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I’ll Take Palin Fibs and Fables for $200, Alex.


“The feds.”  It’s a slang term that most of us are used to seeing after the words “seized by” or before the words “raided the house.”   It’s never said with respect or fondness.   Rarely do you hear someone say “the feds are trying to give me money,”  or “the feds want to weatherize my house.” 

And never have I heard a governor of one of the 50 states, that is actually part of the country, call the federal government “the feds.”  I would no more expect that than I would expect to hear them talk about “the fuzz” or “the coppers.”

But Sarah Palin never disappoints.  I’ve heard her say “the feds” before, but now here it is in black and white, in a compass piece in the Anchorage Daily News, talking about why she continues to stand by her rejection of almost $30 million in federal money for weatherization and energy projects in the very cold and very deserving state of Alaska. 

Here are the things in her opinion piece that I would have put my red pen through if I had been asked to edit it. 

The feds required me to certify these codes

“big brother” government involvement

opposition to Washington, D.C., meddling in local issues.

The last thing we needed was a bureaucrat from Washington, D.C

I asked the feds to clarify their position.

Beware of Washington, D.C

My administration will remain vigilant for Alaskans and oppose mandates or pressure to conform from Washington, D.C., bureaucrats.

Isn’t this the woman who hopes in 2012 to be running the federal government?  It’s like one of those old 1940s movies where you see Greta Garbo or someone gazing into the smoldering eyes of the male lead protesting, “I hate you!  I hate you!” and then comes violin music, the grabbing of the waist, and a big fat lip lock.  The governor hates the feds so much, she wants to merge with them in some sort of strange bodice-ripping political affair.

I read the governor’s whole opinion piece without stopping, and hardly knew where to start.  Each paragraph could have been its own essay.  The fact that she is playing dress-up as a fiscal conservative is as transparent as Saran Wrap.  The name dropping of rural communities is patronizing.  “These new codes are so detailed they would dictate the kinds of lights that can be installed in a home in Akutan, and how thick window panes must be in Chignik.”  If she were only as concerned about the heat required for a home in Emmonak, or the fish required to feed communities on the Kuskokwim.

After I finished reading, I needed to let my brain breathe, and decided to clear off some papers from my desk.  That’s when a funny moment of serendipity happened.  I found my unopened District 32 Legislative Update from Rep. Mike Hawker.  Hawker is not only my representative, he’s also the co-chair of the House Finance Committee.  I decided to read it, and something grabbed my attention under the heading “Federal Economic Stimulus.”

“…the money allocated for Alaska would have largely been redirected to other states if we chose not to accept those funds.  The belief that Alaskan tax money would be better spent in Alaska than elsewhere aided our decision.

After weeks of intensive public hearings, committee meetings, staff work and discussions with the administration, legislators determined there were no critical “strings” attached to the money.  The benefits of putting nearly $1 billion of new federal money into Alaska’s economy transcended our original concerns.  The legislature voted overwhelmingly to authorize receipt of all the available money.  Actual acceptance and spending of the funds is subject to the governor’s decision to sign the authorization into law.

Specific intent language was included in our stimulus authorization bill ensuring that cities, school districts and other recipients understand the federal funding is only a one-time boost and should be used to supplement or improve existing programs rather than create new services or programs.”

Now, before you go assuming that I live in a liberal district with a Sarah-hatin’ ankle-bitin’ socialist for a legislator, let me assure you that Mike Hawker is quite the conservative Republican.  He’s just not running for president, and is actually thinking about what might be best for the state of Alaska, not what looks good to the national base.

So, let’s recap. 

Any money turned away goes to other states, ergo Sarah Palin is ostensibly handing almost $30 million, slated to boost our economy to Arnold Schwarzenneger.

The Finance Committee and an overwhelming number in the legislature say there are no strings.  Palin says,  “strings were definitely attached to federal energy dollars.”  

So, who’s telling us the truth here… the vast majority of elected representatives from both sides of the aisle, or the governor who needs to look like a fiscal conservative in her presumed bid for the presidency in 2012?

(Jeopardy music begins, as you scribble your answer)

Me:  Times up!

You:  What is…..the overwhelming majority of the bipartisan Legislature?

Me:  You are correct!

Crowd cheers.



106 Responses to “I’ll Take Palin Fibs and Fables for $200, Alex.”
  1. trisha says:

    That’s good

  2. the norwegian blue says:

    “Feds” is short for federal agents, or FBI. Like “revenuers” is short for IRS agents. Saying either one makes you sound like you’re runnin’ moonshine and racin’ the sheriff to the county line in your beater Camaro. Either one puts you on the wrong side of the law. Despite the long American tradition of the glamorous criminal (see most recently Johnny Depp as John Dillinger), that’s not exactly gubernatorial, much less presidential. Add in the potential treason of the AIP and the flouting of zoning & per diem standards, and you’re way past “maverick” to “screw you, I’m gittin’ mine”.

