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Mudflats Theater! I’m Ready for My Close-up Now…

This is great!  You all are in for a real treat.   OK, I’ll wait while you grab your Jiffy-Pop. (time passes, we pop corn, and settle in)

This is the funniest thing to happen since the “fugus” comment. Only this time, it’s an actual 5-minute YouTube video!  The first time I saw it,  I was on a computer without sound and I watched, riveted, just reading the text.  I wasn’t getting a complete picture by any means, but by the time the thing was done I was howling with laughter and I couldn’t wait to hear it so I could actually piece together what the heck the whole thing was talking about.  So, I ran and got my laptop, connected it to the internet and sat down again to enjoy the full thing with sound. Turns out, there was no dialog….just sort of vaguely creepy music with an ethereal female voice going “aaaahhhh ahhhh aaaaa aaaaaaaah” all sinister-like.

In case you don’t have video power, I’ll sum it up for you. There’s a bunch of stuff in the beginning about Obama, Bill Ayers, Rezko bla bla bla…. then the kicker.   It seems that Obama, now realizing that Sarah Palin is a big huge threat to him in 2012, sent his “goon squad” to Alaska, and decided to “buy some broads” to blog for him.   I don’t think I’ve ever actually been called a “broad” before.  I thought those people were dead.    Anyway… so (spoiler alert) Just a Girl from Homer, Celtic Diva and I are getting PAID to do this, by Barack Obama.  I was really jazzed! (Runs to mailbox to look for big whopping check but sadly finds nothing….yet!)  And just exactly how are we getting paid?  This is my favorite part.  There’s a nice flow chart that starts on the top with “Dirty Money” and then you have to follow the big red arrows through offshore accounts, and boats, and banks in the US…but the words get all blurry, and the chart gets cut off before you see how the money makes it to my mailbox.  It’s “complicated” they explain.  Dang.

I was thinking about the irony of this whole situation earlier today.   Frankly, the goal of the pro-Palin blogs and websites, and mine are exactly the same.  Get Palin out of Alaska.  So, I say to the outside world….”Take my governor ….PLEASE!”  Heck, I may even get a Palin 2012 bumper sticker on my car, because when I stopped to think about it, nothing would make me happier than to see her run against Barack Obama for the presidency.   Can you imagine?  Talk about blog material.

But alas, she will never make it through the political slaughterhouse that is the Republican party.  I wonder when Palin fans will wake up and realize they need to be far more worried about that Mormon guy with the impossibly good hair and the big bank account that’s standing at the other end of the stainless steel chute with a giant hammer.

But for now boys and girls, while we Alaskan bloggers are the bad girls, please sit back and enjoy the show. And catch it quick, because the entire thing is basically one gigantic copyright violation… that is, unless our illustrious filmmaker and humorist supreme has gotten permission to use all the still shots from various theatrical productions of Macbeth.   Somehow I doubt he has, so watch it now.

OK……roll ’em!

[licking butter off my finger tips…]

And don’t forget to double click the YouTube link when you’re done, and leave a comment!  I know you guys will come up with some good ones.



153 Responses to “Mudflats Theater! I’m Ready for My Close-up Now…”
  1. nickzi says:

    Well, it was five minutes too long, produced by someone who has obvious problems with women, and who clearly needs to learn why conspiracy theories are produced for, by and with kooks. Other than that, it was a great contribution to political dialogue.

  2. EyeOnYou says:

    mlaiuppa Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 10:20 AM

    Make her a congressmen.

    How about make her a private citizen? I think that is the best bet for EVERYONE!

  3. GlobalVillage says:

    People who produce stuff like this, are generally people who have been brought up on a diet of hate and fear, and so they as adults perpetuate the cycle by spewing forth with more hate and fear for the next generation to learn, and so it goes on. The really scary part is that it breeds rabid fanaticism and they cannot understand that others on the “outside” think for themselves and make their own judgments.

    This is what happens when a group that considers they are born to rule . . . . . aren’t.

  4. Catherine says:

    All that would upload of that silly video was the first few minor la, la las. It was enough to get the idea of misinformation it will contain but,please, how junior high and where did thet get those mud-colored women. Maybe Sarah and her pack should be more concerned about what her pal, Mark Sanford has been up to lately. Oh yes, paling around with adulterer’s, very nice governor. She tried to make the case for condeming President Obama for his associations with others. Shall we do that for SP also?

  5. MissSunshine says:

    How lovely that quite unintentionally this video represents Alaskan woman bloggers as “The Fates”! Diva and The Professor are correct that Shakespeare’s source material for his so-called “witches” (a political hot button at the time) were actually the goddesses of destiny. And in “the Scottish play” all they foretell does come to pass.

    I think the person that put this video together is very puzzled and upset that people who actually live in Alaska, and see SP up close and personal, are very much NOT impressed. Who are downright critical, or worse of all, make fun of her childish, whiney antics.

    So to defend their (wildly inaccurate) perceptions, they feel compelled to piece together a vast conspiracy, fueled by off-shore accounts.

    Somebody please post the picture of SP at the Alfalfa Dinner again, the one that has her grinning and pushing her charm (such as it is) full throttle, while Obama TOTALLY IGNORS HER. (Joe Lieberman, using his Jewish ancestral powers, appears unaffected by her attempt to throw a “glamor” as well.)

    So blog on, valiant ladies of the North! The truth needs no defense, and SP has been revealed for the petty creature she is.

