation to have turned into a Fox News ( and other news outlets) human interest story about the Palins. There are plenty of other kids on that stage who have worked their tails off for this graduation.

  89. yukonbushgrma says:

    Meg’s statement that SP just plans to enjoy the affair, makes me wonder if perhaps Bristol and her friends just want to have a “normal” graduation, devoid of all the hoopla and PR that would have accompanied her mother’s speech.

    I can’t imagine what Mr. Probasco has been going through. Certainly it’s nothing like he imagined when he signed on to the job …….

  90. yukonbushgrma says:

    @ #27 PalinSucks Says:
    “Palin, probably had Meg, make up & drop some signs off to Wasilla High, (Like these ones handed out in, Eagle).”
    Unfortunately those signs were made by supporters’ children to welcome her. Eagle came out strong in November for McCain/Palin.

    No one needed to make new signs. All of the old campaign signs are still up all over town!

    yechh, that photo you linked to …… I wish I could tell you the whole local skinny …

  91. Kath the Scrappy from Seattle says:

    “she shouldn’t have been allowed to walk with the graduates who actually attended school, got the grades, and EARNED their diploma.”

    I don’t know about that, have some difference of opinion. My older Sis, back in 1964, was supposed to graduate. Unfortunately, she had transferred to a Christian school for a year and it didn’t work out (she was stunned at how cliquish and downright mean). So she had transferred back to Public HS. They let her do the walk on Graduation Day, gave a blank paper degree. She had to do summer school to cover the 2 classes she was remiss, which she did and then received the diploma in the mail. Very confidential. At least she didn’t have to face the embarrassment. A LOT more merciful & productive.

    Why embarrass a youngster so that they drop out, rather than just finish a couple of classes? Not being able to walk with the Class would be like planting a ‘Scarlet Letter’ on a youngster, scarring them for who knows how long.

  92. Lee323 says:

    Congratulations WHS seniors 2009! Best wishes! Now, go to college!!

    My special admiration goes to the WHS “deciders” who pushed the media-hog/ho back into the shadows of the audience where she belongs…..and STFU!!!

  93. Martha says:

    Interesting, these two delusions describe Palin to a tee, I pulled put the “pertinent to Palin stuff”……….. Excerpts and link;

    Delusional Disorder

    (Also Called ‘Paranoid Disorder’, ‘Psychosis’)

    Delusional disorder most often occurs in middle to late life and is slightly more common in women than in men.

    Unfortunately, many people with this disorder do not seek help. It often is difficult for people with a mental disorder to recognize that they are not well. Without treatment, delusional disorder can be a lifelong illness.

    Acting on the delusions also can lead to violence or legal problems.

    The types of delusional disorder include:

    Grandiose — A person with this type of delusional disorder has an over-inflated sense of worth, power, knowledge, or identity. The person might believe he or she has a great talent or has made an important discovery.

    Persecutory — People with this type of delusional disorder believe that they (or someone close to them) are being mistreated, or that someone is spying on them or planning to harm them. It is not uncommon for people with this type of delusional disorder to make repeated complains to legal authorities.

    Mixed — People with this type of delusional disorder have two or more of the types of delusions listed above.

  94. Kath the Scrappy from Seattle says:

    Congrats to the Class of 2009! They’ve worked hard for their big special day, stayed in school, and receiving their diplomas. Glad they didn’t need to upstaged by the Gov making yet another speech. Let it be about them & only them.

  95. Lainey says:

    I agree…I don’t think bristol did the necessary work to complete her credits and she shouldn’t have been allowed to walk with the graduates who actually attended school, got the grades, and EARNED their diploma.
    All these ‘little’ infractions add up!

  96. InJuneau says:

    oops, missing punctuation…apologies.

  97. InJuneau says:

    @mlaiuppa–This year was actually Bristol’s only senior year She was 17 when the school year started and turned 18 in Oct., so this would have been her senior year. I believe Levi was supposed to have graduated last year but didn’t. He’s a year older than she is.

  98. BooBooBear says:

    I am so happy Bristol did not have to be upstaged by GINO like when she burst into the Greta VanSusteren interview. Bristol looked stunned and annoyed, don’t you think? Palin just does not like passing up a photo op…no matter what. i love how the KOOKS over at that other blog think that Obama is to blame for everything. I highly doubt Obama and his advisors arranged to have GINO pulled as the speaker at this graduation. They must still think everyone in Wasilla loves GINO…..I happen to know tons of valley people who cannot stand her or her entire family anymore. We all used to be proud to say we are from Alaska…….sadly it is embarrassing. GINO has taken that from all of us. She can take the full blame for ruining this State’s reputation. She is pathetic.

