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February 14, 2025


No Time for Tuckerman -

Thursday, August 3, 2023

The Quitter Returns! -

Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

“Just-A-Mud PAC” Pledge Drive!

What happens when you cross Just a Girl from Homer, Mudflats, and a trip to Netroots Nation? A “Just-A-Mud PAC” pledge drive! Well, it’s not exactly public radio, but we do have very public blogs, and they’re commercial free! No pop-up ads! Today, Mudflats and Just a Girl From Homer, are announcing the beginning of our first ever pledge drive which will feature a “Just-a-Mud Party” fundraising shindig on Saturday night, complete with live blogging immediately following The Shannyn Moore Show on KBYR from 5-7pm Alaska time! We are posting the adult beverage selections we’ll be enjoying, so you can…

The Shannyn Moore Show on KBYR – Live Blogging!

The sky is blue, the sun is shining… It’s a great day for …radio?   It is when it’s the best two on-air hours of the week for progressives in Alaska.  So get out that extension cord, and haul that radio out to the yard! If all goes according to plan, I’ll be live blogging the show from the KBYR studios.  You can use this thread to live blog yourselves in the comments section! Local number is 907.274.5297. The toll free number is 866 610 5297 Live Streaming HERE. Place & Time:  700am KBYR, Saturday 5-7pm Alaska time, 6-8pm Pacific, and…

Mudflats Theater! I’m Ready for My Close-up Now…

This is great!  You all are in for a real treat.   OK, I’ll wait while you grab your Jiffy-Pop. (time passes, we pop corn, and settle in) This is the funniest thing to happen since the “fugus” comment. Only this time, it’s an actual 5-minute YouTube video!  The first time I saw it,  I was on a computer without sound and I watched, riveted, just reading the text.  I wasn’t getting a complete picture by any means, but by the time the thing was done I was howling with laughter and I couldn’t wait to hear it so I…