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Tell Them FRACK NO! – From the Cook Inletkeeper

This is from the Cook Inletkeeper – please click the link below and send a note to your legislators. Deadline is this MONDAY!

Fracking fluids are used to enhance oil and gas recovery; they are injected under pressure in oil and gas reservoirs, and they blast apart spaces in the source rock to allow oil and gas to flow more easily.  Fracking fluids can contain diesel fuel and other toxic chemicals, yet the precise constituents of fracking fluids are often concealed as “trade secrets.”  In the Lower 48, the use of fracking fluids has been linked to drinking water and groundwater contamination, primarily from poor well construction or poor surface handling of toxic materials.  The Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Commission (AOGCC) took public comment on new fracking rules in April 2013.  But pressure from the oil and gas industry – including the powerful American Petroleum Institute – caused AOGCC to re-open the proposed rules for additional comments.

TALKING POINTS: Tell AOGCC we need stronger fracking rules that:

  • Require before-and-after water monitoring around each well that is subject to fracturing operations within a half-mile of a freshwater source.
  • Require full disclosure where and when fracking fluids will be used, what toxic constituents the fracking fluids may contain, and what amounts of chemicals will be used BEFORE and AFTER fracking operations commence.
  • Allow no trade secret exemptions from the requirement to disclose the constituents of fracking fluids prior to or after their use.
  • Provide broad public access to fracking-related information, and not rely solely on the problematic FracFocus website to disseminate fracking fluid information to the public.
  • Provide landowners adequate notice and opportunity to secure their water rights prior to the use of fracking fluids.

Click here to send a note to your legislators.




2 Responses to “Tell Them FRACK NO! – From the Cook Inletkeeper”
  1. Zyxomma says:

    We’re dealing with the same thing here in the state of NY. I rely on Riverkeeper, Environmental Advocates of NY, and other fine organizations to keep me informed and active.

    • mike from iowa says:

      Not wanting to be a pest,just curious if BF has full use of shoulder yet?