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Friday, January 28, 2022

What a Twit.


Way to spoil a surprise. More comedy gold from Sarah Palin’s Twitter account. She’s gone and blown it.

Via Lindsay at Videogum comes the news that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin bleated out a tweet on her Twitter that seems to have revealed the heavily, and comedically, guarded actual destination of Stephen Colbert’s upcoming trip to the Persian Gulf. So, SPOILER ALERT:

Getting ready to tape shout-out for our awesome US troops serving overseas! Will be on ‘Colbert Report’ next month, broadcast from Iraq…

Yes, so Colbert is going to…uhm…Iraq! Which is really great for the troops stationed there! But it still seems, well…a bit anti-climactic for the rest of us, doesn’t it? Which is probably why the show was working so hard to drag the whole thing out, for the sake of laughs.

I wonder if they would have let her have a Blackberry if she had been Vice President…



116 Responses to “What a Twit.”
  1. austintx says:

    sarah is twilliterate.

  2. zyggy says:

    What is the big to-do about the twat twitting about Colbert? We all knew about him going to visit the troops, he’s been talking about it for months. I think the real question should be, why would she even be twitting or tweeting about Colbert? Does she think he’s a real person?

  3. winkwinkWA says:

    The pee’ers are saying she should learn spanish, so she can get the latino vote—spanish??? She can’t even speak english!!! Probably doesn’t even know what a latino is!! I don’t think she’s even going to run for Pres. she’s sucking up all the money she can from her base( Sarah Pac-AFT-book deal- etc) and they don’t even realize their being scammed, if she does run, she’s a bigger bird-brained idiot than I thought!!! Some one must be writing all her articles now, no word salad….but the twit is doing her own bird-brain tweets.

  4. Janet in Texas says:

    I think my favorite term for the twit (Bimbo) is an insult to all Bimbos. Gawd she is a blithering IDIOT !

  5. Isabella says:

    LOL, if you zoom Palin, meeting with her gas line team (The only picture from the meeting available is on the govs site is on the scroll) She is sitting at the head of the table arms crossed all pissy looking. Guess they there finally realize the reign is near over and don’t have to suck up anymore….lol, Palin, must be going through withdrawals.

  6. samper says:

    I’m confused…

    Does she mean that her SHOUT OUT will be on Colbert or that SHE will be on Colbert?

    Why would he invite and PAY FOR this nitwit to go ANYWHERE with him?

  7. Papawhale says:

    I love it where Colbert tells Meredith Whatshername, “I have Twatted”!
    hahahahahahahahahahaha, thanks, Stephen!

  8. trisha says:

    My guess is that she was told “Persian Gulf”, and with Palin’s knowledge of world geography, she assumed Iraq.

  9. Physicsmom says:

    Everyone is giving her too much credit. Who says Iraq is the correct place? It could be just some random country she knew the name of. OTOH, I wouldn’t put it past her to just spill the beans in spite (or just sheer stupidity).Night all.

  10. Priceless says:

    Someone is saving alll the tweet, right? Book of compliled tweets could be called ‘tweethearts’ or twitwits.

  11. Dame says:

    I thought for sure when the said she was going to be tweeting on twitter that it really wouldn’t be her but some hired publicist, heaven knows they have hired enough of them to handle her. But this is unbelieveable, I guess now Piper knows where to get a summer job.

  12. bubbles says:

    well everyone going to sleep now. it’s friday night in new york and the weather is fine so i expect everyone is hanging and enjoying the evening. see you in the morning.

  13. bubbles says:

    austintx—funny you should ask if its mom checked in. yes, she called from vegas this afternoon. said the wedding was wonderful. asked about the shrimp and i was proud to tell her that her baby was fine. also the tomato plant. now my turn. how is your little guy and are all the kids ready for CARNEGIE HALL. will you be coming with them? i know they will have wonderful time swine flu is over so no problemas….

  14. strangelet says:

    AKM — tiny point, maybe. It looks like you copied the block quote from Jason Linkins at HuffPo. I see that the link is to that article, but it might be polite to give credit in the post itself. Eh?