  3. bucfan says:

    What I find galling about her op-ed piece is what I mentioned earlier regarding her mirroring of Ronald Reagan in demonizing the Federal Government while heading it, in Reagan’s case or wanting to head it, in GINO’s case. Most of the people who work in the Federal Government are not politicians but hardworking civil service employees. And no, that is not an oxymoron. When run properly, as FEMA was under James Lee Witt, these agencies do what they are supposed to when needed. When they are run by Brownie, they are used as examples by the right why the government should not be trusted, even though it was the right that crippled the agency. I guess I find it funny that the same time she is defending her decision to refuse money which would benefit regular Alaskans, she is demanding that funds be restored to the missile defense operations at Fort Greely. Hmm, while keeping it going would mean keeping some civilian jobs, I believe she is doing it to show her base on tough she is on national defense, and show defense contractors that she is one to be counted on to keep money flowing their way.

  4. austintx says:

    85 Dame Says:
    May 31st, 2009 at 11:59 AM
    When she says feds I think she hardly knows what the “feds” are. Sarah who exactly are you speaking of? Specifically, or do you just want to alienate everyone in the federal government, Democrat, Republican or other?
    I hope one day that these are the kind of “feds” that tear ass up to her house at the crack of dawn.

  5. IsyFleur says:

    So if she had been elected VP, would she be “big sister?”

  6. trisha says:

    Good point. I’m not sure she gets her contridiction. Since she seemed to agree with Cheney on expanding powers of the VP, I’m guessing she got some coaching from Dick on that one. I don’t think she even understands the role of the VP let alone what the expanded powers would entail.

    I think that would be a good question for her. If you believe in less governing from “the feds”, why would you be in favor of expanding the role of the VP. What would that expanded role entail?

    Palin’s reply: “In what respect, Charlie”.

  7. Marnie says:

    38 West Virginian Says:
    May 31st, 2009 at 5:05 AM
    I am constantly amazed that some Republicans STILL think she is just God’s gift to our country. It’s just crazy.

    I’ve been listening to a CD of “The Fall of the House of Bush.” During the pre-2000 election run up as the neocons were supplanting Bush number one’s moderates, the neocons said of Duhbya “he was tabula rasa, [the thesis that individuals are born without built-in mental content], an empty vessel, he was just ripe for the picking….”

    When you look at all the airheads that the Republican party has amassed and particularly the ones they are looking at for 2012……
    Kinda makes me wonder if they are going for the stupidest sheep in the flock on purpose.

    And that means they may still be seriously considering Sarah. I wonder however if she may be so unmanagble that even the neocons are afraid of her.
    Duhbya frequently said things stupidly but he stayed on script, Sarah says stupid things and doens’t stay on script.

  8. Marnie says:

    Not only does she want to be the biggest DC bureaucrat, as VP candidate she was bragging about how she would expand the powers of the VP.

  9. clydedog says:

    Read all the newspaper comments. The pro Palin comments either buy the “strings” argument, or they hate all things federal. You can’t reason with ignorance or pure emotion.

  10. Di says:

    She is truly surreal. I can’t begin to imagine the nightmare of living in a place where she is in charge.

    Good luck.

  11. trisha says:

    Like some other posters, the image that keeps going through my brain is an old time Bonnie and Cyde shoot-’em-up movie——

    You dirty rats, I say, you dirty rats……it’s time to blow this joint or the feds will be coming down on us. Those coppers will haul us off to the slammer I tell ya’.

  12. Martha says:

    55 Alaskah Says:
    May 31st, 2009 at 8:01 AM
    What stood out for me was her statement about “my community” when talking about a local battle against building codes. She’s referring of course to Wasilla, a town that has resisted zoning or codes. Seems like she’s still representing her hometown, not the rest of Alaska. Thanks “governor.
    New codes would mean a look at her own home and even worse (in her mind), that fancy sports complex she had built. It would surely hurt her reputation to have that overhauled. While they were at it, something might probably pop up showing that the same folks built her new home.

  13. trisha says:

    I wish HuffPo would pick up this story. It seems to be more important than Palin blabbing Colbert’s secret location (although, that was funny), and they posted that story.

    Palin’s disrespect and outright animosity toward “the feds” is newswothy. Also, her inability to understand what’s involved with taking stimulus money is notable.

  14. MinNJ says:

    president from Wasilla and per diem too


  15. MinNJ says:

    this is home-grown american christianist terrorism.
    The culture war is coming, big time. Sickening.

  16. karen marie says:

    Dr. George Tiller, whose clinic is quite possibly the most picketed and protested in the country, has been murdered while at services in his Lutheran church.

    did you all hear about this?

    the “pro-life” murderer has apparently been caught but he ran away first. i would say “like a little girl” but that is an insult to little girls.

    this is home-grown american christianist terrorism.

  17. mlaiuppa says:


    It’s like she wants the Federal Government to shrink to nothing….so when she becomes President she has nothing to do.

    Gee, maybe she wouldn’t even have to *go* to D.C. She could be president from Wasilla. And get paid per diem too.

  18. NMJ says:

    MinNJ Says:
    May 31st, 2009 at 12:29 PM

    …she scratches the offering hand.

    Guess she never heard, “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you!”

