Ziegler’s Folly II – UPDATED With Letterman’s Response to Palin Joke Kerfuffle
Ah, that’s our Ziggy.
Contessa Brewer at MSNBC had John Ziegler on today to discuss David Letterman’s tasteless jokes about Sarah Palin and her daughter. He, apparently had a different agenda. He seemed more interested in using the time to insult Brewer, rail on MSNBC, whine about the media, jab at Keith Olbermann, and demonstrate for us all “How to Burn Your Bridges and Never Be Invited Back to a Network Ever Again.” Brilliant PR work.
This is exactly what he was like during the screening of his documentary here in Anchorage…even to people who were trying to be complimentary to him.
Brewer did have a neat trick there at the end, though. Maybe next time I’m there when Palin is speaking I can just yell “Cut the mic!!”
It’s so crazy, it just might work….
UPDATE: Just in case you were wondering if Ziegler might be realizing this was a stupid move, I just got an email from him stating that Rush Limbaugh delcared him “the clear winner in my battle with MSNBC.” Let the delusion continue!
UPDATE II: Here is David Letterman’s response.
Well, apparently Sarah’ daughter, Bristol, won’t be having ARod’s kid (there goes that mil a month child support), but you can bet in nine months mini-pipelines, courtesy of Exxon, will be apoppin’ out of Palin’s ‘puter.
Letterman was way off base with his knocked up statement. He not only offended the teenager but the ball player as well. Such antics got Don Imus removed from his job so why is Letterman still around?
p.s. no I don’t like your gov. but I sure don’t like such a joke about a child. Older or younger daughter!
Just a thought…. Bristol the older daughter has to stay home, wherever that is and take care of the babies. That or the 7 year old is up to will have to do the job. We have seen lots of pictures of her doing so. Middle child usually always gets (no attention) thus, Willow is up to bat now. I really feel sorry for her children. They are being used and abused. Most important, sp and dude will miss no chance to gain attention. Who was it that said bad publicity is better than no publicity at all?
Love the up to date info on my former home state.
They hypocrisy of the Palins is quite obvious. Sarah had no problem going on Saturday Night Live and allowing them to openly mock her and use her for ratings, in the hopes of showing herself to be cool, and she did just a short month after the same show did a skit on Todd sleeping with his daughters. She had no problems giving SNL ratings then, what is different now?
On Thursday night’s “Late Show with David Letterman,” Dave says he thinks “everything’s fine now” between him and Sarah Palin. Then he cracks another joke.
Continuing on, Dave jokes that the Alaska governor called him and invited him to go hunting!
“I’m Dave Letterman, making friends wherever I go,” he says at the top of the show.
The famed funnyman recently responded to Palin’s criticisms of his jokes about her family.
I love Olberman’s take on Palin’s snark refusal of Letterman’s apology.
Palin better be very careful tomorrow. If she’s smart, she’ll keep her mouth completely shut about Letterman and concentrate on how she arranged for Exxon rape Alaska again. Or would that be…knocked up?
Does anyone else find it ludicrous that the woman who made rape victims pay for their own rape kits is feigning outrage and trying to contort Letterman’s joke into being a rape joke?
I know I do.
I think SP & Toad are having a premonition about a sexually active daughter…
Didn’t they say that Piper and TriG are in Seattle? We know Willow is with them.
So who’s checking up on BP and Tripp? Levi? Maybe they have learned two forms of contraceptive used together are muay effective? What have they got to lose except her contract with Candies?
I really think that MSNBC should have Ziegler on again. They should fly him to New York, wine and dine him, then have him appear in studio with Keith. That would be interesting. Contessa was being very professional with him, and I think she should have cut him off earlier. Of course he would have then gone on his show and said how they cut him off because they can’t handle the truth, not that he was being a total a**. Put him in a room, with Keith, or Chris Mathews and we would see his true colors. The guy is a tool.
Deb (in Denver) here still following my favorite blog. I just don’t comment all that often. GINO’s antics never fail to amuse me, but SARAH PAC thinking they can take on Letterman beats all.
Note to SARAHPAC “handlers” : If you’re serious about 2012, then you’re gonna have to expand the “base” (and I use that word seriously). What better way to expand the base, if “you betcha Sarah” is so great, than to appear on Letterman? Get a clue!
The rest of us would look forward to the entertainment value!
the problem child “Honestly, I don’t think that is Willow.”
You would think somewhere there would be a family photo huh? I am finding nothing with Willow, clearly seen at the stadium. Lets go with she went though cause Palin, has to add that ticket as a gift.
mlaiuppa “And I understand Letterman’s contract has just been renewed.”
Until 2012
Didn’t he get 16 million plus bonuses?
Palin, should cancel tomorrow….but she is too dim to understand the tide has turned now that she is crying rape as an opportunity not aghast. Everyone knows she is not sincere about being enraged over her daughter. Didn’t she learn last time about staying out of the public eye.
I was on Huffpo and someone (some Sarasite fan ) posted a story from the LA Times about Dave because they totally trashed him in their piece…. and it supported their opinion comment. They quoted as a reference Faux News… and the Toad. Pushing the 14 yo willow talking point and the ” R ” word.
They don’t have any of the facts right and I don’t think they could have even seen the show. (Used Fox as a source)
Dave could probably sue them for how bad they represented the ‘facts’… or lack therof.
I just emailed them and let them have it. You might do likewise.
I will use the contact link for emailing. You can Google them to bring up the story. two links and it will go to the mods.
I’m going to tape it. And Daily Show. And Colbert Report.
But I’m not taping Today show tomorrow morning. I’ll just read about Palin’s trainwreck on the internet. If she attacks Letterman again, she better be prepared for war. I don’t think Letterman is on Friday or over the weekend. She may *think* she’ll get the “last word” but it will only last the weekend. It will NOT be forgotten or blow over. If she’s not careful, she’ll be the butt of Letterman’s jokes starting next week and repeatedly, in perpetuity. And I understand Letterman’s contract has just been renewed.
Anyone watching Dave, tonight?
Palin’s going on the Today show tomorrow morning. I’m sure she’ll twist Letterman’s jokes and even the apology to try to paint him as a child molester or something else. The won’t miss an opportunity to attack him, paint him black and further her all about ME agenda.
She really doesn’t know who she’s dealing with. Letterman can make her a laughingstock for years. And he has the brains to finesse it. Half the time she won’t know it’s happening except that the audience is laughing, but she won’t be able to tell why. And if she pisses him off, he’s likely to do it.
Again, didn’t she pay attention to what he did to John McCain? Does she think this is some sort of payback? Did she put Letterman on her little list when he took down John McCain? Maybe she blames him for their loss. Yeah, David Letterman singlehandedly lost them the election. And now it’s her turn to make him pay.
Got news for ya, Sarah. Letterman is a lot more powerful than you. More money, more supporters, more everything. And people *like* Letterman.
Wurzelhexli “Isabella (#199): You can vote there, and vote often… I guess Maet Haras is out in force…”
Looks like they crapped out. No stamina. I would have taken it to 100%.
So, a GOP boycott of Letterman will result in what, 10-20 less households watching? Given that most GOP viewers are already tuning into what Faux has on that time of night. I guess I just don’t envision Letterman having a strong demographic in what may be considered typical GOP households.
It’s clear that GINO is receiving NO advice — not from anyone competent, anyway. She is so predictable — reaches for the VICTIM CARD whenever someone frowns at her. But all of this just spotlights her complete unsuitablity for national office.
“Republicans are so full of manufactured outrage that one day SOON, they WILL spontaneously combust.”
Steele wasn’t impressed. “Letterman’s joke about Sarah and Todd Palin’s daughter was thoughtless and tacky,” Steele said in a statement to The Hill. “I saw his explanation for the joke, but sometimes the easiest thing to do is simply say ‘I’m sorry.'”
“When Letterman starts making tasteless jokes about kids, it’s time to turn the channel,” he added.
Todd Herman, who runs new media for the Republican National Committee, tweeted in response, “Steele suggests boycott of Letterman. New RNC chairman, NOW!”
Jamie said: For Letterman to make that joke about ARod and “a Palin daughter” was wrong. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Politicians’ children are never an appropriate target – even for comics – unless they have overtly thrust themselves into the process.
___ Bristol is 18, and can embarked on a PUBLIC national campaign for abstinance (cough, chocke). Yeah, she’s put her own face out there, by choice, and when the knocked up preach abstinbance they’re going to get funny “I don’t use birth control” jokes and “Guess who’s knocked up” jokes.
If these folks want out of the lime light then they should get the he–out of the lime light.
How hard is that?
103 Andree McLeod (R) Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 7:52 AM
The more the Palins’ scream “outrage”..the more white envelopes with $$$ goes into her personal and political coffers…all the while collecting her official state $125K salary and working on her book.
This is unethical and wrong.
We know that. But there are a whole bunch of really stupid people in this country who have been waiting for decades to contribute to an equally stupid group like the Palin. They’ve been dying to meet people just like them. Stupid.
All those tax dollars going to fund public education and the best we can do is… Palin. blech!
Isabella (#199): You can vote there, and vote often… I guess Maet Haras is out in force…
The part I liked best about Dave’s Show last night was when he read Palin’s Facebook comments. He read ‘ the dud’s’ and then made a snarky remark implying ‘ the dud’ has no talent. And then he read what Plain wrote. It was Classic Palin word salad. About 5 different ideas all end to end with no period until the end of the statement. (Journalism Major huh…no way)
Kathy Griffin was his next guest and she brought up Palin as well. Dave said something like ” I’ve said enough on that” ….(making a joke) and told Kathy she could comment though. Kathy had a few choice comments and then called Sarah ‘ a Moron ‘ and called the dud a ‘ tool ‘.
So Sarah is getting EVERYBODY to comment about her…. badly.
Kathy will probably work it into her comedy routine as well… if she hasn’t already.
25 KateinCanada Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 2:58 AM
I can see what upset Tod and I say good on Tod for calling him on his crap. For anyone who had to make the diassociation and stop to do research and ask what actually was said, this wasn’t funny.
“Who me? A celebrity? I’m not a celebrity.” Wink wink.
Then don’t watch Dave. No one forces you to.
As for seeing whatever upset “Tod” (sic), my first thought was that you must be blind. Dave never referenced any particular daughter nor did he use the word rape. He did used the word “knocked up” and anyone with a working brain – The Dud apparently not being one of those types – knows that it was Bristol the Abstainer who was knocked up.
KO is taking on the Palins AND bible boobs!
I’m willing to offer the services of my dog to lift his leg and empty his bladder onto JZ, after which he’d be agreeable to a satisfying leg hump! (yes, the vagueness on that last bit is intended! ;))
Another thought: is it possible that Willow has a teen-age crush on Dave and that is why Todd is concerned? I mean, Dave has had litigeous experience with stalker types and we all know that the Palin legal fund is hurting. Hey, they brought her up first!
Rush only gets a winner when he picks his nose.
I refuse to go further south than that.
Palin declared “Screw political correctness” in her Anchorage speech last week.
Isn’t that what Letterman just did with his “Top Ten” on Palin?
Seems like “political correctness” itself is up for debate and definition….and, as usual, Palin wants to make the rules.
At any rate, I would take Letterman’s tasteless jokes any day over the race-baiting and xenophobic “serious” political rhetoric of Palin, Rush, Coulter, Hannity, O’Reilly et al.
The deaths of Dr. Tiller and the Holocaust museum guard were not motivated by a pervasive, well- honed “philosophy of joking.”
Did any one catch when Eddie Burk, talked to Bristol Palin on the day of her graduation (With Palin right there)….about having a KEGGER & about her personal life that night?
I never once read Palin, up in arms about Eddie promoting UNDERAGE DRINKING which statistics show evolve to all kinds of teenage tragedies, especially on prom and graduation, nights.
Martha U.Y.S-214–
good point about people with personality disorders not being able to get jokes/make jokes because they lack empathy.
Most of the public knows nothing about personality disorders, so information like this is really helpful to understand SP.
clydedog–I hadn’t thought of the fact that Palin purposefully words statements to incite outrage by her base–the uninformed. I hope Letterman calls her on this; I think she’s gone too far by essentially accusing him of being a rapist/pedophile.
@UK Lady, this is why I think Letterman can sue them and might! True, he doesn’t need $$, but he does have a reputation! The Palin team doesn’t know what they’ve gotten themselves into….yet.
sjk from the belly of the plane says: June 11th, 2009 at 2:41 PM: Bristol is physically and legally an Adult. Fair game, like it or not…She is on People Mag, she is a paid professional “spokes-hypocrite” for Candies.