  6. Daisy says:

    Who would make this? I thought it would be funny! It was creepy and weird. Very anti President Obama, more so than pro Palin, in my opinion. This kind of imagery feeds the Far Right Extremists to “take matters into their own hands.” I thought it was vile and downright scarry.

    Please, Mudflats, be careful!

  7. petepeta says:

    Good work mudflats getting under the skin of the crazies. Keep it up.

  8. CRFlats says:

    Oh my! That’s either a lot of wasted talent, or I’ve been wrong all along, and the right wing nuts DO have a sense of humor.

  9. Tricia says:

    Was hoping for something funny but this is sooo sophomoric and not even close to being clever or witty. GOPer’s at work……………

  10. oregonbird says:

    This is not, absolutely cannot be a Republican product. No ‘pug is capable of anything this funny — admit it, this is direct from a dorm in the NY film school. As proof, I offer the fact that the perpetrators didn’t bring up the ‘end days’ and religious nuttery Palin represents. Because how do you spoof something that far off your own understanding.

    The stageshots & masks prove it — definitely New Yorkers.

  11. InJuneau says:

    mlaiuppa–seeing as how we only “have”/”get” one, I’m not sure I’d actually want her to replace Yon Doung… She would actually be worse…

  12. mlaiuppa says:


    Make her a congressmen. That’s what we did with Pete Wilson to get him out of California. Make her a representative, send her to the House and she’ll be out of the state and be in a position to do very little damage. She will fade into obscurity.

  13. Muppet2 says:

    I don’t think Palin has a ‘female’ base. She’s too pretty. She’s too thin. Women, even republican women, will hate her because she’s a Barbie Doll that insults them with her winking and anti-feminist views and opinions. 4 yrs from now, that’s not going to change. She burned that female base but good.

    The only ‘base’ she has is dirty old men. Let’s face it, who else does she appeal to?
    She’s lacking intelligence and she has this losing history to bite her in the butt, all secured on tape to be replayed like the Rev Wright videos. Women want winners that they can aspire to. She’s definately not one of them.

  14. DuckDriver says:

    I am always entertained by the Wingnutty Right and their attempts to show
    how the other side operates.

    Now they have moved to the right of Attila the Hun!


  15. InterestedPerson says:

    PS I don’t remember from which organization, but it was one of the official
    named group.

  16. InterestedPerson says:

    “The finger points back at them…” as someone said earlier.
    It actually does.
    Someone told me directly that he received $5000 for each proBush blog he
    produced in 2004 campaign.

  17. honestyinGov says:

    Yes… the video was VERRRY bizarre, weird , and pathetic all at the same. I guess that is why it is so funny. Because it misses on getting any coherent message across and so you have to laugh at them. Because whoever did this video… they were verrrry serious and thought they had done a good job.
    This is similar thinking to all those folks that believe that 15 people protest in NYC was ‘ successful ‘ and that they did a good job. Where is the reality..?

    I hope that somehow President Obama, Rahm and that Staff in the White House hear about this clip from somebody. The President and Rahm sitting down and watching it…… you know they would laugh just as hard.

    Be looking for those White House invitations in the mail…. along with your next check.

  18. debinOH says:

    Wow, whoever did this is beyond bat sh*t crazy. Clearly it makes no sense (unless you are also bat sh*t crazy?). Personally I can’t understand why it never occurs to Sarah that the people standing up for her are the fringe crazies. Look at the people (15?) who went to Dave Lettermans. Yeah, I would have been so proud – NOT! I guess when you live in la la land you can click your ruby shoes and think everything is just A-okay.

    I have been saying all along the the SP lovers are in for a real shock if she decides to run in 2012. The repubs will decimate her. It cracks me up everytime I hear someone say that the media was so mean to her. My God I think the media have been a bunch of pu**ies. Good thing I am not the media because I would have asked followup questions until I got an answer to the question I asked. I would have never let her get away with the crap she did in the debate. It looked like a Tina Fey parody. Who can even believe the US televised it. It was embarassing!!!!!!!

  19. Blue Idaho says:

    This reminds me of all the crap my nutcase Sister in Law sent me during the the Election. She was one of those rabid Clinton supporters. We got daily Obama hating spam. I got so irritated with her that I sent her a Obama commemorative plate for Christmas. We have not heard from her since.

  20. JaneE says:

    Has anyone else here thought about the comparisons of Nixon/Palin?

    It seems to me that she has adopted his relationship with the media and is holding it oh so close.

    When do you think she’ll paraphrase his “You won’t have Nixon to kick around anymore, because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference.”

    Please, please, please.


  21. Deb says:

    Morning mudpuppies… Deb (from Denver) was just checking into my favorite blog while having her coffee. (I just about spewed my coffee while watching that.) Maybe cuz I haven’t had ENOUGH coffee yet, but my mind got to wondering who would create such a video. At first it occurred to me that the First Dud has WAAAY to much time on his hands. But I discounted that theory, because I’m not sure how talented he is in the way of creating a video. The feminist bashing language (broad, bitches) etc. makes me think of WAR….just sayin….

  22. Professor Geezer says:

    Also, whoever made this really hates women. They are myth-abusing misogynists.

  23. Professor Geezer says:

    Celtic Diva is right. Someone needs to let these “filmmaking” folks in on a fact about 1,000 years old: the Weird Sisters (Scottish) are based on the Wyrds, a female trio in Norse myth who could tell the future, similar to the Fates in Roman myth.

    They were not witches.

    Shakespeare turned them into witches for his play.

