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Thursday Night!


Us: So, what are you doing Thursday night?

You: Heck, I dunno, Mudflats. I’ll probably come home, throw a Hungry Man dinner in the oven, and watch something infuriating and/or inane on TV that makes me feel angry and powerless.

>>>>>HOCKEY BUZZER<<<<<<<




THIS is what you are doing Thursday night.

After work, you make a little detour. You head for H Street in Anchorage, which is easy to find because you, my friend, know your alphabet. You arrive at house number 1134, the windows aglow in the twilight, the sound of good cheer floating over the frosty air. You enter. A little wine, some fabulous local Alaskan food, awesome people, and the privilege of adding your contribution to put someone great in office.

Are you with me?


The candidate in question is Clare Ross, whom you may remember from our interview with her this summer. You can read it again HERE. She’ll be running for the seat currently held by Lindsey Holmes, the former Democrat who availed herself of donations, volunteers, and voters of the Democratic persuasion – only to turn coat upon arrival in Juneau where she said, “Psych! Now I’m a Republican! Hahahahaha!”

Nobody liked that very much.

In any case, we now have a fantastic candidate without identity issues. If you haven’t met her, you should. And if you haven’t helped her campaign, you must!

Wine Tasting and Local Foods

Thursday, November 21

1134 H Street





3 Responses to “Thursday Night!”
  1. Zyxomma says:

    I’m glad you have a candidate, and I wish her (and you) the best in her campaign.

  2. mike from iowa says:

    Been thinking I should drop in on Pi and help her put the bears to bed. You only live once and sacrificing my boring life in the service of a friend would seem a nonle way to pass. After that I’d love to sample Alaska foods and mingle with beautiful people on Thursday nights,instead of wistfully thinking I should have the NFL channel and watch TNF. Time to get serious. If I can’t make the trip or if I do and don’t survive the bears,I will be with you on Thursday night in spirit. Make sure you talk loudly. My spirit hearing is as bad as my hearing. 🙂

    • Alaska Pi says:

      Hop right on a plane , mikey! Punkin bread w/cranberries and nuts waiting for you!
      You can join me in a quick round of bad words at the laggard bears ( from inside the house , of course) and hop a flight to ANC to cheer on District 19 folks looking to elect Ms Danes.
      And to those fighting to get rid of Ms Holmes – I’m glad to see you have a candidate who seems pretty sensible. Keep up the good work- recall her , vote ‘er out…
      Replace the twit!