  99. Martha says:

    honestyinGov Says:
    May 14th, 2009 at 9:18 PM

    However…. She was a No-Show. It was reported on TMZ… the reason.
    Headline :Miss California — Too Tired to Do Larry
    She had a Birthday Party last night….. and sources say she partied a little too much.
    I guess “the devil made Her do it”…. AGAIN!

    Oooohhh… what a role model. So much for commitment.
    Palin must be so proud.
    Miss California has the windows of her mind so far open that………God must have sailed right on through!

    It’s a wonder he had time to stop and chat with her at all!……………;)

    “I felt as though Satan was trying to tempt me in asking me this question. And then God was in my head and in my heart saying, ‘Do not compromise this. You need to stand up for me and you need to share with all these people . . . you need to witness to them and you need to show that you’re not willing to compromise that for this title of Miss USA.’
    Joan Rivers;
    While appearing on Wednesday’s CBS Early Show comedian Joan Rivers shared her thoughts on the Miss California controversy: “It’s all so stupid and she’s taking it so seriously and so well coached…My advice is oh, relax. God wants you to shut up…You know, you’ve done enough already.”
    After reading this interview, I’m wondering if this kid is Palins’ illegitimate daughter! Prejean is soooooo like Palin it’s scary!!

    CBS’s Rodriguez Grills Miss CA: Are You Being ‘Hypocritical’?

    RODRIGUEZ: I know that you are a devout Christian, and some people have said that it’s hypocritical, and a little bit of a double standard, for you to be preaching Christianity, yet posing topless.

    PREJEAN: Well, first of all, I want to clear that up, I never posed topless. It was-

    RODRIGUEZ: You didn’t have a top on in the pictures.

    PREJEAN: It wasn’t a topless photo.

    RODRIGUEZ: Okay. Because you were covering yourself?

    PREJEAN: I was on stage — I was on stage in a bikini. You know, I’m a professional model. That’s what I do for a living. And, you know, people can say whatever they want to say. If I was topless or n u d e or whatever. You know, a lot of people saw those photos and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the photos, as Donald Trump said yesterday.

    RODRIGUEZ: And you don’t feel it interferes in any way with your faith or what you preach publicly?

    PREJEAN: Absolutely not. And my message to my, you know, church and to the young girls that attend the church is, ‘you know, I am a very strong woman today.’ And the decisions I made when I was 16 and 17 years old, I was very naive, trying to get into the modeling, you know, industry. And I definitely would not make those decisions today.

  100. shilo442 says:

    SARAH PALIN is no more to the NATIVE ALASKANS then Andrew Jackson was to the Cherokees. She is a transplant to Alaska and like they say company is like fish they start to smell after 3 days. I don’t believe for a minute Bristol got a diploma. This was going to be another Gino day using her children. There are such things as blank diplomas.

  101. Enjay in Eastern MT says:

    Congrats to the Graduates –

    Must be hell for her to sit in the audience and NOT be the center of attention.
    She should understand that this is her daughter’s day – not hers. Geez, can you imagine what SP would be like on Bristol’s wedding day?

    If you ever read the Mudflats Bristol…. Congrats (and just elope)

  102. justafarmer says:

    and I echo Writing from Alaska:
    Congrats to the grads! Good luck and best wishes as you move forward in life!

  103. justafarmer says:

    all I can say at this point is that all ends well that ends well.
    I can’t imagine the Fox media circus it would have been. If I had been a member of the WHS Class of 2009 and she was the speaker, I would have stayed home and waited for my diploma to arrive in the mail.
    Of course, I’ve always hated being part of public spectacles, unless I was the point of the public spectacle which, in this case, I would have been as a member of the WHS Class of 2009 sans her on the stage.
    OTOH, had Obama been the commencement speaker, I would have toughed it out, 🙂

  104. Cathy in Texas says:

    I was just wondering if Palin had been allowed to speak. at the graduation….would she have invited Miss California to join her? I feel certain Carrie will be an invited guest to Alaska in the very near future. Somehow, I sense a predator in the Alaskan Governor’s mansion just waiting to attach herself to Miss California’s media attention….oops, using the media to serve her political purposes? NOT?!!!
    I also predict that Saturday Nite Live might have a Palin/Prejean Beauty Pageant real soon!

  105. barrow bur says:

    It’s kind of sad that you’re even writing about this.

    Who cares, really ?

    The most polarizing figure ?

    Maybe in your little circle that is true, but the distinction of most polarizing figure ?

    That goes to Ted Stevens, hands down.

    Not even close.