    Also, isn’t this video about 8 months too late?

  24. trisha says:

    Mudbug, I agree that Mitt will take her down. I can’t imagine Mitt letting her get away with it winking her way through another debate. On the other hand, journalists have been letting her get away her blabber without any hard questions, so time will tell.

    I think the biggest challenge for any contender (against Palin) is just figuring out how to counter her constant whining that she is being attacked.

    She plays the victim well, so if Mitt (or anyone) dare confront her or ask her to back up her statements/give some hard facts, she will respond with her fake, “I’m so offended that you are questioning ME—Everyone is attacking me” speeches.

  25. trisha says:

    My bad……
    help these children (not this children)—–Sorry. I’m still downing some coffee.

  26. Mudbug says:

    You can’t buy class. Palin will be hard pressed to get through a debate with Romney. He may have more money than God, but he has more class in his eye tooth, than Palin has in her whole scrawney body. AND he’s loaded for bear with facts, figures, etc. Don’t think that not a pipeline pipedream won’t come back to haunt her in the primary’s.

  27. trisha says:

    Muppet2: Interesting about your sister and her thoughts on Palin. I too have family who are Evangelical Christians and not one of them likes Sarah Palin.

    My parents thought her behavior during the election was mean-spirted and not very “Christian” like, and my two sisters* (Evangelical Republicans) don’t like her either. *My one sister has a special needs child and takes great offense that Palin has done nothing to help this children yet take credit (like the recent AutismWalks event) just because she gave birth to a special needs child.

    So, who really is her base? Does she really have one outside of the far-far-far right?

  28. Mudbug says:

    I am a republican. THIS has to be the worst thing anyone on ‘our side’ has put out. It avoids facts about Palin. It makes the distates people feel about her and the facts that are known about her, look trivial.

    When will our side get it’s act together?

  29. nebraska mudflatter says:

    I am in the camp with those who think this video is really disturbing. I don’t even know where to start! It is utterly misogynistic, libelous, angry . . . I am sort of speechless. I think it should be reported somewhere, but where?

  30. trisha says:

    Wait until these Palin “supporters” are forced to attack other Republicans in the primaries. Then, we will see some real theater.

    I’m just saying, Mitt has more money than God, so they better get some better script writers.

  31. Muppet2 says:

    That was creepy. Loved the music. It made my skin crawl just like when Caribou Barbie delivers her word salad statements or comments.

    I was in the states a couple of weeks ago. Hubby and I made a point of asking my Faux Spews brainwashed neo-con sister who listens to Rush and watches O’Really and O’sanity every night what she thought of Palin. She said that she admired her for her governorship and she thought the media tore her apart. We asked if she was Presidential material? No, she didn’t think so.

    Phew, huge relief. The message is clear. She doesn’t appeal even to the most brainwashed neo-con in my family.

    It took me about a week last fall when McCain announced Palin as his running mate to actually sit back and say, I don’t want her to shut up. I want her to continue to run her mouth…she’ll be one of the many reasons why Obama wins the election. McCain picking her was the key to losing the election.

    I do hope she runs in 2012. I want to see Obama win another landslide victory against those anti-American neo-cons.

  32. trisha says:

    Wow, they need to step away from the juice.

  33. Where did that donate button go? Better yet, where’s my debit card and can I afford it this month? I forgot to pay mudflats.

  34. Where did that donate button go? Better yet, where’s my debit card and can I afford it this month? I forgot to pay mudflats.

  35. Where did that donate button go? Better yet, where’s my debit card and can I afford it this month? I forgot to pay mudflats.

  36. Where did that donate button go? Better yet, where’s my debit card and can I afford it this month? I forgot to pay mudflats.

  37. Where did that donate button go? Better yet, where’s my debit card and can I afford it this month? I forgot to pay mudflats.

  38. Where did that donate button go? Better yet, where’s my debit card and can I afford it this month? I forgot to pay mudflats.

  39. Where did that donate button go? Better yet, where’s my debit card and can I afford it this month? I forgot to pay mudflats.

  40. Where did that donate button go? Better yet, where’s my debit card and can I afford it this month? I forgot to pay mudflats.

  41. Where did that donate button go? Better yet, where’s my debit card and can I afford it this month? I forgot to pay mudflats.

  42. Where did that donate button go? Better yet, where’s my debit card and can I afford it this month? I forgot to pay mudflats.

  43. Where did that donate button go? Better yet, where’s my debit card and can I afford it this month? I forgot to pay mudflats.

  44. Where did that donate button go? Better yet, where’s my debit card and can I afford it this month? I forgot to pay mudflats.

  45. Where did that donate button go? Better yet, where’s my debit card and can I afford it this month? I forgot to pay mudflats.

  46. Where did that donate button go? Better yet, where’s my debit card and can I afford it this month? I forgot to pay mudflats.

  47. Where did that donate button go? Better yet, where’s my debit card and can I afford it this month? I forgot to pay mudflats.

  48. JRC says:

    Just one word: huh?

  49. Kath the Scrappy from Seattle says:

    I’m late to the party, was caught up reading the Assembly red shirt dialog (depressing, so much hate in so little time).

    Anyway, by the time my slow dialup let me watch this madness, I didn’t bother to watch a 2nd time. Funny, I gave an “Awful” rating (Youtube thanked me for rating).

    Then, I went to comment
    “What kind of Magic Mushrooms is this ‘creative; person chomping?”
    Dang, Youtube responded that all ratings & comments have been turned off by the… Opps, he might not have liked all the giggles he produced at Mudflats! Bizarro, what else can one call it?

