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Friday, January 28, 2022

Bill Walker on Choice

Alaskans from all shades of the political spectrum seek answers about the new combined “Unity ticket” for governor, composed of the unified campaigns of Bill Walker (I) for governor, and Byron Mallott (D) for Lt. Governor. Naturally, an issue that has been of some concern to both the Right and the Left is Walker’s position on reproductive choice. A recent article in the Alaska Dispatch news has left many asking for clarity on this issue. The following is a statement from the campaign regarding Walker’s position on choice. The statement was issued after questions stemming from the ADN article. ·      Bill Walker has…

Jeanne Devon on The Attitude w/ Arnie Arnesen

Thanks so much to Susan Bruce, and Arnie Arnesen for inviting me to appear on The Attitude, – home station WNHN in Concord, New Hampshire, and podcasted to the universe. The governor’s race in Alaska is gaining traction in media outlets across the country, and we had a fascinating discussion with our friends in the east about the Alaska Unity Ticket for governor with Bill Walker (I) and Byron Mallott (D), how we got to that place, political compromise and sacrifice, and the future of non-partisanship in politics. I think you’ll enjoy the conversation. Start listening at 27:15 so you…