  19. MinNJ says:

    She seems like a feral animal who doesn’t know/acknowledge that the ‘feds’ are actually her friends and have been always, but will take the handout as it is offered. To save face from being so necessarily dependent and frightened, she scratches the offering hand.

    Dame, thin air, indeed.

  20. Dame says:

    When she says feds I think she hardly knows what the “feds” are. Sarah who exactly are you speaking of? Specifically, or do you just want to alienate everyone in the federal government, Democrat, Republican or other?
    I think you, GINO, know so little of what you speak just like your extensive knowledge of what the vice president of the United States’ role is. These op/eds pieces are your last dying gasp to try to make the public think there is more than just thin air in the space between your ears.

  21. I remember I read in disbelief the first time she referred to the federal govt. as “the feds”. It irritates me every time she does that. You are right she sounds like a criminal. What is funny is I commented on ADN about this right before I read your article. She is always disrespecful when talking about the federal government….wonder if she’s still angry about losing.

  22. MinNJ says:

    exposes the character…should have been in there. I don’t know how you guys write such long comments with so few mistakes…I’ll just keep on trying.

  23. curiouser says:

    #78 sauerkraut Says:
    May 31st, 2009 at 10:53 AM

    4 seattlefan Says: May 30th, 2009 at 9:13 PM

    Did she take an economics class in the “Journalism” major that she supposedly participated in?

    The better question might be “Did she take any journalism or english or communications classes in the “Journalism” major that she supposedly participated in?


    “Well, I did take an economics class….yes, I did. Oh, if you must know…and since yer all wonderin’ ’bout things ya don’t know ’bout me….an’ this is the only thing about me that i haven’t been absolutely open an’ transparent about ’til now….I got a “D”…..big deal….they were talking about baskets…or buckets…Walmart has baskets….and there’s baskets at Target….well, all different sizes of baskets…how does that make any sense…and I overslept alot…oh, yeah, did that on the job creation day….yup… ”

    The actual quote from ADN Aug 11 2006, Matt Volz, AP (ADN archives)
    “Let me help you out if you’re looking for skeletons in my closet,” she said. “I got a D in a macro-econ course 24 years ago in college (and) hollered at the wrong kid this morning for not taking out the garbage.”

  24. MinNJ says:

    You crack me up, AKM! Your style is so disarming and enjoyable that it is easy to forget that the information that you disseminate so well is vitally important to your state and the character of the would-be candidate governor. I cannot even comprehend what office she thinks she might be running for, also, too; the office that she holds is too good for her.

  25. EatWildFish says:

    Once again The Palin is forcing a power struggle with Alaska legislators, and the rest of us be damned! She’ll show ya who’s boss, you betcha!

    Mama Grizzly believes she knows what’s best for Alaska… As a rigid ideologue, she is unlikely to bend also, too.

    Will the AK legislature have the balls to do the right thing and overturn her bogus rejection of energy funds??

    Fabulous write up, AKM.

  26. trisha says:

    Is this Sarah trying to show off her writing skills…..since she has a journalism degree, ya know?

    I’m thinkin’ these anti-“fed” words are gonna come back to bite her in 2012.

  27. sauerkraut says:

    4 seattlefan Says: May 30th, 2009 at 9:13 PM

    Did she take an economics class in the “Journalism” major that she supposedly participated in?

    The better question might be “Did she take any journalism or english or communications classes in the “Journalism” major that she supposedly participated in?

  28. sauerkraut says:

    Can you say fuzzy coppers?

    Sure you cannnn. …

  29. sauerkraut says:

    If Palin does turn down any funding, give her a big thanks on behalf of all pennsyltuckians. And a wet peck on the cheek.

  30. Ripley in CT says:

    Holy crap, this is getting scary. Look at this; (I’ll stop after this). This is on the FAQ section. Again, doesn’t this sound familiar? I smell plagiarism!!

    “Q: Under independence, what would happen to all the federal controls and regulations?

    A: We believe that controls should be exerted by the lowest possible governmental unit. The people of Alaska can better decide what controls need to be in place than can bureaucrats in Washington. Specific local regulation might be either more or less restrictive than current federal regulation. The point is that it will be our regulation, not Washington’s.”

  31. Karin in CT says:

    I have been giggling about “the fuzz” and “the coppers” all day.

    Thanks AKM for another great post!!!

  32. Ripley in CT says:

    Oh sorry….

  33. Ripley in CT says:

    From the website for the AIP-

    “The Alaskan Independence Party can be summed up in just two words:

    Doesn’t this sound FAMILIAR???

  34. sandra in oregon says:

    SP seems to be aiming for being the populist candidate. Maybe she thinks she is Huey Long or George Wallace material. The major problem, however, is that she sees the “people” as the MatSu valley. As long as that is all she sees, she figures she is doing okay. Where is the base of the AIP membership?

  35. NMJ says:

    Just sittin’ here shakin’ my head…

  36. ValleyIndependent says:

    North of the Range and Aussie Blue Sky have both spoken extremely well on this subject. I thank you.

  37. BigSlick says:

    Sarah is so gangsta.

    She’s taking on “The Feds” . GINO is Bonnie and Dud is Clyde.