  50. CO native living in NC says:

    Whoa, someone needs some antipsychotic medication. “Kill the B%$#h”? Witches? Not only delusional but having serious issues with women,other than Palin. If by some horrible act of fate,she became POTUS; would we have to put up with this kind of ridiculous propaganda for anyone that didn’t agree with her royal highness?

  51. BigSlick says:

    That video’s creator has the Fundy Fugus Brain Syndrome. Here’s a way to twist all the moisture out of a Fundy Fugus Brain.

    If gay IS genetic, then new research might find a “cure” via stem-cell therapies, or identify the “deviant” genes via amnio tests and, well, you see where this is going already I hope…you Fundies with your Fugus Brains could then REALLY play GOD!!!!!!

    Me, I’d rather just hug my gay friends and teach my kids to accept them for who they are and not hate so then I don’t have to worry about such awful things that exist in the Fundy Fugus Brain. I think if Jesus had kids, that’s what he would do.

  52. Seriously, that was the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen. I wasn’t sure they liked SP any better than any of the other people they showed. And the artists that painted everything they used should haunt them for misusing their paintings.

    At least with most of the stuff on YouTube, the creator has the courtesy to acknowledge the things they borrowed, even if they didn’t have permission. I can’t imagine anyone giving permission for their work to be used by these lunatics.

    It just didn’t seem to have a clear point. Maybe the person should consider going to film school for a few pointers before attempting anything like this again. With any luck, some professor will convince whoever it was to choose a different line of work. They obviously have no talent in film making.

  53. Terpsichore says:

    51 CO almost native Says:
    June 23rd, 2009 at 5:29 PM
    So– The Paranoids4Palin patched together a YouTube video that prevaricates the truth? Good thing they aren’t relatives of Pinocchio; they wouldn’t be able to get out the door, their noses are toooo long.
    * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** ** *
    Oh no, the Sea4Pe-ers didn’t make this. It’s too well done for them to have made it. From what I’ve seen of their stuff, it is far less professional.

    As for copyright infringement? Don’t get me started.

    “Don’t make me angry. You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry”.

    I’ll just leave it at this: I am confident that if the artists who composed and/or performed the music found out that it was being used in this context, they would be apalled, as I would.

    This assumes the music was used without their knowledge or permission. If they DID give their permission for the usage, with or without monetary compensation, then that’s their business. But I personally would be disinclined to buy their product(s) in such a case.

    But it brings to mind the question: At what point, and/or for how much money, would we sell ourselves out for? Would I let my music be used under such a film, if I were paid for it? I don’t know, because the question has never arisen. I’m not a wealthy person by any stretch of the imagination, and the idea of music I write being used in something and me getting a check for it is an enticing one.

    But to put it in a non-musical perspective: At what point would we be so desperate that we would, say, put up with a boss like Sarah Palin? At what point do we rationalize that it’s OK to lie about someone or something in order to keep our own jobs? How far do we let ourselves or others around us break the law before we say “hey! This ain’t right!”?

    For anybody who is in this situation, I truly truly feel for you. Nobody should have to be in that kind of a situation. You should not have to fear going to work, worrying about what you might say, or say wrong. I wish I had better advice than “well, just quit your job” or “just file a complaint with the proper agency”, but that’s all I got.

    It’s late here and I’m rambling. Although I could go on, I’ll stop for now.

  54. Blue_in_AK says:

    Wait! WHO sent a goon squad to Alaska??! It sure wasn’t Barack Obama. Does anyone remember Meg and that Matrix-looking guy from the CIA or wherever it was. Geez, talk about goon squads…

  55. Bretta says:

    When I read or hear of a person pointing a finger making an accusation I always think they are pointing three fingers back at themselves.

  56. Super Bee says:

    Holy crap, what a bunch of lunatics!

    That is without a doubt the most freakiest thing I have ever seen on YouTube or possibly anywhere. Where on earth did they gets those images and that horrible music?

    As usual I’m at first aghast and then I laugh at the absurdity and idiocy. These people truly are something else. I’m sure this video will do wonders to help her get elected to high office…

  57. karen marie says:

    If I hadn’t watched it I wouldn’t have believed it. Whoever put it together is one seriously screwed up person.

    It’s interesting too also that they are offering a reason why it took palin six years (I thought it was five) to get through college, when I think the bigger question is why did she go to five different colleges.

    Yeah, I look forward to the Republican presidential primary when Bible Spice gets her a$$ handed to her.

    The way the video went on and on about Prop 8 you might get the mistaken impression that they support gay rights. But aside from that, I don’t remember reading anywhere that anyone had suggested Palin had anything to do with it passing. Unless she’s a secret Mormon?

    You should be proud, AKmuckraker, to get a shout out. Clearly you are doing something right. Keep up the good work.

  58. anadventurer says:

    So um, how much money DID YOU GET from Obama, do you have a photo copy of the check? That would be soooooooooo cool. Um, I think Divas site would look better if she got some cash too.

  59. I am SO jealous. Don’t these C4Peeeee folks have the balls to attack guys like me?

  60. seattlefan says:

    Wow…that was creepy.

    I think that AKM, Celtic Diva and Shannyn should take this whole thing as a compliment and a badge of honor in that they have touched a “nerve” and that “nerve” is truth. Don’t back down you guys!