  15. austintx says:

    Has the shrimps “mommy” been cking in ??

  16. bubbles says:

    hey nan. hey dr chill. hey austintx…. the shrimp is GREAT. it looks a lot better. getting its shell back. i was worried for a minute. i am going to get an ecosphere for me and nuby. the cat loves the little guy. fascinating.

  17. Isabella says:

    bubbles Says “– this bubble is not going to burst”


  18. bubbles says:

    isabella– this bubble is not going to burst.[hee hee]

  19. Isabella says:

    austintx Says “Today is the 29th………..any thing you wanna tell us ??”

    Has AKM said she knows what is coming? There is something insane going to be released right? This Gryphen, are they reliable? Why the long wait, is there a strategy? Oh I cannot wait for the bubble to burst.

  20. DrChill says:

    Hi Bubbles…

  21. austintx says:

    Hey bubbles – I was watching Rachel…….hows the shrimp ??

  22. Nan says:

    Hey bubbles.

    Dunno, they were all here a minute ago. Go figure.

  23. bubbles says:

    where is everybody? helloooooo?

  24. Karin in CT says:

    Twit is right!

    Someone posted a link to her twitter account yesterday and it was mind-boggling. When does she govern? It appears that she twits around the clock with completely random crap.

    She is so embarrassing for you Alaskans.

  25. curiouser says:

    Hey, Nan….I’ll PM you

  26. Nan says:

    curiouser –
    did you say astro?


  27. Marnie says:

    80 QuiltAK Says:
    May 29th, 2009 at 6:03 PM
    Here in PA #51 –
    the American Legion sign in Anchorage says “because freedom is not free.” Might be where she got it.

    Somebody should ask her what that means just to see what kind of answer she gives. “Freedom is not free.”

  28. curiouser says:

    @crystalwolf aka caligrl…..can you PM me on the forum? Astro stuff.

  29. pvazwindy says:

    I think caligirl is waiting on Gryphen.

  30. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    # austintx Says:
    May 29th, 2009 at 6:13 PM

    caligrl – Today is the 29th………..any thing you wanna tell us ??
    lynnrockets Says:
    May 29th, 2009 at 6:21 PM

    caligirl, we’re waiting.
    Hey you guys, LOL!
    We are all waiting! 8)

  31. lynnrockets says:

    caligirl, we’re waiting.

  32. austintx says:

    caligrl – Today is the 29th………..any thing you wanna tell us ??

  33. seattlefan says:

    Good one DrChill! {{{giggle}}}

  34. jojobo1 says:

    I don’t think those people ranting on Levi think of how it will come about when his son reads that garbage and he will someday.and I think he will wonder why his mother was always trashing his dad,She sure does not defend him,GQ has naked women on their cove i just looked it up.Why would Bristol use that magizine it seems to me it lowers woman self esteem

  35. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    As we already know, Sarah Palin has the weirdest looking Twitter page in the world. And as we also already know, and this is maybe more relevant, Conservatives don’t understand that Stephen Colbert is joking. So basically this is a double-whammy of “Sarah Palin sure is dumb” news, right here. Shhh, no one tell her!

  36. DrChill says:

    Lots of potential puns in the twitter world, where some are twitterers, others are twit-errors.

  37. QuiltAK says:

    Here in PA #51 –
    the American Legion sign in Anchorage says “because freedom is not free.” Might be where she got it.

  38. Isabella says:

    SarahPAC lunatics are over at People Magazine ripping into Levi. Amazing how they can rant about him in GQ when Bristol, was just on the cover of People rag, doing much worse with her phony cap & gown trailer trashing about tanning while leaving the baby to be a doll for Piper.

  39. sandra in oregon says:

    I think this twitter stuff is divershinary tactics to avoid nuclear bombing from North Korea. She is really a plant by the CIA.

  40. lynnrockets says:

    Was Sherry Johnston ever stoned to death?