You are legally correct – and that is clearly why the Palins attempted the Willow misdirection – but I do not think that an 18-year old should be “fair game” under (nearly) any circumstances. It can’t be easy being an SHP child. We shouldn’t be going out of our way to make it tougher for them.
If Letterman wants to tease Bristol directly about her actual pregnancy v. her public abstinence spokesperson role, I would find that “fair” (though still question why he needs to do it). Gratuitously joking about her getting pregnant in a public setting with a professional baseball player is not “fair” despite her previous pregnancy. Sorry.
AFter reading the thousands of comments over at HuffPo about this, I am a bit amused and quite a bit totally appalled at the “disconnect” so many rightwingnut posters have about “rape”. Letterman said NOTHING about rape and yet they feel compelled to post again and again the most vile disgusting comment about David Letterman – implying that he is a child pornographer and rapist.
In the MN senate race between Coleman and Franken, the same lowest level of society just kept repeating over and over about how Al Franken was an “angry comedian” who joked about rape, based – I think – on some comedy skit he had written 20 years ago.
What is it about righwingers that they jump on the “rape card” so very easily?
CNN make me sick, they just did a segment on the Palin/Letterman brouhaha, said that the Palins were outraged, cherry picked Lettermans jokes and gave Scarah’s outraged reply and Duds reply and completely left off the bit about keeping Willow away from Letterman. BAH! That is the bit in my opinion where the Palins jump the shark, calling Letterman a paedophile is horrible and proves they are quite happy to exploit their own daughter.
Jaime In Texas Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 2:28 PM
Isabella: “Which Palin’s kids are. Bristol, an adult has sold herself out.”
I don’t consider any person under age 21 (or maybe even 25) to be a fully capable decision making adult.
Bristol is physically and legally an Adult. Fair game, like it or not…She is on People Mag, she is a paid professional “spokes-hypocrite” for Candies.
Is she really making her own decisions other than to have non safe sex?
Doubtful, but that is just TFB for the palin brood.
cant stand the heat? turn off the damn spotlight on yourself. This is 100% about sarah…she saw what she thought was an opening to lash out, except she brought her pea brain to a Mensa meeting!
Why on earth would McCain want to go head to head with Letterman again? Look how well that went last time. And he has no room to talk about making jokes about kids being off limits, look how he joked about Chelsea Clinton.
Professor Geezer “Maybe Letterman will sue Palin for libel, slander and defamation of character”
Nah, he will torment her for fun. He doesn’t need money.
Maybe Letterman will sue Palin for libel, slander and defamation of character.
LOl, now McCain wants to extend his 15 minutes. He isn’t one to be talking after calling his wife a c*nt and joking about rape.
“I don’t understand why Letterman would say that about a young woman,” McCain said during a telephone interview Thursday. “They (the Palins) deserve some kind of protection from being the butt of late-night hosts.”
Doggonit Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 1:39 AM
It is actually Todd and Sarah that went over the line. Obviously the joke was referring to Bristol who is an adult and has decided to go public (on magazine covers, interview with Gretta, and spokesperson for Candies). To pretend this was about Willow is using her for Sarah to get more media coverage.
Knocked-up means pregnant as Bristol was during campaign and not rape like Todd wants to pretend and play the victim card.
What Letterman said about whatever daughter was wrong. It was to direct and personal. What he said about SP was that she dressed like a slut, not that she was one. There is a big difference to say you look like something, , or you are acting like something, than you are something. Although the difference may not be appreciated by the recipient or their supporters.
Regarding above. It was very wrong, and very calculated for both the Palins to use the rape word in their press releases. They did it because it increases the outrage of the uninformed, and is a sad attempt to try and say if the daughter of an abstinence only family is pregnant, they must have been raped. They are once again bringing their children into the public arena for political purposes.
Isabella: “Which Palin’s kids are. Bristol, an adult has sold herself out.”
I don’t consider any person under age 21 (or maybe even 25) to be a fully capable decision making adult. Their brains are different. (Especially those brains that grew up with SHP as a parent/example?)
“Plus, it would be wise to keep Willow away from David Letterman.”
Isn’t this in the same vein as Letterman’s ARod and Spitzer joke? How amusing she uses the same sarcasm that her and Toad are so angry about.
My favorite part of the Zig interview is when Brewer asked him what joke “hurt her feelings?”
Jaime In Texas “Politicians’ children are never an appropriate target – even for comics – unless they have overtly thrust themselves into the process”
Which Palin’s kids are. Bristol, an adult has sold herself out.
For Letterman to make that joke about ARod and “a Palin daughter” was wrong. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Politicians’ children are never an appropriate target – even for comics – unless they have overtly thrust themselves into the process.
However, for Todd to then try to paint Dave as some sort of pedophile as a result of one bad joke? I can only call that I – N – S – A – N – E !
Priceless “I NEVER watch Letterman! But tonight… I’ll be tuned in with popcorn!”
Palin & her freaks aren’t thinking this through. Letterman has a 30 year plus history of RESPECT and TRUST with some of the most influential icons of America.
Does Palin, really, really, really , want to provoke Oprah?
Julia Roberts, will chew Palin, up & spit her out. Matt Damon….Palin better STFU.
the problem child and CrabbyPatty: In the third photo with this story, you can see the top of Willow’s head and face: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/06/08/sarah-palins-yankee-stadi_n_212566.html
There were other photos elsewhere of her at the events in NY (I think at the Autism Walk event). She was there.
Paula Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 10:55 AM
Palin turned down Letterman’s invitation, she will accept it later in the week only to turn it down again and then show up….
But she won’t sit down and talk, she’ll just walk across the stage, wave and then join the audience.
Damn, that is toooo funny!
Colibrimoon “Bristol and Willow really favor each other, sometimes I can’t tell them apart.”
There have been dozens of times MSN or CNN have placed a picture of Willow, holding Trig and coined her Bristol.
I NEVER watch Letterman! But tonight… I’ll be tuned in with popcorn!
Anyone following Palin knew it was Willow who was with her and Willow is 14 which makes”knocking her up” statutory rape.
I can assure you that neither David Letterman or his staff was following Sarah Palin’s trip close enough to identify which daughter had accompanied her parents on their visit. Besides, Bristol and Willow really favor each other, sometimes I can’t tell them apart. Because of the Bristol brouhaha Willow kind of faded to the background, I can recall several bloggers forgetting that there was a middle daughter. She was lost in the shuffle between her preggers big sister and her adorable little sister.
I have watched David Lettermen for most of my life. He is crazy and funny, but he would never stoop to making jokes about a young girl being raped.
David: So Sarah, I am really glad that you agreed to come on the show and I just want to say I am sorry that my words were interpreted in such an awful way and I never intended to suggest any harm to your daughters.
Sarah: Well gosh Dave thanks for that and also it is really big of you to apologize too. ya know the mainstream gotcha media has been so unfair to my family and to me and them also and it just is so much like this elitist east coast media thing that we can’t seem to be decent and well like i said that an apology is well ya know what the media won’t do but should a lot but doesn’t.
David: So, since we are talking about apologies and human decency, which are really important things to talk about– I think you will agree– would you like to take this opportunity here on national tv with probably the biggest audience I have ever had to apologize for some of the really terrible things you said about President Obama during the campaign?
Sarah: Ya see i just knew this would be a gotcha moment and once again that main stream elitist media would try to catch me but no. no i won’t dave ya know why? because . . . lipstick . . . hockey mom . . . the Lord’s will . . . family values . . . hating haters . . .
Dave: Can someone cut her mic?
UK Lady Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 12:52 PM
LOL – not sure if it is a typo, or if you did it on purpose, but you just coined a new phrase to EXPLAIN Palin’s reasoning processes
expalins it all:
That is hilarious!! No, not on purpose at all but must have been a Freudian slip! I like it too!!
Those nut jobs at the “team” site get me a little worked up!!
She’ll skip letterman and go to one of the following:
1) The 700 Club
2) Great
3) Hannity
SP will go on Dave Letterman because she just said she would not.
She always flip-flops; lies about what she just said/did; says one thing then does another.
We’ve seen plenty of evidence of this, and have seen it played out in front of everyone; not subtly, discreetly or with any apparent planning at all.
Or even consciousness about how it appears to people.
LOL – not sure if it is a typo, or if you did it on purpose, but you just coined a new phrase to EXPLAIN Palin’s reasoning processes
expalins it all:
OK.Fine. Exactly two things pop in my mind when the Palins say “rape”.
1. The charging for rape kits to victims.
2. Dr. Cathleen Baldwin-Johnston , the family practioner that delivered Trig. The same Dr. that wrote sarah’s one page letter on election eve that was supposed to suffice as medical records.
“Family physicians not only see children that perhaps have been physically or sexually abused or neglected, but also they see the long-term effects (of that abuse). There are a lot of pregnant and parenting teen-agers with a history of maltreatment, especially sexual abuse.”
That quote is from the link I’m providing. By all appearances , this Dr. believed in helping children that had been abused. She opened her practice in Wasilla in 1985 and helped many people. She seems to have disappeared. Does she advise the Palins in any capacity as to what look for on any potential predators of their daughters ?? The Dr. is the resident expert on such matters in Wasilla.
Hey – they brought up rape……..just makes one start wondering about things again……..
K8KZ “Seriously, there are over 50 blogs over there regarding the Letterman issue like someone actually commited a crime???”
All HOT AIR. Palin, JUMPED THE SHARK with the rape call.
There is the possibility that all the inflammatory reactive verbage [rape, pervert, underage, etc.,] is meant to distract from the $2600 dollar seats (gift) that must be declared [statuatory limit for gifts is $150].
Monitor on Psychology:
Also, he noted there is “a pretty high magnitude of difference” between the humor-recognizing abilities of people with schizophrenia and with bipolar disorder. As the two disorders are often mistaken for each other, it could provide a tool for more accurate diagnoses, Polimeni says, if further studies bear out the findings.
Letterman is after Sarah………
If you wondered why Letterman is out to get Sarah, this maetharaS blog from a tin foil hat wearing real live extremest expalins it all:
“Sarah is drill baby drill….they are going to make billions forever from this green crap……he has his orders to take up where tina fey left off…..destroy our Sarah.
let them know you know WHAT THE REAL DEAL IS….not some stupid vulgar joke, but an attempt to gain billions of dollars…They think we are all stupid…let them know we are on to their plan.”
Seriously, there are over 50 blogs over there regarding the Letterman issue like someone actually commited a crime??? They are calling him a pervert, a rapist, and a child molester. Crazy……absoluetly cookoo!!!!
Almost 6,000 replies on Huff about this lunacy Palin, brought up about rape. This is a clear example how she will never be placed in a position of elected office. Her hate, pettiness, vindictive selfishness rubs everyone the wrong way.
LORDY those women have nothing better to do. LOL, they have been voting like mad dogs for hours.
Thanks for the link to the Letterman Feedback!
I, too, expect another announcement any day that Bristol is pregnant. Again. So the knocked-up joke, to me, was hilarious for exactly the reason that makes a joke funny: pressure relief for anxiety.
Bristol’s parents also, probably, too, have a lot of anxiety that an unmarried daughter will come to them again with such news. This may very well foreshadow their reaction.
NPDers don’t really get humor – surprised ? NOT! This is an excerpt from one of many links which discuss this disorder in psychiatric, personal and societal contexts:
“They don’t get jokes, not even the funny papers or simple riddles, and they don’t make jokes, except for sarcastic cracks and the lamest puns. This is because, lacking empathy, they don’t get the context and affect of words or actions, and jokes, humor, comedy depend entirely on context and affect.”
This is what makes Palin so predictable. She has no power to be creative, think outside the box, or to become a better human being. Her freaks love this because they are all afraid of CHANGE, and she’ll NEVER CHANGE. This will become a prison more than a platform as with each passing day of Palin news, more previously-impartial-to-politics folks start to groan and they just want her GONE.
It will take awhile, but doesn’t that have a nice ring to it?
Was Willow even ON this NY trip? I recall a picture of the First Dud and Palin on the stage, with Palin wearing those tacky red heels, but was Willow there? There was a girl on the far LH side of the photo wearing some tacky Daisy Dukes, but I can’t believe THAT is how anyone would dress to represent Alaska at some event. Seriously, was that Willow? IMG.
The only person exploiting their 14 year old daughter is the Palins.
Why would they continue to user their younger daughter in this argument if Letterman already said it wasn’t about her?