    This video just proves how whacked out these people (PUMA/peer’s?) are. They have to resort to that eeery music, conspiracy theories, lies, and images borrowed from the dark and middle ages. LOL! Typical of the repub mindset these days. Clinging to their fears and talking points.

    I have to admit I laughed my behind off when I watched this, but I was laughing at the person/persons who made the vid. Is there ANY intelligence left on the “Right”?.

  61. Angerbear says:

    I don’t know..this sort of worries me. This is actually intelligent (albeit campy) & marketed fightback from the Palin camp.

    I don’t mean to be a worried bear, but this bears (haw haw) watching, in my humble opinion.

    Someone a little more slick than her usual bumbling gub staff is managing the 2012 push. The Anti-choice folks?


  62. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    Oh My….
    That was just to much…
    It made little sense.

    I have been traveling in Alaska with poor internet and just could not wait to catch up…..mudflats, my first stop, and as usual I find I have had a good laugh and then a sobering moment realizing how desperate these people are.
    It is the twisting of time lines and even logic that just floor me.
    Well AKM if your making money from the DNC or maybe just the Obama camp then i can say they know a good investment when they see one….

  63. BodieP says:

    As I was starting to say before my screen, which is apparently in league with the Darker Forces of the Loonatic Far Right–part of me agrees that it might be a good idea to let Someone Who Can Do Something know about this. It does seem to reflect a high level of angst directed at People We Love. But another part of me just wants to go “BWWAAH HA HA HA HA HA!

  64. LibertyLover says:

    As for the comments disappearing…. if they can’t stand the heat, they should stay away from the cauldron, no? 😉

  65. OmegaMom says:

    Har. All your comments have gone *poof*. Oh, well. Guess that answers the question of whether it was meant seriously or was a spoof; if it were a spoof, they’d have left the comments.

  66. LibertyLover says:

    OK, fess up, which one is which witch? 😉

  67. Gramiam says:

    Linda (Celtic Diva) Says:
    June 23rd, 2009 at 7:31 PM

    Yeah, AKM, my checks are getting “lost in the mail” as well!

    The funniest thing about this…the “three witches” are far from evil. They are actually based on the “Weird Sisters” from British folklore who are considered the goddesses of destiny, the Fates, etc… Even in the play, they are scoffed at for merely fortelling what turns out to be the truth after all.

    Odd, that…
    And this is why they call her Celtic Diva!! Let us know when you get your bonus, Linda! It should put your fund for e-mails over the top!!

  68. kejia says:

    the palin version of “reefer madness”!

  69. Cynamen Winter says:

    ‘Even in the play, they are scoffed at for merely fortelling what turns out to be the truth afterall.

    Odd, that…’

    I can hardly wait for the truth to come to light, C. Diva!

  70. Yeah, AKM, my checks are getting “lost in the mail” as well!

    The funniest thing about this…the “three witches” are far from evil. They are actually based on the “Weird Sisters” from British folklore who are considered the goddesses of destiny, the Fates, etc… Even in the play, they are scoffed at for merely fortelling what turns out to be the truth afterall.

    Odd, that…

  71. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Talk about coo coo for cocoa puffs.

  72. London Bridges says:

    Clearly, the video was released after the funding was made available on the same day Sarah was able to finally pay her $8K kids travelgate tab.

  73. BigSlick says:

    Oops, they left out Andree

  74. Star says:

    eewwww …Not to worry AKM, Shanny, Linda, What goes around comes around..

  75. leenie17 says:

    It’s clear to me why you three ladies have not yet received your oodles of money directly from PO himself…GINO commandeered all the cash-droppin’ helicopters to go shootin’ at some critters!

    By the way, I would be happy to go pick up your payments directly from Mr. Emanuel personally. Just say the word and I’ll hop on the Thruway and be on my merry way to DC! (sigh) 🙂

  76. Pepper1939 says:

    So sick. Heading to bathroom…gonna lose it all.

  77. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    ahhhh, thank you sauerkraut!

    “PUMA = hardcore Hillary supporters, ie, those found at riverdaughter blog… party unity my ass. about as relevant as all those whiny-baby bush supporters.”

    when did you go splat?

  78. WakeUpAmerica says:

    My take is that the whole thing is a left-wing spoof against people like Sea of Pee-ers. Am I missing something? It’s hilarious.

  79. sauerkraut says:

    oops… just felt myself go splat!

  80. mommom says:

    It’s as though someone charged with the editing of the video was a secret MudPuppie !! It comes across a s a message laced with subliminal anti-Palin messages!!

  81. teri says:

    Put your tin foil hats on, the crazies are making videos now.

  82. Cynamen Winter says:

    One inadvertent detail which was spot-on in that bit of melodrama:

    ‘That lying, cheating racist Sarah Palin.”

    That is the unintentional/unspoken truth contained therein.

  83. sauerkraut says:

    PUMA = hardcore Hillary supporters, ie, those found at riverdaughter blog… party unity my ass. about as relevant as all those whiny-baby bush supporters.

  84. the problem child says:

    OMG hilarious! I actually kind of enjoyed the soundtrack… guess I’m showing my raver age.

    Really, were you having those wonderfully informative conversations with Rahm (“It’s all a lie, girls”) If only I’d had a blog during the DNC, I might have gotten an Inaugural Ball ticket and the chance to dance with dear Rahm!!! (I definitely would have let him lead, contrary to my usual MO.)

  85. Ennealogic says:

    Amateur hour at One True Media, eh?

