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The Weekend Off – News You Missed


Photo by Zach D Roberts


Fairbanks News Miner – Unlike statewide, Fairbanks voters favored “yes” votes on Measure 1

FAIRBANKS — A majority of Alaska’s voters decided to keep the oil tax system passed by the Legislature in 2013, but on Tuesday, Fairbanks favored throwing it out by a wide margin. – Extreme weather events pose risks to Alaskans’ health, study finds

Wacky weather may be hazardous to people’s health, at least in far-flung areas of Alaska, according to researchers who have been conducting a multiyear study in eight communities around the state. 

Juneau Empire – ‘Suspicious’ lightsaber draws police [ed. note: make sure to read this story to the last line… it’s worth it.]

A person in a Mendenhall Valley neighborhood must have had a bad feeling about an unidentified object on the side of the road because it was reported as a suspicious device.



Huffington Post – White House Rolls Out New Birth Control Accommodation For Nonprofits

The Obama administration announced on Friday a new accommodation for religious nonprofits that object to covering the full range of contraceptives in their employee health care plans.

The new accommodation will allow religious nonprofits, such as Catholic schools and hospitals, to opt out of covering birth control by notifying the Department of Health and Human Services of their objections. HHS and the Department of Labor will then arrange for a third-party insurer to pay for and administer the coverage for the nonprofits’ employees so that women still receive the contraceptive coverage guaranteed to them by the Affordable Care Act.

Yahoo News – ACLU: Ferguson police report on Michael Brown’s death violates law

A police report on the death of Michael Brown is missing key information and violates Missouri open records laws, an ACLU attorney told Yahoo News on Friday.

The two-page document, which the Ferguson Police Department released only after pressure from journalists and civil liberties advocates, is largely redacted or left blank. The most egregious omissions are the victim’s name and a description of the offense — the fatal shooting of Brown.

Desmogblog – Koch-Tied Roots of Senator Vitter’s Green Billionaires Club Environmental Attack Report

A DeSmogBlog investigation reveals that Kristina Moore, the Senate staffer listed as the author of U.S. Sen. David Vitter’s (R-La.) “green billionaire’s club” report published by the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee (EPW) on July 30, has career roots tracing back to the Koch Brothers’ right-wing machine.

St. Louis Public Radio – A Group Of Ferguson Protesters Releases List Of Demands, Calls For National ‘Walk Out’

A coalition of Ferguson protesters met with reporters Friday to announce a list of demands related to the investigation of the shooting death of Michael Brown and to call for college students to participate in a national “Walk Out” from classes on Monday.


Al Jazeera – US journalist Peter Theo Curtis freed in Syria after two years=

An American journalist kidnapped in Syria nearly two years ago was freed and handed over to U.N. representatives after Qatari mediation helped lead to his release from the Al-Qaeda-linked Jabhat al-Nusra, or Nusra Front.

Reuters – Separatists put Ukrainian captives on show in Donetsk

DONETSK, Ukraine Aug 24 (Reuters) – Pro-Russian separatist rebels force-marched dozens of Ukrainian prisoners of war along a main street of the rebel-held Ukrainian town of Donetsk on Sunday.

Vice News – Militiamen Burn Tripoli Airport After Seizing It from Government-Allied Forces

Members of the Islamist-allied Misrata militia have reportedly burned Tripoli International Airport shortly after capturing it from Libya’s nationalist Zintan fighters following a month-long battle for control.



6 Responses to “The Weekend Off – News You Missed”
  1. mike from iowa says:

    Brewery in Texas introduces a 99 pack of beer for $99 just in time for Labor Day celebrations and the busiest travelling weekend of the year.

  2. mike from iowa says:

    Another sterling reason to toke. Pot is good for the economy,good for crime reduction,makes people feel good,helps prevent drug overdosing. What’s not to like? Wingnuts!!!! That’s what not to like. The damn fauxknee bible thumpers and their fauxknee morals and family values.

    • Really? says:

      MFI– Thank you for this informative link. Marijuana is an amazing natural cure for so many ailments.
      Alaska owes it to itself to Vote Yes to legalize marijuana in November.. I personally appreciate
      your input on these Alaska issurs. Your perspective sure helps put some issues into perspective.

  3. mike from iowa says:

    Lightsaber story reminds me of the fable where chickens(awl co and wingnuts combibned) ruled the barnyard because they convinced the rest of the citizens that their combs on their heads(oil royalties) were fire and they burn anyone that gets out of line(Alaska citizens). One day the citizens woke up to reality that the tyrants were full of it and they finally tossed off the shackles,deposed the tyrants and lived happily ever after. Not yet,but soon,hopefully.