    We know how this movie ends already….

  38. Martha says:

    54 Lisabeth Says
    Why? This letter is outrageous. It is one of the telling pieces out there that truly define Sarah Palin. AKM and others have pointed our why so I won’t go on and on but let’s get it out there. It is so anti federal government which is the same as being anti American! Someone who berates our federal government to this extreme, should not be in public office period!!!!
    I agree, this should be submitted everywhere.

    ” don’t bite the hand that feeds you”, hardly covers Palins anti federal rant.

    How on earth could anyone that speaks like this expect to run for federal office? It begs the question;

    Why did Palin run for VP in the first place?

    Even governor Perry didn’t go this far in his critisisem of the federal government.

  39. 56degreesN says:

    This article is worth a post, though it’s from January. It’s a summarization of the energy and food concerns of the villages, including the proposition that WEATHERIZATION FUNDS BE MADE AVAILABLE TO VILLAGES LIKE THE LEGISLATURE DID FOR URBAN AREAS. Those funds never made it to the places that really needed it, like Nunam and Emmonak. . . .

    People freezing and starving vs. “strings”? That’s some String Theory, Sarah, but you ain’t no physicist.

  40. hedgewytch says:

    Alaskah- Sarah thinks that Wasilla is representative of the whole state.

  41. 56degreesN says:

    Re: #46– I Can See A Cornfield. . .

    Great post on the Mother Jones article and energy efficiency strategies!

    Hmmmm. . . .one wonders if Palin has taken advantage of the energy assessment and upgrade funds available through Alaska Housing Finance Corp. to weatherize her own home. Do you think a tanning bed would qualify as “alternative energy”?

  42. mommom says:

    Them “Feds”is probably just how she is used to speaking.You know,like sying “the Japs”,”the Wetbacks”,The Daygos(sp?),the “Chinks”, etc. Its part of her manner of speech.

  43. rocket says:

    Pailn is a LIAR

    Pailn is a HYPOCRITE

    Pailn is an IGNORAMUS

    Pailn is a FRAUD

    You betcha, also.

  44. anadventurer says:

    Feds = Bad

    I am trying to get some new tags out there: “Capitalistic Anarchy” and/or “Capitalistic Darwinism” “Survival of the thuggish business”.

  45. Ripley in CT says:

    The more I read comments and re-read some of the things she has written, the more convinced I am that she has no good intentions for the country at large. I think the reason she wanted to get into the VP’s residence was so that the AIP had a delegate in office. I think she’s up to her neck in that organization, and I really hope that the powers that be are looking in to this. She’s as crooked as the day is long.

  46. curiouser says:

    #46 I can see a cornfield from my house Says:
    May 31st, 2009 at 6:42 AM

    A very innovative way to use energy stimulus funds has been proposed by architect Ed Mazria. It will benefit homeowners as well as government organizations. Reported in Mother Jones

    Thanks for the link….great article! AK mudpups, perhaps it might make a difference if you sent this to GINO and your legislators.

  47. DrChill says:

    here_in_PA Says:
    May 31st, 2009 at 7:54 AM
    What I don’t get is that she is putting down “The Feds” and “DC”, isn’t that exactly where she wants to go and be? She wants to be inside the beltway. I know what I want to say but just don’t know how to say it. Guess just reading about her makes your head spin.
    These neo-cons or Reagan Republicans or whatever they call themselves, don’t like government. Less government is better. Less taxes.
    How much? Less. Whats the right size ? Less.

    They want to be part of dismantling a system they think does not work.

    This isn’t just reform, its kicking the legs out from under what they perceive as fascism & socialism.

    So if you picture Sarah being elected POTUS, imagine a chain saw and automatic rifle.

    Its too bad that the GOP has too many nut job extremists. Id like to read a healthy debate about the ‘right size’ of government, and the proper balance between unfettered freedom, and governance designed to “promote
    the general welfare.”

    Unfortunately, SP and her supporters are allergic to ‘strings’, and can’t see that the feds want AK to help keep their citizens from freezing or starving to death. They’d sooner ‘patriotically go to war’ in the middle east, than work together to become energy independent.
    Well, its a value system. I just don’t agree with it.

  48. anadventurer says:

    Sorry for the typos, I haven’t finished my coffee!

  49. anadventurer says:

    Some years ago I met a Russian named Valentin Papadin who wrote a book titled “Teach Yourself to Be a Madman”. His book chronicles his experience in the Russian army which he does not want t be in. He decides to play crazy to get out of the army, but the crazier he acts the faster he gets promoted. Now I can’t help but to see a parallel between Val’s superiors and Palin’s supports. Both did not know the subject was crazy, too bad only on is acting. If you are interested you can get Val’s book on Amazon or if you happen to visit Sonoma, CA you can stop in to his small sign shop and chat with him.

  50. Alaskah says:

    What stood out for me was her statement about “my community” when talking about a local battle against building codes. She’s referring of course to Wasilla, a town that has resisted zoning or codes. Seems like she’s still representing her hometown, not the rest of Alaska. Thanks “governor.”