    That’s my point. Why was this turned into drama? And Ted? Naah. AKM

  106. Sourdough mullet hussein palin says:

    Re: BTW….anyone know what kind of GPA you need to be valedictorian at Wasilla High?

    Yeah, it’s a 3.2. No, wait, that’s WHS’s required blood alcohol content.
    I think it’s 1.5. No, on second thought, that’s the grads’ minimum APGAR score.
    Perhaps it’s a 4.0. No, wait – that’s the number of multiple personalities the WHS Gubernatorial Commencement Speaker exhibits.
    Oh, I dunno. I give up. My brain has been Palin-ed down from listening to all the Sarahbabble this year.

  107. AKPetMom says:

    I would assume that the Valedictorian from Wasilla High had to have the same GPA as any other Val. in any other state. Regardless of the poor example that the Palin family has been regarding educational achievement in Alaska, we do have some very bright kids here. I bet whoever was Val. for Wasilla High could probably run circles around even Sarah Palin regarding educational success.

    On a sadder note, the bar has been lowered sooooo far in the educational system nationwide that I am still astounded at how little kids have to know to get that HS degree. We are graduating a nation of underachievers and that’s a fact. It’s hard to believe given our new low standards of education that any child could be “left behind”.

  108. Congrats to the grads! May you have a really wonderful graduation and the best to all of you in the days and years ahead. That’s all folks!

  109. PalinSucks says:

    Palin, probably had Meg, make up & drop some signs off to Wasilla High, (Like these ones handed out in, Eagle). Betcha that was the last straw for administrators and they tossed her ass out of there.

    Seriously, W T F?

  110. Tealwomin says:

    Cathy in Texas…lol you got her down! couldn’t read it w/out laffin

  111. PalinSucks says:

    Sean, got a gig at a graduation…BURRRRRN, to Palin.

    Togiak School Graduation

    (May 12, 2009, Togiak, Alaska) On May 11, 2009, Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell spoke at the Togiak High School graduation ceremony and encouraged the graduates to face life with resilience. “Challenges bring an opportunity to succeed, and not give up. How we respond to a challenge, more than the challenge itself, determines the course of our lives,” Lieutenant Governor Parnell said.

  112. mlaiuppa says:

    First….isn’t this Bristol’s second senior year? Wasn’t she supposed to graduate last year?

    Second, I imagine the schools in Alaska do what they do in California; if your absent for any length of time, you can make up the work (and the school can get ADA funds) for the days you miss. As long as you complete the written work and turn it in according to whatever contract you’re working on, the school gets daily attendance money and you earn credits toward graduation.

    Third. Wouldn’t it have been embarassing if the valedictorian was more eloquent (and grammatically correct) than the Governor? It would be pretty embarassing to be outdone by a recent high school graduate.

    BTW….anyone know what kind of GPA you need to be valedictorian at Wasilla High?

  113. AKPetMom says:

    Poor Bristol, matriculating alone without a “scene stealing” speech from Mama.

  114. honestyinGov says:

    This isn’t High School News.. But it is Palin News. while doing some Google searches I came across this little ‘ tidbit’.
    Palin’s new BFF (Carrie Prejean) was SUPPOSED to be on Larry King tonight and was heavily advertised and promoted.

    However…. She was a No-Show. It was reported on TMZ… the reason.
    Headline :Miss California — Too Tired to Do Larry
    She had a Birthday Party last night….. and sources say she partied a little too much.
    I guess “the devil made Her do it”…. AGAIN!

    Oooohhh… what a role model. So much for commitment.
    Palin must be so proud.

  115. Wurzelhexli says:

    So… was graduation today or is it tomorrow? Was/will there be any Mudpuupies attending and giving a report, incl. some pics?

  116. Moose Pucky says:

    AKM, your blog titles are the greatest.

  117. Moose Pucky says:

    We completely neglected the following book titles:

    Polarizing Alaska
    Palin the Polarizer
    Prideful, Prejudiced, and Polarizing
    The Art of Political Polarization

    All the best to Bristol–honest. I mean that.

  118. PalinSucks says:

    Palin, plucked, Levi, from his course of graduation costing him this opportunity to graduate. There should have been no fan fare for her whatsoever. I hear, Levi, was a very well liked and decent student. About time someone stood up to Palin and told her to sit down & shut up.