Sounds pretty exploitive of Palin and Todd. Not good parents.
Damn!! Letterman is actually going to be angry about that last sarky comment about keeping Willow away from him. Maybe we won’t need that iceberg after he gets done with her.
Oh, and I never saw a single picture of the baseball game that showed Willow in it. I don’t think she was there, or at least not sitting with her parents. Just sayin’.
Nope, it’s not just about Willow any more, now they’ve dragged Piper into it, too, and as good as called Letterman a pedophile. I may even make the effort to stay up and hulu or whatever it’s called just to see for myself the very special smack-down.
And now, that it’s been inflated to the status of catfight, I bet Stewart and Colbert will want to get in on the action.
Maybe she should read that book titeled, “If you can’t take a joke, you shouldn’t have joined.”
I emailed CBS several times and said “Take her down Dave!”
He spent more than 7 minutes discussing this “sexual pervert child rape” thing, and here she goes bringing in her daughter -into the eye of the public storm, again, and gasps attacking my kids! Bwaaaaaaaaaa!
I wonder if Train Wreck Sarah realizes that she has just insured that half the population of the country, including her fans, will be watching Letteman tonight to see what he says.
Let’s see.
What was that quote?
“The Palins have no intention of providing a rating’s boost for David Letterman by appearing on his show.”
Reminds me of a childhood rhyme.
Ooie Gooie was a worm.
A mighty worm was he.
He sat upon the railroad track.
The train, he did not see.
Ooie. Gooie.
I bet she’ll be doing Letterman in about a month. After she has milked this for all she can and people aren’t talking about her so much, she’ll appear.
And her spiel will go something like: Well, at first I was too offended to even consider doing this, but after thinking about all the good I could do to squash sexism and to defend my daughter, I changed my mind.
I was right!! Well, not that it’s hard to guess Palin’s reaction. It’s like predicting night will fall.
Here’s her oh-so-classy non-Jerry Springer reply to his request for an interview (snort!)
Sarah Palin responded Thursday morning to Dave’s invitation to appear on his show in a statement to Foxnews.com: “”The Palins have no intention of providing a rating’s boost for David Letterman by appearing on his show,” the statement read. “Plus, it would be wise to keep Willow away from David Letterman.”
Way to act, Palin. Way to act.
Mr. Letterman, take it from here! He’s got to be thinking “This is too easy!”
And for the debate about whether Willow was at the game, there were photos on HuffPo that showed what I’m sure was her sitting in the row below GINO and Co.
Isabella–if you’re wondering about the recently “dismissed” director of the Division of Public Health, her name is Beverly Wooley.
Whatever happend to the idea of “being interviewed”? During the election the repugs would get tv time & talk over the commentator. I must say they got plenty of mileage out of it & they are still doing it. I think it would be nice if they just pulled the plug when they start talking over the interviewer.
Romney, Huckabee, and even Gingrich must be chuckling over this. It only helps their research opposition teams when award-winning comedians can inadvertently “expose” Palin’s many weaknesses.
LMAO, they got 50 votes in in less then 2 minutes. Someone check Meg’s fingers for BLISTERS!!!
Far fromFenway Fan Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 10:03 AM
Meg Stapleton just issued this statement:
“The Palins have no intention of providing a ratings boost for David Letterman by appearing on his show. Plus, it would be wise to keep Willow away from David Letterman.”
THEY just don’t get it. First of all, they’ve ALREADY provided a ratings boost for Letterman by responding. And adding the snarky comment is SO unprofessional, Meg. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to BE serious.
100 per cent agree fenway!!!
Meg Staple-gun is the worst PR person. Utterly lacking in professionalism. It’s like beign in the middle of ( excuse me) a “girl fight” ! The reference to Willow- anyone get it? Is that an attempt at humor? Or did SP via Meg just do to Willow what she accuses Letterman of doing..making Willow the vicitm of sexually preverse innuendo! One guess.
I won’t bet my car, just kidding. Only with my hubby, then I could get his newer car and he can take the clunker. This whole episode is so unfathomable, with the Palin circus. Really, folks, I think this is the straw on the camel’s back and thinking reasonable people are starting to question her strange behavior. One positive outcome from this, Alaskan voters won’t vote her in again. Less than 2 years to go…….sigh.
Well, if that isn’t a perfect example of how Miz Palin distorts the truth & her outraged troops come storming in ….go get here Dave!!
Palin, pac is over at the extra site going bat sit crazy.
LOVED when she said, “Pull the mic.” Show him who runs what show. He mayb disagree with MSNBC but he agreed to talk about a topic then tried to use his airtime as a bashing game. These Palin supporters are scum.
Sarah has no idea the amount of critism she will get if she enters the national political scene for the next presidential election. Too much garbage has been revealed and if she thinks Dave’s was bad, just wait. I agree, she should leave her children out of the public eye if she doesn’t want the publicity. And, if she has them in the public eye, they should be dressed appropiately, not like a sex symbol. I guess she thinks it’s okay since she has been dressing sexy and got away with it. I can’t wait for SNL to do a skit with a mother and daughter walking along both dressed like common sluts and construction workers whistling.
Palin turned down Letterman’s invitation, she will accept it later in the week only to turn it down again and then show up….
But she won’t sit down and talk, she’ll just walk across the stage, wave and then join the audience.
181 oregonbird…
I agree to disagree. She was doing her best to keep him on track with the topic of the interview. At least three times she tried to get back to the matter at hand. Even finally giving him the chance to pick a different topic! She credited his book and the interview he had with GINO, and diligently tried oh so hard to get him to speak about his impressions of SP. He, on the other hand, seemed more like he was having an interview in an alternate universe. He did nothing butt (pun intended) antagonize from the onset to the end. He made it more of a commercial about himself by the time she asked to have his mic cut. Good for her. As my Gramma used to say, for JZ’s benefit, ‘Keep a civil tongue in your head… you’ll go much further!’
Palin turned down Letterman’s invitation, she will accept it later in the week only to turn it down again and then show up….Even her press release regarding the jokes was a wordy mess of confusion..Letterman had to pause while reading it because his head hurt….I thought Dave’s response on the show last night was great..the Palin’s looked like a couple of over reactionary crazy people, making up catch words to fuel their crazy extremist base…When do Twiddle Dum and Dee get back to Ak. with the big possible secret announcment..anybody know?
177 Wurzelhexli Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 10:18 AM
sjk from the belly of the plane :
If, what many of us think, Bristol is Trig’s mother (the DS baby, not the one born THIS year), then Bristol was VERY under age – she would have been FIFTEEN when she became pregnant! (Maybe THAT’S why GINO pulled the fake pregnancy scheme – to prevent the baby’s daddy (whoever that is…) from going to jail?)
If your thinking statutory rape of an under aged female (or male) most and probably all states also have a minimum age for the other party as well.
For example a 16 year old consenting girl and a 19 year old male might be considered statutory. But a 14 year old consenting girl and a 15 year old male might not.
Statutory rape is a legal definition applied to “consenting” sex. The theory being that an adult has a certain coercive power over a child, thus by law (statute) the act is defined as rape. Even if the child “consented” the act is defined by law as being presumed to have been coerced.”
Same thing applies when one party is viewed as not mentally capable of making an informed consent (like understanding the consequences of the act). So a young child or even young adult might consent but be legally viewed as not competent to give informed consent.
Nuts, I just broke a wineglass …
It wasn’t my fault John Ziegler’s being a jerk made me gesticulate wildly and knock it off the computer table (opposite direction from computer – computer completely unscathed).
Can I file a complaint against him?
She’s teaching her kids to be a ‘tease’, just like Mom. Dress like a slut, winky*winky, lots of makeup… then bash them if they say anything rude about it.
Far fromFenway Fan Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 10:03 AM
Meg Stapleton just issued this statement:
“The Palins have no intention of providing a ratings boost for David Letterman by appearing on his show. Plus, it would be wise to keep Willow away from David Letterman.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Re: the second sentence – how utterly unneccessary, undignified, unprofessional, potentially libelous, and worst of all UNFUNNY is that?
Leave the attempts at jokes to the professionals, Meg.
165… FarFromFenwayFan… In all seriousness…
It’s the old case of the pot calling the kettle… how does one say this and remain politcally correct… ‘non-white’!
No different than bad press for a movie, book or video. The louder you doth protest, the more curious people will be to see what all the hubbub is about.
The Palin responce was acceptable right up until where Meg-a-mouth added the obvious perversion reference. One can n’er rise above by contiually stooping down!
Train Wreck Sarah strikes again.
Letterman’s inviatation was a joke, Sarah.
A J-O-K-E, Sarah. Compre neey vouu, joke?
And you added snarky side comments.
You and the Dud just put yourselves, and your children, back in the bull’s eye. Better get on you Kevlar body armor on cause you may be in or a long week.
Oh, yeah, and for Pete’s sake get your med’s refilled.
I have an ex sister-in-law with ADHD, she has sense enough to know she has to keep her prescription filled.
@153 that is Rudi’s wife, Judi. I think Rudi only has a son, Andrew and if you want to piss your pants laughing watch how Chris Farley (may he RIP) made fun of Andrew Guiliani (probably only 7 at the time) for his antics at his father’s NYC Mayoral Inauguration ( as I recall). I would bet You Tube has the Skit and unfortuantely my remedial abiliies at this techno stuff prevent me from posting the link.
To Rudi’s credit. The former democrat is a great sport an SNL. I recall his wrestling with Janet Reno ( Will Ferrrell) with much delight!
If Sarah were genuinely concerned about her kids, she would shield them from adult situations instead of spotlighting them. How hard is that? Real celebrities manage it just fine.
I hate to say it, but unless Ziegler gave Contessa a hard time *before* the interview began, she began the hostilities. Constantly questioning whether he *wanted* to go on with the interview seems like a threat to me — say what you’re supposed to, or you won’t get air time. And she didn’t seem professional. During the run up to the election, we watched tables-full of wing-nuts like Ziegler talk over each other, and the hosts managed to steer through the cacaphony (or, sadly, joined in) without closing the discussions down.
If an interview doesn’t go where it was meant to, a good interviewer takes up the challenge and finds a way inside. It isn’t a “win” to huff out, “Cut his mic!” it’s a professional loss. If Contessa had been better prepared with something beyond her *own* talking points, she could have produced an actual interview, rather than a media moment.
And Palin proved, once again, that she will use her children for press coverage no matter what the topic.
Hi, what is the name of the newest person Palin, demanded to resign?
Everything’s a basketball game to her. And she can’t stand to lose.
I bet this was just like her basketball-playing style – push the rules just far enough to tick the other gals off to make THEM foul her, then say ‘poor me, she fouled me’.
But if they had done nothing, SP would have gotten away with everything.
She’s trying to drag DL into this stupid undignified game with her. I can only trust that Dave is smart enough to see that, and classy enough to handle it well.
170 sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 10:11 AM
It would be wise to have WIllow dress appropriately when parading her around the country. She is underage and looked like Jessica Simpson in her short shorts and tight top. Just like her mama, she hasnt a clue.
i thought willow looked like a teenage runaway.
i actually have tons more respect for jessica simpson than any of the palin clan.
sjk from the belly of the plane :
If, what many of us think, Bristol is Trig’s mother (the DS baby, not the one born THIS year), then Bristol was VERY under age – she would have been FIFTEEN when she became pregnant! (Maybe THAT’S why GINO pulled the fake pregnancy scheme – to prevent the baby’s daddy (whoever that is…) from going to jail?)
171 sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 10:12 AM
BARLEY! should read BARELY!
barley too! and baloney! and bollocks! and BIZARRE!
Would someone tell me what alternate reality people like Ziggy, et. al., inhabit? I don’t want to visit but would like to know so I don’t happen to stumble down the rabbit hole and end up in their vicinity.
David Letterman spend 7 min on a sincere apology that also explained the mixup and still made Palin look stupid.
Palin says she’ll never be on his show. She’ll regret those words. If she thinks she can take on Letterman and win after what he did to John McCain she is beyond delusional.
If she keeps this up, he’ll wipe the floor with her. Polite, smiling and teflon.
The frequency with which this woman creates/attracts truly absurd situations SHOULD embarrass her. Which it would if she did not suffer from narcissistic personality disorder. At the very least, why does anyone want to work FOR her? How far do they really think she can take them? Honestly, how can anyone take her seriously?
Self-awareness much?
Please contact Mr. Letterman and show him your support in this outrageous statement from the Palins! “Plus, it would be wise to keep Willow away from David Letterman.” They are implying that he is a pedophile!
