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Mudstock Pittsburgh – Sunday August 16!


Plans have at last been finalized for Mudstock Pittsburgh in August!

There have been Mudstock Meetups coast to coast, and I’m finally going to be able to attend one!  It is scheduled to coincide with the conclusion of the Netroots Nation conference, and will be held right down the street.  Your votes, and messages of support are responsible for me receiving a scholarship to attend the event, and now I’m going to get to meet you all in person!  It’s going to be very exciting to see everyone “in real life” rather than as a little avatar.  It sounds like we’ll have a great turnout and people are driving in from all over to meet their fellow Mudflatters and come together in celebration!

So, here are the specifics:

Date: Sunday, August 16th

Place: Roland’s Seafood Bar and Grill, Pittsburgh, PA

Time: 1:00pm

This will be the third Mudstock held in Pittsburgh, including the very first one ever!

Thanks to Hamlets Mill, Futurexpat and any others who have been coordinating this event.

Here’s a message from Hamlets Mill:


We hope this schedule will enable many to attend. The room can accommodate 70 Mudflatters! If it gets bigger than that we can take over the entire upstairs to accommodate 200 which is doable on a Sunday afternoon.

Please RSVP me at HamletsMillMudFlats AT gmail DOT com as SOON as your plans are in order that you know you will attend so we can help the management plan. Cost will be for your reasonably priced meal and what you want to spend at a cash bar. This is our third Mudstock in Pittsburgh and the management loves us because we have always kept them informed! So please be thoughtful and RSVP as soon as you know you are coming. So far there are the local Mudpuppies and people coming from West Virginia, D.C., Connecticut, and New York. Please RSVP me no later than Tuesday, August 11th or much earlier as a courtesy if possible!


There is a link to a discussion at the Forum that has more details and links. Click HERE!



53 Responses to “Mudstock Pittsburgh – Sunday August 16!”
  1. samper says:

    Hi all!

    Michigander, DonnaInMichigan, and whomever else: I’m in Warren (Metro Detroit).

    I want to go… I have relatives there as well that I can hook up with.

    Anyone want to carpool?

  2. futurexpat? says:

    We are all looking forward to this, and all of you are welcome to our fair city and what is going to be a GREAT Mudstock!

  3. Sirenoftitan says:

    “This gathering sounds like so much fun. I feel so so far away when reading this . . . . Sydney seems such a long way from all the fun (sad face)”

    Know what you mean… Carmarthen is also miles away.

    Have fun all of you lucky mudpups 🙂

  4. skip from Asheville NC says:

    I know that Asheville, NC is a very progressive PLACE AND BEAUTIFUL HERE IN THE SMOKIES and if there is some interest, it would be a great place for NCMudstock.
    Primanti brothers w/ the french fries….deadly sandwiches!

  5. here_in_PA says:

    bucfan, you forgot Primanti Brothers!!!!

  6. GlobalVillage says:

    This gathering sounds like so much fun. I feel so so far away when reading this . . . . Sydney seems such a long way from all the fun (sad face)

  7. LiladyNY says:


    Now that is great news. The extra cookie ALWAYS works. : )

    I wish I could be there too. (((YOU and DOF)))

  8. who me? says:

    Oh, I wish I could go. We are bringing my oldest daughter to college that day–the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana! I agree, we need a midwest Mudstock. Any other Illinois Mudpups up for it?

  9. michigander says:

    Thanks a lot HamletsMill, I had hubby convinced until I told him he had to wear the moose costume – just kidding! Hoping to be sending confirmation soon.

    Seriously, he said maybe we could go as a mini vacation which means – most likely! I know my sons will help talk him into it too.

    LiLadyNY – The fact that I would go without him, lovingly leaving him w/extra dessert seems to have pushed him to want to go. I truly think he will enjoy himself too (o:

  10. HamletsMill says:

    Karin in CT Says:
    July 17th, 2009 at 2:31 PM

    This is going to be a blast!

    Thanks so much for all the planning HamletsMill and Futurexpat.

    Thank you! It is my pleasure. Besides Futurexpat, there is another Mudpuppy in Pittsburgh that has been helping with this too and that is Lila! She came up with the term “AKMudstock” as a special term designation for a “Mudstock” when AKM is attending!!! We hope this special designation will continue in the Mudflatter community worldwide going forward.

    This is a photo of Lila hard at work on arrangements for AKM and Shannyn Moore on their visit to the beautiful City of Steel.

