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“Just-A-Mud PAC” Pledge Drive!

What happens when you cross Just a Girl from Homer, Mudflats, and a trip to Netroots Nation? A “Just-A-Mud PAC” pledge drive!


Well, it’s not exactly public radio, but we do have very public blogs, and they’re commercial free! No pop-up ads!

Today, Mudflats and Just a Girl From Homer, are announcing the beginning of our first ever pledge drive which will feature a “Just-a-Mud Party” fundraising shindig on Saturday night, complete with live blogging immediately following The Shannyn Moore Show on KBYR from 5-7pm Alaska time! We are posting the adult beverage selections we’ll be enjoying, so you can prepare in advance, and sip along with us. Anyone who donates will have their name put in a hat, and virtual door prizes will be awarded and posted Saturday night. Don’t you want your very own Brian the Moose, some Alaskan smoked salmon, custom made Alaskan beaded jewelry, a great event with giant inflatable toys for kids, or a chance to be a guest on an upcoming radio show?

This is all to support out trip to Netroots Nation next week in Pittsburgh!

Netroots Nation amplifies progressive voices by providing an online and in-person campus for exchanging ideas and learning how to be more effective in using technology to influence the public debate. Within that campus, we strengthen community, inspire action and serve as an incubator for progressive ideas that challenge the status quo and ultimately affect change in the public sphere.

Netroots Nation 2009 will include panels led by national and international experts; identity, issue and regional caucuses; prominent political, issue and policy-oriented speakers; a progressive film screening series; and the most concentrated gathering of progressive bloggers to date.

Through your amazing support by voting for us, we’ve both received scholarships that cover the registration fee and hotel stay. But Alaska is a long way from everywhere, and we’ve got some other plans that we are really excited about.

After Netroots Nation and the big Mudstock Meetup in Pittsburgh, we will be traveling to Cambridge, for, “An Evening with Shannyn Moore and AKM” at Harvard. After that, it’s off to New York City where we’ll visit our friends at the MSNBC Studios at 30 Rock, and The Huffington Post. And, since we don’t have our very own ShannynPAC, MudPac or the Justa-Mud Fund Trust, we are reaching out to you, our naughty little liberals, conservatives and everything in between!

The issues Alaskans face with Pebble Mine, the environmental impact on the arctic, failing fisheries, energy needs, the gas line, social issues, discrimination, jobs, and health care have not been solved with the resignation of the governor. We have a lot of work to do. The purpose for this trip for us is to network, make connections, and continue with our mission; to make Alaska better.

We also want to share our experience with you, whether you are in Alaska or Outside! Our blogging community knows no geographical boundaries. You were all here, supporting us and supporting each other throughout the last year, and we want to be able to share what we learn, and give you ideas and inspiration….and heck, a virtual vacation with two enthusiastic progressives!

If you would like to help us, please click the donation button in the upper right corner. We plan to “split the pot,” so a donation to one of us is a donation to both of us. Your generous support is very much appreciated.

Now, on to the fun! You can stock up on the ingredients and sip along with us on Saturday night. Click the links to whip up your very own batch of

Mudflat Slides or Shantinis (Brian will have a Moosehead Beer!)

or pop some sparkling cider, or raise a mug of tea.

Our excellent adventure begins one week from today!



79 Responses to ““Just-A-Mud PAC” Pledge Drive!”
  1. Hi there,

    You two should use the Bartlett Club to raise a little travel money. Go to their meeting on Thursday and pass the hat. Bring a big Bartlett Club card to give to Rachel Maddow and tell folks online and on air to follow us on twitter at @BartlettClub.

    Just sent you a little contribution but a club could do so much more in an hour.

  2. LadyInCali says:

    donation sent…look forward to reading all about yours and Shannyns trip!

  3. E in New England says:

    @ChiCat (#62)

    I knew there had to be others! I’m still pretty new, in terms of reading/replying to comments, so I’m not sure who’s where yet. A Cambridge Mudstock would be awesome, especially if AKM and Shannyn have time to visit with us.