BARLEY! should read BARELY!
It would be wise to have WIllow dress appropriately when parading her around the country. She is underage and looked like Jessica Simpson in her short shorts and tight top. Just like her mama, she hasnt a clue.
And DL just used words, not sperm like Levi. Levi impregnated an underage Palin. Legal? BARLEY! Where is the outrage for the Palins poor parenting skills?
Why is Trig with Piper? Doesn he need his “mother”? WTF!!!!!!!!!
150 Paula Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 9:38 AM
rebekka said
I am not a betting person, but would bet my old clunky car that Sarah and Todd accept David Letterman’s invitation. How could she not? She loves the attention.
Very sexy voice.
“Come into my parlor” Said the spider to the fly.
One of the quotes I read yesterday or today said “Todd said there was a photo of Sarah, Todd & Willow taken at the ballgame so Letterman should have known which one it was”
They’re trying to paint David Letterman… THE David Letterman… as a pervert? All I can say is Good Luck with that one, Palins. Way to keep it classy.
“Plus, it would be wise to keep Willow away from David Letterman.”
That is a slap in the face of Letterman, and if I were him, I would get her a$$ for badmouthing/libeling (sp?) me!
Meg Stapleton just issued this statement:
“The Palins have no intention of providing a ratings boost for David Letterman by appearing on his show. Plus, it would be wise to keep Willow away from David Letterman.”
THEY just don’t get it. First of all, they’ve ALREADY provided a ratings boost for Letterman by responding. And adding the snarky comment is SO unprofessional, Meg. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to BE serious.
@ Professor Geezer, lol.
Iinitially, I must admit that I thought his remarks about Bristol were in bad taste and I groaned a little too. But, he apologised in his own inimitable way and that should have been the end of it. The Palin clan are now milking this for all it is worth and quite frankly I am appalled at how they have dragged all their daughters’ names into this mess. And no one else brought up the word *rape* – that was the Palin clan again. They should be ashamed of themselves, their behaviour is absolutely disgusting.
157 ds55 Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 9:57 AM
“Sarah Palin responded Thursday morning to Dave’s invitation to appear on his show in a statement to Foxnews.com: “The Palins have no intention of providing a rating’s boost for David Letterman by appearing on his show,” the statement read. “Plus, it would be wise to keep Willow away from David Letterman.”
WTF?? Palin now wants to protect her daughter from the pervert, Letterman? He only extended the invitation to her and her husband — not the kids. Palins forever playing the victim!
and, once again, she’s intentionally misread another invitation that did NOT include the kids! i barely included the dud.
54 Wurzelhexli Says: (reposted from the OPEN THREAD)
June 11th, 2009 at 9:36 AM
Re. Lettermans jokes about GINO:
Check this out! Palins daughter was not even at the game – it was Giulianis daughter (who looks a bit like Willow)
isn’t the woman in the cream blazer (whom we believe is judi giuliani) wearing a WEDDING RING?
also, too. the manner of the “mystery” woman’s dress. wasn’t willow wearing cutoff shorty shorts to the autism walk? i can’t see her going from that level of super casual to sophisticated chic just to go to a BALL GAME.
how disingenuous of the palins to drag willow into the middle of adult humor. way to protect the kids. sheesh
“Sarah Palin responded Thursday morning to Dave’s invitation to appear on his show in a statement to Foxnews.com: “The Palins have no intention of providing a rating’s boost for David Letterman by appearing on his show,” the statement read. “Plus, it would be wise to keep Willow away from David Letterman.”
WTF?? Palin now wants to protect her daughter from the pervert, Letterman? He only extended the invitation to her and her husband — not the kids. Palins forever playing the victim!
Lois Romano
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, June 11, 2009; 11:00 AM
Washington Post national political reporter Lois Romano was online Thursday, June 11 at 11 a.m. ET to discuss the latest news about the White House and Congress.
Washington, D.C.: RE: Dave Letterman. Lois, any thoughts on the Letterman-Palin imbroglio?
While I agree that the children of politicians should normally be off limits for jokes, I find the “outrage” about what Dave Letterman said to be ludicrous. As he explained, he thought Bristol (a teen mother who seems quite comfortable in the spotlight) was the daughter who had accompanied her mother to NYC, not her 14-year old sister.
Dave rightly apologized for that screw-up, but I don’t see that he has anything else to apologize for–unlike commentators such as your colleague Howard Kurtz, who sees an equivalence between this situation and what happened to Chelsea Clinton
Even 16 years later, I still vividly recall prominent GOP leaders–including John McCain, Dick Armey and Newt Gingrich–making vile cracks about how ugly Chelsea (a teenager at the time, don’t forget) supposedly was, and asserting that she was the love child of Hillary Clinton and Janet Reno. What I DON’T recall are any denunciations of those comments, let alone any apologies from the perpetrators
Vote for Dave, but watch which button you press, one says Palin (then is over reacting), the secone says Dave (then is outta line). So, in this case, you actually need to vote FOR Palin the dramaqueen.
I wonder is she’ll wear her shiny read jacket and black thigh high boots when she goes on Letterman to PROVE, once and for all, that she doesn’t dress ‘slutty.’
@Irishgirl, David Letterman sure knows his way around a court room, and he’s wayyyyy richer than Palin.
105 anadventurer Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 8:00 AM
I know this is the is WRONG crowd for this kind of comment (and probably violates that new cyber-bill law but: I will take money to go beat that guy up. He is such an azzhat. I sort of dislike him soooooooo much I didn’t even get to the Letterman video.
Which azzhat guy are you referring to? We do ala carte here. (multiple choice.)
I don’t understand how knocked up became rape. Only in the minds of the righties are the two things the same.
I was knocked up three times by my husband and raped once (by someone else) and there is no comparison between the two.
I’m no usually a snarky person…but everyone knows you don’t have to rape a Palin to knock one of ’em up.
I heard the Letterman jokes and they made me groan, but that was the end of it until the righties (for their own gains) jumped on this story. The righties are out in force trying to get DL censored (a favorite conservative tactic) or fired. I just sent an email in support of DL. Also sent an email to JZ’s station asking that he be fired…what a waste of space that egomaniac is.
rebekka said
I am not a betting person, but would bet my old clunky car that Sarah and Todd accept David Letterman’s invitation. How could she not? She loves the attention.
What would a mainstream America born again Christian pro-life woman be doing palin’ around with a sex pervert child raper for? Oh, publicity… bet’s on. I’m with you!
Re. Lettermans jokes about GINO:
Check this out! Palins daughter was not even at the game – it was Giulianis daughter (who looks a bit like Willow)
KaJo posted it over at Gryphens blog:
I really think she may have gone too far this time. In her very public statement she is more or less implying that David Letterman is a molester. I can’t see how he will take this lying down. She just may have started something that will backfire on her bigtime.
ROTFFLaughing, Palin nitwits are trying to get me kicked off of Palin’s FaceBook!!!
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these sexually-perverted comments are outside the acceptance of mainstream America
—Well I guess I’m WAY outta the mainstream park then, so are my kids, and my friends… and I live in the PA Bible belt. Imagine the sin in NY and LA! Oh my!
Professor Geezer Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 7:44 AM
Aghh, too early for me to type. I meant to write: Does no one on THE RIGHT ever watch comedy (on late night)?
If they did they’d know that Elliot Spitzer is constantly the brunt of Letterman’s sex jokes. (A-rod too,also)
John Ziegler misrepresents “Palin’s – Slutty Flight attendant – Look” by saying Dave called HER Slutty. (He’s an idiot with an uncontrollable mouth.)
One problem with Dave’s Joke about – Palin’s daughter. Willow was in NY not Bristol. Most people would have understood the joke, and inferred he was referring to the -18 year old public figure who talks publicly about how she got knocked up. But it was Willow in Yankee stadium.
You just can’t impose too much logic on a joke.
Elliot Spitzer’s Piñata had whores coming out !!?? “But whores can’t FIT into a Piñata!! ”
Palin can’t shoot rats from a helicopter! She didn’t bring fire arms to NYC, and its against the law !!!!
Yeah, well its just a joke…
Some people don’t have logic when they need it, others are too logical.
Drama Queen signs multi-million dollar book deal on her memoirs and she pretends she wants privacy. And now additional statement from them inserts Piper into the story.
Sarah & the First Dude have no shame.
Every King’s Court had a Court Jester. It is part of our system. The Jester reminds us all that we are all human–takes us down a peg, shows us the way to laugh at our own foibles.
Palin is so dense that she doesn’t even understand the archetypal function of the Court Jester, and how it HELPS the image/function of the King to have one.
But a good KING doesn’t FIGHT with the Court Jester. (Even McCain knew that, as symbolic “King” of the GOP presidential ticket…)
Esp. when the Court Jester has lasted through many, many “courts,” such as Letterman has, you do not fight a Jester!
89 trisha Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 7:12 AM
So I guess it’s not acceptable that Letterman makes jokes about her daughter, but it’s perfectly acceptable for a grown woman who is the governer of Alaska to verbally attack a teenage boy to the media. She called Levi, the father of her grandchild, a liar and a few other things.
Apparently, the kids are off limits, unless she is the one throwing the darts. ”
Excellent point. Trisha
Hear creepy Twilight Zone music. “Welcome to Palin Land.” She only sees her version or reality. Like Bush she is delusional.
Memphis, New York; thanks for the heads up on my extra comma, and I forgot to parenthesis, my oops!
Wondering why SP didn’t send a private complaint to David letterman (unless she did) , without the media hoopla surrounding it? A private communique instead of posting it on their Facebook? for all to see?
I am not a betting person, but would bet my old clunky car that Sarah and Todd accept David Letterman’s invitation. How could she not? She loves the attention.
Didn’t all the fine people in AK. warn us if you cross Gino she would take revenge? Didn’t they also tell us Todd was the body guard for her and this is also going to be his undoing with his misquoting by inserting the word “rape” in Dave’s joke to raise money for their “pac”? I think this time it is going to backfire on both of them.
87 trisha Says:
“When will Sarah be forced to start backtracking on some of her verbal attacks? I think whoever is being attacked by Sara needs to start fighting back and threatening HER with a lawsuit.”
Letterman just smacked her hard, just becasue she gave him a chance to.
If she whines again it will be another chance for him, if he wants it, to smack her again.
Most people would figure that out and shut up. If you’ve got a nurf ball for a brain I guess you can’t help bouncing back to the center of the court to get hit again.
Kind of sad really.
Oh, for the love of God, make it stop, please. After watching Ziegler’s video on his arrest at the Couric award in April, http://vimeo.com/4177462, I’m about to scream.
How much more deserving a tasering could anyone act?
Even John McCain couldn’t snub Letterman.
In the same way that Tina Fey was Palin’s Waterloo, perhaps now so will be The Late Show.
Maybe I’m wrong to say “Follow the fashion.” Maybe our mantra really should be: “Follow the comedy.” The Palins (and their crazy following) have NO sense of humor; that takes a level of critical thinking that goes beyond “the literal.”
Trickster and Sarah Palin do not get along!
Todd Palin mentioning the word “RAPE?” Letterman never said that and he knows it. This is Classic Palin. They try to “re-write history” to suit them. She constantly does this. She is a liar and frankly I simply do not know how our Legislature lets her continue like this. I feel like I am having a horrible nightmare and can’t wake up.
mmboucher Florida Says “Or are they inplying Willow would give Dave a piece of her mind?”
Have you ever seen Willow, in person or on the campagin trail? She is not in this like her parents are. I would bethca the girl would rather be at home with friends then her mothers new tool.
Proverbs 17: 28 Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise
and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.
Or as Mark Twain paraphrased: “Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt”.
I think that would be good advice for someone to give to Sarah Palin. She really does NOT want to get into a pi**ing match with David Letterman. He will lambaste her daily till Kingdom Come.
This self promoting of Sarah’s egomaniacal lurch into the national spotlight with any and everything screeched out, true or not, is beginning to get soo wearisome. I would like to see some kindness, intelligence, and balance from her side, instead of the reactive reptilian responses. How deluded are the people who are sending her money, and why is any of this legal? (ethical and transparent? My grandma’s patootie!)
131 Isabella Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 8:59 AM
Or are they inplying Willow would give Dave a piece of her mind?
GINO & her rabid junkyard dog followers are jumping on this WHY???
What was the last GINO story???Plagiarism!!!What better way to deflect it, and whine and get sympathy & money for the PAC!!!!
Her & dud and her stupid maroon minions are the most clueless and stupid of all…………!
Are they implying Letterman would abuse their daughter?