  51. Lisabeth says:

    I hope everyone will take the time to send Sarahs exact letter with a reference to where it is and send it to EVERY media person they can think of. The more of us that send it the better.

    I hope AKM sent this piece to Huffington. Also it should go to people who may run against her in 2010 in Alaska (I am sure they saw it)and to the DNC and to President Obama.

    Why? This letter is outrageous. It is one of the telling pieces out there that truly define Sarah Palin. AKM and others have pointed our why so I won’t go on and on but let’s get it out there. It is so anti federal government which is the same as being anti American! Someone who berates our federal government to this extreme, should not be in public office period!!!!

  52. here_in_PA says:

    What I don’t get is that she is putting down “The Feds” and “DC”, isn’t that exactly where she wants to go and be? She wants to be inside the beltway. I know what I want to say but just don’t know how to say it. Guess just reading about her makes your head spin.

  53. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    We don’t want no “Feds” meddlin’ in local issues…maybe we should start calling her “Bonnie” as in Bonnie and Clyde and wait for her to be publically shot down in a hail of bullets by the “FEDS”????

  54. jo in AK says:

    I couldn’t read it, I started it and then my blood boiled. She is now writing a weekly “Why I do what I do” op ed piece for the newspaper”. ADN is her co-conspirator. Gross.

  55. Martha says:

    deist Says:
    May 30th, 2009 at 10:17 PM
    Legislators generally seem to feel we shouldn’t call a special session because a veto override wouldn’t accomplish anything. I respect these folks. They may be correct. But I’ll disagree with them anyway. An override would pressure Palin to apply for the funds and it would also send a message that we’re willing to put Palin in her corner if she decides to disregard Alaska.

    Therefore I think an override would be a worthwhile exercise serving Alaska’s interests in contrast to Palin’s

    I wholeheartedly agree!

    What is the point of having a legislature, if they allow the office of Governor to render them impotent at every turn?

    This started with troopergate, after Palin called on her own personnel board to “overturn” (in the public eye) the legislatures own investigative findings.

    What has been their role in travelgate? I sincerely hope that the they at LEAST hold a press conference refuting Palin’s asinine claims.

    The legislature in Alaska, does not seem to have much “gumption” as my father used to say, or “intestinal fortitude” as my mother referred to it.

  56. DrChill says:

    So Jiminy Cricket says to Pinocchio ” There ARE no strings! ”

  57. PennLawyer says:

    Reading Palin’s words left me feeling sick to my stomach and sick at heart. I can’t even joke about her anymore. I spent one memorable summer week’s vacation staying with a friend in Juneau – long enough to go hiking with a naturalist on Douglas Island, go whale watching and sea kayaking in Gastineau channel, lose count of all the eagles I saw, watch bears catching salmon and see and hear icebergs calving. Alaska is such an overwhelmingly magnificent and unique part of the world. That your state and its citizens are saddled with such a small-minded, egomaniacal, short-sighted, selfish governor is pure tragedy. You are all very strong to continue dealing with her and trying to contain her personal greed for power and fame, and to minimize the damage she does during her term of office. You have my absolute admiration and gratitude.

  58. redwoodmuse says:

    Just had an *interesting* thought…how many other ‘palins’ have been elected to office because there were no bloggers reporting on them and ‘quoting them exactly’ before the election?

    I just hope that the iceberg that is palin is not allowed to waltz away with all that money at the end of the day. Bring her down and make her pay back the Alaskan people.

    I’m thinking the AIP connection is ramping up. Be careful you folks don’t end up with Queen Palin. She’d love being the Red Queen “Off with their heads.”

    The more I read about her and her antics, the bigger my debt to all you Alaskan bloggers becomes. Thank you all for doing such a service to sanity and humanity.

    who is avoiding work in Oregon by reading blogs from Alaska

  59. I can see a cornfield from my house says:

    A very innovative way to use energy stimulus funds has been proposed by architect Ed Mazria. It will benefit homeowners as well as government organizations. Reported in Mother Jones

    gmoke at Daily Kos has a contact who can get organizations in touch with Mazria. Reported in Daily Kos

    Deadline for grant requests is June 25.

  60. SameOld says:

    The empress has no clothes. PERIOD. If she has advisers they are either as stupid as she or she ignores them or both.

    In order to actually run for president, she should be honing an image, cultivating the GOP, and quietly meeting with money people. What does she do? She makes nice with Steele and ignores everyone else. She makes stupid, inflammatory statements constantly. She never shows up for party events. She positions herself as a soap opera celebrity rather than a politician; she insults the President and the executive branch of government (the Fed); she solidifies a reputation of having no interest in constituent services; she has absolutely no sense of style; she is probably functionally illiterate (can’t seem to understand simple concepts).

    She is the candidate of the ignorant. Being “hot” cost the GOP a half million dollars for 4 months. She can’t do it on her own and can’t possibly obtain and spend that kind of money in primaries. So hot she isn’t. Besides it will never happen in Iowa and NH. The average primary voter is a 60 year old woman. Hot is irrelevant.