  86. Trini says:

    Oh that was so bizarre. If that bat-shit comes out while she’s running in 2012, she’s sure to loose. What a favor (not) they are doing for her. I hope they keep it up. That said, it’s not even good!

  87. LiladyNY says:

    yardwork Says:
    June 23rd, 2009 at 6:16 PM

    Wow, I didn’t know the makers of “Reefer Madness” were still around.


    LOL! Ga-zing! Good one.

  88. yardwork says:

    Wow, I didn’t know the makers of “Reefer Madness” were still around.

  89. Tealwomin says:

    KaJo::::I detect spelling errors in the captions. You’d think right-wingnuts would learn how to use a spellchecker, wouldn’t you? It’s all in the details.

    they all spell alike, so no spell-checker necessary…

  90. Tealwomin says:

    …telling on themselves….WHO PAID them to make the video?

  91. LiladyNY says:

    These people are batsh*t crazy and even worse, completely incoherent. What WAS the point of this video? And the dumb women part? I think 18 million of us proved that theory wrong on November 4, 2008.

    Note to Palinbots: McCain LOST and by extension, so did Sarah Palin! The majority of Americans didn’t want her. She’s wrong on so many levels it would take hours to explain none of which have anything to do with fear or jealousy of her underwhelming intellect and lack of knowledge as to what constitutes good governance and political acumen or genuine care for the people in her state. Oh, and as for her “good looks”? Beauty fades, stupid lasts forever. Put on your big girl pants and get over it.

    AND, I’m still waiting for my checks (tappy foot, tappy foot)!

  92. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    don’t even try to go there loki, it’ll hurt your brain, lol……they believe this stuff.

    “wow – that thing did not make any sense!?! What was the point?”

  93. TX Lisa says:

    BigSlick @ 22–I watched your video and it is hilarious!!!! Thanks for the link.

    It helped lighten the mood after that disturbing video. If that Girls of Alaska video reflects the psyche of its creator, I want to stay far, far away from him. (I think it’s a him.)

  94. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I don’t know what Puma’s are, but that’s funny.

    “I take it this is what you think if you are so crazy, the Puma’s won’t even let you join their club…”

  95. Leota2 says:

    That was fantastic!
    I laughed, I cried, I thought I’d wet myself but it was my chardonnay spilling onto my lap because I was giggling so hard.

    Remember Bad Opera with Leonard Pinth Garnell (Dan Akroyd) from SNL? On target!

    Oh those Palin worshippers, they are so—well–CRAZY.

  96. Lee323 says:

    “Turns out, there was no dialog….”

    Why am I not surprised…..

    The limbic system doesn’t contribute much of anything to language or rational thought processes.

    This video clip came straight out of the oubliette of a limbic system in seizures…..“aaaahhhh ahhhh aaaaa aaaaaaaah” all sinister-like.” LOL.

    Rest assured, ye strong and stalwart female Alaskan bloggers for Truth….your writing (and humor) is impressively cortical….and evolved.

  97. Cynamen Winter says:

    That weird music was steeped in evil….and had to be silenced! Talk about overworked imaginations. What an incredible waste of potential creativity….

    I now need a good scrubbin’ with hyssop. Yeek!

    Keep beating the drums ladies ~ you’ve got ’em runnin’ scared.

  98. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    see, let the fodder begin……good one CoAlmostnative

    “Good thing they aren’t relatives of Pinocchio; they wouldn’t be able to get out the door, their noses are toooo long.”

  99. chuck tatum says:

    To quote the Geico Caveman..

    “Yeah, I’ve got a comment. Umm…WHAT??!”

  100. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    yeah, dontcha feel special AKM, Diva and Shanny……you guys are SO important to our Prez and the whole US Democratic party they sought you 3 out and hired ya all…….uh huh… much as we love all three of ya, I don’t think so, lol.

    those wing nut groupies are further off the deep end than I thought.

    LOL, I can see some teasin coming your way from your group of AK friends, the razzin at party’s, welcoming the all powerful “chosen ones”, more fun fodder at the expense of Scarah. If you dare, the entertainment factor is enormous.

  101. mipartee says:

    that’s some kind of spoof….right?


    Whoever came up with that was smokin’ the good stuff…..LOL

  102. CO almost native says:

    So– The Paranoids4Palin patched together a YouTube video that prevaricates the truth? Good thing they aren’t relatives of Pinocchio; they wouldn’t be able to get out the door, their noses are toooo long.

  103. Cathy from Colorado says:

    Please let us know if there is anything we can do to counter this.

    Knowing you ladies thru your blogs, all I can say is I respect and admire what you have been doing for the past several months to keep us informed and educated.


  104. That is disturbing. It is not comedy, the bloggers are portrayed like “witches”. I can’t articulate my concern…….How can this be brought to the attention of the FBI?………Should a PI be hire to find out who made it and what threat this poses for the 3 FEMALE Alaskan bloggers?

    I wish you would take this seriously, and let those people know that we are paying attention.

    In any case, it shows a deranged religious freak is on the loose.

  105. antiAnti says:

    psst, AKM, Brian is cashing the checks and socking the cash away for the twins college fund.

  106. Sarah in SC says:

    Okay, it started out all “Damn, it feels good to be a gansta,” but then it just quickly digressed into all out creepiness. How many copies of Macbeth did they have to go thru to find all those creepy hag pictures, anyway?

    Good Lord, Palin supporters are weird. And deranged. And delusional.