OMIGosh Palin, has LOST HER MIND!!!!
Dave does go over the top sometimes, I believe that is the whole point.
He did not get where he is today by not doing so.
And Bravo to Contessa, she handled that so well she came off looking like the pro and Zig came off looking like just what he is a moron.
125 SlappyOC Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 8:40 AM
The Palin statement also said “besides it is best to keep Willow away from Letterman” I didn’t see an invite for Willow to go to NY with them did anyone else?
Just found this at Huffington. Article about Sarah using her children as props. Methinks the MSM is about to start FINALLY catching on. Gotta admit there’s a peevish part of me that wants to say, “Well it’s ABOUT TIME!”
You gave her too much credit in your quote of her statement
You added punctuation the actual quote on her face book page has only 2 commas
“Concerning Letterman’s comments about my young daughter (and I doubt he’d ever dare make such comments about anyone else’s daughter): ‘Laughter incited by sexually-perverted comments made by a 62-year-old male celebrity aimed at a 14-year-old girl is not only disgusting, but it reminds us some Hollywood/NY entertainers have a long way to go in understanding what the rest of America understands – that acceptance of inappropriate sexual comments about an underage girl, who could be anyone’s daughter, contributes to the atrociously high rate of sexual exploitation of minors by older men who use and abuse others.'”
– Governor Sarah Palin
Dontcha have to take english and grammer to get a jounalism degree?
58 who me? Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 5:28 AM
If Bristol wasn’t in New York, then it sure sounded like the jokes were about Willow. As a parent, I would have been steamed also. Those were pretty bad. I don’t blame the Palins for reacting. The ’slutty flight attendant’ joke however was spot on and pretty funny.”
Granting that. And the jokes were tasteless, but many of Letterman’s are –
she has a lawyer, and professional advisors and spokespersons.
This is a time to let them leap to her defense.
Especially, since when she opens her mouth she so often makes things worse.
Of course if she were a true Christian and lived in a state of Christian Grace these things would not get to her so much and she would be able to deal with her anger, mouth and vituperativeness much better.
122 Basheert Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 8:23 AM
I just read that SP has announced that she won�t go on Letterman because she doesn�t want to give his ratings a �bounce� �. yeah right!
She really is in love with herself isn�t she?
HHhahahhahhaa, doesn’t she know she is already contributing to his ratings!!!!
She’s such a bonehead.
Wow, her response on Huffington”
“The Palins have no intention of providing a rating’s boost for David Letterman by appearing on his show,”
Ego much? She obviously is unaware of his current ratings success and new contract.
Why isn’t Sarah held accountable for her words and verbal attacks?
She is the gov. of Alaska and a grown woman and she verbally attacked a Levi (a teenager and father of her grandson) in the media?
So, the kids are off limits except to when Palin chooses to “attack”.
I am so sick of her playing the victim.
Columnist Molly Ivins reported (Arizona Republic 10/17/93) this incident from Limbaugh’s TV show–“Here is a Limbaugh joke: Everyone knows the Clintons have a cat. Socks is the White House cat. But did you know there is a White House dog?” And he puts up a picture of Chelsea Clinton. Chelsea Clinton is 13 years old.
I just read that SP has announced that she won’t go on Letterman because she doesn’t want to give his ratings a “bounce” …. yeah right!
She really is in love with herself isn’t she?
I thought it was just a summer thing.
Letterman will eat her for breakfast – and she’ll come off what she is – low class and relatively dumb.
She’s afraid of him obviously – as well she should be.
Letterman stated the joke was about the 18 year old daughter and he said it was in bad taste, but it’s just like Sarah Palin to twist it into something else for her own gain by bringing rape into it. She’s trying to manufacture outrage on false pretenses, as usual. What a twit!!!!!
Palin’s statement, “Laughter, incited by sexually-perverted comments made by a 62-year-old male celebrity aimed at a 14 year-old girl is not only disgusting, but reminds us some Hollywood/NY entertainers have a long way to go in understanding what the rest of America understands”
My take on that part of her statement: Why weren’t the Palin parents disgusted by Hollywood/NY entertainers’ standards when she agreed to participate in SNL? They have a slough of what some might consider sexual material, about all kinds of people. Sarah and Todd had no qualms then. They even allowed Bristol on the set.
Secondly, per Palin’s statement: “that acceptance of inappropriate sexual comments about an underage girl, who could be anyone’s daughter, contributes to the atrociously high rate of sexual exploitation of minors by older men who use and abuse others”.
My take on this: I, too, think it’s inappropriate. But, I wouldn’t risk having any of my children near the spotlight, where they might be fodder for every kind of attack, or allowing my kids to “hang, with actresses and celebrities (Candie’s Foundation), yes, those actresses who have no qualms about undressing, being photographed nude (Carrie Prejean?) being provocative, sell oneself for profit. No, I would keep my daughters away from those who would love to exploit them, including older men (photographers) who might like to abuse them. It’s a no-brainer.
Before they pick on David Letterman, maybe they should clean a few cobwebs out of their own closet.
Salon feels its readers deserve the unadulterated truth. Though no tape of McCain’s quip has yet emerged, this is what he reportedly said:
“Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?
Because her father is Janet Reno.”
There are numerous reference on Googld
@kateincanada…..I wasnt upset at the joke. There has been much worse said about Palin, and in fact, nobody was sure if it was Bristol or Willow who went to New York. Which ever one it was, they showed up in daisy dukes carrying a baby. Both girls look quite a bit alike, and I truly thought Letterman believed it to be Bristol. She is 18 and has put herself out there on her own….doing her work for the illustrious “Candies”.
Letterman is a comedian. Yes…he can get raunchy, but I didnt hear any belly aching when Wanda Sykes said she hoped Limbaughs kidneys failed. Comedians are held to a much different standard in my book, than say journalists or politicians.
John McCain most certainly did make jokes…publicly…about Chelsea Clinton. He said she was so ugly because her parents were Janet Reno and Bill Clinton. That crossed a line, but I dont remember too much being said, and Bill and Hillary certainly didnt cause a huge crisis over it.
Todd Palin is a little too late to the game to be considered a doting dad …protecting his girls. Rape was never mentioned, so that was just ridiculous. My god…even SNL did a piece on Todd and his girls, and this was long before Bristol became a media “star” in her own right.
I dont find Letterman smarmy. He is who he is. Smarmy is John Ziegler….Ed Burke….Sarah Palin for laughing on the radio about her nemesis who was a cancer survivor. Smarmy is getting on a stage in front of 1000’s of people calling the president a terrorist…or terrorist sympathizer.
Sarah puts her kids in the limelight. I dont know what she expected, but perhaps she should go on Letterman and explain why she does it, and then gets angry when anything is said.
@Andree McLeod
it’s all about the money. Palin is currently in fundraising mode while traveling in the lower 48. This contrived controversy is meant to garner lots of $$$ for sarahpac and the Palins’ legal defense fund. The more the Palins’ scream “outrage”..the more white envelopes with $$$ goes into her personal and political coffers…all the while collecting her official state $125K salary and working on her book.
This is unethical and wrong.
HONESTLY! Can’t somebody do something about and/or to this woman, you call a governor, to make her accountable and to make her stop??? Average people have been arrested for way less!
I”ve never been a Letterman fan, mainly because I think he does go too far. Some of his humor is funny, but I find most of it too tasteless. So, I agree with others that any remarks about the Palin girls, whether it was intended to be about Bristol (as it seemed to be) or about Willow, were out of line and shouln’t have been said.
I thought, however, that the Palins reaction was just silly. Don’t they know by now that making a big stink over anything Letterman says just eggs him on and gives him the chance to say it all over again? Good grief, they have no common sense. As someone else said, they should have let others express outrage for them while they remain professional – oh, well, that’s the problem, isn’t it? The Palins don’t have a clue how to do that.
I did, however, rather enjoy most of Dave’s top ten, especially the Bloomingdale’s comment. And I loved the non-apology for that one – that was great.
I’ll bet this isn’t the last we hear from the Palins about Letterman. They won’t let it die a natural death but will use it to whip up the radicals by repeating it with their spin on it. If you actually listen to what Dave said it was more derogatory towards the two men mentioned rather than either of the Palin daughters.
And the lesson that Sarah should have learned from all this, but didn’t? If you don’t want the media or comics talking about your children, then keep your children out of the spotlight and leave them at home where they belong. She’ll never get it, though.
And I loved Brewer’s interview. She was great, trying to adjust to actually give that nitwit a chance to answer questions. And she was so patient, until the very end. But that “cut the mic” was the best – loved it!
Palin is making a mountain out of a molehill as usual. I have always loved David Letterman because his show is funny. I never found Leno funny in all the years he was on late night.
Now the First Dude is bringing Piper into this story. What a loser.
17 lexky Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 1:51 AM
ive been on huff post reading their comments on this story and those people are brutal. i dont understand how the word rape came into play. and i didnt know john mccain made a joke about chelsea clintons looks..
The Palin’s introduced the concept of rape. Maybe they are warming that up as a weapon against Levy in the comming child custody wars.
Man I home that kid, Levy, as a good lawyer. The Palins clan turns into a shark feeding frenzy when they see their victims’s blood.
I could see Letterman’s interview of Toddy now:
Dave: So Mr. first dud, what do YOU do for a living?
Toddy: I stay home, cook, clean, take care of the kids, make sure homework is done, help them with their nightly prayers. You know, the things Dads’ do when Mom is at the factory.
Dave: Oh, and you watch the kids?
Toddy: That’s right! I make sure they are doing what they are suppoed to be doing!
Dave: So explain your grandson, Abstence?
Toddy: Ummm, you see, Bristol came to us and said she was expecting around Christmas. We just assumed it was Santa Clause commin’. So, we waitied and waited. Christmas came, and the big guy must have forgotten to bring Bristol that present he promised. So, the Gov put out a press release, saying how mykid was dissed, and how she’s off limits. Next thing ya know, we’ve got abstence sitting in our home, wanting a diaper change! Yeup. that’s the way it happened. Did I mention how religious we are and how we as a family promote Abstence? Heck, this little thing santa dropped off has already proven to be a cute little money maker.
Dave: Do you have any profession, any formal training? a JOB?
Toddy: Well, yea. I race snow machines. It’s hard, ya know. A real skill. Heck, I even had to drop from High School, as practicing took up too much time.
Dave: Oooookay. Hey, you know what? I need to take a break.
Toddy: No you can’t. Your a biased media guy. The Gov hates you. She’s the princess you know. She has mine in a little jar, and she’ll have yours too!
And with that, Dave goes to a break, and they cart Toddy away, screaming BIAS! BIAS!
Ahahahaha, I got on her Facebook.
I just LOVE that the gov of fluff is so defensive – I know that Andree is probably correct that it’s putting money in her coffers, but it’s also creating a lot more snickering at the name of SP. I wouldn’t have dreamed of calling her that you know what, but now that it’s been said – it’s all I can think of when I look at her and I just crack up. Sorry – I’m far from being a perfect human being!
Sometimes it’s the comedy that sticks (like Tina Fey), and not the harsh reality! Regulars here know that Fey played SP like a ditz and an airhead – and even though SP is actually just a mean snake in ugly plastic boots – the ditz and airhead stuck. That’s fine by me!
I do think we have the title for Sarah’s musial comedy. “The Tragedy of Train Wreck Sarah or the Sinkable Molly Brown”
Marnie Says:
How many train wrecks is she going to engineer before she starts using her brain?
Her brain has room for only one thing – blind ambition.
OK, I’ve been going back and forth on this “Was Willow at the Yankee game? Was that really Willow, or was it someone else?” question, over and over again.
I’ve looked AGAIN at that Keith Olbermann video above, which is the only documentation I can find anywhere that someone other than Sarah Palin and Todd Palin attended that Yankee game as the guests of Rudy Giuliani — all three of them were readily identified in the video.
OK. But there IS a third person sitting between Sarah Palin and Rudy Giuliani who LOOKS like Willow Palin.
But she’s not. I believe that person is Judi Giuliani, who looks remarkably LIKE Willow Palin, even though she’s much older.
I’ve collected screen captures from the video, along with several news-media still pix of the group at the game, as well as two comparison photos of Judi Giuliani. Take a look.
That is NOT Willow Palin at that game. No widow’s peak. “Old” hands. She’d never wear a blazer.
So there. David Letterman’s joke was about a Palin daughter who wasn’t even at the game! Which describes Bristol Palin to a T!!!
But the upshot is, as Andree and others have noted, the MONEY and the MEDIA ATTENTION.