    What is happening now is a delusional woman doing her soap opera on a political stage. Alaska can either accept that or not. The rest of us are here to rubber-neck.

  61. WakeUpAmerica says:

    Nothing like biting the hand that feeds you, Sarah! What an idiot! She seems to be completely devoid of common sense. And let’s not forget, she isn’t a real Alaskan.; she’s from Idaho. Probably lived in one of the skinhead pockets there that give the state a bad name from time to time(kudos to all the good people in Idaho who put up with the rascists). She talks like she was standing at the border with a gun fifty years ago when the “feds” made Alaska a state.

  62. austintx says:

    42 trisha Says:
    May 31st, 2009 at 5:21 AM
    I hope this op-ed piece is going in a special file to be pulled out in 2012.
    sarah is filling up quite a treasure chest , isn’t she ?

  63. trisha says:

    Is this some kind of code language from the AIP?

    It all seems like “anti-America” language to me. Is Sarah palling around with the AIP?

    I hope this op-ed piece is going in a special file to be pulled out in 2012.

  64. CrabbyPatty says:

    Sigh ……. why is it that anything Palin (supposedly) writes sounds like an AIP recruitment pamphlet?

  65. trisha says:

    The feds? How disrespectful coming from the Gov. of Alsaska.

    The whole comment sounds….errr… Un-American to me.

    Yet, it appears she is interested in being part of “the feds…big brother bureaucrats in Washington DC”. Interesting.

  66. greatgrammy1 says:

    Don’t you all wonder if the RNC is following her actions and words? They must know the only value to having her around during campaigns are the crowds gathering to see the freak in the RNC carnival show.

  67. West Virginian says:

    I am constantly amazed that some Republicans STILL think she is just God’s gift to our country. It’s just crazy.

  68. Ripley in CT says:

    Each time she says “the feds” she proves two things to me:
    1- she’s an ignoramus.
    2- she’s really got a thing about appearing independent and separate, though she has no idea what those mean.

    I suspect she’s priming the pump, as it were, for secession. I no longer think she wants to be president of the feds. Just listen to her. She HATES Washington, bureaucrats, politicians, Feds…. EVERYONE down there in the government. She insults My President in thinly veiled comments. However, she fails to mention that Alaska is getting billions of federal “dollars” in
    “pork” that she requested, and from what I have read, more than any other state. How can she justify this? If she wants to “pull out”, (for the first time in her life, apparently) then she needs to just say it. Once she does, she’s toast.

    Can’t have it both ways, sister.

  69. judi says:

    If your governor’s life was made into a tv show it would be a sick sit-com…You people are in a world of ____! You hate her speech, you must impeach!!

  70. antiAnti says:

    IMO, Palin wants the “I said thanks but no thanks” line for her next campaign and the stim plan was her free ticket. The rationale in the op-ed piece will have little relevance to her knee-jerk base so from Palin’s point of view it really doesn’t matter what the op-ed said. She can say “I took a stand” and they will all roar SA-rah, SA-rah.

    I do agree that op-ed will be used against her by her opponent if she actually does end up running for something. The op-ed just shows how little Palin understands what will happen to her should she run again. And how badly her advisors are undercutting her.

  71. nswfm CA says:

    If she ever tries to run for office outside of AK, all her opponent needs to do is plaster this post everywhere, and she’s dead in the water. Maybe there is a god.

  72. nswfm CA says:

    Mr Hawker said something about AK tax money staying in AK, but since CA is a net tax donor state and AK is one that is not, I’m thinking it’s our money anyway. Not that weatherizing one of the colder places wouldn’t help AK, but what would really help the rest of us would be for her to get a brain transplant, in jail.

  73. BuffaloGal says:

    Is it just me or is there something a little creepy about this line in her op-ed piece:

    ” Creating more dependence on Washington steers us away from Alaska’s magnificent potential and destiny ”

    Reading that and knowing her belief in end-times and her call from God to run for office – I dunno …. gave me the chills.

  74. samper says:

    North of the Range @ 10:07:

    Very well put!!

  75. samper says:

    Aussie Blue Sky: Good find! I agree 100%.

    First, she negatively refers to “the feds” (not even capitalizing “Feds”), yet she wants to BE one.

    Then, she says local governments should decide for themselves and then moves in the State to take over.

    She’s “all about” AK’s statehood, yet complains about the umbrella under which AK HAS statehood, benefits and protection (the Feds).

    See “Disaster Relief” for the flood being requested from said “feds”. Suddenly, “the feds” don’t seem like such bad guys, when they can help pull things together in the hardest hit areas.

    The woman is NEVER consistent!

    “And never have I heard a governor of one of the 50 states, that is actually part of the country, call the federal government “the feds.” I would no more expect that than I would expect to hear them talk about “the fuzz” or “the coppers.””

    She also too has referred to President Obama as simply “Obama”. I remember remarking on this very thing on ADN.

    The woman has absolutely no respect for the government under which Alaskans enjoy protection and benefit, the folks running said government, or the President of the United States.

    Disclaimer: Sure, we all say “Obama” without using his title. However, I like to think it’s just shorthand while typing comments on a blog and not out of disrespect by any Mudpuppy.