    I’ve got to go find my stash of holy water now, to douse the house. That was just scientology weird.

  107. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    GreatGrey Says:
    June 23rd, 2009 at 4:42 PM

    rocket Says:
    June 23rd, 2009 at 4:27 PM

    Duh, I get checks from Axelrod every week. Aren’t you guys too?

    Axelrod eh? Mine comes directly from George, that would be Mr. Soros to everyone else (yea, we are on a first name basis)
    well ya know I get my check from ACORN! 🙄

  108. austintx says:

    DrChill – Have you googled Obama Girl ?? She rocks.

  109. Ripley in CT says:

    new post re: idiot parade

  110. Physicsmom says:

    If you ladies were being paid, why does CD need to collect funds to ransom the gov’s emails? Also, their time is a little out of sequence if you three were complaining about Hillary before SP was nominated, but you all didn’t come to national attention until SP made her debut. (You were blogging before then, but the wider audience and Obama’s attention came later, unless he was prescient that SP was going to make a play for VP, in which case I haven’t given him enough credit at all!).

  111. mommom says:

    If the average “Joe ” watches this,all they will come away with is “Sarah is stupid” emblazoned on their brain. But our 3 bloggers will get some great traffic out of it.

  112. justafarmer says:

    after watching that (and I did post a response at YouTube), I feel the need for a shower…but I remembered the Prevo Parade in Anchorage later tonight.
    I shall be a good steward of the environment, suck it up and be stinky, and take just ONE shower…

  113. phoebe says:

    They even made David Axelrod look sinister. Seems like this sort of nonsense is geared toward Team S types.

  114. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Brian/Snooker Hinge Palin – There was an article in Vanity Fair a couple of months ago about Rush. It said that the big big secret that no one repeats is that the average age of his listeners is 67!!!!

  115. Ripley in CT says:

    make sure when you visit Youtube, that you vote a thumbs up for any supporters that call this video out for what it is. Then go ahead and vote thumbs down for the Sarahsites that show up! That should fix their little wagons.

  116. witsendnj says:

    Oh thank you for that fantastic bit of levity! I almost wondered if an anti-Sarah type produced it because it makes her and her supporters look like such lunatics!

    I had to embed it on my blog, I hope it doesn’t get yanked, it’s so…precious…

    and congratulations on being singled out by the fringe bitterz, I hope it drives more readers and someday more revenue to your blog!

  117. Ripley in CT says:

    Oh yeah, and I smell libel.

  118. DrChill says:

    What !? Not getting paid !

    Sounds like a job for Obama Girl !

    If you bloggers ever decide to do a video, consider a MacBeth theme, the weird sisters 3.

    32 The weird sisters, hand in hand,
    33 Posters of the sea and land, — and blogosphere…
    34 Thus do go about, about:
    35 Thrice to thine and thrice to mine
    36 And thrice again, to make up nine.
    37 Peace! the charm’s wound up.

    AAAA ha ha ha ha haaaa

  119. Ripley in CT says:

    hehehehe… that is the single most stupid thing i have seen in a very long time. I’m still laughing!!! PAID!!!

  120. Gramiam says:

    And you guys thought it was just a stimulus package!!

  121. Brian aka Snooker Hinge Palin says:

    Hmm. Use of the word “broad” to refer to a woman would seem to date the producer of this foolishness. As I recall from my informal study of old movies, “broad” would be late 1950s-early 1960s, somewhere between “dame” and “chick.” I would guess a man between 64 and 75 years of age is responsible, with some help from a teenager working at the local video store. Sarah’s Dad, perhaps.

  122. Karin in CT says:

    Is this thing for real? How could someone “produce” the thing and bother to post it on Youtube? It’s complete garbage.

    AKM, shhhhh, but you need to open a bank account in Bermuda and the money will begin to POUR in from Rahm and George and David. How do you think I’m paying my son’s college tuition? I go to Palin bashing sites and post comments and then I’m rewarded handsomely! Duh!

  123. Gramiam says:

    Bodie, you are a Wiccan class act!. I foresee GINO getting caught in the old, “Karma will come back and bite you in the A$$ when you wish ill on others” rule. I can hardly wait!! I gots me my popcorn right here.

  124. BigPete says:

    AKM, you were lucky to see it the first time without the music, which is super annoying. The Republicans do the “Sex & drugs” pretty well, but they’re a little bit lacking when it comes to the “rock’n’roll”.

  125. Chaim says:

    They’ve got the wrong conspiracy. The Democrats haven’t been paying bloggers to make SP look stupid, ignorant, incompetent and dishonest; they’ve been paying her directly to act stupid, ignorant, incompetent and dishonest. Stands to reason it would be a lot cheaper to just pay off one person …

  126. phoebe says:

    Take the money & run girls……..too funny. It’s time for you know who to get control of her paranoia.

  127. sauerkraut says:

    wow… way too much moonbattery in this country.

    thank you for that, gw and friends.

    Sartyricon, alaska style.

