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Bill Walker on Choice


Alaskans from all shades of the political spectrum seek answers about the new combined “Unity ticket” for governor, composed of the unified campaigns of Bill Walker (I) for governor, and Byron Mallott (D) for Lt. Governor. Naturally, an issue that has been of some concern to both the Right and the Left is Walker’s position on reproductive choice.

A recent article in the Alaska Dispatch news has left many asking for clarity on this issue.

The following is a statement from the campaign regarding Walker’s position on choice. The statement was issued after questions stemming from the ADN article.

·      Bill Walker has always been clear that he is personally pro-life but that he will not legislate his beliefs when they conflict with Alaska’s very clear protections for personal medical privacy.

·      Bill Walker will implement Medicaid expansion on Day One – The single biggest thing the Governor can do to protect women and children is to accept the federal Medicaid expansion, which expands Denali KidCare in Alaska.  Medicaid expansion will increase women’s reproductive health access, while reducing the number of abortions by expanding availability of contraception.

·      Bill Walker will not initiate any effort to restrict a woman’s right to choose, and will not support anyone else’s push to do so.

·      If an anti-abortion bill comes to his desk, Bill Walker will deliberate using an inclusive process to hear from all sides.  In making the decision, Bill Walker will uphold the Constitution and will veto unconstitutional bills.

·      Laws that are currently on the books will continue to be law.

Alaska is the only state in the union which has a privacy clause in its Constitution. Article 1, Section 22 gives every Alaskan the right to privacy as follows:

“The right of the people to privacy is recognized and shall not be infringed.” 

It was this provision that made abortion legal in the State of Alaska three years before Roe v. Wade gave women that right nationwide in 1973.



14 Responses to “Bill Walker on Choice”
  1. Intel says:

    Well folks we better get the scales out here and do some political weighing of issues here…
    Parnell is for the rapist and ‘don’t ask don’t tell’ in regards to the Alaska National Guard and Crimes in Alaska..
    Walker is being questioned over abortion issues…and will consult with laws and the Alaska Constitution first…
    Hmmm…such a hard choice…not…I would take the latter…Walker it is…at least he TRIES to be legal…unlike…

  2. Intel says:

    Well folks we better get the scales out here and do some political weighing of issues here…
    Parnell is for the rapist and ‘don’t ask don’t tell’ in regards to the Alaska National Guard and Crimes in Alaska..
    Walker is being questioned over abortion issues…and will consult with laws and the Alaska Constitution first…
    Hmmm…such a hard choice…not…I would take the latter…Walker it is…at least he TRIES to be legal…unlike…

  3. Dagian says:

    I’m confused, if this should occur (okay, WHEN it occurs) ” If an anti-abortion bill comes to his desk, Bill Walker will deliberate using an inclusive process to hear from all sides. In making the decision, Bill Walker will uphold the Constitution and will veto unconstitutional bills.”, how can he legally come to any decision other than a veto?

    “Alaska is the only state in the union which has a privacy clause in its Constitution. Article 1, Section 22 gives every Alaskan the right to privacy as follows:

    “The right of the people to privacy is recognized and shall not be infringed.”

    Unless… you don’t suppose… he wants the Constitution changed and will do everything in his power to make that happen. At least that’s my guess from the cheap seats on the East Coast.

  4. Krubozumo Nyankoye says:

    Nice one MFI… much like the scorpion’s tale.The only problem here is that politicians willingly lie to avoid revealing their actual agendas.

    Ironically, once elected and after having revealed their true agendas, many get elected again because people who voted them in are incapable of admitting that they were fooled. Chapter one verse one of the con artist’s bible, your mark will never admit they were conned.

    It is objective truth that. Fools most easily fool themselves.

  5. Alaska Pi says:

    I’m hearing we will have a meet and greet with the gents here in JNU , Sept 11, at the IBEW hall.
    Anyone know anything different?
    I’ll be there.
    Who else from SE?

  6. fishingmamma says:

    ” If an anti-abortion bill comes to his desk, Bill Walker will deliberate using an inclusive process to hear from all sides. In making the decision, Bill Walker will uphold the Constitution and will veto unconstitutional bills.”

    I was OK till I got to this line. Abortion is a constitutionally protected right. Yet, politicians trip all over themselves trying not to offend those who would outlaw it.

    I’m voting for the guy because I am not a one-issue voter, but this gives me reason to doubt that he is anything but a mild-mannered republican running as an independant. And there was Mallott’s support of Lisa during her write-in campaign. There was an excellent Democrat on the ballot and he chose to aid in splitting the ticket and electing Lisa, who has since gutted VAWA for Alaska Native women, and blocked increasing oil company liability in drilling disasters.

    With all the hoopla about what a great team this is, I think we could have done better.

  7. Mo says:

    Got my vote with this:

    Bill Walker will implement Medicaid expansion on Day One

    Parnell can give away a couple of billing to his oil company overlords, but cannot take the FREE MONEY to expand Medicaid? Because it might cost the state a few thousand a couple of years down the line? Nevermind all the money it would bring in from health care services? Parnell the Poltroon, so afraid of the feds, so subservient to the oil corporations.

    • Mo says:

      that’s “billions” not “billing,” of course. I need to stop chewing the desk edge as I type.

      • mike from iowa says:

        and Alaska has lost a year of free Medicaid,untold numbers of jobs and gawd only knows how much money because of wingnut truculence. Plus all those citizens are still w/o insurance.

    • NorthernJoy says:

      I had the same reaction Mo. When I read Medicaid Expansion on Day 1, I let out a cheer! Only willful ignorance could deny medical coverage for all that cannot afford it.

  8. Moose Pucky says:

    How hard is it for a real leader to say? “Legislators and government have absolutely no business regulating women and their bodies. Those decisions must be left to women and their doctors. Legislators are not doctors.”

    • fishingmamma says:

      I’m with you, Moose. But, that type of comment would take actual leadership.

      What we have is a pack of politicians.

      Politician: A person that finds a parade and jumps out in front of it.

  9. mike from iowa says:

    She clutched him to her bosom
    “You’re so beautiful” she cried
    “but if I hadn’t brought you in
    by now you might have died.”

    Well she stroked his pretty skin again
    and then kissed him really tight,
    but instead of saying thanks,
    the snake gave her a vicious bite.


    “I saved you!” cried that woman
    “and you’ve bitten me but why?”
    “you know your bite is poisonous
    and now I’m gonna die.”

    “Ha ha, shut up, silly woman.”
    said that reptile with a grin.
    “You knew darn well I was a snake
    before you took me in.”


    Just saying.