  41. austintx says:

    If she showed up anywhere in the Middle East dressed like she dresses here , she’d be stoned to death. Dang !! When does the flight leave ?!?!

  42. CorningNY says:

    Apparently, all of Sarah’s word salad has given her verbal diarrhea…she just can’t hold it in.

  43. trisha says:

    Someone needs to explain to the Divine Ms. P that Twitter’s are supposed to answer the question—-What are you doing?

    She can’t even get that right. She is such a loser.

  44. mlaiuppa says:

    Well, the speculation is that she said “Iraq” because it’s the only country in the Persian Gulf she knows, so with her knowledge of geography she figures you can use Iraq and Persian Gulf interchangeably.

    I hope Colbert wipes the floor with her.

  45. lynnrockets says:

    When asked if she knew what type of music Iraqis listen to, Palin responded,
    ” Is it Iraq’n Roll ? “

  46. curiouser says:

    Seagull Junker Palin…..thx for the response. I missed it before.

  47. curiouser says:

    austintx….thx for the link to the Letterman clip.

    So, Palin gave up the Iraq location. Would be funny if the Colbert Report is not going to Iraq and never told Palin any specifics…..she just got confused thinking Persian Gulf = Iraq.

  48. Isabella says:

    austintx Says “Isabella – caligrl is up to something…………”

    Where is she? Is tonight the night?

  49. lynnrockets says:

    As Robin the Boy Wonder might say to Palin: “Holy Sh#thead, Sarah!”

  50. Tealwomin says:

    twit or twat

    will the real Sarah Palin pls STFU

  51. trisha says:

    Is someone collecting her twits so they can’t magically disappear come election time? I think a collection of her bad English skills would make a great book called Palin-twits or Palin is a twit.

  52. seattlefan says:

    You should see what her warriors are saying over at lala land. LMAO! What a bunch of losers they are.

  53. Tealwomin says:

    Sarah Palin is the new DUMB

  54. austintx says:

    Isabella – caligrl is up to something…………

  55. trisha says:

    The comments at wonkette are hilarious. They are laughing their heads off at her bad grammer and use of the English language. Here is one of the funniest comments:

    I see that the Governess is now in a meeting to “progress new energy.” Apparently, in the early 1970’s at least One Child was Left Behind.

  56. lynnrockets says:

    Ralph Cramden to Palin: “One of these days, Sarah, one of these days…bang…zoom!”

  57. austintx says:

    here is Colbert saying “Persian Gulf” on Letterman.

  58. mae lewis says:

    Hey, Sarah! Nicolas Sarkozy is calling again to talk to you. And, Prince Charles is inviting you to Buckingham Palace. I hope that Putin doesn’t rear his head in your air space.

  59. Isabella says:

    “Even if Colbert is not punkin’ her right now , his writers are gonna turn this into comedy gold !!”

    Oh yeah!!!

  60. lynnrockets says:

    As Ralph Cramden might also say to Sarah Palin, “One of these days, Sarah, POW, right to the moon!”

  61. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Curiouser – I read that Letterman said “Iraq?” Then Colbert said, “The Persian Gulf”.

  62. ChicagoMom says:

    wait . . . she tweeted that the state doesn’t pay her salary? As for ‘freedom isn’t free’ – I remember that song from an old Up With People show, and there was a satire of it done by the South Park people for the movie Team America.

  63. lynnrockets says:

    As Ralph Cramden would say to Sarah Palin, “YOU’RE A BLABBER MOUTH!”

  64. Tealwomin says:

    believe me, she got that quote from someone/someplace else! she lies so much she can’t offer up quotes like that on her own….

    speaking of FREE, how much has she cost the state over her regular salary?

  65. Tealwomin says:

    Arnold…my govenor too, thats funny thanks….hehehhehe

  66. here_in_PA says:

    I just drove by an elementary school and the outside post on it said, “Freedom isn’t free”. I read that on one of her posts yesterday. Never heard that saying before.

  67. Ennealogic says:

    All I can say is, Stoopid is as stoopid does. And SP fits the stoopid bill perfectly. Idiot. She makes me ashamed to be a woman.