Doesn’t matter to Sarah Palin if another Palin child is abused by her attention-seeking mother. And I guess it doesn’t matter to the nearly-brain-dead Todd Palin if he seems as stupid as his father-in-law is when it comes to making stupid statements on the record about the family.
Sorry about the link.
There is now way Sarah should be allowed anywhere near a national level office of any sort.
She has not forsight. She doesn’t think before she babbles. She has virtually no discression. Can you imagine what kind of damage she could do to our foreign policy?
By opening her mouth she gave Letterman, and anybody else who wanted in on the game, a perfect opening to savage her again. And of course Letterman took the opening and included the “other” daughter in his come back.
How many train wrecks is she going to engineer before she starts using her brain? Obviously the Dud doesn’t have any more sense than she does or he would have kept his yap closed as well.
I know this is the is WRONG crowd for this kind of comment (and probably violates that new cyber-bill law but: I will take money to go beat that guy up. He is such an azzhat. I sort of dislike him soooooooo much I didn’t even get to the Letterman video.
Per MSNBC’s Norah O’Donnell, Todd Palin released this statement: “Nice attempt by Letterman to draw the heat away from himself; however, Willow was the only one at the Yankees game and the only Palin child included in the photo opportunities with the Giulianis, as was obvious. Regardless of which Palin daughter it was, Bristol, Willow or Piper, these sexually-perverted comments are outside the acceptance of mainstream America.”
Really and truly, the Palins are a disgrace now. Todd has mentioned all the girls names in that statement. It is quite clear that they are only looking for publicity now.
wrote on 06/11/2009 08:57:28 AM:
I went over to her FaceBook. I am shocked, I would not have believed Palin, would go so low as to call RAPE on her own child for money but that is exactly what she is doing. I was curious as why these statements of rape were not on the govs site or a simple press release. It is because Palin, is directing media to Facebook to drop the breadcrumbs toward PAC DONATION solicitations..
it’s all about the money. Palin is currently in fundraising mode while traveling in the lower 48. This contrived controversy is meant to garner lots of $$$ for sarahpac and the Palins’ legal defense fund. The more the Palins’ scream “outrage”..the more white envelopes with $$$ goes into her personal and political coffers…all the while collecting her official state $125K salary and working on her book.
This is unethical and wrong.
This should be fun…
Anyone with half a brain can see Dave never meant the 14 year-old, though I do have to say his joke was out there.
The great part is: while her written response (obviously not written by her) is nothing like her radio response, which sounded typically Sarah: low-class and silly.
Dave ate John McCain for lunch–on and off the show. He can’t wait for Sarahbot flap to come his way, I’m betting. Those folks are like cannon fodder for Dave’s talent. And the invitation to Sarah… well, Dave’s right: the road to the White House does go through him to some degree. If she wants a boost, can she refuse? Dave can take it and dish it out, with humour, grace and wit. Sarah continues to prove she cannot. I’m getting some popcorn.
Aghh, too early for me to type. I meant to write: Does no one on THE RIGHT ever watch comedy (on late night)?
The address above allows you to write to CBS to express your solidarity with Letterman, should you wish to do so. I just did.
Letterman, Leno, Conan, Fallon, Kimmel, Maher–all of them use tasteless jokes every night. Does no one on the left ever watch comedy? Do the concepts of metaphor and satire confuse them?
If you really think about it, there are so few comedians on the right….Limbaugh, Dennis Miller…now Ziegler…
trisha “So I guess it’s not acceptable that Letterman makes jokes about her daughter”
I went over to her FaceBook. I am shocked, I would not have believed Palin, would go so low as to call RAPE on her own child for money but that is exactly what she is doing. I was curious as why these statements of rape were not on the govs site or a simple press release. It is because Palin, is directing media to Facebook to drop the breadcrumbs toward PAC DONATION solicitations..
Palin, is a degenerate!!!
I think most people know that Palin has several daughters, but Bristol is the one that comes to mind when you say Sarah Palin’s daughter. Letterman and his staff, may or may not have know which daughter was there, but it’s more likely that they didn’t care. They had an opening to make a couple of off color jokes about (in)famous NYers and assumed everyone would view the jokes as being about the known sexually active/knocked up “adult” daughter.
Either way, yes the jokes were in poor taste, but so were the jokes Sarah publicly laughed at about a political opponent with cancer! Her sense of humor isn’t exactly good taste either, so maybe she should tone down the outrage. Dismissing Letterman as a schmuck and letting it go would be much more effective in portraying her as taking the higher ground. But she just can’t pass up an opportunity to play the victim, can she?
btw, both Rush and McCain made the same shitty joke about Chelsea’s awkward teen phase. I wonder if Sarah laughed at that?
Some of Letterman’s jokes were in poor taste. Yes. But they often are, and anyone familiar with the show knows that jokes in poor taste involving Elliot Spitzer and A-Rod common. With all due respect to KateinCanada, that is what the show is all about, and it is very New York. That is not meant to be smarmy or elitist, it is where the show is taped and the focus of much, though not all of the material.
The Palins have a right to be offended about comments about their daughter, true. But they are also showing their parochialism right now, looking pretty darned “small town” fighting it out with the biggest show on late night TV. They look like they have never watched the show and don’t get that “elitist East Coast stuff.”
Well Palins, a word of advice: if you plan to run in 2012, you’d better get used to it. Cause this ain’t nothin’ compared to what you will face. It’s an ugly world out there and you’re saying you want in. So suck it up. And choose your battles because you’re going to wear yourself out way too fast attacking every late night comedian who dumps on you.
Maybe Meg is now the spokesperson because the Pac ran out of money to pay her.
i MEANT, my daughter is the same age as Willow. Sorry. She’s 14 and drop dead gorgeous! Sweet, MODEST, and a regular teenage not dressed up to hook a boy.
Dress your 14 yr old like a NY hooker, and you dress yourself like one, and you INVITE these types of comments. I tell my daughters all the time, you ARE judged on how your dress, speak and carry yourself. If you want to be treated with respect by boys, you will act, and dress with respect to yourself. Never, has my daughter (who is the the same age as bristol) ever worn shorts that were so short, or low that there was a a wonder of what color underwear she was wearing. My 14 yr old has never been on a date (Bristol allowed to date at 14), and won’t be on a date until she’s 16. My sweet daughter never wears belly shirts or tank tops. Her bra straps are inside her clothing, and not outside or the world to see. When she goes clothes shopping, I have final say in what she buys. We’ve taken a few things back.
Ms. Palin, if you don’t want your family to be an open target, then DON’T MAKE THEM AN INVITING TARGET.
Do the Crazies4Palin live in a cultural vacuum? Do the Palins? Dave just signed a new contract with CBS. He’s beating Conan in ratings. This Palin flap is going to HELP HIM. Palin is playing into his hand. So is Todd. Thanks, Palins! You just got a Democrat (Letterman) more media time and a higher salary.
If I were Levi, I’d get a lawyer to get my baby out of that questionable, extreme palin household.
Isabella Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 7:02 AM
Anyone else catch Letterman say “THE GOVERNORS SPOKE PERSON MEG STAPLETON”? Kay. Now we know Meg, is no longer PAC she is official governors staff. Betcha with a nice bug fat income with unlimited per diem access.
Polictico had a quote also “meg stapleton governors spoksperson” So whos minding the PAC?
Yes, the joke about Bristol (and he was referring to B, not W) was tasteless. But then, becoming a professional unwed mother abdicating abstinence and publicly brawling with your baby daddy is tasteless, too. Calling a woman slutty is tasteless; dressing and acting like a 16 year old rather than a 45-yr-old professional woman is tasteless. Palin uses her sexuality and her kids to stay in the news, then cries “foul!” when anyone calls a spade a shovel. She thinks she’s being spunky; she comes off like a high school drama queen. When are the Republicans going to pull the plug on her? They could do it in a minute–you know McCain’s people know about a LOT of icebergs.
So I guess it’s not acceptable that Letterman makes jokes about her daughter, but it’s perfectly acceptable for a grown woman who is the governer of Alaska to verbally attack a teenage boy to the media. She called Levi, the father of her grandchild, a liar and a few other things.
Apparently, the kids are off limits, unless she is the one throwing the darts.
Aussie Blue sky: “As far as grief goes …. the way she was dressed for public consumption in New York gave me plenty.:
She’s 14!I Have a look around at the lack of clothing teenagers wear! That said, yea she could have worn a skirt or longer shorts but I am sure all the imploring in the world by her mother ( which here is likely none) would not have stopped her from doing or wearing exactly what she wanted to do.
Palin should cash in on the opportunity to go on Letterman…but she’ll likely
make him beg! Don’t beg Dave…not that he would. Watch him land Spitzer instead.
Do not underestimate Dave’s writers…they are for the most part Ivy Leaguers and I am sure one was assigned to Palin’s NYC visit. ..there is just too much material there btw Guiliani, Yankee Stadium and Palin…I am sure one or more were chewed out for screwing up the daughters since Willow’s age made the jokes “seem” perverse and in retrospect Dave looks bad. He did stress he woudl NEVER make such jokes and IMO…he seemed steamed to have to make this point. There is nothing I like more than to laugh and Dave is funny but these jokes did seem mishandled and misplaced.
And the “grief” I was talking about is the constant referral to her as Bristol, the wayward big sister.
Maybe Levi should of have his lawyer write a letter of protest to Palin for calling him a liar to the media. Maybe he should demand a public apology.
For someone who complains (a lot) about being called names, she sure does a lot of name calling herself.
Bloggers are losers, journalist are buffoons (she just used that the other day), Couric and Gibson misrepresented her, MSM tells half-truths, Levi is a liar……on and on……………
When will Sarah be forced to start backtracking on some of her verbal attacks? I think whoever is being attacked by Sara needs to start fighting back and threatening HER with a lawsuit.
She sure does play the victim well. I’m seeing a real pattern here.
Just like her form of religion, Sarah Palin is directed almost 100% by emotion. Just like her form of religion, Sarah Palin will take any opportunity to put her form of “cultural warrior” spin on a situation and run with it.
She is nothing if not predictable.
who me? “If Bristol wasn’t in New York, then it sure sounded like the jokes were about Willow. As a parent, I would have been steamed also. Those were pretty bad”
Willow, hasn’t been the one in tne past exploited. It was a bad joke not intended for a 14 year old. Go through Letterman’s 20 year history. He never abuses kids in his opening or anywhere else. Palin, was searching for any opening.
palin hears and sees what she wants, when she wants…she’s programmed that way! that’s why nobody will ever be able to reason with her or make her see another point of view or let her laugh at herself or at a joke!!! and some ppl want THIS in the White House, telling us ALL how to be and what to believe!!??!! MY God doesn’t want us to be robots…He wants us to use the brain, the logic, the communication, the heart, the free will (choice), & all the skills He gave to us…to navigate through life.
Could this be the long-awaited ICEBERG of discourse…heading straightway at SS Palin? Um, gotta stock up on some popity corn! This could prove quite interesting.

So its really not about Willow at all, its whether “THEY win” just like they Freep the polls, so GINO can win…
so jr. high!
I so dislike JM for unleashing this monster on all of us.
Anyone else catch Letterman say “THE GOVERNORS SPOKE PERSON MEG STAPLETON”? Kay. Now we know Meg, is no longer PAC she is official governors staff. Betcha with a nice bug fat income with unlimited per diem access.
I’m so cross! I just had to write to our daily scandal sheet – owned by Rupert Murdoch, naturally – where our State’s only right-wing jerk has propagated the rape BS. Taken it straight from the Palin Facebook crap.
I shouldn’t have to put up with Alaska’s dross right in my own back yard!
The rabid right peeland is not going to let this go…they got their asses kicked by the plagiarism speech thing and they are grabbing on to this like a rabid junkyard dog:
“Don’t just get mad. Get even. Email! Call! Don’t stop until he is fired or suspended. We can make it happen. The left does this all the time. It’s time we played the same game.
Don’t stop! Keep the pressure on! Don’t let them get away with this!
We can win if we keep the pressure on.”
crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 6:31 AM
Paula Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 4:51 AM
Gino, also too *disclaimer, unverified rumor*@ dud’s GF. She allegedly sliced tires. Where do think the son got the idea? *disclaimer* Unverified rumor
I don’t believe it myself. It’s so unlike her, isn’t it?
Gryphen Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 5:15 AM
You know I have not always been that impressed with Contessa Brewer in the past, but now I am suddenly very attracted to her.
I wonder if she would date a rugged Alaskan blogger?
