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Friday, January 28, 2022

Chevron & Ecuador: The Real Story

Last week, The New York Times reported: Chevron won a major victory. A federal judge in Manhattan ruled that a two-decade legal effort to punish the company was marred by fraud and corruption, making it increasingly likely that the oil company would be ultimately successful in beating back the legal and financial challenge. There’s $9.5 billion up in the air, and the oil giant Chevron will do anything to make sure it doesn’t have to pay up. Greg Palast, who has covered the story for BBC Television says,“The judge is completely, utterly full of s**t.” Palast, who  investigated the story for…

Bird of the Week – Black-headed Parrot

Black-headed Parrot Courtship

Technically, it’s Birds of the Week this Saturday. These are Black-headed Parrots, photographed in Ecuador. And this is courtship behavior. The male is holding a tasty leaf in his left foot, offering it to the female. Spoiler alert! She wasn’t interested, and left a few seconds later. Leaving our disappointed suitor clutching and, eventually, eating the leaf. Tech stuff: Amazon jungle, along the Rio Napo, from a canopy tower. Tripod, f5.7, 1/250, ISO250. For more bird photos visit Frozen Feather Images.