  68. curiouser says:

    Arnold does. Here’s an example of an recent tweet:

    Thanks, @drkilzum. I paid for my trip to Washington. The state doesn’t pay for any of my travel, food, lodging or salary.

  69. seattlefan says:

    BTW, do other governors twit all day long like she does? I’m curious.

  70. seattlefan says:

    LMAO! I can’t even believe she did that! I bet her staff is deep into damage control mode about now. Wow…what a dumbarse!

  71. Tealwomin says:

    pvazwindy…thats funny as heck!

    if dumb=hot–she’d be smokin

    i wonder if she still smokes pot…she sounds as if she does, and i mean A LOT!

  72. Tealwomin says:

    her twittering is a ploy, to make others think that she is tech savy…[wait I gotta laff at that statement]

    OK…we all kmow SP & being savy will never match/go together…

    Someone should write a REAL book about her that comes out on the same day as the one she & the ghost writer are putting together…

  73. pvazwindy says:

    35 Tealwomin Says:
    May 29th, 2009 at 3:58 PM
    the hottest govenor indeed….her brain has melted

    *************************************if dumb=hot–she’d be smokin

  74. pvazwindy says:

    Why is a state gov twittering anyway? Wouldn’t it be nice if she got a warning from the US ATTY, in Alaska. Warning her about Defense Dept. security and protocol.

  75. Professor Geezer says:

    @Ripley, that was EXACTLY the comment I came here to make. Yes, I think Colbert should sue! (But I doubt he will). Palin’s IQ, how low can it go?

  76. Tealwomin says:

    And my head I’d be scratchin’ while
    my thoughts were busy hatchin’
    If I only had a brain….

  77. Ripley in CT says:

    I think Colbert should sue. But that’s just me.

    She’s the largest idjit I have ever had the misfortune of learning about.

  78. “My banana peel is smarter….it knows when it slips up.” – LOL

    Maybe GINO uses her slips strategically, in any case people should be aware she can’t be trusted with her twits or any media she gets her hands on. She is so predictably perverse.

  79. Closet Mudpup says:

    This kind of carelessness with guarded information is not new for Princess Caribou – during the campaign she had to be stifled because of all the info she was giving out about the deployment of Trak’s group. Oh, yeah, I want her to have a high level security clearance – NOT.

  80. ValleyIndependent says:

    Once in a while I go to the gov’s site and read the last 20 posts or so to see what she’s been tweeting about. So far none it has been worth my time.

  81. Greytdog Δ says:

    Andrew Sullivan even tweeted about the twit’s tweet concerning Colbert. . . even with 2 Blackberries, the woman is brainless – the SP slogan: “it’s all about ME!!!”

  82. Tealwomin says:

    the hottest govenor indeed….her brain has melted

  83. curiouser says:

    One of the huffpost commenters said David Letterman let the location out when interviewing Colbert. Did anyone catch the show?

  84. Martha says:

    I hope Colbert’s tour is not canceled, after Palins never ending idiocy strikes again.

    This is not funny. Months are spent preparing for these tours and not disclosing locations is CRITICAL. The safety of the troops and entertainers depend on it.

    Yeah, I can just imagine her a litteral heartbeat away from the nuclear codes!

    Palin probably got the info from here equally boneheaded son.

  85. curiouser says:

    My banana peel is smarter….it knows when it slips up.

  86. curiouser says:

    #26 Forever Anonymous Says:
    May 29th, 2009 at 3:22 PM

    maybe she didn’t mean for Levy to be scrutinize about his apprenticeship when she announced that he was working, just an honest slip.

    …an honest slip? That’s why she issued a 2nd clarifying statement specifying that Levi had a slope apprenticeship….had to be sure folks realized he didn’t have just any old job for which he was qualified.

  87. Dame says:

    What a knucklehead.