    But, when a GOV is doing it in publicly spoken language, it is DISRESPECTFUL.

    When is she going to charm school?

  76. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    This is Bill Sherwonit’s reaction to it:

    Palin’s Rejection of Energy Cost-Relief $ Smells Increasingly Fishy

    “Palin this past week sent a team of her officials to “explain and defend how the state is managing the dwindling number of Yukon River king salmon.” Apparently the meeting between locals (about 100 attended) and Team Sarah didn’t go so well, at least according to participant and former Anvik Mayor Robert Walker, who told Hopkins that people left the meeting confused and in a poor mood. Walker went on to say, “The local communities don’t have no input into what’s being regulated. It’s just being handed to everybody on a tray, the rules and regs, what’s going to happen.”

    Whoa! I thought. This can’t be. In Sarah’s world, local communities can decide what’s best for themselves. The feds – and presumably state government, too – cannot dictate how things should be done in villages or towns or cities. Local governance rules. Or does it? Sarah, of course, wants it both ways. She’ll tout Alaska’s constitutional guarantee of “maximum local self government” when it suits her own agenda, but in more cases than not, local communities have to bow to larger authorities, this fisheries dispute being a great example.”

  77. bucfan says:

    My head hurts also after reading her posting. The Guv, and I will call her the guv since she started it with The Feds, must think that no one is going to challenge her statements. Of course Bob and Mark will just call anyone who shoots down her “facts” a hater. She is trying to paint herself in a Reaganistic light (remember the Reagan quote regarding I am from the government and I am here to help) in painting the Federal Government as being dishonest and distrustful. Funny, where were her complaints when Don and Ted were sending money our way. And the part changing building codes in her hometown was priceless. Just seemed kind of convenient that the codes were changed so there was no way of finding out any of the particulars regarding the building of her house on Lake Lucille. Built about the same time as that sports arena I believe. Ah, I’m just a hater. Never mind

  78. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Hey,Hey, Hey AKM!
    Sarah Palin is ostensibly handing almost $30 million, slated to boost our economy to Arnold Schwarzenneger
    It is not our fault in cali that our repub Gov. is taking the funds(that we need)It is not our fault we have a gov who cares(even if he is repub!) and yours is blabbing to the world you don’t need them the “FEDS”!
    The Leg or someone should straighten out her azz!
    PO said…the gov’s who refuse the money it goes to other states…!
    Please don’t dump on us b/c GINO doesn’t care about Alaskan’s!
    It just shows All Alaskan’s need to RECALL or have the Leg impeach her, as hard as that maybe! JMO…

  79. marcus2 says:

    It’s no surprise that Sarah Palin is telling people to beware of Washington – Todd Palin was an active member in the group that advocates secession from the United States, and Sarah praised the group publicly. Really, she has no business being in Public Office.

  80. Baker's Dozen says:

    Dedicated to lynnrockets:

    Alaska’s baloney has a first name
    It’s S A R A H
    It’s baloney has a second name
    It’s P A L I N
    It’s fingernails on a blackboard everyday
    To listen to her rant and rave
    ‘Cause Sarah Palin’s full to her eye
    With B A L O N E Y

  81. deist says:

    By the way, Palin’s contempt for building codes is dumb, dangerous, and deplorable.

  82. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    AKM, I’m so glad you have publicly and so graphically taken your big red Mudpen to Mrs Palin’s composition. 😉

    It’s symptomatic of the ADN’s decline that they’d publish a rant like that as an “opinion piece” in the first place.

  83. deist says:

    Legislators generally seem to feel we shouldn’t call a special session because a veto override wouldn’t accomplish anything. I respect these folks. They may be correct. But I’ll disagree with them anyway. An override would pressure Palin to apply for the funds and it would also send a message that we’re willing to put Palin in her corner if she decides to disregard Alaska.

    Therefore I think an override would be a worthwhile exercise serving Alaska’s interests in contrast to Palin’s.

  84. seattlefan says:


    Very well stated and I couldn’t agree more. Although I don’t live in Alaska, I care about what it going on there. Ms. Palin needs to take a few civics lessons and realize that those “feds” are actually all of us. You are spot on.

    Interesting you bring up the AIP angle. That never got a lot of leverage with the MSM.

    I applaud your post and wish you luck in ridding your state of this terrible politician.

  85. Gramiam says:

    North_of_the_Range Says:
    May 30th, 2009 at 10:07 PM
    So what’s going on with these words– is this the AIP talking? Should we secede while we’re at it? With the nonsense that’s going on up here, the rest of the country might start wanting us to.
    North_of_The_Range, we don’t want to lose you Alaskans. We just want GINO to go away…maybe to that ice floe with Jerry Prevo. Why don’t we find her a nice big ice floe, push it away from Mainland Alaska and let her cecede. Just askin’

  86. North_of_the_Range says:

    I find it sad and ironic that this is the year we are commemorating our 50th year as a State, and instead of reflecting on that in a positive way, the Governor in an official capacity goes out and rails against “the feds.” And does so with a clear and intentional choice of coded language.

