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Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

I’ll Take Palin Fibs and Fables for $200, Alex.

“The feds.”  It’s a slang term that most of us are used to seeing after the words “seized by” or before the words “raided the house.”   It’s never said with respect or fondness.   Rarely do you hear someone say “the feds are trying to give me money,”  or “the feds want to weatherize my house.”  And never have I heard a governor of one of the 50 states, that is actually part of the country, call the federal government “the feds.”  I would no more expect that than I would expect to hear them talk about “the fuzz” or “the coppers.” But…

Palin Rejects Stimulus Money. Throws Alaska Under the Bus to “Save Face.”

I can’t help noticing the irony of the front page of the Anchorage Daily News.  It pretty much says it all, quite poetically. A)  Over there on the left in the headlines section it says: Palin Cuts $80 Million from Budget – Gov. Palin announced today that she is vetoeing $80 million from the state budget, including federal stimulus dollars meant to go for energy relief. B)  And then right next to it under an aerial photo of the remote village of Selawik, it says: In the winter, Village Police Officer Clarence Snyder doesn’t use jail cells. They don’t have…