  128. BodieP says:

    That’s just so wrong on so many levels it’s hard to know where to start. First and most obvious, of course, we have the potential libel suit you”girls from Alaska” could file, unless you truly are practicing witches of the nastier variety (I’m a practicing witch, but the Rede restrains me from getting too creative in the retribution line). Then of course we have the whole stereotypical portrayal of witches as evil, hook-nosed crones which would really get right up the nose of some of my more activist wiccan friends. Then we have the dearth of meaningful dialog–what the hell is that woo woo stuff? Could they only afford the one fifteen-second clip, so they just kept looping the damned thing over and over again? And most troubling, as several people above noted, is the level of irrational hatred it took to pull together this baby. Where it really gets creepy is when you look at how they’ve used absolutely unrelated imagery designed to frighten and repulse to create the pictorial equivalent of Sarah Palin’s public utterances–is sort of a image collage that really reflects her verbal pointillism–she just throws out a bunch of charged words–who the heck cares if they make logical sense or not? by the time she’s done the emotional freight they carry has conveyed the message she wants conveyed. But I digress…actually, I blogged about it a week or so ago.

  129. Carolyn says:

    I kind of liked the music…and if you’re getting paid, it looks like it’s in euros! Lucky you!

  130. winkwinkWA. says:

    Sorry OT-ADN just put up a news story about GINO paying $8,143.63 for her children’s 19 trips. Not many comments yet….

  131. BigSlick says:

    Karma is a b*tch.

    If you click through to YouTube, the next top video choice I was prompted to select was THIS!

    I’m not sure which one was creepier, but the one at this link seemed to be more accurately based on fact.

  132. KaJo says:

    If the majority of people who watch this thing don’t get the point, then the point must exist only in the tiny little mind of the producer/director.

    Sorta like Federico Fellini when he made “8½”.


    I detect spelling errors in the captions. You’d think right-wingnuts would learn how to use a spellchecker, wouldn’t you? It’s all in the details.


    I wonder if the authors of this video realize all the “money” references could very well be tagged on them?

    Perform a few snippets of editing (like, remove the copyrighted stuff), insert a picture of the luminaries at the “15 strong” demonstration in New York, a few of those marvelous still picture portraits of the Guv that Regina uses with such skill, and voila!

    “Nailin’ Palin” — the G rated version.

  133. GreatGrey says:

    rocket Says:
    June 23rd, 2009 at 4:27 PM

    Duh, I get checks from Axelrod every week. Aren’t you guys too?

    Axelrod eh? Mine comes directly from George, that would be Mr. Soros to everyone else (yea, we are on a first name basis)

  134. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Regardless of how disturbing and full of fear this film’s concept is, the 3 bloggers from Alaska have hit the BIG TIME!

    If you are to be feared as much as big bad President Obama (and those awful meanies Alexrod & Rahm) that’s some power!!!!!! Don’t stop!

  135. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    Who produced this? Zeigler? Does it say? I am not going there; I do not want to give them any “hits”). Maybe Rebecca at sea of pee “produced” it – she has film-making experience, a short film decades ago.

  136. zyggy says:

    OMG! WTF was that? lmao. Nice to know that you have that much power. 😉

  137. califpat says:

    AKM, you and the Alaska girls had better not let GINO know you guys are being paid because she just might have her hand out for a donation fo pay her legal fees. Shhhhh….

  138. bigdayqueen says:

    LOL..did you notice how the money started with a habdful of $1, the a bunch of $20’s, then $100’s?? Also, too, the helicopter with the bills falling from the sky.

  139. samper says:

    What were they on when they made this piece of crap? God, the dooming music, all the skeletan/grim reaper crap, “kill the Bi$%h”, etc.

    Very disturbing work…

    PS: I’ve been bashing her for MONTHS and still haven’t gotten a single check! How do I get on the payroll?

  140. Greytdog Δ says:

    Wow. Not even really creative from a film-making standpoint. Seems the only creativity evident is the license to lie. . . I did find it interesting how they used MacBeth – what is it with the right wing and their fear of witches anyway? Not enough candy at Halloween?

  141. Empish says:

    That was rather very disturbing. The depth of hate that her loyal subjects feel toward anyone that does not support their queen. Work of a dark and twisted mind, imho.

  142. Closet Mudpup says:

    That’s wild. Some of those conspiracy theory videos are so wacked out I can’t tell if they parody themselves intentionally or unintentionally. The funnier they are the more inclined I am to believe it is unintentional.

  143. rocket says:

    Duh, I get checks from Axelrod every week. Aren’t you guys too?

    Sarah-sycophants =

    fugus engage in hungry markets, also

  144. Rob in Ca says:

    We already know what bloggers in pajamas produce…

    Wonder what these folks were wearing???

    I take it this is what you think if you are so crazy, the Puma’s won’t even let you join their club…

  145. CorningNY says:

    That was truly bizarre and very disturbing, especially the “kill the b*tch” part. Sad that freedom of speech protects crap like this.

    So AKM–you and your “goon squad” of Shannyn and Linda “beat the crap” out of Sarah?!! And I missed it?! Darn!

  146. loki says:

    wow – that thing did not make any sense!?! What was the point?

  147. Gramiam says:

    Show me the MONEY! This video is like a Palin wet dream!!

  148. InJuneau says:

    AKM–I would if I were you!! 😉

  149. Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel says:

    No check for me either! However, I do have my TRIG TRUTHER ON BOARD bumper sticker from CafePress, so once it’s on my car, Messrs. Axelrod & Co. can just flag me down on the streets of the District of Columbia. and stuff wads on unmarked greenbacks through my window!

  150. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I’m filing a complaint, cuz I’m not gettin paid.

  151. InJuneau says:

    Oh man, you mean you’re still not getting those Axelrod/Obama blogger checks? Bummer!

    I hate to start imposing late fees….but I’ll do it if I have to. 🙂 AKM

  152. John says:

    I’m getting one of those Run Sarah Run bumper stickers and adding “far far away”