  119. Cathy in Texas says:

    Gosh, golly, darn it…..can’t you just imagine her speech! Close your eyes….listen up….here goes.
    “Great to be here with all these patriotic young Alaskans….blah, blah, blah.
    You can do anything as long as you are guided by your heart……blah, blah, blah.
    Beware of the evils in life……those who disagree with you. Fight them, yes, too, perhaps, with righteous indignation yet too, a media spokesperson that person to tell your truths and so too can remind you to be abstinent, and trust your gut darn it all…yes you can do whatever this great country that which we are all so proud to be on the right side of that so too you will go out and see other states and perhaps take a page from my simple life to become a beacon of and being sure thereis that you stay true to yourself. Yep you may and one day too have to then there fight some battles perhaps as like me. It will be worth it you betcha. Be sure that there body of work you started in high school carries you and protects you when others disagree with you so you can trust and also there know that the amendments of our Constitution will perhaps always protect you to speak your mind when what you say is right. “Blah, blah, blah.

    Perhaps, Wasilla High School should have just fed Palin’s ego by saying that due to her high visibility on the National stage and the extraordinary power of her words, they felt it best to shield the students from the nasty media who of course would exploit the event . Maybe Sarah will have Meg send a written congratulatory speech to the student body.

  120. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    Alaska’s population can be somewhat migratory, for many reasons. There are many wonderful programs and the school districts and the state have worked very hard to make these programs better. With the type of drop out rates we have here they are working to better programs all the time and offer alternatives to students.

  121. Deb says:

    I for one am happy for BRISTOL that this day will be about HER and the other graduates and not her notorious mother. Congrats to all the graduates!

  122. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    I am pretty sure that as long as Bristol got the required amount of credits and it was administered by the school or through the school she would be able to stand with her class. Even the GED process through the state has a ceremony for recipients to attend cap and gown and all.

  123. Actongue says:

    It will be interesting to see how this Develops. Maybe one of her Advisors told her that she would be Breaking some Ethics Violation so found a way to politely decline.

  124. Wurzelhexli says:

    Well, I bet if GINO had shown up to be the speaker, she would have been booed – because it sounds to me like Bristol got special treatment – on account that she was absent for at least the better of the last year if not two years!
    Wonder if Levi was able to finish his school, too…

  125. CO almost native says:

    Thanks for the info, The Rubber Room Hotel:

    The online classes in Colorado vary- some are easy A’s, but other take a lot of work and time. Most try to duplicate the time spent in regular class.

  126. CO almost native says:

    OT: we did it- over 1,000 titles on “Name That Book!”

    (and now back to our regular programming)

  127. Ratfish says:

    The questions are:
    1. Was Palin really invited by the senior class? Yes or no.
    2. What is Mat-Su SD’s policy re letting a student walk with her class when she hasn’t been in school for 1-2 years.

    Many school districts will give a diploma, but it is through correspondence or an alternative high school, not the regular high school.

    Did Bristol get special treatment? Will Levi be treated the same way?

  128. Priceless says:

    Glad to see for once, Wassilla found a brain cell. This was not just Bristol’s walk to fame, but it was the rest of the class too. The Palin’s like to suck the life out of any room, and ignore that the night does not just belong to them. Good on ya Wassilla HS and leaders. You made the other non palin’s very happy in not having to compete for attention.

  129. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Well, good for them. This graduation SHOULD be about the graduates, not that silly Wasillian twit who calls herself Governor (and author – LOL). Congratulations Class of 2009.

  130. CCH says:

    Will Bristol be taking her SAT’s for college?

    Just wonderin’…

  131. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    Bravo Wasilla Grads! Bravo Wasilla Admin!

    To be fair to Bristol in Alaska correspondence classes are very easy to access and work on in an off campus situation. Alaska Schools are very accommodating to this sort of absence.

    I serve on our Local CSC (community school committee) PTA kind of a thing. And Palin was invited to speak at the graduation of our one student this year.
    Palin has close personal friends here and visits here regularly. I about had a stroke. She declined the invitation though but I did post about it. In the forms under Mudflats Clubs and shared experiences, under Arctic Diary.

  132. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    Congrats to Bristol – really! c4p just KNOWS this whole diss on mommy is orchestrated by Obama! Yes – Obama stepped in and stopped Sarah from speaking at a high school in Wasilla! Delusional, as usual.

  133. Professor Geezer says:

    Kudos to the Class of 2009!

    And in terms of high school commencement speeches, I can’t imagine a worse choice than Ms. Word Salady! The English teachers would be covering their ears and having to dart around the corners to stop from laughing.

  134. Canadian Neighbour says:

    No more school
    No more books
    No more teacher’s dirty looks!!

    I’m free!! I’m Free!! Let the bells ring!! I’m Free!

  135. CO almost native says:

    May I be the First to congratulate the Class of 2009 🙂 (Boy, did Bristol whip through all those online classes).

  136. wired differently says:

    Not even a high school graduation ceremony is safe from her… sheesh.