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March 17, 2025


No Time for Tuckerman -

Thursday, August 3, 2023

The Quitter Returns! -

Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Wasilla High Abstains.

Well, looks like Palin got expelled.  No, not Bristol.  Sarah. Tonight is the graduation ceremony for Wasilla High School, and Bristol Palin is graduating.  This did surprise me a little.  Back when I was a youth, if your hind end was out of the chair for more than 18 days out of the 180 day school year you were toast.  Summer school for you, unless you were dead.  I know that if I had had a baby and accompanied my parents on the campaign trail during the school year, I’d have missed way more than 18 days.  But times change,…