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LIVE BLOG: The FINAL (Ever?) Presidential Debate

So here we go. The final debate of this insane election year. All times are Eastern.

9:03: Apologies, we’re watching on Fox, as that’s who’s moderating.

9:05  – Chris Wallace is live in Las Vegas… because what better city to decide our democracy.

Hillary’s rocking a white pantsuit and Trump is shockingly wearing a suit.

9:06 – Question is on supreme court and the constitution. This should be fun.

Hillary: SCOTUS needs to stand up for the people, women and against Citizen’s United.

Not reverse marriage equality… Supreme court should represent all of us.

She asks the Senate to confirm Obama’s nominee

TRUMP: “The Supreme Court is what it’s all about”

Uphold Second Amendment, which is truly under siege.

Under Hillary 2nd Amendment will be a “replica” of what it was.

“It’s all about the Constitution… the way it was supposed to be.”

Wallace: Questions on the second Amendment…

Hillary: I represented Upstate New York… [as an upstate NY’er… not really… ]

[I don’t remember anything in Heller about protecting kids…]

Trump: Hillary Was very upset about Heller decision…[clearly he was in the room]

Hillary: NRA supports Trump, of course he’s defending the 2nd amendment.

Trump is now talking about Chicago gun violence as he claims it has the toughest laws and largest number of gun violence.

Trump: “I will appoint pro-life justices” “It will then go back to the states… ”

Hillary: “I will defend Planned Parenthood, I will defend Roe vs. Wade”

She slams Trump on his earlier stance of wanting to punish women who need/want an abortion.

[Interesting that Fox cut away from Trump as he reached for a water glass]

Trump: Hillary supports “Rip the baby out of the womb, just prior to the birth… on the 9th month… on the final day”

Hillary: “Gov’t has no place” in a woman’s right to choose.

Trump: “Nobody has business doing what I just said 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 days before…”


Trump goes first:

No Donald ICE did not endorse you. They can’t endorse you.

The sniffling is back!

“We have some bad hombre’s here and we need to get them out.”

Clinton: She immediately cites that one immigrant child that are in her ads.

Remember when Hillary said that the children from Central America should be sent back?


Trump is back to interrupting Clinton. “The Wall.”

Hillary “wants to get everybody out of the shadows.”

9:27 – We have a “BIGLY!”

“President Obama has deported millions and millions of people.” [Fact check: True]

We have the first Wikileaks citation on “open borders”

And now we’re blaming Putin and the Russians on the wikileaks documents.

Wallace: “Hold on folks”

Trump: “I don’t know Putin.” “He has no respect for this… person”

Clinton: “Because he’d rather have a puppet”













It’s getting yelly. 

Trump: “Putin has smarted her every step of the way.”

Obama has earmarked a Trillion dollars for new nukes. 

Trump: “We are being ripped off…” by so many nations.

Here’s some things that Trump has said about nuclear weapons. 


Clinton: “Biggest job program since WW2”


TRUMP: [I’m sorry… I didn’t really understand any of that rant. other than he’ll end NAFTA]

Clinton: He doesn’t get the credit that he deserves… (for the decisions that Obama made after the recession)















Trump: “Our country is stagnant, we’ve lost our jobs…we’re not making anything” [says the man that has none of his products made in the USA]

Clinton: “The Trump Hotel is made with Chinese steel and aluminum.”

Trump: Make it impossible for me to do that.

Clinton: “I’m happy to compare my 30 years experience with your 30 years.”

Trump: “I built a phenomenal company.”

Trump claims that ISIS is in over 30 countries… not really seeing where that number comes from.


Trump: “All those stories are all false, I didn’t see those women…”

Clinton:  “Donald thinks that belittling women makes him bigger.”

Trump [to audience laughter]: “No one has more respect for women than I do.”

Trump then immediately brings it back to Hillary’s e-mails.


I’m really waiting and hoping that eventually Hillary will snap and tell Trump to STFU next time he interrupts.

Trump: Blames violence at rallies on Hillary’s campaign. [weird, as I’ve never seen non-Trump supporters commit violence at a Trump rally]

Trump actually asks a great question about giving the Clinton Foundation money the back to countries that have killed and oppress LGBT and women.


Trump doesn’t seem to have any sort of answer for his foundations not actually donating money.

Trump seems to think that Senators are allowed to make and change laws themselves. And then stands by the idea that he never paid taxes.


Trump will let us know in November if he thinks the election is rigged. But doesn’t think that Hillary should be allowed to run for president.


Hillary: “I will not support putting soldiers in Iraq as an occupying force.” [That seems like a very lawyered answer.]

Trump: “Mosul is so sad, we had Mosul.” [he’s now said Mosul 7 times] “What happened to the element of surprise.”

“The only reason they did it was because…” Hillary Clinton is running for president. [No, but… what?]

Hillary is now just dropping facts and citing that Trump used to be a reality show host. Actually just enjoying this.

Hillary: [citing Bernie] “You are the most dangerous person to run for President in modern history”

Wallace hitting Trump on some points on Aleppo and fact checks from last debate. Trump claimed that Aleppo has fallen and that Russia/Syria is attacking ISIS… and not Aleppo.

Trump: America is the laughing stock of the world.


Trump: “I’m going to create tremendous jobs.” So is that like, really cool jobs?

He’s also going to kill most of the taxes, especially for businesses and somehow make sure that low income wages don’t increase… and yet pay off the national debt. #Logic

It’s interesting that when Clinton is insulting Trump’s ego about him being “the only person to fix this” – he doesn’t flinch. He genuinely believes that this is not an insult.

Trump: “I disagreed with Ronald Reagan on trade.” (somewhere a republican angel loses it’s wings)

Trump’s back to just answering his own questions… now rambling about Obamacare.

Hillary criticizing Trump’s tax cut plan.

Trump: “Such a nasty woman”

Why should they elect you?

Clinton: I’m reaching out to all Americans… Democrats Republicans…

Trump: “Make America Great Again”

“our inner cities are a disaster… you get shot just walking to the store…”

“police are disrespected…”

Wallace: And now the decision is up to you… [dear lord help us all.

And we’re done.



One Response to “LIVE BLOG: The FINAL (Ever?) Presidential Debate”
  1. mike from iowa says:

    A certain someone from the Mat-Su believes the pelt wearing mangled apricot hellbeast won the debate handily. I’m guessing this is her last hurrah to have Drumpf grab her …..kitty kat.