  88. austintx says:

    27 Leota2 Says:
    May 29th, 2009 at 3:25 PM
    Okay–I just left Wonkette. Boy, are the posters funny and MEAN over there! I thought I’d stop laughing, until I came here. Sarah sure has fan’s for her comedy routine. And I just have to say this must be a set up. No one, and I mean no one— is this dumb.

    Are they?!
    Yup – Those commenters on wonkette are too funny……..

    Even if Colbert is not punkin’ her right now , his writers are gonna turn this into comedy gold !!

  89. Largo says:

    I think Sarah is one of those conservatives that think Colbert is serious. It should be an interesting interview. In front of the troops no less.

  90. Leota2 says:

    Okay–I just left Wonkette. Boy, are the posters funny and MEAN over there! I thought I’d stop laughing, until I came here. Sarah sure has fan’s for her comedy routine. And I just have to say this must be a set up. No one, and I mean no one— is this dumb.

    Are they?!

  91. maybe she didn’t mean for Levy to be scrutinize about his apprenticeship when she announced that he was working, just an honest slip. She just can’t be trusted with confidentiality.

    “what a Twit”.

  92. austintx says:

    My pinecone is smarter than her……..

  93. Star says:

    Yeppers~ She’s all that ..Stuck on “stupid”….LMAO

  94. Basheert says:

    I own a box of rocks that is smarter than her. The entire BOX!

    What a freaking imbecile! Geez!

  95. West Coast Annie says:

    She’s following on twitter. Hilarious. That’s a fake account.

  96. Marnie says:

    Since proecting visiting VIPs is serious business, it is more than a little probable that an exact date and place were being kept secret for secruity reasons.

    Wonder if Sarah will now tell us about her son’s locations and movements.

  97. InJuneau says:

    Isabella–yeah, that was priceless! Did you actually hear any of it? It was hilarious, albeit sad and pathetic and embarassing for Alaskans…

  98. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Yup, Colbert should have known the first thing Sarah Palin would do is big-note herself.

  99. Isabella says:

    InJuneau Says “As IF anyone would need to punk her… she does it to herself.”

    Still unbelievable even knowing what a self absorbed dink she is she fell for this.

  100. trisha says:

    God she is dumb.

  101. mae lewis says:

    When Sarah first started twittering and tweeting, wasn’t there a discussion as to whether she actually wrote the toots herself, or if she had a toot-person. Well, she certainly has settled that discussion, hasn’t she?

  102. Isabella says:

    Seriously, Palin is a DUMBASS!!!

  103. InJuneau says:

    As IF anyone would need to punk her… she does it to herself.

  104. curiouser says:

    #12 austintx Says:
    May 29th, 2009 at 2:36 PM

    I even considered that Colbert might be punkin’ her.


    Luv it!

  105. austintx says:

    11 curiouser Says:
    May 29th, 2009 at 2:32 PM
    ooow…to what comedic twist might Colbert subject Palin’s shout out to the troops?

    (does that make sense? can’t think of another way to phrase my thought.)
    I was thinking along the same lines. I even considered that Colbert might be punkin’ her.

    wonkette is on it………as always , the comments are a scream.

  106. curiouser says:

    ooow…to what comedic twist might Colbert subject Palin’s shout out to the troops?

    (does that make sense? can’t think of another way to phrase my thought.)

  107. pvazwindy says:

    Austin, you’re to kind.

  108. ericmiami says:

    She was so cute in those Naughty Monkey pumps.

  109. pvazwindy says:

    Leighow’s explanation is so lame. A dullard like Palin.

  110. austintx says:

    sarah is such a dumb-ass.

  111. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    and here she was, t h i s close to having our nuclear codes. shudder.

  112. Nebraska Native says:

    The comments on the article at HuffPo help ease the pain some… we are not alone in our appraisal of GINO. Unfrickenbelievably bad behavior. Just when I think she has most assuredly done the most stupid thing ever, she tops herself again.

  113. antiAnti says:

    HuffP has an update – spokeswoman for Palin had comment.

  114. Irishgirl says:

    The twit tweeted too much. What a twat!

  115. BigSlick says:

    too funny, what a twit!!!!!!!!