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Friday, January 28, 2022

VP Joe Biden Addresses Netroots Nation in Detroit

Detroit, Michigan – Vice President Joe Biden addressed the progressive activist Netroots Nation convention in the ballroom of the Cobo Center in Detroit on Thursday, explaining that he was 45 minutes late for his scheduled speech because of the crash of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17, shot down over Ukraine earlier in the day. “About three hundred souls were lost,” Biden said, acknowledging that some of those may have been American citizens. He described the situation as “grave,” saying, “The families need consolation and our prayers.” The Vice President explained that he had been engaged with a national security team, and on…

Alan Grayson and the Purple People

By: Zach Roberts/Russell Burlingame I’m finally getting to look over the footage I shot while at Netroots Nation, and I came across this gem from the always quotable former Florida Congressman Alan Grayson. He uses the the release of The Green Lantern movie as a way to talk about what the Democratic Party does for America, versus what the the Republican Party does. The speech is cited in a fundraising email, but I believe the video here, for is the first anyone will be seeing it. Grayson spoke at a Minneapolis church – the first stop on the Democratic…

Palin’s Campaign Film “The Undefeated” Reviewed (Insert Explosion Here)

When returning to my hotel room Friday afternoon. I noticed something slipped in the crack of the door. I was attending the Netroots Nation convention at the Hilton in Minneapolis. As is their habit, the evil (and much smaller) twin of Netroots Nation, called “Right On Line” puppydogs our convention, trailing behind and choosing to hold their convention in whatever city Netroots does. It’s a great strategy if your goal is to look kind of pathetic and really obnoxious at the same time. This year, they were not only in the same city, they were in the same hotel –…

Beware, Netrooters! Breitbart’s “Pimp Suit” is Heading Your Way!

Yes, Progressives, convicted felon and liar extraordinaire James O’Keefe is en route to Minneapolis thanks to a benevolence of a federal judge. Per The Smoking Gun: Since O’Keefe needs judicial approval to travel outside New Jersey (due to his federal conviction for last year’s harebrained scheme targeting Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu), yesterday he filed a U.S. District Court motion seeking permission to spend this weekend in Minneapolis, Minnesota. O’Keefe claims in his motion that he planned to attend the conservative gathering June 17-19 RightOnline Conference, with Republican presidential hopefuls like Tim Pawlenty, Michelle Bachmann, and Herman Cain. Of course, his…

“Just-A-Mud PAC” Pledge Drive!

What happens when you cross Just a Girl from Homer, Mudflats, and a trip to Netroots Nation? A “Just-A-Mud PAC” pledge drive! Well, it’s not exactly public radio, but we do have very public blogs, and they’re commercial free! No pop-up ads! Today, Mudflats and Just a Girl From Homer, are announcing the beginning of our first ever pledge drive which will feature a “Just-a-Mud Party” fundraising shindig on Saturday night, complete with live blogging immediately following The Shannyn Moore Show on KBYR from 5-7pm Alaska time! We are posting the adult beverage selections we’ll be enjoying, so you can…

Mudstock Pittsburgh – Sunday August 16!

Plans have at last been finalized for Mudstock Pittsburgh in August! There have been Mudstock Meetups coast to coast, and I’m finally going to be able to attend one!  It is scheduled to coincide with the conclusion of the Netroots Nation conference, and will be held right down the street.  Your votes, and messages of support are responsible for me receiving a scholarship to attend the event, and now I’m going to get to meet you all in person!  It’s going to be very exciting to see everyone “in real life” rather than as a little avatar.  It sounds like…


I am happy to announce that I got an email today that started like this: Congratulations AKMuckraker, you have been selected as a Netroots Nation Scholar! We were all very impressed with your application and the number of supporters you gathered. Wow!  I feel so…..scholarly! I’d like to thank all of you who have been so supportive of the blog, and of my application!  This is a really exciting opportunity, and a wonderful chance for me to learn and meet other bloggers, and expand my horizons a bit.  And it also means that you all will get to come along, because I…

Tuesday Catch Up – Down With Nukes, Bedbugs and Flaming Hyperbolic Outrage.

It’s Not Just You Many Alaskans are wondering how on earth they could have voted for Sarah Palin the first time.  Don’t feel bad. Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin can thank Washington lobbyist and political consultant Rick Davis, chief executive officer of John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign, for being the ultimate pick to become the Republican vice presidential candidate. “It was all his doing. He was completely snowed by Palin,” a source close to Mr. McCain confided to this columnist over the weekend. “He was totally taken by her.” See, it can happen to anyone. Don’t Let the Bedbugs Bite The…