  4. akmuckraker says:

    Wow! Finally had the time to read the comments on this thread. You are all wonderful. What can I say… I am getting really excited for the trip, and the virtual party! Ann and Vic, your door prizes sound fantastic!

    To answer a question – no the scholarship does not cover airfare, only registration and hotel. Also, no need to donate to each of us separately. We’re pooling all donations. I don’t know whether time or scheduling will permit a Mass Mudstock…but I will let you know.

    Thank you thank you again, from the bottom of my heart! 🙂

  5. jojobo1 says:

    I always just say wherever it is needed.I just like to help when I can .

  6. Physicsmom says:

    Donation comin’. Don’t think I could have made it through the election without you and this community. Have a wonderful time and keep us posted! I don’t drink, but may have to track down an O’Doul’s Amber for Sat. night in your honor.

  7. SystemBucker says:

    I got my PayPal account updated and was able to send a little something your way. Told ya the check was in the mail – big hugs and thumbs up to you both from Ohio!!!

  8. Another MudPuppy says:

    Just made a small donation. Love the blog and will donate at Shannyn’s site also. Thanks for all you do to keep us in the lower 48 up to date!!

  9. russellsq says:

    Looking forward to the mud coming to the ‘burgh’ next sunday. I would love to nominate Bushmills irish wishkey as the official drink. I will be happy to buy the first round for you thirsty alaskans and we can all talk a little treason!


  10. curiouser says:

    Netroots/Pittsburgh, Cambridge, NYC….AKM and Shannyn are going on an excellent adventure, indeed! Don’t think I’ll be around on Sat to join the party but I’m definetly donating toward the trip. Hope it’s more FUN than you can imagine!

  11. knittingbull says:

    Just donated-I don’t drink, but hoist a microbrew for me…

  12. michigander says:

    AKM and Shannyn – While researching a completely different subject I found this link about Netroots Nation/Arlen Specter (sp?). Do you know if he accepted? I suppose we can discuss these things at the Just-a-Mud Partay (o:

  13. Done – sent to (AKM) and Shannyn – with a note to take care of yourselves!! also, and too even.

  14. ChiCat says:

    E in New England, you are not the only Mass Mudpup, there’s also lynnrockets, and me, and sauerkraut has such insider knowledge of Hahvahd Squayh that s/he is either local or an alum! Who else?

    AKM, if you want to share your itinerary with us, perhaps we can pull togther an impromptu Mudstock in Cambridge to welcome you and Shannyn?

  15. BoJoFlo says:

    Just wanted to tell you two — Have a Wonderful Time!!! Hope you will be getting lots of pictures. :o)

    I have donated to your ‘fun’ fund — and glad to do it. (It is from PayPal, and will show up as from my yahoo addy. Gets confusing at times — LOL)

    Much love to you and Shannyn — Have a good one.

  16. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    Just got around to donatin’ also, therefore progressin’ this good team of progressives forward so that, by goin’ Outside, they can get the inside (and also insight, too!) by talkin’ directly to the good American progressives…

    Let’s paint this country Blue, one key(stroke) at a time! 😉

  17. Bones AK says:

    Enjoy your time in Pittsburgh, Boston, and New York. I am sure guys will have a great time, not so sure how sleep you get.

  18. HappyGirl says:

    Happy to help with the fun fund! donated!

  19. austintx says:

    Kath the Scrappy –

    I’d go see Ms. Jarrett in a heartbeat. She is one cool woman. I hope AKM and Shanynn can see her.

  20. AKaurora says:

    Happy to add my bit to the pot as well. Wishing you two a wonderful trip! Thanks for all you’ve done to raise awareness in Alaska and beyond. Any thoughts on holding a wake Sat Aug 29 to commemorate the first anniversary of our rude awakening?

  21. twain12 says:

    done, couldn’t give much but hope it helps…enjoy the trip 🙂

  22. tigerwine says:

    I just included vodka, Kahlua and Bailey’s to my shopping list, and donated what’s left of my fun money for the week to the cause. I’ve got my priorities straight! Have a hell of a good time, AKM!

