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March 28, 2025


No Time for Tuckerman -

Thursday, August 3, 2023

The Quitter Returns! -

Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Thursday Night!

  Us: So, what are you doing Thursday night? You: Heck, I dunno, Mudflats. I’ll probably come home, throw a Hungry Man dinner in the oven, and watch something infuriating and/or inane on TV that makes me feel angry and powerless. >>>>>HOCKEY BUZZER<<<<<<<   WRONG ANSWER! THIS is what you are doing Thursday night. After work, you make a little detour. You head for H Street in Anchorage, which is easy to find because you, my friend, know your alphabet. You arrive at house number 1134, the windows aglow in the twilight, the sound of good cheer floating over the frosty…

Recall Effort Advances

Anchorage State House Representative Lindsey Holmes got one step closer to political oblivion yesterday. She’s the Democrat, elected to serve West Anchorage, one of the most liberal districts in the state, who got to Juneau and went “>>POOF!<< Guess what? I’m a Republican now!” Those who knocked doors, donated money, put up yard signs, and gave their vote to Ms. Holmes were (needless to say) not amused. A group of the unamused decided to do something about it, and fire the nouveau Republican from her job. And that takes a lot of work. Signature gathering of District 19 residents began…

Lit Drop! Ross for House

Want to help drop brochures for an awesome candidate? Here’s a note from Clare Ross, running for Alaska State House against Lindsey Holmes (who decided, once elected, to renounce the Dems who got her to Juneau by becoming a Republican and tipping the balance of power). If you don’t know much about Clare, do read The Mudflats Chats interview. You’ll like what you see. *********************************** Since I registered to run last spring, friends, colleagues and community members have rallied around the campaign, and with your help, we’ve come further than I imagined possible. To honor your investment in me and…

8/11 Recall Lindsey Holmes Sign Waving

What are you doing on Sunday? Come on down to Northern Lights Blvd and Minnesota Drive and wave signs with us! We’ll be there from 1:30 to 3:00 PM, waving at our neighbors, getting lots of honks and support from them, and letting them know that we’re still working hard to recall Lindsey Holmes! We’ll have copies of the petition available for signature, as well as yard signs and bumper stickers! Come down and get one, and join us!

Clare Ross Virtual Fundraiser!

Clare Ross is the awesome Dem who will be running against… Lindsey Holmes, the Democrat turned Republican who is currently helping her new Republican colleagues muck things up in Juneau. Here’s the announcement for Clare’s virtual fundraiser so you can chip in. Let’s flip this seat back to where it should have been in the first place! **************************** The weather is way too nice this summer to give up a night outside for another boring fundraiser…So this Thursday evening check in online at our Virtual Fundraiser! (HERE’S HOW IT WORKS) 1) On Thursday, August 8th between 8 AM and 10…

4/7 Recall Holmes Events

We’re going to be out this weekend waving signs – and we’d love to have you join us! We’ll be at the Aurora Village shopping center (Northern Lights and Minnesota) on Sunday from 1:30 to 3 PM… We want everyone in District 19 to know that we’re out there and working hard to gather our signatures for the recall, and we could use all the help we can get! If you’re driving by, and you would like to get a yard sign, or if you haven’t signed the petition yet, just pull in and we’ll take care of it! If…

3/25 Recall Holmes Meeting

Monday 6:30pm 2811 Illiamna Ave, Anchorage AK 99517 The Recall Lindsey Holmes group will be holding a meeting for volunteers and other interested people to get an update on where we are, and to plan several new and exciting projects. We’re making good progress so far, and we’re looking to go even farther. We’ll have progress reports, and discussions and brainstorming for new and creative ideas to help us achieve our goals! Everyone is welcome, and we can’t wait to see you there!

3/24 Recall Holmes Sign Waving

We are going to be out on Sunday waving signs on Northern Lights and Minnesota from 1:30 to 3:00 PM. We would love to have new people come and join us, and everyone is welcome! We will have signs for people to wave… all you need to do is show up! Sign waving is a lot of fun… lots of people honk and wave, and a few stop to sign the petition. We would love to have a great turnout! Come and be a part of it! Sunday, March 24 1:30pm until 3:00pm at the corner of Northern Lights and…

3/2 Holmes Constituent Meeting

Representative Holmes is holding a constituent meeting on Saturday, March 2 at 11:30 AM. We would love for all of our supporters to show up at the meeting with signs and application petitions for signature. The goal here is to show our numbers, gather some signatures, and share with Representative Holmes that we are serious and passionate about our campaign. This is NOT an invitation to be disruptive, loud, difficult, or in any way disturb the event. We are taking the high road, and the event is shared with Representative Costello and her constituents. Please allow them, and also those…

2/23 Recall Holmes Events

Rally at Loussac Library, 8:45 AM Saturday –  Saturday at 8:45 AM we will be gathering at the Loussac Library for our Kickoff Rally. The event will coincide with the the annual Anchorage Caucus event. We will have press kits and statements for the media, and we plan to have our application petitions ready to gather the first signatures. We will also have yard signs  for distribution (more on that later) so that everyone can wave signs. Our goal is to make a public appearance with signs and petitions, and gather the first signatures for our recall application. Representative Holmes has…