    We hope many of you dear Mudpuppies from surrounding states will attend AKMudstock on Sunday, August 16th at 1PM in Pittsburgh, PA.,7283.msg75256.html#msg75256

  11. weaver57 says:

    Anybody in Kentucky thinking we could car-pool and go? I would love to go. Not all that far if car pooling.

  12. Irishgirl says:

    Hope to catch up with you tomorrow.

  13. nebraska mudflatter says:

    this is no fair! we need one in the midwest!!! i’ll host, we’ve got a bit of a farm!

  14. bucfan says:

    I want to go to Picksburgh cause maybe there will be a preseason Stillers game and I can see my mum. If you haven’t been to there before, give yourself some extra time, Go to Point State Park. Ride the Incline, And if you do take a good camera and I wish you a sunny day for one hell of a view. And with all due respects to other cities, the ethnic food can’t be beat. You name it, they got it. Wish I could go

  15. LiladyNY says:

    #18 michigander Says:
    July 17th, 2009 at 12:50 PM

    Thanks bubbles and LiLadyNY (and anyone else who is ommmming for me) – and to be honest, it’s not a matter of getting someone to answer the phone, it’s husband’s insecurities. I agree, I don’t need permission but I don’t want a fight with with a dear old fart that I’ve spent most of my adult life with. Hoping it doesn’t come to that. Keep sending those vibes – thank you so much (o:
    LOL. I have one of those too. Tell him he has clean socks and skivvies all nicely folded for him, dinner is in the freezer and he can have an extra cookie for dessert and that you WILL come back because he’s the sweetest DOF in the whole world (no lie there).

  16. Karin in CT says:

    This is going to be a blast!

    Thanks so much for all the planning HamletsMill and Futurexpat.

  17. Moose Pucky says:

    Have a good time and know the Mudpuppy spirits near and far will be with you.

  18. InJuneau says:

    New threads up!

  19. Irishgirl says:

    Catch you later……I must wash the dishes before hubby wakes up!

  20. Irishgirl says:

    Funny, I was at the US ambassador’s leaving reception!!!
    Travelling from Dublin. I have already had two mini-mudstocks in Dublin. 🙂

  21. michigander says:

    PennLawyer – Thank you! and yes, I showed him Roland’s website last night after seeing Hamlet’s post on another thread. I told him customers will survive for a frigging week-end. He said he couldn’t leave and neither could I.

    Please do not lose respect for me you guys if I am wearing naughty monkey red shoes when I get there and dragging a dinosaur. I will do whatever it takes to get me there (o:

  22. PennLawyer says:

    Irish girl,
    From what part of Ireland will you be traveling? For each of the last three years, for various reasons, I’ve been able to spend a week in Dublin, with side trips to Belfast and the west coast. Saw such great theatre at the Gate, Abbey & Peacock, and got a private tour of the Oireachtas, and to attend a closed session of the Seanad Eireann. And you know that the new US Ambassador to Ireland is Pittsburgh’s own Dan Rooney, a charming man and owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers. (I have some great pics I took of him with Franco Harris and Senator Bob Casey at a Steelers’ rally for Obama.)

    You’ll have to explain to the Mudpuppies all about craic.

  23. 0whole1 says:

    > michigander Says:
    > Owlhole 1 – What is your State? Could you go if someone could meet you?

    Unless one of those flying-type superheroes was passing by, I don’t think so — I live in Idaho. And not the metropolitan part, neither. 🙁

  24. Ennealogic says:

    This will be the biggest gathering yet. After all, it’s the first one I’ll be attending! 🙂

  25. Misfit in Texas says:

    Sounds like ALL will have a blast! I’m there with you in thought….I expect lots of great pics!!! Have a great time to ALL.

  26. michigander says:

    Owlhole 1 – What is your State? Could you go if someone could meet you?

  27. PennLawyer says:

    Hi Michigander:

    Two words: Call forwarding. then you can both come, since he doesn’t like to be alone. Can you tempt him with food? Look up the menu at Roland’s – the lobster roll sounds particularly good.

  28. michigander says:

    Irishgirl!!! If you can do it then I will come hell or highwater – what an inspiration! Am telling my husband tonight. Still need the good vibes so thanking you all (o:

  29. 0whole1 says:

    Wish I could be there…

  30. CougInPortland says:


  31. Irishgirl says:

    michander, I have booked flights to the US for me and two children,Other child must stay and mind the dog!! He is nearly nineteen.
    Hubby is working in Kenya, home today for a week, then back to Kenya, and then climbing some god-forsaken mountain in russia for two weeks!!!