  23. ds55 says:

    @ califpat: At the top of the page, rightside column it says “Pittsburgh or Bust”. Beneath that is the button “Make a Donation”. Beneath that is the “Bloggers ’08 Choice Award” icon.

  24. califpat says:

    I feel imbecelic. I have been trying to figure out how to donate and was wishing another Mudpup was having the same problem and I could figure it out but that did not happen. It says go to the donation button and click on, but I do not know where it is. I feel stupid so please tell me where to go for the donation button. Thank you Mudpups, will be looking for what will probably be very simple that I missed.

  25. Kath the Scrappy says:

    @ 1 Austintx

    Thanks for giving that article. Wow! What an eye opener, long story but well worthy read. I thought that Pres Obama seems highly sensitive on many fronts but this explains how many issues are covered without seeming like some fakey photo op (as done by shrub, AKA Bush Jr.).

  26. lexky says:

    went over to immoral minority and gave gryph a small donation.
    just feel bad for him.

  27. Enjay in Eastern MT says:

    Just got back from my own “vacation” to the hot spots of Vegas, Zion National Park, Grand Canyon, etc etc etc — and YES I did walk and look down (very important point) on the Canyon Skywalk.

    Saved a few pennies from the slots that will contribute to the trip !!!

  28. lexky says:

    made my small donation. good luck ladies.
    i will have a small sip of our very own ky made bourbon for ya…
    that salmon sounds mighty tasty… 🙂

  29. E in New England says:

    At the risk of sounding like a groupie, you guys are coming to Massachusetts?! Awesome! When will you be visiting our fair state? I’d love to meet you two, as well as the MA Mudflatters. (There have to be some other than me, right? 🙂 )

  30. GlobalVillage says:

    Cheers, slainte, chin chin, bottoms up and the great Aussie salute, “here get that in ya”. Best wishes ladies and enjoy!

  31. lynnrockets says:

    I’ll be happy to donate but the return favor is a face to face at Harvard, inasmuch as that is my backyard. What do you say?

  32. Memphis,NY says:

    Let the bidding begin I’m In

  33. annstrongheart says:

    ok…I should collect my thoughts before I make a million comments!!!

    And a pair of earrings too!!! 😀 Both necklace and earrings made by me 😀

    OK promise that’ll be the last comment before I end up taking over the thread LOL

    Ann Strongheart

  34. Kath the Scrappy says:

    AKM said: “..we’ve both received scholarships that cover the registration fee and hotel stay. ”

    Just curious, weren’t they going to pay Airfare as well? Or did you have to pony that up yourselves? Although, the hotel is likely the biggest expense of the whole trip, so can’t squabble if airfare wasn’t covered since the scholarship is a nicely generous gesture.

    It took me a minute checking out the picture, but that looks like cucumber slices preserving AKM’s anonymity. Has everyone checked out Shannyn’s pic too? What a hoot! (I used to collect pigs and that was too funny!)

  35. annstrongheart says:

    ALSO I’ll make a traditional Yup’ik Necklace that you can give as a door prize or bid out. Winner will even get to pick the colors and I’ll make it and send it off to the winner 😀

    Ann Strongheart

  36. annstrongheart says:

    ~~AKM and Shannyn~~

    2 Cases of salmon donated here from Ugashik!!! Either for door prizes or to bid on!!!

    2 cases each of skinless boneless Sockeye salmon each jar is in glass with no additives or preservatives. Shelf stable – i.e. no refrig or freezing – 5.5 ounces each jar.

    Let either me or Victoria know how/where to send them!!!

    Ann Strongheart & Victoria Briggs

  37. kraftytess says:

    Just sent a little for you both, small thanks for all the work you two have done over the last year. Hopefully, all our little pieces will add up to some big help. have a great time, hope to see you both on Countdown or Rachel Maddow!!!!

  38. Kath the Scrappy says:

    Done! Whew, glad you posted this tonight. Tomorrow I switch off dialup, going to Comcast internet & wireless, so at least I could feel secure using my Paypal tonight (before I have to deal whatever changes occur).

    Have a blast Ladies! Great that you’re making the most of this Big Adventure and making more connections while you’re in that area.