(What? I am rugged. I totally have callouses on my two typing fingers. So there!)
I’m with you on that. She gave him a chance, then – pulled the plug.
Lets hope she gives you a chance. After that … ?
Go for it.
OT..austintx, Norahs laugh is the best. And the rest aint bad either! Watching her right now!
The Palins just can’t stop! Todd has already posted another statement, Msnbc read it earlier, I wonder if Dave will respond?
When did Sarah do anything to decrease rape? Didn’t she fire the only cop in town and charge victims for rape kits while Mayor?
Ziegler comes off as a guy that would think Sarah’s nervous winky wink is really meant for only him.
The more I see SP in the news, the more I wish there was a media blackout for her. Maybe a grassroots effort from the progressive blogs? I think Gryphen has it right–she loves the attention of seeing her name in headlines. Would it take much to get all the Alaskan progressive blogs on board and “wipe” her name from them for a few months (just to have a breather)? If there was any kind of legitimate story about her than you could just use the word “governor” and “governor’s family” instead of actually using her name. It’d be great if national media outlets followed course, so we wouldn’t have to be exhausted by her endless drama.
So Dave shouldn’t have made the A-Rod joke, and maybe he should have known that it was Willow with sarah (it would’ve helped if Willow had chosen something to wear other than the cutoffs), but, damn, he’s funny. I’m betting on my pitbull, Dave, to win this one – over and over and over and over.
sarah’s an idiot if she thinks this kind of attention helps further her cause.
Paula Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 6:24 AM
Turning it into a Letterman is “promoting child rape” is a bit extreme.
Only total fruitnuts would honestly think Dave was promoting child rape.
Well it did come from fruitcakes! the echo champer @ peeland! They are the ones who sent out twitter of their blog post to GINO/Ivyfrey/meaThara!!!!
GINO and Dud picked it up and ran with it!
and alot of people were confused about Willow and thought she was Bristol expect of course the fruitcakes!
austintx Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 4:15 AM
Hahaha – I went to google to re-find the gawker link that I had put up in response to IrishGirl about Letterman. It was the quote where l Letterman say’s “The road to the Whitehouse goes through me ” Well – now google will link you to………drum roll………….mudflats !!! IrishGirl @ 84. I respond and link @ 89.
LOL. Ah, you see we immediately knew that this could only end in tears!!!
Paula Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 4:51 AM
Let’s not start rumors now, I beleive the tire slicer was her eldest son, the other dropout.
Gino, also too *disclaimer, unverified rumor*@ dud’s GF. She allegedly sliced tires. Where do think the son got the idea? *disclaimer* Unverified rumor
Turning it into a Letterman is “promoting child rape” is a bit extreme.
Only total fruitnuts would honestly think Dave was promoting child rape.
Kajo – thank you! The past two days I’ve used the word “shrewd” a few times to describe her handling of the Letterman situation. But, every time I wrote it I felt like I was using a word that gave her too much credit for smarts and long range intellectual planning.
You got it right tho – It’s “cunning”. Much more on the mark. Cunning infers a bit of the devious. Webster says : characterized by wiliness and trickery. Yep – that’d be it!
Rush Limbaugh saying Ziegler’s confrontation with Contessa Brewer is like Thomas Van Flein saying Sarah Palin’s plagiarism with Newt Gingrich’s speech is “proper attribution”.
Have you all noticed how this latest “kerfuffle” as it’s called has knocked the plagiarism claims and (lame) defense off the front pages, so’s to speak?
Those Palins are cunning. Not smart, but they have proved they can work the media, and stay in the news.
let it run Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 5:36 AM
Anyone following Palin knew it was Willow who was with her
That was precisely my point earlier. None of the Letterman Show writers would want to follow her trip. Yet I’m positive they heard and saw the headlines – and there are several people here who have confused the two elder daughters.
For my money, Letterman only knew about the pregnant daughter – like the whole world knows about the pregnant daughter, because of her mother.
As far as grief goes …. the way she was dressed for public consumption in New York gave me plenty.
63 Paula Says:
Maybe Levi will go on Letterman? That would be too much fun!
To promote his book !! Yeah Baby !!
And Bristol now parades herself around as the champion of purity.
Rude and raunchy jokes, but having the knocked up girl in charge of the countries youths virginity is going to make her the but of jokes.
Dave has made a lot of nasty jokes about a lot of people.
Bristol is in the public eye now. Fair game.
Maybe Levi will go on Letterman? That would be too much fun!
Sarah thinks EVERYTHING is about her. Then she gets the Freepers in a lather and it goes from there. If you listen to what he actually said, the first joke was about Eliot Spitzer. As to the A-Rod joke … not really very funny. It certainly wasn’t about rape. It just wasn’t funny.
As I recall, it was Sarah Palin who paraded a pregnant, unwed 17-year-old daughter on the national stage to prove her cred as pro-life. If you think you can do that and not become a punchline, then she truly is as stupid as she acts.
I’ve always liked Contessa , but no one holds a candle to my Nora.
@ 22&26: I am with you. Dave should have left the sexual innuendo out of his jokes re: The Palin daughters. Anyone following Palin knew it was Willow who was with her and Willow is 14 which makes”knocking her up” statutory rape. I think Todd could have responded with kid gloves ( it is his little girl) but then again Meg Staple-gun was probably giving the response the high sign and did not tone it down. As for Willow…this poor thing has been catching unnecessary grief (!!!!!) which can not be easy for a 14 year old!
Dave will get many miles out of this response. I loved it when he said “I wonder why we haven’t heard from Eliot Spitzer…A-Rod?…” the comparison was great!
Bristol has been busy as a consultant on this new tv show…….
If Bristol wasn’t in New York, then it sure sounded like the jokes were about Willow. As a parent, I would have been steamed also. Those were pretty bad. I don’t blame the Palins for reacting. The ‘slutty flight attendant’ joke however was spot on and pretty funny.
Paula, you’re mistaken.
The rumor has it that Dud was seeing another girl and she slashed his tires. Who could believe such a thing?
So tire slicing runs in the family, too. You learn something new every day, dontcha? Haha!
Paula Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 4:51 AM
Let’s not start rumors now, I beleive the tire slicer was her eldest son, the other dropout.
Paula, you’re mistaken.
The rumor has it that Dud was seeing another girl and she slashed his tires. Who could believe such a thing?
You know I have not always been that impressed with Contessa Brewer in the past, but now I am suddenly very attracted to her.
I wonder if she would date a rugged Alaskan blogger?
(What? I am rugged. I totally have callouses on my two typing fingers. So there!)
I know, I was just playing…
I said “rumor”………
Some funny top ten responces Letterman COULD have made (the easily offended need not visit).
The Right Reverend Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 4:48 AM
Paula Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 3:58 AM
“Wheeewie. Sarah Palin can cause more stir over nothing than any public face I ever saw.
I can never figure out why she doesn’t respond with a simple, ‘Well, he’s a comic, maybe a tasteless one, but a comic, that’s what he does.’ Smile, wave, chin in the air. The more fuss she makes (and she ALWAYS makes one) the more she gets picked on.”
And THAT is why she fails. Even a real barracuda doesn’t snap at everything! A word of advice, Sarah: you need to have a lot more brain ammo if you want to take on Letterman. Sorry, but you don’t have the mental firepower to blow out a dandelion. You certainly don’t have the brains to know what McCain learned the hard way about Dave.
Zeigler doesn’t know how to shut up even when it’s for his own good.
Wish there was footage starting 5 minutes before, where he apparently shouted at the closed doors or anyone entering the building.
Zeigler is such a joke he’d make even Nate Silver chuckle.
Limpbaugh must have had a slip of the tongue. Zeigler wasn’t the winner of the argument, he was the whiner.
She’s using this as fuel for her pitt bull base, another way to keep them growling, foaming, angry and ready to attack. Their the Tiller killer & Holocaust killer crowd. All part of their “Gods” great plan. Sick tickets that bunch.
Let’s not start rumors now, I beleive the tire slicer was her eldest son, the other dropout.
#40 austintx – really?? A tire slicer?? I can see it!
Paula Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 3:58 AM
“Wheeewie. Sarah Palin can cause more stir over nothing than any public face I ever saw.
I can never figure out why she doesn’t respond with a simple, ‘Well, he’s a comic, maybe a tasteless one, but a comic, that’s what he does.’ Smile, wave, chin in the air. The more fuss she makes (and she ALWAYS makes one) the more she gets picked on.”
And THAT is why she fails. Even a real barracuda doesn’t snap at everything! A word of advice, Sarah: you need to have a lot more brain ammo if you want to take on Letterman. Sorry, but you don’t have the mental firepower to blow out a dandelion. You certainly don’t have the brains to know what McCain learned the hard way about Dave.
Zeigler doesn’t know how to shut up even when it’s for his own good.
Wish there was footage starting 5 minutes before, where he apparently shouted at the closed doors or anyone entering the building.
Zeigler is such a joke he’d make even Nate Silver chuckle.
Limpbaugh must have had a slip of the tongue. Zeigler wasn’t the winner of the argument, he was the whiner.
Daily Kos have a post up, “Is Palin the most humorless politician ever?”
HP Posts I really enjoyed:
making women pay for their own rape kits is ok. a joke about Bristol on a late night tv show – OUTRAGE! ???
Who the heck is Willow Palin and why has her mom thrust her into the spotlight. I don’t think anybody was thinking of anybody but Bristol when Dave made his jokes. Another example of exploiting your kids for publicity.
Letterman should be apologizing for putting Palin back in the news cycles for another week. (see Gallup poll asking who speaks for the Republican Party — Palin was not mentioned!!!) She was in the process of dropping off the Lower 48 radar screen — FAST — Dave has given here an excuse to grab more headlines.
Go Dave….Palin & Todd could make horrific comments and enrage our country towards hatred of others, but laughter is not on their agenda!! She put her daughter out there for all the world to see and she knew she was pregnant and the consequence this would bring, so if you can’t take the heat stay out of the kitchen!
Even if Letterman had made a crude joke about Willow, Palin would be better letting others fight the fight and act as tough she’s too busy doing ‘real work’ to even bother responding to some ‘nobody’ comic.
Can you imagine Obama putting something like that on the White House website? Someone else would comment on it, say it’s off limits, or whatever.
She makes herself out to be a bit fat crybaby loudmouth and then wonders why the jokes keep coming… 1000 more are on their way.
Whare was Toads outrage when his daughter did get knocked up when she was UNDERAGE??? Nice job of parenting and teaching PREGNANCY CONTROL.
Blame the gotcha media? the morons or “pal-ons” thrust their pregnant underage daughter into the spotlight, on People mag, on GVS, and now they COMPLAIN? STFU and do some PARENTING!!!!!
There’s no reason to think that any of the Letterman writers paid any real attention to the Palin visit. They already know what she’s all about.
I really don’t think he way referring to Willow, and again Bristol is not only 18 but has chosen to be part of the public Palin image. Seen those magazine covers? Public events? Levi on TV? If they want to be private, stay out of the limelight.
Raunchy or not, them making a huge fuss does create more laughs and jokes. We’re talking about it here, Letterman is continuing to talk about it, you can be sure Bill Maher will talk about it, etc. She just doesn’t know when to shake her head and say ‘whatever..’
JZ is not familiar with Brewers stint on the Howard Stern show, and he did insult her looks or weight publicly. i think she is gorgeous! not sure what Stern didnt like about her but I guess she doesnt have implants of some sort!
36 tigerwine Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 4:06 AM
Like you, I did like the top 10. The best one was where SP keyed Tina Fey’s car! The funny thing is, that’s exactly something she would do!
Rumor has it that she is a tire slicer………..
JZ just want to slap that idiotic village idiot smile off his face! I loved how Contessa said she was the victim of insults and “I’m still here”! Leave it to GINO and her dumbass minion’s to make a federal case out a joke.
Bristol has put herself out there as the “face of abstinence” and whether its her idea or GINO’s (she is 18 after all) she fair game.
What about this assHat repubs attacking Sonya S. and calling her racist, and all the attacks on her??? No one says a thing about that.
Loved how Contessa said “CUT THE MIC” !!!!
This azz will not last a week in LA. I heard after GINO was on someone came on and he barely let them say 2 words before he cut them off, he just wants to talk, he’s a blowhard like Eddie Smurke and the rest of the hate mongers. I don’t think that will go over in LA.
And his idiotic, “I’m on Barrack Obama’s official network…”pitiful. I sure hope he never wants a serious career, lol, with him sticking up for Gino, insulting Contessa, Micheal Moore, Katy Couric, Keith Obeirman he can pretty much kiss it bye.
