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Friday, January 28, 2022

Bird of the Week – Black-headed Parrot

Technically, it’s Birds of the Week this Saturday. These are Black-headed Parrots, photographed in Ecuador. And this is courtship behavior. The male is holding a tasty leaf in his left foot, offering it to the female.

Black-headed Parrot Courtship

Black-headed Parrot Courtship

Spoiler alert! She wasn’t interested, and left a few seconds later. Leaving our disappointed suitor clutching and, eventually, eating the leaf.

Tech stuff: Amazon jungle, along the Rio Napo, from a canopy tower. Tripod, f5.7, 1/250, ISO250.

For more bird photos visit Frozen Feather Images.



3 Responses to “Bird of the Week – Black-headed Parrot”
  1. Zyxomma says:

    Awwww. I’m sure he found another tasty leaf, and another tasty female, and had success. Thanks, WC. Always love your photos.

  2. slipstream says:

    I know just how he feels.

    Darn. That was a really nice leaf, too.

    • Alaska Pi says:

      I try so hard not to anthropomorphize but I have a very human sadness that the lovely, tasty looking leaf was rejected.
      Beautiful birds!