  39. seattlefan says:

    Woo Hoo!!!! I just kicked in a donation for ya both! Just a Mud PAC sounds great to me. LMAO!!!! The heading at PayPal for description was “AKM’s and Shannyn’s excellent adventure!”

    I can’t wait for you two to go on this excellent adventure and am so looking forward to your comments and updates. I love all of you AK bloggers and hope you are all getting along and are safe. Yikes!! The last couple of days have been kind of strange. Peace to you all and keep on doing what you all do!

    Ok, off to read and get caught up. 🙂

  40. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    AKM I love mudflats and I am so excited to see what you bring back with you from this foray. Though somehow I get the feeling you may be able to teach these people a thing or two. You have a very loyal following and a professional and loyal group of moderators not to mention server guy. I think a lot of pro’s would have a difficult time finding this kind of loyalty.
    You don’t get that kind of loyalty (if your not paying for it) with out having people respect you. You have earned our respect as has Shannyn.
    I was happy to chip in what I could.

  41. justme2 says:

    Was going to be there with my spouse, but Real Life intervened (minor family health crisis, nothing serious other than seriously frustrating); probably best we’re staying home because he’s got a mild crush on both of you. (LOL) Sending along a small appreciation…

  42. taupe in Fargo says:

    The best things in life are never free … I’m happy to support you and Shannyn! While there’s not a North Dakota-brewed beer, I’ll be toasting you with Grain Belt, a Leinie and a Summit!

  43. HistoryGoddess says:

    Cha-ching! This is a great idea. For PayPal “purpose” I wrote in “AKM and Shannyn’s Excellent Adventure.” You both deserve this trip, and I know you will make the most of it.

  44. SystemBucker says:

    So I tried sending a little somethin-somethin but failed. Just switched banks so I need to update the Pay-Pal. I’ll get on that tomorrow…”the checks in the mail” lol

    You will get a little something from me, it’s the least I can do for all that you two do!

    Can’t wait to meet you both in PA!!!! Woo-Hoo! 🙂

  45. futurexpat? says:

    Done, and looking forward to seeing you here in Pittsburgh!

  46. KateinCanada says:

    Go Ladies!

  47. Claw Washout Palin says:

    OK ladies; signed, sealed and delivered. Have a great time. Remember you midnight curfew!

  48. austintx says:

    This was in the summer issue of the NYT Travel mag. It’s in Pittsburg.
    A Grass-Roots Hangout for Our Times

  49. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    When there’s just too many festering pustules of corruption to face, a great MudPac is worth every penny spent!

    Count ME in!

  50. Village Reader says:

    Done. Have fun. Looking forward to the details.

  51. Snoskred says:

    Some of us are in the chat, if ya’all would like to drop over 🙂

  52. Lee323 says:

    Glad to help the effort.

    Have a great trip. You two have earned it with your fabulous work this past year. Don’t forget to take your toothbrushes to stay in contact with the rest of the collective (wink).

  53. Empish says:

    You simply MUST have an order of back East fried clams! With bellies (they feed them corn meal to get the sand out), and tartar sauce, NOT CHILI sauce. I do not miss lobstah much, but omg there’s no razor clam strip that comes close to those delicious bundles of joy.

  54. Forever Anonymous says:

    Please girls, no red heels, miniskirt or bump-it.

    Have a great time!

  55. sauerkraut says:

    oh… the ice cream you don’t get at Bartley’s; instead, go to Harrell’s a few blocks back towards the Squay-ah.

  56. sauerkraut says:

    I’ll take a virtual Bartley’s Burger Cottage entry… lessee… something with sweet potato fries and a lime rickey… ummmm, was there just a few weeks ago but cannot recall the name of the burger!

    Follow that with a 2-scoop chocolate waffle cone (dang… almost 6 bucks for that! but their ice cream is the best!)

    Coffee at a real Dunkin Donuts, not the franchises that serve burned crap here in pennsyltucky.

    Books should be bought at the indy-owned Harvard Bookstore, not the Barnes and Noble controlled Coop.

    btw – will you be stopping at Hershey’s Chocolate World on your way from Pittsburgh to NYC or Hahvahd?

