Aurora Hunt Successful
Saturday night while most people are hitting the bars and partying – Mudflats contributor Carl Johnson, Frank Stelges and I journeyed to an undisclosed location to hunt the elusive aurora. (I have been sworn to secrecy)
While our prey took a long time to show – when it did – it was a glorious one. The moon was out in full force, and barely a cloud in the sky, the stars were shining bright and thankfully the temperature stayed relatively nice… so here my mud-puppies are the spoils of a victorious hunt. The mighty aurora.

There she is! The aurora makes her appearance – barely noticeable to the naked eye – but she shows her colors through the camera. The big dipper is also shining bright.

Finally the explosion! The aurora was so strong that is was reflecting off of the river – visible to the naked eye.
Stunning! Thanks so very much for sharing.
Thank you. The Aurora is one of the few celestial phenomena I haven’t yet witnessed. I shall.
Lovely! Thanks for the experience that I know I will never see myself.
Good work, faint light.
I have only seen the aurora once. Under odd circumstances to say the least.
It is just anothter phenomenal aspect of our phenomenal world.
This is not a criticism but an observation, one of the things that makes the aurora so strange
is that it constantly changes. It is a light show. That is perhaps the most fascinating and compelling
characteristic of them. That is what struck me as truly astounding. The ebb and flow of light so rapid
and extensive that it filled the entire sky.
Silken skeins of ethereal light fluttering in a celestial breeze.
Yay! Beautiful!!
This is also proof real photographers are amazing people. I laughed long and loud thinking about whether I could manage to get it together enough whilst watching a display like this to do anything but stare at the sky.
Have only seen a few of these this lovely here in Southeast, partly because we are often outside the event horizon and partly because of usual cloud cover,
When it does happen though I sit outside in coats and blankies with hot tea and enjoy the best show ever!
Thank you Zach!!
After you shoot an aurora, do you field dress it, or just pack it out whole?
What do you do with the pelt?
It’s more of a catch and return thing…
Wow, just WOW!!!