    I just said, feck this for a lark, and I booked the flights!! 🙂

  32. michigander says:

    Donna, I am between Lansing and Charlotte. I believe samper is close to Detroit and maybe some others. There is someone from Rives Junction I think? Let’s explore this – sounds good!

    Hardball is doing something on the tweets next – will take it to the open thread if anything good (o:

  33. michigander says:

    Irishgirl – I was on the phone w/customer so slow to submit comment (see why hubby panics? Hahaha!). If I get to go my friend Rita of Irish heritage will go with me so she will represent. Extra incentive for good vibes!

    Also should point out hubby is supportive of Mudflats but a baby when it comes to being alone. He won’t touch a computer so I’m safe in telling you (o:

  34. DonnaInMichigan says:

    I would love to host a Michigan Mudstock…

    I just don’t know how many ppl here are from Michigan. We could possibly get mudflatters up from Ohio..etc….

    I live in the Metro-detroit area now…so if it is something that would be advantageous (sp?) to anyone…

    let me know…I have a huge backyard, we could do a pot luck…lemme know here..

  35. michigander says:

    Thanks bubbles and LiLadyNY (and anyone else who is ommmming for me) – and to be honest, it’s not a matter of getting someone to answer the phone, it’s husband’s insecurities. I agree, I don’t need permission but I don’t want a fight with with a dear old fart that I’ve spent most of my adult life with. Hoping it doesn’t come to that. Keep sending those vibes – thank you so much (o:

  36. Girl From the Burgh says:

    Greetings from Pittsburgh! Hope you have a great time here, it’s a wonderful city.

  37. Irishgirl says:

    Sending good vibes from Ireland. You will make it.

  38. LiladyNY says:

    #14 michigander

    Can you have a relative answer the phone for a day? One day? You should go – no permission necessary.

    I’m vibing for you. Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmm. : )

  39. bubbles says:

    michigander~~~~waving and sending good vibes your way

  40. michigander says:

    I am going to try to find a way to make it possible. We are a 24 hr. small biz (3 family) and both sons are taking vacation in August. Hubby says no cuz it’s just he and I holding down the fort. I think he can answer the d@mn phone for one week-end and let me go.

    Send good vibes for me if you would sweet puppies (o:

  41. LiladyNY says:

    @Irishgirl Says:
    July 17th, 2009 at 11:09 AM

    The NYC crowd might give them a run for their money!! 🙂
    Any NYorkers….check out the forum for the NYC Mudstock.
    (I’ll be quiet now).
    OK That’s it! No more planning anything until you check in with my social secretary!!! I’m going to miss the Pittsburgh Mudstock because I’m going to San Francisco, and I’m going to miss the NY Mudstock because I have tickets to see Mary Stuart on Broadway that day! Dang! Drat! Darn! (and other cuss words as appropriate).

  42. Irishgirl says:

    yep bubbles…we’re just starting the party! 🙂

  43. bubbles says:

    aww. paula i was hoping to see you there.

  44. Paula says:

    I assured my husband I was going -not matter what. Then I find out it’s the 16… the one day this summer I cannot go! Bwwwaaaaaaaaaaaa! Hope you guys have fun, fun, fun! More Bwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

  45. bubbles says:

    hey irishgirl. the ny pups will surely get the party started.

  46. PennLawyer says:

    Excellent news – I missed the earlier PGH mudstocks, but will make this one. Can’t wait to see Brian up close and personal

  47. Irishgirl says:

    The NYC crowd might give them a run for their money!! 🙂
    Any NYorkers….check out the forum for the NYC Mudstock.
    (I’ll be quiet now).

  48. InJuneau says:

    Aw, I’m so jealous (those Pittsburghers are loads of fun!).

  49. Star says:

    Wish i could go.(: Anyhoo guess i’ll have to rely on pictures, & posts..So happy for you AKM…Keep up the good fight…We ♥ ya…

  50. hwmnbn says:

    I can’t tell you how happy I am for your upcoming Pittsburgh adventure. You deserve all the cool vibes and kudos from the mudpups. You’ve provided us with timely information, inspired snark, and a beautiful community.

    Enjoy the conference and especially the Pittsburgh Mudstock. Please take lots of pictures of you and Brian and the rest of the pups!

  51. Irishgirl says:

    Hope you all have a fantastic time. I would just love to be there.

  52. DoOverDreams says:

    Darn! Why are these local meets always scheduled when I’m going to be out of town? I’ll be there in spirit too….

  53. CO almost native says:

    Wow. *sigh* I’ll be with you in spirit. Too far for me to travel–take pictures, AKM 😉