I am sick of these hate filled repubs. I hope the Dems, homeland security get on it and stop them in their tracks. they are getting more and more out of hand every day. Killings, hate rhetoric, stalling gov process. Its time for us to stand up and say NO!
Hahaha – I went to google to re-find the gawker link that I had put up in response to IrishGirl about Letterman. It was the quote where l Letterman say’s “The road to the Whitehouse goes through me ” Well – now google will link you to………drum roll………….mudflats !!! IrishGirl @ 84. I respond and link @ 89.
I think some are not familiar with David Letterman. He’s been on the air for decades, and, he’s made a lot of jokes that border on the scandalous. The audience usually groans when he does them and this is a running joke on the show. But, if you compare him to some of the more contemporary comedians, he is not that “edgy” with his jokes. The Palins are off-mark on this attack, especially in promoting the lie that Letterman told rape jokes. Furthermore, I think the Palins have just opened up their family for more jokes from comedians that don’t have Letterman’s tact.
Memphis NY – I’m with you on the Letterman remarks about Willow. I screamed “foul” when Rush made fun of Chelsea Clinton’s looks, and I’ll take up for Willow in the same way.
Like you, I did like the top 10. The best one was where SP keyed Tina Fey’s car! The funny thing is, that’s exactly something she would do!
As for the Bristol jokes, I’d agree and say ‘off limits’ except Bristol herslef has opted to put herself in the spotlight as the savior of virginity and abstinance. Fair game. Levi, too. You can’t be in the public eye then cry when people see you.
“Stop It! Stop talking about me right now!” LOL. She can’t stand any sort of criticism – she really should put on her big girl panties (yes I do mean the granny drawers and not a g-string) and IGNORE what she doesn’t like. The more she protests, the more fun we all get out of her reactions. Seriously though I thought it was Bristol on the trip.
I loved that Letterman mention they had NOT heard from Elliot Sitzer.
Remember all those jokes trashing McCain? Tore him to shreds. What’d McCain do? Cry foul -oh, no, he came on, laughed at himself, made nice.
She’s a flipping twit.
Wheeewie. Sarah Palin can cause more stir over nothing than any public face I ever saw.
That Zeigler, like Limbaugh and O’Reilly and gang, one again act in such a way as to assure the public that the whole clan if off their flipping rockers.
Loved Lettermans reply, and that he read their comments from their site, makes them sound like loony tunes. I don’t think any ‘rational’ person would have heard his ‘knocked up’ joke and placed it on anyone but her formerlly ‘knocked up’ daughter.
I can never figure out why she doesn’t respond with a simple, “Well, he’s a comic, maybe a tasteless one, but a comic, that’s what he does.” Smile, wave, chin in the air. The more fuss she makes (and she ALWAYS makes one) the more she gets picked on.
I thought moms were supposed to teach their kids to laugh at themselves first, then no one can laugh at you. She missed THAT class TOO?
Every time I see Ziegler on tv I think of this………
I have to admit that when I first heard the “top ten,” my immediate reaction was “‘knocked up’? but Bristol wasn’t there…” The second reaction – I was just uncomfortable with it. I mean, if he’s making fun of Sarah, then make it Sarah.
I also admit to giggling w/a bit of snark over the rest of the list.
Loved Dave’s Top 10, and the A-Rod joke was pretty funny. I did get a little uncomfortable when I heard the Elliot Spitzer joke though because of his liking of call girls. I think I would be a tad upset if someone, even jokingly, compared my kid to a hooker. SP and Toad’s reactions though were entirely over the top and, I’m sorry – rape!?!?! Is that a guilty conscience talking?
Toad should have expressed his concerns when his UNDERAGE daughter Bristol was hanging with and banging Mr. Sex on Skates….WHERE WERE YOU THEN TOAD???
Lol. Letterman’s jokes were tasteless, but he did get to bring it all up, again, too funny. Made me laugh everytime he pronounced Todd’s name.
Memphis, NY Says:
June 11th, 2009 at 2:36 AM
I’m sorry but I have to disagree on this one
I think the kids need to be left out
Bristol wasn’t in NY how could the jokes be about her?
And if the jokes where about someonelse’s kids everyone would be screaming foul.
That said I did like the top ten
Not to defend the jokes made about the “kid”, but I don’t think that Letterman and his writers delved far enough into the information to find out that it was Willow instead of Bristol who was with Palin this trip. We really haven’t heard much by way of Willow, Bristol has been on the news A LOT what with the Levi situation, the Candies situation, and to be honest, the “knocked up” joke really does sound like it was directed toward the Bristol side of things rather than the Willow side of things. I’ve watched Letterman for more than 20 years and I have NEVER heard him make jokes like that about kids. Does he do tasteless and raunchy jokes at times? You bet he does.
Now having said all that I really wished he had left the “daughter” jokes elsewhere simply because I don’t agree with them, and because you just knew that Palin would react this way. She has been using those kids to focus attention on herself from day one, and she surely isn’t going to stop now.
The slutty flight attendant was right on the money and I disagree with those who feel that female politicians should not be made fun of in this manner because it brings up sexism. HORSE HOCKEY!!!! Comedy writers go after male politicians all the time and it would be sexist to demand that women shouldn’t be treated the same way.
Ziegler and Rush are two of Sarah’s biggest cheerleaders and if those are the kind of people she wishes to associate herself with, and have her name linked to, then she will find out sooner or later how badly that will end up costing her (I’m not complaining). At this point she gets what she deserves. She wanted to play the game, well now she is stuck with it, and like it or not she will get the blow-back she deserves!
Letterman’s a smarmy piece of work. This was a total non-apology “Can’t you rubes take a New York joke?” exploitation piece by him. I had to Wiki A-rod and Spitzer to find out who they were, and after doing that, I can see what upset Tod and I say good on Tod for calling him on his crap. For anyone who had to make the diassociation and stop to do research and ask what actually was said, this wasn’t funny.
“Who me? A celebrity? I’m not a celebrity.” Wink wink.
lexky said: “ive been on huff post reading their comments on this story and those people are brutal. i dont understand how the word rape came into play. and i didnt know john mccain made a joke about chelsea clintons looks..”
I don’t remember John McCain making a joke about Chelsea, but it wouldn’t surprise me considering what he said about his own wife and daughter. As for Rush, yes, he said some very unkind things about Chelsea’s looks when she was just a young girl. It was just the kind of thing you would expect from him.
John Ziegler id an idiot. I love the way Brewer cut him off. Maybe we should do that with Palin as well. Wouldn’t that be heaven.Every person has the right to say ugly things but he abuses the privilege.I’ve seen people like him before, but I had to pay admission. As for Sarah, if ignorance is bliss, she must be the happiest person alive. If she were to kill everybody who hates her, it wouldn’t be murder, it would be genocide! Go to go. Have a great day Mudpups and stay safe.
I’m sorry but I have to disagree on this one
I think the kids need to be left out
Bristol wasn’t in NY how could the jokes be about her?
And if the jokes where about someonelse’s kids everyone would be screaming foul.
That said I did like the top ten
BRAVO LETTERMAN!!! “Are my jokes in bad taste?” HAHAHAHA…. “There are thousands …” And exactly he did not use the word rape, if you are reading this Gov.
Ziegler makes my skin crawl. What an absolute moron! That cocky smirk, like he’s really getting one over on MSNBC can’t even come CLOSE to resembling a “win”. Rush is an idiot, as well, for declaring it such. “Nice to be here on the official Barack Obama station” (or whatever he said the first time he opened that cesspool he calls his mouth). Every single time he opened his mouth was to slam MSNBC or its journalists. Talk about PATHETIC. What a loser! Like my mom always says… blowing out everyone else’s candle so his own shines brighter.
As for S&T’s little press releases… is that what the gov site is for? To have Meg declaring their outrage at a few JOKES? Isn’t Meg SarahPac and not Gov to begin with? Don’t they have better things to worry about than a few jokes on late night TV? Wouldn’t a press release on the efforts in Eagle be more appropriate for the gov site than whining about a few jokes? What a completely immature, whiney crybaby! She wouldn’t last 2 seconds in DC.
And don’t they think that PERHAPS if they weren’t trotting their kids out all over the place and making them visible and public, they wouldn’t be the target of jokes?
Don’t they think that PERHAPS Shutting TFU would serve them better than all this “I’m a victim and so are my kids” outrage? All that did was give Dave more fodder to be funny at their expense!
Rape? Really? They’re going to invoke “rape”? REALLY?!?! Another hot button/trigger word for her baseless base to throw around because it’s inflammatory and creates more of a “victim”. Poor, dear Sarah! Gee, I guess it’s not “rape” when Levi or Willow’s BF gets a little action, but the mere mention of A-Rod getting a little something throws them into “rape” mode? And, with Sarah and Bristol’s slutty behavior before marriage, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least that Willow is following suit.
Dave is AWESOME. He’s way more powerful than she is just because he has a daily platform on which to espouse anything he wishes to millions of folks. Sarah has to go out SEEKING a platform… like the events in NY.
And (I haven’t had a chance to comment on this yet…), speaking of platforms, WTF was that stupid pageant walk across the stage when entering the fundraiser? I have never seen anything so rididiculous in my life. Instead of entering with a little class and taking her seat, she and Dud strut across the stage waving? Are you KIDDING me? Was this the consolation prize for having to keep her incoherent, hateful mouth shut at the function? “OK… you don’t say a WORD all night, and we’ll let you walk across the stage when you get here”. Absolutely crazy!
Blecchh. Barf.
I can’t wait to shut down this computer and check out Jon Stewart and Colbert to see their take on the events. I’m sure they had a little something to say about the fundraiser…
Rape came into play because on Sarah’s twitter page; Todd claims Letterman’s joke was referring to his 14 year old daughter getting raped.
I can just see her on Letterman – her answer to every question would be: “In what respect, Dave” ?
She will never do an interview anywhere, let alone Letterman, unless all the questions are pre-screened, and the answers are practiced before-hand (Hannity).
ive been on huff post reading their comments on this story and those people are brutal. i dont understand how the word rape came into play. and i didnt know john mccain made a joke about chelsea clintons looks..
It is actually Todd and Sarah that went over the line. Obviously the joke was referring to Bristol who is an adult and has decided to go public (on magazine covers, interview with Gretta, and spokesperson for Candies). To pretend this was about Willow is using her for Sarah to get more media coverage.
Knocked-up means pregnant as Bristol was during campaign and not rape like Todd wants to pretend and play the victim card.
“moosemeat” that was great.
She’d NEVER go on his show. He’s make mincemeat or should I say “moosemeat” out of her. LOL!! Love ya Dave.
I heart Dave. Do not mess with him SP. He just got to repeat it all over again and followed it up with a guest who called her a moron. Perfect.
i will always remember her talking about hillary whining about the media. scarah plays the victim like a champ. she can dish it out but cant take it.
i think she forgot what he did to mccain when he canceled on him. or maybe she didnt and thats why she is making such a stink about this.
Ouch!, You really wouldn’t want Letterman apologising to you. He has made her look even more ridiculous. The jokes about Spitzer and A Rod were tasteless, but now he has doubled up on the flight attendant look.
Scarah would have been better served sending a private letter to Dave complaining about the girl jokes and leaving it at that, too bad she likes to make big headlines and will never learn when to just STFU.
As for Ziegler, he is an idiotic egomaniac.
Don’t mess with Letterman. He’ll expose all of your lies, (and, he’ll do it in a funny way).
It appears to me that Dave is quite sincere in his apologies and his desire to have sp on the show…. we’ll have to see how Christian forgiveness works here, huh? Just a little misunderstanding.
Go Dave! Thanks for the Letterman, AKM. I spared myself Ziegler.
i love dave. hes my new hero.
well if rush says hes a winer i mean winner then it must be so.
I honestly thought Palin was going to be pissed at Ziggy for the way his interview portrayed her as Blamey Whinehouse and was an insinuation that McCain lost because of her. Nope.
Hmm. I’m really starting feel sorry for her supporters and wonder if maybe they shouldn’t have their med dosages upped a bit. Is it possible that 2 in 10 Americans have bona fide personality disorders?
Would that be “Sarah Palin UNPLUGGED”? I can’t think of a better fate for Fluffy, the Gov who never was (one)!
OMG, the guy has diarrhea of the mouth, and acts like a junior high cutup who only wants to hear himself. No wonder Sarah likes him. Two peas in a pod.
I love it, just posted this over at open thread…