    Let’s do a reality check. Who are these dastardly “feds”? Good heavens, they are the very government created by “we the people.” I’m proud to be an American. I’m proud to have a national government, and not live in chaos and anarchy. I don’t believe that the divisiveness and disrespect towards our own government, which we are seeing in so much conservative code talking these days, are the tools for making our country better. And I don’t think that the people using those tools think so either. They have a different agenda.

    For the past 50 years, our state has been part of the federal union. Many people worked for many years to secure that status. Most of us here are proud of that. We do have a voice in Washington, now, that we didn’t have 50 years ago. We can work to make Washington better or worse, together with the other 49 states. It’s our joint responsibility as citizens. That’s America. That’s the Real America. It’s not some game of us against them.

    So what’s going on with these words– is this the AIP talking? Should we secede while we’re at it? With the nonsense that’s going on up here, the rest of the country might start wanting us to.


  87. Baker's Dozen says:

    You know, I like the Jeopardy theme, and often hum it when waiting for a slow student. But right now what I here is the circus parade theme from Dumbo! Thanks, Disney, for the new Great State of Alaska’s GovernoT theme song. She wanted hail to the chieftess and got a caliope pulled by a hippo.

  88. Baker's Dozen says:

    pvazwindy Says:
    May 30th, 2009 at 9:43 PM
    Palin could screw up a 2 car funeral

    Too funny :shock
    Not only could she screw up a 2 car funeral, she could screw up her own funeral–or even a memorial service. 😀

  89. Baker's Dozen says:

    justafarmer Says:
    May 30th, 2009 at 9:19 PM
    and Baker’s Dozen! That was a GREAT Freudian typo!
    Heh! I liked it myself. Thanks.
    When does our stimulous $$$$ from Alask arrive here in California? (Hint to Palin. California is south of Alaska. On the Pacific Ocean like the Alaska panhandle–oh, that’s right you don’t live in Juneau. Well, in case this helps, I can see China from my house. With binoculars made from 2 toilet paper tubes taped together. tee hee)

  90. Isabella says:

    There is no way Palin, has a self life beyond the last few months of this governors gig. Hope someone figures out a way to get her out before she totally devastates the state. If not, no letting up, kick her ass everyday for her reckless behavior and arrogance.

  91. pvazwindy says:

    Palin could screw up a 2 car funeral

  92. curiouser says:

    Brilliant post title! I would love to see a book dedicated to her ‘fibs and fables’.

    You also managed to find an interesting approach to Palin’s Op-Ed. I would dare say that the words you red-lined were put in the piece at Palin’s insistence …her personal touch.

    She’ll only take Fed money with strings if it’s to ‘progress’ her pipeline.

  93. VoteNov4 says:

    Never thought I’d be thanking Bible Spice for anything, but as my fellow Californian pointed out, we’ll happily take any spare change and thank you also, too.

  94. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    Man it never stops what a very foolish woman.
    Great post AKM

  95. justafarmer says:

    what really slays me is the fact that she has NO idea what it means to be even cold in her house.
    I’m in Kentucky, not even Alaska, but I do INDEED know what it’s like to be in a house below freezing. We heat with wood but, despite my house being small, I had to get up 2-3 times during the night (between midnight and 9 am and then try to catch another 3 hours sleep) to keep the house warm and STILL had water pipes freeze several times, and one time a pipe under the kitchen sink burst and flooded the place before I could get to the shut-off valve. (Hubby was away for three weeks restoring power during the ice storm when that happened…thank goodness for duck tape!)

  96. Gramiam says:

    I wish the questions and answers on Jeopardy were this easy the first time I was on in 1968!! I would have made BIG bucks!! LOL! We ought to write in and have Alex add a new Category~~~~~Alaskan Bloggers!!

  97. justafarmer says:

    🙂 and Baker’s Dozen! That was a GREAT Freudian typo!

  98. Baker's Dozen says:

    We here in California will take the money and run–even the string will come in handy to help tie things together. We have some of the most archaic budget laws since the neighbor you can see from your house was instituting 5 years plans!

  99. justafarmer says:

    I’ll have to double check this, but I think we little taxpayers can get some sort of tax credit for weatherization, personal household alternative energy sources, purchasing new energy-efficient appliances, etc.
    I wish i could get a tax credit for my new on-demand electric water heaters. Think I’ll send that suggestion to the President. I suppose they didn’t think of that. That is a MAJOR electric bill savings (like about 50%).

  100. seattlefan says:

    Oh…I forgot to address the “Feds”. She must be askeart of Elliott Ness, him being a Fed and all. 😉

  101. seattlefan says:

    Wow and LOL! What a great post. God, I feel sorry for you all up there.

    I love the irony. By her refusing the funds, they will be re-distributed to other states that need them and she can be aptly labled as a “socialist” by doing this.

    Did she take an economics class in the “Journalism” major that she supposedly participated in?

  102. InJuneau says:


  103. Baker's Dozen says:

    Uh, Go Feds.

  104. Baker's Dozen says:

    God Feds!

    Perhaps the Alaska govt. should be the AcKs. 🙂