  57. 1smartcanerican says:

    Just sent a small donation to help the FTSG trip – under one of my many alias “virtualbigspender”. Enjoy your trip and we will follow along as you post details!

  58. sally says:

    I just donated 100 buckaroos to the FTSG: Fund The Smart Girls! It feels so good to give a small donation to keep community journalism and blogging alive…GO GIRLS, AND GIVE EM SOME HELL!

  59. Ripley in CT says:

    I felt all tingly hitting the “donate” button….

  60. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    Done and done! Donated here and on Shannyn’s blog. I look forward to meeting you and Shannyn in Pittsburgh!

  61. zyggy says:

    And here I thought you and Shannyn were being paid by Pres Obama for this trip, boy was I surprised to read this. =) lol

    I didn’t send much, but it’s a start.

  62. Quince Squibb Underpinnings says:

    A donation coming your way. If you need someone to show you around Cambridge, or have a craving to attend a seminar on, say, condensed matter, the Quince family will be most delighted to assist.

  63. CO almost native says:

    Contributed to the cause, err, I mean trip 😉 I will toast you with a Fat Tire, brewed here in CO, while dining on BBQ ribs slathered with Gates BBQ Sauce (thanks to Kansas City).

    Have a fantastic time!

  64. phoebe says:

    you girls are just the bees knees!!

  65. Tantef says:

    Progressed the fund to progress mud! Small but heartfelt!

  66. KaJo says:

    Sent a bit to both you and Shannyn, AKM — hope you’re staying in a hotel at the “confluence” like we did so many years ago — go see a Pirates game!

  67. the problem child says:

    I would be honoured to provide the Moosehead. Lager or Pale Ale? I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t like the Dry Ice or the Light…

  68. Fern says:

    I meant Pomegranate drinkie…

  69. Fern says:

    Hmm, that pomegranate does look tasty…

  70. fawnskin mudpuppy says:

    gotta love our bloggers…sending a bit of something your way.

  71. fawnskin mudpuppy says:

    gotta love our bloggers…sending a bit of something your way.

  72. fawnskin mudpuppy says:

    gotta love our bloggers…sending a bit of something your way.

  73. fawnskin mudpuppy says:

    gotta love our bloggers…sending a bit of something your way.

  74. fawnskin mudpuppy says:

    gotta love our bloggers…sending a bit of something your way.

  75. Empish says:

    My donating power isn’t as big as it was before we got that new Silverado, but I will contribute to the cause.

  76. LiladyNY says:

    Pleased to send my small donation. I’m so excited for you. Wish I could be in Pittsburgh with y’all, but have family obligation. Will miss you in NY too. I’ll be in San Francisco till next month. : (

  77. justafarmer says:

    well, since there gonna be a justaMud party…I’ll have to kick ina few bucks just because I’m a justa…

  78. austintx says:

    AKM and Shannyn –
    I read the article in the NYT and then just saw this. Maybe you will be able to hear her speak.

    A Conversation With Valerie Jarrett, scheduled for Saturday morning at 9 a.m., will give progressives across the country a chance to engage in substantive conversation with one of the president’s most trusted advisors.

    In the latest New York Times Sunday Magazine, President Barack Obama said of Jarrett, “She’s family—she combines the closeness of a family member with the savvy and objectivity of a professional businesswoman and public-policy expert.”

    Jarrett serves as Senior Adviser and Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Relations and Public Engagement.

    “We welcome an opportunity to hear from one of President Obama’s closest advisors just as the administration has embraced this chance to hear from the Netroots,” said Netroots Nation Executive Director Raven Brooks. “This session will allow us to build on an open line of communication started by this president and fostered by Jarrett.”

    The session will be moderated by blogger, commentator and comic Baratunde Thurston. Thurston, who has been featured on the main stage at every Netroots Nation convention, blogs as Jack Turner at Jack & Jill Politics and is host of the new Science Channel series, Popular Science’s Future Of, debuting in August 2009.

    Did you want to hear directly what the White House is thinking?

    Do you want to let the White House know what you’re thinking?

    Register to join us at Netroots